2013-10-18 UTC
# 00:00 tantek my posting UI right now provides the permalink of the POSSEd tweet
# 00:00 tantek so I'm thinking of providing some sort of feedback for webmentions sent too, even just a simple list
# 00:04 aaronpk my posting UI redirects to the post URL after it's created.
# 00:04 aaronpk that was my hack^H^H^H^Hsolution after an embarrasing live demo of showing a giant PHP array on screen after posting
# 00:12 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+1044) "/* Working On */ webmention sending brainstorming, update why details, add to demo real-time comments showing up, why show webmention feedback in posting UI" (
view diff )
# 00:15 tantek !tell barnabywalters do you discover&send webmentions synchronously or asynchronously in your posting UI? either way, do you report webmention results back to your posting UI?
# 00:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 00:15 tantek !tell benwerd do you discover&send webmentions synchronously or asynchronously in your posting UI? either way, do you report webmention results back to your posting UI?
# 00:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:20 aaronpk I just showed some of our guys the sample code on webmention.io and blew their minds :) they were like "it's this easy to add comments to the site??"
# 00:21 tantek aaronpk - note typo at bottom of webmention.io - >/script>
# 00:27 tantek aaronpk - oh that's interesting - are you thinking about adding h-entry markup to the indiewebcamp mediawiki template?
# 00:27 aaronpk but no, that was sample data for testing comments on the new esripdx blog
# 00:28 tantek ah ok - was just thinking about it - e.g. what if the indiewebcamp wiki itself sent webmentions
# 00:28 tantek so that, e.g. when a wiki page cited one of your posts or articles, you would find out about it
# 00:29 aaronpk I think we haven't explored much on the use case/UI side for non-time-based URLs
# 00:30 tantek on the receiving side, do you want to know when a wiki page links to your site?
# 00:31 aaronpk but I'm not sure if or how I would want to display a link from the wiki
# 00:41 tantek well you're replying to a wik page and sending it a webmention, shouldn't you thus be ok receiving one from it too?
# 00:41 Loqi tantek meant to say: well you're replying to a wiki page and sending it a webmention, shouldn't you thus be ok receiving one from it too?
# 00:42 acegiak perhaps the webmention comes from the page displaying the change that added the link?
bnvk joined the channel
# 00:47 tantek that would be another way to do it - to have revision / deltas send webmentions, similar to how they are posted here in IRC
# 00:47 tantek those would even have a specific author could be marked up with p-author h-card
pfenwick, bnvk_, melvster and josephboyle joined the channel
# 01:53 bret aaronpk, that was a lot of fun at pints! :) thanks for doing that
tilgovi, pfenwick, bnvk, fmarier, tantek and tommorris joined the channel
# 04:35 tantek tommorris - are you automatically sending webmentions?
# 04:47 tantek !tell tommorris do you discover&send webmentions synchronously or asynchronously in your posting UI? either way, do you report webmention results back to your posting UI?
# 04:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
pfenwick joined the channel
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# 05:45 Loqi tommorris: tantek left you a message 58 minutes ago: do you discover&send webmentions synchronously or asynchronously in your posting UI? either way, do you report webmention results back to your posting UI?
josephboyle joined the channel
# 05:52 tantek tommorris - so does it just happen automatically in the background after you post/publish?
# 05:52 tantek does your server has some long running process that looks for new posts?
# 05:53 tantek and do you remember when you added support for (semi-)automatically sending webmentions?
# 05:56 tantek.com edited /webmention (+220) "/* IndieWeb implementations */ add tommorris.org / Ferocity as example of indieweb implementation that sends webmentions - unknown dates leave as 2013-??-??" (
view diff )
caseorganic joined the channel
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# 08:14 eschnou !tell tantek hmm, I don't recall syndicating it on twitter, and google leads me nowhere, so I probably didn't since I considered it a test that could fail :-) Also, I don't keep track of where content is syndicated.
# 08:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
srushe joined the channel
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melvster, tpinto, rknLA, lmjabreu, hadleybeeman_, benward and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 10:32 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 16 minutes ago: do you discover&send webmentions synchronously or asynchronously in your posting UI? either way, do you report webmention results back to your posting UI?
glennjones joined the channel
# 10:39 tommorris Yeah. It's truly atrocious. I want to find all the people responsible for WS-* and beat them with a sackful of doorknobs.
glennjones joined the channel
# 10:48 cweiske so what's the alternative web service technology that gives you machine-readable introspection and validation?
adactio joined the channel
# 11:25 Jihaisse barnabywalters: Hi, do you saw that facebook change the url directly in the link markup ?
# 11:25 Jihaisse <a class="pam shareText" onclick="" onmouseover="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F17OTpsM&h=EAQFSOPMi&enc=AZMMdnV2LrZOcLxD4NpawRIuMFeejUuxIPZCIF6s-GG9vSS-IqSU7Pbg1FADX6cNJ69WyKqpmaeqefq3GlRvdZw_QFPkPuGPZxlB0BLG_MaEDKnbX3US74QM3o5X3Nz_5EdDMnsV3fRIDv-lMNVSRKcs&s=1">
bnvk, melvster, andreypopp, glennjones and tantek joined the channel
# 13:45 Loqi tantek: eschnou left you a message 5 hours, 31 minutes ago: hmm, I don't recall syndicating it on twitter, and google leads me nowhere, so I probably didn't since I considered it a test that could fail :-) Also, I don't keep track of where content is syndicated.
# 13:49 eschnou tantek, yup, never took the time to implement webmentions :-(
# 13:51 tantek right, so if my site only sends webmentions, my comments won't show up there.
bnvk joined the channel
# 14:01 tantek next question for all you webmention senders (aaronpk, barnabywalters, benwerd, tommorris), do you also always send pingbacks? or does your code first do webmention discovery and only if no endpoint found, then look for pingback endpoints and send them?
# 14:02 cweiske my lib first tries webmention, and then falls back to pingback
# 14:02 tantek cweiske - cool. Is that deployed live on your site?
# 14:03 tantek barnabywalters - presumably that's per link in your posts?
# 14:03 tantek i.e. iterate through links, for each link, do webmention discovery (and send), if no endpoint found, do pingback discovery (and send)
# 14:04 cweiske my lib does both at once, so that I don't have to do all http requests twice
# 14:05 cweiske e.g. xpath that returns both webmention and pingback urls
# 14:05 tantek cweiske - do you then just use the first you find? or if your xpath finds multiple endpoints do you send both?
# 14:06 barnabywalters and we can’t even cache the endpoint URLs per-domain because they could in theory be different for each post
# 14:06 cweiske no. after I get the list with links, I first use the webmention one if there is one
# 14:06 tantek ok, that's basically what I was describing. I was assuming only one HTTP get for the discovery steps
# 14:07 tantek barnabywalters - does Taproot's posting UI send webmentions/pingbacks synch or async? and does it report results back to you?
# 14:07 barnabywalters cweiske: if the HEAD request doesn’t return anything do you make another GET as well?
# 14:08 cweiske because they might be sending no header links, only in the html
# 14:09 barnabywalters cweiske: I wonder whether overall it’s quicker to just do a GET request instead of potentially making two requests
# 14:11 cweiske you wouldn't even have to do the GET request when you don't receive a HTML content type
# 14:12 tantek barnabywalters does your posting UI send webmentions synchronously or asynchronously?
# 14:12 barnabywalters tantek: sort of hybrid. technically they’re sent synchronously, but I send them after the response content’s been sent to the browser
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# 14:13 tantek cweiske, by "HTML urls", do you mean type text/html, or do you have a longer list e.g. including application/xhtml+xml etc.?
# 14:14 tantek barnabywalters - makes sense. but then you don't display any results of the webmentions in your posting UI?
jernst_ joined the channel
# 14:15 cweiske and use load() resp. loadhtml() depending on their content type
# 14:15 barnabywalters doing it all synchronously would allow that but be really slow, doing it async involves setting up a load of realtime infrastructure
# 14:18 barnabywalters or I could save the results of each webmention request on the note and then just wait a few seconds before sending an AJAX request and reloading note content
# 14:18 cweiske my tool does wait fetches my atom feed, checks if there are updates and sends linkbacks out for new links
# 14:18 tantek barnabywalters - when did you first start sending webmentions?
pfenwick joined the channel
# 14:19 Loqi cweiske meant to say: my tool does fetch my atom feed, checks if there are updates and sends linkbacks out for new links
# 14:21 tantek when did you start accepting webmentions? same day?
# 14:23 tantek does updating include delete? full comment CRUD?
# 14:24 tantek how about you tommorris - when did you start sending webmentions (and do you accept them too?)
# 14:24 tantek barnabywalters - what does your code do if it gets a 410 from the target?
# 14:24 tantek (with an empty body - does it then update to an empty body?)
# 14:25 barnabywalters if it gets a 401 and the e-content is “this post has been deleted”, then it’ll update to an empty comment
# 14:27 tantek and his code responds to 410s by deleting received comments also
# 14:31 tantek I think I like cweiske's HEAD request first approach because it seems like the simplest way to both minimize bytes requested by the server and avoid GETting non-HTML links (which I do link to plenty often)
# 14:33 aaronpk tantek: I also look for webmention first, and fall back to pingback if not found
melvster joined the channel
# 14:37 tantek aaronpk - somewhere on the wiki I wrote up a feature request for pingback.me or webmention.io to synthesize pingbacks but I can't find it
# 14:43 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+863) "/* Working On */ more webmention implementation details. HEAD request before GET, fallback to pingback discovery/sending, and reasons why for each" (
view diff )
# 15:11 barnabywalters thinking a little about the stream pagination problems we were talking about with Alf at IWCUK
# 15:12 tantek barnabywalters - indeed, a potential 3rd parameter for webmention that we may end up needing as part of an evolving dynamic whitelist / second-degree approach to fighting spam.
# 15:12 barnabywalters they go away if we don’t trust rel=next/previous on stream pages, and only trust prev/next rels on individual post pages
# 15:13 tantek they also go away if pagination always reflects a specific date-time period
# 15:13 cweiske or if page numbers are used the other way round than currently
# 15:13 tantek since the pagination shouldn't change over time
# 15:14 tantek my approach on this is to use time periods for pagination, e.g. day-by-day, week-by-week etc.
# 15:15 tantek cweiske - I meant yes to "currently, the lastest posts are on page 0/1. this is wrong" :)
# 15:15 tantek I'm looking at it from the permalink perspective
# 15:15 tantek barnabywalters - well, I have per-post page-level pagination :)
# 15:15 tantek and if you hack my permalinks you can see all posts for that day ;)
# 15:16 barnabywalters where is there an example of a static site with working, time-based feed page pagination?
# 15:16 tantek what does "feed" have anything to do with it?
# 15:16 barnabywalters I can’t think how that can work without producing thousands of files, or breaking permalinks
# 15:17 tantek the time-base is on when the content was produced, not when the pagination was requested
# 15:17 tantek barnabywalters see above URL for an example of day-by-day pagination
# 15:18 barnabywalters at some point I’ll write up a post about what the problem is and how I think post-level pagination crawling fixes it
# 15:19 tantek wait, you're not actually asking for *page numbers* are you? Those are just silly. This is the web, we don't have page numbers :P
# 15:19 tantek we don't actually need pagination - just crawlable archives by date-time period
# 15:20 tantek barnabywalters - when you write your post about it, please start from the end user use case. e.g. user comes to your site, and then wants to ...
# 15:21 tantek absence of that was the biggest problem with most of what Alf was saying / asking for
# 15:21 tantek he kept asking for abstract APIs and stuff to build products/apps that are now obsolete (standalone readers)
josephboyle, caseorganic and caseorga_ joined the channel
# 16:04 aaronpk just discovered major limitation of hosting on github pages... can't create a 301 redirect when pages are moved!
benprew joined the channel
# 16:06 aaronpk i have to make a file at the old URL that has a meta refresh tag and link rel canoncal and such
LauraJ and tantek joined the channel
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# 16:27 Loqi shaners: aaronpk left you a message on 10/17 at 11:13am: just got my flight for Farmhouse conf weekend!
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# 16:35 hadleybeeman shaners: do we know why? Their wikipedia page doesn't even mention it. (ping: tommorris. Sorry :) )
# 16:35 barnabywalters tantek: RE webmention GET/HEAD discovery, ideally you’d be able to send the request, then check the headers before reading the body — if the headers contain a Link or content type isn’t HTML, close the connection, otherwise parse body
# 16:36 shaners hadleybeeman: no idea. i just saw it mentioned on twitter by @tomcoates.
# 16:36 friedcell reading headers before body? not much, but server is still going to make all the effort of making the body
# 16:37 hadleybeeman Fair enough, shaners. I guess it's not a huge surprise.
# 16:38 barnabywalters often in order to generate the headers it’ll require the same DB/file access it would to make the body
# 16:38 shaners 4. startup gets "sunsetted" / "end of lifed" by megalocrop
# 16:43 friedcell tantek: that's why you have to plan & execute data portability & licensing issues before getting bought by megalocorp :)
# 16:43 tantek this is why POSSE is the right approach, not PESOS
# 16:44 friedcell barnabywalters: often true, but not always...
# 16:44 tantek when you POSSE, and a downstream silo gets shutdown, it's like oh well, who cares, I owned the permalinks anyway
# 16:44 friedcell tantek: true
# 16:44 tantek with PESOS, you then have to do a bunch of work to switch to posting from your own site
# 16:45 tantek treat all silos as purgeable caches, nothing more
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# 16:45 friedcell barnabywalters: :D
# 16:45 tantek barnabywalters indeed. I see an architecture diagram forming. ;)
# 16:46 barnabywalters actually, great point — the relationship between your site and silos is exactly the same as between human readabale flat files and DBs
# 16:46 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: actually, great point — the relationship between your site and silos is exactly the same as between human readable flat files and DBs
# 16:53 josephboyle does it depend on the silo supplying convenient APIs for posting and reading?
# 16:53 tantek josephboyle why would it? PESOS = a dependence on the silo = you're vulnerable when it inevitably shuts down.
# 16:54 tantek POSSE = maybe your code gets an error code when it attempts to explicitly syndicate out. Which if you code defensively you just ignore and go on your merry way.
# 16:54 josephboyle if you haven't scraped it yet
# 16:54 tantek scrape/export status has nothing to do with POSSE vs. PESOS
# 16:55 josephboyle can you do either without APIs? if not you're dependent on scraping
# 16:55 hadleybeeman tantek: believe it or not, I don't have a wikipedia account. And I understand it takes a bit of work before they let you do live stuff.
# 16:56 tantek every even semi-popular service I know of has some sort of API to post/syndicate to it - except Instagram
# 16:56 tantek hadleybeeman - not true. you can edit anonymously, and it takes <1min to create an account.
# 16:56 tantek and just another minute to add a sentence at the top about the shutdown
# 16:56 josephboyle how are facebook's? the most interactive stuff is commenting on people's facebook posts
# 16:57 josephboyle yes, just make sure you add the source documenting the shutdown
# 16:57 tantek josephboyle - dopplr.com has it right there on the home page
# 16:58 tantek josephboyle - is FB interop/POSSE your #1 priority for your personal site?
# 16:58 josephboyle i'll add it. any other notes?
# 16:59 josephboyle probably not for mine, but is biggest case for social for people in general
# 17:02 josephboyle added to wikipedia page
# 17:05 barnabywalters a quick bit of thoroughly unscientific testing indicates that the time-to-headers-received for HEAD vs GET requests is not significantly different either way
# 17:05 tantek josephboyle - don't worry about "biggest case for social for people in general" - that's too hard to predict/understand (unless you've got some solid data/studies behind your hypothesis there)
# 17:06 tantek worry about / build what's the priority for your own personal site instead
# 17:06 hadleybeeman Absolutely, tantek. And when I have a free extra minute, I'll look forward to starting that. :)
# 17:06 barnabywalters the only place I can find a consistent difference (HEAD being faster than GET) is on google.com, and there it’s < 0.1 of a second
# 17:07 tantek hadleybeeman - it doesn't take much longer to edit a wiki page than it does to say something in IRC - so clearly you have free extra minutes :P
# 17:08 tantek barnabywalters - do you ever link to large JPEGs or other media files? what does your system do then when doing a GET to send a webmention/pingback?
# 17:10 tantek yeah - I don't want to accidentally cause massive GET requests
# 17:10 tantek on my server. so a HEAD first seems like a reasonable defense against that.
# 17:11 tantek barnabywalters - I disagree - I've already linked to many MB/GB resources in the past - so that's not premature/hypothetical
# 17:12 tantek it's not optimization, it's defensive programming
# 17:12 tantek from an HTTP requests count point of view, it's *suboptimal* for the common case of HTML files
# 17:13 tantek so it's not optimization at all (at least I don't think so, perhaps cweiske has different opinion/experience)
# 17:13 tantek I'm doing HEAD first more for defensive reasons (and as an "easy" way to do the Link: header checking first)
# 17:15 barnabywalters I wonder if opening a GET request to a huge resource and then closing the connection after parsing the headers causes much load for the server
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# 17:20 tantek is in favor of simpler, more predictable code/interactions
# 17:21 peat barnabywalters: probably depends on the server as well.
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# 17:50 aaronpk tantek: Aral just gave his talk on Indie Data here in Portland
# 17:51 aaronpk looks like there are cameras, not sure if it's being streamed
# 18:00 barnabywalters you can’t install extensions by downloading them, or by opening the files, and there’s no button in the extensions UI or file menu to install one
# 18:00 barnabywalters but you can install untrusted extensions with almost no warnings by dragging them in
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# 18:10 tantek aaronpk - what does Aral's indiedata talk have to do with realtime?
# 18:10 caseorganic tantek: not sure at all, but he was given a standing ovation by about 30% of the audience
# 18:11 caseorganic tantek: and it was more about focusing on design in open source. started off a little strange and then inspired people, so it was useful
# 18:11 caseorganic he said that he created the term indiedata - which reminds me. it's time for an official timeline of indieweb
# 18:13 caseorganic tantek: my talk will be a history, so i can fill in that section after giving the talk
# 18:13 tantek the timeline would be good for key achievements with citations
# 18:14 tantek a /history page would be good for a more *thorough* history of indieweb and silos along with deadends of various open source projects
# 18:14 tantek case organic - exactly. except we have ISODate to the day granularity
# 18:15 caseorganic tantek: ugh, slow internet is slow. this is psychologically demoralizing
# 18:15 tantek caseorganic - no problem - don't worry about stubbing the pages then
# 18:16 tantek focus on the present and collecting data from realtime conf - you can wiki it later
# 18:17 tantek aaronpk - do you know when you (or anyone) first sent a *webmention* that resulted in a cross-site syndicated comment?
# 18:17 tantek since eschnou's post with federated comments was done via *pingback* not webmention
# 18:18 caseorganic tantek: i'm starting on timeline. will work on it for next 5 min to dump info into it.
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# 18:41 tantek caseorganic - I'm going to move the social network silo stuff to /history - as they're not "key IndieWeb ideas and achievements"
# 18:41 tantek also danahboyd has a much more thorough history of social network silo history if you're looking for that
# 18:43 caseorganic tantek: i think that's all my microscopic internet connection can handle
# 18:52 tantek damn. Simon Willison has silo'd up his personal domain/blog on Tumblr, breaking all his permalinks.
# 18:57 tantek dammit people, quit breaking your personal blog permalinks. especially if you happen to conceive, invent, implement key technologies. harumph.
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# 19:02 tantek ok, glass tell the me the earliest reference on the web to "Pingback"
# 19:13 tantek THIS is why we have the selfdogfood requirement in #indiewebcamp - look at the greats before us who were seduced by the silos.
# 19:15 _6a68 tantek: i have noticed a lot of google folks seem to have moved to G+. I suspect there was some kind of internal arm-twisting.
# 19:16 tantek perhaps in general (e.g. dogfooding), however, Hixie is not someone who bends to any kind of arm twisting
# 19:16 tantek in his case I believe he made the choice of his own free volition
# 19:16 tantek also - note that Will Norris, at Google, still actively maintains and prefers willnorris.com
# 19:26 tantek.com edited /timeline (+1700) "move some non-key indieweb ideas/achievements to history (needs more pruning/focus), research and document Pingback origination dates with citations, linky linky" (
view diff )
# 19:26 tantek ok that's a good enough iteration for now - at least I dug up the Pingback history and we know who to ask for more details if need be
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# 20:39 tantek.com edited /timeline (+603) "add shortcut key (C)onceived, (T)erm introduced/defined, (E)vent, (I)mplemented, (S)pecified and annotate timeline so far accordingly" (
view diff )
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# 20:58 tantek welcome indiewebcamp-vis! use /nick yournamehere to set it to your alias
# 20:58 tantek aaronpk - perhaps we could teach Loqi to welcome indiewebcamp-vis folks that way
# 20:59 aaronpk tantek: didn't you explicitly not want that kind of thing from loqi? in favor of a human welcome?
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# 20:59 tantek aaronpk - human welcome for new aliases, automatic welcome to a default alias makes sense
# 21:01 franfran I was looking at tantek's twitter and then his website and then indieweb looked interesting and so . . .
# 21:02 franfran I just want to see what it's about and what's going on
# 21:02 franfran I have my own website but it is very basic I would like to make it do more
# 21:02 franfran thank you very much
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# 21:28 tantek Aral actually said "We are cyborgs"?!? - caseorganic, he's stealing your old talk! ;)
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# 21:52 aaronpk he did! had a whole "we are cyborgs" sequence of slides straight from amber's talk!
# 21:53 tantek did you guys go confront him on it in person? that's majorly not cool.
# 21:53 aaronpk probably should. not sure how best to do that though
# 21:53 tantek privately. message him on some channel, and say hey, really liked your talk, have something I wanted to discuss with you in private.
# 21:54 tantek this kind of thing (which tends to be emotionally impactful) is better discussed/resolved in person
# 21:55 tantek so communicating that in person will help convey it. from my understanding he is a caring person and wants to know about things like this.
# 21:56 tantek wtf devseo - you've posted that like 3 times already
# 21:56 Loqi Got it! There are now 4 spammers blacklisted
# 22:07 tommorris sees that hadleybeeman asked him to update the Dopplr article
# 22:07 tommorris checks and sees it has an excellent section on Dopplr's sad demise already
# 22:14 tantek signs into Dopplr with OpenID delegated to IndieAuth - and it works!!!
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# 22:21 peat That OpenID delegation has saved my bacon a few times.
# 22:22 tantek hah - the Dopplr Atom export uses georss for lat long, and gdata for start/end times and named location. sad.
# 22:23 tantek however, the entry <content> has escaped HTML with, wait for it - hCalendar!
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# 22:26 tantek hmm - can't seem to figure out how to export my list of contacts
# 22:32 peat Yeah, bit us pretty hard. Had to switch our infrastructure over to public messaging. :/
# 22:32 peat ... there are some whitelisted sites (eg: cnn.com), but most links get killed.
# 22:33 aaronpk "But here’s how I read this: Twitter wasn’t overly concerned about DM spam in the higher ups, until one of the higher ups received the spam. Then they squashed it by banning URLs in DMs."
# 22:33 tantek ok I've successsfully exported my contacts from Dopplr :D
# 22:42 tantek alright then, I'll add explicit wording on backward compat. sheesh
# 22:47 tantek.com edited /pingback (+563) "explicitly mention backward compatibility for reason to receive pingbacks, add new section on How do I implement sending with suggested implementation approach" (
view diff )
# 22:49 tantek aaronpk - care to review my pingback edit for accuracy (since you've implemented sending pingbacks and I haven't) ?
# 22:49 aaronpk I like this "Just concatenate the strings you need (as documented in that gist) to generate an XML-RPC response by hand"
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# 23:30 aaronpk tantek: thanks! it's fun having real designers to work on this :)
# 23:31 tantek aaronpk - it's not obvious how to leave a comment - considered the webmention form input approach for the blog?
# 23:32 tantek is this the first corporate blog that supports receiving webmentions and displaying comments?
# 23:32 tantek aaronpk - no h-entry markup though, so no reply-context ...
# 23:32 aaronpk ah crap! I had that in the first design, but it was removed with the new design
# 23:33 tantek can you build in a test for them to run, e.g. using pin13.net to process it and then check the JSON output?
# 23:33 aaronpk I believe this is the argument most companies use when they say they don't want to add microformats
# 23:33 tantek (on a permalink of a past blog post that's not expected to change)
# 23:33 tantek well if you add it to the pre-deploy unit-tests...
# 23:34 tantek apparently not-so-static if it can "lose" markup
# 23:34 aaronpk well we just launched the new design, it was something I did really quick before
# 23:35 aaronpk but not sure how best to add a test framework here
# 23:36 tantek presumably they have *some* process before they deploy to make sure they don't break things
# 23:36 barnabywalters aaronpk: you could either put it in the deploy workflow, or try to make it part of the front end dev’s lives
# 23:37 barnabywalters e.g. if you have an office dashboard, add a “latest blog posts” section which is from parser mf
# 23:37 aaronpk I think I could reasonably add a rake task that does the test
# 23:37 tantek barnabywalters - such a dashboard is an *excellent* idea
# 23:37 aaronpk our front-end guys are pretty familiar with that kind of command line stuff since we're using middleman (ruby) for all our sites
# 23:37 tantek building something on top of the API that is the microformats on the page
# 23:39 barnabywalters or, even better: make a deploy task which POSSEs the latest blog post to twitter, using mf2 data
warden joined the channel
# 23:40 aaronpk got early acces to that app since they're just down the street
wyomingplease and bnvk joined the channel