2014-04-13 UTC
# 00:29 kbs kylewm: nice pic on the pgp key :)
krendil, snarfed, iangreenleaf and glennjones joined the channel
# 00:49 kylewm aaronpk: do you archive comments you receive and reply-contexts the same way? as in, do you receive a comment and put the html & mf2-parsed versions in indiearchive?
# 01:42 aaronpk any content from off-site is handled the same way
netweb joined the channel
# 02:04 kylewm aaronpk: thanks! that is the conclusion i was coming around to, has taken me awhile to get there
snarfed, jacus, j12t and GWG joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:13 GWG kylewm: I've spent the last day coming up with a plan.
# 03:13 Loqi it is always better to not have multiple names for the same thing
# 03:13 GWG After Friday afternoon chatting in here
# 03:15 GWG Well, I was discussing the idea of a barebones theme that was microformats2 compatible.
# 03:17 GWG There was talk of adapting twentyfourteen
# 03:21 GWG twentyfourteen was based on a barebones starter theme
melvster, dybskiy, emmak, krendil, a, netweb, rknLA, reidab, walkah, gavinc, JonathanNeal, muhh, pavelz, pdurbin, KevinMarks, etymancer, smcgregor, tomstuart, lmjabreu, JasonO, heath, ireheart, mlinksva, inimino, squeakytoy, michel_v, jacus, rektide, basal, bupkes, snarfed, glennjones, saurik, arcatan, hober, wagle, bear, ryana, squeakytoy2, markmhendrickson, tahnok, benward, hugoroyd, b0bg0d__, nslater, hadleybeeman, jancborchardt, bigbluehat, aaronpk, bret, eternicode, tommorris, mko, iboxifoo, onewheelskyward, GWG, iangreenleaf, nfn, bnvk, the_merlin, realzies, icco, ngoldman and acegiak joined the channel
# 05:19 GWG Thank you for your virtual enthuasim, Loqi
hidgw, kylewm, Phae, Jeena, sparverius, squeakytoy, otterdam, dybskiy, dybskiy_, dybskiy__, netweb, KartikPrabhu and bupkes joined the channel
# 08:32 bupkes could someone do me a favour and webmention me at bupk.es ?
krendil, dybskiy, hidgw, kylewm, Phae, Jeena, friedcell and po joined the channel
# 10:27 Garbee gwg, you crazy.
pasevin, KartikPrabhu, LauraJ, yaf, catsup, dybskiy, scor, eschnou, rascul and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 13:56 GWG Garbee: Is there a room on this server you don't lurk in?
glennjones joined the channel
# 13:58 Garbee Good to see you though.
# 14:02 Garbee I seriously just idle here.
# 14:03 Garbee tantek pulled me over from #microformats.
# 14:03 Garbee I'll probably do some indie stuff once I'm done with this new store site.
# 14:03 Garbee I was researching microformats vs microdata for the store site.
# 14:03 Garbee Ended up starting to try and help out some with the microformats wiki.
# 14:04 Garbee But, then go too busy recoding the site from scratch to really do anything. :( I'll look back into it once the new site is running here in a few weeks.
dybskiy joined the channel
# 14:04 Garbee It is close to done.
# 14:04 Garbee is out for a little while. Enjoy your day.
scor, friedcell, wagle, dybskiy, pasevin, pasevin_, kbs and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:03 kbs there's gotto be a better way to compare fingerprints than messing around with hex strings :-) [mnemonicode/pgp word lists still don't seem to quite be it.]
dybskiy joined the channel
pasevin joined the channel
# 16:08 kbs yea. mnemonicode is a bit less nutty
ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:28 kbs fwiw, the problem du jour is - signing a device-generated public key (say from a phone) by a master key sitting on my laptop. Plan being - senders can send a message to all the devices owned by me
# 16:29 kbs basically seems to boil down to 'how can I conveniently validate fingerprint from my phone so I can sign it'
sdboyer joined the channel
michel_v joined the channel
# 16:53 kbs GWG: another day to tinker without restrictions - can't complain :)
# 16:54 GWG I am stuck at a warehouse club. Tinkering will have to wait.
# 16:54 GWG But I do have an mf2/indieweb project I'm excited about
# 16:56 GWG I was chatting on Friday and someone was talking about redoing the WordPress default theme, twenty fourteen for mf2
# 16:57 GWG I had done some of this, by coincidence.
# 16:58 GWG I had suggested a WordPress framework or starter theme that could be styled.
# 16:59 kbs *nod* remember looking at those logs. Unfortunately dunno much about wordpress myself, but (also given your expertise) sounded like it'd be pretty neat and useful project.
# 16:59 GWG So, I did some research and found the twenty fourteen theme was based on a starter theme called _s
# 17:00 GWG So, I downloaded a copy and started adding the mf2 markup.
# 17:00 GWG When I have step 1 done, I'm going to send it to github
# 17:02 kbs to ask a dumb question - how difficult is it to add a static resource to a wordpress site [like a text file or something] that can then be linked from the main page?
# 17:03 kbs I'm tinkering with some crypto madness - one of the things it creates is a key [basically, like a personal digital id] that would be handy to link from the main page
# 17:03 kbs so, was wondering - if someone ran this tool on their [laptop, say] how hard would it be to upload this id certificate to their site
dybskiy joined the channel
# 17:04 GWG Easy. Wordpress lets you upload files.
wagle joined the channel
# 17:08 GWG I need to track down someone who knows wordpress to bounce my other related project off of
ttepasse joined the channel
# 17:15 GWG I have been working on a custom post types plugin for notes, replies and articles
wagle_ and dybskiy joined the channel
# 18:05 bret aaronpk been a while since i checked the webmention.io data. It has a lot of the uF2 data in it! Sweet!
ttepasse and wagle_ joined the channel
snarfed, pasevin, dybskiy, dybskiy_, gRegor`, yaf, Kopfstein, LauraJ and eschnou joined the channel
eschnou, pasevin and dybskiy joined the channel
# 20:22 aaronpk bret: yeah! it runs it through the mf2 parser so you can get basic info about mentions
# 20:22 bret i hvae more work to do in terms of presentation now
pasevin joined the channel
# 20:23 bret but that should enable full on reply context
pasevin and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 20:27 GWG bret, just looking you up in the people page
# 20:31 bret awesome work on your own site if I might add GWG
# 20:32 kylewm anyone know if there is anything like prose.io that you can self-host?
# 20:32 kylewm (prose.io being a markdown-editing application that integrates with github)
# 20:34 GWG kylewm, lost you in the split last night
# 20:35 bret it works, to totally rad, but the devs hardly make improvements to the most basic things
# 20:35 bret like, you have to refresh to publish?!
# 20:35 bret kylewm when two irc servers lose connection to each other and clients on see a partial set of the network
# 20:36 kylewm GWG: we were talking about _s I believe, how's it going?
# 20:45 aaronpk decided to not even store the name or content of posts in the DB, just some meta data
# 20:46 aaronpk name is complicated enough that I figure it's better to just continue reading it from disk like I'm currently doing
# 20:46 aaronpk and I never need to query on name, so there's not a lot of reason to put it in the DB
bnvk joined the channel
# 20:48 KartikPrabhu I see. so you are planning to put searchable/queryable meta-data in db and read everything else from disk
# 20:48 aaronpk yep. the only part that's been frustrating about having everything only on disk is it's awkward to query by tag or other meta-data
# 20:49 aaronpk that's why I don't have paging on my tag lists right now
Hodgestar joined the channel
krendil joined the channel
dybskiy joined the channel
# 21:06 Hodgestar I'm sorting of looking for something in this space to work on and I have some vague ideas, but I will probably lurk for a bit to see what others are building first.
# 21:06 bret ok rad! I would play around with the wiki, reading, getting signed in and such. The IRC logs are fun to keep up on with lots of good discussion
# 21:06 Hodgestar Broadly I'm interested in federated instant messaging (which I have a slight possibility of making my day job) and
# 21:07 Hodgestar how to share data socially without centralized servers (which I'm aware is a pretty hard problem).
# 21:08 bret a primary indieweb project has been enabling cross site discussions similar to a twitter thread
# 21:08 bret still has a totally different feel ime
# 21:09 bret Hodgestar, im interested in decentalized storage too
# 21:10 bret i kind of like the idea of a webserver that runs at home behind a caching service
pasevin joined the channel
# 21:27 KartikPrabhu Hodgestar: great fractal animation on your site. Not visible in FF though
# 21:27 GWG kylewm: You tell me. Check out tiny.n9n.us
# 21:29 Hodgestar bret: I think anything that relies on people running their own servers is doomed to little traction in the grand scheme of things.
# 21:30 Hodgestar bret: Although maybe that's somewhat solvable now given the rise of VMs and more recently Linux containers.
# 21:30 KartikPrabhu Hodgestar: "TypeError: svg is undefined dragon.js:71" which I don't understand as that function has 'svg'
# 21:48 Hodgestar KartikPrabhu: My nick is a useful way of detecting other people who know a bit of math. :)
# 21:48 Hodgestar (there are some astronomy false positives but I guess those are a win too :)
ttepasse joined the channel
# 21:50 KartikPrabhu Hodgestar: fix confirmed. it would be better to just not show any error message if browser doesnot support svg
# 21:50 Hodgestar bret: My own leaning at the moment is towards using some sort dumb data storage engine (e.g. S3) as the basis for decentralized social data sharing.
# 21:58 bret Hodgestar there a quite a few people here from eruope
kbs joined the channel
dybskiy joined the channel
# 22:05 Hodgestar And really unlikely to be in the UK any time soon (visa costs are kinda nuts).
ttepasse and basal joined the channel
# 22:11 kbs Hodgestar: fwiw, I had a small project started a while back, for distributed storage on top of dropbox, gdrive etc. Currently using it to host a little private sharing network. The gory techhie bits at https://www.youtube.com/embed/R5XFcbyVn_E
# 22:12 kbs I'm currently hoping to add some messaging-type bits to it - if you have some ideas (or projects) - be great to see if there's any common bits
# 22:19 kbs I have a random amateurish video somewhere done for a hackathon - what you don't see is an android app I'm currently running for a little private network of my friends nad family
# 22:19 gRegor` In 2014, I finally got my site properly delivering UTF-8 content. Heh
# 22:19 bret kbs could you write a provider for bittorrent sync ;)
# 22:20 gRegor` Delay was mostly because I had to convert a latin1-encoded mysql db to utf8.
# 22:20 kbs bret: :) would be an interesting idea. However, I do have an android app I'm currently using - if you promise not to laugh
# 22:20 kbs have a random video lying around somewhere
# 22:22 kbs I'm actually using the latter right now
# 22:22 kbs and have come to some conclusions about what works and what doesn't etc -- it's a long and quixotic journey towards private data sharing...
# 22:22 kbs it's not bittorrent sync, more just a non-geeky interface to thormor
# 22:24 bret it might be tough to use btsync is a provider on android, not sure how flexible that is
# 22:24 bret but on desktop, it would just be this folder that is perpetually updated
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 22:26 kbs for me anyway - as you know - the "use dropbox/gdrive as transient storage" has worked well enough
# 22:26 kbs and it's fairly straightforward to integrate with as well...
# 22:28 kbs [I have lots of situations where I end up effectively being "offline for large files" when on the phone - and it's easier to just have a rendezous directory at gdrive/dropbox that I then delete once the xfer has taken place...]
ttepasse and grantmacken joined the channel
# 22:39 kbs I'm also doing this for email and facebook photos -- similar technique, more or less
# 22:39 kbs except that I don't/can't actually delete facebook content...
# 22:39 kbs has scripts that poll online storage, email and facebook for new content, archives locally and deletes server content one archived...
# 22:40 Loqi kbs meant to say: has scripts that poll online storage, email and facebook for new content, archives locally and deletes server content once archived...
squeakytoy joined the channel
paulcp, dybskiy_, squeakytoy, friedcell and snarfed joined the channel