#KartikPrabhutantek_ KevinMarks oh ok! so much buy and shutdown. "Six Apart will now be focused on acquisitions and partnership that will enhance its market position in the content management services (CMS) industry" from their homepage
#tantek_well if you come up with any specifics about encouraging reading, feel free to add it in an "Ideas" or "Brainstorming" section here: http://indiewebcamp.com/read
#tantek.comedited /discovery (+714) "/* Post Information */ link to main authorship, page-name-discovery, start braindumping publication date." (view diff)
#aaronpkp.s. if anyone else is interested, I have some new docs on using my indieauth token endpoint!
#snarfedhey KartikPrabhu, kylewm, i'm using mf2py and trying to determine whether a property was explicitly provided or generated by an implicit property rule
#snarfedcan you think of an easy way? or do i need to parse the html and look myself?
#kylewmsnarfed: no easy way in mf2py ... that's an interesting problem
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: not directly form the parsed HTML
#kylewmis it a problem with microformats1 stuff that has entry-content but not p-name?
#KartikPrabhuas far as mf2py goes implicit and explicit properties are both just properties
#snarfedkylewm: nah. i'm handling webmentions and want to know if there's a u-url. if there is, i want to use it instead of the source url. however, i don't want an implied url that comes from an in-reply-to, repost-of, etc
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: understood. this case is specific enough that i can easily just dumpster dive in the html
#snarfedgotta run, but feel free to !tell me any ideas. thanks!
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: an u-in-reply-to should not contribute to the u-url of a post
notifix, 77CAAKECD, realzies, erinjo, realz and emmak joined the channel
#aaronpkI need a good way to distinguish the two audiences who are reading indieauth.com
#aaronpk1) people who have their own website who are signing in to websites
#Loqi!calc 1) people who have their own website who are signing in to websites
#aaronpk2) people who are developing a service/app who want to use indieauth.com to handle logins
#KevinMarksdo 1) get there only by being referred by a site?
#aaronpkthey'd end up there while logging in to a site that uses indieauth.com, like if the site links out to indieauth.com saying "learn how to set up your site to sign in" or something
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#aaronpkcurrently thinking about addressing #2 as "Developers"
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: I would suggest that any code using parsed mf2 not depend on whether it was an explicit or implicit property. It might be an issue for mf2 parsing spec itself though... tantek might have better perspective
#voxpellipfefferle: I think we should have something for everything that an endpoint might get pinged with – even if it's pretty exotic and experimental – because endpoints needs to handle it gracefully anyway :)
#voxpelliI kind of like it if a tool can be developed through some kind of progressive enhancement flow where it can start with very basic support and test that that works with everything and then add on more and more specialized things until it supports everything
#pfefferleKartikPrabhu it is a way to send ”žlikes“ via webmentions
#KartikPrabhupfefferle: I know. I was testing this Loqi functionality by which if you ask that question Loqi replies with a url from the wiki :) I guess /like does not have that markup yet
#LoqiA comment is a kind of post that is in reply to some other post, that makes little or no sense without reading or at least knowing the context of the source post http://indiewebcamp.com/reply
#KartikPrabhucweiske: hmm didn't know that typography nugget
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#voxpellipfefferle: My avatar isn't an absolute path though so its an edge case a webmention endpoint needs to support – to resolve the relative url ;)
#voxpellipfefferle: to make that resolving even more challenging though we could perhaps add a <base> tag to say that it should resolve to voxpelli.com?
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#pfefferlevoxpelli the base thing would be an option… or to add the image to the node-server so it can be found on localhost:8080
#voxpellipfefferle: yeah, but that only works if you let the node-server run infinitely, which is something you have to opt in for it to do
notifix, petermolnar, adactio, KartikPrabhu and tgbrun joined the channel
#KartikPrabhu!tell kylewm: great work on mf2util specially the datetime parsing. (I lacked the regex skills to do it for my code.) Also feel free to include my representative h-card code (https://github.com/kartikprabhu/indietools) into mf2util if you think it is appropriate (or I could fork and send PR if that is better) :D
#jonnybarnesI'm assuming thats todo with my mf2 markup
#KartikPrabhujonnybarnes: your "in-reply-to" should be inside the "h-entry". that way aaronpk can show your comment instead of just a link :)
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#jonnybarnesKartikPrabhu: ok, will try and make that change.
#KartikPrabhuright now your "in-reply-to" does not say what is in-reply-to aaronpk's post
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#barnabywaltersGWG: sorry,I was getting lunch :) How can I help?
#GWGI was trying to implement proper comment markup on my test site before migrating the code back over to the live site. I'm still a bit confused about it
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#GWGI took out the normal theme, and enabled the plugin I'm putting the markup in on the stock Wordpress theme
#barnabywaltersGWG: I don’t know how easy this is to do in WordPress, but I find it simplest to figure out what the main content of each page is and put that microformats2 root class on the HTML element
#GWGThe solution is to merge the changes with the live site
#barnabywaltersOTTOMH I can’t remember what the spec is for conditionally upgrading classic microformats, but it looks like in this case php-mf2 is upgrading the class=“hfeed” even though there are mf2 classes below it
#GWGbarnabywalters: That will require a bit more work...the in-like-of...will have to move the code inside the conditional instead of outside. But no t a problem.
#barnabywaltersGWG: basically the like h-cites should be just like the comment h-cites but with “like” in a few places :)
#pfefferlebarnabywalters could that be the same problem?
#pfefferlebarnabywalters the code is <time class="updated published u-updated u-published" datetime="2014-02-20T10:36:01+00:00" itemprop="commentTime">20. Februar 2014 bei 10:36</time>
#barnabywalterspfefferle: ah, that would explain it — u- properties are parsed as URLs
#tantekjonnybarnes: go ahead and ask your actual question, or if you really feel like you need to be sure he sees it when he's actively here, then use !tell aaronpk
#jonnybarnescool it worked, updated my mf2, resent the webmention to aaronpk and voila, my reply is displayed properly on his website
#aaronpkjonnybarnes: I got an error sending you a webmention
#kylewmsnarfed: i'd argue against supporting incorrectly marked-up posts... being stricter will help users get their markup right
#aaronpka big ol' html page that says "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."
#Loqikylewm: KartikPrabhu left you a message 5 hours, 45 minutes ago: great work on mf2util specially the datetime parsing. (I lacked the regex skills to do it for my code.) Also feel free to include my representative h-card code (https://github.com/kartikprabhu/indietools) into mf2util if you think it is appropriate (or I could fork and send PR if that is better) :D
notifix joined the channel
#snarfedkylewm: eh, it's debatable. another school of thought is, be strict in what you emit, liberal in what you accept
#snarfedthe argument that sways me right now is, make a note and then ignore it until it happens in the wild at least a few times
#tanteksnarfed - that sounds reasonable. The better we can help correct publishing markup, the better chance when someone views source, they'll get it right.
#snarfedif you have any bridgy bugs or requests, now's the time to file or bump them!
#jonnybarnesaaronpk: I think its fixed, can you try sending again?
#tantekthere's usually a smaller crowd that goes out Sunday night - because we're all psyched to have gotten so much done and working and want to celebrate :)
#tanteksnarfed++ for bouncing off of 0 "now" bridgy bugs!!!
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: thanks for checking mf2util out! barnabywalters pointed out python-dateutil, which might be a better choice for handling datetimes rather than the regex. i'd love to combine our representative h-card algorithms, i have one that has worked for me so far but doesn't follow the spec to the letter (e.g., it doesn't consider u-uid). maybe it could use your stricter version and fall back on mine if it doesn't find one?
#KartikPrabhuoh of course... will play around with it a bit and maybe fork/PR you with changes...?
#tantekI'd be interested to know of any improvements/modifications you guys make to the representative h-card algorithm in your implementation, and especially if the changes were driven by any specific real world web pages. kylewm KartikPrabhu
#KartikPrabhutantek: I remember making some small change to parse adactio's mention... will dig into details
#ben_thatmustbemei can turn it off. I more wish I had some way to tell google I only want articles
#tantekif only Google supported Activity Streams...
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#jonnybarnestantek: I think I've done what you suggested to my homepage, also added a <link rel="shortcut icon"> to the head, in theory if i send webmention to aaronpk for example, he should be able to get my hcard info?