schalkneethling, skinny and Zegnat joined the channel
#LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 9 hours, 48 minutes ago: are you using WebFinger on your own website? If not, why do you care about it at all? I suggest looking at IndieAuth instead:
eschnou, indiewebcamp-vis, squeakytoy, caseorganic, pfefferle, caseorga_, LauraJ, skinny, glennjones, josephboyle, BjornW, sebastien, Sebastien-L, pasevin and sebastien__ joined the channel
#jonnybarnesI'm working out how to add location info to me notes, so initially via javascript you get lat/lng values
CheckDavid joined the channel
#jonnybarnesthen if I want to turn that into a "place" so my note can end withs something like "3 hours ago in Manchester, UK"
#jonnybarnesthen how would I mark up manchester uk
#jonnybarnesand the other issue is reverse geocoding isnt the most reliable in terms of the format of the response given
#jonnybarnesat the moment I'm making a request to Google Map's reverse geocoding API, and taking all the different values of "formatted_address" and putting them as options in a select element in the new post UI so I can pick the most appropriate
#jonnybarnesnot really, but i think that was doe to having several SSL vhosts on my vps, so occassionaly connections to were getting the wrong SSL cert
#jonnybarneshow about trying a taler height to see if the popup becomes more visible? changing the height in FF's inspector tools makes the map taller but the marker doesnt change position
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: well really it needs to have a solid background colour, but bizarrely I haven’t been able to give it one
#barnabywaltersit looks completely different to the leaflet popup example styling
#barnabywaltersdespite all my stylesheets and js being up to date
#EHLOVaderthat could or would benefit from SNI info and startssl free certs right?
#aaronpkEHLOVader: yeah I am, for testing. I found it very useful to be able to create *.dev certs and point things like to localhost so I can properly test
#EHLOVaderare the ones you sign basically as good as self signed?
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: adding the link to your signing utility along with the explanation of why it’s useful would certainly be a good addition to /https though
#jonnybarnesbut the overall idea of ssl seems so old-fashioned to me. Why can't we have a WoT system for ssl certs? and thus bypassing root certificates
#aaronpkwould be a good idea, especially since sometimes you need the intermediate certs installed otherwise it causes issues
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: well, if your browser is vulnerable then you’re compromised regardless of how well set up your server is, so I’d say it’s fairly relecant
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: jonnybarnes: well, if your browser is vulnerable then you’re compromised regardless of how well set up your server is, so I’d say it’s fairly relevant
#Zegnattantek: you asked yesterday if I was using WebFinger and why else I would care about its wiki page. I am not using it, only came upon it when reading the idno page and noticed the (wrong) link.
tantek, paulcp, dvirsky, caseorganic and kylewm joined the channel
#jonnybarnesfinally have a somewhat working version of location data on my notes :)
#jonnybarnesI just need to work out how to send that to Twitter. If you just send LatLng values to Twitter will they automatically change that into a place name or not?
#aaronpkthe only rate limit is the IRC limit of 1 per second, and how fast the twitter streaming search API returns things (which is multiple per second)
#marcthieletantek, we met briefly in Brooklyn and I was asking Jeremy how to contact you the best way. He said best is IRC. So here I am for the first time after using my C64
#tantekyou're using your C64 to chat on IRC? Awesome!
#marcthieleI started telling you about Bastian and that he wants to run an Indie Web Camp around beyond tellerrand in May.
#marcthielenot usin my C64 at the moment. But still have it build up right behind me. 2400 baud are way too slow I have to admit.
#tanteknot if the camps are run by someone who is talking more than doing - and not having (and not posting on) your own indieweb site would be more talking than doing
#EHLOVadernot 100% my words... have you heard of ze frank?
#marcthieleGreat. Thanks for a starting point. Have to take care of the kids and get them to bed now, but back later (and after I added myself and todl basti to do so).
LauraJ, bnvk, marcthiele, kylewm and tantek joined the channel
#marcthieleThe desctiption for registering a nick on is slightly wrong. It also needs "email" as a parameter to register your nick