2014-02-28 UTC
# 00:01 tantek snarfed, yeah I should have taken more FB event page screenshots before this redesign
# 00:01 aaronpk tantek: I still don't have the new fb events I think
# 00:01 tantek although I've heard that it hasn't deployed for everyone yet - so if you still see the old UI, could you screenshot?
# 00:02 tantek WTF why would *I* be on the early deployment of FB UI
# 00:05 tantek that's got enough yes, maybe, no, invited to look interesting
# 00:06 tantek oh my goodness so much cleaner and more topical
# 00:06 tantek :( new design is a noisy piece of (insert unicode poo icon here)
# 00:12 tantek oh man, now that I'm seeing them side by side I'm REALLY pissed
# 00:12 tantek could you or snarfed put the old one in a "silo examples" section on /event ?
# 00:19 snarfed yours is better than mine. i'll just link to mine instead of embedding
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:21 aaronpk although looks like the new design doesn't have as many crappy ads
# 00:21 aaronpk maybe I should have included those in my screenshot
# 00:21 tantek I probably have some adblock stuffs going on >:)
# 00:21 aaronpk weird it's like the new events section is trying to be a whole app
# 00:22 tantek we're not putting that crap on our indie sites anyway
# 00:22 aaronpk yeah i figured that wasn't the important part anyway, so i left it out of the screenshot
# 00:23 KartikPrabhu seems like they went out of their way to have "profile tools" on the left. wonder if they are planning to have that left sidebar on all pages.
# 00:24 tantek so basically, now even FB is going down the Twitter path of bolluxing up their formerly clean UI
# 00:25 snarfed sorry, didn't mean to imply it was the same event, just the same ui
# 00:26 tantek snarfed no that's important to have the same SF event
# 00:28 tantek notice the map image got DROPPED in the new design
# 00:29 tantek and instead they leave a BIG BLANK SPACE where there is no event header image. idiots. sorry, but that is a crap design reversion.
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josephboyle1, gRegor`_, tommorris, CheckDavid, paulcp_ and pasevin_ joined the channel
# 00:55 tantek aaronpk, FB is *still* the only silo I know of that does realtime updating of comments on a page/post you have open in a browser window.
# 00:56 KartikPrabhu1 tantek: great. It would be very educational to see the silo implementation of post UI/UX and its evolution
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:58 tantek KartikPrabhu - Chris Messina for a while was posting screenshots of all kinds of silo stuff on Flickr
# 00:58 tantek before he was swallowed and burned out by Google :(
# 01:01 KartikPrabhu also his Google+ says "He previously worked at Google on Google+ as a UX designer and developer advocate."
benatkin joined the channel
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# 01:03 tantek drat - can't find aaronpk's implementation on the wiki!
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:03 KartikPrabhu oooo! hovercard seems to be a good UI for displaying h-cards on mouse-over or something
# 01:06 aaronpk I have some stuff like that I've added to my flickr, but nowhere near as comprehensive as him
# 01:06 snarfed also, chris messina left google, but you already knew that
# 01:06 caseorganic Yeah! I got into flickr screenshots because of Messina. Used his stuff for ux design for years
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu it would be good to have such a documentation, to enforce the idea that indieweb is more UI/UX focused than code writing
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 01:08 tantek snarfed I haven't seen github comments show up in RT
# 01:09 snarfed tantek: i routinely push changes with "fixes #X" with issue X open in a browser window, and it updates as "closed" soon after
# 01:10 tantek and then of course, aaronpk was first to implement. he's so darn fast!
# 01:12 KartikPrabhu twitter also alerts you if a new tweet drops in your timeline, but then you must click for it to appear
# 01:14 snarfed KartikPrabhu: we tend to focus on publishing use cases
# 01:14 tantek right - the "something new has happened" is actually much more distracting than useful
# 01:15 KartikPrabhu I think the user should be notified that something has happened but then taking an additional action to view the update is not necessary at all
# 01:16 snarfed or even better, it should be configurable, even if it's as little as push notifications on/off
# 01:16 snarfed tantek and i have both written long posts about attention, info overload, etc
# 01:17 KartikPrabhu speaking of comments, what are people's thoughts on Medium having paragraph level commenting
# 01:18 tantek and thank you for calling it paragraph level commenting instead of "annotations" (so academic)
amblin joined the channel
# 01:21 KartikPrabhu me too. but seems hard to do with mentions. possible for sections with heading as url fragments but paragraphs?
# 01:21 KartikPrabhu i think of them as social note taking. but notes has diff. meaning on this channel :)
paulcp, ttepasse_, tantek_, dietrich_, michel_v_, KevinMarks and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:29 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I don't think anyone has paragraph level fragments yet. But even section level would be a great start
gRegor` joined the channel
# 01:30 snarfed you mean automatically, for every paragraph in every post? true, maybe not, at least none of us
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# 01:34 tantek hover over the first paragraph in each section, and you'll see a little purple P paragraph symbol at the end, which if you then hover over, you'll see it's a fragment like #p-3
# 01:37 tantek is that useful? I've considered doing it for my blog posts at least
# 01:37 tantek and sometimes I manually put IDs on my h2 elements
# 01:38 KartikPrabhu I always put ids manually on each section, corresponding to a slug title. Putting links would be useful if you expect readers to refer to particular sections. or use them in mentions
# 01:39 KartikPrabhu as a small point to Bray's UI, I think the link should be next to the title (maybe on the left). Much more intuitive and noticeable
# 01:39 tantek also I have mixed feelings about UI for discovering these fragment links
# 01:39 tantek KartikPrabhu - I used to have those on my old old blog posts (pre-Falcon). And I decided they were noisy and ugly
# 01:41 KartikPrabhu this problem has be at the back of my mind since I saw Medium. But I don't know how to do it in a good way
# 01:42 tantek so how does Medium do it on a touch interface e.g. iPad?
# 01:42 tantek KartikPrabhu - perhaps get notes & top level comments/replies working first ;)
# 01:45 KartikPrabhu tantek: turns out the whole p-level comment does not work on mobile on FF
scor, CheckDavid, KartikPrabhu, scor_, KartikPrabhu1, gRegor` and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 02:58 bret tantek: re: ikiwiki. no never used it on my site, but have used it on the git-annex website. Its made by a debian developer so it might be just as hard to run as MySQL :p
# 02:58 bret never had to set it up and run it myself though
# 02:59 tantek yeah, I'll wait for that personal setup experience from someone else first ;)
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:00 bret erik from hwc said he used it. I'll ask him about it next time to see if its worth playing with
skinny joined the channel
# 03:02 bret tantek: I think whats nice about it is that the actual wiki itself is just a git repo which can be cloned and forked.... which to me at least... sounds nicer than dealing with mysql
# 03:02 bret not sure excatly how the software lays on top it yet
# 03:02 tantek you know what's better than git? even flat(ter) files
# 03:06 bret I'll play around with ikiwiki and document it at some point
# 03:08 bret its a little to close to the actual git interface im afraid for actual use though
# 03:18 tantek git should be backend plumbing only and not pollute the user model at all. At all!
# 03:21 bret i wonder what % of the UI is purly reachable from a browser
# 03:22 bret personally, I prefer cloning a git repository between computers/servers over manually copying flat file or migrating DBs
# 03:23 bret but I wouldt want to have to fenagle a git history on a public wiki unless there were good UI tools for it
# 03:23 tantek bret - meh - it's special knowledge above and beyond copying a folder.
# 03:23 tantek really don't care for more special-back-end-storage knowledge
# 03:24 tantek that has nothing to do with actually getting done what I want to get done
# 03:24 tantek aaronpk, indieauth is hanging on rel-me detection for Crystalbeasley.com
# 03:24 bret my issue is that I use 5 different computers, so git actually helps me keep track of my stuff
# 03:25 bret rather than trying to deal with the 'oh crap, why isnt this on my computer'
# 03:25 aaronpk totally agree about git! really painful trying to sync stuff between multiple computers otherwise
# 03:26 bret dropbox should be the minimum viable git interface
# 03:28 bret tantek: the thing I like about git is that its essentially flat file, with history and distribution built in. I agree the UI is lacking and requires specialized knowledge
# 03:28 aaronpk *some* of the github servers send back content for example.com, others send a redirect to "/" with no hostname in the redirect
# 03:29 bret I added it to a github issue :x I'll redo it on the wiki
# 03:29 aaronpk bear: did that actually solve it for you? I odn't see how
# 03:29 bret aaronpk: github changed their ip address. when you have your DNS set to the old IP it does that
# 03:30 bret tantek: aaronpk ill add the faq one sec
# 03:31 skinny aaronpk: any suggestions?
# 03:32 aaronpk although you're going to have another problem after that, heh
# 03:33 aaronpk wtf does this mean and why is SSL so hard "SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read finished A: unexpected message"
# 03:34 aaronpk who writes these error messages "read finished A"??
# 03:47 skinny bret: can you say what it means to be up to date? It works fine.
# 03:48 bret sure, I was just about to ask if what Im saying make sense
# 03:49 bret skinny: Github pages used to tell your to point your DNS to one IP address, then changed this IP a while back and now are redirecting the old IP address, which causes the issue where it 301 redrects to '/' instead of you domain name sometimes
# 03:49 skinny this was set up in december
# 03:50 bret just make sure your DNS points to and/or
# 03:50 aaronpk actually probably hsould be which is what skinny97214.github.io resolves to
# 03:51 skinny can we fix the bug instead of fixing my config?
# 03:52 bret aaronpk: I set two A records to those IP addresses
# 03:52 bret one of the bugs is on githubs end when your domain goes through a redirect
# 03:52 aaronpk your site may eventually stop working when github eventually turns off their server
# 03:52 aaronpk 2) indieauth is not properly resolving relative redirects
# 04:20 KartikPrabhu snarfed: latest issue fixed too! you seem to be doing a thorough testing!
benatkin_, gRegor`_, KevinMarks and ozten joined the channel
# 05:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
ozten_, krendil, etymancer, etymance1, snarfed, KevinMarks, tilgovi, cweiske, LauraJ and tantek joined the channel
# 07:47 Loqi tantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 2 hours, 33 minutes ago: In reference to earlier discussion - http://5by5.tv/webahead/60 podcast talking about web annotations.
Jihaisse joined the channel
friedcell, eschnou, chloeweil, yaf, LauraJ, Sebastien-L, chrisroos and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 09:39 Loqi barnabywalters: bnvk left you a message on 2/27 at 10:36am: Brian said trivia night at Lebowski is happening tonight at 21:00 if you're keen
jancborchardt, melvster_, bnvk, chrisroos, KevinMarks, eschnou, adactio, scor, CheckDavid, pasevin, chloeweil and friedcell joined the channel
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# 13:01 Jeena morning acegiak, even though it is afternoon already here in Sweden ;)
# 13:02 acegiak its 2am in new zealand. i use univerzal greeting time in irc
squeakytoy, tantek and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 13:51 tantek !tell KartikPrabhu good to see that webmentions and IndieWebCamp were cited on that podcast! Beware the "Open Annotation" stuff as it's fairly overdesign/complex and has RDF at its core. More academic overdoing it.
# 13:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
npdoty, chloeweil, friedcell, gRegor` and pfefferle joined the channel
# 14:32 Loqi pfefferle: tantek left you a message on 2/27 at 3:20pm: so who in that indieweb WP plugin thread is actually posting those tweet replies from their own site, HMMMMMM?!? I.e. so really, how good is your plugin(s)? Can it POSSE threaded replies to Twitter? #throwingdown ;)
# 14:38 pfefferle !tell tantek sadly there is no "real" POSSE plugin for WordPress yet... we all use existing plugins for posting posts to the different silos, but none of them supports (threaded) comments. I focused a lot on webmentions and all the different semantics and the reply context, no time for POSSE yet.
# 14:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 14:43 pfefferle !tell tantek I wanted to fokus on threaded webmentions as a next step!
# 14:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
gRegor`, chloeweil, brianloveswords and bnvk joined the channel
# 15:19 barnabywalters just build bare-minimum indieweb search engine — HTML interface to elastic search instance with my link archive indexed
pfefferle joined the channel
# 15:21 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: just built bare-minimum indieweb search engine — HTML interface to elastic search instance with my link archive indexed
Garbee joined the channel
# 15:28 cweiske you need to put the data into elasticsearch somehow
# 15:29 barnabywalters cweiske: at the moment I just iterate through all my archived pages, parse for microformats (falling back to treating the whole thing as a h-entry if none) then flatten and index
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# 15:35 cweiske i'm looking for a search engine for my website, too
# 15:36 cweiske i'd want resource indexing, too - images, pdf files and so
# 15:36 cweiske IIRC elasticsearch can do this itself with a plugin
# 15:43 barnabywalters although I have set up the indexer so that when it comes across a page with multiple h-entries on it doesn’t index that page, but indexes each of the h-entries at their own URLs
# 15:43 barnabywalters which should almost completely prevent feed pages from turning up in search results above the post pages
# 15:44 barnabywalters cweiske: there isn’t really anything on most feed pages that I want to index other than the posts themselves
Sebastien-L, jonnybarnes, chrisroos, pfefferle, benatkin, gRegor`, chloeweil and bpayton joined the channel
# 16:39 aaronpk So you're indexing the e-content and p-name values?
# 16:39 barnabywalters aaronpk: currently indexing all the flattened mf properties, searching within content and trying to figure out how to search within name with a higher weight
# 16:45 barnabywalters hm, elastic search is now on my list of potential databases to use if/when my CSV index gets too slow or limiting
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# 16:48 barnabywalters aaronpk: you mentioned that you wouldn’t want to run a java service — why? security concerns?
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# 16:52 aaronpk No, I've never had a good experience running java stuff, always makes me install crap I don't understand or set weird environment variables
# 16:52 aaronpk If I don't know it's java and it just works then I don't mind
# 16:56 aaronpk Care to write up your findings on the wiki or in a post?
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# 17:00 barnabywalters aaronpk: will do shortly, just adding pagination, better templates and styling so it’s actually usable
# 17:00 barnabywalters currently the UI is just an input and an ordered list of titles, linking to the originals :)
_6a68, ttepasse and paulcp joined the channel
# 17:05 aaronpk elasticsearch was the best looking thing I found when I looked into this stuff a few months ago
# 17:06 barnabywalters just looking at these search results I realise there are so many interesting design problems to solve — e.g. what should comments look like in search results?
# 17:06 elladurham Hey, there. Excuse my intrusion ;) New, here. I'm planning on attending Open Source Bridge Conf and would really like to see if it's possible to attend Indie Web Camp 2014 as an apprentice. It looks like it's close to capacity, but not entirely sure how to sign up for wait list or if there are folks I can reach out to who might be willing to take me under their wing.
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:07 barnabywalters in order to RSVP you need to either sign into the wiki using one, or find someone in here who’s going and ask if you can be their apprentice
# 17:08 elladurham Okay, that's what it looked like/where the confusion was
# 17:08 elladurham I am signed up for the wiki, I do have a personal domain
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:08 barnabywalters elladurham: great! in that case all you need to do is edit the Guest List page and add yourself, and you’re signed up
# 17:09 elladurham awesome, can I just declare myself an apprentice? I haven't really engaged directly in the community yet/created stuff at this point
# 17:09 barnabywalters if you have a personal domain, you’ve skipped past apprentice and are a creator :)
# 17:10 elladurham Oh! super, thank you so much for your help. Sorry I'm terrible at IRC, I only use it so frequently that I forget how to do anything but change my name
# 17:11 elladurham Do you think, while I am in there, I should remove the note about being close to capacity?
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# 17:12 barnabywalters elladurham: please do — well spotted, must have been left over from a copy/paste from a previous event
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# 17:19 barnabywalters aaronpk: hahaha I just at the exact same instant came across an almost identical error in my own search indexing :)
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# 17:22 barnabywalters e.g. remove script, style elements, replace embedded content with accessible alternatives, etc.
# 17:23 aaronpk i think that has always been called "sanitization" and just assumed people would know what to do
# 17:24 barnabywalters sanitisation implies removing dangerous stuff and cleaning HTML markup, whilst retaining document structure
# 17:24 barnabywalters rather than explicitly converting to a plaintext representation of the markup
# 17:27 barnabywalters okay, reindexing plaintext versions is the perfect break to start writing this stuff up
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# 17:50 elladurham Cheers! Thanks again @aaronpk and barnabywalters
brianloveswords, _6a68, melvster_, tilgovi, Raymondo, paulcp, friedcell, gRegor`_ and snarfed joined the channel
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# 18:10 elladurham Thank you, Kevin!
melvster, caseorganic, jancborchardt, ttepasse and bpayton joined the channel
# 18:40 Jeena elladurham, i was just checking out your website, there is no blog or notes or something on it yet, or is it and I just couldn't find it yet?
# 18:42 elladurham nope, there isn't any content (yet), I'm still running through the documentation and learning best practice to syndicate elsewhere -- again, really new here ;)
tilgovi joined the channel
# 18:44 Jeena ah hehe ok, no problem, I am just trying to follow interesting people from the indieweb and what the write (for now via RSS)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:48 Loqi KartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 56 minutes ago: good to see that webmentions and IndieWebCamp were cited on that podcast! Beware the "Open Annotation" stuff as it's fairly overdesign/complex and has RDF at its core. More academic overdoing it.
# 18:49 elladurham Jeena, Is there a list of folks out there somewhere that I'm missing? I was looking for people to follow as well, but I didn't dig very deep.
# 18:51 elladurham Ah, great, that's handy, thanks
skinny, fmarier, paulcp, eschnou and snarfed joined the channel
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# 19:52 Loqi tantek: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 14 minutes ago: sadly there is no "real" POSSE plugin for WordPress yet... we all use existing plugins for posting posts to the different silos, but none of them supports (threaded) comments. I focused a lot on webmentions and all the different semantics and the reply context, no time for POSSE yet.
# 19:53 Loqi tantek: pfefferle left you a message 5 hours, 9 minutes ago: I wanted to fokus on threaded webmentions as a next step!
bpayton joined the channel
# 19:54 tantek !tell pfefferle awesome work with the webmentions and reply context functionality! POSSE (especially POSSE threading) is definitely more challenging. Glad to hear you're looking at it, and looking forward to see you @-reply from your own site :)
# 19:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tilgovi_, _6a68, eschnou, pfenwick and caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:36 gRegor` Loqi logs the tweet text if you post a twitter link? Nice.
# 20:41 KartikPrabhu I don't think citation was a criterion for being not a scrapper -site
# 20:49 gRegor` Adding what value, sparverius?
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# 21:14 indie-visitor I'm pretty sure I just accidentally registered indie-visitor :facepalm: is there a way to quickly undo this?
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# 21:15 sparverius unlike scrapers which exist to be clicked on for ads and dont care too much about relevancy
# 21:17 arcatan indie-visitor: register where?
# 21:17 indie-visitor nickserv
# 21:17 arcatan right. the command is DROP. /msg NickServ help drop
# 21:19 indie-visitor great, thanks, unregistered
brianloveswords and tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:40 tantek I see that the new IRC access is working better ;)
# 21:41 tantek can we teach Loqi to say hi to "indie-visitor" and suggest they use /nick to set their name?
# 21:42 tantek aaronpk - whoa on those google search results formatting
# 21:43 tantek so they dropped the underline and added line-height - anything else?
gRegor`_ joined the channel
# 21:53 gRegor` Man I've been getting d/c a lot lately
paulcp_, fmarier_, snarfed, skinny, eschnou, bnvk, jancborchardt_, tilgovi, melvster, pasevin, ttepasse, tantek, friedcell, snarfed1, bnvk_, _6a681, jancborchardt__, npdoty, josephboyle, pfenwick and poppy joined the channel
# 23:02 tantek has anyone here experimented with paypal, square cash, or other payment buttons/links on their sites?
# 23:03 tantek I realized there's a monetary/payment analogy to People Focused Mobile Communication Experience
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# 23:17 snarfed tantek: barnabywalters did some work on mf2 for bitcoin payments/tipping
# 23:17 snarfed don't have the link handy, but i'm sure it's searchable
# 23:17 tantek snarfed, yeah I was thinking in terms of currencies that are easier for me to spend
# 23:17 tantek just as I was thinking in terms of communication protocols that are easier for me to receive/read/respond to
# 23:19 bret just as long as it doenst take the form of a gift card
# 23:20 tantek may or may not have just bought squaremo (dotcom)
# 23:20 tantek bret - I use my Starbucks giftcard all the time
# 23:21 bret i have had this bed bath and beyond card for ages
# 23:22 tantek ping me next time we're f2f and I can give you cash for the bbb card to help you liquidate it
# 23:22 bret ah no way?! ill go home and look for it
# 23:22 tantek yeah - many credit cards let you get gift cards instead of cashback
# 23:23 tantek that plus BBB spams with 20% off coupons = $20 cash back cost for $30 of value at BBB
# 23:24 bret no not at all, im just carless right now and BBB is so far away
# 23:24 tantek it's also an infrequent special purchase kind of thing
# 23:26 bret Simple bank has instant transfer, sent Amber some $$ for a phone the other day
# 23:26 bret Everyone has to have an account though
# 23:26 aaronpk Totally, I used a paypal card for everything for a while
# 23:26 aaronpk The coolest part is you immediately get an email when the card is run
# 23:27 aaronpk So often I'd get an email before the waiter gets back with the card
# 23:27 bret Wow, were they doing this before or after simple bank?
# 23:27 aaronpk Of course I hooked up and email- to-web script so I could have a map of where I spent money
# 23:27 tantek bret - venmo similarly has instant transfer AFAIK
# 23:28 bret thats what I though, didnt know they had a debit though
# 23:28 aaronpk Simple still doesn't have realtime hooks for transactions other than the push notification to your phone, which has been super unreliable lately
# 23:28 tantek indeed. email is the hook of last resort isn't it?
# 23:28 bret sometimes its fast, sometimes its slow, i couldnt tell if it was the store or simple
# 23:29 aaronpk Email hooks are pretty powerful. Still sad how annoying it is to work with them tho
# 23:29 tantek in a good way - I think KevinMarks tweeted that
# 23:30 bret I hear the bigger banks are holding back the capabilities of ACH
# 23:31 tantek oops! at least browser detect infinite HTTP redirects!
# 23:31 tantek aaronpk - really surprised that didn't trigger some rate limiter
# 23:32 aaronpk Note to self: gmail forwarding rules *will forward everything* when you don't specify a filter
# 23:32 aaronpk Me too, it was surprising to see. Funny thing is I set up the script, then went to the bar, and got back to a flooded inbox
# 23:35 bret im going to help with the door at Code for portland
paulcp, pfenwick1, snarfed and poppy joined the channel
# 23:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
paulcp joined the channel