snarfedi just want to make sure indieweb community members feel like it's ok to both publish and consume rss/atom for years to come, until they truly don't need to
tantekkbs - anyway - there's more frequent (still not much, but more) discussion of rdfa vs microformats etc. in #microformats, so you may have more luck finding folks who want to discuss that there.
kbsbtw, love the indiewebcamp idea [stumbled on this via kevin mark's last TWiG appearance] but don't have much idea behind the history - I'm awash in a sea of format specs, so forgive any naive questions :)
kbsheh, that's a clever idea. Wouldn't a user still need to be tech-savvy enough to know if a given web-app is actually only connecting to their private server?
gRegor`Ok, caught up. tantek, snarfed: Yeah, I think it's the general "tone" about RSS/Atom that concerns me. I don't view XML and h-feed as an either-or, and it honestly seems like quite a low priority indieweb area. Like, if you run a WordPress blog, you have a working feed out of the box. Encourage people to add h-feed and other microformats, of course, but the anti-RSS tone just seems unnecessary.
gRegor`Re "if you don't want to put a feed on your home page - no problem, then you can make it a separate URL", tantek, that violates DRY, which is one of the main criticisms of the XML feeds.
dariusdunlapOn Wordpress, there is unfortunately still much work to be done. I’ve got the indieweb plugin installed and I’m using an “approved” theme, and yet the h-entry validation on still points out several missing elements on
tantek!tell gRegor` it's not a DRY violation if you only have one feed.html page which has your latest posts, *instead of* your home page. XML/RDF feeds are typically DRY violations because they *DUPLICATE* what's already on your home page.
tantek!tell gRegor it's not a DRY violation if you only have one feed.html page which has your latest posts, *instead of* your home page. XML/RDF feeds are typically DRY violations because they *DUPLICATE* what's already on your home page.
julien51tantek snarfed interesting discussion around RSS/Atom. I generally agree that it's a huge pain to consume (both at the developer level and the user level). We (Superfeedr) have been fighting hard to help with that while still preserving 'interoperability'. There are millions of feeds out there and a lot of different ways to consume them. Let's just not throw out the baby with the bath water! For example, one of our recent attempts is
julien51And if anyone is looking for really nice alternative to Google Reader, I'd suggest It's an "indie" solution, created by a wonderful dude who charges for his services. It's simple, fast and a generally "great" product. [they're not even a Superfeedr customer if you're wondering about a conflict of interest on my end!]
julien51Also, tantek, you know saying "snarfed - is there an RSS/Atom community? I thought any sense of community died as a result of the RSS/Atom wars." is not true. You're clearly substituting your own reality at this point =)
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@rtaibahOwn it, dogfood it, document it, open source it. Build for yourself. Humans and UX over computers & protocols. Agnostic. Have fun! #indieweb (
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gRegor`!tell tantek I'm not sure I understand. Are you suggesting I replace my home page (currently displays one post) with a page that displays X posts? Because I don't desire to do that.
ben_thatmustbemeYeah, i saw that, I'm more just curious if Loqi ignores the backtick in certain places or if it just drops lines that have the backtick in it
ben_thatmustbemeso when he tried to use tell without the backtick (and Loqi responded if i rememeber) it was just queuing up a message for the other nickname
gRegor`Re: the feed discussion, I put down some thoughts on the talk page last night. Mostly because I can't always keep up with IRC regularly: cc tantek snarfed
aaronpkgRegor`: yes thanks for that. Frankly I don't see much point in continuing the rss discussion until there is a productive and practical reason to do so
gRegor`I'm hoping to be productive. :) And I wanted it to be clear that it's not an either-or for me - not dissing h-feed *or* RSS/Atom. The messaging concerns me a bit is all.
dariusdunlapjust had some problems doing and indieAuth login to the wiki using Google+ — getting “invalid Credentials”. Tried logging out of all google accounts and logging in to only the main one, tried both http and https. (though I didn’t try to fuss with the rel_me settings anywhere.) I think this used to work. Problem on the Google side? indieauth worked fine.
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk what language is p3k? I'm not really finding anything I like thus far, and if I don't find something it will probably mean ripping apart opencart again to use their basic MVC setup
ben_thatmustbemehuh, interesting approach. Yeah, unless you are doing text searching there is no reason to put in the contents. That must make it nice and fast too.
aaronpkI want to be able to query by tags, post types, etc, and maintaining flat-file indexes of those is getting hard, so that's the reason for moving the metadata into the DB
Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message 1 hour, 45 minutes ago: I'm not sure I understand. Are you suggesting I replace my home page (currently displays one post) with a page that displays X posts? Because I don't desire to do that.
Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message 1 hour, 44 minutes ago: Yeah, Loqi doesn't like my backtick apparently. Only saw this in my IRC mentions. Same for the ++ point/karma thing.
tantekgRegor`: no I'm not suggesting you change your home page. My point is that if your home page DOES NOT display X posts, then having a separate "posts.html" page that DOES display X posts is NOT a DRY violation.
aaronpkso it sounds like you have already published all the information and links needed for me as a person or myself using a feed reader to find all your content
aaronpkI guess my question is why are you making more work for yourself, you've already made your content and the links to it all available for both human and machine consumers
gRegor`DRY is one of the best arguments against XML. Yet a shortcoming of h-feed (with my current site setup) is that I would need to set up a separate HTML page, *duplicating* my RSS/Atom feed in HTML form. So the DRY argument loses its power there. Sure, if I dropped the RSS/Atom feed and just used an h-feed, that would make sense.
snarfedgRegor`: definitely. we need to update /feed, right now it kind of reflects a minority opinion. that's on my todo list, but feel free to jump in ahead of me!
tantekgRegor`: yes, we should update the page to reflect both the current situ and trends more accurately. I think snarfed and I will be banging that out tomorrow night.
snarfedbret, aaronpk: agreed, h-feed to rss/atom and back seems pretty straightforward. not even sure there are any meaningful design decisions to be made, just simple fetch-on-demand and transformation. at least, that's the naive first pass, which is all i'd expect to do.
kylewmcool -- I did understand how someone could find it a little inflammatory a week ago, but not anymore thanks to barnaby's edits. looking forward to reading new versions :)
tanteksnarfed, per Postel's law - does it make sense to produce anything other than the strictest/most valid Atom from h-feed? And then consume *any* Atom/RDF/RSS and produce the strictest h-feed?
gRegor`I didn't compare to its recent history. I didn't find /feed inflammatory in its current state, just a bit of concern about the tone/message. I commented last night on the talk page, which I just mostly recapped here in IRC. :)
snarfedtantek: re caching, sure. if you already serve rss/atom, though, this wouldn't increase your load much, since the number of users of h-feed readers is approximately…2? 3? :P
barnabywaltersno success so far but that’s a result of the feed reader trying to also be a programming environment. I think I need to focus it on one purpose and optimise it for that rather than trying to over generalsie
barnabywaltersbut current working consensus from julien is: subscribe to a HTML page, get pings when it changes, pings contain the content of the HTML page which you then re-parse
ben_thatmustbemebret: sadly they both sound depressing, I don't want to start from scratch to get far enough to the point of things I want to work on, but I also don't want to try working with the mess that is WP
ben_thatmustbemeyes, I like the look of the code, but alas, sql only host and while I could dev locally, it would not be fun to not be able to launch on the hosting i've prepayed for
ben_thatmustbemesnarfed, mostly I was looking to hack it pretty heavily and wp doesn't always work the intuitive way for me. I'm leaning toward just sticking with WP for now
ben_thatmustbemeI suppose the easiest for me is a framework I've already used and could get it together fast, but I wouldn't really be learning as much
snarfedeh, you'd still learn plenty about indieweb. and honestly, poking at both in parallel isn't so bad! you get something working fast, and you also get to try building from scratch.
ben_thatmustbemeI think i'm going to just go the MVC route i'm used to. It will take me through a lot more of learning the indie web standards, and thats really what i'm interested in
tantekthe events support will likely force the implementation of webmentions etc. - because RSVPs to real world events are far more interesting to me than comments. /PubSubHubbub (+547) "/* Testing */ moved to How To section, stubbed subscription how to with link to superfeedr docs" (view diff)
tantekI'm currently using 'style' attributes on per-post custom CSS, which is perhaps suboptimal but I'm not sure where else to start for a more "general" solution (without getting bogged down in template-reinvention-hell, that's a project for later)
snarfedtantek: re custom css, yes, i've done both inline styles and custom class names that i style in a .css file. both are straightforward. not sure it needs any more magic or special techniques beyond those.
tanteksnarfed, re: "it's because i sometimes hit the 10k queries/day G+ api limit," - perhaps don't send empty interaction webmentions then? So we don't get empty interactions on Bridgy consumers.
snarfedtantek: i definitely understand the motivation. it's not quite that easy, since i don't currently track the number of g+ calls i've made, and i don't think there's a way to ask, but i'll think about it.
KartikPrabhuscoped styles created more problems i feel. I have setup my templates to look for a CSS file with the same title as the article and insert a <link> if it exists
KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: I use a CSS preprocessor mostly so small common styles as in separate resuable files. I've not needed to reuse huge amounts of custom styles.
ben_thatmustbemeI'm having to force myself to remove proper markup from my new site... just to force myself to learn the hard way to insert the correct tags. I shouldn't have started with a template, I feel like i'm cheating.
snarfedtantek: well, sending a webmention is a separate request from serving the source URL, and the architecture is pretty stateless. i don't currently fetch from G+ when i send the webmention, so i don't actually know whether the later fetch will succeed or not
snarfedtantek: sorry, i'm probably not being clear. during a poll, i fetch the post and its comments and likes, store new ones, and enqueue tasks to send webmentions for them. later, independently, i try to send those webmentions. (no silo api calls there.) later, independently, the recipient asks me for the mf2 translations, which i use silo api calls for. that last part is the one that failed in this case. when that happens, with this archite
snarfed…which brings me back to the ideal answer, serve the mf2 from my stored data instead of silo api calls. doable, but a bit harder than it sounds, due to implementation details.
kbsrandom question - has any 'de-facto format' to embed pgp keys in a h-card (or (hcard I guess) taken root? Right now it seems a bit all over the place.
cweiskeaaronpk, I once talked to you about accepting webmention via "202 accepted" if they get processed asynchronously, and wished there was a way I would get notified about the processing result
KartikPrabhutantek: re custom styles: do you think custom styles and scripts for a post should be syndicate-able, i.e. put inside the h-entry so others can consume it if they want?
kbsSounds logical enough - so is the thinking that the hcard class="key" be used for inline keys, and the generic <a rel="key" be used for links to keys?
cweiske.decreated /stapibas (+694) "Created page with "Standalone pingback server written in PHP, storing data in MySQL. == Features == * Receive webmentions and pingbacks * Send out webmentions/pingbacks to each link in an Atom f..."" (view diff)
pauloppenheimtantek: sandstorm is not necessarily indieweb related, actually sounds more like a Docker competitor. Also the author is not merely ex-google, he made protocol buffers and cap'n proto
pauloppenheimtantek: i haven't dug too far into the code, but it seems like a weird way to go about doing what the site describes. Then again I might not be the best person to evaluate that.
pauloppenheimtantek: yeah, i think that's where the intended audience is eventually, but right now the project seems to requre understanding cgroups and chroot
pauloppenheimbut my housemate is writing an operating system to do something similar, and has been working on it for a few years now, so there are likely traps in there that are as yet unseen
dariusdunlapYou mean wrt the bootstrap.min.css? heh heh. Seriously, I’m wondering if I have time to stick my head in my ADN Python code to see if I can figure out how to make talk to
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