2014-01-08 UTC
jchivers and mcepl joined the channel
# 00:29 aaronpk heh i'm gonna have to change that at some point soon
# 00:33 aaronpk also I should probably parse the page so I can say things like "reshared" and "liked" instead of just "linked to"
pfenwick, squeakytoy, vrypan_, caseorganic and paulcp joined the channel
# 01:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
brianloveswords, jchivers and jchivers_ joined the channel
squeakytoy joined the channel
snarfed and caseorganic joined the channel
pfenwick, lukebrooker, caseorganic and caseorga_ joined the channel
# 05:14 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: webmention accpet-header situation fixed. bridgy should not have any trouble now
# 05:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 05:40 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 25 minutes ago: webmention accpet-header situation fixed. bridgy should not have any trouble now
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed, poppy1 and benprew joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
snarfed, caseorganic and amblin joined the channel
schalkneethling, skinny and Zegnat joined the channel
# 07:57 Loqi Zegnat: tantek left you a message 9 hours, 48 minutes ago: are you using WebFinger on your own website? If not, why do you care about it at all? I suggest looking at IndieAuth instead: http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieAuth
eschnou, indiewebcamp-vis, squeakytoy, caseorganic, pfefferle, caseorga_, LauraJ, skinny, glennjones, josephboyle, BjornW, sebastien, Sebastien-L, pasevin and sebastien__ joined the channel
pasevin joined the channel
caseorganic, pfenwick, adactio, dentonjacobs, LauraJ, Sebastien-L, matthias_pfeffer, bnvk, glennjones, skinny, marc_, barnabywalters, Zegnat, BjornW, amblin, jonnybarnes and brianloveswords joined the channel
# 15:10 jonnybarnes would their be anything wrong with just marking up geo data with <wrap class="h-geo">...</>?
# 15:12 cweiske where you wrote it, or where the event you're talking about happened?
# 15:12 cweiske maybe you talk about a city and the corrds are the city's
# 15:14 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: if all you have is lat/long, h-geo works. if you have an address or a “place” then h-adr or h-card are more appropriate
# 15:14 barnabywalters if publishing the location of a h-entry, you can use the p-location property too
# 15:16 jonnybarnes I'm working out how to add location info to me notes, so initially via javascript you get lat/lng values
CheckDavid joined the channel
# 15:17 jonnybarnes then if I want to turn that into a "place" so my note can end withs something like "3 hours ago in Manchester, UK"
# 15:18 jonnybarnes and the other issue is reverse geocoding isnt the most reliable in terms of the format of the response given
# 15:19 jonnybarnes at the moment I'm making a request to Google Map's reverse geocoding API, and taking all the different values of "formatted_address" and putting them as options in a select element in the new post UI so I can pick the most appropriate
# 15:22 barnabywalters I’ll turn it into an actual package later on today, it’s been working well enough
# 15:25 barnabywalters yep, except it returns the first argument if it’s truthy, falling back to the second
CheckDavid joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:28 jonnybarnes and my site is on HTTPS, so an XmlHttpRequest to nominatim gets blocked by mixed-content rules
# 15:29 jonnybarnes but I still want to do it client side to confirm its the right address before posting
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 15:30 jonnybarnes then theres the other issue of counties being hopelessly wrong in OSM
# 15:30 EHLOVader I came across a project that reminded me of your group, may even jumpstart the indieweb in my life. Have you heard of Sovereign?
# 15:31 EHLOVader to configure cloud services on a personal VPS.. cloud is probably misnomer
# 15:32 EHLOVader but seems to be taking the web by storm, it is preferred now by most of the people I know that deal with stuff like that
# 15:32 EHLOVader thought I would pop in, lurk some, and throw that your way
# 15:33 jonnybarnes yeah, it uses angualar js but somethings gone wrong on the update page
bnvk joined the channel
# 15:33 EHLOVader I had though that there were services from your wiki that might suit it, but really all i found was libravatar and openvbx
# 15:34 EHLOVader btw, I found someone i know irl on your group in the wiki, does gRegorLove show up in IRC often?
# 15:34 EHLOVader he is more of an acquaintance, but was caught off guard when I saw his name on one of the projects
adactio joined the channel
# 15:37 EHLOVader not a real replacement for google apps, but there is some exciting stuff in that sovereign, like the CalDAV and CardDAV
# 15:37 EHLOVader and the RSS reader, and encrypted file system stored webmail
# 15:39 EHLOVader that is what one person used, are their verfied certs still $60/2yr if you wildcard them? or do they upcharge
# 15:40 jonnybarnes I only have three certs with them but they all work and were free
# 15:40 EHLOVader I was able to get the 5yr for $150 because I chatted and asked questions, they said they offer that to all the chat people
# 15:41 EHLOVader performance on that cloud is probably really good though... right/
# 15:41 jonnybarnes when I was looking for wildcards they would never do the root domain as well
# 15:42 jonnybarnes yeah, browsers always worked fine, but certain calendar software didnt
# 15:43 jonnybarnes it was also because my nginx configs weren't optimal, at least not for multiple ssl vhosts
# 15:45 EHLOVader oh, nginx, I was looking into that, h5bp has a great config set
# 15:45 EHLOVader friend of mine suggested using that always, he clones it and then symlinks all the configs
# 15:46 jonnybarnes my particular issue was getting PFS on my root domain by adding default to that vhost block
# 15:46 EHLOVader actually jonnybarnes that digitialocean, did it come with an sla?
# 15:49 EHLOVader the chicagovps one was a cyber monday deal... but even if I am stuck with a bad host for three years, $1.66/mo isn't bad for those specs
# 15:49 jonnybarnes we came up with the same solution to giving LatLng values to leaflet :)
# 15:49 EHLOVader chicagovps also uses the same datacenter as ipxcore, and their service and uptime seems to be solid.
# 15:55 jonnybarnes how about trying a taler height to see if the popup becomes more visible? changing the height in FF's inspector tools makes the map taller but the marker doesnt change position
# 15:56 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: well really it needs to have a solid background colour, but bizarrely I haven’t been able to give it one
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:16 jonnybarnes by adding a popup that pushed the marker down, and setting a map move function to move the marker to the center.
# 16:23 jonnybarnes thats partly why your missing some of the popup text. the js want to relocate the map to fit in the popup and your stopping it
adactio, snarfed, kylewm, LauraJ, npdoty and _6a68 joined the channel
# 16:55 aaronpk and since your site is PHP I already wrote most of the code for you
# 16:56 barnabywalters I am actually moving towards a similar approach to p3k, with one endpoint for the creation of all new posts
# 16:57 aaronpk i figure there's no harm in publishing that since it requires an access token to do anything
# 16:58 barnabywalters hm is it really necessary to fetch the page multiple times for all the different endpoints
# 17:00 barnabywalters ah, using static properties — I’m not used to using them, didn’t notice them there :)
# 17:01 aaronpk ah yea it's confusing cause the methods all call fetchBody, but the fetchBody is the method that does the caching
# 17:05 barnabywalters so now servers can make indieauth-authenticated + authorised requests on our behalf
# 17:06 aaronpk and we can build cool interfaces for posting things that other people can use
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:09 barnabywalters so for all of this to work securely we all need to be using https for our sites, correct?
# 17:10 barnabywalters and then a “how to set up HTTPS on your site” section on each web server implementation page
# 17:11 aaronpk and info about how not to get screwed over when trying to buy an ssl cert
# 17:12 barnabywalters so at this point I need to admit that I know absolutely nothing about https and defer to more knowledgable people
# 17:12 Zegnat "how not to get screwed over when trying to buy an ssl cert" - tip: do not use hosting that forces you to buy through them.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:15 EHLOVader that could or would benefit from SNI info and startssl free certs right?
# 17:15 aaronpk EHLOVader: yeah I am, for testing. I found it very useful to be able to create *.dev certs and point things like indieauth.dev to localhost so I can properly test
# 17:16 EHLOVader just for people who only have csr generators on hosts though?
# 17:16 aaronpk because once you add my root cert to your browser you don't get self-signed cert warnings
# 17:16 Zegnat barnabywalters: I would add it but I haven’t set-up my IndieAuth then. Debating about what domain I would use.
# 17:17 barnabywalters aaronpk: so what’s the process for fixing that, ringing up apple, microsoft, mozilla and google and asking them to add your root cert?
# 17:17 aaronpk EHLOVader: no, you just can't get a cert from anybody for a domain that doesn't exist
# 17:18 aaronpk barnabywalters: although there are other orgs that can distribute your root cert for lots of $$
# 17:18 aaronpk either way it's prohibitively expensive and complicated
# 17:18 aaronpk i did a bit of research on it, I could add to the wiki, but probably not on the main https page since it's kind of obscure information
schalkne_ joined the channel
# 17:22 barnabywalters aaronpk: adding the link to your signing utility along with the explanation of why it’s useful would certainly be a good addition to /https though
# 17:25 jonnybarnes I think in general startssl would be best to talk about o the wiki primarily because they're free
# 17:26 jonnybarnes but the overall idea of ssl seems so old-fashioned to me. Why can't we have a WoT system for ssl certs? and thus bypassing root certificates
# 17:34 barnabywalters I wonder how tricky it would be to create a similar site but for testing an implementation
# 17:35 aaronpk would be a good idea, especially since sometimes you need the intermediate certs installed otherwise it causes issues
# 17:35 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: well, if your browser is vulnerable then you’re compromised regardless of how well set up your server is, so I’d say it’s fairly relecant
# 17:35 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: jonnybarnes: well, if your browser is vulnerable then you’re compromised regardless of how well set up your server is, so I’d say it’s fairly relevant
tantek and benwerd joined the channel
snarfed and _6a68 joined the channel
# 17:56 Zegnat tantek: you asked yesterday if I was using WebFinger and why else I would care about its wiki page. I am not using it, only came upon it when reading the idno page and noticed the (wrong) link.
# 18:00 EHLOVader when you were talking about WoT certificates... did you guys mention Sovereign Keys?
Sebastien-L and kylewm joined the channel
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 18:25 aaronpk I do have an API for posting notes now, however my main p3k interface hasn't been updated to use it yet
# 18:30 jonnybarnes interesting, and you were saying if before with barnabywalters, if we all used APIs we could post to our own sites off each others UIs?
tantek, paulcp, dvirsky, caseorganic and kylewm joined the channel
# 18:53 jonnybarnes finally have a somewhat working version of location data on my notes :)
# 18:54 jonnybarnes I just need to work out how to send that to Twitter. If you just send LatLng values to Twitter will they automatically change that into a place name or not?
caseorganic and marcthie_ joined the channel
# 19:26 aaronpk the only rate limit is the IRC limit of 1 per second, and how fast the twitter streaming search API returns things (which is multiple per second)
# 19:29 jonnybarnes talking of https, does anyone know if nginx will support spdy/3 anytime soon?
# 19:30 bear jonnybarnes - you should point the https page to the nginx page since the config section is more detailed on it
# 19:31 bear the patches for spdy/3 are in the dev channel IIRC
# 19:31 aaronpk wow congrats everyone, we now have a pretty thorough page on https! amazing work!
# 19:35 jonnybarnes bear, hows that. Ill add my php5-fpm note to the nginx page now :)
Chloe joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 19:56 KartikPrabhu is this supposed to be satire? If not, its is pretty mindless article
# 19:58 jonnybarnes I think the author, in story form, is expressing his uneasiness about everything being networked
# 19:59 jonnybarnes but its not the networking itself thats the problem, its all the data it produces
# 20:00 tantek lol - there's no internet of things. only silos of things (currently, e.g. all the real world examples given in the article are all silos)
# 20:01 tantek we could. I'm still waiting for wifi and TCP/IP to work reliably
# 20:02 tantek e.g. stop getting those "someone else is using the IP address blah.blah.blah.blah" alerts
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 20:02 tantek or the wifi with the exclamation point icon (instead of a number of bars of signal)
# 20:03 tantek or 169. self-assigned addresses because the DHCP server is being dumb.
# 20:04 marcthiele tantek, we met briefly in Brooklyn and I was asking Jeremy how to contact you the best way. He said best is IRC. So here I am for the first time after using my C64
# 20:05 tantek you're using your C64 to chat on IRC? Awesome!
# 20:05 marcthiele I started telling you about Bastian and that he wants to run an Indie Web Camp around beyond tellerrand in May.
# 20:06 marcthiele not usin my C64 at the moment. But still have it build up right behind me. 2400 baud are way too slow I have to admit.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 20:06 tantek anyone that wants to run an IndieWebCamp really needs to be on the channel to connect with the existing community.
# 20:08 tantek marcthiele - before running an IndieWebCamp, perhaps encourage Bastian to get on the Indie Web himself.
# 20:12 tantek in general I'd say it's more important for folks to get on the IndieWeb than run an indiewebcamp, I'd see it as a pre-requisite in fact.
# 20:12 tantek since we want to encourage more doing than talking.
# 20:14 marcthiele True, but to let more people know about it, I think it is also important to run the camps, isn't it?
bpayton joined the channel
# 20:14 tantek not if the camps are run by someone who is talking more than doing - and not having (and not posting on) your own indieweb site would be more talking than doing
# 20:15 tantek it's actually an anti-pattern to focus on the telling
# 20:15 tantek much more important that anyone who runs a camp is *living* the indieweb themselves to set a good example
# 20:16 EHLOVader the first time you do anything it will suck, it is highly likely, but to never do it is worse
# 20:17 marcthiele Great. Thanks for a starting point. Have to take care of the kids and get them to bed now, but back later (and after I added myself and todl basti to do so).
chloe joined the channel
# 20:23 EHLOVader I got a new vps, plan to setup sovereign, and indiewebcamp was on the mind when planning it
# 20:23 EHLOVader so indieauth would work.. which btw, who uses indie auth...
# 20:27 peat EHLOVader: I use indieauth.com as a delegate for my OpenID.
# 20:27 EHLOVader so I can throw indieauth into any openid field and it should auth/
# 20:29 peat Heh. I think aaronpk gets billed for it. So, you know, try as often as you like.
# 20:29 aaronpk I should figure out some way to not get billed for it, lol
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# 21:54 peat ... figured I should add myself, too.
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# 22:06 marcthiele also done adding myself. Proofed again that I am so bad at writing about myself.
benwerd joined the channel
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# 22:42 tantek or the reverse to satisfy all the JSON consumers out there
# 22:42 tantek the theory being that XOXO is easier to publish
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 22:54 snarfed yeah, aaronpk mentioned wanting to use the actual tweet (etc) permalink instead of bridgy's
# 23:05 aaronpk heh that's basically equivalent to twitter's "___ liked a tweet you were mentioned in"
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:16 KevinMarks "The emphasis doesn’t seem to be on the authors themselves, but rather on the authority of the sites they’re writing for"
lukebrooker, tilgovi and snarfed joined the channel
# 23:50 benwerd Thank *you*! Also, that tweet, and a reply to aaronpk, were also part of a screen recording indieweb demo, which I'll upload this evening.