iangreenleaf, kylewm, becker_11, kbs, KevinMarks, ttepasse and pfenwick joined the channel
#kbsjust going through the indewebcamp web site, after hearing a mention by kevin marks on the 'this week in google' podcast. Very nice stuff :-)
becker_11 joined the channel
#kbsone question I have [being a lazy person :)] - is there any android app that currently presents the people-first approach - I guess a 'super-duper-contact' app - that somehow aggregates info from other apps by person?
#kbseg: tap on a person - shows list of emails, sms, etc from them
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: what is the "disable" button do, in the new bridgy/publish?
#bretsnarfed: the only thing that pops out at me is is the stacking of user profiles. IE group all of the ryan b photos into a single object on the page.
#bretsnarfed: I might take a stab at the FAQ/the header text to make it more clear when I get some time
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: disable is the new delete :P
#snarfedbret: thanks! all of that would be much appreciated
#snarfedstacking definitely makes sense, especially now that i pull domain from profile urls, so i can aggregate on that
#KartikPrabhuso does it delete the abready POSSEd copy or... ?
#snarfedeach account has a separate user page, at least right now, so i'd have to think more
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: ahhh, no, it's disabling the account (for listen or publish), not deleting posts
#moofyThe last few times I looked up web hosts I glazed over in about fifteen minutes.
#pdurbinI use github pages to host http://greptilian.com which I think of as my landing page. For non-static stuff I use subdomains. Works pretty well for me.
#cweiskedoes someone have a GUI example for displaying linkback statuses for a website?
heath, iboxifoo, amblin and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message on 3/22 at 11:25am: I'm having a tough time tracking down some error with the mf2 parser, I can't seem to get it to show any errors, but it's causing my code to stop executing mid-page
#Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message on 3/22 at 11:31am: nvm... of course... it was something stupid
#barnabywaltersI can’t find anything in the Facebook API, but I’ve also never seen Facebook spam comments
snarfed joined the channel
#barnabywaltersfurther anti-spam brainstorming: a spam detection whitelisting service could be a single endpoint which takes the target and the source URLs
#barnabywaltersand uses various lookup methods to figure out if the source is probably okay to interact with the target, via e.g. XFN or twitter social graph DOF lookups
#barnabywaltersto return a single true/false value for “should I accept this comment”
#bnvkbarnabywalters: perhaps some sort of key exchange that requires the sender of the spam to lookup a simple finger print like nonce or something on your site for the first time they try to send a web mention?
#bnvkIn order to get added to that whitelist (or a slightly less trusted one), a new sender of comment get's a notification upon sending a web mention "You need to verify yourself" and they can either go to your site and indieauth in and click verify
#bnvkor they get taken to a screen with a nonce, that they need to resend with their webmention that once your site receives this correct nonce, then they get added to the whitelist
#barnabywaltersthe issue is how to send the notification to the commenter
#bnvkright, well, seems like an agreed upon standard for IW / webmentions might be in order
#bnvkwe could even extend this pattern to email on Mailpile :)
#bnvkbarnabywalters: couldn't the notification be sent in a similar way as a webmention to begin with?
#snarfed!tell barnabywalters, bnvk, one minor note: even when processing WMs fully async, you can still provide one useful thing in the response: an id that the sender can use later to look up results. requires extra protocol or UI work for that lookup, but that's straightforward.
#bnvksnarfed: elaborate on this ID of which you speak?
#Loqibnvk: snarfed left you a message 1 minute ago: minor note: even when processing WMs fully async, you can still provide one useful thing in the response: an id that the sender can use later to look up results. requires extra protocol or UI work for that lookup, but that's straightforward.
#aaronpkwhoa, squarespace has an office in portland! it's a customer service center.
_6a68 joined the channel
#bretI wonder if it is because all of the foodcarts
caseorganic and barnabywalters joined the channel
#aaronpkwtf the instagram app doesn't communicate via https, so if you're on a coffee shop wifi you can get hacked so fast
#Loqibarnabywalters: snarfed left you a message 4 hours, 31 minutes ago: minor note: even when processing WMs fully async, you can still provide one useful thing in the response: an id that the sender can use later to look up results. requires extra protocol or UI work for that lookup, but that's straightforward.
caseorganic joined the channel
#aaronpkweird, the app doesn't even use the real api
#aaronpkwondering if there is some alternate original post discovery we can do for cases like instagram where you can't really post a link to your original
#barnabywaltersaaronpk: I thought you had figured out how to do that, by either adding a comment or deleting/readding a comment?
#aaronpkbut I guess half of the reason for original post discovery is so that viewers of a syndicated post can find the original, in case there is a better experience available there
#aaronpkwow they sent like 10 tweets in that email from people
barnabywalters and KevinMarks joined the channel
#aaronpkjust pushed up a major (internal) refactor of p3k, so let me know if you notice any broken things
dariusdunlap joined the channel
#kylewmaaronpk that mention was my bad. my tweet shortening algorithm munged the link so i deleted it. still need to return 410 instead of 404 for those
kbs joined the channel
#barnabywaltersjust pushed native browser notification on new mention to taproot
#barnabywaltersprovided I have my site open in a tab, it’ll poll /mentions and launch a notification whenever there’s a new one
#barnabywaltersusing localstorage to remember when the last notification was sent across sessions
#KartikPrabhukylewm: looking at your "repeated h-card" issue. That is a major problem in mf2py
#barnabywaltersand they integrate right into mavericks notification centre!
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: sorry I was out for a bit (need to figure out how to mark self as away on this new client) ... the `parsed' set is a known major problem?
lukebrooker joined the channel
#bnvk!tell barnabywalters that notification flow is awesomesauce!