#bretaaronpk: have you documented anywhere what the endpoint should do with the token in the header? in this case the token is coming from https://tokens.oauth.net/token
#bretpresumably verify it with the token endpoint?
#bretaaronpk: got it, just run it by a blacklist or something
#aaronpki do kind of want to make that token endpoint be able to manage tokens like you're saying though, that seems like a good thing for a token service to do
#bretwould take a lot of work off of endpoint authors
#kylewmreading the logs, really cool conversation from this morning about rel=webmention on <a> tags… love the idea of making a visible link with a little info like aaronpk has. (added a couple of notes on the wiki about it)
#indie-visitorhi KartikPrabhu. Thanks for the welcome. It's long overdue, but I'm just now checking out IWC. Probably going to lurk for a bit and read through the logs.
#KartikPrabhuhi! i thought you re-logged in as matthewschutte :)
#matthewschutteI’m just setting up IRC clients etc. I’ve dipped a toe in the water once or twice before, but am fairly illiterate when it comes to IRC channels and web development in general. Kind of silly really, considering that my life’s work is focused on helping foster a more user centric (and collaborative) internet.
#matthewschutteAm logged into two clients at the moment to give them each a feel.
#KartikPrabhumatthewschutte: In any case, welcome... and explore around, getting later here must hit the sack as they say
matthewschutte, jsilvestre, paulcp, LauraJ, cweiske, eschnou and carlo_au joined the channel
#voxpelli!tell aaronpk I don't think we need to have sites specify prefered auth servers like IndieAuth – I think we rather need a way for identities in a rel-me consolidated identity to indicate that they have an authentication mechanism that we can use so that eg. indie-hosted auth mechanisms and such can be discovered
#Loqiaaronpk: voxpelli left you a message 6 hours, 30 minutes ago: I don't think we need to have sites specify prefered auth servers like IndieAuth – I think we rather need a way for identities in a rel-me consolidated identity to indicate that they have an authentication mechanism that we can use so that eg. indie-hosted auth mechanisms and such can be discovered
#aaronpkKevinMarks: oh good glad you'll be there too!
#Loqiaaronpk: KevinMarks left you a message 4 hours, 33 minutes ago: I'll be at IIW too
#aaronpkvoxpelli: yeah that would be nice. if only OpenID 1.0 was easier to implement and had actually taken off
snarfed, brianloveswords and paulcp joined the channel
#brainTrainsnarfed, I notice you use google app engine for bridgy, that was my first dev/prod environment about three years ago when I started this crazy web dev journey and I learned to hate it due to how often it crashed haha, but dug the concept. Have you found it's improved over the years or do you still have to work around it?
#snarfedbrainTrain: it's definitely improved over the years
#brainTrainyeah it's not bad, I'm a frontend person by trade, but frontend at the startup I work at also includes building basic api's for user management stuff etc, so I don't really mind learning all this opsy sysadmin stuff, it's starting to give me ultimate power! :p
#brainTrainthat's good to know. friends hit me up to learn often and app engine could be a really awesome way to do that if you don't have to do too much to handle it's crashes/rough edges
#snarfedof course, with great power comes great maintenance burden :/
#brainTrainand that wasn't so bad, although all that shit is a lot to learn so I'm sure the next time we meet up to work on that he's probably gonna still be lost
#brainTrainyeah fabric seems pretty rad, at work we've started using runserver and I think those can overlap but don't necessarily have to... buuut this is all conjecture based on not knowing much about automation
#brainTrainlol not runserver, rundeck.. too much django
snarfed, iangreenleaf, squeakytoy, emmak, tilgovi, dybskiy, onewheelskyward, bnvk and brainTrain joined the channel
#brainTrainbah, work time. I got sendmail sending but not receiving. Last time I installed this sucker was about a year ago, but these pain points are starting to feel familiar haha
tilgovi, netweb and gRegor` joined the channel
#dariusdunlapConversation here at Pre-IIW Personal Cloud / VRM day is so cool. I wish Kevin Marks was here taking notes. :-)
#snarfeddariusdunlap: wish i was there. glad you are! you should fill in for kevin's note taking!
#tanteksnarfed, I've forgotten too many CLIs to ever want to bother with learning any more.
#tantekI know now to just keep a .txt cheatsheet document for any new CLI thrown my way so I can completely ignore any need to actually learn it and instead do just-in-time-lookup in notes instead.
#bnvkI wonder if any advantages could be gleaned from screenwriting apps- they pop up all these lil auto suggest menus based on what type of text block one inserted
#bretben_thatmustbeme: have you done a micropub endpoint yet?
matthewschutte joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemekartikprabhu, the next step there would be POSSE, which I sort of wanted to wait until I have a nice UI before I start doing that. But alas, i suck at front-end
tantek joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemebret, not yet. I'll have to look in to that, reading the wiki page now
#bretben_thatmustbeme: which UI? posting? or just displaying
#ben_thatmustbemejust displaying, I don't really like the theme I have, its kinda of a messed up sempress currently
#ben_thatmustbemethe admin UI is only half finished too. but I'm in no rush to do that honestly, it works for me for now
#breti pretty much made boostrap look slightly in place and left it XD so boring
#KartikPrabhuben_thatmustbeme: in my experience it is better to have something crappy working and then iterate on it, than to wait to have the perfect implementation the first time
#bretwhich is bad because its a total black box. want to do a totally custom layout with flexboxes eventually
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, I know, And i'm doing that with the rest of the site, I just wanted to have a first pass to clean it up first before I started sharing it out too much
squeakytoy joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah bret, at this point I just sort of want to steal a nice template and start there, mess around with it more later.
#aaronpkyeah that's why I just used bootstrap. if you hide the title bar it's not as immediately recognizable as bootstrap
#ben_thatmustbemebret, so to set up micropub i would need to be an indieauth endpoint?
#aaronpkben_thatmustbeme: you should only need to build the micropub endpoint now, you can use indieauth.com as your auth server and tokens.indieauth.com as your token endpoint
#aaronpktwitter's inline translate button is really interesting UX
snarfed joined the channel
#KevinMarkshm, how come facebook doesn't markup theire own webpages with applinks.org?
#KevinMarksthat would be handy for tanteks contact links
#bretben_thatmustbeme: no, just the endpoint. Basically, you make a program that accepts a POST request with some specific fields and an auth token, verify the token then create a post on your site
#aaronpkbret: can you add that sentence to the section I linked earlier? that's good
#ben_thatmustbemeokay. i'm just trying to understand the conceptual now of how it generates the auth token
#ben_thatmustbemefrom the in some app i allow it to access my account on some token generator, is that the idea?
#ben_thatmustbemehaha, okay, let me try that again. Basically the idea, as I understand it. I have app A on my phone for example. I want to post to my personal site. I log in to the endpoint of my site (found by parsing my site) (with indieauth?) it generates a token that I can send along with my post. my site can then verify that token by going to the endpoint site.
#bretyour endpoint just verifies the validity and makes a decision based on that info
#bretif you build it you can start using ownyourgram.com and barnaby's post interface on your own site though!
#ben_thatmustbemei don't publish my endpoint though, I just display the micropub link so an app knows where to go to generate the auth key, Its up to user input to know to post to /post/new ?
#aaronpkthere are three endpoints required: auth, token, micropub
#ben_thatmustbemei get ya, so it the app would get a token from auth, send it to micropub, and then my site would verify by token
#aaronpkthe app directs you to the auth endpoint which generates an auth code and sends you back to the app
#aaronpkthe app exchanges the auth code for an access token (by making a request to the token endpoint)
#aaronpkthen the app can use the access token to make requests at your micropub endpoint
#aaronpkwhen your micropub endpoint gets a request with an access token, it can verify the access token by querying the token endpoint and process the request accordingly
#tantekinteresting, we don't have a /markdown page though we do have one page linking to /Markdown (which also doesn't exist)
#tantekI could start a naïve page or if someone else more knowledgable wants to start /markdown be my guest. I'll wait a few minutes before jumping in :)
danfowler and _6a68 joined the channel
#breti can contribute basics but not at the moment
#breti know sandeep was doing some interesting things with his fork of it
#tantekwhich, could arguably be said to be underspecified :/
#KevinMarksurl in xoxo maybe should have been href
#KevinMarksgive all the other params are the actual HTML ones
#tanteknot sure that would have made much a difference
#KevinMarksI used to to pass data structures around at Technorati for a few years, so I was self-dogfooding to some extent
#gRegor`I'm thinking of setting up stub templates similar to Wikipedia, so stubs are put in categories and might be more useful. So many pages are "stubs" it doesn't seem to mean much. Thoughts? http://indiewebcamp.com/Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:stub
#tantekgRegor`: what does it say on the text of the template page?
#aaronpkgRegor`: the template source is clearly CCSA
#tantekyeah, not sure how you can claim that's unclear.
#tantekalso, if you didn't write it, and it doesn't explicitly say public domain / CC0, then you can't put it in a CC0 resource
#tantekgRegor`: in every "edit" UI on our wiki just above the Summary: and Save page button etc.:
#tantek"You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource."
#gRegor`It's not clear to me when it says "Text is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License" that it extends to the HTML in a template. Better safe than sorry, though.
#tantekgRegor`: doesn't matter if it extends to the HTML in the template or not
#tantekyou didn't write it, and it doesn't expliclty say it is public domain, so you can't contribute it to the wiki
#tantekgRegor`: per aaronpk's implied point of we don't even have enough well known workflow around the simple {{stub}} template, therefore we should not add to that with *more* stub templates.
#gRegor`I didn't necessarily want more stub templates. But perhaps adding a category to them to help gauge their progress.
#gRegor`Since it's so often not removed, it's pretty meaningless other than to encourage people to edit the wiki.
#KartikPrabhugRegor`: I think the worry is that we don't really have a criteria for stub progress
#gRegor`Page size could be a basic starting point.
#gRegor`Just thinking out loud. I realize it's fuzzy
#tantekgRegor`: it's not meaningless - it indicates a lack of completeness so people don't assume completeness (which they tend to), or take offense at something being left out
#tantekthe other way you can explicitly release stuff in WP into the public domain - is by contributing it yourself and have a PD/CC0 license in your author page
#gRegor`Ok, not "meaningless." But if it effectively appears on the entire site, might as well just put something in the sidebar "These pages are incomplete. Please help us by contributing."
#tantekURLs are on products and billboards. That battle is over. They're part of language, culture, society. The Chrome UI folks need to get over themselves.
#bnvkI was telling Barnaby the other day about how teenage misfits in the US in 90s / early 2000s used to use AOL discs like ninja stars… he found it very comical
#tantekKevinMarks: if you call it "War on URLs", maybe you can get Fox News to pick it up. :)
#bretas long as silos rely on email, you can live without silos. as long as silos rely on urls, i dont think they can really advocate to get rid of them
#KevinMarksdid you see the fox piece about Occulus? that was funny
#gRegor`adactio's "URLy warning" was pretty great.
#bretaaronpk: for invalidating a token at the token endpoint, what if the token endpoint just accepted a post request that includes the token, and some kind of value to indicate that its a request to invalidate
#gregorlove.comedited /site-deaths (+245) "/* 2014 */ Moved Donna from upcoming to past. Changed date to match what Donna site shows currently." (view diff)
#GWGsnarfed: I think the webmention thing worked out
#snarfedgreat! yeah, mf1/2 in blogger/tumblr/wordpress.com is important for sending outgoing webmentions, but so far a bit out of scope for me just yet
#kylewmthe wordpress one will be short, there’s not much you can do (for free)