#barnabywaltersmicroformats are easy to consume, but not easy enough
#aaronpkyeah in my experience there ends up being still too many cases to handle when reading raw microformats, it's very useful to have a library that cleans things up a bit
#Loqiaaronpk meant to say: yeah in my experience there ends up being still too many cases to handle when reading raw microformats, it's very useful to have a library that normalizes a bit
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#barnabywalterss/s/cleans things up/normalizes/both of the above
#Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: microformatcleans things up are eacleans things upy to concleans things upume, but not eacleans things upy enough
#aaronpkjust that in practice, because there are multiple ways to indicate the author of an h-entry (full h-card, string, etc) you have to do a bunch of stuff
#tantekbarnabywalters: if you were instead reading microformats from a page to get a hierarchical comment thread - you'd want hierarchy in your structure as in the page
#barnabywalterstantek: in my experience consuming microformats that is not the case
#tantekright, with the use-cases you've implemented so far
#aaronpkso php-comments is a thing that does all the normalization of the raw mf2 data and gives me exactly the properties I want in exactly the place I want
#kylewmis someone going to wiki-fy the emmak-aaronpk-barnaby idea about trustless-micropub? it sounds awesome but i'm not quite following it reading the logs, wondering if i should wait for a summary
#KartikPrabhui second the summary/documentation request above ^^
#barnabywalterskylewm, KartikPrabhu: I would but am going to bed now — if no-one has documented it by the morning I’ll do it then
#KartikPrabhucool! thanks... seems it would be useful as I go through micropubbing!
#kylewmgood night, barnabywalters thanks again for your help this morning/afternoon
#aaronpkthe micropub POST request has comment text and other junk, and it's going to have to store or encode that data before being able to present the request to you
#aaronpkI didn't like the idea of acceping completely unauthenticated requests, since that would end up just wasting server resources either encoding or storing these potential comments
#aaronpkso I thought the initial untrusted micropub request could require an access token so that your server could flat out reject bogus requests
fmarier joined the channel
#kylewmahh, so it's sort of like comment moderation
#KartikPrabhumainly "But if only the “controversial” stuff is private, then privacy is itself suspicious. Thus, privacy should be on by default" -- Tim Bray
#kylewmI mean I understand why, but it'd be nice if it could say "We can't guarantee this site is who they say they are, but the data to them is encrypted"
#rasculyes, do use ssl and https, don't worry overly much on where the certificate came from
#rasculunless it's for a big money making site or something
#KartikPrabhure: indentification, of course encryption is good and identification is hard specially wrt privacy. You need to be a very very trusted institution to do identity verification while respecting privacy
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I changed my mind. Firefox's https warning is exactly what it should be. Though it is annoying for us techminded people, it is "best" that 'normal people' be given a strict warning about it since they might not really understand all the risks
#aaronpkSure! As long as you have a cert that won't throw warnings for people
#rasculmy thoghts were if i was gonna do https, why should i bother still with http
glennjones, whaity, eschnou and indie-visitor joined the channel
#rjrussso I got a domain earlier today....now I assume I host it on a server somewhere? any cheap ideas for putting that together? looks like there is a billion options
jsilvestre, cweiske, caseorganic and fmarier joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuit also lists people who use diff services so you can them about it here
zaal joined the channel
#rjrussKartikPrahbu: hey thanks..yeah I was just reading that a minute ago....just trying to get this put together and then see what I want to do from there
#KartikPrabhusome things you might want to look at would be 1.cost 2. technology available that you'd like to use like Wordpress/PHP/Python etc... 3. support direct/through some community forum
petermolnar joined the channel
#rjrussyeah cost is a big one..would be awesome to go VPS but yeah..cost is a huge factor! The technology available is something I am unclear on at this point..obviously the more flexible the better..but yeah...and support is one I didn't think of ...yeah thats an important one
nloadholtes, LauraJ and eschnou joined the channel
#voxpellirjruss: all the first VPS:es within an app's cluster is free on http://www.heroku.com/ – only downside is that it will pause itself one hour after it was last accessed, but it will start again the next time someone accesses it
Sebastien-L, chrisroos, adactio, alistair, jonnybarnes, scor, tgbrun, netweb, aboynejames, pbeaulieu, pfefferle, tobiastom_, glennjones, luxagraf and krendil joined the channel
#luxagrafSo I was doing some research on reverse geocoders last night and it seems geoloki is being replaced by Esri's Geotrigger Service: https://geoloqi.com/faq
#bnvktantek: can't find any official links describing- but "IndieNet" is mentioned multiple times a piece of social software being created by these hacker kids
paulcp, caseorganic, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantektallpaul that's awesome! are his books browsable online?
#tantekKevinMarks: you know what would be cool? getting Doctorow to add Fragmentions support to craphound.com and then being able to cite stuff in his books by phrase!
#tantekaaropnk - jlsuttles was last maintaining the ruby uf2 parser
#aaronpki like the way barnabywalters did the PHP one, the parser itself just returns the data structure, and then any fancy normalization/access stuff is handled as a separate library
#tantekaaronpk: agreed, that's a good separation of concerns ;)
#tantekperhaps try @-mentioning @jlsuttles for info on ruby uf2 parser? (like docs etc.)
#tantekshe did a bunch of work on it at IWC Hollywood last year
brianloveswords and dariusdunlap_ joined the channel
#tanteklike my site currently gives the "This Connection is Untrusted" if you try to go via https - because someone else on my VPS is I think serving a self-signed certificate for "localhost"
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message on 5/22 at 1:47pm: I'm going to be out of town (SF) on 2014-06-04 - could one of you host at another transit-accessible SF location? http://indiewebcamp.com/Events#Upcoming
#snarfedtantek: sure, benwerd and i are happy to host
#snarfed!tell benwerd you and i might be hosting a few HWCs over the next couple months. the event you did at rockit colabs worked well...want to try there again? i'm happy to join as a member, or donate or whatever, if it'll help.
#KartikPrabhuwhich is why I think browsers are doing the right thing. A bit alarmist but is there an alternative?
#snarfednot really. and it's not really a problem imho. if you just type a domain into a browser, it defaults to http. if the user explicitly types https, and it can't connect, they're probably clueful enough to understand why
#GWGThere should be a browser protocol to specify the message, perhaps
#KartikPrabhuI think with HTTP 2.0 movnig to SPDY type stuff it is a good idea
dariusdunlap_ joined the channel
#snarfedspdy requires ssl, so it's a non issue there
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: GWG: for both of you I get an HTTPS triangle with ! icon that says "This website does not supply ownership information" when i click on it
#kylewmjust FYI. I'm not sure if that's expected or not
#tanteksnarfed, well if you think refusing a connection is reasonable behavior I'll note that as an xample
#tantekGWG if you don't want your pictures to get sniffed via something like Etherpeg
#snarfedtantek: yup. another way to find reasonable behavior is, pick big clueful web properties that don't support ssl, see what they do
#GWGI haven't gotten to the level where I am worried about it
#tantek.comedited /https (+350) "/* Level 1 security */ Refuse the connection option and example" (view diff)
#snarfedre images and ssl, more importantly, you *have* to serve them all over ssl if the page itself is ssl. otherwise users see the mixed mode error, not the padlock you want them to see
#KartikPrabhuyes! I now have to somehow change all the http to https in my posts and css :P
dariusdunlap joined the channel
#snarfedGWG: KartikPrabhu: common techniques for this are 1) use relative links (ie without scheme hostname) for images on your owns site, so when a page is served over https, the image will be requested over https
#snarfedomitting scheme makes it default to the current page's scheme
#GWGI need to fix all of that. For now, I'm leaving it.
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: yup I did figure out the "no scheme" so have to edit all files now. fixed it for main fonts this morning
#kylewmso https Level 1 is kinda like spelling your name correctly on the SAT :)
#tantekkylewm: I'm still trying to figure out a good definition of what level 1 https is
#kylewmGWG: KartikPrabhu: confirmed that i get the same error message on https://snarfed.org/2014-04-29_9249 ... which has a link to my profile image which is not ssl. so snarfed was right it's a mixed-mode error, not an issue with the cert/configuration
caseorganic joined the channel
#tanteksnarfed the reason I ask is because e.g. my site gives a browser warning about a self-signed cert for "localhost" and I'm not sure how to prevent that
#aaronpki don't think you can prevent it on a shared host
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: ok now IndieAuth gives me the error: "RelParser::InsecureRedirectError at /auth/start Insecure redirect error. http redirected to https. To fix, link to https://kartikprabhu.com/ directly." what should I do?
#bearyou should include -days 1024 also rename your csr to certificate.csr
#tantekis playing with things he doesn't fully understand
#beartantek - this is a more normal command: openssl x509 -req -days 1024 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
#bearKartikPrabhu - instead of having links in your html include the scheme (https://) you can use //
#tantekI'm trying to verify by hand whether the self-signed cert that FF got from my server is the same one that my hosting provider claims I have on my site.
#bearand the browser will replace the appropriate scheme
#aaronpklike clearly tantek didn't want to go through the overhead of using startssl, so he was happy to use a self-signed cert so he at least gets the benefits mentioned here http://indiewebcamp.com/https#Level_2_security
#aaronpkI'm saying that at that point, you're better off using the indiewebcamp CA because then at least you can prevent the browser warning on your own computer for your own admin UI rather than having to click to ignore the warning every time
#aaronpkand if you don't see a PSC or PSL but discovered the tweet the other direction (by looking for rel-syndication on posts linkde from my home page) then the same
#snarfedPSCs are very rare, so that wouldn't hurt most users
#aaronpki'm not sure I understand this "hurt" thing
#aaronpkin that example, @dotpeople's RT of tantek's tweet counts as a full h-entry post that conains a link to dangillmor's article. it's just not an RT of the article
#snarfedright. it's a mention of dangillmor's article
#kylewmsnarfed: i don't think i have/want permission to do that?
#snarfedkylewm: lol. i think you should be able to. and don't worry, it's hard to do unintentionally, and hard to do anything worse than you intend…but i definitely appreciate the caution
#snarfedbtw, kylewm and KartikPrabhu, what's the status of mf1 backward compatibility in mf2py? does it work? do i need to enable it somehow?
#kylewmsnarfed: we're at am impasse on it, with BeautifulSoup+htmllib5 it crashed parsing silencematters.com
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: haven't merged kylewm's PR because of one test case where bs+html5lib fails. Using lxml parser seems to work though.
#snarfed(kylewm: ah, you're right, you only have r/o access in the admin console right now. i can upgrade that if/when you want)
#KartikPrabhuthough I don't know if lxml should be made a requirement
#snarfedok. consider this a vote for figuring that out then, however you want. i'm itching to use it
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: yeah me too.. will think more about it :)
#kylewmsnarfed: that's helpful to know, i'd backgrounded it
#snarfedit will help more people use bridgy publish, since lots of blog providers automatically include mf1 but not mf2