#KevinMarksI checked yesterday when I set up the neo meeting
#tantekcaseorganic - we should work to "sell out" IndieWebCampSF and start a waitlist ASAP
KartikPrabhu and caseorganic joined the channel
#tantekKevinMarks - did you add Neo to the list of candidates and note you were asking them? We've been asynchronously working on several venues in parallel for a while (including MozSF, github, etc.) using the wiki as a place to keep that incremental state.
#tantek1. Socratic method - ask them what they're trying to do, why, and keep digging until you get to a profit/selfish motivation and see if they understand or care that their behavior is bad for the web.
#tantekand it was not pollution, but rather, Google not wanting to index "search results"
#tantekoriginally technorati.com/tag/ pages *only* showed posts/photos/links etc. that were all EXPLICITLY tagged by the people posting them. So it was a *set* that made sense to index.
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekbut then out of a misplaced sense of "usability" someone in product (pretty sure guy who's name started with D) decided to make /tag/ pages show *search* results and not just explicitly tagged things. And that was the huge mistake that made Google want to punish those pages for.
#Loqitantek meant to say: but then out of a misplaced sense of "usability" someone in product (pretty sure guy whose name started with D) decided to make /tag/ pages show *search* results and not just explicitly tagged things. And that was the huge mistake that made Google want to punish those pages for.
#tantekcaseorganic, be careful not with the asking of questions, but how you choose to think about them - that's the key
#tantekif you've already thought the misframed thought - it's too late
#tantekmatters less if you speak it out loud or not - your view has been (mis)shaped already which may affect your future statements
scor joined the channel
#KevinMarks2Right Tantek. That we were indexing other tagspaces than just our own helped with the explanation
#aaronpkyes. although if the content is not your own, you should use h-cite instead of h-entry I think.
#KevinMarks2Aaron posted, acegiak reposted? Or shared?
#aaronpkthe h-cite gives you the place to put your annotations (like, repost, or even additional text) and the h-entry inside would be the original post with the author's own h-card.
#acegiakI'm just trying to work out how to handle multiple verbs
#acegiakone thing I'm noticing is I've got a lot of posts on my site when I just reblog something without comment so the content section of my h-entry is empty because the importance is the verb and the h-cite
#tommorrisovernight, I seem to have registered a domain purely for the purpose of comedy (completelyheterosexual.com) and built out most of the implementation of webmentions on my site
#tommorrisalso redirected blog.tommorris.org to tommorris.org
#tantekwhere is this OAuth/OpenID meeting happening anyway?
#aaronpkno idea. i can't keep track of all of this anymore.
#aaronpkoauth has splintered off into like 6 different groups, and they all seem to have various meetings or conference calls at different times to discuss things.
#Loqiaaronpk meant to say: oauth has splintered off into like 6 different groups, and they all seem to have various meetings or conference calls at different times to discuss Things.
#aaronpkmeanwhile, *actual* oauth continues to solidify itself and demonstrate what people actually care about (see recent advancements in the UI from companies like Github where they let you generate multiple access tokens for your own account by clicking a button)
bnvk, LauraJ, poppy, eschnou and friedcell joined the channel
#Jeenaoh hell yeah, thanks to tanteks explanation yesterday about the prefixes of microformats I did: <span class="p-photo">https://jeena.net/avatar.jpg</a>
#Jeenaah, but <data> looks cooler and I never used it, so data it is :-D
#tantekyes, <data> is technically the better choice for such invisible things
#JeenaI could do the whole h-card in <data>, oh the possibilities!
#tantektrue! but since you already have the information visible on the page, might as well mark that part up at least
#JeenaI don't have it visible, and I kind of don't want it either for now
#tantekindeed that's your design choice! will be interesting to see how you feel a year from now, how your design evolves etc.
pasevin joined the channel
#adactioIndie Web friends, this event in Düsseldorf in May (right after the Beyond Tellerrand conference) will be very Indie Webish and they're looking for workshop and speaking proposals: http://decentralizecamp.com/
#JeenaYeah, I feel like change about once every one or two years
julien51, LauraJ, tobiastom, pfefferle, chloeweil_ and caseorganic joined the channel
#barnabywaltersdecentralizecamp doesn’t seem very focused on building things — “This camp is about defining the status quo, about exchanging ideas, making plans and moving forward” is very vague
#tobiastombarnabywalters: that idea is to raise awareness for the indie web. telling people why it is important and that we still could live in a social world, even when we don't use all the services out there. It's about getting more people into the indie bubble, not scaring them away with technical details. :)
caseorganic and tobiastom joined the channel
#tobiastomlooking into the log to check if the message came through… strange feeling.
#barnabywaltersyep, I got it :) freenode has been really flaky recently
#tobiastomlooks more like my connection is really messy today :)
#barnabywalterstobiastom: charging an entrance fee seems like it would be contrary to that goal — why would someone who doesn’t understand the problems care enough to pay to get in? maybe you can find a sponsor who’ll cover those costs
#barnabywaltersI’m assuming by your stance that you’re involved with organising decentcamp?
#tobiastombarnabywalters: hm. that's a very valid point. I've not even seen that it costs something, I just "know" they guys that organize it.
carlo_au joined the channel
#tobiastomnope. not really. but I'll forward your point :)
#marcthieleTantek, I sent you an email a few days ago with the link to the concept
#barnabywaltersso the question is not “why the cost” (that much is explained by the website) — the question is, if this event is aimed at non-technical people as tobiastom posited, what will make them care enough to pay the entrance fee?
#marcthieleYep organizing stuff like this is always a nice task.
#marcthieleAm running beyond tellerrand in May and Bastian and I are setting up this camp as we think it is a good chance to get some awareness for this topic, as 500 ppl are already there for beyond tellerrand anyways.
#barnabywaltersmarcthiele: ah great, so you have a big pool of people in the right place at the right time
#barnabywaltersthat’s a strategy which has always worked out well for indiewebcamp
#marcthielebarnabywalters: I can't guarantee, but it is a try. And I am thinking positive that thi is understandable
#marcthielebarnabywalters: Yep. That is the plan. Hope it works out.
#marcthieletantek, the thing I was initing you is a draft and we'd love a few people who know more than us to check it before we throw it out. We are quite new to this topic and guess we'll fail at many things first;)
benprew, iangreenleaf and caseorganic joined the channel
#marcthieleis taking care of the kids now. Dinner time. Back later.
jkphl, caseorganic and MattBeran joined the channel
#MattBeranLevel of effort estimate: 2 hours to learn and setup IRC. First timer.
#barnabywaltersMattBeran: “read somewhere” — do you have a link to where you read that?
#barnabywaltersif there are specific issues you might be able to address them in the client
#barnabywaltersotherwise it’s a bit too vague to make any particular suggestions based on :)
#MattBeranYes - had one for a while mattberan.com - but it's tumblr redirect. I use wordpress on productivecast.com. I know HTML/CSS/Design tools very well, and Javascript only slightly well.
#MattBeranRE: Security: Perfect, I'll research the client and configure - thanks
#barnabywaltersMattBeran: tumblr is a good platform to start on/grow from, and you've got your own domain which is the important thing.
#MattBeranPerfection. Thank you so much for setting me on the right path - you have saved me countless hours!
jkphl1 joined the channel
#barnabywaltersand please don’t hesitate to ask questions here if anything is confusing — we’re always looking to improve our documentation :)
#tommorrisbarnabywalters: done by pointing blog.tommorris.org to tommorris-redir.herokuapp.com which then sends the user on to tommorris.org/post/redirect?url={original URL}
#tommorrisand tommorris.org looks up the URL in the DB.
#barnabywalterstommorris: nice, is that approach (esp. the fuzzy matching rules) documented anywhere?
#tommorrisno, I need to write a “what I’ve been doing with my site” post in the next day or so
#tommorristhe fuzzy matching rule is stripping the post slug off and matching against post ID. ;)
#barnabywalterstommorris: yeah that would be great, maybe a how-to or link on iwc/Tumblr like “how to keep tumblr links working when you move to a self-hosted system”
#AndySylvesteraaronpk, I have installed your fork of the Selfoss RSS reader, and I have two questions
#AndySylvester(1) have you tried the username/password feature?
#AndySylvester(2) what microformats parser support did you add?
#AndySylvesterI have been unable to successfully use the username/password setup, and I noticed that the reader does not seem to recognize the microformat content I have
#aaronpkAndySylvester: it's still super experimental, I wouldn't necessarily recommend using it just yet.
#aaronpkbut right now I log in with a username/password
#AndySylvesterI am looking at some search results, it looks like I am supposed to go to the password URL, get a hash of my password, then add that to my config file, then use the password when I log in
#AndySylvesterI didn't see that last night when I worked on it
#aaronpkyeah once you add the hash to the config it should prompt you for the password
#AndySylvesterI added the subscription file from Amber's post on the Selfoss reader, it seems like there are several feeds that the reader is not recognizing
#aaronpkthat is quite likely. like I said I did a bare minimum feed parsing just to see some stuff
#aaronpkit needs a lot more work to handle all the edge cases of everyone's feeds
#AndySylvesterI appreciate your work on this, I am planning to spend some time playing with this reader.
#AndySylvesterI will not be at the meeting tonight, but I will be posting a HOWTO on setting up the Selfoss reader by Thursday or Friday.
#aaronpklike, sign in with indieauth, make an inline reply feature so you can quickly reply to things, make the star button post a like on your site, etc
#AndySylvestersounds good, I just looked at your list
#KartikPrabhuinteresting find. Though I must admit to being a bit confused as to how/why/what is useful
#aaronpkthis is nice: "When the keybase client requests maria's key from the keybase server, it does not simply trust the public key because it trusts the server.... Rather, the server replies with links to tweets, gists, etc. -- maria's public identity proofs. The keybase client does not trust that these are honest, so it scrapes them directly and makes sure they were signed by the same public key that the
#JeenaI did some speed up of my website today and got the response time down from 400ms to 200ms, but I don't think I will be able to get much faster because of the rails overhead.
#aaronpkwow really? what's the delay from? i'm pretty sure i've seen rails sites go faster
#Jeenahm but I have a rel="me" which points to Twitter/Facebook/Github/Flickr already, how would the reader know which one of them is my /about or /contact page?
#LoqiJeena meant to say: so, am I understanding it correctly that I can remove the h-card from the homepage and instead add <a href="/about" rel="me">about</a> to it?
#Jeena/about This is not a supported authentication provider.
#Jeenaor it is the indieauth.com website which the wiki uses
#tantek.comedited /2014/SF/Guest_List (+821) "/* Official Guest List */ add headings for Creators, Apprentices, and add my apprentice Dan Gillmor who will be attending both days" (view diff)
#tantekJeena - I'm pretty sure the current IndieAuth implementation did not yet implement that part of the RelMeAuth algorithm
#tantekbut fortunately it only depends on rel-me links - not your full hCard
#tantekso you can keep rel-me links on your home page root for now for IndieAuth