#tantekwe're not putting that crap on our indie sites anyway
#aaronpkyeah i figured that wasn't the important part anyway, so i left it out of the screenshot
#KartikPrabhuseems like they went out of their way to have "profile tools" on the left. wonder if they are planning to have that left sidebar on all pages.
#KartikPrabhuI think the user should be notified that something has happened but then taking an additional action to view the update is not necessary at all
#snarfedor even better, it should be configurable, even if it's as little as push notifications on/off
#snarfedtantek and i have both written long posts about attention, info overload, etc
#snarfedworth thinking about, but still a tar pit :/
#KartikPrabhuaah he seems to mark-up "important" paragraphs. interesting
#tantekhover over the first paragraph in each section, and you'll see a little purple P paragraph symbol at the end, which if you then hover over, you'll see it's a fragment like #p-3
#KartikPrabhuI see. Anything with a h2 gets a id and link. sweet
#tantekis that useful? I've considered doing it for my blog posts at least
#tantekand sometimes I manually put IDs on my h2 elements
#KartikPrabhuI always put ids manually on each section, corresponding to a slug title. Putting links would be useful if you expect readers to refer to particular sections. or use them in mentions
#KartikPrabhuas a small point to Bray's UI, I think the link should be next to the title (maybe on the left). Much more intuitive and noticeable
#tantekalso I have mixed feelings about UI for discovering these fragment links
#tantekKartikPrabhu - I used to have those on my old old blog posts (pre-Falcon). And I decided they were noisy and ugly
scor, CheckDavid, KartikPrabhu, scor_, KartikPrabhu1, gRegor` and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#brettantek: re: ikiwiki. no never used it on my site, but have used it on the git-annex website. Its made by a debian developer so it might be just as hard to run as MySQL :p
#bretnever had to set it up and run it myself though
#tantekyeah, I'll wait for that personal setup experience from someone else first ;)
snarfed joined the channel
#breterik from hwc said he used it. I'll ask him about it next time to see if its worth playing with
skinny joined the channel
#brettantek: I think whats nice about it is that the actual wiki itself is just a git repo which can be cloned and forked.... which to me at least... sounds nicer than dealing with mysql
#bretnot sure excatly how the software lays on top it yet
#tantekyou know what's better than git? even flat(ter) files
#brettantek: the thing I like about git is that its essentially flat file, with history and distribution built in. I agree the UI is lacking and requires specialized knowledge
#skinnybret: can you say what it means to be up to date? It works fine.
#bretsure, I was just about to ask if what Im saying make sense
#bretskinny: Github pages used to tell your to point your DNS to one IP address, then changed this IP a while back and now are redirecting the old IP address, which causes the issue where it 301 redrects to '/' instead of you domain name sometimes
ozten_, krendil, etymancer, etymance1, snarfed, KevinMarks, tilgovi, cweiske, LauraJ and tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 2 hours, 33 minutes ago: In reference to earlier discussion - http://5by5.tv/webahead/60 podcast talking about web annotations.
#Jeenamorning acegiak, even though it is afternoon already here in Sweden ;)
#acegiakits 2am in new zealand. i use univerzal greeting time in irc
squeakytoy, tantek and Sebastien-L joined the channel
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu good to see that webmentions and IndieWebCamp were cited on that podcast! Beware the "Open Annotation" stuff as it's fairly overdesign/complex and has RDF at its core. More academic overdoing it.
npdoty, chloeweil, friedcell, gRegor` and pfefferle joined the channel
#Loqipfefferle: tantek left you a message on 2/27 at 3:20pm: so who in that indieweb WP plugin thread is actually posting those tweet replies from their own site, HMMMMMM?!? I.e. so really, how good is your plugin(s)? Can it POSSE threaded replies to Twitter? #throwingdown ;)
#pfefferle!tell tantek sadly there is no "real" POSSE plugin for WordPress yet... we all use existing plugins for posting posts to the different silos, but none of them supports (threaded) comments. I focused a lot on webmentions and all the different semantics and the reply context, no time for POSSE yet.
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: just built bare-minimum indieweb search engine — HTML interface to elastic search instance with my link archive indexed
#cweiskeyou need to put the data into elasticsearch somehow
#barnabywalterscweiske: at the moment I just iterate through all my archived pages, parse for microformats (falling back to treating the whole thing as a h-entry if none) then flatten and index
snarfed joined the channel
#cweiskei'm looking for a search engine for my website, too
#barnabywalterscweiske: nope, not doing anything particularly clever like that yet
#barnabywaltersalthough I have set up the indexer so that when it comes across a page with multiple h-entries on it doesn’t index that page, but indexes each of the h-entries at their own URLs
#barnabywalterswhich should almost completely prevent feed pages from turning up in search results above the post pages
#aaronpkSo you're indexing the e-content and p-name values?
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: currently indexing all the flattened mf properties, searching within content and trying to figure out how to search within name with a higher weight
#barnabywaltersjust looking at these search results I realise there are so many interesting design problems to solve — e.g. what should comments look like in search results?
#elladurhamHey, there. Excuse my intrusion ;) New, here. I'm planning on attending Open Source Bridge Conf and would really like to see if it's possible to attend Indie Web Camp 2014 as an apprentice. It looks like it's close to capacity, but not entirely sure how to sign up for wait list or if there are folks I can reach out to who might be willing to take me under their wing.
#barnabywaltersthis is totally going to better than google :)
snarfed joined the channel
#barnabywaltersgreetings elladurham! welcome to #indiewebcamp
#barnabywaltersin order to RSVP you need to either sign into the wiki using one, or find someone in here who’s going and ask if you can be their apprentice
#elladurhamOkay, that's what it looked like/where the confusion was
#elladurhamI am signed up for the wiki, I do have a personal domain
paulcp joined the channel
#barnabywalterselladurham: great! in that case all you need to do is edit the Guest List page and add yourself, and you’re signed up
#elladurhamawesome, can I just declare myself an apprentice? I haven't really engaged directly in the community yet/created stuff at this point
#barnabywaltersif you have a personal domain, you’ve skipped past apprentice and are a creator :)
#elladurhamOh! super, thank you so much for your help. Sorry I'm terrible at IRC, I only use it so frequently that I forget how to do anything but change my name
eschnou, sparverius, bnvk, chrisroos and gRegor` joined the channel
#waterpigs.co.ukedited /search (+2180) "Added design section with observations and tips from experimenting with Elasticsearch over my archive" (view diff)
brianloveswords joined the channel
#elladurhamCheers! Thanks again @aaronpk and barnabywalters
brianloveswords, _6a68, melvster_, tilgovi, Raymondo, paulcp, friedcell, gRegor`_ and snarfed joined the channel
melvster, caseorganic, jancborchardt, ttepasse and bpayton joined the channel
#Jeenaelladurham, i was just checking out your website, there is no blog or notes or something on it yet, or is it and I just couldn't find it yet?
#elladurhamnope, there isn't any content (yet), I'm still running through the documentation and learning best practice to syndicate elsewhere -- again, really new here ;)
tilgovi joined the channel
#Jeenaah hehe ok, no problem, I am just trying to follow interesting people from the indieweb and what the write (for now via RSS)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 56 minutes ago: good to see that webmentions and IndieWebCamp were cited on that podcast! Beware the "Open Annotation" stuff as it's fairly overdesign/complex and has RDF at its core. More academic overdoing it.
#elladurhamJeena, Is there a list of folks out there somewhere that I'm missing? I was looking for people to follow as well, but I didn't dig very deep.
#Loqitantek: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 14 minutes ago: sadly there is no "real" POSSE plugin for WordPress yet... we all use existing plugins for posting posts to the different silos, but none of them supports (threaded) comments. I focused a lot on webmentions and all the different semantics and the reply context, no time for POSSE yet.
#Loqitantek: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 9 minutes ago: I wanted to fokus on threaded webmentions as a next step!
#tantek!tell pfefferle awesome work with the webmentions and reply context functionality! POSSE (especially POSSE threading) is definitely more challenging. Glad to hear you're looking at it, and looking forward to see you @-reply from your own site :)
#bretthats what I though, didnt know they had a debit though
#aaronpkSimple still doesn't have realtime hooks for transactions other than the push notification to your phone, which has been super unreliable lately
#tantekindeed. email is the hook of last resort isn't it?
#bretsometimes its fast, sometimes its slow, i couldnt tell if it was the store or simple