2014-02-25 UTC
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# 00:23 tantek each protocol and format typically has some associated algorithms, often on the same page
# 00:27 tantek aaronpk - why do you want to put them in a list?
# 00:27 tantek I think it's important for a list to have a purpose
# 00:27 tantek collecting similar things = use a tag/category
# 00:28 aaronpk it goes along with the theme of 50% of the words in this email I'm writing being links to wiki pages
# 00:28 tantek each one of those things you named is a building-block
# 00:29 tantek or rather, what do we gain by distinguishing "algorithms" from "building blocks" ?
# 00:29 aaronpk but they are all the same kind of building block, and they are different from building blocks like permalinks and h-entry
# 00:29 caseorganic I like the idea of using a starfleet-like pip system for indiemark
# 00:29 tantek by themselves algorithms are kind of abstract
# 00:29 tantek I actually really dislike talking about algorithms outside of use-cases / user-features
# 00:30 tantek because that tends to go down the (dark) path of programmer-centric thinking, and loses sight of user-centric thinking
# 00:30 aaronpk that's fine, but all of those pages I linked specifically say they are algorithms
# 00:30 aaronpk "How to determine authorship of a post on a page - AKA the Authorship Algorithm"
# 00:31 tantek that's probably my fault for falling into a particular writing pattern (I think I may have written those/that)
# 00:31 KartikPrabhu tantek, aaronpk: I think for new comers it is sort of hard to find the already-used algorithms because you sort of have to know where to look or what terms to search. It would be useful to have a list of implemented/suggested algorithms
# 00:31 tantek no one should be looking for list of implemented/suggested algorithms
# 00:31 aaronpk omg i don't care what it's called but these 4 things are unique and I want to put them somewhere
# 00:32 tantek they should be looking for a list of implemented/suggested user/site *features*
# 00:32 tantek aaronpk - but you do realize that clustering them could actually give them a bad focus right?
# 00:32 tantek KartikPrabhu just inadvertently made my point
# 00:33 tantek right, it's part of default developer thinking
# 00:33 tantek KartikPrabhu, the list of implemented/suggested user/site *features* is IndieMark
# 00:33 aaronpk how to: 1) determine the author of a post. 2) determine the canonical URL of a post. 3) determine the page name. 4) find post info to display a post as a comment
# 00:34 KartikPrabhu tantek: but unless I asked you I wouldn't know that I should look at IndieMark page
# 00:35 tantek so we need to make that more discoverable then
# 00:35 tantek KartikPrabhu - what is it you were looking for?
# 00:36 aaronpk i'm still not sold on the current iteration of indiemark. I feel like each incremental step needs to provide immediate benefit to the person doing it otherwise they have no incentive to do so other than to get points
# 00:36 KartikPrabhu What kind of things people have done/want to do on the indieweb? This was before I stumbled upon IndieMark accidently.
# 00:36 tantek aaronpk - those two are incongruous statements
# 00:36 tantek each incremental step *does* provide benefit to the person doing it!
# 00:37 tantek that's part of what each step has been based on
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu also how have they done/implemeted something? Am I doing it correctly in some sense etc...
# 00:37 tantek it's why I've created "Why" sections for each step
# 00:39 tantek aaronpk, right at the top of the page: "Levels in general are ordered roughly by both immediate practicality to the indieweb site owner (somewhat by community interop), and somewhat by incremental difficulty. "
# 00:39 tantek so yes, "immediate practicality to the indieweb site owner" is key
# 00:39 tantek everything in indiemark is provides immediate benefit to the person doing it
# 00:40 aaronpk hm, there were some parts that didn't seem to reflect that
# 00:41 tantek because the page obviously provides the overall focus that you ask for
# 00:41 aaronpk it's easy, but there isn't actually any benefit until much later, other than adding yourself to the wiki
# 00:41 aaronpk but if you don't care about the wiki, it's not useful
# 00:42 tantek if you don't care about publishing on the web, then indiewebcamp is not useful
# 00:42 tantek the "if you don't care about" line of reasoning is flawed
# 00:42 aaronpk but you can publish on the web and never use the wiki
# 00:42 tantek sure, and you can publish on the web and never interact with anyone else either
# 00:43 aaronpk but indieauth is also not a prerequisite for doing webmentions and comments
# 00:43 tantek the point is that indiewebcamp is not a zero-value community
# 00:43 tantek like having a common area to discuss this stuff
# 00:44 tantek so no, I don't buy the " if you don't care about the wiki"
# 00:44 tantek if you don't care about the wiki or IRC then you're essentially saying you don't care about the community
# 00:44 tantek and frankly, I'm ok with having those folks ignore indiewebcamp
# 00:44 tantek because if they don't care about community, good luck to them and their lone inventor in the garage attitude to getting what they want working
# 00:45 tantek I'm totally ok with turning-off people who are anti-community as a first level focusing filter
# 00:45 aaronpk my point is that setting up indieauth, while a good thing to encourage interaction with the community, doesn't lead to any further benefit to one's own site until much later (like when using micropub, or for private posts)
# 00:46 tantek aaronpk - well there's the obvious one. SEO from indiewebcamp :P
# 00:46 tantek but I didn't think that we needed to state that explicitly :P
# 00:46 tantek and what about linking to your site from the IRC logs automatically? (when you add yourself to irc-people)
# 00:47 tantek because honestly I thought these were all totally obvious but I guess not
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# 01:22 pdurbin aaronpk: what you're saying makes sense to me... about immediate benefit to the user. makes sense that owning your own domain is #1. not quite as much sense that setting up indieauth to be able to log into the wiki as #2
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# 01:23 tantek pdurbin the importance of community, and community participation cannot be understated.
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# 01:24 pdurbin well, maybe #2 should be joining this channel ;) ... that's how I participate... try to anyway
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# 01:26 tantek pdurbin - yes, it's close to #2 of Getting Started
# 01:26 tantek but Getting Started is different from IndieMark
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# 01:26 tantek IndieMark measures the indiewebness of a site
# 01:27 tantek and what makes a site "indieweb" is an emerging / evolving definition
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# 01:27 tantek that is roughly defined logically, and roughly defined by how people here vote with their time / personal site
# 01:27 tantek so the more people that implement something on their own site, the more importance it gains as part of indiemark
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# 01:27 tantek that's the semi-democratic nature of IndieMark
# 01:28 tantek everyone gets to "vote" for IndieMark features by deploying them on their own site
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# 01:31 pdurbin so the indiewebness of a site should be measured by the the popularity of the features that you've implemented? by the fact that you've implemented many of the same common features other indieweb site have implemented?
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# 01:42 tantek pdurbin your question doesn't make sense and/or sounds tautological ;)
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# 01:47 pdurbin tantek: heh. sorry, I'm just trying to understand your comment about democracy and votes
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# 01:48 pdurbin are there any metrics on these "votes"? the number of sites that have implemented feature x?
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# 01:49 pdurbin if so, it'd be interesting to see them in tabular format, an html table in the wiki or a spreadsheet or whatever
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# 01:54 tantek pdurbin - the only metrics are the number of example in each features' "IndieWeb Examples" section
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# 01:55 tantek pdurbin - too hard to maintain tabular stuff like that
# 01:55 tantek but a few have tried and it's already out of date on the wiki
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# 01:57 tantek also tables are not very "responsive" in the responsive design sense, so again, it's not that useful
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# 01:58 pdurbin well, it could come to me as JSON. I'm mostly just interested in the numbers
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# 01:58 tantek it seems interesting, but it's out of date / inaccurate
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# 02:01 tantek there we go, nice bright blinding banner at the top
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# 02:10 tantek there we go, captured the problems intrinsic to that page to hopefully avoid having to revisit this in the future
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# 02:12 tantek nitot, seriously, please check your IRC client
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# 03:20 aaronpk Ok so it took 18 lines to add photo posting to my micropub endpoint. I think we're on to something.
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# 03:23 aaronpk Remember how much time I spent on photo posts yesterday? That was all UI work. Turns out the protocol/mechanics are not the hard part.
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# 03:24 tantek that's probably the most important lesson for any/every developer to learn
# 03:24 tantek because most devs tend to focus 99% of time on the protocol/mechanics and 1% on the UI
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# 03:25 tantek ok time to start getting people signed up for IndieWebCampSF now that we have a venue and sponsors are starting to come in
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# 03:26 aaronpk I feel bad, but should I kickban him or something?
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# 03:30 tantek no that's a give him a chance to fix his client
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# 03:31 tantek I feel bad because it was a challenge to get him on
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# 03:32 aaronpk Ah yea. He was working with xtof on his site recently right?
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# 06:40 snarfed hey KartikPrabhu, how's your beautifulsoup mf2py fork? stable enough to start using?
# 06:50 KartikPrabhu the logic is mainly the same as tommorris's mf2py. he might merge them if he feels so inclined
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# 07:41 KartikPrabhu snarfed: let me know if any changes to the mf2py code are of immediate use to you. I'll add those first
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# 09:35 tommorris KartikPrabhu: I will look at your pull request at some point soon. promise. :)
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# 15:55 bret I just had an interesting realization the other day. tantek was talking about how when technarati indexed the html of blogs, quality of the data shot way up. I realized today that all the competent feed readers today HAVE to implement some kind of full text extraction (via readability or some other method) in order to combat low quality feeds
# 15:56 bret and readability is based on microformats no less
# 16:04 barnabywalters bret: that makes a lot of sense, and is a good way to frame microformats evangelism to feedreader builders
# 16:05 barnabywalters which leads nicely onto “you’re already getting all the data you show to users from HTML, why bother with RSS any more?”
# 16:07 cweiske because it's easier to fetch a single file that contains all data
# 16:07 cweiske instead of having to fetch the index page and then every detail page separately
# 16:12 cweiske is there a document describing the quality improvements due to html parsing?
# 16:13 Jeena I'm a feedreader builder, what could I use microformats for with Atom feeds?
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# 16:13 Jeena ah you mean because dropping the atom/rss ok I see
# 16:14 Jeena I don't subscribe to those feeds, because it is a waste of time
# 16:14 barnabywalters Jeena: when you say “you” do you mean your software or you personally as a user?
# 16:15 barnabywalters so that’s an example of RSS/ATOM’s hiddenness allowing them to be irrelevant to humans
# 16:16 barnabywalters it’s the same reason that parsing twitter.com’s HTML often gives you better quality results than using their API
# 16:16 barnabywalters e.g. the API has no reliable way of getting all replies to a tweet, whereas they can be parsed easily out of the tweet permalink page
# 16:17 cweiske so this is an argument against APIs and for using microformats?
# 16:17 Jeena but I agree with cweiske, with a atom/rss feed you do one http request every hour or something and you get all the new stuff, with the content and with all the changes. Parsing the HTML index page + every single of the linked articles takes so much more time, just for the feed reader
# 16:18 cweiske barnabywalters, now replace microformats with html and api with microformats
# 16:18 Jeena only if the provider shortens the content, but most of them don't do that
# 16:19 cweiske the next problem will be that the html is missing microformat markup, instead of the api missing data
# 16:19 Jeena yeah but that is another level and is just the chicken and egg problem
# 16:20 Jeena so by advocating microformats this problem can be solved in the future
# 16:20 cweiske by fixing the API, this probem can be solved in the future
# 16:21 barnabywalters cweiske: but if the data is within the HTML the barrier to making it parseable is tiny, and it’s much more likely that people will point out the problem because the feedback loops involved with using the data are smaller
# 16:22 cweiske the barrier to fixing the api is at the same level as fixing the html
# 16:22 cweiske and why should people be more likely to point out issues with microformat markup than issues with the API?
# 16:23 barnabywalters cweiske: the information is more likely to be in the HTML in the first place because it needs to be there because humans want to see it there (cases in point: tweet replies, feed pagination links)
# 16:23 Loqi cweiske meant to say: microformats are another API
# 16:23 cweiske the information is there, but it will not be marked up
# 16:23 barnabywalters and as the data is already in the HTML the barrier to making it parseable is tiny, i.e. adding a single classname
# 16:24 barnabywalters but these questions don’t get asked of RSS/ATOM because it’s barely human-visible
# 16:24 cweiske internally, the data are available to the API also
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# 16:34 bret A document that shows quality improvements? How about like every modern feed reader
# 16:35 bret newsblur, feedbin, reeder are a few that do this
# 16:36 bret cweiske does have a point about the index page retreival
# 16:36 bret iirc where you have to get the whole document in order to see if something was updated
# 16:37 barnabywalters yeah, in theory that is handled by something like PuSH but it hasn’t been a high enough priority (not enough visible value) for people to implement yet
# 16:37 bret if we were to iterate on the rss/atom feed model, could we do push+html parsing only? fall back to rss if the subscription fails
# 16:37 barnabywalters the situation could also be improved by people adding dt-updated to feed index pages
# 16:38 barnabywalters of course, in the case of notes, and often for articles, the whole content *is* shown in the index
# 16:39 barnabywalters with Superfeedr IIRC you can also subscribe to HTML pages which don’t explicitly list it as their hub
# 16:40 barnabywalters so updates might not be as timely, but you the need for polling is pushed to a supporting service
# 16:42 bret a possible issue, rss/atom have this too, is that some publishers might intentionally botch the uF so that parsing only brings in some of the content
# 16:42 bret and append 'click here to see the rest'
# 16:43 bret the html parsing in readers is a way to combat this
# 16:43 barnabywalters bret: that’s pointing to a separate issue — publishers wanting to get hits to their site
# 16:43 bret i'm assuming an additional layer of agressive parsing would be needed in a practical reader application
# 16:44 bret barnabywalters: news blur will actually show you the page inside the reader. I guess I see what you are saying
# 16:45 bret but this ignores the needs of offline readers on small devices
# 16:46 bret and ignores the fact that publishers that oh so need your hit on a mobile connection often send you 10Mb of javascript analytics.. nothanks
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# 16:48 bret yeah, i agree, im getting kinda mixed up here
# 16:49 Jeena I wrote a feedreader for Firefox OS. How would PuSH work with that?
# 16:49 barnabywalters that is, creating formats and readers which are worth enough to publishers to implement support for is a separate issue to publishers forcing crappy experiences on their readers
# 16:49 bret i think any kind of general purpose reader that 'just works' is going to be a battle no matter what
# 16:49 bret unless of course its just a web browser ;)
# 16:50 barnabywalters Jeena: PuSH is basically server-server, so you’d have to do something like set up a server which the app opens a web socket connection to, to which it forwards notifications received from a hub
# 16:50 tantek bret: "where you have to get the whole document in order to see if something was updated" <-- same problem with RSS/Atom
# 16:50 tantek barnabywalters are you collecting FAQs so we can dispense them with URLs?
# 16:51 tantek BTW - I found that Atom is much BIGGER than HTML for the equivalent set of posts.
# 16:52 tantek hence my Atom feed only has 3 items now, while my home page has 16.
# 16:52 tantek both Atom and RSS are just very crappy inefficient subsets of HTML
# 16:53 tantek Atom did introduce some better defined vocabulary for feed/entry-like things. So that was good at least.
# 16:53 barnabywalters tantek: I’d say they’re closer to being an unnecessary, inefficient wrapper for chunks of HTML rather than subsets
# 16:53 Jeena I think we all agree that HTML + microformats is much easier then different XML formats. What we don't quite seem to agree is the number of HTTP requests per hour to get all updates.
# 16:54 tantek come back to me when you've built an Indie Reader UI and posted screenshots
# 16:54 tantek "number of HTTP requests per hour" - **per hour** - are you kidding me?
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# 16:55 tantek that's as bad as the "but this means more work for the parser" arguments from programmers
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# 16:57 barnabywalters aw geez I was just making a comic about the shadow DOM and now you’ve got me in full-on wiki editing mode ;)
# 16:58 Jeena uhm not really, if you have 1000 people subscribing to your feed it is a http request every say 8 seconds with atom for everyone to check for updates. If you have a index site like mine with about 100 links and 1000 subscribers it is 27 HTTP requests per second just so everybody gets their feed reader to know that nothing has changed. This is kind of a huge change.
# 16:58 Jeena dt-updated on the index page would probably be able to cut through that
# 16:58 tantek barnabywalters as if we needed *another* comic about the shadow DOM?!? or wait, I mean meme.
# 16:59 barnabywalters tantek: well, it’s really about naming things. the shadow DOM is the punchline
# 17:00 tantek Jeena - there's plenty of data in the page to be more efficient than that
# 17:01 barnabywalters that spec is the stupidest + most obfuscated thing I’ve read for a long time. quite an accomplishment
# 17:01 tantek and inside those there are h-entry elements with dt-updated / dt-published values - you can just check the most recent one of those
# 17:01 tantek Jeena, so don't talk to me about 1000 people subscribing and causing problems until it actually is. Because I don't believe it will be.
# 17:03 tantek also - I believe the actual answer is PuSH - supported on my site since 2010
# 17:03 Jeena I need to talk about it so I can find out about stuff you guys have been thinking about. I have never seen anything called h-feed
# 17:04 Jeena I'm not really trying to attac you guys, I'm just looking for answers :)
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# 17:05 bret can you have h-recipies inside of an h-feed? Or does that need to be wrapped in a h-entry
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# 17:05 barnabywalters bret: feed readers are only likely to treat things which are h-entries as posts in the feed
# 17:06 barnabywalters that way, readers which don’t understand h-recipe just treat it as a normal post, but more intelligent readers could alter presentation
# 17:08 Jeena was the h-feed reference intended to support the theoretical call because of the many HTTP requests? It looks to me like it mostly helps with adding information about the feed author and some metadata about the feed like name, url and photo
# 17:09 tantek Jeena - you want to support PuSH to reduce polling
# 17:10 Jeena yeah I need to read about that, doing it now
# 17:10 barnabywalters tantek: your newly-responsive homepage goes into mobile single-column mode on my 13" retina display
# 17:10 tantek and I'm writing about it, hopefully I can keep ahead of you Jeena ;)
# 17:10 tantek barnabywalters - depends on how narrow you make the window (as it should)
# 17:11 tantek at 3/4 screen width I still see 2 cols on my 11" MBA
# 17:13 Jeena what is a "Pub" in the context of "PuSH"?
# 17:14 barnabywalters a hub is a server which gets notified of new content by publishers and pushes the new content to subscribers
# 17:17 tantek Jeena - there you go, just a bit more for you to read ;)
# 17:20 Jeena hehe barnabywalters the video was uhm hehe for non tech-people, but I think I start to understand. to implement PuSH I either can write my own Hub and handle all the stuff myself like subscription and push to everyone, or I could use http://pubsubhubbub.superfeedr.com/ as my Hub where I push only once and it takes care of the subscription and pushing to people?
# 17:21 tantek Jeena - or you can still use the Google test hub too
# 17:21 tantek and julien51 (who is in charge of it) shows up here from time to time
# 17:21 tantek he's been to a few IndieWebCamps too - great guy
# 17:21 Jeena Hm that could be kind of fun to implement and test it with superfeedr first
# 17:26 tommorris was just investigating the HTML/ATOM disparity - opened up the Atom feed in Firefox web inspector and it shows me an HTML document. ;)
# 17:27 aaronpk oh man xslt, I remember that. I tried doing a site with that in like 2001...
# 17:28 tommorris because geonames XML result -> modified XML result -> JSON
# 17:29 aaronpk oh I remember why I didn't add h-feed, cause I was only showing 3 notes on my home page
# 17:29 barnabywalters the only use cases of h-feed I’ve found so far have been: explicit naming of the feed, page-level author discovery and multiple feeds on a page
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# 17:29 aaronpk now it makes sense that I show 10 notes in the primary content area of my hom epage
# 17:29 tommorris aaronpk: no, got a programmatic translation of XML to JSON.
# 17:29 tommorris but the nice thing about XSLT is you can set up multiple rules across multiple files
# 17:30 aaronpk barnabywalters: do you not have h-feed yet either?
# 17:32 barnabywalters but IMO that’s a separate thing to actually consuming feeds, i.e. at the moment there’s no reason for readers to demand h-feed markup over just having h-entries on the page
# 17:34 barnabywalters my microformats -> ATOM converter just looks for all h-entries on the given URL
# 17:34 aaronpk other than that I don't really see the reason for it
# 17:34 aaronpk well you have to have some way to determine the author of the page you're subscribing too
# 17:35 tantek which I suppose we'll all discover as we buildi t
# 17:36 aaronpk I just encountered that when setting up my reader. I want the only input to be the URL, and it should find the author name and photo
# 17:36 tantek aaronpk - yeah, I'll likely add something to the authorship algorithm
# 17:36 Loqi gives aaronpk the only input to be the URL
# 17:37 tantek It was sandeepshetty that convinced me to finally add h-feed because he was using it in his reader
# 17:37 aaronpk i'm still super sad that PuSH broke the simplicity of the original spec
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# 17:39 tantek we're caught in an IRC reference / search / reference time loop
# 17:40 tommorris in terms of h-feed implementations, it might not be a bad idea to use tantek.com as a reference implementation
# 17:40 Jeena so my list items of links to articles on the index page should also be marked up as h-entry isn't it?
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# 17:41 tantek tommorris - well I'm not sure about that, I think barnabywalters's might be cleaner
# 17:41 tantek I'm still in the middle of redoing my "header" with h-card etc.
# 17:43 tantek re: APIs vs. microformats - APIs don't survive in archives. microformats do. as does HTML in genearl.
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# 17:52 tantek barnabywalters, bret, Jeena please read http://indiewebcamp.com/API so you can refer cweiske to all those problems instead of having to restatement them next time he brings up APIs
# 17:56 Jeena There is one thing about APIs though, and why they are so popular. If you can say that your startup offers an (REST/JSON) API then many people start listening, it is kind of a prestige thing. Hm I wonder, is there a microformats parser for the iPhone?
# 17:56 tantek Jeena - it's because startup like to slap a TOS on access to information, API tokens etc.
# 17:57 tommorris everyone looks at twitter and says “oh, twitter are doing it, therefore we need to do it"
# 17:58 Jeena haha cargo cult, that is the perfect way to describe it
# 17:58 tommorris The best thing about “RESTful APIs” is they fail to adhere to the principle of one-URI-per-thing
# 17:58 tommorris if you have “api” as part of your API URL, you are failing to REST. ;)
# 17:59 tommorris one important point of REST is that the method I navigate around your website matches the method by which I navigate around your API
# 17:59 tommorris if you’ve got documentation for your API, then it probably isn’t something I can follow-my-nose around
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# 18:23 tommorris the number of times I end up saying at work “well, let’s try implementing both approaches and then test them to see which works” is interesting. and the number of times people think that’s slightly mad rather than a pretty basic part of engineering is worrying.
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# 18:24 aaronpk this is ridiculous. I see one thing tommorris said, and loqi saw a different thing in the logs.
# 18:26 aaronpk if we all connect to the same freenode server this will likely not be a problem
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# 18:41 tantek tommorris: as for cargo cult software engineering: the fact that people would follow sites like Twitter or Facebook in their engineering decisions
# 18:41 tantek tommorris: people stopped using Rails because Twitter had switched away from it
# 18:41 tantek tommorris: or Google had switched away from using RDBMSes, so they just decided that RDBMSes were useless and switched to NoSQL or map-reduce
# 18:41 tantek tommorris: even though relational databases are pretty useful and have been since the 60s.
# 18:41 tantek tommorris: the number of times I end up saying at work “well, let’s try implementing both approaches and then test them to see which works” is interesting. and the number of times people think that’s slightly mad rather than a pretty basic part of engineering is worrying.
# 18:42 bret did microformats not exist when atom/rss was getting started? how come two of basically the same thing came out of those efforts?
# 18:43 tommorris and there were a few things before 1999 like Microsoft’s CDF
# 18:44 bret I just found the all pages page the other day ;)
# 18:44 bret tantek: my eyes glaze over when I look at mediawiki change logs
# 18:44 tantek bret - I just command-click the pages that changed since and check their histories
# 18:45 tantek yeah - too many wiki pages to look through all of them in IRC
# 18:45 aaronpk would be fun to make the recentchanges into an h-feed with h-entry so it can be subscribed to in a reader!
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# 18:46 willnorris bret: but they have fundamentally different approaches anyway... an alternate machine readable format (rss/atom) vs embedding machine readable tags into the existing format (microformats). So even if the timeline were different, I would suspect both would have emerged... they just come from different schools of thought (my thoughts anyway)
# 18:47 tommorris plumbing in my geonamer code seems to be working swimmingly. will write it up shortly.
# 18:47 tantek willnorris - well, I can tell you that from my perspective, the drive to seriously pursue microformats came from *trying* to make the XML-stack work at W3C in the early 2000s, realizing that the whole thing was a massive enterprise house of cards, and said screw it, how simple can we make this
# 18:48 tantek and as part of that I realized all the side URLs / side files problem
# 18:48 bret tantek: by grouping, do you mean enhanced recent changes? I dont see a grouping option
# 18:48 willnorris ah, okay... so it really was a response to the complexity of having different formats? In that case, perhaps it was a necessary predecessor to prove that the model doesn't work as well
# 18:48 tommorris is sorta XMLing and XSLTing but for a sorta sensible reason. ;)
# 18:48 tantek willnorris, well a whole lot of supposedly smart people and companies had bought into the XML future
# 18:48 tantek so I was like ok, let's see if we can make this work
# 18:49 tantek uncovered enough problems that I realized, no they're not actually that smart. or rather, they're more talkers than builders.
# 18:49 tantek this was in my IE5/Mac browser implementation days
# 18:49 tantek so now any tech that is proposed/designed by talkers I pretty much dismiss on the spot
# 18:50 tommorris RDF has the talkers problem. Only the talking is done in academic papers. ;)
# 18:50 tantek so no, not about complexity. more about supposedly smart people making up a bunch of crap.
# 18:50 tommorris The advantage of talking in academic papers is nobody has to listen.
# 18:50 tantek seriously, XML is a billion dollar trainwreck
# 18:51 tantek and at the heart of it is that talkers drove it, not creators, and certainly not sefldogfooders
# 18:51 Loqi tantek meant to say: and at the heart of it is that talkers drove it, not creators, and certainly not selfdogfooders
# 18:51 bret maybe they had a taste for inflicting pain on themselves (XML folks)
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# 18:51 tantek bret - nah, more like they were more philosophers than scientists/engineers
# 18:52 tantek which works well for academic papers, specifications, etc.
# 18:52 tantek and unfortunately a lot of cargo cult behavior followed
# 18:52 bret didnt that academic paper generator get 10 papers pubished recently ;)
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# 18:54 tantek there's no other explanation for how many people are pushing so many complex rocks up so many hills
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# 18:55 tantek hahahaha - "popularity of hash tables (Joules)" !!!!
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# 18:56 tommorris tantek: h-feed should be deployed to my site in just a moment.
# 19:00 tantek bret: "shocked by how many papers were pot-boilers that disguised trivial ideas with inflated language. These were papers that had absolutely no discernible academic value other than to pad a resume, and collect but a smattering of citations, mostly from similar papers"
Raymondo, rknLA and caseorganic joined the channel
# 19:09 bret but whatever, they are trying to do good things usually, and are resorce starved and grants are super competative
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# 19:18 Jeena I'm still not quite getting all the meanings of the prefixes yet
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# 19:18 KartikPrabhu tommorris: no hurry getting to the pull request for mf2py. I might not be adding anything new this week. Too many other thigns to do
# 19:19 tantek u- means parse for URL attribute *first*, and treat them according to the document semantics
# 19:19 tantek it does NOT mean that the thing is a URL "type"
# 19:19 tantek the prefixes are purely parsing instructions, not "types"
CheckDavid joined the channel
# 19:20 Jeena and url attribute can be src or href, etc.=
# 19:21 Jeena tantek the pin13.net server has problems with my ssl certificate afar
# 19:22 tantek I think barnabywalters has a parser thing too
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# 19:23 Jeena yeah I can parse it with the ruby parser too, no problem, the webindify me one has just a really nice UI
# 19:23 tantek !tell barnabywalters Indiewebifyme feature request: h-feed parsing/validating similar to current h-entry parsing/validating
# 19:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 19:25 Jeena tommorris this could be a cool test suite actually, and add a link to your github issues so people really file bugs too :)
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# 19:27 Jeena ok mf2 seems to parse my index page like I intended
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# 19:29 aaronpk tantek: it's cause my server still can't figure out Jeena's ssl cert
# 19:35 aaronpk yeah it's something to do with the root cert. but other sites signed by startssl work fine from that server
# 19:36 Jeena tommorris are you using your phone to post posts with a location?
# 19:36 Jeena or where do you get the lat and lng from?
# 19:37 tommorris in that case, I typed it in manually. but, yes, W3C Geolocation API. ;)
# 19:39 tommorris for me, it’s mostly just so I can have something like a byline.
# 19:39 tantek and I just invited (dared?) public-fedsocweb@w3.org to upcoming indiewebcamps
# 19:39 Jeena "http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=" + lat.toString() + "&mlon=" + lng.toString() + "&zoom=12";
# 19:40 aaronpk "No paper submission needed. If you're able to setup your site to be able to RSVP, you're in."
# 19:40 tantek yeah - I decided a little bit of a "in your face!" post was ok ;)
# 19:40 Jeena "If you're able to setup your site to be able to RSVP, you're in." nice ^^
# 19:40 tantek besides, we want to braindrain the best of the best away from public-fedsocweb
# 19:42 tantek this is why "talker culture" is dead and just doesn't know it yet
# 19:42 Jeena hm I never heard of a <data> tag in HTML, hm, and is the geo class a microformats thing?
# 19:49 bret ugghhh, the text in the quitelevel in that email thread are unreadable
# 19:56 caseorganic.com edited /2014/SF () "(-3475) /* IndieWebCampSF 2014 */ Moved Guest List to new page, added categories: 2014 and Events. Added info about flights and hotel, additional metadata." (
view diff )
# 19:58 Jeena some people use no space between a word and a smily like this:) which kind of irritates me
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# 20:01 tantek "By combining the best of XML and structured web content" -hahaha
# 20:02 tantek what if "the best of XML" is a net negative? What then?
# 20:04 KartikPrabhu and articles like this seem to suggest that Web Components are a better way of doing XML-type things. Which is why I do not understand the former...
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# 20:14 tantek KartikPrabhu - the benefit is to Drupal consultancies. E.g. that the author of the article works for!
# 20:14 KartikPrabhu possibly. But it surely does not solve the problem setup in the beginning of the article
# 20:15 Jeena hehe the first comment sets the article in perspective
# 20:17 tommorris "Screenshot of Wikipedia’s custom rich-text editor, with assistive tools for Wiki-specific markup"
# 20:17 tommorris That’s not a screenshot of Wikipedia’s rich text editor. That’s a screenshot of Wikipedia’s markup editor with a bunch of JS. The one that Wikimedia are in the process of replacing.
# 20:19 tommorris Precisely because having editors have to remember thousands of template names, arguments and then bolt-on hacks to support them wasn’t really working out
# 20:21 tommorris There’s a legitimate point to that ALA article: there’s a mismatch between our authorship tools and the sort of things we can do on the web.
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# 20:22 KartikPrabhu But on some level it seems to me that people are saying "I want to write a book in Japanese but I don't want to learn Japanese!"
# 20:22 KartikPrabhu Our writing tools may need improvement, but certainly authours would have to learn something
# 20:23 tommorris The web exists to serve humans. A reporter or blogger shouldn’t need to know what the box model is.
# 20:24 KartikPrabhu of course not the box model. But they might have to learn some markup/template codes. Else they can just write in plain text and put it in a CMS.
# 20:24 tommorris Well, the problem is that CMSes usually suck because of no-dogfooding
# 20:24 tommorris They are built and sold on feature lists rather than feature needs.
# 20:25 tommorris The crazy thing about apps is the times when you install an app on your phone and can’t use the functionality on your desktop computer.
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# 20:26 tommorris I now have a 13” RetinaBook - the thing has the same resolution as an HDTV! - but I have to grab a smartphone to do certain things.
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# 20:27 tommorris My online banking is unusable. But the app on my phone isn’t. It does 80% of what I want to do on my online banking but without requiring me to sacrifice burnt offerings to the security gods. So I use the phone version and not the desktop version.
# 20:31 tantek tommorris, KartikPrabhu, I heard that Markdown solves all these problems. ;)
# 20:31 tommorris Markdown solves many of the problems. The smartest thing Markdown did was allow you to still use HTML
# 20:32 tantek tommorris - install a simulator for your smartphone on your laptop? ;)
# 20:32 KartikPrabhu yeah. I quite like Markdown too. but you still need to write raw html to do somethings
# 20:33 aaronpk i can never remember if ** or * is bold or italic
# 20:33 aaronpk also i think mediawiki does it opposite or something
# 20:33 tommorris MediaWiki does ‘’’bold’’’, ‘’italic’’, and ‘’’’’bold italic’’’’'.
# 20:33 tantek aaronpk, nothing about the * symbol says italic to me
# 20:33 tommorris Except without the fancy quotes that my computer decided to add.
# 20:34 tantek MediaWiki apostrophes for bold/italic are much *worse* to be clear :)
# 20:35 tommorris You know how you type “L’<strong>ordinateur</strong>” in MW syntax? L’<nowiki></nowki
# 20:35 tommorris because otherwise the strong would be triggered by the first three apostrophes.
# 20:36 tommorris The first apostrophe should be an apostrophe. The second, third and fourth should be the bold trigger.
# 20:36 tommorris That’s what you get when your parser is a bunch of PHP regex hacks.
# 20:36 tommorris And that’s why the parser has been rewritten in the last year or so.
# 20:37 KartikPrabhu I take full responsibility even though bret linked to the article in which I found it :)
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# 20:38 Loqi barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 14 minutes ago: Indiewebifyme feature request: h-feed parsing/validating similar to current h-entry parsing/validating
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# 20:42 tantek love that there is a canonical XKCD for the app problem
# 20:42 KartikPrabhu I have just started closing tabs that show me pop-ups to "do other things". Sorry you ain't getting my eyeballs
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# 20:42 aaronpk WHOA just got a bunch of messages in a row. man poor freenode today.
# 20:45 KevinMarks interesting trend at launch - hackathon apps all about "anonymous"
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# 20:47 barnabywalters I suppose things which aren’t doable (…yet…) as web apps like Logic are grown-up Applications rather than apps ;)
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# 20:57 tommorris We’re just gonna add new URIs (mailto:) to your address book. And now we’re gonna break them.
# 20:58 aaronpk wait facebook is dropping their email address thingy?
# 20:58 tommorris they are just going to redirect to your primary email or whatever email you specify
# 20:59 KevinMarks so the thing Google got shit for with mailing g+ users becomes a way for anyon to mail you based on your fb handle
# 20:59 KevinMarks "that stuff no-one looked at on our site - it'll be in your inbox"
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# 21:01 tantek Kevinmarks, good point. Perhaps FB sees this as a way to make email more worthless
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# 21:01 KevinMarks but they still require an email to login with - or are they trying to get everyone to switch to phone numbers so the whatsapp merger makes sense?
# 21:03 KartikPrabhu Facebook did ask me for my phone number everytime i logged in this week
# 21:03 willnorris pretty sure you can already sign in to FB with your phone number
# 21:03 tommorris let’s trade one old functional property for identity for an even more irrelevant and old functional property.
# 21:03 tantek Kevinmarks - have you seen the sophistication of the FB account recovery options? Quite clever
# 21:04 tantek they're clearly trying to get away from email-as-recovery-mechanism
# 21:04 tantek and once that's gone, there's no need for email to sign-up
# 21:05 tommorris KartikPrabhu: not sure it’s a good or a bad thing. just another development in the Facebook shitshow. ;)
# 21:05 KevinMarks the reason WhatsApp worked well was that it was phone-number centric - so migration form texts was easy
# 21:06 KartikPrabhu speaking of texts, the Google Hangouts app now hijacks my text sending/recieving!
# 21:06 tantek Kevinmarks - Jaiku never scaled. Twitter did.
# 21:06 KevinMarks jaiku didn't get the chance to scale 'cos google broke the team up and shut down signups
# 21:06 tantek kevinmarks, jaiku didn't get the chance to scale because THEY SOLD TO GOOGLE.
# 21:07 tantek WhatsApp scaled *before* selling. That's the key.
# 21:07 tommorris Friend of mine just got Adobe spam inviting him to "increase Wikipedia's return on marketing investment”. When was the last time you saw an ad for Wikipedia? Wikipedia’s marketing budget is $0. They get a pretty good ROI. ;)
# 21:09 tantek Youtube had to sell because of the lawsuit burden they were facing
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# 21:09 tantek but yeah, rare, that youtube survived the toxic Google acquisition shutdown culture.
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# 21:12 tantek tommorris - only because Stuart and Caterina fought and outmaneuvered the Yahoo middle-management incredibly well
# 21:13 tommorris might start posting pictures on Flickr as my stop-gap photo site.
# 21:13 tommorris I post a fair amount to Commons but you have to get the metadata right before posting there
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# 21:16 barnabywalters aaronpk: presumably you’re already aware of this, but cat.photography is now parked by godaddy, apparently up for sale :)
# 21:17 barnabywalters tantek: any plans to add all these ridiculous new TLDs to the cassis auto linker? or wait until people start using them unironically?
# 21:17 tantek barnabywalters I think the code has a comment about that
# 21:17 aaronpk I thought whitelisting TLDs was bad practice for autolinkers
# 21:18 tantek // .mobi .jobs deliberately excluded to discourage layer violations.
# 21:18 barnabywalters that’s the first time a code comment has ever directed me towards a flickr link for more information
# 21:19 aaronpk well .mobi is not the same problem as all the new TLDs
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# 21:20 tantek "Warning: I’m pretty goddamn angry." - imagines Tom Morris as the Hulk
# 21:21 tantek hmm blog.tommorris.org is on Tumblr. didn't all those URLs get move to being Ferocity hosted on tommorris.org?
# 21:25 tommorris tantek: yeah, it’s on my very slow to process list of next actions
# 21:25 KartikPrabhu yeah .mobi is dumb. With all this responsive thing going on how the hell did .mobi pass?
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# 21:28 tommorris KartikPrabhu: because the people who make the decisions are more interested in buying new designer suits and private jets than they are technical merit.
# 21:29 tommorris That proposal is accompanied with a couple of suitcases worth of money.
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# 21:30 tommorris .mobi ain’t going anywhere: once a GTLD is in, it’s kinda gotta stay. but at the same time, there’s no point in buying a .mobi
# 21:31 tommorris and not all GTLD proposals are money-grubbing bastardery.
# 21:31 tommorris there’s a proposal for .eco - for charities and organisations doing ecological stuff. and the money would go to some kind of environmental fund.
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# 21:32 tommorris (if .gay comes into existence, I’m going to register “not.gay” and point it to whichever right-wing fundamentalist just got caught in an airport bathroom with a wide stance.)
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# 21:43 snarfed aaronpk: hope i wasn't too snarky with the github-issue-as-email i sent you a while back
# 21:49 aaronpk ha oops apparently I wasn't "watching" that repo so didn't get notified :)
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# 21:55 aaronpk of course "watching" means I get emails when issues are opened :)
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# 21:59 snarfed and they show up in your GH feed (and its RSS feed, etc)
# 22:00 snarfed i know how unfashionable it is around here, but i still use a feed reader for almost everything, including GH, all silos, etc
# 22:00 aaronpk i just set up a feed reader! reading microformats of course
# 22:04 snarfed i don't plan to argue merits, but they're supported almost everywhere today, which is nice :P
# 22:05 snarfed but treasures the reader engineer we have at quip :P
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# 22:09 KartikPrabhu snarfed: now that mf2py is more functional a python-based mf2 reader is a good possibility
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# 22:12 tommorris KartikPrabhu, snarfed: mf2py for h-feed, Universal Feed Parser for everything else
# 22:15 KartikPrabhu snarfed, tommorris: nice. Did not know about the universal feed parser. Looks like a good project as a fallback to RSS/ATOM
# 22:15 tommorris the only problem is that mark pilgrim seems to have sadly disappeared
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# 22:18 bear the state of rss/atom hasn't moved in any meaningful way - so feedparser hasn't had to do much to keep up
# 22:18 bear adding mf2 to it's url/file handling would be a nice addition
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# 22:24 tommorris mf2py needs a bit more maturity before I’d subject feedparser uses to it. ;)
# 22:24 bear sure, but us early adopter types who are using python can enjoy it now :)
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# 23:14 tommorris has setup redirection from blog.tommorris.org (Tumblr) to tommorris.org (ferocity, self-hosted)
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# 23:52 KevinMarks2 Talking to neo/dg about using their market Street offices for indieWebcamp
# 23:52 aaronpk KevinMarks2: we got a spot already did you see the wiki?
# 23:53 willnorris so Google will pick up dinner next friday. Any recommendations on where? I don't spend any time in SF anymore, so don't know what's good
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# 23:57 aaronpk yep we're all set with them, caseorganic confirmed and updated the wiki
# 23:57 KevinMarks2 Neo/dg have a good space - big co-working space, with a retail store front on market and breakout spaces inside
# 23:58 caseorganic KevinMarks2: ah, how much room? think we can organize the next indiewebcamp there?
# 23:58 KevinMarks2 Retail space is about 40. Main room about 160, lots of breakout space.
# 23:59 KevinMarks2 Which is busy on Friday but freeer on Saturday, if they can get a staff person to cover