2014-05-19 UTC
squeakytoy and paulcp joined the channel
# 00:19 bret cant go through it right now but skimming looks great
chrisroos and chrisroo_ joined the channel
# 00:46 kylewm bret: what's the "incoming webmentions" part of your site? (/pages/inbox)
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# 01:06 bret kylewm webmentions sent to just bret.io
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# 01:53 bret doing multipart in node... dont recomend
jedahan joined the channel
# 01:56 bret not that it isnt all that bad once figured out, but the documentation is terrible
caseorganic joined the channel
# 02:02 bret ill love node then ill hate it then ill love it then ill hate it
# 02:03 bret maybe love comes with fluency, but this seems to be true of any powerful tool
paulcp joined the channel
# 02:10 KartikPrabhu Q: should I store a BOM while using utf-8 encoded files for storing post data?
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RajD, paulcp, jedahan, RajDuggal, chrisroos, notifix, brianloveswords, caseorganic, john3213 and squeakytoy joined the channel
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# 08:02 KevinMarks KartikPrabhu: utf8 doesn't need a BOM (it doesn't have a byte ordering). However some tools expect one
# 08:04 KevinMarks you may need to strip one, but you shouldn't make one unless notepad is your target app
caseorganic, jsilvestre, paulcp, tpinto, notifix and friedcell joined the channel
# 08:30 Loqi [@lbrt] @vasilis highlights are helpful
jonnybarnes, caseorganic, notifix, Sebastien-L, paulcp, chrisroos, adactio and netweb joined the channel
notifix, caseorganic, nloadholtes, barnabywalters, friedcell, tgbrun and petermolnar joined the channel
# 11:11 notifix Superfeedr Track Feed for include=indieweb: En vrac après les élections
paulcp, petermolnar, caseorganic, Sebastien-L, notifix, chrisroo_, chrisroos, eschnou and pfefferle joined the channel
# 12:27 GWG Anyone other than KartikPrabhu opted to disable local comments in favor of webmentions/backfeed only?
notifix, caseorganic and pfefferle joined the channel
# 12:40 cweiske I don't have comments at all, but accept linkbacks (which are not shown) :)
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# 12:49 GWG cweiske: I'm just thinking about it because all my local comments seem to be spam
# 12:50 GWG But if the discourse is coming from other networks...then they have to cope with it
# 12:51 cweiske even today I could spam all your blogs by sending out spammy webmentions
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# 12:54 Loqi cweiske meant to say: yep. I follow the reasoning
# 12:54 cweiske which is why I force people to email me instead of commenting
# 12:54 voxpelli or webmention might perhaps follow Salmon eventually and get some kind of signing which makes it harder for spammers to act like they were honest persons
# 12:54 GWG The one legitimate local comment I got...the person asked me... "Why do I need an email address to comment on your site?"
# 12:55 GWG My plan at the moment was to try and switch to webactions.
# 12:56 GWG And we'll see if I leave the comment form up
# 12:56 GWG Bearing in mind, if I don't, the spambots often bypass it anyway.
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# 12:59 GWG cweiske: By the way, I like the simple design you use
# 13:01 petermolnar are there any out-of-the-box wordpress modules to reply to an article with webmention with a post?
# 13:02 GWG petermolnar: For you to make a post on your site a reply?
# 13:04 GWG petermolnar: IF you are talking about a UI in Wordpress...it is on my list of things to do.
# 13:05 pfefferle it adds a field where you can type in some urls that should be pinged and adds the urls on top of the post
# 13:05 GWG pfefferle: I was working on something I called Indieweb Custom Post Types. I wanted to create different entry editors.
# 13:05 petermolnar - I want to post a special, reply-like post on my site which is indeed a reply to that article
# 13:05 petermolnar I know that if I link it and use that webmention plugin, it will take care of it more or less, but my post will be a regular post which some might prefer to avoid
# 13:06 petermolnar GWG that is basically I was thinking about as well: custom post types would be good for this
# 13:07 GWG I want to give it thought because I don't want to change the structure significantly after I plan it out
# 13:09 GWG pfefferle, as always, appreciate your contribution
# 13:09 GWG I intend to appropriate some of your work
# 13:11 barnabywalters the reader I’m working on at the moment includes an implementation of the social graph based white/blacklisting
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# 13:18 GWG pfefferle, as cpts or a custom taxonomy?
# 13:19 GWG I worry about creating too many post types
# 13:20 GWG I was trying to figure out how to condense it. That was why I was holding off, to plan
# 13:20 pfefferle why not dropping them completely and only work on the reply context for all of these types?
# 13:20 pfefferle the advantage: it would also work for all the existing types
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# 13:22 pfefferle the plugin only allows replys atm. but it shouldn’t be a problem to add a radio button to choose the type of the ”žcontext“
# 13:22 petermolnar I don't think custom post types will be an issue event if there's a bunch of them
# 13:22 petermolnar it would make sense to have custom type for repost, like, reply, etc.
# 13:22 petermolnar ( by the way, is anyone working on a plugin for a custom post type, which accepts and url, curls the h-entry from the target and displays it as repost? )
# 13:23 GWG pfefferle, let me think about merging my cpt thoughts with the reply context plugin
# 13:24 GWG I am admittedly a better planner then cider
# 13:24 pfefferle sure! If you have some more ideas, feel free to add them as issues
# 13:25 GWG pfefferle, I may take your suggestion and design a cpt with a taxonomy for repky contexts and see if it looks like it might work.
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# 13:27 pfefferle I like the concept of simple plugins, that’s why I published so many
# 13:28 GWG I started out trying to put everything together. I have been breaking things into different pieces
# 13:30 pfefferle or to replace some functionality with some other functions or plugins
# 13:30 GWG pfefferle, I had to take over the whole comment template for that plugin I posted. I intend to make some of the other ideas that I have extensions to it.
# 13:33 pfefferle Yes, I also wanted to use the default comment template and extend it with hooks, but it misses some importend hooks :(
notifix, caseorganic, tantek and tgbrun joined the channel
# 14:01 pfefferle it provides a customizable test-post and a test endpoint that loggs into the shell
scor, caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:09 pfefferle voxpelli wanted to check the werdpress webmention plugin both ways and loved the idea of your test-pinger
# 14:13 snarfed yup, kbs used the plugin on my site to test as he was developing it
# 14:14 pfefferle does it mean that the tool works great or the plugin is save against xss?
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# 14:46 snarfed kylewm: the fb bridgy app got approved for publish_actions. feel free to retry if you want!
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# 15:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 15:38 kylewm snarfed: oh man, I revoked and reauthed my bridgy account, still getting an error publishing. BUT when I uncheck "Include link", it works! seems like your original suspicion that the custom action was the problem might have been correct
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# 15:40 aaronpk GWG: I ditched local comments long before I implemented webmention
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# 15:49 barnabywalters I’ll be missing the June IWC completely, so need to make up for it in September ;)
# 15:51 tommorris there are reasons I’m glad I’m contracting rather than Ph.D-ing. having money and having an expense account being two of them. :)
warden joined the channel
notifix, snarfed, caseorganic and npdoty joined the channel
# 16:02 snarfed kylewm: looks like it failed for a while, but now works?
# 16:05 kylewm to do it correctly for Bridgy, I think we'd need all See Original links to provide a bridgy endpoint that would redirect to the original post :(
# 16:05 snarfed ah, i was wondering why your last attempt, which included a link, succeeded
# 16:06 snarfed but it just deferred to the original success without the link
# 16:08 snarfed i'm guessing you find that action link endpoint thing on your own, right? i didn't see any new error message or info in the logs
# 16:09 kylewm yeah error message is still opaque 500 -- which is what makes me think setting actions to just any old thing is an unexpected loophole
# 16:10 snarfed yeah makes sense. ok, given that, i'm inclined to drop the see original action link and go back to a normal link
# 16:10 kylewm they didn't fathom that someone might try sending an action without registering it first!
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# 16:11 kylewm does bridgy remember published posts forever? like, could it conceivably look up the original based on its facebook id?
# 16:11 snarfed it does remember them forever, but let me see what's indexed
# 16:12 snarfed the fb post id is buried inside the Publish.published property, which is JSON, so it's not easy to query against
# 16:13 snarfed that's sent back to webmention clients though, so they can easily generate rel-syndication links based on it
# 16:14 kylewm so, See Original as implemented by non-bridgy sites is probably more brittle than we expected
# 16:16 snarfed cc aaronpk ^^. tldr: our 'see original' fb links aren't as nicely supported than we think. that they somewhat work now is kind of a fluke.
benwerd and paulcp joined the channel
# 16:18 Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message on 5/9 at 5:45pm: great job this week with the projects you've launched! your efforts have really leveled up the #indieweb and #ownyourdata momentum.
# 16:26 benwerd aaronpk: Thanks for the heads up! Correcting that now
# 16:26 benwerd tantek: Thank you. Today is actual Day One of full-time work on Known. I'm bouncing-up-and-down excited.
# 16:29 barnabywalters benwerd: we’re all going to have to step up our game to prevent Known from becoming a new monoculture ;)
# 16:29 barnabywalters but seriously, amazing work and great to hear you’re working on it with erinjo full-time now
# 16:29 benwerd barnabywalters: I'm committed to the anti-monoculture idea, and want to help with that too! And thank you :)
# 16:29 snarfed benwerd: agreed. congratulations! we're all really excited for you
# 16:30 benwerd It should go without saying that Known builds on the amazing work all of you are doing, so I'm really, really grateful for your support. And looking forward to participating in the community more fully from here on out.
# 16:31 barnabywalters (just to clarify: by monoculture I’m not referring to your own intentions, but to the possibility of people only using Known because it’s so good)
# 16:32 benwerd barnabywalters: I got you! I actually think there's no danger of that - but I want to devote resources (time at first) to helping other indieweb projects too.
# 16:33 barnabywalters benwerd: in a similar vein, are you following the progress with micropub at all?
# 16:35 benwerd btw, snarfed, am I imagining that bridgy leveled up? It seems to be pinging from my Twitter, even though it doesn't link back, which is incredible
# 16:35 snarfed benwerd: it did! it now supports rel-syndication links, so you don't need links in the silo posts themselves
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# 16:35 snarfed that was all kylewm, he did really great work there
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# 17:14 GWG Hmm.. does Square space have APIs?
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# 17:15 GWG KevinMarks, we have a page for everything on there it seems
# 17:17 GWG I really have to remember to look before I ask
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# 17:19 GWG Note that the biggest section of the page is how to leave. That does send a message.
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# 17:20 GWG aaronpk, I always think about how a newcomer might take it
# 17:21 GWG But I will see if I can get a trial
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# 17:24 GWG I would probably rewrite the page to say it csn be, but it might not have the flexibility or extensibility of other solutions
# 17:25 KevinMarks wonder who we talk to there to get them to adopt more? They have the basic idea right, hence the ad
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# 17:29 GWG Someone needs to go in there and have look
# 17:29 GWG If they support JSON then it might not be so hard
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# 17:38 KevinMarks their template language looks flexible enough to add the microformats markup needed
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# 18:08 bret barnabywalters: are you not looking for token endpoints for your note interface?
# 18:08 notifix Superfeedr Track Feed for include=indieweb: <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">going to Homebrew Website Club, 2014-05-21 18:30 @MozSF. indieweb: werd.io/2014/homebrew-website-club-5 silo: fb.com/events/1509367239285562/</div>
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# 18:11 bret it doesnt look like an auth token is submitted
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# 18:15 aaronpk bret: odd, pretty sure I remember it sending a token when I tried it
# 18:16 bret do i need to look somewhere else besides the header?
# 18:16 aaronpk It should be there.... But maybe inspect the whole request?
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# 18:19 bret from the header isnt getting anything
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# 18:24 kylewm bret: you're looking at waterpigs.co.uk/notes/new? when does it send you the token request?
# 18:25 bret after i log in an try to post a new note
# 18:26 bret aaronpk: should I just look for both? or should it be Authorization
# 18:27 aaronpk does the browser post to your site or does his server?
# 18:27 aaronpk i think the browser posts to your site directly, which means you'll have to check the POST request for access_token, as well as accept the Authorization header for other clients that do it that way
# 18:28 kylewm that was my question ^. (i was trying to get it to work on my site, but didn't get as far as you have apparently!)
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# 18:29 aaronpk yep, there's a hidden form field that has the access token
# 18:29 aaronpk i think barnaby actually sets a client-side cookie with the access token so it's never even sent to his server
# 18:30 aaronpk well, that's not quite literally true, but you get the idea. his server doesn't actually do anything with the access token.
# 18:33 aaronpk it's technically possible to store the access token in local storage so it never actualyl would leave your computer
# 18:33 tantek benwerd - congrats on starting fulltime on Known!!!
# 18:34 tantek benwerd, note also we're trying a one hour "quiet writing hour" at 17:30 immediately before the meetup! So if you want to show up early just to write, come on by!
# 18:36 tantek I made her commit to showing up for it before I put it in. [selfdogfood] :)
# 18:36 tantek KartikPrabhu: that's what I thought - just double checking
# 18:36 tantek this is how I tag lines of IRC without linking to a channel: [howto][meta][tag]
# 18:40 dietrich_ tantek: that url even says weds. you blew it. we all know you have a time machine now, and you're not sharing with us.
# 18:43 tantek wonders when we'll see regular indie-event posts for the PDX meetup. hint hint aaronpk ;)
# 18:45 dietrich_ tantek: what is writing hour? it's mentioned on the page but not explained
# 18:46 tantek digs up the summary that he wrote for writing hour somewhere.
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# 18:50 aaronpk Yeah, I need to make myself a better interface for posting events
# 18:51 aaronpk It's kind of annoying right now to edit the dates in my yaml
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# 18:52 bret aaronpk: same! thats why I'm implementing micropub
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# 19:07 tantek aaronpk: "kind of annoying right now to edit the dates in my yaml" <-- hah, you should see how annoying it is to edit in HTML with like 3 copies. (oh oops. :/ )
# 19:08 tantek needs to improve his use of h-entry in static storage
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# 19:10 tantek aaronpk, I actually added validation code to my storage reading code to do consistency checks on every new post
# 19:11 tantek figure it was good to add defensive code, even if/when I simplified the format
# 19:14 tantek it's a challenge of - which copy should be the *data* and which copy should be the optional generated "cache copy" of the data
# 19:14 tantek which if absent is simply generated, but if present, is checked for consistency.
# 19:15 aaronpk If it's generated then how could it ever be wrong?
# 19:15 tantek I think it's better to detect and warn about errors in consistency rather than quietly repairing them
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# 19:19 tantek benwerd, do you have a way in Known to specify a "banner image" for an indie event?
# 19:20 benwerd tantek: no, but clearly one's needed! I also want that for blog posts etc etc
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# 19:23 tantek you could cheat and grab the first image from the description/contents and optionally "upgrade it" to be a "banner image"
# 19:23 tantek would work well likely for mobile presentation for sure
# 19:23 tantek then as an author all you have to remember is to drop in an image as part of the description
# 19:23 aaronpk if none specified, first image becomes "banner" image
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# 19:24 tantek hmm - in that case, aaronpk, this is likely worth documenting
# 19:24 tantek your choice of canonical URL, since you've built it
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# 19:42 ben_thatmustbeme first is that one from saturday, i started getting a Google card, (info about the company) and the only entry it had was a link to the wired article about indie-web
# 19:44 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: too bad that Google Now indieweb card is not really "Now" and more like "over 6 months ago"
# 19:45 tantek huh? the first one is just the title of the old Wired article
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# 19:46 tantek wait what - why are my RSVPs showing up as "Google Now" cards for you?
# 19:46 tantek is Google Now consuming PuSH and creating cards for PuSH items?
# 19:46 ben_thatmustbeme not sure. I have searched for indieweb and for you, so its picking up on one of those
# 19:47 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: and is it accident or intentional that your "tantek is" links to my PESETAS Tumblr rather than my site?
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# 19:47 ben_thatmustbeme if i hit their hamburger icon at the top, all it asks is for is "are you interested in updates from tantek.com"
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# 19:51 ben_thatmustbeme to explain the first post, it was 2 images, that was the flow, the first one was a single card, the second image was what you get after you click that card. I just thought it was nice for publicity wise.
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# 19:53 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: i'm guessing its using your atom feed and updating from that. I have not tried every site i get updates for but they all seem to have some time of alternate feed
# 19:54 snarfed KartikPrabhu: yeah, that's an unfortunate twitter wart. fb, g+, and i think instagram all have evergreen urls for profile pictures that always return or redirect to the current picture
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# 19:57 ben_thatmustbeme i'm trying to repeatedly search for other indie sites to hopefully get you other guys in there
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# 19:58 KartikPrabhu ben_thatmustbeme: what is this you are doing? Sorry I missed the context
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# 19:59 snarfed KartikPrabhu: the sad part is, that api call you mentioned is itself an evergreen profile picture url (it 302 redirects and doesn't require auth), but they explicitly forbid you to use it like that. sigh.
# 20:00 KartikPrabhu snarfed: cool. But I'm not sure what bridgy can do about it. Send another webmention for updated profile pic?
# 20:00 snarfed yeah, bridgy can't easily do anything for downstream webmention recipients. it could resend everything from that user, but that doesn't scale.
# 20:00 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I think it does require authentication atleast it did when I tried to access it from my browser
# 20:01 snarfed that api call is from the v1 api, which got turned off a while ago
# 20:01 aaronpk can I get this google now thing on my iphone somehow?
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# 20:02 snarfed aaronpk: i think yes, they've either announced or shipped it
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# 20:05 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I cache profile images locally, have not written the code to update them yet
# 20:05 kylewm mostly because I didn't want outgoing requests to twitter/facebook for every load of my site
# 20:06 KartikPrabhu kylewm: on a diff. note, what do you use to redirect from your short domian?
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# 20:08 kylewm KartikPrabhu: it's hacky but nginx redirects from kyl.im/\w+ to kylewm.com/short/\1, which my application redirects to the right place
# 20:08 KartikPrabhu aah I see. Better than writing a separate code on the shorter domain...
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# 20:10 KartikPrabhu now if only I can get my shirt url code fixed I can start using my shiny new krtk.me :P
# 20:11 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: now if only I can get my short url code fixed I can start using my shiny new krtk.me :P
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# 20:16 aaronpk tantek: what was the convention you suggested for the "who is using X?" section on the wiki? "IndieWeb Examples"?
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# 20:23 snarfed to be fair, that idea is an opinion. maybe a commonly held one in the community, but still, just an opinion, not part of any spec or required for any core functionality
# 20:23 snarfed many indieweb people don't include backlinks in all of their possed posts
# 20:23 KartikPrabhu snarfed: yes. I was suggesting that we add a counter-opinion or link to it :)
# 20:24 KartikPrabhu and since you guys have probably thought about this more than I have, I off-shored it to you ;)
# 20:26 KartikPrabhu is looking for a short word to mean "here is the original" for POSSEing? any ideas?
# 20:28 KartikPrabhu oh G+ shows a "full profle card" and a "small profile card" on the post... how redundant
# 20:28 aaronpk google now says "updates to websites you recently visited"
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# 20:34 kylewm yeah, it freaked me out when Google Now started telling me about my upcoming flights
# 20:35 kylewm hey, that's convenient...and extremely creepy!
# 20:42 sparverius i mean it's just looking at your email which they already did before in gmail (like showing links to package tracking in the subject line)
# 20:42 sparverius for whatever stupid reason, it doesnt work if you're on google apps tho
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# 20:45 tantek aaronpk, yes "IndieWeb Examples" for who is using x? or who supports x?
# 20:46 tantek must have been in "this week in indieweb" right? ;)
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# 21:07 JonathanNeal Is it bad that I have Loqi on ignore? Am I missing out on real content?
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# 21:20 tommorris I need to crank through a lot more states. I’ve so far only been to MA, NY, NJ, CA, FL, VA and DC.
# 21:30 tallpaul tommorris: Sadly no, they (& BA) fly to SEA though and its a short hop.
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# 22:10 notifix Superfeedr Track Feed for include=indieweb: Homebrew Website Club this week, beginning with a quiet "writing hour" at 5:30pm! indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-05-21-homebrew-website-club #indieweb
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# 22:18 Loqi erinjo: tantek left you a message on 5/9 at 5:45pm: great job this week with the projects you've launched! your efforts have really leveled up the #indieweb and #ownyourdata momentum.
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# 23:38 GWG I referenced your article on no comments
# 23:39 GWG I'm thinking of making that the end game of my current project
# 23:39 snarfed KartikPrabhu: interesting. the log says it used the cached result that there was no endpoint. some earlier discovery must have failed
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# 23:40 snarfed and i try to only cache that result when it does manage to fetch html, so i'm not sure
# 23:40 snarfed they only show up while bridgy itself is still retrying
# 23:41 snarfed sorry for the missed mention. feel free to resend it manually! source and target in the log
# 23:42 GWG snarfed: Did I read the Facebook problem isn't one anymore?
# 23:42 snarfed KartikPrabhu: yeah. cache ttl is at most 1d, usually much less
# 23:42 snarfed GWG: we at least think we found the root cause. i'll try to confirm and fix it tonight
# 23:42 GWG snarfed: If so, then I may dump SNAP
# 23:43 KartikPrabhu snarfed: oh yeah... some how I didn't realise how long ago 1 week was ;)
# 23:44 GWG snarfed: And I may write that basic Bridgy plugin that adds checkboxes for the services and adds the endpoints in using Wordpress content hooks
# 23:48 KartikPrabhu GWG: about "why do I need an email to comment on your site?" I would say "because it is my site and I said so..." On my site I can set whatever arbitrary rules I want. If people don't like it, they are free to complain on their own place on the Web
# 23:49 GWG KartikPrabhu: It was a comment. But the truth is...why do they? I don't need it. It is to 'keep them honest' so to speak
# 23:50 GWG KartikPrabhu: Also why people do login with ____ service
# 23:51 KevinMarks this is why we had OpenID in the first place - so you don't need email.
# 23:53 GWG KevinMarks: I know you've worked on this a long while.
# 23:53 KartikPrabhu tantek: Yes on my things-to-do. Have many G+ and tweet things to repost
# 23:54 KartikPrabhu GWG: no need to justify. In my experience the best questions come from the "on the fence" people
# 23:55 pdurbin KevinMarks: are you saying OpenID was invented for comments?
# 23:56 GWG KartikPrabhu: People who are 100% certain of things...
# 23:57 KartikPrabhu also don't mistake people with strong reasons with "people 100% certain of things" :)
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# 23:58 tantek_ pdurbin - yes, original use-case for OpenID was blog-to-blog comments
# 23:58 tantek_ sorry, specifically, *logging-in* to write a comment
# 23:58 tantek_ not blog-to-blog comments as we do them now with webmention + h-entry
# 23:59 tantek_ but the comments you'd write would still be "local-only" on the destination blog
# 23:59 GWG But, I don't want to have a barrier between myself and others for communications.
notifix joined the channel
# 23:59 GWG tantek_: Well, I get spammers and likes on Facebook
# 23:59 GWG Not sure if a like is worth anything