2013-11-29 UTC
josephboyle, amz3, fmarier and tantek joined the channel
# 01:59 tantek tommorris - Modestmaps vs Leaflet - any opinion?
# 02:03 tantek notes that both benwerd and barnabywalters seem to use Leaflet. Was going to use Modestmaps (seems simpler to use), and now wondering if they explicitly chose Leaflet instead for a reason.
# 02:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:04 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
skinny, snarfed and tpinto joined the channel
tantek, tantek_, singpolyma, snarfed and bnvk joined the channel
Nadreck, skinny and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed and sparverius joined the channel
# 05:47 tantek just wondering if it's a content hosting project or something else?
# 05:49 KartikPrabhu it is a project of sorts. I blog on the site. posting some articles and photography. I also use it to experiment with web-design ideas
skinny joined the channel
# 05:55 KartikPrabhu tantek - I saw your microformats talk at SF--html5 today. you might have converted me from rdfa to microformats
skinny joined the channel
# 06:01 tantek KartikPrabhu - very cool about starting your own project - I'm a big fan of that :)
# 06:02 KartikPrabhu now I agree! moving from Blogger was very liberating. Learnt quite a few things along the way
# 06:02 tantek and thanks for your kind words! I'm always hoping to provide practical guidance for HTML5 (with microformats and other aspects too)
# 06:04 tantek ooh you've got a relative URL for your webmention endpoint discovery - I wonder how many webmention discovery parsers that might (unintentionally) break
# 06:06 KartikPrabhu intesting. I thought I had a absolute url (taking guidance from others on idiewebcamp) but if it is a good test case I shall leave it up
# 06:08 KartikPrabhu thanks again for the testing resource. I'll get to that soon too. Though I suspect I might not pass most of the microformats
singpolyma joined the channel
# 06:08 tantek Kartik - your post permalink had a good h-entry
# 06:09 KartikPrabhu yes a few of them are on. but I am still getting the hang of it and adding bits and parts as I go along
# 06:10 tantek it's all good - this is a good place to get iterative incremental help with that sort of thing
# 06:11 KartikPrabhu yes! I also like how modular and incremental the whole setup of microformats is. Good for hacking around and learning
julian` and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 06:15 julian` do you know if its possible to make a .bat file restart when it closes
tilgovi joined the channel
# 06:18 tantek KartikPrabhu looks like you're sending webmentions!
melvster joined the channel
# 06:20 KartikPrabhu tantek - yeah I am testing it with the tool you suggested. I still am planning to implement automatic sending of mentions when an article is published!
# 06:26 julian` the batch file just runs a ruby script so maybe itd be easier to achieve what i want in the ruby script
# 06:29 julian` well i want this ruby script to be running 24/7 however when it gets an error the cmd prompt closes which is annoying since i have to keep restarting it
# 06:31 KartikPrabhu a naive way i can think of is to use another bat file to check if the first one is running and restart if not. But that sounds 'dirty'
# 06:33 tantek I have a general web server error question that doesn't seem to be explained on the internets...
# 06:34 tantek any idea how to debug when your server seems to return a lot of " The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." ?
# 06:34 KartikPrabhu julian` - there has to be a better way with all this technology we have
# 06:36 KartikPrabhu tantek - I got nothing. that seems particularly nasty/out of my league
# 06:38 julian` if i understood ruby error catching better i could probably use it to catch error and restart the script
# 06:39 KartikPrabhu that would have been my first suggestion but I know less about ruby that you might
# 07:01 KartikPrabhu tantek - It seems that the correct way to markup authorship would be to to have p-author in every h-entry. But if only one author posts on a site, is it not redundant to have p-author on every post, when the site already is markedup with meta name-author in the head?
# 07:01 tantek well meta name author is invisible metadata so a bad idea
andreypopp joined the channel
# 07:01 tantek however, <link rel=author href=.. > is better since it merely links to a page with then should visibly have the author name etc. in an h-card
# 07:03 KartikPrabhu yes. but from a reader's point of view having the same author's name appear on every article seems unnecssary
# 07:04 tantek but on a home page where there's a whole stream of entries - then yes I agree it gets redundant
# 07:05 tantek hence you can also use h-feed to put an author at top
# 07:05 tantek and then have h-entry children inside that h-feed
# 07:07 julian` i was reading that but it doesnt give an example in a browser
# 07:08 KartikPrabhu h-card is not to change the appearance of something. You should use CSS for that. h-card only marksup data in a meanigful way
# 07:08 tantek julian - in a browser it just looks like text contact info, perhaps optionally with an image
# 07:08 julian` isnt it bad practice to use more classes than needed
# 07:11 KartikPrabhu depends on what you are using it for. Here classes are used to give meaning to the data. you can actually use CSS with micrformat classes to make the look as you'd like
# 07:12 tantek julian - it is bad practice to use more classes (or markup in general) than needed. hence microformats keeps the number/amount of classes to only the minimum needed to express the semantics needed.
# 07:13 tantek well unfortunately rel=nofollow has largely been abused / overused
# 07:14 tantek it's "succeeded" in that there's a lot of it out there, but it's failed to fulfill its original purpose. and worse, become a way for silos to punish the links of their first party users.
# 07:14 julian` if browsers did start using hCards it would make it easier to contact site owners etc
lukebrooker, bnvk, Jihaisse and tantek joined the channel
lukebrooker, abrereton and LauraJ joined the channel
LauraJ, tpinto, singpolyma, pfefferle, bnvk, edsu_, bretolius, jonnybarnes, sparverius, friedcell, barnabywalters, andreypopp, netweb, skinny, matthias_pfeffer and Acidnerd1 joined the channel
# 11:27 neuro` jonnybarnes: you're up all night to get Loqi ?
pfenwick, singpolyma, bnvk, jonnybarnes, tantek and skinny joined the channel
snarfed, cweiske and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
josephboyle joined the channel
# 17:09 KevinMarks_ probably 'cos it was designed when the whole net had crappy intermittent connections
# 17:09 KevinMarks_ it's not good at the idea that you might have more than one computer though
snarfed, bnvk, CheckDavid, KartikPrabhu, smus, tpinto, LauraJ, scor, singpolyma, jonnybarnes, friedcell, abrereton, squeakytoy and kylewm joined the channel
# 22:24 bret KevinMarks_: you can always run a bouncer or a persistant irc program on a server
# 22:29 pdurbin I haven't gotten into bouncers yet. I'm pretty happy with screen+weechat
smus, wyomingplease and snarfed joined the channel
# 22:51 kylewm requests.get("https://eschnou.com", verify="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt")
# 22:51 kylewm gives "requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed"
# 22:51 kylewm (tried it with and without the verify=".." parameter)
josephboyle joined the channel
# 22:55 bret not sure, but it should work over http I think?
# 22:57 kylewm hrm, I think it's redirecting me to http -> https either way
# 23:05 kylewm I think I will punt and juse do verify=False, thanks bret :)
shaners, pfenwick, snarfed, smus and bnvk joined the channel
# 23:35 kylewm Hehe, I picked a bad thread to test webmentions on, he only supports pingbacks
ozten joined the channel