2014-05-05 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:17 bret presumably verify it with the token endpoint?
paulcp joined the channel
# 00:39 bret aaronpk: can I invalidate a token on tokens.oauth.net?
# 00:40 aaronpk no, you have to do that at the micropub endpoint irght now
# 00:41 bret aaronpk: got it, just run it by a blacklist or something
# 00:41 aaronpk i do kind of want to make that token endpoint be able to manage tokens like you're saying though, that seems like a good thing for a token service to do
# 00:41 bret would take a lot of work off of endpoint authors
# 00:42 bret i would like to write my own token endpoint at somepoint
# 00:42 bret but getting posting interfaces to work is more interesting right now
# 00:43 aaronpk and you'll be able to swap this out for your own token endpoint whenever you want with no adverse effects
# 00:43 bret ok done for today... just need to finish proper post file generation and token verification and a few loose ends
dybskiy, fmarier and tantek joined the channel
netweb, josephboyle and paulcp joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# 03:44 kyank As you can see from the Twitter stream, it’s Monday in Australia and tantek’s talk is making waves. :)
basal, paulcp and DamonOehlman joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
paulcp and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 05:31 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
# 05:31 indie-visitor MatthewSchutte
# 05:38 kylewm reading the logs, really cool conversation from this morning about rel=webmention on <a> tags… love the idea of making a visible link with a little info like aaronpk has. (added a couple of notes on the wiki about it)
matthewschutte joined the channel
# 05:58 indie-visitor hi KartikPrabhu. Thanks for the welcome. It's long overdue, but I'm just now checking out IWC. Probably going to lurk for a bit and read through the logs.
# 06:04 matthewschutte I’m just setting up IRC clients etc. I’ve dipped a toe in the water once or twice before, but am fairly illiterate when it comes to IRC channels and web development in general. Kind of silly really, considering that my life’s work is focused on helping foster a more user centric (and collaborative) internet.
# 06:05 matthewschutte Am logged into two clients at the moment to give them each a feel.
# 06:11 KartikPrabhu matthewschutte: In any case, welcome... and explore around, getting later here must hit the sack as they say
# 06:12 matthewschutte g’night. Thanks for the welcome.
matthewschutte, jsilvestre, paulcp, LauraJ, cweiske, eschnou and carlo_au joined the channel
# 07:47 voxpelli !tell aaronpk I don't think we need to have sites specify prefered auth servers like IndieAuth – I think we rather need a way for identities in a rel-me consolidated identity to indicate that they have an authentication mechanism that we can use so that eg. indie-hosted auth mechanisms and such can be discovered
# 07:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
LauraJ, eschnou, friedcell, petermolnar, krendil, dybskiy, dybskiy_, julien51, bnvk, pauloppenheim, KevinMarks and paulcp joined the channel
# 09:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dybskiy, paulcp, DamonOehlman and erikmaarten joined the channel
bnvk, paulcp, eay and dybskiy joined the channel
squeakytoy, jsilvestre, paulcp, dybskiy, ttepasse, erikmaarten, niven, chrissaad, chloeweil and bnvk joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
_6a68 joined the channel
# 14:18 Loqi aaronpk: voxpelli left you a message 6 hours, 30 minutes ago: I don't think we need to have sites specify prefered auth servers like IndieAuth – I think we rather need a way for identities in a rel-me consolidated identity to indicate that they have an authentication mechanism that we can use so that eg. indie-hosted auth mechanisms and such can be discovered
# 14:18 Loqi aaronpk: KevinMarks left you a message 4 hours, 33 minutes ago: I'll be at IIW too
# 14:19 aaronpk voxpelli: yeah that would be nice. if only OpenID 1.0 was easier to implement and had actually taken off
snarfed, brianloveswords and paulcp joined the channel
# 14:43 kylewm snarfed: I am! do you know if you support "p-in-reply-to h-cite"?
jsilvestre joined the channel
# 14:44 snarfed aha, structured urls vs raw strings strikes again
# 14:44 kylewm want me to send you the error message I got or do you have it?
chrissaad joined the channel
warden, eschnou and _6a68 joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
# 14:57 snarfed i need to try using a custom user for each silo that has no name or picture, etc
dybskiy joined the channel
# 14:57 snarfed unfortunately the 'kylewm' and picture there are from your wp.com user, not the source page h-card
# 15:00 kylewm hmm, it got my wp.com profile from the site that sent the webmention?
# 15:00 kylewm like if i commented on another person's blog it would show up as being from them?
brainTrain joined the channel
# 15:04 snarfed kylewm: no, it got that profile from the wp.com user you oauthed as
# 15:04 kylewm mind if i try commenting on your wp.com blog?
# 15:04 snarfed go for it! my tumblr, wp.com, and blogger blogs are all just for testing
# 15:07 kylewm is that a limitation of the wp api you were talking about?
# 15:08 snarfed kind of. i might try setting up a dedicated bridgy user with a blank name
# 15:09 brainTrain was gonna be workin on ssl, but I forgot I need an email address to validate my domain, so I guess sendmail haha
# 15:15 brainTrain snarfed, I notice you use google app engine for bridgy, that was my first dev/prod environment about three years ago when I started this crazy web dev journey and I learned to hate it due to how often it crashed haha, but dug the concept. Have you found it's improved over the years or do you still have to work around it?
# 15:15 snarfed brainTrain: it's definitely improved over the years
# 15:16 brainTrain yeah it's not bad, I'm a frontend person by trade, but frontend at the startup I work at also includes building basic api's for user management stuff etc, so I don't really mind learning all this opsy sysadmin stuff, it's starting to give me ultimate power! :p
# 15:16 brainTrain that's good to know. friends hit me up to learn often and app engine could be a really awesome way to do that if you don't have to do too much to handle it's crashes/rough edges
# 15:16 snarfed of course, with great power comes great maintenance burden :/
# 15:17 brainTrain but I knew it was new when I started using it, but so was I haha so I got pretty frustrated :p
# 15:17 brainTrain ah yeah that too. I need to learn some automation tools like fabric or rundeck or puppet/chef.. but probably some combo thereof
tantek joined the channel
# 15:18 brainTrain but I got my buddy andy set up with his own regular static site box last thursday, and taught him some basics of ssh and vim
# 15:19 brainTrain and that wasn't so bad, although all that shit is a lot to learn so I'm sure the next time we meet up to work on that he's probably gonna still be lost
# 15:19 brainTrain like he stubbed out his own responsive frontend for his record label
# 15:19 brainTrain and my homework assignment for him was to try and make that html/css render on his shiny new ip address
# 15:20 brainTrain I remember learning all that stuff was pretty overwhelming at first but given enough time and help from peeps I got pretty comfortable
# 15:24 kylewm yep there's a lot, and it's hard to know what's essential and what's optional
# 15:26 kylewm fabric is great by the way. it's pretty tiny afaict, just lets you run shell commands locally and remotely
# 15:26 brainTrain yeah fabric seems pretty rad, at work we've started using runserver and I think those can overlap but don't necessarily have to... buuut this is all conjecture based on not knowing much about automation
# 15:35 brainTrain haha rad, yeah that's the cool thing about this industry. There's so much I don't know and that's really never gonna change
gRegor` joined the channel
caseorganic, chrissaad, dybskiy, iangreenleaf, tilgovi and dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 16:11 dariusdunlap At IIW “Personal Cloud and VRM” day, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA
dariusdunlap joined the channel
benwerd and paulcp joined the channel
dybskiy, carlo_au and erikmaarten joined the channel
snarfed, iangreenleaf, squeakytoy, emmak, tilgovi, dybskiy, onewheelskyward, bnvk and brainTrain joined the channel
# 17:25 brainTrain bah, work time. I got sendmail sending but not receiving. Last time I installed this sucker was about a year ago, but these pain points are starting to feel familiar haha
tilgovi, netweb and gRegor` joined the channel
# 17:37 dariusdunlap Conversation here at Pre-IIW Personal Cloud / VRM day is so cool. I wish Kevin Marks was here taking notes. :-)
# 17:38 snarfed dariusdunlap: wish i was there. glad you are! you should fill in for kevin's note taking!
paulcp joined the channel
r0tha, eschnou, tantek and KevinMarks2 joined the channel
hallettj joined the channel
# 18:21 aaronpk darn yeah if I had known I would have flown out last night, lol
# 18:26 benwerd I will go to IKEA instead and drown my sorrows in Swedish meatballs.
# 18:29 benwerd What I lack in stimulating personal cloud discussion I will make up in flat pack furniture and terrible food.
# 18:39 tantek benwerd - you get used to wiki markup with practice, like any kind of coding ;)
# 18:39 benwerd Are you suggesting I should be updating the wiki more? ;) (Because, I probably should)
# 18:39 tantek I for one hate command line UIs. But to each their own. ;)
# 18:39 tantek it's a good habit. even small updates. If you see something (relevant in IRC) say something (on the wiki) :)
# 18:45 tantek snarfed, I've forgotten too many CLIs to ever want to bother with learning any more.
# 18:46 tantek I know now to just keep a .txt cheatsheet document for any new CLI thrown my way so I can completely ignore any need to actually learn it and instead do just-in-time-lookup in notes instead.
tlehman joined the channel
# 18:46 tantek snarfed, true, however, CLIs are imminently more forgettable than GUIs, thus they're a bad investment of time.
# 18:46 snarfed oh sure, those kinds of notes are great, i definitely do that too
# 18:47 benwerd Sometimes it becomes a kind of muscle memory though
# 18:47 tantek that's why I just gave up on actually learning CLIs, since they don't provide enough longterm ROI
# 18:47 tlehman Anyone familiar with the covert redirect vulnerability found in OpenID?
# 18:47 benwerd and like all other UIs, when you _have_ to make something command line based, good design comes into play
# 18:47 tantek benwerd, it becomes muscle memory until you don't use it for a few months or so, and then it disappears.
# 18:48 tlehman was it yesterday?
# 18:48 tantek sorry, my bad on OT re: CLI, moving it to #indiechat :)
# 18:48 tlehman oh, the 2nd of May, found it
# 18:49 tantek sigh, messina silo post instead of on his own domain? so sad. :(
# 18:50 tlehman @benwerd okay, it sounded like it was just a flaw with the user, but I wasn't sure, since I only heard a blurb about it last night
# 18:51 tlehman phisher's be phishing
# 18:52 benwerd tantek: that's why it took me so long to find it! Couldn't believe he was Facebook posting it. He has like two blogs.
dariusdunlap_, KartikPrabhu, eschnou and bnvk joined the channel
# 19:23 bnvk what I really don't comprehend is why it seems impossible to make a sensible WYSIWYG style dialog editor so wiki syntax is not needed
# 19:25 bnvk the first iteration of Storify seemed to be onto something towards that goal
# 19:26 tantek bnvk - it's a very hard problem. many have tried. and iterated.
# 19:27 tantek Medium's editor is perhaps the best current attempt at a WYSIWYG web based semi-rich text editor.
# 19:28 bnvk yah, I realize many have tried, it's an interesting problem
# 19:28 tantek If I were going to write my own WYSIWYG editor for posts on my own site, I'd start with copying Medium's UI.
# 19:29 bnvk Medium is interesting, but the thing there is- it's the WHOLE PAGE
# 19:29 bnvk not a page within a larger context like Wiki editor
# 19:29 tantek no reason that couldn't work for section editing also
# 19:29 tantek and frankly, it's a different focus than a wiki too
# 19:29 bnvk I should write a post on Medium just to more explore the editor
# 19:29 tantek and I've yet to find a good WYSIWYG editor for links in text
# 19:31 bnvk tantek: is that more relating to external links or internal wiki links?
# 19:32 tantek basically, hypertext editing, not bold/italic nonsense
# 19:33 bnvk I wonder if any advantages could be gleaned from screenwriting apps- they pop up all these lil auto suggest menus based on what type of text block one inserted
# 19:39 tantek basically I want the auto-suggest from the Firefox addressbar in my text editor when I start typing http
# 19:45 bnvk tantek: yah, that seems like it would be insanely valuable
# 19:48 bnvk not yet, we're just rockin plain text email for now
# 19:48 bnvk we want to do something like Medium's mini editor that uses markdown under the hood
# 19:48 tantek yes, auto-completing URLs for even a *plain* text editor would rock
# 19:49 bnvk so that the plain text part of the email has markdown syntax which can gracefully degrade / progressively enhance
# 19:50 tantek you going to fix markdown while you're at it? ;)
# 19:53 tantek which fork of markdown will you support then?
# 19:54 bnvk hmm, prolly just the basic Gruber one, or maybe the Github flavored one
# 19:54 tantek I'd be interested in knowing which you end up choosing and why.
# 19:55 tantek actual question. I don't have any particular favorite, and am trying to learn more about which people prefer and why.
# 19:56 bnvk I don't have a strong opinion on it really- Github has seemed the most simple / robust, but that might be biased cause I just use it so often
# 20:02 KevinMarks I found that copying in the browser and pasting into medium worked fairly well
# 20:14 kylewm I’m on the lookout for a markdown dialect that lets you stick attributes in the generated html (i.e., for microformats stuff)
krendil joined the channel
# 20:42 bret ben_thatmustbeme: have you done a micropub endpoint yet?
matthewschutte joined the channel
# 20:44 ben_thatmustbeme kartikprabhu, the next step there would be POSSE, which I sort of wanted to wait until I have a nice UI before I start doing that. But alas, i suck at front-end
tantek joined the channel
# 20:44 bret ben_thatmustbeme: which UI? posting? or just displaying
# 20:45 ben_thatmustbeme just displaying, I don't really like the theme I have, its kinda of a messed up sempress currently
# 20:45 ben_thatmustbeme the admin UI is only half finished too. but I'm in no rush to do that honestly, it works for me for now
# 20:45 bret i pretty much made boostrap look slightly in place and left it XD so boring
# 20:46 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: in my experience it is better to have something crappy working and then iterate on it, than to wait to have the perfect implementation the first time
# 20:46 bret which is bad because its a total black box. want to do a totally custom layout with flexboxes eventually
# 20:46 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, I know, And i'm doing that with the rest of the site, I just wanted to have a first pass to clean it up first before I started sharing it out too much
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 20:48 ben_thatmustbeme yeah bret, at this point I just sort of want to steal a nice template and start there, mess around with it more later.
# 20:48 aaronpk yeah that's why I just used bootstrap. if you hide the title bar it's not as immediately recognizable as bootstrap
matthewschutte joined the channel
# 20:50 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, i think i may have to toss the idea of having notes and posts in different columns, its just getting too crowded
# 20:51 gRegor` single-column-layout++
# 20:52 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: you should only need to build the micropub endpoint now, you can use indieauth.com as your auth server and tokens.indieauth.com as your token endpoint
tantek joined the channel
# 20:56 tantek wow I just got an email with subject: "Purging of your LiveJournal account"
# 20:56 tantek another silo about to break lots of permalinks
# 20:57 rascul you been inactive too long on livejournal or something?
# 20:58 tantek their assertion that lack of recent logins = don't care about permalinks is false
# 20:59 ben_thatmustbeme I never even got an e-mail: just tried to log in. "This journal has been deleted and purged."
# 20:59 tantek we should document all the ways that silos disappoint users and break the web
grantmacken joined the channel
# 20:59 rascul i can't trust third party sites anymore it just doesn't work out well for me in the end
# 21:01 rascul but if i were the only one who felt like that, this channel might not exist?
# 21:03 aaronpk twitter's inline translate button is really interesting UX
snarfed joined the channel
# 21:04 KevinMarks hm, how come facebook doesn't markup theire own webpages with applinks.org?
# 21:06 bret ben_thatmustbeme: no, just the endpoint. Basically, you make a program that accepts a POST request with some specific fields and an auth token, verify the token then create a post on your site
# 21:07 aaronpk bret: can you add that sentence to the section I linked earlier? that's good
# 21:07 ben_thatmustbeme okay. i'm just trying to understand the conceptual now of how it generates the auth token
# 21:08 ben_thatmustbeme from the in some app i allow it to access my account on some token generator, is that the idea?
# 21:11 ben_thatmustbeme haha, okay, let me try that again. Basically the idea, as I understand it. I have app A on my phone for example. I want to post to my personal site. I log in to the endpoint of my site (found by parsing my site) (with indieauth?) it generates a token that I can send along with my post. my site can then verify that token by going to the endpoint site.
# 21:13 aaronpk i'm collecting notes on three pages irght now, planning on compiling into something sane
# 21:20 bret ben_thatmustbeme: there is an token endpoint that you can just use for now
# 21:20 bret your endpoint just verifies the validity and makes a decision based on that info
# 21:21 bret if you build it you can start using ownyourgram.com and barnaby's post interface on your own site though!
# 21:21 ben_thatmustbeme i don't publish my endpoint though, I just display the micropub link so an app knows where to go to generate the auth key, Its up to user input to know to post to /post/new ?
# 21:22 aaronpk there are three endpoints required: auth, token, micropub
# 21:23 aaronpk auth=indieauth.com/auth token=tokens.indieauth.com micropub=ben.thatmustbe.me/micropub
# 21:24 ben_thatmustbeme i get ya, so it the app would get a token from auth, send it to micropub, and then my site would verify by token
# 21:24 aaronpk the app directs you to the auth endpoint which generates an auth code and sends you back to the app
# 21:24 aaronpk the app exchanges the auth code for an access token (by making a request to the token endpoint)
# 21:24 aaronpk then the app can use the access token to make requests at your micropub endpoint
# 21:25 aaronpk when your micropub endpoint gets a request with an access token, it can verify the access token by querying the token endpoint and process the request accordingly
bnvk joined the channel
# 21:30 tantek I could start a naïve page or if someone else more knowledgable wants to start /markdown be my guest. I'll wait a few minutes before jumping in :)
danfowler and _6a68 joined the channel
# 21:44 bret i can contribute basics but not at the moment
# 21:44 bret i know sandeep was doing some interesting things with his fork of it
jacus and tilgovi joined the channel
# 21:52 bret iirc sandeep was talking about syndicating markdown instead of html or something
# 21:53 bret i think as a way to share more rich notes without having to parse plain text or trust html\
# 21:53 tantek bret - heh, that's a bit cray. others have attempted to replace HTML and been less than successful.
# 21:53 tantek then again, native markdown support in a browser could be interesting
# 21:53 tantek if you have to think about "render[ing] his syntax" then it's already violated the spirit of markdown.
# 21:54 tantek that's the biggest problem I have with most uses / advocacies of markdown. they self-violate.
# 21:55 rascul html won't be replaced anytime in the forseeable future i think
# 21:55 bret not really sure what i think. part of me likes it but it seems like it forces markdown
# 21:57 bret i used to think YAML was easier to write than JSON, but I think i'm changing my mind on that
# 21:57 bret {},[] and : is more explicite to me now
# 21:59 kylewm also curious about sandeep’s goal… his pages contain renderered html, but the “p-name e-content” is around hidden markdown stuff
# 22:01 KevinMarks I still like the XOXO idea but I haven't exactly maintained that code
# 22:01 bret kylewm: i think there are some posts about it. he has a point in that markdown *seems* to be the way that many people like to write rich text now
# 22:03 KevinMarks MS Word seems to be the way that many people like to write rich text
# 22:04 KevinMarks for the web they use the emoji keyboard on their phones and post to facebook
# 22:06 bret people who prefer word dont actually know what they prefer
# 22:07 tantek we need a "people keyboard" with icons of people you know instead of emoji, and inserts h-cards instead of Unicode
# 22:07 tantek kylewm - who uses Word for writing for the web?
# 22:07 tantek KevinMarks: no. FB is very different. They do auto-complete. That's VERY different UI.
# 22:07 KevinMarks you start typing their name and it pops them up and hotlinks them
# 22:08 kylewm tantek: sorry I’m a few minutes behind the conversation. fast-forwarding
# 22:08 tantek so no it's not "in effect". It's another clever alternative.
# 22:08 gRegor` word, kylewm. I mean, word, I don't like Word. ;)
# 22:08 tantek they don't auto-complete emoticons into emoji. the *auto-convert* emoticons into emoji.
# 22:10 kylewm KevinMarks: have a link for “the XOXO idea”?
# 22:15 aaronpk i think the fact that JSON has effectively replaced XML demonstrates how much people don't like namespaces
# 22:15 tantek u-url is just an instance of u-* which is formally specified. no magic.
# 22:16 tantek which, could arguably be said to be underspecified :/
# 22:17 tantek not sure that would have made much a difference
# 22:18 KevinMarks I used to to pass data structures around at Technorati for a few years, so I was self-dogfooding to some extent
# 22:20 tantek gRegor`: we can't just copy from WP. Their license is not compat.
# 22:20 gRegor` Templates, even?
# 22:20 tantek gRegor`: do you see their template licensed as PD?
# 22:20 aaronpk can we add the CC-SA license to the template page so we can?
# 22:21 tantek aaronpk - dealing with multiple licenses in content is a nightmare
# 22:21 tantek where "content" = anything we put on the wiki
# 22:21 kylewm the wiki will warn me if there are conflicting, concurrent edits, right?
# 22:21 tantek wikipedia templates are usually grossly overly complex
# 22:22 tantek aaronpk - right, which is why we keep it simple. CC0.
# 22:22 tantek = other public domain stuff, or stuff you wrote. nothing else.
# 22:22 gRegor` It's not clear to me. Footer says "Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
# 22:22 gRegor` additional terms may apply."
fmarier joined the channel
# 22:22 gRegor` But that's not clear to me if the (largely HTML) generated by templates applies.
# 22:22 tantek gRegor`: what does it say on the text of the template page?
# 22:23 tantek yeah, not sure how you can claim that's unclear.
# 22:23 tantek also, if you didn't write it, and it doesn't explicitly say public domain / CC0, then you can't put it in a CC0 resource
# 22:24 tantek gRegor`: in every "edit" UI on our wiki just above the Summary: and Save page button etc.:
# 22:24 tantek "You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource."
# 22:24 gRegor` It's not clear to me when it says "Text is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License" that it extends to the HTML in a template. Better safe than sorry, though.
# 22:24 tantek gRegor`: doesn't matter if it extends to the HTML in the template or not
# 22:25 tantek you didn't write it, and it doesn't expliclty say it is public domain, so you can't contribute it to the wiki
# 22:25 aaronpk in general lack of license is assumed to be full copyright
# 22:25 gRegor` I understand. I'm not looking for loopholes. I just wasn't sure.
# 22:26 tantek gRegor`: if you're not sure, re-read what it says on indiewebcamp.com when you're editing
# 22:26 tantek if you're not sure about *that*, then ask about it here
ozatomic joined the channel
# 22:26 gRegor` I wasn't sure till you pointed it out. ;) I thought it was fine.
# 22:29 tantek btw - on a more meaningful note - I'm opposed to more stubs without a documented use-case / expected editing flow in the community
# 22:29 aaronpk I think we're not as good at removing the "stub" label after an article gets filled out
# 22:29 tantek "stub" is good enough for now to just indicate hey this page just started, or hey this page is incomplete etc.
# 22:29 aaronpk cause a lot of the things that have "stub" right now probably aren't stubs anymore
# 22:30 tantek aaronpk - I'm not sure we have a good idea of *when* an article is "filled out"
# 22:30 bret I wish my text editor could use different color themes for different open projects
# 22:31 gRegor` irc/me v iwc/me, haha
# 22:32 gRegor` OMS? Oh my stars?
# 22:32 tantek gRegor`: hey that's a good interpretation! KartikPrabhu++ FTW.
# 22:33 tantek gRegor`: per aaronpk's implied point of we don't even have enough well known workflow around the simple {{stub}}
template, therefore we should not add to that with *more* stub templates.
# 22:34 gRegor` I didn't necessarily want more stub templates. But perhaps adding a category to them to help gauge their progress.
# 22:34 gRegor` Since it's so often not removed, it's pretty meaningless other than to encourage people to edit the wiki.
# 22:35 KartikPrabhu gRegor`: I think the worry is that we don't really have a criteria for stub progress
# 22:36 gRegor` Page size could be a basic starting point.
# 22:36 gRegor` Just thinking out loud. I realize it's fuzzy
# 22:37 gRegor` ./webmention probably isn't a stub anymore. :)
# 22:37 tantek gRegor`: it's not meaningless - it indicates a lack of completeness so people don't assume completeness (which they tend to), or take offense at something being left out
DamonOehlman and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 22:38 tantek the other way you can explicitly release stuff in WP into the public domain - is by contributing it yourself and have a PD/CC0 license in your author page
# 22:39 tantek I encourage everyone here who has a WP account to also include such public domain releases on their User: page
# 22:39 tantek aaronpk lol. "Doctor it hurts when I do this." ;)
# 22:41 gRegor` Ok, not "meaningless." But if it effectively appears on the entire site, might as well just put something in the sidebar "These pages are incomplete. Please help us by contributing."
# 22:42 kylewm jah, I didn’t know if it was called Gruber Markdown or Daring Fireball Markdown or what
# 22:45 bret tantek: what is your take on the discussion of the simplification of the URL bar in chrome?
# 22:48 aaronpk i've been wanting a good way to distribute backups of the wiki
# 22:48 gRegor` I'm with adactio on that, and prefer graying out the path / subdomain method.
# 22:51 aaronpk i already wrote some code to turn a MW database into flat text files
# 22:51 bret people also have to make sure to check an option to maintain changes I think too... not sure on that
# 22:54 tantek URLs are on products and billboards. That battle is over. They're part of language, culture, society. The Chrome UI folks need to get over themselves.
# 22:55 tantek maybe the Chrome folks are being generous and giving people an excuse to switch to Firefox?
# 22:56 bnvk I was telling Barnaby the other day about how teenage misfits in the US in 90s / early 2000s used to use AOL discs like ninja stars… he found it very comical
# 22:57 bnvk aaronpk: sounds like a more constructive use!
# 22:57 tantek bnvk++ for always being good about presenting alternative perspectives.
# 22:57 bnvk tantek: do you suppose a petition to get Mozilla to invest heavily in improving FF font rendering would fall on deaf ears?
# 22:58 tantek bnvk - also - that sounds more like #indiechat ;)
# 23:00 tantek I guess it didn't bring enough people to the yard?
# 23:02 gRegor` tantek: Can you confirm whether you can still log in to myopenid.com? Should I move it to "past" regardless?
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# 23:02 tantek because as long as someone has logged in, it's not quite dead yet.
# 23:02 gRegor` "Only Mostly Dead" section. ;)
# 23:03 gRegor` a la Princess Bride, heh
# 23:03 gRegor` Do it, KevinMarks!
# 23:03 gRegor` Oh, I was thinking of Princess Bride "He's only mostly dead."
# 23:03 KevinMarks facebook with applinks, twitter with urls in DMs and Chrome with their chip
# 23:03 tantek KevinMarks: you should name it "War on URLs" and steal all the "War on Christmas" imagery, framing, scare tactics etc. ;)
# 23:04 gRegor` But there is "Bring out your dead!" in MP, of course.
# 23:05 tantek KevinMarks: if you call it "War on URLs", maybe you can get Fox News to pick it up. :)
# 23:05 bret as long as silos rely on email, you can live without silos. as long as silos rely on urls, i dont think they can really advocate to get rid of them
# 23:05 gRegor` adactio's "URLy warning" was pretty great.
# 23:07 KevinMarks I am also tempted to rewrite that changing "facebook" to fox and zuck to murdoch
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# 23:10 bret aaronpk: for invalidating a token at the token endpoint, what if the token endpoint just accepted a post request that includes the token, and some kind of value to indicate that its a request to invalidate
# 23:11 GWG snarfed: I think the webmention thing worked out
# 23:13 GWG snarfed: Â Â Â Â Â Â do_action('webfinger_post_send', $response, $source, $target);
# 23:13 GWG I did ask why he called it webfinger
# 23:13 snarfed oh interesting, yeah, esp since webfinger is a well known separate thing
# 23:15 tantek "webfinger" sounds creepy to non-tech folks. was a very unfortunate choice of name.
# 23:15 tantek specifically with the reply that's being shown
# 23:15 tantek that's not wordpress.com receiving webmentions and displaying them is it?!?
# 23:16 gRegor` That's awesome
# 23:16 tantek you're not supposed to be able to add plugins to your wordpress.com blog
# 23:16 snarfed it also sends outgoing webmentions for new/updated posts
# 23:16 tantek ok, so this won't work for just *any* wordpress.com blog
# 23:17 tantek the author of the blog presumably has to OAuth into bridgy?
# 23:17 snarfed just like bridgy doesn't turn on backfeed for all fb/twitter users
# 23:17 tantek was about to freak out about wordpress.com accepting webmentions (effectively, even through bridgy)
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# 23:17 GWG snarfed: I just have to think on how to associate the fields with the post_id
# 23:18 tantek freakout because that would surely wake-up and attract spammers to webmenion
# 23:18 Loqi tantek meant to say: freakout because that would surely wake-up and attract spammers to webmention
# 23:18 tantek now, do you know of anyone who uses wordpress.com as their blog host for their personal domain AND uses bridgy?
# 23:19 snarfed everyone's welcome to try it. some rough edges still but should be working
# 23:19 snarfed speaking of which…KevinMarks, feel free to try it on epeus
# 23:19 tantek is wondering if we should do 2 min demos at this week's HWC
# 23:20 snarfed the one remaining catch for wordpress.com is that we all need to start supporting webmention discovery via <a> tags
# 23:25 tantek snarfed - who doesn't support webmention discovery via <a rel=webmention> ?
# 23:25 aaronpk i think most implementations look for a <link> tag
# 23:26 kylewm it’s possible that if they used a mf2 parser to get the ‘rel’ values, someone might support it accidentally
# 23:26 aaronpk but I don't, and anyone using the php or ruby mention client I wrote doesn't
# 23:26 kylewm I added <a> links to mine last night for testing, so there’s 1 at least :)
# 23:27 tantek snarfed - probably good to add it immediately to the wiki
# 23:27 snarfed sure. sandeep seems to only be active intermittently
# 23:27 tantek also - if you "just" use php-mf2 to parse the rel values of the HTML, it should find the <link> and <a> rels automatically for you.
# 23:28 tantek so anyone who is not finding <a rel=webmention> must be doing something else
# 23:28 gRegor` ./site-deaths is depressing
# 23:29 emmak the webmention code I wrote only searches links for the endpoint, should I be checking <a> too?
# 23:29 gRegor` But it's a bit more up to date at least.
# 23:29 gRegor` uses PHP's DomDocument to search <link> elements only (if failing to find the Link header)
# 23:30 aaronpk i'll go update the mention clients with tests. might be able to do that on the plane
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# 23:31 kylewm snarfed: how far away is Bridgy Publish for wordpress.com/blogger/disqus comments? ;)
# 23:32 snarfed if you hand-author mf2, i think it should work now
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# 23:32 tantek snarfed - are there how-to's for adding uf2 to those templates?
# 23:32 kylewm oh I mean the other way, if I want to publish from my site to a disqus comment
# 23:33 snarfed so far i have notes for eventual bridgy docs on advertising the webmention endpoint, but not for authoring mf2
# 23:33 snarfed great! yeah, mf1/2 in blogger/tumblr/wordpress.com is important for sending outgoing webmentions, but so far a bit out of scope for me just yet
# 23:33 kylewm the wordpress one will be short, there’s not much you can do (for free)
# 23:34 tantek snarfed - perhaps add stub sections with a "Please help!" cry?
# 23:34 tantek to at least indicate the need and maybe say why
# 23:39 KevinMarks what are HTML5 features that Firefox+Chrome support that Safari doesn't? WebRTC?
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# 23:46 KevinMarks After I complained about about.me, the owner emailed me. Should I put the comments about them on the wiki too?
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