#kylewmweird, me too! can you try running exactly the same code i am? from bs4 import BeautifulSoup;soup = BeautifulSoup("""<html class="a b c d"></html>""");soup.find("html").get("class")
#KartikPrabhuI have not set any default parser in mf2py, so BS picks the best one as lxml > html5lib > html.parser . I am not sure which one is on my server
#KartikPrabhuyup. bs4 is supposed to return a list if more that one class value is found. But using html5lib somehow it returns just a space-separated string for the html tag
#KartikPrabhuand it does that only on the html tag, body tag seems fine!
#KevinMarksProbably the HTML tag is a special case in HTML5lib, unlike the other xml parsers
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: KevinMarks: yes definitely it is a special case, if <html> is not provided, it adds it around the other tags
#KartikPrabhui don't it is a problem with html5lib, bs4 is doing something funny
#kylewmso <body> is not the top-level tag from bs4's point of view
#KevinMarksDo you use classes on <html>? What for?
#KartikPrabhukylewm: actually I think html5lib will also auto-add <body> if it is missing. So I am convinced that html5lib is fine and bs4 is doing somethign weird
#kylewmyes, you're right, it adds html, head, and body if they do not exist, and I agree wtih you
#kylewmI believe snarfed also uses h-entry on the html tag
#KartikPrabhuso hopefully this gets fixed, and I'd be happy to specify html5lib as the parser for mf2py
#kylewmthanks again for your help, off to make dinner
#aaronpk!tell snarfed did you say there was a way to get Bridgy to generate the HTML for a silo post given a URL even if Bridgy didn't discover it itself? I'm thinking about writing a script to bulk import mentions of my Instagram photos that aren't discoverable by Bridgy
glennjones, chloeweil, tobiastom, KevinMarks and tahnok joined the channel
#KevinMarksVoxpelli not seen that, no. There is some payment discussion here
glennjones, _6a68, Sebastien-L, bnvk, scor, Guest91157, cjuehring and snarfed joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: aaronpk left you a message 9 hours, 18 minutes ago: did you say there was a way to get Bridgy to generate the HTML for a silo post given a URL even if Bridgy didn't discover it itself? I'm thinking about writing a script to bulk import mentions of my Instagram photos that aren't discoverable by Bridgy
#snarfedaaronpk: sure! dirty little secret: bridgy always uses silo apis when it serves silo posts as mf2, ie it never uses its own data (right now at least)
#snarfedso you can replace the post/comment ids in those urls with others
#kylewmPrinting out more detailed info, confirming that I get "Failure for http://cweiske.de/: Status code: 400, Response: {"error":"already_registered","error_description":"Linkback from http:\/\/kylewm.com\/reply\/2014\/03\/24\/2 to http:\/\/cweiske.de\/ has already been registered."}"
#kylewmcweiske: does it try 5 times right away, or delayed somehow?
#kylewm.comuploaded /File:PostingInterface.png "UI (or lack thereof) for posting a note, showing live feedback from all the things that happen after the post is saved."
#ben.thatmustbe.mecreated /User:Ben.thatmustbe.me (+110) "Created page with "Hello, I'm new to Indie Web Camp, but I have some ideas and I'd love to throw my hat over the wall as it were."" (view diff)
#ben_thatmustbemebarnabywalters: thanks, I hadn't yet decided if I was going to keep wordpress or not since I want to do some hacking on things
#snarfedi also considered a "resend webmentio now" button for failed webmentions, but i don't know how many people would care. holler if you want that.
#ben_thatmustbemeI think i might keep it an just test things in a subdir
#barnabywalterstrying to come up with a name for my anti-spam service
#ben_thatmustbemeI hope so. I really got interested in the project from hearing KevinMarks talk about your discussions on managing contacts on TWIG. I've actually been thinking of that problem for some time
#bnvkyah, only thing is it's fundamentally quite different than what my app store idea is trying to do- mainly have support for not only HTML5 web apps
#bnvkor rather, software, that is connected to the internet
#tantekso you've come around to the client vs. server distinction I was trying to convince you of :)
#bnvkI still like the idea of at least trying to view non cloud servers as viable hosting ;)
#tantekyour point: " it's fundamentally quite different than what my app store idea is trying to do" is in contrast with the examples of apple/android app store that you listed top of the page
#tantekmy point is that the open web app store is like those except based on open web tech, so is a better example from the perspective of figuring something out for the server
#bnvkright, installing Wordpress or IDNO on hardware a user controls, e.g. a Pi, or a VPS
#tantekbnvk - so that distinction is super not obvious on the /store page
#tantekwhich seems like it is client side focused given that you open with the apple/android examples
#kylewmI think I'm finally going to have to thrown in the towel on auto-generating text for tweets ... notes with several links etc
#kylewmimpossible to know what to keep in the tweet
#KartikPrabhukylewm: why not auto-generate but keep ability to edit the auto-gen one. That way it'll work mostly and special cases can be handled separately
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: even better, but I will have to translate the shortener to JS!
#tantekdietrich - if you can find a unique useragent for Google Calendar I'll see what I can do about updating h2vx robots
#tantekas it was, Google's spiders were being too stupid to not just keep trying to crawl ICS feeds from every h2vx link on there (when they should just be indexing the hCalendar and h-calendar directly)
#snarfednot that either of those will solve this problem, just related
tantek joined the channel
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: yeah I have seen those. but this seems to be a small h-card vs detailed h-card problem
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: right. i wonder which one the representative h-card alg would return
nagaway joined the channel
#kylewmsnarfed: I don't think I had, and I do think that algorithm answers my question. use the first h-card with u-url == rel=me, or something along those lines
#tanteksnarfed: Which has rel-me u-url properties?
#tantektommorris could choose to combine them by giving them the same u-uid
#KartikPrabhukylewm: that is interesting. I suspect it has to do with the whole "parsed" set thing. I'll open an issue
#kylewmtommorris: thanks! my intent is not to pile work on anyone else, just to catalog issues if I come across them that one of us can fix some day :)
#tommorriskylewm: do file it as an issue on github though.
#gRegor`considers a counter-criticism section for /feed
#gRegor`On my site I've chosen a single-post view for articles. When I add notes, I will display several on a page, but I don't intend to change the article's display.
#gRegor`Seems rather intensive for an h-feed reader to need to hit, say, 10 pages to get my most recent 10 articles.
#aaronpkI don't think that's a counter-criticism of RSS and Atom, that's more of a criticism of h-feed
#aaronpkalso that isn't really that intensive, cause imagine someone visiting your site, they'd have to click 10 times to see all 10 articles anyway
#gRegor`Vs fetching one RSS feed, though, is what I meant.
#snarfedone approach would be to include full article contents in the h-feed and hide parts via display: none
#aaronpkotoh you have people like tantek who had to reduce the number of posts in his atom feed because it was taking up too much bandwidth having the file downloaded in its entirety each time
#aaronpkso perhaps the 10 pageloads is actually a feature
#snarfedeh. i think we've overoptimized solving for that specific problem
#aaronpki'm just saying i wouldn't worry too much about that either way until you actually have a problem with it one way or the other
pfenwick joined the channel
#aaronpktantek had a real issue, so had to address it. i doubt you will have an issue with separate pageloads or with too high bandwidth usage on a single large file for a while, so best to spend your energy elsewhere :)
#snarfedsure. gRegor` 's is actually reasonable though. if he doesn't render full article contents in his h-feed reader, and you subscribe to him in your selfoss reader, you wouldn't get full contents either
#aaronpkas a reader, that's fine with me, i'll click the thing if the headline is interesting
#snarfedright, but that's you. i'd rather have the full contents.
#gRegor`I'm not concerned about bandwidth currently. Mostly just approaching it from "RSS vs h-feed". You're right, it is more a criticism of h-feed.
#aaronpksince the preference is really on the consumer, it doesn't really seem like something the publisher should decide
#gRegor`aaronpk: Your h-feed reader only pulls in titles currently?
pasevin joined the channel
#aaronpkno, but some people only publish titles so I only see the titles for theirs
#snarfed(re tantek's issue, i haven't researched it thoroughly, but i have to admit i'm a bit skeptical. most feed readers are pretty good with head requests and etags these days. i wonder how easily he could have cut down that bandwidth problem with some head handling and caching headers)
#aaronpkand I don't really mind it, in fact I prefer a title+picture or title+summary over seeing the full article in my reader anyway
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#tantekit's more work to do an RSS feed than an h-feed - why are you making more work for yourself?
#tantekif you don't want to put a feed on your home page - no problem, then you can make it a separate URL
#tantekthere is still no excuse for a) separate format (i.e. just use HTML+h-feed), b) inefficiencies of all the XML based formats
#tantekwhether home page or separate URL for your "feed" is semi-orthogonal to the format issue
#tantekexcept that XML based formats FORCE you to have a separate URL
#tantekwhereas if you just use h-feed, it's your CHOICE whether to put your feed on your home page or on a separate URL
#tantekgregor - I will put forth that there is zero advantage besides legacy consumer support for RSS/Atom/XML/RDF (which is a non-trivial advantage, but that's it)
#tantekfor all other reasons, "just" using h-feed, whether on your home page or on a separate feed.html page, is much easier, more reliable etc.