#gRegor`Next I'm going to set up a slightly modified version for apprentices.
#tommorristantek: the only thing that is putting me off is I have some custom feed stuff for App.net
pfenwick, krendil, KevinMarks, melvster, KartikPrabhu, ricmac_, npdoty, fmarier, scor, pauloppenheim and ricmac joined the channel
#kylewmI used the hashtag #siloproblems on Twitter, and it would appear the other hits are people dealing with actual grain silos, and people who work at a fish-n-chips place in NY :D
#snarfedi have this far-off idea to eventually bundle activitystreams-unofficial, portablecontacts-unofficial, etc all together, unify the APIs, and rename the whole library "granary" in line with the silo metaphore
#KartikPrabhu!tell tantek: I was implementing a shorter URL scheme using db ids. but a bit confused about it due to http://indiewebcamp.com/algorithmic ... any elaboration would be helpful! :)
#Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 5 hours, 19 minutes ago: I was implementing a shorter URL scheme using db ids. but a bit confused about it due to http://indiewebcamp.com/algorithmic ... any elaboration would be helpful! :)
npdoty joined the channel
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu using db ids is NOT algorithmic and introduces fragility.
#KartikPrabhutantek: yeah I sort of understood that later. but ins't using n-th note on this day fragile too, if you delete that note?
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 56 seconds ago: using db ids is NOT algorithmic and introduces fragility.
#tantekif you delete a note then it's fine for it to 404, unless it's a comment in which case you want it to 410 to follow comment CRUD protocol
#KartikPrabhuyes but if you base your URL shortening on "date + nth note on this date" (assuming that is what Whistle is doing) then it will mess up the other URLs
#pauloppenheimKartikPrabhu: if you want a tag more specific than day, would timestamp work?
#tantekKartikPrabhu - per the need to 410 gone for deleted comments, even your deleted notes should have tombstones
#KartikPrabhutrue. but now I am conflicted whether to correct using slugs for unique URLs or to keep going with it
#tantekKartikPrabhu - you asked about the slug, but you must have missed this then if you did read that page: "The slug is purely for display and search, the unique portion of the URL is actually:"
#tantekanyway, the slug is semi-human-readable, thus it should be editable without breaking anything
#pauloppenheimi'm a bad person to talk to about this right now, i'm actually dealing with it professionally right now
#tantekpauloppenheim: not helpful for a permalink, since content does change :P would be helpful for a checksum, but that's different.
#KartikPrabhuon a more positive note. Just showed off POSSEing notes to twitter to a friend and the reaction went "oooo nice!!! O_O le me is impressed"
#tantekre: "sounds like designing" - that's why I documented my design with reasoning, so you could just copy it if you wanted to.
#pauloppenheimif it changes, date becomes less meaningful
#KartikPrabhutantek: yes. and I am very glad you document all of this. Much to learn!
#tantekI was tired of people building fragile systems, and then copying their designs in a cargo cult manner.
#tantekSo I figured I'd fix it, and show my work, hoping that some folks might find that (and check my work!) instead of just doing things the way everyone else does things.
#tantekdatabase ID crap, slugs as fragile permalinks etc.
#KartikPrabhuwishes he had thought of the whole URL thing before making stuff
#tantekpauloppenheim: they are memorable approximately, and relative to other things, so as long as you can remember things nearby, you can easily find them
#pauloppenheimi've actually had problems with this from using a date indexed system for over a decade
#tantekKartikPrabhu: got to start with well designed URLs for a website
#KartikPrabhuyes. but once a mistake is made there should be a way to correct it
#pauloppenheimKartikPrabhu: yes, that is the important part
#pauloppenheimunfortunately the idea of "permalink" makes changing difficult
#pauloppenheimit may be worth giving up on the idea if your content is still searchable somehow
#KartikPrabhuyeah I'll have to think a nit more on how to make this work
#LoqiGot it! There are now 10 spammers blacklisted
#tantekpauloppenheim: that's poor reasoning. yes you should tag stuff. does the obviate the need for simpler permalinks? no. do permalinks solve everything? no. they never claimed to.
#tantek"once you've moved a page, and it leaves a redirect in place, if that redirect is replaced with content, then POOF all previous history is lost"
#tantekanyway, I am interested in the larger topic of indie wiki pages - and the design thereof. I've written a bit of code but mostly documented by brainstorming here if your'e curious. http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki-projects#Brainstorming
#tantek.comedited /Main_Page (-10) "/* Homebrew Website Club */ update photo, and date of next event. let's see if it gets created tomorrow ;)" (view diff)
friedcell, jonnybarnes, yaf, bnvk, glennjones, tantek, michielbdejong, pfenwick, LauraJ, eschnou and Acidnerd1 joined the channel
#bnvkwell, actually, it would work really nice with this idea floating around the crypto currency communities called DAO (distributed autonomous organization), imagine auto payments getting handled via a blockchain upon install of something
#kylewmsnarfed: is it possible to use activitystreams-unofficial as a library, without google app engine?
#snarfedkylewm: happy to accept PRs if the regex needs improving
#kylewmit expects (sensibly) the citation to be at the end of the source .. but when you include media in a tweet it sticks a pic.twitter.com link at the end
#snarfedi originally accepted permashortcitations anywhere, but there were too many false positives
#bnvkaaronpk: fair, I wasn't wanting to rile you up, was just curious as I remember how interested you were in making your own currency / methods of exchanging money
#gRegor`Oh, I thought maybe you'd written a post about "coffeecoin"
#kylewmsnarfed, interesting, yes that makes sense. trade people asking "what are those cryptic codes at the end of yoru tweets" for "why do you always link to stuff at the end of your tweets"?
#kylewmsnarfed, thanks for the food for thought (and I still want to play with activitystreams, but GAE was giving me fits this morning so I gave up)
#gRegor`Yeah, it doesn't seem likely we'll ever need to prove our indieweb post is the original post, right?
#snarfedoh no, they're not really for "proof" as much as just linking back without implying that there's more content in the original post when there actually isn't
#snarfed1btw, little-known feature: you can use twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com (and facebook-activitystreams.appspot.com, etc) to convert any silo post to mf2, either html or json
#tantekKartikPrabhu: what war on RSS? the Atom/RSS war? That's over. They both lost.
#snarfed1both web ui and api available. just authenticate and then set the format drop-down to json-mf2 or html
#KartikPrabhutantek: no i realise I can't use both "human readbility" but I could replace underscore with hyphen? I was referring to a Dave Winer tweet :P
#aaronpktantek: actually it looks like hyphen appears first in the list of "HTML ID and NAME tokens", and the derivation section fails to mention why underscore over hyphen
#tantekShaneHudson - how does that slide support anything indie*web*?
#KevinMarksThe really stupid one was twitter revoking Google's firehose access. Now they're wondering why growth is falling off with tweets hard to find
#Loqibenwerd: KartikPrabhu left you a message 1 hour, 48 minutes ago: any reason idno seems to return a 410 status code even if the page never existed, instead of 404?
#snarfedgRegor`: i think i do. plain html wasn't enough on its own, but with microformats, feed readers have all the info they need from a blog's html itself. they shouldn't need a separate feed file.
#KartikPrabhuI was of course being snarky/sarcastic about the "hate RSS" thing
#snarfed…which i agree with…but i think we've overstated our case, and people have interpreted it as "we hate rss/atom," as opposed to, "we think mf2 is a good successor"
#tantekKartikPrabhu - yeah, it's just a sad situation though.
#tanteksnarfed - nope, not "people have interpreted" - just a strawman
#snarfedtantek: do you agree with that summary? you probably feel the strongest, so i'm curious if i have it right.
#bnvkI wonder if it was more that the virality and people centric (avatars, names, etc... that jack into our big social brains) inherent to social media, yet devoid of RSS, that really killed it, not all this speculation
#snarfedeh maybe. the language on /feed is (or maybe was) probably stronger than most of us would agree with
#gRegor`I didn't think "we" (or anyone) are causing it. I just have seen articles for years about RSS dying, yet it's still here (and haven't seen much evidence of it dying).
#gRegor`Similarly, every WordPress install has a feed that works out of the box, sans messing it up manually or with a plugin. (latter is hypothetical, I've not seen it personally)
#tantekin terms of why an indieweb site matters, much more than separate feeds/readers
#bnvkwith that said, I'm gonna give it the ole college try for another year or two, if email is still as dismal I'll agree with ya full :)
#tantekbnvk - given how distributed/federated email is, I want to believe it is "just" a UX problem - but it's not. comes back to the difficulty of hacking your own email server etc.
#tantekbenwerd, this is how it starts. govts screw up so badly that people being trusting and advocating multinationals instead.
#tantekmultinationals aren't going to take over, they're going to be handed authority by the people
#tantekcue all scifi dystopia scenarios where multinationals run things and natl govts are odd little leftovers.
#KevinMarksI heard about it. Bitcoin as pki, bittorrent as distribution?
#benwerdtantek: Which isn't a million miles away from the situation we currently enjoy, unfortunately, particularly behind the scenes. Completely agree.
#tantekKevinMarks, from that medium post, the last image has a poster on a metal wall that says: DNS NASIL DEĞİŞTİRİLİR? which translates to: "How to change DNS?"
#tantekand note the subheadings: ANDROID and PC/FIREFOX :)
#KevinMarksJarvis Cocker may be a bit of an acquired taste. I am a big fan of his work, which is oblique and pop and eclectic at the same time. His point about "get on with it" felt indieweb to me
#KevinMarksHmm that liberation link gave me a JS popup claiming I have viruses on my Android. Shady.
#kylewmsnarfed, my site seems to have made a mess of my reply to your reply
#aaronpkbret: do you have access to a laser cutter?
#gRegor`That huffpost link a bit ago reminded me how much I dislike loading their bloated pages, so I just set up an instapaper bookmarklet: http://pastebin.com/01fgqFFL
chloeweil and paulcp joined the channel
#kylewmhuh, so is class="p-in-reply-to h-cite" the right way to markup a reply context? and if so, what happens if there is a class="u-url" somewhere in the content of the comment? e.g., http://kylewm.com/reply/2014/03/21/1 snarfed's comment has a u-in-reply-to inside it
_skinny, paulcp, JasonO, eschnou and caseorganic joined the channel
#KartikPrabhukylewm: afaik reply-context markup goes "u-in-reply-to h-cite" then if the h-cite has any "u-url" then that is the url of the reply-context. If it has another "u-in-reply-to" then that is scoped to the h-cite itself
caseorga_ joined the channel
#kylewmthanks KartikPrabhu, So https://indiewebcamp.com/in-reply-to says p-in-reply-to is OK when you want to have more info than just the url ... but then I'm not sure what to do if there is more than one u-url inside there.
#kylewmit might be ok... maybe the worst that can happen is a duplicate u-url to the source comment that
#KartikPrabhushould't things have onyl one u-url anyway?
#KartikPrabhutantek: I seeI had it the other way round... interesting
#KartikPrabhulove how idieweb implementations are going beyond just immitating silos
#tantekKartikPrabhu: Twitter's display of a chain of replies and/or many replies to the same thing are so similar that it's hard to tell just by looking
#tantekKartikPrabhu - indeed! going beyond what silos do is one of the huge benefits of having and creating your own IndieWeb site!
#tanteksnarfed, earlier re: permashortcitations vs. permashortlinks, I tend to agree with you
#tantekas our "original posts" becomes more and more useful than any silo POSSE copy, it will make more and more sense to just use permashortlinks in POSSE copies - since users clicking on those will see more information (e.g. more indieweb/cross-site comments / likes)
#tantekwants to compare presentation meaning vs. markup
#KartikPrabhurepost: ylewm: huh, so is class="p-in-reply-to h-cite" the right way to markup a reply context? and if so, what happens if there is a class="u-url" somewhere in the content of the comment? e.g., http://kylewm.com/reply/2014/03/21/1 snarfed's comment has a u-in-reply-to inside it
#tantekKartikPrabhu: so the question you ask re: u-url has a literal answer and I think an actual answer
#tantekliteral answer - there is no u-url inside the content of the comment from snarfed
#tantekactual answer - if you're going to copy the e-content from someone's comment post to your own site, you need to be careful of all sorts of things people can do (un)intentionally in their markup that could screw up (visitors to) your site.
#tantekimagine if he'd put a <script> element inside his e-content - would you happily include that in your reply-context?!?
#tantekin fact that might make for a good indiewebify webmention receiving test
#aaronpk<script>alert('you coulda been hacked')</script>
#KartikPrabhui think mf2 parsers are supposed to filter those in the value property, but for the html proerpty i think the site author should filter appropriately
#snarfedtantek: in the scrollback, kylewm jokingly invited people to do exactly that (send <script>s to him in webmention e-contents)
#tantekhave indiewebify send you a webmention comment that includes a <div class="e-content"><script>alert("Your server should filter e-content before reserving it")</script></div>
#snarfedaaronpk and i and others have discussed this before. obviously you want to sanitize, but there's also clear value in including *some* tags. links, images, etc
#tantekit doesn't appear to be sanitizing the e-content from snarfed's site
#aaronpksnarfed: I disagree, I would rather re-link everything myself
#tantekincluding looking out for any naked uf2 properties
#snarfedno, i didn't mean to imply kylewm is sanitizing,.
#KartikPrabhuyeah i think kylewm does not do that yet
#snarfedaaronpk: sure, that works too. but it's more than just links. imgs, <code>s, etc
#snarfedan easy first implementation is just a simple tag whitelist
#aaronpkI want to accept only a plaintext note, and if you have a bunch of formatting in it then it's probably an article and i'm just going to link to it with the article name anyway
#tantekI feel like we've documented discussion of this before
#snarfedaaronpk: eh i dunno. i definitely see value in some formatting in comments, mainly styles, links, and imgs
#snarfedhell, people use them often in comments in silos. pictures and links in twitter/fb replies, bold/italics etc in g+ comments
#aaronpklinks can be re-linked, I don't really want someone to put an image in my comment thread, the only one that reall can't be reconstructed is <code>
#gRegor`I see value in some formatting, too, but sanitizing HTML is a nightmare
#snarfedsure. and to be clear, everyone gets to make their own call. but i know i'd allow imgs in comments on my site, and i'm not alone
#gRegor`Granted, my approach is that webmentions won't be displayed until I approve them, or if I whitelist the domain they're coming from (trusted parties)
#aaronpkheh, i have the opposite problem. i let facebook sync with my ios addressbook so all my facebook friends are potentially secret friends
#benwerdit's going to be pretty fun when they port to android and suck up everyone's google contacts list
#KevinMarks_which is huge. Though most iOS users do use the addressbook
#KevinMarks_this numberwang version needs to say "thats wangernum and rotate the board"
benprew joined the channel
#gRegor`On the wiki guest list, is "Missed You" for people that said they were coming but didn't show up? Otherwise I'm not sure the difference between "Regrets" and "Missed You" http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Guest_List
#tantekKevinMarks, snarfed, benwerd, aaronpk, please add to this and especially what you personally do on your own site (what markup you allow etc.) http://indiewebcamp.com/sanitize
#brethey aaronpk, why do the logs have a bunch of 'U+0002' in them?
#KevinMarks_I remember Google reader had a stupid feed sanitzer that would break blockquotes
#bretthe irc logs-atom feed is close. running into sanitation issues though.... going to try a few things. here is a preview of the html that comes in the feed though: http://iwc-log-feed.herokuapp.com/htmltest
#gRegor`Any other wiki template requests? I'm on a roll. :)
#tantekyes, in the Guest Lists, "Regrets" is for when people explicitly cancel (e.g. even if they just message this channel saying they're sorry they can't go
#tantekso that we learn and can encourage people to behave better in the future (e.g. in in-person conversations)
#kylewmsorry I missed the conversation about sanitizing, but it answered all my questions except maybe one -- would you recommend just always removing class="..." /style="..."
#tantekok I think I've caught up with wikifying stubs for today's conversations
#tantekKevinMarks, I think someone has to be brave and attempt a clever way to keep class names without risking the page content before we can recommend anything like that.
#kylewmtantek, it's really interesting stuff... it seems a shame to lose the metadata
#kylewmthough i can't think of a use case for keeping it right now
#snarfedperfect timing for this sanitizing conversation
caseorganic joined the channel
#snarfedis composing a reply to benwerd, and putting a URL directly in the contents, just because he knows benwerd strips html tags but auto-linkifies URLs
#gregorlove.comcreated /Template:Attendee-placeholder/doc (+1195) "Created page with "This template is used to generate a block when no one is on the list yet. == Blank Template == Copy, paste, and optionally enter a custom message: <pre style="line-height: 1.4e..."" (view diff)
#tantekit's great to work with so many builders and creators. thank you all for being here.
#bretdebate with dave doesnt seem terribly productive, but it would be really cool to get him to at least understand waht we are trying to do here
#benwerdComplicated by a bunch of our (justified) criticisms towards an unrelated piece he wrote the other day, but I think he'd be an interesting perspective.
#KevinMarks_He said that in context he was saying it was a risk, but one you should take. It didn't read that way
#benwerdIt really didn't, and that was enough to make it concerning
#bretbut a totally rss feed hardened perspective would be nice, in direct context to all the stuff happening here
#gRegor`Are there any other examples of "mentions" streams, a la http://www.sandeep.io/mentions? I don't see anything on the wiki specific to that.
#gRegor`I am working on something similar, but I think I'm going to show the text of replies, so it appears more like the "Notifications" tab on Twitter