kbswell, I wouldn't actually want to get you to give me access to your data I guess [meaning the whole oauth login dance.] I just want to access the publicly available information about a person
kbssnarfed: ah - my mistake. The context here, is that I'm running a local process that gets a url [say snarfed.org] then crawls the web to discover all the rel=me sites and vcards, and gives me back something interesting to add to my contact book
KartikPrabhu!tell tantek: nice notes/comments on the annotations thing... Looking at the Readmill's example jSON, what happens to the 'highlight annotation' is the text around it is edited? Seems that should be taken into account but I can't see how...
Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 1 hour, 54 minutes ago: nice notes/comments on the annotations thing... Looking at the Readmill's example jSON, what happens to the 'highlight annotation' is the text around it is edited? Seems that should be taken into account but I can't see how...
KevinMarks, benprew, pasevin, snarfed and basal joined the channel
bnvkperhaps someone in the community should fork https://github.com/SSilence/selfoss and merge in all the pull req & updates... the developer seems to have fallen off the map / is distracted by other things
Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message on 4/2 at 12:58pm: I don't know where to put in pending human moderation really, but this is what I have worked up thus far https://github.com/dissolve/webmention
Loqiaaronpk: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 48 minutes ago: it came up, if you want any help with mediawiki update since its out of date, let me know.
bnvkI donated some $ to the dev, emailed him with ideas (for Selfoss & app store), he wrote back "Mailpile is cool" but I'm building a PHP email client... doh!
gRegor`If people are having to log in to the wiki frequently, try checking "Remember my login on this browser (for a maximum of 180 days)" on http://indiewebcamp.com/Special:Preferences That's worked for me.
Loqidangillmor: caseorganic left you a message on 3/27 at 4:52pm: IndieWebCamp Cambridge is a go! Here's the link: http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/Cambridge At Berkman Center
dangillmorIs there a list of indieweb-related projects that have been submitted to the Knight News Challenge? I ask because it's very useful if people "applaud" and comment on these.
ben_thatmustbemeyeah, it looks like the latest on I have found works, and I can start merging the skin in to it, but its going to be slow going to make sure all the pingback/webmention stuff is correct
kbsand neither one is a subset of the other. [eg: rel=me contains kevinmarks.com, which is not in rel=contributor-to. and rel=contributor-to contains gonzoengaged.blogspot.com, which is not in rel=me]