2013-11-03 UTC
bnvk and dougmckown joined the channel
# 00:45 dougmckown Any thought on the use of Squarespace as host? Qualify as #indieweb if I have my own domain name?
dougmckown joined the channel
# 01:21 dougmckown I know how to write HTML and CSS to create my own site, but I don't know how to add a blog to it...
# 01:21 dougmckown I crated a self-hosted WP blog, but then I lose control of HTML (and I don't know any PHP.
tantek and realz joined the channel
tantek_ and josephboyle joined the channel
# 02:11 tantek bret, general formula for "not familiar with xyz" [service or project] - check for a page with that name on the wiki ;)
# 02:12 tantek and if it doesn't exist, create a minimal stub with a one sentence description to the best of your knowledge
bnvk, poppy, tantek and jgraham909 joined the channel
bnvk and smus joined the channel
# 05:51 Jeena evening? It is 7am over here in Sweden ;)
# 05:52 Jeena bret, which database did you use for your pump.io instance?
smus joined the channel
# 05:56 Jeena I read over there that you're trying it locally on your computer
# 05:57 Jeena if so then you'd need to forward the port on it so it knows to which computer it has to go
icco and smus joined the channel
# 06:04 bret aparently if you misconfigure you need to flush your pump DB
# 06:05 Jeena yeah it is like with Magento (the eshop thingy) they save the domain/url in the database somewhere
# 06:05 Jeena and as long as you don't have any data in it it is easy to just flush the db instead of trying to fix it there
icco and bnvk joined the channel
# 06:23 Jeena that is a shame, pump.io doesn't work in a subdirecotry, only on root of your domain, so you need to use a subdomain and buy another ssl certificate for it
josephboyle joined the channel
# 06:45 aaronpk good evening! looking forward to the festivities tomorrow!
# 06:46 tantek Jeena - interestingly enough, that same root dir only assumption is built into Falcon (what I'm building)
# 06:46 aaronpk I think a lot of software assumes it's installed at the root dir of a domain
# 06:47 Jeena perhaps you could work around that in some way? People like me almost always already have some kind of blog or something else running on root
# 06:48 Jeena aaronpk, I understand that this makes the development a bit easier but it is not that complicated to add some string before all urls you produce
# 06:49 aaronpk webmention and indieauth have that built in, because you add a tag on your home page to point to the appropriate enndpoints to use, they don't make any assumptions about your webmention or indieauth server
# 06:49 aaronpk Jeena: i'm not sure what you're asking me to do... i've got nothing to do with the development of pump.io or anything similar
# 06:49 tantek right, none of the protocols we use assume root dir
# 06:49 Jeena that is actually the best approach, Tent does that now too, so every Tent server can have different endpoints
# 06:50 tantek but individual CMSs obv have their own assumptions
# 06:50 Jeena not you, I asked tantek with his Falcon ;)
# 06:51 tantek Jeena - as with many projects, directory independence is not a priority ;)
# 06:52 tantek and I'm not even sure it makes sense for the way Falcon is architected - which is that it asserts a policy about specifically designed URLs, short URLs etc.
# 06:52 Jeena It is just so much easier to implement if you do it right from the beginning
# 06:52 tantek the "already have some kind of blog" doesn't make sense - because it's supposed to be your blog too
# 06:52 aaronpk you'll find this community is very selective about the things we choose to agree on, many of us have strongly differing opinions on various things but are still able to make things work between all our domains/software
# 06:52 Jeena yeah, but people also have landing pages, etc.
# 06:53 tantek so if you already have some kind of blog, the expectation is that you export it and then import into Falcon (or whatever)
# 06:53 tantek even one of the longtime holdouts, adactio, gave up in the past year
# 06:53 tantek and switched his home page directly having recent posts
# 06:54 Jeena or me and my brother want to use the same domain (our last name) and use two directories for our first names, there are tons of reasons I can think of ;)
# 06:55 Jeena but yeah the most important is that I already have something else in my root, on http://jeenaparadies.net for example I have links and short summaries to different parts of the website
# 06:57 Jeena I use ownCloud, firefox sync, tent and my blog on the same domain
# 06:57 Jeena mostly because I want to run all of them via the one ssl cert I got
# 06:58 aaronpk I finally broke down and got a wildcard cert for *.pin13.net so I can use it for all my random stuff. It was only like $80/year so it wasn't too bad.
# 07:02 Jeena yeah that is kind of the only reasonable thing to do if you want to test differnt stuff like pump.io and now obviously Falcon ;)
# 07:04 Jeena "Do not use web applications that should be desktop applications." wah! I actually wrote a SoundCloud client just for me because of this :D
# 07:05 Jeena every time I got a call while listening on the website I couldn't find the right virtual desktop, the right window, the right tab and the pause button on the website
# 07:07 aaronpk I still dream of having a complete digital archive of everything I've ever done and produced online in an easily searchable and browsable form
# 07:07 aaronpk including chat logs, text messages and phone call logs
# 07:07 Jeena hm I wonder if you can get the data out of lastfm
# 07:08 aaronpk i've been PESOS'ing from last.fm to my own DB for years
# 07:08 aaronpk actually technically it's not PESOS because I don't publish it, just archive it
# 07:09 tantek aaronpk - your last.fm account is a "publishing" of sorts - even if it is only private to your friends
# 07:10 aaronpk tantek: oh I meant that I'm pulling from last.fm but only archiving it in my own DB, not re-publishing on my own site, so it doesn't fulfill the "SOS" part of PESOS
# 07:10 aaronpk yes, really good API. I'll be sad when it goes away.
# 07:11 Jeena I subscribed to their Event RSS feed for my city which is really cool because I haven't found any other RSS feed with the information of who is playing in the (not so distant) future here so I can buy tickets, etc.
smus joined the channel
# 07:14 Jeena the cool thing is that they even have a good way to generate money with their "Buy this Album/Song" links.
bnvk joined the channel
# 07:20 tantek Jeena - yeah, affiliate links are one of the less annoying online ad-like models.
melvster, bnvk and skinny joined the channel
andreypopp, bnvk, catsup, LauraJ, skinny, tobiastom, tobiastom_, brianloveswords, tantek and smus joined the channel
# 16:55 Loqi [@benwerd] Full-on sick. Best wishes to everyone at #indiewebcamp LA today
tobiastom and tantek joined the channel
eschnou joined the channel
# 17:38 Jeena hehe damn sometimes one forgets that you guys log and publish the logs to the web ;)
icco joined the channel
icco and andreypopp joined the channel
# 17:57 rknLA i'm running a bit late, but heading over to farmhouse around nowish. see some of you in a little while!
tantek joined the channel
# 18:01 tantek Also running late. Driving over. ETA 10:45ish.
tantek_, icco, tilgovi, tantek, eschnou, snarfed and caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:53 tantek Parked in the driveway - is that cool shaners?
tantek joined the channel
# 19:14 bret anyone willing to set up a google hangout?
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 19:15 Loqi barnabywalters: bret left you a message on 11/2 at 2:09pm: awesome indie pipes!
# 19:16 bret barnabywalters: you going to be around today remoting in?
caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic joined the channel
tantek and bnvk joined the channel
barnabywalters, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
tantek, smus and matthewlmcclure joined the channel
# 20:37 bret grrr, gmail no longer allows new iphones to use exchange
# 20:37 bret even if the accounts was using it already
ryana, bnvk and friedcell joined the channel
# 21:14 aaronpk still cleaning up from last night, and a bunch of us went out to breakfast
bnvk joined the channel
snarfed, ryana, smus and bnvk joined the channel
# 22:07 Jeena hehe yeah I had too, I gave up because I didn't have a second ssl certificate, I need to get one first
# 22:07 bret Jeena you dont NEED one to get up and running
# 22:07 Jeena and it is a bit uncool that I need to run it on a subdomain
# 22:09 Jeena yeah the cert I already have is a gratis one from StartSSL
# 22:10 Jeena I'm not sure when I get to it and if it is important enough for me to get it working yet.
smus joined the channel
# 22:15 barnabywalters try dropping some modules in, filling in some values, running the graph and clicking each module to see what it’s output is
tantek joined the channel
# 22:29 snarfed i also liked the other Y!OS stuff they did a while back. similar building blocks for code, as opposed to visual UI
# 22:30 snarfed afaik it was largely sam pullara's baby, and languished now that he's gone (i think)
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 22:33 barnabywalters I’m pretty sure pipes only still exists because it uses the same infrastructure as YQL and that happens to still exist
# 22:33 aaronpk probably they forgot which server it's on and it's just sitting there running
# 22:34 aaronpk they don't know how to turn it off and it's easier to not deal with it
# 22:34 aaronpk barnabywalters: that's awesome! very glad to hear
# 22:35 aaronpk assuming there's no copyright issues, why not on your site?
abrereton joined the channel
# 22:43 aaronpk no I think barnabywalters is talking about screen recordings he made?
# 22:43 barnabywalters tantek: that certainly covers the things with URLs — I’ll just dump the screenshots/casts on an index page with links to the other things
# 22:43 tantek oh I thought you said you "downloaded the YQL blog, for history"
# 22:44 bret Jeena, i started a pump.io section in the eitherpad for today and tomorrow
# 22:44 barnabywalters as far as URLs go, how does waterpigs.co.uk/archive/DDD/SSS/domain.com/path/file.hmtl look?
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:51 tantek note the new link has (errantly?) included the HTML entity names for the ldquo and rduqo in the slug. I say errantly because I think it hurts the slug readability and indexability.
bnvk and skinny joined the channel
# 23:00 barnabywalters what’s the indiearchive take on rewriting links to still be navigable in-archive?
# 23:21 barnabywalters !tell bnvk can you update indiewebify.me to the latest revision? I made a bunch of fixes, should all work in PHP 5.3, might need a composer update
# 23:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:23 bret barnabywalters: so if an h-entry lacks an author, your search algorithm will follow rel=author?
# 23:24 barnabywalters bret: not the implementation in mf-cleaner, that’s purely functional and doesn’t make any HTTP requests
# 23:25 barnabywalters it’s actually pretty broken, it needs splitting up into functions and putting in a separate authorship package
# 23:26 bret but his HTML structure mixes profile with h-entry a little to much to fit a full h-card in without re-arranging things a bit
# 23:27 barnabywalters bret: oh that’s a pity — all the info is there, it’s a shame to have to make another request :/
# 23:27 barnabywalters but just use rel-author, the implementations with catch up with the spec/what is actually implemented
# 23:29 bret still have not decided yet what to do
# 23:32 XgF bret: Have you lent any thought to webmention interop or similar? For a while I've thought about implementing a webmention endpoint, but I barely have enough time to keep my client up to date...
# 23:33 bret yeah I would love to work on that eventually
# 23:33 bret for now I am just working on getting the templates marked up correctly
# 23:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
tantek joined the channel
# 23:46 bret im going to try and finish this up tonight, but barnabywalters aaronpk and benwerd better help tempt evan into doing more indieweb stuff by using some pump.io posts as reply contexts :)
snarfed joined the channel
# 23:53 aaronpk uh, does pump.io have JS that overrides command-click on links to open in a new window?
# 23:54 XgF aaronpk: Where are you experiencing that?
bnvk joined the channel
# 23:54 aaronpk I don't know why it changes my cursor to a ? when I hover over the date
# 23:54 Loqi bnvk: barnabywalters left you a message 33 minutes ago: can you update indiewebify.me to the latest revision? I made a bunch of fixes, should all work in PHP 5.3, might need a composer update
# 23:54 aaronpk and then command-click should open it in a new tab but doesn't
# 23:55 XgF aaronpk: Weird, middle click works