#voxpellior webmention might perhaps follow Salmon eventually and get some kind of signing which makes it harder for spammers to act like they were honest persons
#GWGThe one legitimate local comment I got...the person asked me... "Why do I need an email address to comment on your site?"
#GWGMy plan at the moment was to try and switch to webactions.
#petermolnar- there's an article somewhere on one's site
#petermolnar- I want to post a special, reply-like post on my site which is indeed a reply to that article
#petermolnarI know that if I link it and use that webmention plugin, it will take care of it more or less, but my post will be a regular post which some might prefer to avoid
#petermolnarGWG that is basically I was thinking about as well: custom post types would be good for this
#petermolnar( by the way, is anyone working on a plugin for a custom post type, which accepts and url, curls the h-entry from the target and displays it as repost? )
#pfefferleit also makes it easier to use only parts of the stack
#pfefferleor to replace some functionality with some other functions or plugins
#GWGpfefferle, I had to take over the whole comment template for that plugin I posted. I intend to make some of the other ideas that I have extensions to it.
caseorganic, notifix, paulcp, Sebastien-L, bshambaugh and jedahan_ joined the channel
#kylewmsnarfed: oh man, I revoked and reauthed my bridgy account, still getting an error publishing. BUT when I uncheck "Include link", it works! seems like your original suspicion that the custom action was the problem might have been correct
caseorganic joined the channel
#aaronpkGWG: I ditched local comments long before I implemented webmention
caseorga_ joined the channel
#tommorrisadactio: i can haz dconstruct ticket. :)
#tommorriswill sort out IWCUK wiki page when I’m done with work
#kylewmsnarfed: the 'action links' think looks super complicated. they expect you to provide an endpoint (with the same domain as your app) that accepts a JSON request from facebook and returns some data. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/using-actions/v2.0#howto-actionlinks ... those of us doing See Original must be using an unintentional loophole
#kylewmto do it correctly for Bridgy, I think we'd need all See Original links to provide a bridgy endpoint that would redirect to the original post :(
#snarfedah, i was wondering why your last attempt, which included a link, succeeded
#snarfedbut it just deferred to the original success without the link
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 5/9 at 5:45pm: great job this week with the projects you've launched! your efforts have really leveled up the #indieweb and #ownyourdata momentum.
#benwerdaaronpk: Thanks for the heads up! Correcting that now
#benwerdtantek: Thank you. Today is actual Day One of full-time work on Known. I'm bouncing-up-and-down excited.
#snarfedbenwerd: agreed. congratulations! we're all really excited for you
#benwerdIt should go without saying that Known builds on the amazing work all of you are doing, so I'm really, really grateful for your support. And looking forward to participating in the community more fully from here on out.
#barnabywalters(just to clarify: by monoculture I’m not referring to your own intentions, but to the possibility of people only using Known because it’s so good)
#benwerdbarnabywalters: I got you! I actually think there's no danger of that - but I want to devote resources (time at first) to helping other indieweb projects too.
#barnabywaltersbenwerd: in a similar vein, are you following the progress with micropub at all?
#benwerdbtw, snarfed, am I imagining that bridgy leveled up? It seems to be pinging from my Twitter, even though it doesn't link back, which is incredible
#snarfedbenwerd: it did! it now supports rel-syndication links, so you don't need links in the silo posts themselves
chrisroos joined the channel
#snarfedthat was all kylewm, he did really great work there
#kylewm.comedited /POSSE_to_Facebook (+13) "/* See Original */ clarify that the endpoint is expected to be on the app's domain, not the user's (if they are different)" (view diff)
#aaronpkdoes the browser post to your site or does his server?
#aaronpki think the browser posts to your site directly, which means you'll have to check the POST request for access_token, as well as accept the Authorization header for other clients that do it that way
#kylewmthat was my question ^. (i was trying to get it to work on my site, but didn't get as far as you have apparently!)
#tantekbenwerd, note also we're trying a one hour "quiet writing hour" at 17:30 immediately before the meetup! So if you want to show up early just to write, come on by!
notifix, chrisroos, chrisroo_, realzies and snarfed joined the channel
#tantekaaronpk: "kind of annoying right now to edit the dates in my yaml" <-- hah, you should see how annoying it is to edit in HTML with like 3 copies. (oh oops. :/ )
#ben_thatmustbemefirst is that one from saturday, i started getting a Google card, (info about the company) and the only entry it had was a link to the wired article about indie-web
#ben_thatmustbemeto explain the first post, it was 2 images, that was the flow, the first one was a single card, the second image was what you get after you click that card. I just thought it was nice for publicity wise.
#KartikPrabhudo people store local versions of twitter avatars for replies?
hadleybeeman and notifix joined the channel
#ben_thatmustbemetantek: i'm guessing its using your atom feed and updating from that. I have not tried every site i get updates for but they all seem to have some time of alternate feed
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: yeah, that's an unfortunate twitter wart. fb, g+, and i think instagram all have evergreen urls for profile pictures that always return or redirect to the current picture
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: the sad part is, that api call you mentioned is itself an evergreen profile picture url (it 302 redirects and doesn't require auth), but they explicitly forbid you to use it like that. sigh.
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: cool. But I'm not sure what bridgy can do about it. Send another webmention for updated profile pic?
#snarfedyeah, bridgy can't easily do anything for downstream webmention recipients. it could resend everything from that user, but that doesn't scale.
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: I think it does require authentication atleast it did when I tried to access it from my browser
#snarfedthat api call is from the v1 api, which got turned off a while ago
#aaronpkcan I get this google now thing on my iphone somehow?
benward joined the channel
#snarfedaaronpk: i think yes, they've either announced or shipped it
#snarfedyou mean, add that link to the bridgy docs?
#snarfedto be fair, that idea is an opinion. maybe a commonly held one in the community, but still, just an opinion, not part of any spec or required for any core functionality
#snarfedmany indieweb people don't include backlinks in all of their possed posts
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: yes. I was suggesting that we add a counter-opinion or link to it :)
notifix, tantek_, fmarier and Jihaisse joined the channel
#notifixSuperfeedr Track Feed for include=indieweb: Homebrew Website Club this week, beginning with a quiet "writing hour" at 5:30pm! indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-05-21-homebrew-website-club #indieweb
#aaronpkcan I just say those messages are pretty ugly
#Loqierinjo: tantek left you a message on 5/9 at 5:45pm: great job this week with the projects you've launched! your efforts have really leveled up the #indieweb and #ownyourdata momentum.
nloadholtes, notifix, lukebrooker, caseorganic, KartikPrabhu and chrissaad joined the channel
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: oh yeah... some how I didn't realise how long ago 1 week was ;)
#GWGsnarfed: And I may write that basic Bridgy plugin that adds checkboxes for the services and adds the endpoints in using Wordpress content hooks
#KartikPrabhuGWG: about "why do I need an email to comment on your site?" I would say "because it is my site and I said so..." On my site I can set whatever arbitrary rules I want. If people don't like it, they are free to complain on their own place on the Web
#GWGKartikPrabhu: It was a comment. But the truth is...why do they? I don't need it. It is to 'keep them honest' so to speak