kylewmhi all, I'm new here :) I have a personal domain running a jekyll site right now, am excited to get it indiewebified... I've read through most of the wiki (I think), still wondering what the best way is to dive in -- .
kylewmSo bret I admit that I'd looked at your site and repo before, but I couldn't figure out how you syndicate to twitter for that done by rake maybe?
kylewmIt does seem if you had a little script that took a bare post, posted it to twitter/whatever, and then updated the .md file with the permalink
bretkylewm, I was thinking about doing some tricky things like posse and webmention scripts, but how do you define a clear event when you wan those things to happen? It began to feel like I was designing around self imposed restrictions
andreypopp, tantek, mathpunk and paulcp_ joined the channel
tantek!tell barnabywalters how did you end up just recreating jQuery in PHP? I thought we had settled on a very few simple HTML/JS template insertion primitives. re: /templates
tantek!tell snarfed I feel like I've heard of Simperium before - like in relation to some of the Note saving/syncing solutions/apps that Aaronpk was talking about a few weeks ago.
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 24 minutes ago: I feel like I've heard of Simperium before - like in relation to some of the Note saving/syncing solutions/apps that Aaronpk was talking about a few weeks ago.
tanteksnarfed, btw - just braindumped a bunch from our IRC conversation today re: sync into the wiki: - please review and feel free to edit/improve!
shanerstantek: "h - hyperlink - e(x)ternal reference, link, etc. use of short URL to link to things that I expect to die or move, untrustworthy permalinks."
snarfedand re "Routing everything through a central authority" being bad for performance/battery life, was that partially inspired by apple's dropping usb support in favor of network/icloud?
tantekI think the criticism of "central authority" comes from the same kind of place as the criticism of timesharing systems we discussed at the last Homebrew Website Club meeting
tantekshaners - in that way a reply is primarily about something (the original post that is being replied to) just as a bookmark is primarily about something (the URL that is being bookmarked)
tantek!tell aaronpk,snarfed I wrote up my iOS Notes data loss experience in a draft blog post - would appreciate your review for any misconceptions about how "sync" could/should work. Post date is set for tomorrow morning - ping me if you're around and can take a look.
JeenaThis guy wanted to write yet another FeedReader sync application half a year ago but I was able to convince him to describe a protocol instead which everybody could use to implement a feed sync system
Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 5 minutes ago: how did you end up just recreating jQuery in PHP? I thought we had settled on a very few simple HTML/JS template insertion primitives. re: /templates
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 35 minutes ago: I wrote up my iOS Notes data loss experience in a draft blog post - would appreciate your review for any misconceptions about how "sync" could/should work. Post date is set for tomorrow morning - ping me if you're around and can take a look.
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 16 minutes ago: I wrote up my iOS Notes data loss experience in a draft blog post - would appreciate your review for any misconceptions about how "sync" could/should work. Post date is set for tomorrow morning - ping me if you're around and can take a look.
Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 58 minutes ago: also, i doubt it will fit your needs, but i'm obliged to offer (my day job) as an option :P
KevinMarksLOL - Virgin Atlantic wants booking reaf and first name. Except it concatenates first and middle names and truncates to 16 characters on the backend, without showing this on the front end
tantek"I have read this post. collection of post is a nice one … That I will inform about your post to my friends and all the best for your future posts.. "