2014-02-26 UTC
# 00:00 caseorganic KevinMarks2: could totally do a larger event there, but would be best to do sat and sunday
# 00:00 caseorganic KevinMarks2: there's a conf in the way that i need to fly out to on sunday
# 00:00 caseorganic KevinMarks2: i'd really like to get a lot of stuff done in a small group for the first in sf
# 00:00 caseorganic KevinMarks2: for a larger one to occur we need more onboarding pages
# 00:01 KevinMarks2 I get that. I think this would work as a future expansion. They are very supportive, and relatively inexpensive
caseorganic joined the channel
bnvk, pfenwick, krendil, willnorris, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:06 tantek Kevinmarks, your statement "we're good for 7-8th march" out of context sounded like you were trying to move the venue to Neo!
# 01:07 tantek caseorganic, I *strongly* agree that the first of something needs to be smaller, more intimate.
# 01:07 tantek too much space/emptiness and it feels empty/sad.
# 01:07 KevinMarks I was looking into Neo, 'cos I din't know Embassy was settled.
# 01:09 tantek caseorganic - we should work to "sell out" IndieWebCampSF and start a waitlist ASAP
KartikPrabhu and caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:10 tantek KevinMarks - did you add Neo to the list of candidates and note you were asking them? We've been asynchronously working on several venues in parallel for a while (including MozSF, github, etc.) using the wiki as a place to keep that incremental state.
# 01:10 tantek caseorganic, I *strongly* agree that the first of something needs to be smaller, more intimate.
# 01:10 tantek caseorganic - we should work to "sell out" IndieWebCampSF and start a waitlist ASAP.
# 01:11 tantek np, just making sure there wasn't some other coordination point you were trying to use
# 01:11 KevinMarks I know that event size tends to grow too fast here, so a bigger space could be good for next time.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:22 tantek willnorris - there are plenty of nice places to get dinner nearby on Haight Street
# 01:22 tantek we can do a mass walk over just like we did at IndieWebCamp2013 dinner in PDX.
# 01:23 willnorris yeah. we should go ahead and reserve space for this size group though
# 01:23 tantek we can do that closer to the date as we get a better handle on actual numberse
# 01:24 tantek Indian Oven on Fillmore & Haight st is a good place that can likely handle us
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:28 tantek KevinMarks - that URL requires a login (pix of neo space) - can you share somewhere without a login wall?
# 01:30 caseorganic KevinMarks: tantek: aaronpk: talking with someone about using microformats vs. schema - can you help with arguments?
# 01:30 tantek caseorganic, open with a community behind it. vs. owned by Google with patents and ZERO community.
# 01:31 tantek oh, and the best reason, microformats are less work
# 01:31 caseorganic tantek: will google block microformats in the future in favor of schema only?
# 01:31 caseorganic tantek: at a local data conf and talking with someone about which format for lots and lots of his data
# 01:31 tantek caseorganic - WTF? Why would anyone ask such a negatively framed question? Sounds like you're talking with a troll.
# 01:32 tantek no seriously - anyone who thinks in terms of Google "blocking" something has a problem
# 01:32 sparverius the only way to get google to block you is to get DMCA'd or be such a tremendous douchebag that nothing of value was lost
# 01:33 tantek caseorganic, he must be new to web development then
# 01:35 sparverius and what exactly does blocked mean because occasionally people get googlesmacked for having sites that load realllly slowly
# 01:35 tantek sparverius, right, it's specific to *content* and *sites*, not technology
# 01:36 tantek I'll put it bluntly: schemaorg is bad for the open web. period.
emmak joined the channel
# 01:37 tantek (not linked from anywhere, but you know, URLs should be hackable by default ;) )
snarfed and pfenwick joined the channel
# 01:48 tantek caseorganic - what's there to describe? you're familiar with SEO Marketers (AKA spammers) right?
# 01:48 tantek they're the ones always worried about being "blocked"
# 01:48 tantek so when someone asks a question like that, they give away their background mindset/perspective
# 01:49 caseorganic tantek: so just ignore them if they ask questions? what is the protocol?
# 01:50 tantek or someone who works for a polluting industry?
# 01:50 tantek 1. Socratic method - ask them what they're trying to do, why, and keep digging until you get to a profit/selfish motivation and see if they understand or care that their behavior is bad for the web.
# 01:51 tantek 2. or troll them with rabbitholes and friction. E.g. suggest that they look into RDFa.
# 01:52 tantek I prefer to use (1) because I like to think most people want to do the right thing and are just unaware that they're being bad citizens.
# 01:52 tantek but if they're clearly an unsavable SMD, then (2) can be done in a tongue in cheek way
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:53 tantek preferably AFTER they admit that they don't care about polluting the web
# 01:54 caseorganic tantek: unfortunately the question about google blocking microformats was my question, so i am the snake oil salesperson :(
# 01:54 tantek caseorganic, what made you come up with the use of that word "blocking" ?
grantmacken joined the channel
# 01:55 KevinMarks there is endless debate about what is parsed by whom. Google does parse microformats, and their own tools show it
# 01:56 KevinMarks and they are very easy to add to web templates, unlike schema stuff which is very structured
# 01:58 KevinMarks reads scrollback - if we go out near indieweb, don't wear Glasss in case of Haight crimes
# 01:58 tantek caseorganic, can you trace the provenance of your thought process that resulted in typing "block[ing]"?
# 02:00 tantek if we can trace an idea to its genesis we can alter its propagation in the future
# 02:01 KevinMarks we did have to explain why rel-tag was not pollution to google at one point
willnorris joined the channel
# 02:02 tantek KevinMarks - no we had to explain why technorati.com/tag/ pages were not pollution to google at some point
# 02:03 tantek and it was not pollution, but rather, Google not wanting to index "search results"
# 02:03 tantek originally technorati.com/tag/ pages *only* showed posts/photos/links etc. that were all EXPLICITLY tagged by the people posting them. So it was a *set* that made sense to index.
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:05 tantek but then out of a misplaced sense of "usability" someone in product (pretty sure guy who's name started with D) decided to make /tag/ pages show *search* results and not just explicitly tagged things. And that was the huge mistake that made Google want to punish those pages for.
# 02:05 Loqi tantek meant to say: but then out of a misplaced sense of "usability" someone in product (pretty sure guy whose name started with D) decided to make /tag/ pages show *search* results and not just explicitly tagged things. And that was the huge mistake that made Google want to punish those pages for.
# 02:05 tantek caseorganic, be careful not with the asking of questions, but how you choose to think about them - that's the key
# 02:06 tantek if you've already thought the misframed thought - it's too late
# 02:06 tantek matters less if you speak it out loud or not - your view has been (mis)shaped already which may affect your future statements
scor joined the channel
# 02:15 KevinMarks2 Right Tantek. That we were indexing other tagspaces than just our own helped with the explanation
# 02:16 tantek you could paginate through the entire collection
# 02:17 tantek there was an aspect of comprehensiveness and precision
caseorganic and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:56 aaronpk it's actually going to be set up like bridgy where anybody can use it if they support photo posts from their micropub API
tilgovi joined the channel
# 03:29 acegiak so here's a question. If I reblog, comment on and like a post/note/whatever. should htat appear as one h-entry or multiple on my site?
# 03:32 aaronpk apparently it's been a long time since i've rewteeted anything
# 03:34 acegiak the question is really, do we consider an h-entry to be an action or a piece of content?
paulcp joined the channel
# 03:35 aaronpk yes. although if the content is not your own, you should use h-cite instead of h-entry I think.
# 03:35 aaronpk the h-cite gives you the place to put your annotations (like, repost, or even additional text) and the h-entry inside would be the original post with the author's own h-card.
# 03:36 acegiak I'm just trying to work out how to handle multiple verbs
# 03:36 KevinMarks2 Hmm. Well then the entry is your past and the cite is the repost?
# 03:38 acegiak one thing I'm noticing is I've got a lot of posts on my site when I just reblog something without comment so the content section of my h-entry is empty because the importance is the verb and the h-cite
# 03:44 acegiak so my h-cites also have p-in-reply-to even when I'm not posting additional comment
tilgovi and snarfed joined the channel
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# 04:07 tantek aaronpk, re: ownyourgram - was owngram taken?
# 04:09 tantek aaonpk, not sure I understand the question about "sound reasonable"?
# 04:10 aaronpk oh I dont have much experience with h-cite (i'm only using it for reply context, and may even be using it wrong still)
# 04:10 aaronpk i haven't thought about publishing reposts yet at all
snarfed, caseorganic, bnvk, cweiske and eschnou joined the channel
sparverius, paulcp and LauraJ joined the channel
# 07:26 tommorris overnight, I seem to have registered a domain purely for the purpose of comedy (completelyheterosexual.com) and built out most of the implementation of webmentions on my site
KevinMarks and Jihaisse joined the channel
# 07:58 tantek aaronpk - wow that's pretty messed up. also - I have no idea who any of these people are.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 07:59 tantek where is this OAuth/OpenID meeting happening anyway?
# 07:59 aaronpk no idea. i can't keep track of all of this anymore.
# 08:00 aaronpk oauth has splintered off into like 6 different groups, and they all seem to have various meetings or conference calls at different times to discuss things.
# 08:01 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: oauth has splintered off into like 6 different groups, and they all seem to have various meetings or conference calls at different times to discuss Things.
# 08:02 aaronpk meanwhile, *actual* oauth continues to solidify itself and demonstrate what people actually care about (see recent advancements in the UI from companies like Github where they let you generate multiple access tokens for your own account by clicking a button)
bnvk, LauraJ, poppy, eschnou and friedcell joined the channel
sparverius, chloeweil, eschnou, icco, Sebastien-L and Jihaisse joined the channel
# 09:39 tommorris holds breath and attempts to deploy webmention code to tommorris.org
caseorganic, bnvk, jancborchardt, KevinMarks_, barnabywalters, ttepasse, sparverius, adactio, scor, Garbee, CheckDavid, pasevin, glennjones, LauraJ and melvster joined the channel
# 13:21 Jeena is it possible to markup my h-card with a photo but without using <img src="/avatar.jpg"> for it? Because even if if I do display: none
Sebastien-L and scor joined the channel
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# 13:49 tantek Jeena or an empty <a href> too if you want take advantage of u- parsing rules
# 13:49 tantek e.g. <a class="u-photo" href="avatar.jpg"></a>
# 13:50 Jeena ah, but <data> looks cooler and I never used it, so data it is :-D
# 13:50 tantek yes, <data> is technically the better choice for such invisible things
# 13:50 Jeena I could do the whole h-card in <data>, oh the possibilities!
# 13:51 tantek true! but since you already have the information visible on the page, might as well mark that part up at least
# 13:51 Jeena I don't have it visible, and I kind of don't want it either for now
# 13:54 tantek indeed that's your design choice! will be interesting to see how you feel a year from now, how your design evolves etc.
pasevin joined the channel
# 14:01 adactio Indie Web friends, this event in Düsseldorf in May (right after the Beyond Tellerrand conference) will be very Indie Webish and they're looking for workshop and speaking proposals: http://decentralizecamp.com/
# 14:02 Jeena Yeah, I feel like change about once every one or two years
julien51, LauraJ, tobiastom, pfefferle, chloeweil_ and caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:06 barnabywalters decentralizecamp doesn’t seem very focused on building things — “This camp is about defining the status quo, about exchanging ideas, making plans and moving forward” is very vague
# 15:12 tobiastom barnabywalters: that idea is to raise awareness for the indie web. telling people why it is important and that we still could live in a social world, even when we don't use all the services out there. It's about getting more people into the indie bubble, not scaring them away with technical details. :)
caseorganic and tobiastom joined the channel
# 15:15 tobiastom looking into the log to check if the message came through… strange feeling.
# 15:15 tobiastom looks more like my connection is really messy today :)
# 15:16 barnabywalters tobiastom: charging an entrance fee seems like it would be contrary to that goal — why would someone who doesn’t understand the problems care enough to pay to get in? maybe you can find a sponsor who’ll cover those costs
# 15:18 tobiastom barnabywalters: hm. that's a very valid point. I've not even seen that it costs something, I just "know" they guys that organize it.
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# 15:18 tobiastom nope. not really. but I'll forward your point :)
glennjones, snarfed, tobiastom_, caseorganic, caseorga_ and bnvk joined the channel
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chloeweil and marcthiele joined the channel
# 16:30 marcthiele Hi heard from Tobias, that a question was raised, why we charge about 20 to 25 Euro for the Decentralize Camp?
# 16:31 marcthiele The money is only taken to give out free drinks (Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks and Beer) plus food (lunch, bffet stile)
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:33 marcthiele Tantek, I sent you an email a few days ago with the link to the concept
# 16:33 barnabywalters so the question is not “why the cost” (that much is explained by the website) — the question is, if this event is aimed at non-technical people as tobiastom posited, what will make them care enough to pay the entrance fee?
# 16:34 marcthiele As said: The entrance fee is for the full day covering just the cost for their lunch and drinks.
# 16:34 tantek marcthiele - hmm email - might have gotten lost. sorry!
# 16:35 marcthiele The reason for not having the registration yet is, that I am still waiting for the estimated cost of the lunch.
# 16:35 tantek marcthiele - it's cool - organizing these things is always a challenge. totally sympathize.
# 16:35 tantek the more you can document it (the whole process) openly, the better.
# 16:35 tantek heck, we do all our indiewebcamp organizing live publicly on the wiki.
# 16:35 marcthiele So ppl you mention, @barnabywalters, should be ok with paying for this, even if they are non-tech
# 16:36 tantek marcthiele - definitely recommend putting all that in an FAQ
# 16:38 marcthiele Good point, tantek. We just launched the basic site yesterday, Bastian and me.
# 16:39 marcthiele Am running beyond tellerrand in May and Bastian and I are setting up this camp as we think it is a good chance to get some awareness for this topic, as 500 ppl are already there for beyond tellerrand anyways.
# 16:40 barnabywalters marcthiele: ah great, so you have a big pool of people in the right place at the right time
# 16:40 marcthiele barnabywalters: I can't guarantee, but it is a try. And I am thinking positive that thi is understandable
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# 16:48 tantek marcthiele tobiastom great having you here in the channel too!
# 16:50 marcthiele tantek, the thing I was initing you is a draft and we'd love a few people who know more than us to check it before we throw it out. We are quite new to this topic and guess we'll fail at many things first;)
benprew, iangreenleaf and caseorganic joined the channel
jkphl, caseorganic and MattBeran joined the channel
# 17:26 MattBeran Level of effort estimate: 2 hours to learn and setup IRC. First timer.
# 17:27 MattBeran ty @barnabywalters!
# 17:29 MattBeran Noob question on IRC - does your name color indicate something?
# 17:29 MattBeran Blue vs. orange?
# 17:29 MattBeran Byrd (Chrome extension)
# 17:30 MattBeran Ah - context! Love. Thank you.
# 17:30 MattBeran I had lunch with @CaseOrganic two days ago and she mentioned indieweb - I saw it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
# 17:31 barnabywalters nice, working on your own site is a great way to expand your skill set, as well as push the boundaries of what’s possible on the web
# 17:33 barnabywalters otherwise it’s a bit too vague to make any particular suggestions based on :)
# 17:34 MattBeran Yes - had one for a while mattberan.com - but it's tumblr redirect. I use wordpress on productivecast.com. I know HTML/CSS/Design tools very well, and Javascript only slightly well.
# 17:34 MattBeran RE: Security: Perfect, I'll research the client and configure - thanks
# 17:35 barnabywalters MattBeran: tumblr is a good platform to start on/grow from, and you've got your own domain which is the important thing.
# 17:36 MattBeran I have to explore the wiki - is there a "getting started" guide for indiecamp newbs?
# 17:36 barnabywalters e.g. tommorris used to have a blog hosted on tumblr but has moved to his own software without breaking any links
tilgovi joined the channel
# 17:37 MattBeran Perfection. Thank you so much for setting me on the right path - you have saved me countless hours!
jkphl1 joined the channel
# 17:37 barnabywalters and please don’t hesitate to ask questions here if anything is confusing — we’re always looking to improve our documentation :)
# 17:37 tommorris barnabywalters: done by pointing blog.tommorris.org to tommorris-redir.herokuapp.com which then sends the user on to tommorris.org/post/redirect?url={original URL}
# 17:38 barnabywalters tommorris: nice, is that approach (esp. the fuzzy matching rules) documented anywhere?
# 17:38 tommorris no, I need to write a “what I’ve been doing with my site” post in the next day or so
# 17:38 tommorris the fuzzy matching rule is stripping the post slug off and matching against post ID. ;)
# 17:39 barnabywalters tommorris: yeah that would be great, maybe a how-to or link on iwc/Tumblr like “how to keep tumblr links working when you move to a self-hosted system”
# 17:40 tommorris “The web is a platform” logic is silly, because “iOS is a platform” log is also silly.
# 17:41 tommorris If you write an iOS app, you may have functionality which is only available on certain device or OS version combinations
# 17:41 tommorris Which is fine. But the web having the same thing for browsers is considered a bug. ;)
# 17:41 KartikPrabhu true. but in some sense it is more pronounced in browsers... which is fine
KevinMarks, paulcp and _6a68 joined the channel
bret, snarfed, squeakytoy, friedcell, CheckDavid and tobiastom joined the channel
# 18:26 aaronpk at least they'll be taking up some of the airspace for the term "atom"
# 18:28 snarfed yeah, the adam kinda-collision is tough, but maybe also a bit easier than a truly weird name
# 18:28 aaronpk sounds pretty much exactly the same in american english
# 18:28 snarfed i kind of like it (we've been thinking about baby names ourselves.)
# 18:32 ttepasse There must be something witty with future marriage and molecules in there.
bpayton, KevinMarks_ and willnorris joined the channel
# 18:43 aaronpk tommorris: are you on that email list where paris is being mentioned?
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:45 tommorris yep, the point of it was to try and sneak people off mailing lists and onto wikis. ;)
# 18:45 aaronpk are you going to reply with a link t othe wiki page to continue discussing there? :)
KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, cweiske and paulcp joined the channel
# 19:25 bret whoa, irc scrollback full of disconnects
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# 19:33 snarfed turned off join/part messages ages ago and never looked back
squeakytoy, grantmacken, squeakytoy2, pasevin_, friedcell1, arcasin, eschnou, KevinMarks, paulcp, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_, CheckDavid, snarfed, bret, iangreenleaf, benprew, josephboyle, marcthiele, bnvk, scor, melvster, Garbee, sparverius, ttepasse, icco, gavinc, rknLA, aaronpk, Raymondo, JasonO, netweb, rektide, otterdam, jtzl_, JonathanNeal, hober, tommorris, etymancer, michel_v, Jeena, reidab, walkah, ryana, bear, hugoroyd, hadleybeeman, Phae, wagle, the_merl1n, dietrich_, anselm, amblin, onewheelskyward, lmjabreu, saurik, bigbluehat, edsu, jacus, nagaway, igalic, edrex, inimino`, pavelz, pdurbin, realzies, Alkhemist, XgF, nloadholtes, hidgw, sdboyer, heath, mko, brianloveswords, jjuran, catsup, acegiak, brixen, marjolein, pasevin, KevinMarks2, bpayton, yaf, LauraJ and indiewebcamp-vis joined the channel
# 20:26 AndySylvester aaronpk, I have installed your fork of the Selfoss RSS reader, and I have two questions
# 20:26 AndySylvester (1) have you tried the username/password feature?
# 20:27 AndySylvester (2) what microformats parser support did you add?
# 20:28 AndySylvester I have been unable to successfully use the username/password setup, and I noticed that the reader does not seem to recognize the microformat content I have
# 20:38 aaronpk AndySylvester: it's still super experimental, I wouldn't necessarily recommend using it just yet.
# 20:39 AndySylvester I am looking at some search results, it looks like I am supposed to go to the password URL, get a hash of my password, then add that to my config file, then use the password when I log in
# 20:39 AndySylvester I didn't see that last night when I worked on it
# 20:40 aaronpk although I'm not entirely convinced it's actually finding stuff from all of those
# 20:40 aaronpk yeah once you add the hash to the config it should prompt you for the password
# 20:40 AndySylvester I added the subscription file from Amber's post on the Selfoss reader, it seems like there are several feeds that the reader is not recognizing
# 20:41 aaronpk that is quite likely. like I said I did a bare minimum feed parsing just to see some stuff
# 20:41 aaronpk it needs a lot more work to handle all the edge cases of everyone's feeds
# 20:41 AndySylvester I appreciate your work on this, I am planning to spend some time playing with this reader.
# 20:42 AndySylvester I will not be at the meeting tonight, but I will be posting a HOWTO on setting up the Selfoss reader by Thursday or Friday.
# 20:43 aaronpk like, sign in with indieauth, make an inline reply feature so you can quickly reply to things, make the star button post a like on your site, etc
# 20:44 AndySylvester sounds good, I just looked at your list
# 20:58 aaronpk fascinating that it's made by two of the okcupid founders
# 21:04 KartikPrabhu interesting find. Though I must admit to being a bit confused as to how/why/what is useful
# 21:04 aaronpk this is nice: "When the keybase client requests maria's key from the keybase server, it does not simply trust the public key because it trusts the server.... Rather, the server replies with links to tweets, gists, etc. -- maria's public identity proofs. The keybase client does not trust that these are honest, so it scrapes them directly and makes sure they were signed by the same public key that the
tantek joined the channel
anselm, paulcp, tilgovi, josephboyle1, bret, jkphl, brian_b, eschnou, etymancer, pfenwick and gRegor` joined the channel
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# 22:12 Jeena aaronpk is that screenshot a h-feed reader list of subscriptions?
# 22:16 Jeena I did some speed up of my website today and got the response time down from 400ms to 200ms, but I don't think I will be able to get much faster because of the rails overhead.
# 22:17 aaronpk wow really? what's the delay from? i'm pretty sure i've seen rails sites go faster
# 22:18 Jeena I don't know really, I only have one call to the database
# 22:18 Jeena I cache the webmentions counter in a seperate row in the same table
# 22:19 Jeena or hm yeah if I call it locally on my computer it is 50ms
# 22:19 Jeena so the rest is network because my server is in Germany and I sit in Sweden
# 22:20 Jeena and I use nginx as a proxy server and puma as my http server
# 22:20 Jeena perhaps I just need more knowledge about this stuff
# 22:21 Jeena Hehe I even removed all JavaScript because I only need it for my admin stuff, so it is unnecessary to load it for everyone else too
# 22:22 aaronpk yeah if it's just network lag then there's not a ton you can do about it i suppose
# 22:23 Jeena On my front page there are only 2 GET requests, one for the HTML and one for the css file, this is quite amazing :)
ttepasse joined the channel
# 22:24 Jeena on notes there is another one for the avatar
# 22:24 Jeena but I am thinking if I shouldn't make it into a data-uri and put it into the css too
# 22:26 tantek Jeena - well done with reducing down to two get requests!
# 22:27 tantek aaronpk - mind if I embed your screenshot on the reader page?
# 22:27 aaronpk tantek: sure! i have another better one in a recent note of mine
# 22:28 tantek or just the -u-photo of the p-author h-card of the h-feed
# 22:28 Jeena I wonder why my avatar isn't showing up in there
# 22:29 tantek same here (I'm guessing due to my h-card not having it)
# 22:30 aaronpk well I don't see any place in the class where it asks for the feed photo
# 22:31 Jeena ab but the first if ->items !== false prevents it
# 22:31 aaronpk Jeena: that should find it for the individual entry
# 22:31 aaronpk seriously I did this in like 30 minutes, cut me some slack :)
# 22:31 Jeena yeah, I don't have it on the intex page in the individual entry
# 22:31 tantek aaronpk - no it's awesome - mostly just asking from the perspective of figuring out what's wrong with my site markup ;)
# 22:32 aaronpk the main thing I learned doing this so quickly is that there are already a ton of edge cases with everyone's feeds
# 22:32 Jeena because I didn't want to repeat that info 80 times on the index page
# 22:32 aaronpk e.g. whether entries on the home page contain a p-author, or even whether a home page h-card contains a photo
# 22:32 tantek aaronpk - those aren't edge cases - those are the broad spectrum of personal design decisions
# 22:33 tantek "edge case" implies there is a "common cluster", an 80% behavior. whereas from my manual analysis of h-feeds, they're all pretty different
# 22:33 Jeena yeah I'm one of those who doesn't really want a h-card on the homepage, even though I added it as <data> now so it is there for h-feed
# 22:33 aaronpk the fact that Mf2\getAuthor exists saves me a ton of custom code here, so that was nice
# 22:34 tantek Jeena - I suppose I should write-up more "why" for why an h-card on your home page is a good thing
# 22:35 Jeena I think it falls in like with your people centric design, which I haven't fallen in love with yet.
# 22:35 tantek well that's certainly *one* reason, but I think there are others
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# 22:35 tantek e.g. replacement for OpenID attribute exchange
# 22:36 Jeena I could agree with that but I would rather have stuff like this on a /about page
# 22:37 tantek it's an explicit case that RelMeAuth was designed to handle
# 22:37 Jeena hm ok, so a feed reader would need to handle that case?
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# 22:37 tantek Jeena - that's a good point, I should document that.
# 22:38 tantek the RelMeAuth use cases were designed for existing site designs
# 22:38 tantek and the two dominate uses we saw were home page h-card, and contact page h-card
# 22:38 tantek so it makes sense to build all the site feed/author discovery algorithms on the same use cases
# 22:39 tantek thinks about post authorship vs site authorship algorithms
# 22:39 Jeena hm but I have a rel="me" which points to Twitter/Facebook/Github/Flickr already, how would the reader know which one of them is my /about or /contact page?
# 22:40 Jeena I should read the links you post not just skim over them ^^
# 22:40 tantek it's ok. I should write the text assuming skimming behavior :)
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caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:10 Jeena so, am I understand it correctly that I can remove the h-card from the homepage and instead add <a href="/about" rel="me">about</a> to it?
# 23:10 Loqi Jeena meant to say: so, am I understanding it correctly that I can remove the h-card from the homepage and instead add <a href="/about" rel="me">about</a> to it?
# 23:31 Jeena and it said it couldn't find an h-card when I removed the one from the homepage and only linked to the /about page with rel=me
# 23:31 tantek right it probably doesn't do the full RelMeAuth algorithm
# 23:32 tantek perhaps I should expand the authorship algorithm accordingly explicitly
# 23:32 tantek because I think IndieWebifyme just follows that
# 23:32 tantek so the problem may be the tool rather than your markup
# 23:34 Jeena or it is the indieauth.com website which the wiki uses
# 23:41 tantek Jeena - I'm pretty sure the current IndieAuth implementation did not yet implement that part of the RelMeAuth algorithm
# 23:41 tantek but fortunately it only depends on rel-me links - not your full hCard
# 23:41 tantek so you can keep rel-me links on your home page root for now for IndieAuth
# 23:46 tantek snarfed FYI ^^^ re: my apprentice Dan Gillmor
# 23:46 snarfed for my part, i'm leaning on mark hendrickson, he's back in the area and free those days
# 23:47 tantek and let that be a challenge to you to go out and find another apprentice
# 23:48 tantek definitely get him signed up - he should be able to use his own domain these days ;)
_6a68 and benwerd joined the channel
# 23:53 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: when did you implement site search on werd.io, and what backend does it use?
# 23:53 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: when did you implement site search on werd.io, and what backend does it use?
# 23:53 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message 2 days, 6 hours ago: when did you implement site search on werd.io, and what backend does it use?
# 23:54 benwerd indeed. will do that. sorry, I've been in day-job-nightmare-land
# 23:54 KartikPrabhu Jeena, tantek: I also want to keep my h-card on the /above page, but yeah does not work with indieauth yet
# 23:54 benwerd tantek: in answer to your first question: from day one, and it's using the mongodb back-end.
# 23:55 tantek KartikPrabhu - you can keep a handful of rel-me links on your home page for IndieAuth and then keep your full h-card on your /about page
# 23:55 tantek benwerd, do you have an ISO Date form of "day one" ?