#tantekKevinMarks - re: ethereum: glitzy home marketingy home page, and "can't establish a connection to the server at wiki.ethereum.org" - so basically ignorable and will be dead in 6-12 monhts.
#Loqitantek meant to say: KevinMarks - re: ethereum: glitzy home marketingy home page, and "can't establish a connection to the server at wiki.ethereum.org" - so basically ignorable and will be dead in 6-12 months.
#tantekalso the hilarity of folks discussing federated identity by tweeting about it
#aaronpkdid that just make the rounds again today or something?
#cweiskemaybe you don't see the majority of discussion because it's decentralized
#aaronpk"An attacker that controls more than 50% of the network's computing power can, for the time that he is in control, exclude and modify the ordering of transactions."
#aaronpk"With less than 50%, the same kind of attacks are possible, but with less than 100% rate of success."
Jihaisse and dybskiy joined the channel
#KevinMarkswell, bitcoin is fairly resilient historically, but that's largely because clients grandfather in old blockchain info
#KevinMarksyou could take over indiecreddit with a handful of machines, but winning bitcoin's computing armsrace woudl only let you change future transactions, not ones before the hardcoded checkpoints
glennjones, curiousjohn, julien51, dybskiy_, krendil and eschnou joined the channel
#tantekdecentralized discussions still have URLs. so if you can't cite them, don't presume they exist. and if no one's citing them, then clearly they don't matter.
#bretethereum looks pretty rad but its going to be in a different realm for a long time because its so totally different than the Web. It might serve as some kind of backend for someone if they build it
#bretits more simiar to bitcoin than what most people here seem to be doing
rtaibah joined the channel
#Loqirtaibah: snarfed left you a message on 4/6 at 1:12pm: hey, saw your question on the WP webmention plugin. it tries to send webmentions to every link in a post when you publish or update it.
#bretThe thing that concerns me so much about the crypto currecy / distributed time stamping is that it takes up so much energy for not a whole lot of gain, especially if its just for non currency style transactions. I guess I dont really understand what ethereum is doing though
iangreenleaf joined the channel
#bretthe other thing about distributed networks is that they work oh so beutifullly when they are had moderated. Kinda ike when you have a better time when you go to a party with all the people you know vs not knowing anyone
#bretwhen you have a ban hammer, the need to crytographically overpower/overcompute asshats on the network is far far less
#ben_thatmustbemewell it was an easy weekend to catch up on chat logs from
eschnou joined the channel
#bretXD the logs have been getting sooooo long recently
#bret.iocreated /Ethereum (+736) "Created page with "{{stub}} Ethereum is a project that implements a bitcoin/cryptocurrency like block chain used for sending around "contracts". It sounds similar to sending around bitcoins to wa..."" (view diff)
#brettantek: there you go :) Short summary and initial questions/concerns followed up with "Do you have experience with using Ethereum for independent publishing on the web? Please document it here!
#barnabywaltersgRegor`: do you have a .bit domain for your personal site?
#gRegor`No. I just remembered it while watching the Etherium video
#gRegor`Maybe I'll get one. It's not high on my list. Just interesting.
Sebastien-L joined the channel
#barnabywaltersgRegor`: you can easily allow your computer to resolve .bit domains by adding the DNS IP on http://dns.dot-bit.org/ to your list of IP addresses
#barnabywaltersbret: yeah, it’s hideously complicated and based on invisible blockchain technology which keeps on growing and is difficult to understand
#gRegor`I don't have any bitcoins (or altcoins) yet.
#bretbarnabywalters, what about jus the IP DNS part
#gRegor`barnabywalters: Have you tracked traffic on the .bit?
#aaronpki feel like namecoin doesn't really solve the problem with DNS cause you still have to trust/buy in to the whole system just like you do with DNS
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: re: "maybe we should have just an indiewebcampofftopic room", perhaps #indiechat?
#brethow does namecoin deal with trolls just squatting all the domains forever?
#tantekI've kinda summarily dismised all the *coin *bit bit* things for now as well. Not really sure they're practical to scratch any particularly high priority indieweb itch(es).
#barnabywaltersbret: IIRC, fees and domain expiry — i.e. assuming that trolls don’t want to spend much money, and can’t be bothered to renew their names
#tantekbret - there's a lot of such "interesting" plumbing. I prefer "show me a random wikipedia page"
#ben_thatmustbemeideally i'd like to get as much of a feature set as i can in to my openblog software. so people could easily pick up any part of it and play
#tantekaaronpk - if you can figure out how to make webmentions to your site show up as notifications on your mobile device - that would be amazing
#tantekor is that one of the iOS apps you're working on?
#KartikPrabhumaybe start an issue on bridgy and I can add an example of my own
#gRegor`Yeah, seems to be a shortcoming of brid.gy. But the only way to fix it would be for brid.gy to process all tweets for a user. That could slow things down a tad :)
#snarfedalso, the example on the wiki page isn't an ideal example, since bridgy actually does send WMs for all links if the tweet author (benwerd in this case) is signed up for bridgy
rtaibah joined the channel
#snarfedso i think the feature request is just to search for links posted by people who aren't signed up
#snarfedwhich is totally doable, but depends on the details of the silo's search capabilities. twitter is doable, FB and G+ probably too, IG probably not
#gRegor`Thanks tantek. You're good about documenting/reminding to document. :) I forget because I'm usually working and get distracted.
#gRegor`snarfed: Did you see my tweet example? bret and I are both signed up on brid.gy, but it didn't send my WM. My tweet wasn't a reply, though, just had one of bret's links.
#snarfed…oh, right. the feature request is that bridgy should send a webmention for benwerd's original tweet, not just the responses.
Loqi joined the channel
#snarfedunderstood. yeah, the problem there is identifying POSSE (ie syndicated) tweets
#kbsfwiw -- also started http://indiewebcamp.com/xss per tantek 's suggestion - hopefully helps mitigate any webmention issues before it gets attractive for the malcontents :)
#kylewmhehe, just copied the post id from twitter and constructed the url manually
#KartikPrabhuaah... clever. There I have another shit looking mention on that post now
paulcp joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /Bridgy (+415) "/* What about links posted by others */ follow-ups: no need to omit POSSEs, please document real-world original-post-discovery challenges if any" (view diff)
#tantekspeaking of posting the webmention manually >:)
#gRegor`Probably another custom field, which the theme would handle inserting the necessary mf2 as a result.
tantek joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuGWG: replies have "in-reply-to" and likes have "like-of"
#gRegor`If you mean a standalone "like" - without a note or article... I'd need to think about that more.
#GWGKartikPrabhu: You are thinking at a more definitive level.
#ben_thatmustbemewith all the talk of wordpress modifications, i'm feeling like there should like the wordpress page should be split for those just using (wanting plugins and theme etc) and those that want to start to modify WP
#GWGgRegor`: You can also do that with a custom taxonomy.
#KartikPrabhugRegor` GWG : I don't understand what a standalone like is... A "like" is just a note with a "I like this" with this being a url markedup with "u-like-of"
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: I'm differntiating between a comment that includes like-of markup, and a simple like-of without commentary.
#gRegor`ben_thatmustbeme: There's a working on section on /wordpress where we discuss setting up ready-to-use themes that are mf2ified, and a base theme that designers/developers can extend.
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: No, I'm just thinking about loud with GWG about how it would work in WordPress specifically.
#gRegor`I really don't like it, but I'm also compelled to make easier indieweb solutions for it so the majority of blogs out there can get involved, heh
#GWGSomeone who wants a theme and a version of Wordpress that has the indieweb conventions can have that too
#gRegor`I didn't realize you were on wordpress, snarfed