2014-03-11 UTC
tantek and heraclitus__ joined the channel
# 00:22 tantek gets distracted fixing an issue in #cassis.js for KevinMarks
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:40 tantek is totally jealous of barnabywalters's reader!!
# 00:41 snarfed porting this to newsblur is now at the very top of my todo list
# 00:44 tantek bookmarks it in his browser bookmarks toolbar for daily reading.
# 00:53 tantek discovers that the first three Vimeo videos have ids 2, 6, 8. e.g. /2 /6 and /8
# 00:55 tantek decides to not not-support auto-embedding those videos
# 00:55 tantek is slowly implementing CASSIS functions to slice a URL
caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:19 tantek glad I blog these things when I stumble upon them, even if I don't use the results immediately
# 01:30 tantek kevinmarks, *just* got https support for autolinking youtube (and vimeo) coded but I'm getting kicked out of starbucks and will need to test it at next location.
# 01:30 tantek ended up writing a bunch more cassis common code
_6a68, KevinMarks_, pauloppenheim, josephboyle, b0bg0d___, KevinMarks, krendil and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:36 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters amazing!!! Congrats on getting that working holy crap!
# 02:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
snarfed, _6a68, ttepasse, tantek and kylewm joined the channel
emmak, josephboyle, _6a68 and scottjenson joined the channel
adambrault joined the channel
# 03:56 scottjenson KartikPrabhu: Thanks but I found that. I've had twitter working for months, it just seemed to stop working last 48 hours
# 03:56 scottjenson I'm assuming it's a temp thing (I just roll over to G+ so I can still log in np)
snarfed and tantek joined the channel
_6a68 joined the channel
caseorganic, kylewm, ozten2, adambrault, michielbdejong, _6a68 and snarfed joined the channel
# 06:10 kylewm KartikPrabhu, tommorris: I made a couple of very small tweaks to get mf2py working in Python 3.3.4 (but backward compatible with 2). Would that be of general interest?
cweiske, eschnou, caseorganic, adambrault and bnvk_ joined the channel
# 06:44 kylewm KartikPrabhu, absolutely! Still finding little issues as I work with it more, but I will definitely send one in the next day or two
_6a68 joined the channel
Jihaisse, _6a68, LauraJ, michielbdejong, friedcell and eschnou joined the channel
# 08:18 tantek kevinmarks - fixed cassis.js auto_link to handle https vimeo and youtube embeds
# 08:18 tantek !tell kevinmarks fixed cassis.js auto_link to handle https vimeo and youtube embeds
# 08:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
carlo_au, unreally, melvster, _6a68, _6a681, yaf, dvirsky, adactio, zaal and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 09:57 Loqi barnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 7 hours, 20 minutes ago: amazing!!! Congrats on getting that working holy crap!
bnvk and Sebastien-L joined the channel
_6a68 joined the channel
melvster and pasevin joined the channel
# 11:18 barnabywalters acegiak: thanks! looks like the webmention didn’t make it back to my site due to the u-like-of u-url href being “Array”
# 11:19 barnabywalters nice work getting likes implemented! what does the UI you use to post them look like?
eschnou joined the channel
# 11:27 acegiak barnabywalters: I've got a checkbox labelled "like?" in my reblog section now
# 11:27 acegiak and if I remove the content then it doesn't display as a repost
# 11:27 acegiak and if I add no comment it doesn't display as a reply
# 11:28 acegiak you'll see the last post I did is a like and reply but not reblog :D
# 11:28 acegiak but yeah might have to manually resend the webmentions?
# 11:30 barnabywalters interesting, Taproot treats any mention as only being of one relation type, i.e. it is either a mention OR a like OR a reply OR an rsvp etc
# 11:31 acegiak barnabywalters: I think we were discussing this a while ago but I'm not sure if it made it to the wiki
# 11:31 acegiak is a h-entry a single verb or a single object with the possibility of multiple verbs attached?
# 11:32 acegiak things like tumblr and twitter seem to display an entry as the second
# 11:32 barnabywalters acegiak: rather, does it make sense for something to be both a like and a reply? how should that be displayed?
# 11:32 barnabywalters if there’s no difference in presentation or usage between a reply and a like, why even differentiate them?
# 11:33 acegiak in mine it's assumed that the h-entry is the CONTENT and the verbs are just attached
# 11:34 acegiak the reason I went with that is because if those verbs are separate entities then you need to have at least multiple anchors pointing to the same endpoint one for each verb
# 11:34 barnabywalters acegiak: but does a like have content? in all current silos a like is a contentless binary grunt
krendil joined the channel
# 11:35 acegiak barnabywalters: I'm saying the thing being liked is th content
# 11:35 acegiak and the like/repost/comments are just verbs that are applied to it
# 11:41 acegiak ^ that shows that there is the div which tells you the relationship between the post on my site and the post on yours in two ways: visually by having hte phrase "liked reposted and commented" in text but also because there is the div which has the verbs as mf2 classes like u-like and h-cite and p-in-reply-to
# 11:42 barnabywalters acegiak: I disagree that like/repost/comment are just verbs — they’re fundamentally different interactions with different structures and presentations
josephboyle joined the channel
# 11:43 barnabywalters I did start to document some of the inconsistencies and similarities between different silo interpretation of these common microinterations
# 11:43 acegiak I agree that they have different structures and presentations
# 11:44 acegiak but to repost something or to like something or to comment on something are all actions that a person does to a piece of content
jeukku_ joined the channel
# 11:45 acegiak that's the question at hand here: does 1 h-entry = 1 action OR does 1 h-entry = 1 piece of target content
# 11:48 barnabywalters acegiak: current implementations and display conventions seem to indicate 1 h-entry = 1 action
# 11:49 barnabywalters I’d say that also maps better to action UIs — e.g. there’s usually a button for each different actions which performs that action when pressed
ttepasse joined the channel
# 11:50 barnabywalters so 1 button = 1 post (h-entry) = 1 mention = 1 action makes intuitive sense to me
# 11:50 Loqi barnabywalters meant to say: so 1 button = 1 button press = = 1 post (h-entry) = 1 mention = 1 action makes intuitive sense to me
_6a68 joined the channel
# 11:54 acegiak I think the confusion for me then comes from the slightly blurry lines between comment post with just hyperlink ~ comment post with full h-cite ~ repost content
# 11:54 acegiak like h-cite without a comment kinda just seems like a repost
# 11:56 barnabywalters so for me the difference between a reply + reply context and a repost (optionally with comment) is that a reply is explicitly •in reply to• the other content, i.e. makes no sense out of context
# 11:57 barnabywalters whereas a repost makes sense on it’s own. it isn’t replying to the original content (i.e. shouldn’t show up in it’s comment thread) but rather is a syndication of the content
# 11:57 barnabywalters i.e. you might choose not to show replies on your homepage feed (as aaronpk does) whereas reposts would be shown
# 11:58 barnabywalters then a like is the most minimal possible sort of response — no content, just a url which is “liked”
# 12:00 acegiak to explain where I'm coming from on tumblr the reblog+comment is used both as a way of replying to that content and as a way of providing commentary on it to be displayed to the commenters audience with the content
# 12:01 acegiak interestingly I think tumblr is trying to encourage users to post replies as a different kind of data to comments but often tumblr users don't do this because their replies are often open
# 12:02 acegiak so they technically address the original poster but are intended to be seen publically
# 12:04 barnabywalters interesting, okay — so a tumblr reblog+comment is more closely related to other silos’ comments rather than reposts
# 12:04 barnabywalters I didn’t know tumblr did actual comments, I thought tumblr users managed threads themselves within posts
# 12:08 acegiak tumblr users pretty much manage threads because they don't like the "reply" structure tumblr has? any reblog post in a chain has a "comment" text field which by default has a stack of blockquotes in it which contain the content from all the previous comments entered
# 12:08 acegiak whereas the "reply" button creates a new post-ish sort of thing which is kind of awkward
# 12:09 acegiak a tumblr reblog stack is pretty much analogous to a reply chain in an email
# 12:09 barnabywalters acegiak: this sounds a good silo UI mistake to learn from — how are the new post-ish sort of things awkward? do you have an example somewhere?
# 12:10 acegiak I don't have an example at hand because I don't usually use it and I don't often see it used but I'll try generating some screenshots tomorrow
# 12:11 acegiak one of the biggest reasons for low adoption is readily obvious: not all posts can be replied but all posts can be reblogged and commented
# 12:11 acegiak the reason for that on tumblrs end is to do with publically directed vs privately directed communication
# 12:12 acegiak tumblr considers a reblog and comment to be a public broadcast even though often these messages are directed at particular people
# 12:12 acegiak but they consider replies to be privately directed
# 12:13 acegiak so a reply can be public or private but they're semantically considered to be targetted at the user they're replying to
# 12:14 acegiak so therefore some kinds of content are considered to be invitations for privately directed replies eg "does anyone know how to get gum out of shoelaces?" whereas some are not ie photos of a sculpture
# 12:15 acegiak so there's not just a difference in whether the content is publically or privately visible but also the scope of the targetted audience
# 12:15 acegiak so that's the reason that they have those structures
# 12:18 acegiak what's interesting is that tumblr's users at least would rather have fewer simpler structures and use those in complex ways than have more complex and semantically meaningful structures that take slightly longer to navigate
pasevin and netweb joined the channel
# 12:28 acegiak I'm thinking of makign the citation and comment boxxes toggleable rather than just having it so you clear the boxes out to not do those actions
# 12:29 acegiak true bt I guess that's why it's good to have these sorts of discussions early
# 12:30 barnabywalters acegiak: you’re doing cutting-edge experimentation with native likes and reposts and it’s extremely valuable
# 12:33 acegiak I wonder if anyone got indieauth working for wordpress, I saw something floating around for that
# 12:33 acegiak if they did I might have a play with private messages/posts tomorrow
# 12:34 acegiak barnabywalters: I just want to make sure that we're making stuff that works really
# 12:34 acegiak I have such hopes and dreams for a silo-less future
# 12:35 barnabywalters acegiak: and more importantly, you’re writing code for a silo-less present ;)
eschnou, _6a68, chloeweil and CheckDavid joined the channel
scottjenson, Sebastien-L, _6a68 and julien51 joined the channel
# 14:16 julien51 hello barnabywalters!
# 14:18 barnabywalters my feed reader/flow based programming thing is nearing a stage where I think I need to use superfeedr and subscriptions to help it out
# 14:18 barnabywalters basically it is very slow and I’m not sure what’s the best way to cache things
# 14:19 barnabywalters I was thinking of having a cache for each HTML page fetched with a really long TTL, which gets updated by a superfeedr HTML subscription
# 14:20 julien51 barnaby this is a great piece of news! I'm more than excited to help you
# 14:20 julien51 do you currently fetch feeds "as the page" loads?
bnvk joined the channel
# 14:20 barnabywalters julien51: at the moment yes — fetched in parallel with some HTTP caching, but it’s not very effective
# 14:21 barnabywalters I think the HTTP caching actually interferes with cURL’s parallel requests too
# 14:22 julien51 not only it is not effective, but it's probably considered harmful for the web :)
# 14:23 julien51 you could of course cache stuff, but I guess the first question os what is "stuff"
# 14:23 julien51 and then, even caching will be frustrating
# 14:23 julien51 the benefit of your approach is they ehtings are up to date no matter what, even when/if they're slow
# 14:23 julien51 if you start caching, things will be faster to load, but they'll also be old
# 14:23 barnabywalters well, the reader currently only reads microformats2 content, and the smallest unit of content which is fetched is a feed page, i.e. an HTML page with a bunch of h-entries on
# 14:23 julien51 which is probably not what you want :)
# 14:24 barnabywalters so I think it makes sense to cache the HTML pages rather than building up a huge index of individual posts
# 14:24 julien51 I understand that
# 14:24 julien51 caching is a good idea as long as your invalidation is smart
# 14:25 julien51 again, if you cache stuff even for 15 minutes and I publish something the second after you cached things, you'll have 14 minutes till you see my content
# 14:25 julien51 which is quite disapointing
# 14:25 julien51 when you can have both speed of loading and up to date data :)
ttepasse joined the channel
# 14:25 julien51 But that involves 'subscribing' to content, rather than fetching it regularly
# 14:25 barnabywalters yep, that’s why I wanted to try superfeedr HTML subscriptions which updates the cache on push
# 14:26 julien51 the way it should work, is
# 14:26 julien51 where everything after the # is a CSS path of what you want to subscribe to
# 14:27 julien51 so .hentry is probably the first DOM element with class hentry
# 14:27 julien51 when that updates, superfeedr's will (fat)ping you
# 14:27 julien51 and you can cache things
# 14:28 julien51 BUT, we won't d anything smarter than what you did: we poll every X minutes/seconds
# 14:29 julien51 yes, assumming that the person publishing these sites ping a hub (superfeedr) when their page updates
tahnok joined the channel
# 14:30 julien51 so, to sum up
# 14:31 julien51 Then, when you add anything to the page, you ping the hub you'v designated
# 14:32 barnabywalters ah, okay — so subscribing to the first child prevents, say, updates to my sidebar from triggering pings
julien51 joined the channel
# 14:33 julien51 What's wrong with my connection?
# 14:33 julien51 barnabywalters please do not hesitate to ping me by email with questions
# 14:33 julien51 no, thank you!
fungoat joined the channel
# 14:44 aaronpk barnabywalters: just tested out posting a reply from the intertubes reader!
# 14:45 aaronpk i assume it sends the in-reply-to URL? I think my endpoint doesn't do anything with that right now.
# 14:45 barnabywalters right now I’m literally just forwarding requests to my micropub endpoint to the note posting endpoint
scottjenson, _6a68, tantek, julien51 and barnabywalters joined the channel
michel_v joined the channel
benprew joined the channel
kylewm joined the channel
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 15:38 tantek btw barnabywalters - not sure if you saw but my present to all the rest of you - https embedding support added to auto_link in CASSIS (e.g. for youtube and vimeo URLs)
scottjenson joined the channel
# 15:39 barnabywalters tantek: I did! thanks! coincidentally today was the first time I tried to embed a https youtube video, so I’ll update cassis now
# 15:40 tantek darn it, one behind on my copy buffer somehow
# 15:41 tantek (heart instead of lock, tightened up the icon vs text layout a bit)
# 15:41 tantek "your content is yours" instead of "your content is safe"
ozten2 joined the channel
# 15:45 tantek indiewebcamp.com just stopped responding for me too. cc: aaronpk
# 15:50 aaronpk FYI I get a push notification on my phone when anyone mentions my name here, so it's a pretty effective way of getting my attention.
# 15:53 aaronpk I really need to move it to a better server along with indieauth.com
_6a68 joined the channel
# 15:56 barnabywalters what’s the etiquette for homepage modification changes? make a fork or just edit in place?
npdoty joined the channel
# 16:02 tantek otherwise feel free to discuss it here or do a copy (like I think bret did a while ago) to show major changes ideas and get feedback
caseorganic joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and skinny joined the channel
jonnybarnes joined the channel
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# 16:13 aaronpk oh crazy it's getting crawled pretty hard by two bots
# 16:16 aaronpk they set their user agent to appear to be a browser
# 16:20 tantek aaronpk - block them. bad behavior bots should be discouraged.
# 16:22 tantek barnabywalters - I like some of your changes (most) :)
# 16:22 tantek mind if I take a crack at editing your edits?
# 16:30 barnabywalters it seems a little strange to refer to “status messages” once on the homepage, then “notes” consistently everywhere else. also “articles + status messages” doesn’t really cover the richness of indieweb articles, notes, photos, events, music, etc.
# 16:32 barnabywalters caseorganic: “yes, that’s me, a prolific multimedia author. I make sure to post all my multimedia on my own site”
# 16:32 tantek barnabywalters - "status messages" is a specific phrase that immediately communicates to someone not familiar with what we're doing
# 16:33 tantek whereas "notes" makes sense to us already in the community in the context of what we're working on, but reads very abstract to anyone new
# 16:33 tantek barnabywalters, I almost added photos, and then I realized it cluttered the message a bit
# 16:34 tantek This iteration of the home page is aimed at attracting Generation 2
# 16:34 tantek caseorganic, may I move your "barriers" page to "generations" - because that's really what it's about!
_6a68 joined the channel
# 16:36 tantek that only really makes sense once you're steeped in the culture of indiewebcamp
# 16:37 tantek so that's good for page naming and forward maintenance
# 16:37 tantek Generation 2 includes tech-savvy journalists - who write articles and use Twitter
# 16:37 tantek hence the specific calling out of "articles and status messages"
# 16:38 tantek the other reason I didn't add photos is that we're not very strong with those right now
# 16:38 tantek there's very few of us actually posting photos natively to our own sites
# 16:38 tantek and even fewer posting photos always first to our own sites, and only POSSEing them to silos
# 16:41 tantek we don't even have an "IndieWeb Examples" section!
snarfed and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 16:52 tantek one of us should be a triangle to fit the indiewebcamp logo ;)
bnvk joined the channel
# 17:00 tantek anyway, my point is that the /photos page is a bit weak to link to from any such introductory text
# 17:03 snarfed damn, should have possed that RT via brid.gy/publish . ah well. next time.
# 17:07 snarfed tantek: yes and yes. fully correct (native) posse of twitter replies, RTs, and favs, and FB comments, likes, and event RSVPs
# 17:07 jonnybarnes ok, so if this is possible then I'll have to rethink how I store and process webmentions. Given that a source url should be a unique permalink, could someone write a note 'in-reply-to' two of my notes and send me two webentions, or can I assume a one-to-one mapping of target and source URLs?
# 17:07 snarfed not tested enough in the wild yet, but i plan to advertise as soon as i've written docs
# 17:08 tantek snarfed. wow. that's going to be amazing. even fewer reasons to use silo UIs
# 17:08 snarfed jonnybarnes: not a one to one mapping. afaik an h-entry can have an arbitrary number of in-reply-to, like, repost, etc links (and send webmentions to each one)
# 17:09 snarfed …but of course in practice there's usually just one
# 17:09 snarfed so i tend to start by implementing just that case
# 17:09 tantek jonnybarnes - opness requires nickserv ident - he may not be identifed
# 17:11 jonnybarnes snarfed: yeah, currently in my code I'm assuming that if I list all the webmentions a particular source will only appear once
# 17:11 jonnybarnes tantek: someone replying to me and someone else in the same note is fine
# 17:12 jonnybarnes that wouldnt mess up my assumption that in my list of webmentions a particular source url will only appear once
# 17:13 tantek they might be replying to two of your posts too
# 17:13 jonnybarnes I'm not entirely convinced thats a valid assumption, but I think any exceptions would be rare edge-cases
# 17:14 snarfed jonnybarnes: i handle these less-common cases by filing issues (or putting them on my todo list) but not doing them until they've actually happened a few times
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:23 KartikPrabhu haha the slug seems to suggest that grandparents need a new social network!
jschweinsberg, indie-visitor, _6a68, squeakytoy and ozten2 joined the channel
# 17:57 tantek KartikPrabhu - yet another article yearning for a mythical "next social network" that doesn't get that the web itself is "a network that is disrupting itself"
# 17:58 caseorganic tantek: glad you like it! happy to make more diagrams where needed
fungoat joined the channel
skinny joined the channel
# 18:02 KartikPrabhu on the diagram: as I read it the current triangle seemed to represent number of people involved in a generation. SO most people would be gen4. One could also make a conjugate triangle that shows technical knowledge needed. So Gen1 would be most technical but Gen4 would be common non-tech folks
# 18:07 tantek login appears to succeed and then I get "Something is technically wrong."
kylewm joined the channel
# 18:09 arcatan tantek: i think it broke for everyone
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 18:15 caseorganic tantek: yes. i shouldn't complain. i just made all these lovely page edits and i'm going to have to wait on them
# 18:16 arcatan indiewebcamp.com is very slow for me and i'm not at a conference :|
# 18:19 caseorganic arcatan: etymancer: okay, so it's not just my conf wifi. i was editing nicely for a while there, but the wiki is having some speed issues.
# 18:21 etymancer hm, twitter is having technical problems. I wonder if that's related.
# 18:22 snarfed sysadmining is no fun. i feel your pain, aaronpk.
# 18:23 iboxifoo twitter is down for maintenance
pasevin joined the channel
# 18:27 iboxifoo they're not even using the fail whale anymore
# 18:27 snarfed imho once you're that big, you shouldn't really have planned downtime ever. (unplanned is another story, of course)
# 18:27 iboxifoo caterpillar and an ice cream cone
# 18:28 iboxifoo snarfed: twitter.com is loading for you?
# 18:29 iboxifoo snarfed: well aren't you the lucky one :-)
# 18:29 bret aaronpk: would be interesting to plot webmention activity over time :)
# 18:30 snarfed bret: you mean activity against…the wiki? webmention.io?
# 18:31 bret snarfed: that would be a start, since i could just parse the irc logs
# 18:31 bret but throwing bridgy activity in would also make sence
# 18:32 snarfed if you want to measure organic indieweb adoption over time, then probably not bridgy
# 18:33 bret what do you mean organic? bridy mentions are just as importaint. all of that is activity sucessfully extracted from silos onto the open web!
# 18:34 snarfed i can go crawl and "extract" way more than just bridgy users, but it only really matters when servers accept the resulting webmention
# 18:35 snarfed regardless, agreed at the high level. indieweb adoption stats over time would be great!
_6a68 joined the channel
# 18:37 KartikPrabhu caseorganic: I'l try to mock-up a diagram of what I was saying earlier. Also, is jgp preferred for the wiki or is svg cool too?
# 18:37 bret i see what you are saying, and yeah would be more valuble to break it down more specific use cases
# 18:38 bret but irc logs for wiki mentions + bridgy stats and webmention.io stats would be interesting to look at
# 18:40 snarfed bridgy currently has 155 users: 72 tw, 34 fb, 35 g+, 14 ig
# 18:41 snarfed next interesting number is total webmentions accepted
cweiske joined the channel
# 18:56 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: that seems to be a concern for all protocols like pingback. maybe webmention too?
kylewm and kylewm_ joined the channel
# 18:58 KartikPrabhu the discussion on the comment section seems to be missing the point entirely (nothing new) with a lot of people proclaiming the superiority of a static html only site
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 19:01 cweiske the problem with such attacks is that the pingback receivers try to verify the pingback
# 19:01 cweiske depending on the size of the URL, bandwith exceeds
# 19:01 cweiske which is why my library limits the size of the fetched data to half a megabyte or so
# 19:02 cweiske so that you can't ddos a server by sending a fake pingback from a multi-gigabyte movie file :)
# 19:02 KartikPrabhu sure, but ddos can also happen just because you got too many requests right?
# 19:03 KartikPrabhu these articles seem to be targeting wordpress, but it is a more general problem
# 19:04 cweiske with 10% market share worldwide, it's easy to limit it to that
# 19:04 cweiske KartikPrabhu, the larger the size of the file, the longer the web server connection stands
# 19:04 KartikPrabhu sure. but it gives the false impression that wordpress/.php is insecure whereas it is pingback it self
ozten2 joined the channel
# 19:06 cweiske KartikPrabhu, but webmention is also vulnerable to that, especially if the receiver directly tries to verify the request
# 19:07 KartikPrabhu but the solution can not be to not verify the request. is there a good way to avoid this?
# 19:09 cweiske yes. but you know, with 100k requestors, you are doomed anyway
# 19:09 cweiske if you know the public key of the linkback sender, and the linkback request is signed, you can verify it
# 19:09 cweiske which only works if you already had contact to the sender
# 19:10 KartikPrabhu yes. i was also going to suggest some sort of whitelist/blacklist approach
# 19:10 KartikPrabhu i see. so no all-round good solution so far... seems like a hard problem
divnich and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:20 Loqi KevinMarks: tantek left you a message 11 hours, 1 minute ago: fixed cassis.js auto_link to handle https vimeo and youtube embeds
# 19:25 aaronpk Not sure if wiki is down or my conference Internet is slow...
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_6a68, ttepasse, irksteklo, skinny, caseorganic, josephboyle, scor, gavinc and ozten2 joined the channel
# 20:33 caseorganic.com edited /Main_Page (+107) "/* Homebrew Website Club */ Experimenting with subtle background colors to highlight different sections of the front page for increased readability and focus" (
view diff )
_6a68, kashichk, friedcell, bnvk and paulcp joined the channel
# 21:07 snarfed actually i have a better estimate now, looks like maybe 4k webmentions accepted
tilgovi, juliett, _6a68, edrex, mko, iangreenleaf, jden__, JonathanNeal, hadleybeeman__, yakker, dietrich, tantek, benprew, otterdam, XgF, nloadholtes, dvirsky, tahnokclone, hugoroyd_, unreally_, gavinc, ttepasse, jedahan, squeakytoy, snarfed, jonnybarnes, zaal, jeukku, catsup, Acidnerd1, onewheelskyward, nfn, bret, wagle, hober, amblin, iboxifoo, realzies, edsu, rknLA, saurik, walkah, ryana, reidab, the_merlin, bear, Garbee, brianloveswords, icco, Jeena, ozten, michel_v, pdurbin, etymancer, acegiak, lmjabreu, Alkhemist, jacus, igalic, pavelz, inimino and hidgw joined the channel
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# 21:44 skinny tantek: i put the Service Now request in
kylewm joined the channel
# 21:45 skinny tantek: what info should I tell SN about vidyo room linkage?
melvster joined the channel
# 21:45 tantek the vidyo room to join is called IndieWebCamp
# 21:46 tantek can you update the above URL with PDX details? They're in the markup from last week but commented out - so should be pretty easy
# 21:46 aaronpk oh man, jawbone just launched a new app, "UP Coffee" for tracking caffeine intake
bnvk joined the channel
# 21:47 iboxifoo ICYMI, github.com is down now too
# 21:47 tantek no, the perfect example of a micropub app would be a beer intake tracking app
# 21:48 iboxifoo (in case you're using that for indieauth)
# 21:48 tantek damn - what's going on with the internet today?
# 21:49 tantek seriously, something bad appears to be going down
# 21:49 iboxifoo is it evil tantek's birthday today too?
# 21:49 tantek what was that we hypothesized during IWCSF? "testing"?
JasonO, sparverius and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:57 skinny tantek: i have to fix my DNS so I can log in :/
# 21:58 tantek for the indieweb that is. setup and all that.
# 21:58 skinny instead of the infinite loop, it should time out and give you common causes of a hang and a link to github to file a bug if you can't figure it out
# 21:59 tantek skinny - there have been outages at major sites today - it's one of those days
friedcell and barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 22:53 jonnybarnes a more tech related question, has anyoe who uses PHP here installed HTML Purifier via composer?
# 22:54 Loqi jonnybarnes meant to say: a more tech related question, has anyone who uses PHP here installed HTML Purifier via composer?
# 22:56 jonnybarnes not tried yet, its just the official site has no mention of composer
fmarier joined the channel
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# 22:58 barnabywalters I’m not sure why they don’t mention composer support on the website, but it works and is updated
# 23:09 aaronpk it's super awesome. i can't wait to drink another coffee so I can put it in the app!
ozten2 joined the channel
# 23:12 KevinMarks that last link is one take on a DNS alternative - note how it reinvents XFN halfway through
# 23:13 KevinMarks (the easiest way for me to send an image link to this channel is to tweet it. I should fix that)
# 23:15 acegiak ok so here's a new problem with silos: apparently my highschool myspace page is back from the grave. it makes me look childish if you find it when you google me and I have no way of getting access to that accound now
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# 23:20 acegiak I had completely forgotten that the account even existed
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# 23:33 skinny aaronpk: have time to help me fix my dns github pages issue?
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# 23:36 skinny aaronpk: ok what's the article where the A records should point?
# 23:36 skinny i'm using namecheap, btw
# 23:37 acegiak yo are we documenting the discussion around whether h-entries are actions or objects anywhere on the wiki? cause barnaby and I had a big discussion about it last night
# 23:37 skinny aaronpk: skinny97214
# 23:38 aaronpk ok so `host skinny97214.github.io` tells me the IP address you should use is
# 23:39 aaronpk so you should be able to set the DNS for your domain to that IP address and it'll work
# 23:39 skinny how long to take effect?
# 23:40 aaronpk depends on your domain's TTL, which looks like it's pretty low.
# 23:45 acegiak is 1 h-entry = 1 action (like/repost/comment/reply) or is 1 h-entry = 1 piece of target content (with potentially multiple actions to that piece of content in the one h-entry)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 23:45 acegiak barnaby was making the point that logically and semantically it makes sense to have 1 h-entry = 1 action
# 23:45 acegiak but we know that many silos don't display like that
# 23:47 acegiak like you often might like and comment on something at the same time. probably more often then doing those actions at a different time
# 23:48 acegiak it also seems weird to link to the content multiple times for the multiple actions
# 23:48 acegiak which is why at the moment I'm using the 1 h-entry = 1 piece of target content method
# 23:50 KevinMarks microformats do let you mark up multiple overlapping things in one place without duplication
# 23:51 KevinMarks which is an advantage, but does make for possible serialization issues
# 23:53 acegiak the reason that its so odd to me is tumblr is my primary silo and the "reblog and comment"(wherein the comment is often an open reply) is so ubiquitous that having multiple entries in the stream for that seems odd
# 23:54 acegiak yeah it came up because barnaby was having those issues
# 23:55 acegiak or having some issues parsing my like AND comment of a post of his