2014-05-20 UTC
# 00:00 pdurbin KevinMarks: thanks. somehow I guess it would be from bradfitz
# 00:00 tantek_ hmm… I seem to have tightened down my FB interactions to not get any spammer interactions (besides friend requests)
# 00:00 pdurbin GWG: how about a little bell in your house (or pocket) that anyone can ring if they know the secret number?
# 00:00 tantek_ I've wondered if it would be useful to make Loqi ask you "why?" in response to ++
# 00:00 GWG tantek_: It isn't SPAM. It is just not communications per se.
# 00:01 KartikPrabhu GWG: I have likes through bridgy only because they come from G+ and Twitter where (so far) I have managed to have relevant connections
# 00:02 GWG KartikPrabhu: No one on G+ seems to connect to me.
# 00:03 GWG We'll see. MAybe I'm not active enough
# 00:03 GWG Facebook, at least a like is someone reading it
# 00:04 GWG KartikPrabhu: You are always welcome to circle me
# 00:04 GWG I need to start saying something interesting
# 00:04 KevinMarks maybe because sixapart had 4 separate siloed codebases for blogging they needed to work on interop?
# 00:05 GWG KartikPrabhu: I have contributed a lot of things that got some nice feedback. Not on my site though
# 00:05 GWG I'm very proud of my series on toilet technology
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# 00:05 tantek_ KevinMarks: no, they just killed or sold them one by one
# 00:06 GWG KartikPrabhu: I had a time when I was very interested in dual flush conversion
# 00:06 Loqi tantek_ meant to say: that was easier than working on interop
# 00:06 KartikPrabhu GWG: must admit to haivng no idea what that is. Another wikipedia deep rabbit hole dive is in order :)
# 00:06 KevinMarks eventually they did, yes. 2005-07 they did work on it fairly well
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# 00:08 GWG KartikPrabhu: I can also give you my thoughts on concentric ring float valves
# 00:10 GWG KartikPrabhu: When I get excited about something I'm learning about...programming, plumbing, etc... I drive people crazy.
# 00:10 KartikPrabhu tantek_ KevinMarks oh ok! so much buy and shutdown. "Six Apart will now be focused on acquisitions and partnership that will enhance its market position in the content management services (CMS) industry" from their homepage
# 00:11 KartikPrabhu GWG: I know how that goes! Lately I have been telling everyone about indieweb :P
# 00:15 GWG So, the question is how one encourages worthwhile engagement
# 00:18 GWG tantek_: What percentage of the wiki have you contributed?
# 00:18 tantek_ GWG, you could probably better answer a more precise question like what percentage of pages have I created.
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# 00:22 KartikPrabhu tantek_: yup! I suspected that :) and I did read the whole slate article
# 00:24 GWG pdurbin: You going to come to IWC East?
# 00:24 tantek_ aaronpk, maybe a category? of semi-generic words?
# 00:24 aaronpk words like "reading" that have a specific meaning in this context?
# 00:27 GWG pdurbin: That is Cambridge. I was talking IWC East in NYC
# 00:28 tantek_ indiedictionary was a joke until aaronpk asked "what is indiedictionary?"
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# 00:34 GWG It still won't answer my question
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# 00:47 aaronpk p.s. if anyone else is interested, I have some new docs on using my indieauth token endpoint!
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# 00:56 aaronpk tryign to find the end of a sentence... "e.g." is not a sentence terminator
# 00:57 aaronpk neither is "i.e." ... should I really just blacklist a few strings that end in "." that aren't sentence terminators?
# 01:00 snarfed hey KartikPrabhu, kylewm, i'm using mf2py and trying to determine whether a property was explicitly provided or generated by an implicit property rule
# 01:00 snarfed can you think of an easy way? or do i need to parse the html and look myself?
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# 01:05 kylewm snarfed: no easy way in mf2py ... that's an interesting problem
# 01:06 kylewm is it a problem with microformats1 stuff that has entry-content but not p-name?
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu as far as mf2py goes implicit and explicit properties are both just properties
# 01:06 snarfed kylewm: nah. i'm handling webmentions and want to know if there's a u-url. if there is, i want to use it instead of the source url. however, i don't want an implied url that comes from an in-reply-to, repost-of, etc
# 01:07 snarfed KartikPrabhu: understood. this case is specific enough that i can easily just dumpster dive in the html
# 01:07 snarfed gotta run, but feel free to !tell me any ideas. thanks!
# 01:07 KartikPrabhu snarfed: an u-in-reply-to should not contribute to the u-url of a post
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# 02:34 aaronpk I need a good way to distinguish the two audiences who are reading indieauth.com
# 02:35 aaronpk 1) people who have their own website who are signing in to websites
# 02:35 Loqi !calc 1) people who have their own website who are signing in to websites
# 02:35 aaronpk 2) people who are developing a service/app who want to use indieauth.com to handle logins
# 02:38 aaronpk they'd end up there while logging in to a site that uses indieauth.com, like if the site links out to indieauth.com saying "learn how to set up your site to sign in" or something
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# 02:38 aaronpk currently thinking about addressing #2 as "Developers"
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# 02:39 aaronpk yeah, I just had that realization. it will also help not confuse the #1 group
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# 03:11 snarfed KartikPrabhu: re mf2py and u-url, i was actually seeing it get set from u-repost-of
# 03:11 snarfed this does it: <article class="h-entry"><a class="u-repost-of" href="http://foo.com/"></a></article>
# 03:13 snarfed still, single-link h-entries must be common enough
# 03:14 snarfed oh definitely. i'd just like to know the provenance, ie whether it came from explicit or implicit
# 03:16 KartikPrabhu snarfed: I would suggest that any code using parsed mf2 not depend on whether it was an explicit or implicit property. It might be an issue for mf2 parsing spec itself though... tantek might have better perspective
# 03:17 snarfed KartikPrabhu: understood. i just worry that the impact of an error is pretty bad
# 03:17 aaronpk if implicit properties are returning data that is not useful then I think that points to a problem with implicit parsing
# 03:17 snarfed ie if i mistook the repost-of url as the u-url, that'd be very very wrong
# 03:18 snarfed sure. i'll go with this for now and add sanity checks
# 03:18 KartikPrabhu snarfed: agreed. But IMO that should be corrected for by the parsing spec
# 03:19 aaronpk ah the balance of developing a spec and developing something people actually use at the same time
# 03:20 aaronpk snarfed: definitely worth bringing this up, maybe leave a note in #microformats or on the microformats wiki
# 03:21 KartikPrabhu snarfed already cross posted in #microformats hopefully some one picks it up
notifix, paulcp, kylewm, snarfed and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 04:19 aaronpk it's subscribed to the #indieweb topic on superfeedr
# 04:27 aaronpk just noticed there's a new "Save" option on facebook events
# 04:27 aaronpk which apparently doesn't send any indication to the host of the event, but makes the event show up on your sidebar and stuff
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# 04:37 snarfed kylewm: just pushed a change that drops the See Original link. want to try FB publish yet again?
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# 04:38 aaronpk facebook tends to have not as aggressive checks on stuff posted to the fb account of the fb developers
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# 04:44 aaronpk i just had a crazy idea for mirroring the wiki content
# 04:45 aaronpk if you're downloading a copy of the wiki pages, and you fetch a page, you could send a base URL in the http referer header
# 04:45 aaronpk then the wiki could collect a bunch of base URLs for mirrors of the content
# 04:46 aaronpk and then if the wiki is down, i could show a page with a link to all the publicly accessible mirrors
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# 05:03 kylewm snarfed: still getting the same error :( i am super tired of this bug
# 05:04 kylewm snarfed: still works with 'include link' unchecked...
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# 05:13 kylewm lest it be misinterpreted by log perusers, "i'm super tired of this bug" was commiseration not criticism :)
# 05:22 snarfed kylewm: another lesson here is, i should bite the bullet and make a test fb user so i don't need you to test every time :P
# 05:22 GWG snarfed: Unlike Google+, they don't seem to care
# 05:23 snarfed GWG: for a long time, true. now they actually have an official "test user" feature for developers
# 05:24 snarfed kylewm: true! ok, updated it to just add the link to the content. try once more?
# 05:28 kylewm hey, much easier to build on something that works than something that fails wthout explanation. congrats :)
# 05:31 kylewm struggling with a kinda basic webdev question. how to store my markdown posts and images in the same folder structure
# 05:32 snarfed dumb naive answer: mine are all in a single flat directory :P
# 05:32 kylewm like i want the post to be article/2014/05/19/1/slug and the image to be article/2014/05/19/1/header.jpg
# 05:32 snarfed hey GWG, bridgy publish should work for facebook now
# 05:33 GWG snarfed: Will give it a shot in the morning.
# 05:33 kylewm basically should i differentiate based on file extension?
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# 09:10 voxpelli pfefferle: Now I have – where's that u-like documented?
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# 09:15 voxpelli pfefferle: I think we should have something for everything that an endpoint might get pinged with – even if it's pretty exotic and experimental – because endpoints needs to handle it gracefully anyway :)
# 09:17 voxpelli I kind of like it if a tool can be developed through some kind of progressive enhancement flow where it can start with very basic support and test that that works with everything and then add on more and more specialized things until it supports everything
# 09:18 pfefferle ok, nice! I will pull some more later today if I have some free minutes…
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# 09:22 pfefferle KartikPrabhu it is a way to send ”žlikes“ via webmentions
# 09:23 KartikPrabhu pfefferle: I know. I was testing this Loqi functionality by which if you ask that question Loqi replies with a url from the wiki :) I guess /like does not have that markup yet
# 09:24 Loqi A comment is a kind of post that is in reply to some other post, that makes little or no sense without reading or at least knowing the context of the source post http://indiewebcamp.com/reply
# 09:25 KartikPrabhu aaronpk added this in the last week. Some pages don't have the markup yet :)
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# 09:43 cweiske it's not german quotation style. it's a normal typographic quotation
# 09:43 cweiske problem is that no keyboard actually has two quotation character keys
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# 10:11 voxpelli pfefferle: My avatar isn't an absolute path though so its an edge case a webmention endpoint needs to support – to resolve the relative url ;)
# 10:12 voxpelli pfefferle: to make that resolving even more challenging though we could perhaps add a <base> tag to say that it should resolve to voxpelli.com?
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# 10:16 pfefferle voxpelli the base thing would be an option… or to add the image to the node-server so it can be found on localhost:8080
# 10:17 voxpelli pfefferle: yeah, but that only works if you let the node-server run infinitely, which is something you have to opt in for it to do
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# 10:21 voxpelli the base tag will likely break my endpoint as well, that's good :)
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# 11:28 KartikPrabhu !tell kylewm: great work on mf2util specially the datetime parsing. (I lacked the regex skills to do it for my code.) Also feel free to include my representative h-card code (https://github.com/kartikprabhu/indietools ) into mf2util if you think it is appropriate (or I could fork and send PR if that is better) :D
# 11:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 12:29 GWG barnabywalters: Have you got a minute?
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# 13:01 GWG jonnybarnes: Where did it send to?
# 13:04 KartikPrabhu jonnybarnes: your "in-reply-to" should be inside the "h-entry". that way aaronpk can show your comment instead of just a link :)
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# 13:07 KartikPrabhu right now your "in-reply-to" does not say what is in-reply-to aaronpk's post
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# 13:12 GWG I was trying to implement proper comment markup on my test site before migrating the code back over to the live site. I'm still a bit confused about it
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# 13:14 GWG I took out the normal theme, and enabled the plugin I'm putting the markup in on the stock Wordpress theme
# 13:14 GWG So only the comments should be marked up
# 13:15 GWG I got confused when you suggested h-cite
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# 13:21 GWG The facepile class is for styling the individual profile images in the facepile.
# 13:22 GWG The u-in-reply-to was my understanding that a comment is in reply to the page
# 13:22 GWG Is that supposed to be the empty href I saw in some of the examples?
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# 13:24 barnabywalters GWG: the u-in-reply-to is not inside an h-cite, so it’s being applied to the h-feed
# 13:25 GWG I marked up the comments, but not the facepile
# 13:25 barnabywalters GWG: if you’ve disabled parts of the markup then it’s going to have cascading effects
# 13:27 GWG I have the Mentions and the Comments styled separately. I fixed the markup on the comments, but not the mentions
# 13:27 barnabywalters GWG: the comments and mentions are both outside of the h-entry for the actual post
# 13:29 barnabywalters GWG: I don’t know how easy this is to do in WordPress, but I find it simplest to figure out what the main content of each page is and put that microformats2 root class on the HTML element
# 13:29 GWG barnabywalters: Swapped to my mf2 compliant theme.
# 13:31 barnabywalters GWG: yep, all the mentions and comments are in a different branch of the tree to the h-entry
# 13:31 GWG You are right. The h-entry is on the article ta
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# 13:31 GWG I think I fixed that in the update
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# 13:32 GWG The solution is to merge the changes with the live site
# 13:32 barnabywalters OTTOMH I can’t remember what the spec is for conditionally upgrading classic microformats, but it looks like in this case php-mf2 is upgrading the class=“hfeed” even though there are mf2 classes below it
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# 13:33 GWG Let's see if pfefferle's theme has the h-entry in the right place
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# 13:34 GWG Because right now, I'm testing my plugin code. It depends on the theme being coded right.
# 13:34 pfefferle it was a lot of work to do the h-feed/hfeed stuff right ;)
# 13:35 GWG pfefferle: I'm just trying to test comment markup
# 13:36 barnabywalters the only thing remaining now is that the like h-cites are just children of the h-entry, rather than being nested on some property
# 13:36 GWG barnabywalters: What should they be nested on?
# 13:36 barnabywalters personally I nest all responses under p-comment in order, but you could also put them under p-like
# 13:37 barnabywalters as there aren’t really any conventions on what to do with these bits of data yet
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# 13:38 GWG barnabywalters: So, you are saying, to simplify, I don't understand it because it is not yet understood?
# 13:39 GWG barnabywalters: That will require a bit more work...the in-like-of...will have to move the code inside the conditional instead of outside. But no t a problem.
# 13:39 barnabywalters GWG: basically the like h-cites should be just like the comment h-cites but with “like” in a few places :)
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# 13:41 GWG barnabywalters: I'm hoping for a comment/webmention tester
# 13:43 PMurphs barnabywalters: dude i know hangs out in here
# 13:44 PMurphs just kinda lurkin at the mo'
# 13:44 GWG barnabywalters: Like the other tests there...advise me on my markup?
# 13:45 GWG barnabywalters: I think I addressed some of the comments you made right now.
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# 13:50 GWG pfefferle: I found a problem with your code
# 13:50 GWG pfefferle: We are both rewriting the same thing.
# 13:50 GWG Shouldn't that be u-photo, not photo?
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# 13:51 GWG I was wondering why that wasn't working.
# 13:52 GWG My code was superseded by your code
# 13:52 GWG Should I file an issue to add u-photo?
# 13:55 GWG Now that my only problem is that...I can fix the h-entry theme issue
# 13:58 GWG Bookmarking that for further in depth review
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# 14:06 GWG is really enjoying this back and forth discussion
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# 14:07 barnabywalters it might be something to do with classic root properties being upgraded to mf2 ones incorrectly
# 14:08 barnabywalters pfefferle: no, it’s my bad — running it through waterpigs.co.uk/php-mf2 with classic conversion turned off fixes the issue
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# 14:09 barnabywalters pfefferle: aside: just spotted a bunch of published/updated datetimes with values like this: 20. Februar 2014 bei 10:41
# 14:12 pfefferle barnabywalters the code is <time class="updated published u-updated u-published" datetime="2014-02-20T10:36:01+00:00" itemprop="commentTime">20. Februar 2014 bei 10:36</time>
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# 14:17 GWG My attempt to fix the h-entry issue did not work
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# 14:32 GWG I need to backport the comment changes to the live site.
# 14:34 pfefferle you use u-like for sites you like not for sites that liked your page
# 14:35 GWG Going to fix this over the next few days
# 14:36 GWG As part of bringing the plugin to the main site and ripping out the integration.
# 14:39 GWG pfefferle: The list of things I want to do continues to grow
# 14:40 GWG 2. Continue to remove features from my theme and turn them into reusable plugins
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# 14:42 GWG As I remove features and move them to independent plugins though, I've been improving them.
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# 14:46 GWG pfefferle: The problem with improving infrastructure is that people don't notice as much
# 14:46 GWG I added a check for the presence of your plugin, on which mine depends, and if it fails, the plugin changes to a simpler display
# 14:47 GWG So, that only will come into play if someone didn't read the instructions.
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# 14:56 tantek jonnybarnes: go ahead and ask your actual question, or if you really feel like you need to be sure he sees it when he's actively here, then use !tell aaronpk
# 14:56 jonnybarnes cool it worked, updated my mf2, resent the webmention to aaronpk and voila, my reply is displayed properly on his website
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# 15:00 tantek oops screwed up the permalink slug on that one
# 15:04 tantek but we have fallbacks in case that doesn't fit the markup pattern you use on your permalinks
# 15:04 barnabywalters jonnybarnes: my guess would be that “other mention” is because aaronpk’s code isn’t correctly parsing your in-reply-to h-cite
# 15:04 tantek jonnybarnes: not just "inside", but on a "p-author"
# 15:05 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: aaronpk's site is now showming my comment, but its from jonnybarnes.net and doesn't show my profile pic
# 15:05 tantek e.g. <a class="p-author h-card" href="http://jonnybarnes.net/">Jonny Barnes</a> inside the h-entry
# 15:07 tantek a lot of content there you could mark up into a rich h-card!
# 15:07 tantek and then all you'd have to do is put a rel=author hyperlink from your posts to your home page
# 15:08 tantek so the problem with a footer h-card is that there's no way to assume an association between that and the h-entry on the page
# 15:08 tantek thus you need to explicitly indicate authorship in some way
# 15:08 tantek *either* with a p-author h-card as I noted above
# 15:08 tantek *OR* by putting rel=author on your existing link to your home page
# 15:09 tantek e.g. on this link: <a rel="author" href="/"><h1>Jonny Barnes.net</h1></a>
# 15:09 tantek and then just markup your home page with h-card
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# 15:12 jonnybarnes thatnks tantek, for the time being I think I'll go with the second idea of a proper hcard homepage, then rel="author" link to the homepage
# 15:13 tantek yes I think that makes sense because it involves the least change to your content / presentation (hopefully none)
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# 15:34 GWG Jeena, by the way, thanks for the comments
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# 16:53 PMurphs whoops wrong channel
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# 17:09 KartikPrabhu snarfed: do you have the actual example of the h-entry that you were parsing that messed up implied url?
# 17:09 snarfed KartikPrabhu: it was a synthetic one i made up as part of a unit test
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# 17:13 aaronpk jonnybarnes: I got an error sending you a webmention
# 17:14 kylewm snarfed: i'd argue against supporting incorrectly marked-up posts... being stricter will help users get their markup right
# 17:14 aaronpk a big ol' html page that says "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."
# 17:14 Loqi kylewm: KartikPrabhu left you a message 5 hours, 45 minutes ago: great work on mf2util specially the datetime parsing. (I lacked the regex skills to do it for my code.) Also feel free to include my representative h-card code (https://github.com/kartikprabhu/indietools ) into mf2util if you think it is appropriate (or I could fork and send PR if that is better) :D
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# 17:15 snarfed kylewm: eh, it's debatable. another school of thought is, be strict in what you emit, liberal in what you accept
# 17:15 snarfed the argument that sways me right now is, make a note and then ignore it until it happens in the wild at least a few times
# 17:16 tantek snarfed - that sounds reasonable. The better we can help correct publishing markup, the better chance when someone views source, they'll get it right.
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# 17:21 tantek snarfed, you could also show a warning if an h-entry permalink is on a different domain
# 17:22 snarfed tantek: true, but it's actually a valid use case i want to accept
# 17:24 KartikPrabhu hey tantek: do people usually hangout after IWC? wondering whether to return back Sunday/Monday
# 17:24 snarfed if you have any bridgy bugs or requests, now's the time to file or bump them!
# 17:24 tantek there's usually a smaller crowd that goes out Sunday night - because we're all psyched to have gotten so much done and working and want to celebrate :)
# 17:25 tantek snarfed++ for bouncing off of 0 "now" bridgy bugs!!!
# 17:25 KartikPrabhu tantek: neat! will take that into consideration. Might as well get the full IWC experience ;)
# 17:25 aaronpk jonnybarnes: jonnybarnes yep! "Your webmention has been saved"
# 17:27 kylewm KartikPrabhu: thanks for checking mf2util out! barnabywalters pointed out python-dateutil, which might be a better choice for handling datetimes rather than the regex. i'd love to combine our representative h-card algorithms, i have one that has worked for me so far but doesn't follow the spec to the letter (e.g., it doesn't consider u-uid). maybe it could use your stricter version and fall back on mine if it doesn't find one?
# 17:29 KartikPrabhu oh of course... will play around with it a bit and maybe fork/PR you with changes...?
# 17:29 tantek I'd be interested to know of any improvements/modifications you guys make to the representative h-card algorithm in your implementation, and especially if the changes were driven by any specific real world web pages. kylewm KartikPrabhu
# 17:30 KartikPrabhu tantek: I remember making some small change to parse adactio's mention... will dig into details
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# 17:52 aaronpk hello everyone! it's about time to start thinking about sponsorship requests for IWC!
# 17:53 aaronpk if you know any companies that would be a good fit and have a contact at them, put them in touch with me!
# 17:54 tantek aaronpk, I'd start with previous sponsors, and then every sponsory of OSBridge 2014
# 17:54 Loqi tantek meant to say: aaronpk, I'd start with previous sponsors, and then every sponsor of OSBridge 2014
# 17:54 aaronpk for sure, but it also helps to have a personal contact somewhere. and i'd love to see some new faces there too
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# 18:07 aaronpk KevinMarks2: do you think Medium would be up for sponsoring?
# 18:08 KartikPrabhu I don't have any dev contacts, but Instapaper seemed interested in fragmention atleast
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# 18:13 benwerd What are the sponsorship levels / needs this time round?
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# 18:52 bret aaronpk: maybe KevinMarks knows someone at medium tht could get a sponsor?
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# 20:32 tantek nope - no site should ever give that error message.
# 20:33 tantek likely that "193" had no meaning outside of being an ID in a database
# 20:33 tantek after some archive.org digging I found the new location
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# 20:36 tantek oh sweet - we have SF, PDX, London HWC meetups tomorrow!
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# 20:38 tantek jedahan: 1. find someone else in NY who wants to do a HWC meetup, 2. agree on a venue, 3. add it to the wiki page for the event, 4. show up!
# 20:38 jedahan wonders if people would come up to the UES to meet at the metropolitan museum medialab :)
# 20:39 jedahan and if my boss would be happy or nonplussed about it
# 20:40 tantek is your boss interested in having her own website?
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# 20:40 jedahan i think that would be very low on his priority list
# 20:40 tantek even a one-pager that links to profiles on other people's sites
# 20:41 jedahan honestly i think hes got a lot on his plate right now, with me leaving soon (and being the only other person in the lab -.-)
# 20:41 jedahan during museum hours, it depends on how many meeting need to be conducted in the shared spce
# 20:41 jedahan i have to head to a show now, maybe i'll be on later and add it to the wiki
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# 20:42 tantek oh btw that ysearchblog post - when they moved it they deleted all the comments, but left the "18 Comments" meta info
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# 21:00 ben_thatmustbeme its official tantek, seems like every note on your site now appears in my Google Now cards
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# 21:09 jonnybarnes tantek: I think I've done what you suggested to my homepage, also added a <link rel="shortcut icon"> to the head, in theory if i send webmention to aaronpk for example, he should be able to get my hcard info?
# 21:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:10 tantek in theory - depends on his site's support of consuming rel=author
# 21:13 KartikPrabhu jonnybarnes: not all sites retrieve the homepage h-card I have notived
# 21:14 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: jonnybarnes: not all sites retrieve the homepage h-card I have noticed
# 21:14 jonnybarnes also, re the microformats link, its not clear that the country-name includes the two letter country codes
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# 21:21 tantek jonnybarnes btw feel free to ask any generic questions about microformats in #micformats
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# 21:28 tantek no problem! it was a good question and led to a how to
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# 21:32 KevinMarks Hmm, if Scotland says yes to independence, does the UK get a new country code?
# 21:32 tantek why would it? not like the US would get a new cc if Texas says yes to independence.
# 21:34 tantek I want to point out a few things you folks may like
# 21:36 tantek note under "3.3 Milestones" it says "… the Social Web WG page."
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# 21:39 tantek which itself says: "Discussion irc://irc.w3.org:6665/social "
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# 21:44 tantek jonnybarnes: do you have a page where you have "UK" as a visible country name?
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# 21:49 Jeena I have a "IndieWeb" category in my feedreader where I like to put the people into
# 21:49 GWG Jeena: Thank you for your comments
# 21:50 Jeena hm GWG I'm not quite sure who you are, I've commented all over the Internet! ;)
# 21:52 Jeena ah, david, nice, and it even showed up, I assume you moderate not only comments but even webmentions?
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# 22:05 GWG Jeena: I'm using Wordpress. Mentions are comments
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# 22:12 GWG That's how the plugin works. It imports them into the Wordpress comment sysem
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# 22:54 KevinMarks_ "you're not competing with automattic, you're competing with the wordpress economy"
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