2014-03-22 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# 00:12 snarfed reboot the wiki (and indieauth etc) server? sure, let's all pile on!
tilgovi joined the channel
# 00:15 basal Hey all, I'm making a Jekyll site and trying to indiwebify it. Anyone know where to look for grabbing my recent social media posts and turn them into text files?
# 00:17 kylewm basal, if you everything, twitter and facebook let you download a static copy of all your history ... it would be pretty easy to scrape the data out of that
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 00:20 kylewm for more recent history only, maybe a good use-case for snarfed's twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com and facebook-activitystreams.appspot.com
# 00:23 basal I guess the solution is just learning how to program :P
# 00:25 kylewm activitystreams might be a pretty good bet actually, I just learned you can have it format your stuff as HTML
# 00:29 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Are you in Chicago? Maybe we should start up a homebrew website club chapter here.
# 00:41 KevinMarks_ snarfed: twitter-activitystreams.appspot.com should add a <meta charset="utf-8"> to the HTML generated
ttepasse joined the channel
# 00:42 snarfed also, it does set the http header Content-Type: text/html
# 00:49 KevinMarks_ also, you're getting the legacy contents for twitter retweets (truncated to 140 chars)
ttepasse joined the channel
# 01:07 snarfed definitely. i already use the entities to convert t.co to pretty links, handle usernames and hashtags, etc
ttepasse, caseorganic and caseorga_ joined the channel
scor and ttepasse joined the channel
# 02:10 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: yes I am in Chicago. HWC-Chicago could be fun, but it would seem that'll just be the two of us
# 02:10 gRegor` True. It's a start, though. "If we build it, they will come." haha
# 02:13 gRegor` Also, interesting use of WordPress
# 02:13 aaronpk it's on its way out. it'll be replaced by bookmark posts from my main site
# 02:20 KartikPrabhu i have reached the 1024 piece but don't know how hard that is supposed to be
KevinMarks, ttepasse and pfenwick joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
# 02:46 gRegor` Doctor Who edition for you, aaronpk
snarfed and ttepasse joined the channel
# 03:23 aaronpk unfortunately have no energy left for any p3k work
ttepasse joined the channel
ttepasse, basal, acegiak, snarfed, tantek, krendil, iangreenleaf, yobj, Kopfstein, KevinMarks and squeakytoy joined the channel
LauraJ, eschnou, pfenwick, tantek, Garbee, glennjones, CheckDavid, cweiske, kerozene, melvster, yaf, becker_11, Kopfstein, ttepasse and moofy joined the channel
bnvk, ttepasse and glennjones joined the channel
# 12:24 moofy well this has been electrifying
Ciocc, netweb, ttepasse, eschnou, jcbsnd, glennjones, becker_11 and bnvk joined the channel
ttepasse, igalic, ireheart, dietrich, bret, arcatan, michel_v, nfn, bear, jden, inimino, tommorris, pdurbin, pavelz, jeukku and acegiak__ joined the channel
squeakytoy and snarfed joined the channel
# 15:09 bnvk you gonna be on a bit later? my battery is about to die
# 15:10 snarfed finishing up a bridgy ui overhaul for publish and more. i may send you a rough cut
# 15:10 snarfed np, won't be ready for a while, probably tommorrow
bnvk joined the channel
glennjones, tantek, kylewm and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:25 aaronpk like when your site has long URLs and short URLs (maybe on a different domain like ttk.me and aaron.pk)
# 16:27 aaronpk tantek: interesting, you don't actually link to the short URL version of your notes anymore?
# 16:28 tantek got the usability / branding feedback that consistently using my own primary recognizable domain
ireheart joined the channel
# 16:32 tantek here's an example of a tweet with PSL with short URL
# 16:32 Loqi [@t] Thanks @ArezuAghasey & @InfoBerkeley
# 16:32 aaronpk (I can't get to your archives very easily since you don't have paging on the home page)
# 16:32 tantek haha Loqi expands it - you have to go to twitter.com
# 16:33 aaronpk ok so my question was whether you provide the short URL on the canonical post
# 16:44 aaronpk hm yeah that's interesting. but it doesn't have an mf2 class so it doesn't show up in the parsed version.
# 16:44 aaronpk I was hoping to draw inspiration from existing markup for this, but having a tough time finding existing markup.
# 16:44 tantek right - the only reason it's there is for textual watermarking of a sort
# 16:44 tantek didn't see a reason to mark it up for otherwise consumption
yobj joined the channel
# 16:45 aaronpk I need the micropub endpoint to return the short URL, so that ownyourgram can create the new comment with the shortlink at the end
# 16:46 aaronpk so I was hoping to use existing markup to determine how to return the short URL
# 16:46 snarfed click on a user profile picture for the bigger change
# 16:47 snarfed still some rough parts, e.g. the "recent responses" lists on user pages, and missing functionality, but ui is pretty complete
# 16:51 aaronpk ok so I'm gonna go with rel="shortlink" since wordpres does it and so it's pretty widespread
# 16:53 aaronpk (also going to add u-shortlink to my posts on aaronparecki.com accordingly)
# 16:59 snarfed aaronpk: hate to say it, but i think the extended wiki login is still only working for you. it still logs me out after hrs, and i don't have a "stay logged in" checkbox on the login page
# 17:00 snarfed oh, ok. thought you mentioned a checkbox a while back
# 17:01 aaronpk yeah I forgot that the indieauth plugin removes it
# 17:01 aaronpk and you're *sure* you don't have some weird client-side setting that deletes your cookie?
# 17:02 snarfed but we should ask others. if it works for barnaby or other people, then it's just me
# 17:03 aaronpk well nobody chimed in on the github thread, I just assumed silence meant it was working fine :)
# 17:06 tantek oh hey aaronpk - yeah glad you found rel=shortlink
# 17:08 aaronpk oh great that page even talks about it in the http headers
# 17:10 tantek yeah that page could probably use some updating ;)
# 17:10 tantek youtube used to have it too and I think dropped it from the markup? but made it more prominent in the UI.
# 17:12 aaronpk btw I just realized that I accidentally made an HTML form for creating a post with micropub
kylewm_ and caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:08 aaronpk rwar, something is eating this error message and I can't figure out what is wrong
grantmacken and dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 18:15 Loqi dariusdunlap: snarfed left you a message 2 days, 11 hours ago: yup, you're right, bridgy intentionally only handles fully public posts. https://www.brid.gy/about#public . happy to expand on that or add that link somewhere else if you all think i should!
caseorga_ joined the channel
# 18:20 dariusdunlap It’s interesting to consider what would be the correct behavior for non-public posts. At least there needs to be some method of identifying them, so that a receiving website has the opportunity to “behave correctly”, whether that means “archive only”, or some sort of “private view”. Does that already exist?
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:21 snarfed heh, dariusdunlap, that was actually a msg from me to you
# 18:22 dariusdunlap Oh, I know. I couldn’t remember the “tell snarfed” command, so I just said it here in case someone was listening.
# 18:23 KevinMarks_ you did manage to leave/join either side of darius's reply, snarfed
# 18:24 snarfed dariusdunlap: right! people have definitely thought and maybe written about semi-private (ie shared but not public) posts and private messaging via mf2, webmention, indieauth, etc
# 18:24 snarfed and implemented some parts and written more on the wiki
# 18:25 KevinMarks_ there isn't really a good way of expressing a permission model is there?
# 18:25 dariusdunlap Would be an interesting excercise to map out the signalling that would be useful, if that hasn’t already been done.
# 18:25 snarfed i just took the very safe route with bridgy since i don't actually associate your silo account(s) with "your" web site, so i didn't want to accidentally expose anything more widely
# 18:25 snarfed KevinMarks: maybe not a standard, but you can do it ad hoc with ACLs based on domain
# 18:25 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters I'm having a tough time tracking down some error with the mf2 parser, I can't seem to get it to show any errors, but it's causing my code to stop executing mid-page
# 18:25 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:26 KevinMarks_ that's where it is hard - the ACL ends up being defined in a site-specific way
# 18:26 dariusdunlap I wouldn’t mind just having “Public” and “Not Public”, which I could use as a signal to archive only.
# 18:26 snarfed KevinMarks: really? seems like the first pass would just be a list of domains. the implementation would be site specific, but not the technique
# 18:26 dariusdunlap … o make available only in MY view, althought displaying that in a way that’s useful and clear would be another interesting excercise
# 18:27 snarfed both g+ circles and fb networks are good prior art for when we want something more sophisticated
# 18:28 KevinMarks_ actually that does work. I was thinking each site has its own set of user models, but domain is actually a pretty good proxy
# 18:28 KevinMarks_ as it doesn't just work for personal domains, but also for organisations
# 18:29 snarfed i'd love to see someone else implement this and then just plug it into my site
# 18:29 dariusdunlap Hmmm. The graph changes over time… Would get complicated if you actually wanted to track the accessibility of a given semi-private post as-when-it-was-posted.
# 18:29 snarfed well, the first pass would be indieauth, so you couldn't
# 18:29 snarfed but if you did oauth instead and looked at provider, then maybe
# 18:29 snarfed i'm off for now. looking fwd to reading more in logs. ttyl!
# 18:30 dariusdunlap snarfed is smart… it’s too beautiful out to be typing at this keyboard. :-)
# 18:31 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters nvm... of course... it was something stupid
# 18:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
KevinMarks and kylewm_ joined the channel
KevinMarks and eschnou joined the channel
# 19:39 caseorga_ aaronpk's karma is not found!
gRegor`, eschnou and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:03 dariusdunlap Well, I cleaned up a few things… now time to take a break from the computer to get other stuff done. More later! Ciao!
kylewm_, basal, kylewm1, kikimeter, indie-visitor, ttepasse and kbs joined the channel
# 22:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:38 bret The feed works by parsing the list of h-entry's and then writing a feed using the h-entry objects
# 22:39 bret Next up, I think I will build a more general h-feed to atom/rss layer
# 22:40 bret and test it out on my own site. that would allow for auto generation of atom/rss feeds by only publishing h-feed
# 22:40 bret I found xml escaping HTML inside an atom feed to be the easiest way to include html in the feed
# 22:41 bret I also need to write a unicode filter to remove invisible characters that tend to screw up feed readers
# 22:55 bret KevinMarks: Learning a new markup language was out of scope for the project
# 22:55 bret maybe when I do a proper implementation
becker_11 joined the channel
tahnok, kylewm, dariusdunlap and ttepasse joined the channel