2013-12-02 UTC
scor joined the channel
Nadreck joined the channel
# 00:08 barnabywalters oh yeah, what’s up with wired republishing the principles wiki page in plaintext? seems a bit weird
# 00:10 tantek barnabywalters wait what? when did that happen?
# 00:13 tantek that's actually reads pretty well as plain text
# 00:14 tantek a little messy at the end with the "Discussion" between sandeep and me but maybe that just gives it that "indie" edginess ;)
# 00:14 barnabywalters indeed — the discussion at the bottom is a bit out of place but otherwise it holds up well
# 00:14 tantek also shows that the principles aren't static and have been evolving
# 00:16 tantek he's a very well known futurist and science fiction writer
# 00:16 tantek he typically gives a closing keynote at SXSW Interactive every year
julian` joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
wyomingplease joined the channel
# 00:44 bret !tell tantek its b for bret! You are totally right, been putting that off for ages
# 00:44 Loqi bret: tantek left you a message on 11/30 at 11:22pm: hey you should fix your home page icon so it has your personal avatar (like on your Twitter) not just a generic "B" icon, per: http://indiewebcamp.com/icon
# 00:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
ryana and tantek joined the channel
# 00:59 Loqi tantek: bret left you a message 14 minutes ago: its b for bret! You are totally right, been putting that off for ages
ryana and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:17 bret bear, totally interested in seeing how you end up doing webmentions on a static sites, way cool
ryana, skinny and julian` joined the channel
# 03:29 bear bret - yea, i'm chewing on those ideas/decisions now
tantek, tpinto and tantek_ joined the channel
# 04:05 tantek bret, bear - agreed. figuring out webmentions on static sites helps everyone out who is working on that path.
bnvk joined the channel
# 04:57 bret tantek: do you publish your raw post files somewhere?
tpinto joined the channel
# 05:02 rknLA has anyone messed with ssl/tls certs on their own servers? i ran into some unfortunate hmac issues with aaronpk's geologger and wound up generating certs and setting up nginx to serve https, turned out to be not that difficult.
# 05:03 rknLA (it was eerily easy, actually, so i'm hoping i didn't screw it up...)
# 05:04 bret tantek: isnt falcon processing the different bim files based on the url? is there a way to peek at just the raw bim storage file?
# 05:04 tantek yes - the URL format to find the raw bim storage files is described exactly at that link ^^^
melvster joined the channel
# 05:19 tantek bret, so if you peek in my current storage file, you'll see an unpublished event post that I'm working on
# 05:20 tantek my code / storage format affords the flexibility of experimenting with future posts and not have anything present effected.
benwerd joined the channel
# 05:27 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 5 days, 6 hours ago: ironic that that opendagenda article is on wired rather than on the author's own blog.
# 05:27 Loqi benwerd: KevinMarks left you a message 4 days, 4 hours ago: great article
# 05:28 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message on 11/30 at 11:20pm: hey you should fix your home page icon so it has your personal avatar not just a generic idno icon, per: http://indiewebcamp.com/icon
# 05:28 benwerd might have had a project deadline on November 30th
# 05:28 benwerd have been absent all week ;) just pickin' up messages
# 05:30 benwerd (It's because Leaflet handles multiple layers and a number of other features that I thought might be fun to play with later.)
# 05:31 benwerd OK. I'm going to take myself out for a Sunday evening run - I hope everyone had a beautiful Thanksgiving. I'll be back on the channel this week.
# 05:38 KartikPrabhu webmention question: if a post is edited to remove a link to another, should a webmention be sent to the link to inform them of the removal of the mention?
# 05:52 KartikPrabhu yes. I already have that in my code for receiving mentions. I was wondering how to do it for sending
andreypopp and tpinto joined the channel
# 06:09 tantek interesting, looks like Tumblr "does the right thing" for shortcut icons
# 06:09 tantek so if you have a Tumblr (e.g. with domain mapping) and set your avatar to be your face on Tumblr, then it works to add that as an icon to iOS homescreen
# 06:10 tantek bear - could you check to see if you're able to easily add a shortcut icon from hannahdonovan.com to your Android home screen?
# 06:10 tantek It doesn't seem to have the meta web-app thingie - so I'm curious if it still works
# 06:12 KartikPrabhu wait! maybe i have this wrong... the only way i could do it was as a bookmark in chrome and add the bookmark to homescreen
# 06:13 tantek KartikPrabhu - if you try it with my site, tantek.com, it should be added directly to the homescreen, being able to bypass the "bookmark" step.
# 06:14 KartikPrabhu so I should try to bookmark ('star') it in Chrome and it will go straight to homescreen?
cweiske joined the channel
# 06:17 KartikPrabhu yeah. i can't figure out a way on my android phone, wothout bookmarking it in Chrome first. Would be good to have steps to check on more devices (?)
# 06:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:31 tantek KartikPrabhu - do you have Firefox for Android?
snarfed joined the channel
# 06:34 tantek and if it doesn't measure up we'll publicly document it and file some bugs
# 06:34 KartikPrabhu haha yes. i think is should have browsers on phone just like my laptop
# 06:38 bear tantek - you have to save the bookmark first
# 06:39 bear !tell tantek you have to first save the bookmark, then press-and-hold on the bookmark and select save to homescreen
# 06:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 06:39 tantek bear - then in that case what good is that silly meta tag?
# 06:39 Loqi tantek: bear left you a message 25 seconds ago: you have to first save the bookmark, then press-and-hold on the bookmark and select save to homescreen
skinny joined the channel
# 06:39 KartikPrabhu tantek: Firefox for mobile does not show your icon on the homescreen :(
# 06:39 bear I have no idea - I thought the same thing
# 06:41 tantek bear - maybe it's only in the Chrome 31 beta?
# 06:42 bear yes, chrome beta for android on my nexus 7
# 06:42 KartikPrabhu I tried FF and it did not show icon either only a generic icon with star
# 06:43 tantek KartikPrabhu - what did you try doing? bookmarking? or saving to homescreen? what steps did you take in FF/Android?
# 06:44 KartikPrabhu tantek: attempt to bookmark on FF // FF gives an option to add usual bookmark or add to homescreen // then choose add to homescreen
# 06:45 bear on my nexus 7 with firefox, bookmark + options + add to home screen shows my icon
# 06:46 tantek KartikPrabhu which Android device / OS v are you using
# 06:48 KartikPrabhu new FF install, cache would be empty. unless it pulls icon only if it exists in cache
# 06:48 tantek KartikPrabhu - if you had gone to my site before yesterday on my device you have have had a cached non-custom-icon
# 06:48 KartikPrabhu tantek: I just installed FF and added to homescreen twice in a span of 10 min
# 06:49 bear just did the same with FF 26 on my HTC One with 4.3
# 06:49 bear it shows a better icon with FF26 than with 25
# 06:53 bear ^^^ gave actual text and prompts for the process
# 06:55 skinny tantek: redesigning, moving hosts and registrars right now. will be building as a jekyll site, so everythign is in flux right now.
# 06:56 skinny tantek: yah! it's a mess right now. :D Good news is personandplace.com is mostly together
# 06:57 KartikPrabhu tantek: I'm using the same markup as you for the icon thingy. Should I add my site to the wiki under yours?
# 06:57 tantek skinny, ping bret, aaronpk, and dietrich about the next Homebrew Website Club meeting in PDX
# 06:58 tantek (assuming you've got an icon of a face and not just a site logo :P )
# 06:58 skinny tantek: when is next homebrew mtg?
# 07:00 KartikPrabhu tantek: it is the face photo we discussed earlier. does that qualify?
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# 07:01 tantek KartikPrabhu - yes that's certainly face like ;)
aaronpk_ and tpinto joined the channel
# 07:07 snarfed rknLA: +1 to server certs not being too hard, especially if you have your own full server/VM
# 07:07 snarfed i did the same thing for my personal site and a handful of other sites just this weekend
# 07:08 snarfed worked fine for everything on app engine. my personal site is harder since it's apache on shared host, and they don't allow mod_ssl directives in .htaccess
# 07:11 tantek KartikPrabhu - why the extra space inside the quote here: rel=" shortcut icon"
# 07:12 KartikPrabhu interesting, somthing in my template system is doing that. Will it cause trouble?
# 07:13 tantek good question - not if their parsers parse rel properly
# 07:14 KartikPrabhu that's what i thought. but yes maybe it is better to err on the side of parsers being not proper.
# 07:16 rknLA snarfed: yep, i've got a vm on digital ocean. tbh, the hardest part was navigating the interaction between nginx and node, since ssl termination happens at the nginx layer.
# 07:17 bear rknLA - are you terminating ssl at nginx and just using http for your node proxy?
# 07:17 snarfed huh. odd that that matters. i don't know much about node though, so i believe you
# 07:17 bear let me know if you have any questions, that config is what I do at my day job
# 07:17 rknLA well, so, if i proxy_pass to http://, then it terminates at node, but if i proxy_pass https://, it works fine, but seems like overkill,
# 07:18 rknLA i guess it'd make sense if nginx proxied to other physical boxes, but for what i'm doing now, it doesn't seem worth it
# 07:19 rknLA the exciting thing is, now that i've got self-signed certs and ssl pinning working with this geo logger, i feel way more comfortable hosting my own server for my personal transaction logger :)
# 07:20 bear hmm, hapi should be ok if you set the server info.protocol to http
# 07:21 rknLA bear: yeah, it was. it was just a matter of making things consistent. my first attempt was entirely in hapi, and then i realized that nginx is only listening on port 80,
# 07:22 rknLA then when i went to configure nginx (and also learn how to configure nginx), i set it up to do ssl termination there.
# 07:24 bear the fun comes when some of the frameworks assume https because of their own middleware
# 07:25 rknLA ahhh yeah, that sounds annoying. hapi seems to handle that pretty well so far.
# 07:27 rknLA my main issue now is skepticism. i kinda wanna try mitm-ing myself to make sure it's actually secure.
# 07:27 rknLA it "just worked" so easily that i have a hard time believing that it's really there.
# 07:27 bear if you do try that, head over to #nodesecurity where our SecTeam can help on either side
# 07:28 bear I'm the Ops person for &yet and ^Lift Security
# 07:28 rknLA oh cool. what exactly does &yet do? i only know about it from the realtimeconf videos i saw earlier on eran hammer's blog
# 07:31 tantek bear - very cool that you're at &yet, and very cool that they have you :)
# 07:31 bear most of the team is in Richland, WA - i'm near Philadelphia, PA :)
# 07:32 bear yea, i'm very happy to be working with them - it's a very open source place
# 07:33 rknLA i wish i could do more open source stuff at work,
# 07:34 bear that is what evenings and weekends are for ;)
# 07:34 rknLA but i have the joy (deathwish?) of working with music, so... tradeoffs
Jihaisse and bnvk joined the channel
KevinMarks2, LauraJ, tpinto, earplugs, melvster, bnvk and earplugs1 joined the channel
# 10:11 tantek.com edited /icon (+1346) "reorganize a bit, markup / how-to first, then examples, FAQ, and separate instructions for using mobile browsers, and silo support" (
view diff )
glennjones joined the channel
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# 11:25 tantek do you remember when you added an apple touch icon to your home page?
# 11:26 adactio It might have been around the same time I was making Huffduffer (and screwing around with "apple touch icon" stuff there) which would have been 2008.
# 11:27 adactio It was pre-iPad, I believe, because whenever it was, there was only size of icon.
# 11:28 tantek once again, we can use one size of icon and let the client resize it (if you're using a JPG, which you should be if you're using a face photo, which an indieweb site should be)
# 11:46 KevinMarks_ difference in res between Nexus 7 and firefox orange phone is very noticable
friedcell and pfenwick joined the channel
bnvk, Jeena_, bnvk_, KevinMarks2, heath and melvster joined the channel
# 12:09 tantek might be too early for west coasters but hopefully some EU/UK/EST folks will pick it up
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# 12:15 tantek Kevinmarks - tab reload auto-tweet? (with same typo from before!)
CheckDavid joined the channel
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# 12:23 KevinMarks it's the sketchy way I use an iframe to talk to the server that does it.
skinny, bnvk, melvster, tantek and scor joined the channel
# 13:24 tantek !tell aaronpk, caseorganic you may want to update your icons to use apple-touch-icon-precomposed to avoid the ugly white drop shadow over your faces in iOS6 and below.
# 13:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:27 tantek adactio, you as well, may wish to consider apple-touch-icon-precomposed instead of apple-touch-icon-
# 13:32 adactio tantek: yeah, I ended up doing that on huffduffer. Although, now, with iOS7 I guess that's less of an issue.
# 13:33 tantek seems like with apple-touch-icon-precomposed you get the "no hassle" support across all of them
KartikPrabhu and bnvk joined the channel
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snarfed, scor, brianloveswords, glennjones and Jihaisse joined the channel
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# 16:29 dietrich tantek: aaronpk bret where's the info for the pdx meetup?
# 16:30 aaronpk dietrich: we don't have any yet :) let's figure it out!
# 16:30 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 5 minutes ago: caseorganic you may want to update your icons to use apple-touch-icon-precomposed to avoid the ugly white drop shadow over your faces in iOS6 and below.
# 16:30 aaronpk I'm gonna switch to the JPG method too since it's a photo and not line art
# 16:36 aaronpk wednesday works great for me, I'm actually going to be out of town the next wednesday, so it'd be great to do one this week
scor joined the channel
# 16:37 dietrich weds works for me too. moz office has an event though, so the space isn't available :/
# 16:37 aaronpk ooh darn. well we could use esripdx if it's around 14 people or so
# 16:38 aaronpk we'd all fit in the conference room up front which is nice for that sort of thing
# 16:39 aaronpk also there was talk of a syncronous SF<->PDX meetup, tantek do you think it'd be worth linking the two sites with talky.io and having a joint meetup?
JonathanNeal, squeakytoy and npdoty joined the channel
# 17:13 aaronpk bear: if I remove sslv3 from my apache config do you think that will stop the vhost cert error tantek saw?
npdoty joined the channel
# 17:14 bear most likely that is from the secondary certs that you may have or have not included in your ssl cert file
# 17:15 bear a cert is signed by the certs of the CA that issued it
# 17:15 bear so you need to include in some software that does https all of them as well as your domain's cert
# 17:15 bear but i'm also answering without knowing the details of the error :/
# 17:18 aaronpk for whatever reason, the browser wasn't able to negotiate the SSL connection that allows SNI
# 17:19 bear what version of nginx were you using?
bnvk, rtaibah, KevinMarks2 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:37 rtaibah Been lurking for a while. I want to contribute. What are some of the Python projects you guys been working on?
# 17:39 tommorris rtaibah: I'm not sure there are many pythonistas working on stuff. I've been hacking on a microformats2 parser for Python, but my personal site is done in Rails
# 17:39 tommorris we're sort of language agnostic, so if you wanna hack on python, that's awesome
# 17:40 rtaibah tommorris, I have nothing in mind to build from scratch. Thought there are some ongoing projects I can jump on
# 17:42 bear I am using python for my site - generation is done with python and I'm also working on a indieweb tool set in python
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# 17:45 rtaibah bear what is that toolset?
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# 17:47 bear adding an event handler so I can trigger static site updates
# 17:48 bear rtaibah - it's a very new project, thoughts/ideas/suggestions more than welcome
# 17:51 tantek aaronpk - yes, simultaneous meetings would be great
# 17:51 tantek and I think we can setup a second laptop with talky.io
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# 18:00 aaronpk tantek: cool, let's do it. Do you have a canonical event URL for the meetup or series yet?
# 18:02 tantek aaronpk - no, sorry about that, that was supposed to get built this weekend and then I got distracted with personal site icons
# 18:02 tantek which would be an excellent *subject* for the next meeting
# 18:02 tantek I can create a page on the indiewebcamp wiki as a stop gap
# 18:03 tantek the only announcement right now is in the Newsletter from the first one
# 18:03 tantek (btw canonical event URL might still get built today/tomorrow)
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# 18:06 tantek it's one of the reasons I've been asking all the geo/location/map questions
# 18:11 aaronpk well I'll post an event on calagator (a tech event in portland isn't real unless it's posted there)
# 18:12 tantek aaronpk - there was a request from KevinMarks in IRC yesterday to add an icon for the indiewebcamp.com home page
# 18:12 aaronpk i added an icon to the irc log page, I'll use that
julio joined the channel
# 18:15 tantek btw are you able to edit a post on calagator?
# 18:15 tantek if not, gimme a sec to create the indiewebcamp event URL
# 18:16 aaronpk it's basically a wiki that doesn't require logins
thatryana joined the channel
# 18:29 tantek ooh - we've never had event pages for simultaneous multi-site events!
# 18:29 tantek I trust you to figure out listing multiple locations on the wiki and splitting up RSVPs into subsections by location!
# 18:29 bret dietrich: been to busy to put it together
# 18:30 tantek with this short notice I doubt you'll overflow
# 18:30 bret aaronpk: way cool. Do you need any help with anything?
# 18:30 tantek and heck, just put a capacity note at the top of the RVSPs section for PDX ;)
# 18:30 aaronpk bret: will need help with the door when people arrive, but that's about it
# 18:31 aaronpk not yet, feel free to do that and update the indiewebcamp wiki if you'd like! I have to run for a bit
# 18:34 bret aaronpk, tantek I'll just mirror the SF time for PDX, and Note its location at Esri PDX
# 18:35 bret tantek: should I make a 2013-12-04-homebrew-website-club-pdx page? Or just fit the info in on 2013-12-04-homebrew-website-club?
# 18:36 tantek idea is to break for food after into smaller groups
# 18:36 tantek I have the Moz space from 18:00 so will also be encouraging early arrivals
# 18:37 bret ack, still confused. One page for PDX, or One page for both PDX and SF?
# 18:44 bret aaronpk: what time do you want it to run to?
# 18:44 aaronpk tantek: how long was the last one? should we set an end time?
# 18:44 tantek it might overflow til 20:00 if people are excited
andreypopp joined the channel
benwerd and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 18:47 Loqi Homebrew Website Club PDX on Wednesday, Dec 4, 6:30pm at Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)
scor joined the channel
# 18:55 tantek hopes aaronpk also RSVPs for the meeting in PDX ;)
# 18:56 bret The wiki needs to start accepting indie rsvps :)
# 18:56 tantek bret - or we all need to support indieweb event posts and rsvps :P
# 18:56 tantek and just have events.indiewebcamp.com be an event aggregator
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 18:57 aaronpk I could repurpose news.indiewebcamp.com, still not sure whether it makes sense to launch it as a separate thing or have them both at the same place
# 18:58 bret wants Calagator to start accepting rsvps
# 18:58 tantek if you want you can watch the meeting live at air.mozilla.org
bnvk and rtaibah joined the channel
# 19:02 tantek you can also lurk on IRC on irc://irc.mozilla.org:6697/airmozilla
# 19:02 bret mozilla has the coolest video equipment
etymancer joined the channel
# 19:10 snarfed tantek, aaronpk: HWC might be a good inspiration for us all to figure out recurring events (and recurring rsvps?) in mf2
# 19:10 aaronpk I think recurring events are only marginally useful
tilgovi joined the channel
# 19:11 aaronpk because it's too easy for recurring events to stop happening and people forget to mark them as ended on various sites
# 19:12 aaronpk so instead, calagator allows you to "clone" an event to a different date
# 19:13 snarfed i definitely appreciate true recurring events and rsvps personally, but i get that it's not an unqualified win
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:18 snarfed you'll have to auth via oauth to connect a silo account, so i don't want anything beyond that :P
# 19:20 tantek aaronpk - nailed it. (re: why no recurring events)
# 19:20 tantek "too easy for recurring events to stop happening and people forget to mark them as ended on various sites" - perhaps a case of the future being less visible the further away it is
# 19:21 tantek thus repeating events are a case of unintentional inclusion of invisible (or certainly less visible) data
# 19:21 etymancer also of things being less visible the more you see them (as it were)
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# 19:54 tantek bret, aaronpk - thanks for making the PDX HWC meeting happen!
# 19:54 tantek dietrich - hope you can make the PDX meeting!
Acidnerd, HereticLocke and tilgovi joined the channel
# 20:19 dietrich hm, i closed my server and haven't set up the new one
# 20:22 benwerd !tell tantek My smiling face now adorns werd.io's favicon. Was interesting implementing that for multi-user software - idno now has the concept of who "owns" a page to make that work.
# 20:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
ryana, KevinMarks2, fmarier and tantek joined the channel
# 20:39 Loqi tantek: benwerd left you a message 17 minutes ago: My smiling face now adorns werd.io's favicon. Was interesting implementing that for multi-user software - idno now has the concept of who "owns" a page to make that work.
# 20:39 tantek Benwerd nice! Now see the update about -precomposed on the /icon page.
# 20:40 tantek Dietrich ah, sorry ti hear that. Perhaps another pdxer can add you ;)
# 20:42 benwerd tantek: indeed, have switched over to use -procomposed
# 20:49 tantek benwerd: 1 more nit. When I do add to home screen it prompts with label txt of werd.io and should prompt with perhaps Ben Werdmuller.
# 20:49 aaronpk tantek: it should have an icon as of about an hour ago
# 20:50 tantek Works! Add yourself to the indieweb examples section :)
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# 21:07 tantek benwerd: What do the meta name apple tags do? Perhaps link to docs explaining the benefit of those proprietary meta tags?
# 21:12 tantek Interesting - when I launch from the shortcut I get a separate icon for you outside of Safari. However your site "app" only uses up the old iPhone gen4 screen height.
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# 21:13 tantek I like the idea of this, just wondering how to use the full screen real estate and not get the black bars at the top/bottom on my iPodtouch 5.
# 21:14 tantek Maybe a meta viewport problem (or lack thereof?)
# 21:15 aaronpk user-scale=no is fine for things that are actually mobile apps
# 21:16 tantek Consider if you post photos, you should be able to zoom.
# 21:17 tantek Eg even the MFW guy removed (see comment thread on follow up)
# 21:17 aaronpk user-scale is a separate issue from the black bar thing which is what i was trying to point out
# 21:18 benwerd aaronpk, tantek: thanks for that - have implemented, but I also don't like the user-scale stuff, so I removed it
# 21:18 tantek Ahem: "$image_copy = imagerotate($image_copy, 90, 0);"
# 21:19 benwerd and that's why you don't copy and paste without checking what you've pasted
# 21:20 tantek Looks good now. And please don't stop the live coding. :D
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# 21:24 benwerd this is generic, sets up device-width etc: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
# 21:24 benwerd this one overrides for the iPhone 5 specifically (with the screen resolution): <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0" media="(device-height: 568px)" />
# 21:27 tantek_ all I need to do was add *one* meta tag to get the "launch as separate full screen app" effect: <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
# 21:28 aaronpk that said, do you really want to be launching your site as a full-screen app? cause it means I can't copy-paste URLs from the browser
# 21:28 tantek_ and no <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> either
# 21:29 tantek aaronpk - iOS Safari URL copy-paste is such an awkward UI
# 21:29 tantek it's a good reason to include nicer URL copy-paste UI in your permalinks!
# 21:30 tantek I like the idea of a personal site having a self-contained UI that doesn't depend on browser chrome (but is perhaps progressively enhanced by it)
# 21:30 aaronpk except I always know where to find the address bar in my mobile browser, but everyone's permalink will be in a different spot on their site
# 21:30 tantek benwerd - I can't see any effect from <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black"> on your site compared to mine now on my iPodtouch 5
# 21:34 tantek also I don't see any benefit of including the meta viewport tag
# 21:34 tantek prefers minimal markup. If a tag doesn't have a noticeable effect, leave it out.
# 21:35 benwerd it's possible that black is already the default bar color on your device - not sure it is in iOS 7
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# 21:42 tantek odd - tapping links on either my or benwerd's site opens them up in Mobile Safari instead of staying "in app"
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# 21:53 tantek even though I do like seeing people's names & faces in the task bar :)
# 21:55 bret Doesn't opening sites in stand alone mode slow them down?
# 22:00 tantek bret - do you have any citations re: "slow them down?" or is it hearsay/rumors?
# 22:05 tantek so … rough guess - local links should stay in the "app" but links to external sites should open up in the browser?
# 22:06 aaronpk this sounds like the <a target="_new"> debates from 10 years ago
# 22:07 aaronpk personally if I'm on a site, I want to be able to choose which links open in a new tab and which stay in the same window, regardless of the domain
# 22:07 aaronpk I may want to queue up a few blog posts in other tabs for example
# 22:14 tantek (I totally get annoyed when sites stop me from command-clicking a link to open it in a new tab)
# 22:15 tantek and I have to ctrl-click to context-menu choose "Open link in new tab"
# 22:15 aaronpk especially because the cost of going back and forth in mobile browsers is often greater (longer page load times, or not possible if you lose network connectivity)
# 22:15 tantek interesting, on mobile I'm usually single-threading any particular site viewing / reading experience
# 22:15 tantek though maybe that's an adaptation to iOS Safari's horrible web caching? (or nearly complete lack thereof)?
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# 22:19 tantek aaronpk - what if you could touch-hold and get the pop-up buttons that gave you options like "Open in Safari" … "Copy" etc.?
# 22:19 tantek I agree with adhering to user preferences BTW
# 22:20 aaronpk if touch-hold opened up the same context menu as normal that'd be fine
# 22:20 aaronpk the options I have are "Open, Open in New Page, Add to Reading List, Copy"
# 22:21 aaronpk and while I don't use reading list, I imagine some people do. and I do use "copy" frequently
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# 22:31 tantek it looks like Apple's perception of what's a "web app" assume lots of JS heavy lifting
# 22:32 tantek as opposed to normal things in HTML "just working" as expected
# 22:40 bret tantek: i remember reading about it. let me look into it quickly
# 22:41 tantek aaronpk - based on that I don't think it's good advice to ask people to walk that path. too much complexity involved.
# 22:41 tantek (the path of making your website a standalone web app on iOS)
# 22:43 aaronpk tantek: yeah I agree. I think home screen bookmark is probably good enough
# 22:48 tantek ok I'm going to move " iOS site as app " to "advanced" or something to give fair warning
# 22:48 aaronpk I think the "site as app" thing is probably not a good idea, since apps are usually not very webby by definition
# 22:48 bnvk Do any of the "Tent" people hangout here?
# 22:49 bret I personally hate webapps that open their own instance of chromeless safari. Running on a slowed down iPhone 4 makes switching apps slow and anoying
# 22:49 bret I like all the websites to open in safari
# 22:51 bret bnvk: I liked the mailpile interview :)
# 22:52 bnvk interesting- what was their biggest complaint?
# 22:52 bret speakig of large projects, Evan never pulled my MF2 PR
# 22:55 bnvk right, that seemed like the earlier criticisms- monoculture, etc
# 22:57 tantek bnvk - but these criticisms are coming from those who were in the community
# 22:58 tantek !tell bnvk but these criticisms are coming from those who were in the community, that's the difference, that's what's new.
# 22:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:02 aaronpk oh tantek did you come to any decision on how you're going to handle maps?
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# 23:06 tantek aaronpk - one sec, wrapping up the iOS web app discussion...
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# 23:12 tantek aaronpk - re: maps in events, that URL I saved in my Falcon "working on" section is my current thinking (as a piece of the event post)
# 23:13 tantek obviously I still need to build the other building blocks into a complete event post, make sure it "looks good" (is quickly understandable) on mobile
# 23:13 tantek and then figure out how to present it when it's in a composite stream with other post types
# 23:15 tantek improving upon mobile FB event permalink view
# 23:15 tantek as I think they've got the best (mobile event presentation) of anyone right now (G+, Plancast, ??)
# 23:16 aaronpk ah cool, I haven't seen much of FB events on mobile
# 23:16 tantek I got the idea for the wide but short event map from FB
# 23:16 tantek though I've tweaked it to be more usable / useful than FB event's map embeds
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# 23:29 tantek thanks bret! and thank aaronpk (I only tweaked the parameters until I got what looked good)
# 23:29 tantek we'll see how it looks & feels when embedded in the middle of a bunch of other event information
# 23:30 bret you could enhance it with JS too, conceivably, turning it into a live map upon interaction
# 23:30 tantek bret - you could, but easier to simply link to an external gmap to do that
# 23:31 tantek I really don't want to maintain a bunch of JS on my site
# 23:31 tantek that always seems like signing up for more maintenance headaches
# 23:33 dietrich aaronpk: does indieauth follow redirects and support https?
# 23:33 aaronpk I believe right now it rejects links that go from https->http
# 23:33 dietrich i set it up using your example code, but none of my services are verifying
# 23:35 dietrich the error said there was no rel=me, so i stopped there :)
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# 23:39 aaronpk oh funny... i'm getting an SSL error on twitter.com now
# 23:40 aaronpk yeah that's a weird one... I might have to update the server certs or something again
# 23:44 dietrich so, logging into indiewebcamp.com via indieauth created a user account with a name of "Metafluff.com"
# 23:44 tantek dietrich - it uses the (domain) name you already chose
# 23:45 aaronpk it's a little bit different way of thinking about accounts. rather than making an account on the wiki, think of it as identifying to the wiki as your domain
# 23:45 tantek You're welcome to create a user page for the account and add an h-card with given-name family-name etc. ;)
# 23:45 dietrich sure, i understand how the system works, but that's different than user experience
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# 23:48 dietrich turns out i *do* have a name though, and it's not my domain name
# 23:48 dietrich i was already confused, trying to find my user page on indiewebcamp.com
# 23:48 dietrich and then found a link to my domain name on the bottom
# 23:49 aaronpk dietrich: my intent was actually to point out the user experience, not the system architecture
# 23:49 aaronpk the fact that there is a mediawiki user account behind the scenes is irrelevant to you being able to identify as your domain and make wiki edits
# 23:50 tantek dietrich - yes, there's some improvements that can be made with auto-detecting someone's "human" name from their h-card at their domain
# 23:50 tantek and then using that to address them in the UI
# 23:51 tantek bret we could do both e.g.: given-name family-name (domain-name)
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# 23:54 tantek aaronpk - what do you think of reading someone's h-card from their domain upon first login and creating their user page with that h-card?
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# 23:54 tantek that could be a start towards greeting people by their human name
# 23:54 aaronpk tantek: you mean like auto-populating their user page with some content?
# 23:55 tantek all identity is still done by their domain name
# 23:55 tantek however we can put some presentational sugar on top
# 23:55 tantek and frankly, show how using web identity can be superior to email identity