aaronpkok changed the query on the IRC logs to use one of the indexes, so the pages should be a lot faster and should also not crash the server when a crawler goes nuts
tantekFrom KevinMarks 's URL: "going to get backlash for the Google Analytics code I threw in there (when I suspected it was going to get attention). It shows that the philosophy it preaches is impossible to actually implement in the real world" - bullshit. Never had google analytics slow JS includes on my site - have yet to be convinced of any ROI of including it.
tantekI'd rather start with a stats package that gave me decent analysis of my apache logs - and I don't even have that. (OSS apache log analyzer suggestions welcome - heck we should have indiewebcamp.com/analytics )
brianloveswordsSits at the front of a webserver and routes requests to stuff on the internal network (in this case, sockets or ports running on the machine)
tantekwell I have completed design sketches of what I want event permalinks and event summaries in lists to look like, so now I'm working on the data storage for the information needed for those designs
bretI keep the data in yaml headers as part of a note, and use a form to enter the event data. It would be rad to do natural language event creation eventually
bearwhen looking for webmentions in my post, does the spec allow for rel="webmention" or do I need to follow every external link to discover if it's a post?
julian`anyone know how i can get the text on my site to be vertically centered? atm im using <br>s but it doesnt seem to look good in firefox only chrome
barnabywaltersI started implementing a DOM templating library, then realised I was just recreating jQuery in PHP, then decided other things had higher priorities, e.g. getting the shiny new taproot live
neuro`Templating is always a mess. We had a loooong argument about that on Publify back in 2006 that eventually led to an ephemeral split of the projcet
bearaaronpk - in the body of a post, I was curious how to know that a <a href…/> pointed to an external post that needed to be processed as a webmention. I realize now all of the PHP code samples i've seen use rel="in-reply-to" for that
barnabywaltersbear: publishers should send webmentions to all URLs a post replies to (u-in-reply-to or rel-in-reply-to) and all URLs mentioned by a post, e.g. in the content
aaronpkthink of it this way, your post contains links to a bunch of external sites. if you publish your post, they can eventually find your post. the webmention just helps that process happen faster.
waterpigs.co.ukedited /webmention (+275) "/* Which links should receive webmentions */ added basic answer to which links question, added should assets be webmentioned question, implementation documentation" (view diff)
snarfedre what the receiver would do, as a first pass, it's probably reasonable just to embed them as remote images, ie with the src pointing to the source's image
snarfedwere you asking, when people write a reply that they plan to send a webmention for, should they ever include embedded images (or video etc) in that reply?
tantekby syncing with iCloud, they treat iCloud as "truth" and therefore assume that even when you change things on one device, before you can change things on a second device, the first device syncs its changes to iCloud
tantekbear, snarfed - I call bullshit. we've had multi-master merging working in many cases automatically in MediaWiki, github, mercurial etc. for *years*
snarfedagreed that multi-master, paxos etc are different than ostatus, etc in that the algorithms themselves aren't necessarily complicated, it's just that implementing them is, esp at scale
tantekso it looks like iTunes does sync by treating the Mac as master, so if you delete something on your Mac, but add to it it on your iPod/iPhone - it gets deleted next time you sync, and everything you added is thus lost.
XgFtantek: And, in those multi-master merges that work, you need to hold the entire history (or at least enough), and still it needs user help depressingly often
tantekXgF, true about holding "enough history", though even just 1-2 revs back is enough to do plenty well (across *personal* devices, not group workflow)
tanteksadly, it looks like iTunes didn't keep the previous backup - that had my notes, and I can't see anyway to tell iTunes - please keep 2-3 backups of this iPod.
XgFRouting everything through a central authority is a lot easier than retrofitting versioning to all those apps, also in most cases what you get are that things are instantly consistent (push notifications)
tantekso no, all that automatic network traffic they do sucks down the battery so everyone I know with a decent Android has to recharge them late at night. Everyone.
tantekThat sounds like something that requires a post to substantiate - lacking that, I don't believe you (my experience with network syncing/battery use is in direct contradiction, across iOS, Android, MacOS)
XgFtantek: Android has an exhaustive battery usage monitor. Sitting right at the top is display. Sitting pretty far down are Data and Google Play Services
tantekSuch mobile displays (battery, signal strength, 2/3/4G) are "feel good" displays that manufacturers tweak/fake to make devices seem better than they are. iPhones were notorious for exaggerating network signal strength for example. (Easily googlable)
snarfedtantek, you're right about a lot of "feel good" displays, but the android power usage monitoring isn't that. it's the real deal. grab a friend's device and check out the screen XgF mentioned
XgFI call out Google Calendar specifically because it is *very* good also. As someone who's quite intimate with Android's SyncServices APIs, you can watch them making perfect use of them
tanteksnarfed: Not only are the bigcos not doing it well (Apple is perhaps the most obv example) but even their crappy attempts are nearly complete silos (aside from some carddav/caldav support by iOS vs gmail services).
tantekWith maybe a bit of bizdev across the bigcos (or a lot of custom coding to make specific implementations of *dav work, eg iOS has special code to make gmail work)
tantekWhereas if we get federation right, it seems like we could implement syncing merely as a special case of federation across your own devices in particular.
tantekAll the progress we've made with indieweb has been via simplifying to minimal use cases, implementing those, getting them workin cross-site, and then iterating.