#ben_thatmustbemesince I don't even have any UI to manage content yet
#ben_thatmustbemeI'm using mf2-php and some other scripts, been writing my own system
#KartikPrabhuGWG: i am using vrypan's webmentiontools for now but writing some custom code that I'll push to bear's ronkyuu package (which is what I use for sending)
#GWGBut what do you want to do? You are speaking from a technical point of view. Not a functionality point of view.
#KartikPrabhuGWG: oh yeah sorry... I get webmentions and check the source page has indeed linked to mine, then parse it to get properties like author, time and a snippet and put it in my database.
#GWGKartikPrabhu: I think the formatting of what you do with the data could use some work. But mine could too
#KartikPrabhuGWG: exactly! and I should be getting the correct data too using mf2... I am being very naive about how to get the data which is the problem :)
#KartikPrabhuGWG: what is your site link? ... just curious
#GWGI'm trying to get the formatting on what I have looking good, then I can add more data
#kylewmSo I've got a hacked together proof of concept together for original-post-discovery without backlinks... looks for rel="original-post-discovery" to in the author's root url
#KartikPrabhukylewm: My idea was that you send to brigy two things 1. url of original post 2. url of syndicated post and then bridgy can verify that those came from the same person and add them to its table of connected posts
#KartikPrabhuin addition bridgy could verify that original-post has syndicated-post as a u-syndication
#KartikPrabhumy selfish use-case is that I could import all of my pre-POSSE twitter back to my site and still get activity backfed
#kylewmso the way i'm doing it, my site has a <link rel="original-post-discovery"> endpoint
#kylewmand bridgy looks at the author's url, grabs it and pulls out that endpoint
#kylewmand then it constructs a 'target' as endpoint?syndication=tweeturl
#KartikPrabhubut afaik bridgy saves the "connection" between originalpost and syndicated-post and polls them
#kylewmhmm, could you explain that a little more, i'm not understanding
#KartikPrabhuI mean... it seems to me that currently bridgy scans the tweet-url and finds the original-url and saves the fact that they are related. Then it polls the tweet-url for activity and sends it to the original-url as mentions
#kylewmmy understanding is the alternatives are 1. store the orig->syndicated mapping in bridgy 2. store the mapping on each site and bridgy queries them when it needs it
#kylewmah, no it doesn't save that they're related
#gRegor`Hi, Lynne. You raise some great points in this post. I am a self-proclaimed “indieweb enthusiast.” I have not been around the group too long, but one of the things I really like is that there seems to be a strong desire to make things easier and more accessible for everyone, not just technical people. There’s a long way to go, but I see small steps and am excited by them. http://brid.gy is..
#gRegor`...one example, allowing people to pull back comments and likes to their own site pretty easily.
#gRegor`There is at least one WordPress theme, SemPress, that supports microformats2 out of the box. Of course, the barrier for indieweb to overcome there is that most people won’t want to switch their current theme. There is also a WordPress plugin for sending/receiving webmentions. Andy Sylvester made a good video about installing and using it: http://andysylvester.com/2014/01/27/working-with-webmenti
#gRegor`I’m definitely interested in helping bridge the knowledge gap, though, and helping people get on board easier. I will try to distill some of this on the IndieWebCamp wiki and might put some more attention towards a set of first steps for WordPress users. Thanks for the post drawing attention to this topic!
#KartikPrabhugRegor`: I was half-tempted to point out that people are working on the "make easier" problem. The wording of that article is too harsh IMO
#gRegor`Perhaps. I got the impression it wasn't in bad faith, though. I thought a positive comment could help.
#gRegor`I honestly had not thought of indiewebify.me as an entry point to indieweb, like it seems it was for her.
#KartikPrabhuit is an entry-point if you are willing to explore the tech at the moment. But for Gen2/3 people it isn't and it is not intended to be either
#gRegor`I think the bits about competing with Apple and Google was... well, wrong angle. It's a grassroots thing, not really an attempt to "take on" big companies
#GWGI work with Wordpress. There could be more development in that area.
#gRegor`Among the many indieweb rabbit trails that interest me, making things easier is definitely one of them. I was thinking this afternoon that maybe I should make the WordPress official themes in mf2 friendly versions
#gRegor`You should definitely release it when it's ready. :)
#GWGTwenty-fourteen has a lot good and bad features
LauraJ joined the channel
#GWGgRegor`: Do you have a background in Wordpress theming?
#gRegor`I know WordPress pretty well from implementing it on several client sites. I typically do more custom plugin development on those than theming - our designers do most of that - but they also don't know PHP well at all, so I often have to go in to clean stuff up and guide them in better practices.
#gRegor`I was just about to say, I've not dabbled much with custom post formats yet, but that seems like the way to go for marking up statuses, likes, etc.
#GWGaside - Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook note update.
#GWGgallery - A gallery of images. Post will likely contain a gallery shortcode and will have image attachments.
#GWGlink - A link to another site. Themes may wish to use the first <a href=””> tag in the post content as the external link for that post. An alternative approach could be if the post consists only of a URL, then that will be the URL and the title (post_title) will be the name attached to the anchor for it.
#GWGimage - A single image. The first <img /> tag in the post could be considered the image. Alternatively, if the post consists only of a URL, that will be the image URL and the title of the post (post_title) will be the title attribute for the image.
#GWGquote - A quotation. Probably will contain a blockquote holding the quote content. Alternatively, the quote may be just the content, with the source/author being the title.
#GWGstatus - A short status update, similar to a Twitter status update.
#GWGvideo - A single video. The first <video /> tag or object/embed in the post content could be considered the video. Alternatively, if the post consists only of a URL, that will be the video URL. May also contain the video as an attachment to the post, if video support is enabled on the blog (like via a plugin).
#GWGaudio - An audio file. Could be used for Podcasting.
#barnabywaltersso <span class=“p-url”>/notes/1000</span> will give url: “/notes/1000” whereas <a class=“u-url” href=“/notes/1000”> will try to resolve it and give you an absolute URL
#barnabywaltersben_thatmustbeme: prefixes tell parsers how to parse particular values
#ben_thatmustbemethats why your image isn't showing up barnabywalters, the likes returned absolute urls for author photo, but the reply returned it as a relative
#kbsbeen hesitant to put it into any sort of permanent record
#kbsI'm kinda hoping at the moment to tinker with some private messaging bits before [one hopes] circling back to clean up and make everything less hacky
#kbsis this - private messaging - something you (or anyone actually :) already have some thoughts on already?
#snarfedkylewm: deployed your h-cite fix. thanks again!
#kbsoh right - this is ACL-based communication, right?
#aaronpkessentially yes, even if the ACL is just one person
#kbsgotcha. Yes - I started to look at this but didn't sink into the details - I know you did the PGP thing - any other projects that are working on endpoint-to-endpoint privacy?
#aaronpkyeah I made that example PGP message which was public, but I alsoc could have only let sandeep see that message
#kbs*nod* makes sense. I'm rather interested in the endpoint-to-endpoint thing
#kbsand ran into some trickiness around a couple of areas to do with multiple devices
bupkes, markmhendrickson and pasevin joined the channel
#kylewmso it seems most major sites have updated their ssl certs by now, but not facebook or google ... should i read anything nefarious into this?
kbs joined the channel
#kbsaaronpk: what do you think about placing your current section (about exchanging encrypted messages) under a subheading of "confidentiality"? Thinking if it makes sense to divide things into three sections - authentication, integrity and confidentiality
#ben_thatmustbemei can't say I'd argue with him. Its a high barrier to entry, but its basically a test bin. Its like walking in to an R&D department and saying, "these aren't consumer products!"
#ben_thatmustbemethe links are pretty easy, yes, I think the microformats2 issue he brings up is really just a matter of getting more templates to support mf2
#GWGThe basics should be something most people can start out with now
#ben_thatmustbemeJust thinking of my friend's wordpress site. He has pingback already on there. He never really thought about the set-up, its just there because he saw a plugin for it. In time that will hopefully be replaced by webmention, but before that the mf2 markup has to be there.
#ben_thatmustbemewhich they can. Create some links. She said that was pretty straight forward.
#GWGWell, I'm thinking of openness. The wiki should offer that
#GWGCan people accept that some non-techie people aren't getting past the basics, and that may be good enough?
#KartikPrabhutantek: I'll leave that to people who have worked with Wordpress more than I. gregor` and GWG
#ben_thatmustbemei see 2 actually, Sempress and P2, the uf2 one is a plugin to try to add mf2 but the author says its very basic and you are better off with a theme that supports it
#GWGThe issue with the child theme, which I'm doing, is that I've modified so much with it...
#gRegor`tantek: Unfortunately the problem with documenting how to add mf2 to WordPress themes is that themes can be so random. There's not really any "one way" to write themes.
#ben_thatmustbemetantek, I don't think so, but i wouldn't call 2 "several"
#tantekKartikPrabhu: would it be easier to simple fix the exiting classic microformats markup?
#KartikPrabhuGWG: is the final goal to have a Wordpress theme that on installation does everything indieweb?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: if your parser sees "hentry" and *no* "h-entry", then yes, treat the "hentry" as "h-entry"
#gRegor`GWG: My thought is, if they have the skill to modify some base theme - like the HTML5 base theme we use for some of our clients - then they don't really need a custom theme from the indieweb anyway. They know HTTML and can add in the mf2
#GWGgRegor`: Do you know what a Theme Framework is?
#tantekgRegor`: that seems like a reasonable approach
#KartikPrabhutantek: but as in that link hentry could have a nested h-entry due to Wordpress shenanigans
#gRegor`So I think a barebones theme that has mf2 would be a good thing to have - point the designers/developers that want to build a theme to use that. And them some common defaults that non-technical users could try out, like Twenty Fourteen.
#tantekthat example is passed by the existing backcompat parsing documentation for microformats2
#GWGI just wanted to point of the Wordpress group did have a reason for not doing it.
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: I've added your thoughts on projects to improve WordPress indieweb support here: http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress#Working_On - please feel free to expand/rewrite that section!
#GWGThey thought it wouldn't make sense in a default. Can't blame them for that.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: or if you have an example of a WordPress blog post permalink that shows such "shenanigans" then we can pick apart the source to figure out what is going on
#KartikPrabhuyes. I will report such things as i find them
#tantekGWG - great! If you find anything there that either doesn't make sense, or seems like the priorities could be improved, please let me know
#tantekit's a work in progress and feedback is how we improve it
#GWGWell, I think if you reorder slightly...you could have a level 1 that is very accessible.
bupkes joined the channel
#tantekGWG - you need to be more specific, as everything that was added in each level was done so for a very good reason
#kylewmnot to get too into marketing crap, but I think it would be cool to have a page with different fictional user profiles, like "if you are a hardcore blogger using wordpress, do this", "if you love twitter but want to own your tweets, do this", "if you are a developer and want to push the envelope forward, do this"
#tantekkylewm - the /generations page is kind of an actual formal analysis of such user profiles, based on real segments
#GWGI'm thinking of posting on my own site, and linking to my thoughts
#tantekGWG - as with any wiki, start with small edits. and if you're not sure, you can always ask here - especially if you check the history and can determine who's been recently editing
#kylewmtantek: that's a good point, but what do you say to gen 2 or 3 people who are too impatient to wait that long :)
#tantekyou tell them, they're right, it's just not ready for them yet, but encourage them to come to a Homebrew Website Club meetup - which is for all levels of anyone with interest and passion about their own website
#tantekat such a meetup, they may find someone to help them step by step
#tantekwhich is really what gen 2 or 3 people need at this stage
#markmhendricksonhey everybody, just wanted to say hi since I'm getting into this channel for the first time. I'm Mark Hendrickson (http://markmhendrickson.com), I've seen a bunch of you at a couple indiewebcamps, and I'm hacking on an indieweb project called Asheville (http://asheville.io, channel: #asheville)
#kylewmI was talking to someone who has a domain name, knows design/frontend stuff inside and out, and just wants to POSSE tweets
#markmhendricksonmy own website is going to be my main point of dogfooding, with all my photos, checkins, status updates etc that i'm already posting elsewhere on the web
#KartikPrabhuaah ok. just curious about how diff. people are implementing UIs and all that
#KartikPrabhutantek: thanks added link to issue to refer while coding
#tantekKartikPrabhu: great. if you find specific examples in the wild of microformats use (1 & 2) that you see problems with, please share the URLs (perhaps in #microformats) so we can analyze them
#KartikPrabhuyes. will do. I have been getting better at documenting things :)
#gRegor`kylewm: Should all the event / attendee info be removed from past event pages?
#LoqigRegor`: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 56 minutes ago: I've added your thoughts on projects to improve WordPress indieweb support here: http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress#Working_On - please feel free to expand/rewrite that section!
#gRegor`If that's the case, the simplest solution is: 1) edit your theme to mark up the h-entry for each WordPress post. That's the same for all those content types.
#gRegor`2) Use WordPress custom fields to add an in-reply-to field. Edit the theme so that if there is a value in that field, it adds the appropriate mf2 markup to the h-entry.
#gRegor`photo and video don't require special mf2, afaik
#GWGWell, how do you distinguish between an article on another site you want to reply to and share with those who follow you and an article response to another person's article?