2014-04-04 UTC
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:26 aaronpk I was thinking... *my* site knows the canonical URL for all my syndicated instagram photos
# 00:27 aaronpk so if bridgy had a way to query my site to find the canonical URL, would you be up for that?
# 00:30 caseorganic aaronpk: no word from instagram? did you get connected to kevin from josh?
# 00:33 aaronpk not sure how much of a special case I want to make for instagram in general, so would this be potentially useful for anything else?
# 00:34 snarfed you're thinking we'd come up with a new mini-protocol for asking for the canonical url for a syndicated silo url?
# 00:34 aaronpk basically given a post on a silo, and given you know the domain of the person that posted it, an API to discover the original post
# 00:34 caseorganic aaronpk: the issue is that any api request for instagram looks like it might be a custom request
# 00:34 snarfed right. it'd allow you to omit the link or PSC in POSSEd content
# 00:34 caseorganic aaronpk: and even my contact there noted that it seemed "more complex than necessary" to get a request through
# 00:35 aaronpk caseorganic: I did notice they have a new form/process for the requests now!
# 00:35 aaronpk snarfed: yeah, that would be the general idea. for the cases in which you don't want to include the PSC due to the way it looks, or when you can't like instagram
# 00:36 aaronpk haven't fully thought through whether this is a good idea, but wanted to throw it out there
# 00:39 caseorganic aaronpk: oh, that's good! i think that was made specifically due to our request
# 00:40 aaronpk someone was probably like *who* put in our api docs that people should email us this stuff.... then went and made a form for it
tantek, caseorganic, snarfed, scor, nanda and compete joined the channel
# 03:17 KartikPrabhu so here's a question: I usually upload my presentation to my website. Any good markup recommendations for that
# 03:17 KartikPrabhu particularly I can't find how to markup both a datetime and a duration
nanda and npodnepr joined the channel
T0bb5 and tantek joined the channel
# 04:21 GWG I find this place much busier than many of the IRC rooms I'm in
# 04:22 ben_thatmustbeme I was reading back in the logs and saw you saying how you're embarassed by your own site until it is finished... I can totally relate
# 04:22 GWG I let the site linger for a long while.
# 04:23 GWG I'm a long standing Wordpress person
# 04:23 GWG I've siloed things, but they are silos of my own making, not other people's.
# 04:24 ben_thatmustbeme i set that up just to get the page up, but then had a long internal debate of hacking on WP vs building in an MVC I know well
# 04:25 GWG Yes. So, right now, I'm working on building the canonical me.
# 04:25 GWG Then I need to figure out how to unify the other mes.
# 04:26 GWG So, right now I'm importing Tweets from 2012 and 2011 in.
# 04:26 GWG All new thoughts are going out...working on tweaking that.
LauraJ joined the channel
# 04:28 ben_thatmustbeme honestly though, most of my older stuff is rather, umm, not really stuff I want to put out there professionally. Now that I'm really unifying as an adult
# 04:29 ben_thatmustbeme i have blog posts going back to high school. back in the oh what was that site called, opendiary or something
# 04:29 GWG Well, I'm doing only a selected set right now.
# 04:30 GWG I'm just annoyed that Google values those other sites more than my personal one
# 04:30 GWG Why is it I'm not the authority on me?
# 04:32 GWG I really would like to push that horrible fanfic I wrote in high school down lower too
# 04:32 GWG ben_thatmustbeme: I have those too. I'll never get to it
# 04:35 GWG What do you want to get out of this movement, out of curiousity?
# 04:35 GWG Most of the talk here is technical that I see.
# 04:40 ben_thatmustbeme Eh, I really needed to get my site going again. Really resonated with me when I saw one of the talks saying that if you ask a group of devs if they started with a personal site and it spawned into a career most will raise their hands. But then ask how many still have a site, and almost none do.
# 04:40 ben_thatmustbeme I like the idea of leading the pack in helping to flesh out standards and make them reasonable
# 04:41 ben_thatmustbeme its also a pretty closed off group where I can bounce ideas off people and help others with interesting ideas
# 04:41 GWG I'm still finding what I want to do to be a part of this.
# 04:52 GWG Like most chats I am in on Freenode
# 04:52 GWG Speaking of which, I may withdraw. It's been a long day.
# 04:55 GWG My next problems are...the 140 character auto-post problem, and how to handle Likes on Facebook, as my friends are too lazy to say anything.
# 04:56 GWG Yes. But I'm syncing Facebook comments already to Wordpress comments.
# 04:57 GWG I'm not sure how Wordpress could do likes.
LauraJ, lukebrooker_ and nanda joined the channel
bnvk, melvster, LauraJ, bear, jsilvestre and pfenwick joined the channel
peck_lx, pfenwick, friedcell, eschnou, LauraJ and pfenwick1 joined the channel
pfenwick, pfenwick1 and friedcell joined the channel
krendil, LauraJ, pfenwick1, tobiastom, Sebastien-L, peck_lx, pfefferle, pfenwick, glennjones, caseorganic, caseorga_, ttepasse, adactio and bnvk joined the channel
# 11:13 bnvk !tell tantek I know you don't like RSS anymore... but for us old fogeys, you should limit the string length of your <title> for each item is currently the whole note
# 11:13 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
pfenwick, pasevin, barnabywalters, pfenwick1, scor, pfefferle, equivalentideas, caseorganic, bnvk, friedcell and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
T0bb5 joined the channel
CheckDavid, caseorganic, eschnou, snarfed and Garbee joined the channel
pasevin, gRegor`, pfefferle, dariusdunlap and ubax joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:39 kylewm snarfed: good morning! little heads up that activitystreams-unofficial in github points to a missing changeset for oauth_dropins (f2e45f8)
benprew, indie-visitor and silencematters joined the channel
# 16:05 silencematters Hello — I am here to talk about organizing the NYC Indie Web Camp. Anyone care to join?
tantek joined the channel
# 16:09 Loqi tantek: bnvk left you a message 4 hours, 56 minutes ago: I know you don't like RSS anymore... but for us old fogeys, you should limit the string length of your <title> for each item is currently the whole note
# 16:11 tantek !tell bnvk sounds like a bug in your reader, poor handling of long entry titles. In a modern reader, it would just show up as a "note", without a title. ;)
# 16:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:12 aaronpk how would a "modern" reader know it's just a note if the atom entry has a long title?
# 16:13 aaronpk in h-entry, content usually has HTML tags, whereas name is plaintext
# 16:13 tantek for old XML feed fogeys, they can use the Atom ActivityStreams extensions, and switch on object-type (which is in my Atom feed)
# 16:13 aaronpk or the plaintext version that comes out of the mf2 parser I guess
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 16:20 barnabywalters but yes, it’s generally possible to determine when you should show name separately, given a post with both name and content
# 16:20 tantek on the phone with Jeremy Zilar of NYT re: IndieWebCampNYC
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:22 tantek hey silencematters - welcome to the IRC channel! :)
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:34 aaronpk I really don't understand the twitter spam bots that immediately reply with a weird hashtag and a bizarre link that ends up 301 redirecting to pinterest.com
tilgovi joined the channel
# 16:36 dariusdunlap ok… all caught up on the IRC logs for the last few days. Whew! You folks are prolific!
# 16:37 dariusdunlap Er, Note that “Caught Up” still leaves a bunch of open tabs that I have to read, and about a half-dozen (and growing) new items on my todo list. ;-)
# 16:37 snarfed dariusdunlap: you're a better man than me for reading logs
# 16:38 snarfed kylewm: re activitystreams-unofficial, working on anything interesting?
# 16:40 dariusdunlap Snarfed: One of those todo items is forking brid.gy to fiddle with App.net. No promises… I’m just learning. ;-)
# 16:42 dariusdunlap Awesome, thanks. The rain is going to keep me inside today (even though the hounds and I all need to get out for a hike), so I hope to get started today.
nfn and kbs joined the channel
# 16:47 snarfed dariusdunlap: excited! setup instructions are in the readme, but there haven't been many other contributors, so holler at me if (when) you hit rough edges
# 16:50 dariusdunlap lol. Thanks. I’ve looked at it a bit already, a few days ago. Now it’s time to dive in.
T0bb5 joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:57 tantek !tell silencematters hey check this out I just left a message for you
# 16:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:57 Loqi silencematters: tantek left you a message 41 seconds ago: hey check this out I just left a message for you
# 17:04 tantek just had a great call with silencematters with moving forward with IndieWebCampNYC organizing
# 17:05 tantek (if someone wants to help convert that to use the new guest list templates - please do!)
# 17:27 kbs java -jar lindy.jar should be it.
# 17:27 snarfed let me know if you want to try to deploy it on app engine, should be doable
# 17:28 snarfed ah, yeah. "WARNING: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target"
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:29 kbs yea - it's limited by whateer ssl support is available to the underlying java implementaion
# 17:31 kbs I hope it's able to go to the twitter sites, because it usually prefers an https link if it finds both
# 17:33 kbs thanks for the appengine heads up - at the moment I'm still trying to sort out how to extend this into an end-to-end messaging thing
# 17:33 kbs but regardless by all means if you find something you can use in that rotten horrible code, by all means :)
# 17:34 kbs (It'd need to be rejiggered to go into a background service rather than inline and all that...)
# 17:34 kbs oh, I see yea :) didn't realize you could just plop it in there
# 17:36 kbs so none of the https links are working huh? weird
# 17:37 snarfed (and obviously there are other java paases too: elastic beanstalk, heroku, cloudbees, etc. any would work.)
# 17:38 kbs I should probably include root certs I suppose
# 17:38 kbs to avoid this situation - though some people might get unhappy about it if I don't make it clear
# 17:40 snarfed that's one nice part of running it as a service: it's more obvious that you make those calls yourself
# 17:41 kbs tbh, I was sorta going down the path of locally running applications [mobile/desktop] because I can't really see how to scratch my end-to-end messaging itch
# 17:41 kbs and it so happens that it's easiest to write desktop apps as a local web server
# 17:44 kbs but this is a good point to pause and think for a bit - thanks for the encouragement and tips along the way :)
# 17:47 aaronpk it makes it look like peat likes the site-deaths page, but really it's a like of my post
# 17:51 snarfed aaronpk: yup. backfeed semantics in general are subtle
# 17:51 snarfed they'd be less so if bridgy only strictly backfed for possed posts
# 17:51 snarfed but i kind of made a product decision to make it more promiscuous
Sebastien-L, Kopfstein, bnvk and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 18:02 Loqi bnvk: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 50 minutes ago: sounds like a bug in your reader, poor handling of long entry titles. In a modern reader, it would just show up as a "note", without a title. ;)
# 18:03 snarfed heh. when i see "modern reader" there, i can't help but translate it to "vaporware" :P
# 18:04 snarfed i guess "under active development" would be more generous
tantek joined the channel
# 18:11 tantek snarfed: Indeed, modern reader is a bit of an oxymoron
# 18:11 kbs snarfed: if you're interested, I can put up a suitable rootcert fileset with the appropriate incantation to use it [just for this server, it won't get installed anywhere]
# 18:12 snarfed kbs: thanks! i was actually able to play around with enough http sites
tantek joined the channel
# 18:23 bnvk lookin at that Site Deaths page... Yahoo is where startups go to die
LauraJ and tantek joined the channel
yaf joined the channel
# 19:00 aaronpk hey all, today is the deadline for open source bridge submissions!
# 19:00 aaronpk osbridge is the week before indiewebcamp portland
eschnou, KevinMarks, tantek and paulcp joined the channel
# 19:59 tantek We should keep track of the companies that shut down the most sites and hand out a "serial site killer of the year" award.
benprew joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# 20:07 gRegor` I'm surprised Google hasn't axed Orkut yet
# 20:08 gRegor` Especially with their g+ push
# 20:08 aaronpk isn't orkut still pretty big in south america or something?
# 20:09 KevinMarks it was dominant in Brazil, Estonia and some of the Gulf States, and very popular in India
# 20:11 gRegor` Favebook? Or Facebook? :)
# 20:11 gRegor` Just wondering if there's YASN I missed.
# 20:13 gRegor` Ah, interesting.
# 20:13 gRegor` Nice typography improvements on Wikipedia today
# 20:14 gRegor` I'd be interested in doing similar with the wiki upgrade, ben_thatmustbeme
# 20:15 Loqi [@kevinmarks] Orkut being unintentionally ironic
benprew joined the channel
# 20:17 arcatan heh. i thought it was linux font rendering breaking again or something.
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 20:22 aaronpk interesting "We’re privileged, using operating systems like OS X that license fonts for us."
# 20:22 gRegor` Fonts are larger, also now: Arimo,"Liberation Sans","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif -- instead of just "sans-serif"
# 20:23 gRegor` Another article said "For more information, visit the Wikipedia blog", without a link, of course... and finding the Wikipedia blog seems to be impossible. Haha.
# 20:25 gRegor` Ahh, misread. WikiMEDIA blog
ttepasse, bnvk and tantek joined the channel
drags and yobj joined the channel
# 21:02 gRegor` Pretty good here. It's flown by.
# 21:02 gRegor` Loqi, where's the coffee?
bnvk, tantek, kbs and pfenwick joined the channel
# 21:25 kbs gRegor`: thanks for the knight newschallenge link - didn't know about this site before, and the linked idea was also pretty interesting.
# 21:29 gRegor` Welcome. I think it was Dan Gillmor that brought the challenge to my attnetion.
pauloppenheim, kbs and tantek joined the channel
# 22:06 ben_thatmustbeme oh shoot me... my mother in law is getting kicked out of her place which means she'll be staying here.
kbs joined the channel
# 22:19 bret everything looking the same does not count as 'beautiful', the only argument for using medium that I have found
# 22:21 bret finding a way to subvert that to create something totally different XD cool
kbs joined the channel
kbs, pfenwick, ben_thatmustbeme and pfenwick1 joined the channel
# 23:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:51 ben_thatmustbeme well then, i guess i can get some work done and just try ignoring the drunk on my couch
kbs joined the channel
# 23:52 KevinMarks I tried sending him a webmention for the NYT but I don't think it worked
# 23:52 kbs oh, I'm so out of touch. brendan resigned huh?
# 23:57 kbs thinks one of lurking mozilluns(?) will probably know
# 23:58 kbs I'm so non-clued that I just learnt about it
# 23:58 aaronpk just go look at the front page of hackernews, ther's been stories all day about that