2014-06-19 UTC
KartikPrabhu, caseorganic, nloadholtes, tantek and grantmacken joined the channel
# 00:29 KartikPrabhu it converts the ##was+still to #was+still which does not trigger the fragmention code
# 00:31 tantek !tell rascul looks great I think some of that material would work better on the /code page but we can split that up as necessary.
# 00:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
lukebrooker_ joined the channel
# 00:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: did you reach out to Mari for Chicago?
# 00:44 KartikPrabhu tantek: I did tweet at her that one time after she attended the SF one, but I got no response
# 00:48 Loqi rascul: tantek left you a message 17 minutes ago: looks great I think some of that material would work better on the /code page but we can split that up as necessary.
caseorganic joined the channel
dybskiy joined the channel
# 00:59 tantek annettediana.com and annettedianadesign.com - both are down at the moment
# 00:59 tantek the only time she works on her website is when she is looking for a job
# 01:00 tantek instagram is too small - would like the pictures that she takes to be bigger
# 01:00 tantek does not do enough dev to be able to figure out how to restyle it
# 01:01 tantek too many robots commenting on all pages of her portfolio
# 01:01 tantek have been studying HTML5 and CSS3 for a few months
# 01:02 tantek haven't had a website since let his University account expire (with resume)
# 01:02 tantek Nicole - nicoletollefson.com - nothing there right now
# 01:03 tantek too high a barrier to entry - makes me want to give up
caseorganic and tantek joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 01:25 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
brainTrain joined the channel
# 01:29 aaronpk snarfed: you'l have to mute your mic to cut the feedback
# 01:31 snarfed maybe sf's old session. i'll see if i can kill it
# 01:35 kylewm brainTrain: no longer atoddswithclarity . com?
# 01:35 aaronpk hard to do sync audio today, so maybe split into smaller discussions on the sooner side?
# 01:36 brainTrain brainnewstuff is where I've been keeping notes on new stuff I've learned, mostly sysadmin type stuff right now
# 01:37 brainTrain and my first project i mentioned here was boozybrowser.com :p so you know, all over the place
# 01:38 snarfed we're all muted, kind of following aaronpk's suggestion to go local sooner because of all the feedback
# 01:38 snarfed happy to follow your lead if you want to do something different, tantek!
# 01:40 brainTrain haha yeah, all hosted on either linode or digital ocean too, so I've got (almost) full control
KevinMarks and scor joined the channel
# 01:44 aaronpk I'm demonstrating my prototype of PGP login on IndieAuth.com
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# 01:45 tantek we're talking next steps for MPLS - who could organize it in 2 weeks
scor joined the channel
# 01:47 indie-visitor_ hey portland! i am at the elevator! (psyhigh)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
caseorganic, indie-visitor_ and gRegor` joined the channel
# 01:56 tantek just took our group photo - if you couldn't tell ;)
lukebrooker and scor joined the channel
# 02:05 kylewm high barrier to entry comment from MPLS tugs at my heart strings.
# 02:07 kylewm but I also think that's a little bit of an incorrect perception...if you can stick HTML on a server, you can get most of the benefit
# 02:08 kylewm well I do think making it that easy is a noble goal
# 02:09 kylewm but I don't think it necessarily has to be that easy for lots of people to be into it
# 02:10 kylewm right now there's a cost associated with owning your stuff
# 02:11 gRegor` This ## issue in Firefox is baffling, KartikPrabhu
# 02:11 kylewm gRegor`, KartikPrabhu, firefox removes the second # on a redirect, is that the issue?
# 02:11 gRegor` It's not an invalid part of the URL, right? So I have no idea why it would arbitrarily drop it.
# 02:11 kylewm tantek said that was a good thing because it meant no one was using it yet
# 02:12 gRegor` And the fragment is not highlighted.
# 02:12 gRegor` (The redirect is from http to https)
# 02:12 gRegor` Because it only drops one
# 02:13 gRegor` Welcome to the internets
# 02:14 gRegor` kylewm: Interesting. Have a pointer on why it's invalid?
# 02:14 kylewm gRegor`, no and I might be totally misremembering
# 02:15 kylewm rascul: have you tried digitalocean dropplets much? is it basically 0 sys admin stuff?
# 02:15 gRegor` the fragmention js definitely doesn't adjust the document.location, right?
# 02:15 gRegor` Just to rule out something odd there.
vanderwal joined the channel
# 02:18 gRegor` Ok. I figured, but worth a shot.
# 02:21 gRegor` So it sounds like Chrome (and maybe others) are ignoring that, kylewm. Interesting.
# 02:22 gRegor` Oh https, yes.
# 02:23 gRegor` On http it "works" because it drops the first one on redirect
# 02:24 KartikPrabhu so even FF is not really following the document, it only drops the first # on redirect for some reason.
# 02:28 bret !tell bnvk Are you still using Social Igniter?
# 02:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 02:28 gRegor` Was it decided not to use hashbangs because they're sometimes used in navigation?
# 02:31 KevinMarks I still think that a single # works but people didn't pick up on that
# 02:32 KartikPrabhu maybe the JS could look for id and if id is not found look for string
# 02:33 aaronpk example: a nav menu with <a href="#item">item</a> with <h1 id="item">item</h1> down below
# 02:33 KevinMarks however we are redefining + too "just+use" is a valid ID "just use" isn't
# 02:34 snarfed SF is signing off of talky. 'night PDX! thanks for helping organize!
# 02:34 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: oh yeah that would be a problem with single # if people used + in the ids
# 02:35 gRegor` Afraid so, GWG
# 02:35 gRegor` But the fun continues here 24/7
# 02:37 gRegor` How about an emoji as the fragmention delimiter? :)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 02:37 KevinMarks so my to-do was to write a crawler for IDs and see what is in use
# 02:39 gRegor` KevinMarks: What's this about a google mirror of your content?
# 02:40 gRegor` Are you sending the google bot to that subdomain somehow or?
# 02:40 KevinMarks I was trying out hosting on google cloud, which is g.kevinmarks.com and amazon which is a.kevinmarks.com
scor, caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
# 03:14 Loqi Paul Munday is a Python developer from Portland Oregon
caseorganic and mnot joined the channel
# 03:21 mnot Hi - anybody familiar with the indieauth openid handler here?
# 03:24 mnot I suspect this is because my site requires TLS SNI, and a somewhat restricted set of cyphersuites (as per bettercrypto.org).
# 03:24 aaronpk mnot: let me check ... TLS should be fine, my site uses it
# 03:25 mnot ... and I was wondering what the implementation language was (as it's easier to fix that in some languages)
# 03:26 mnot der, actually I can check my logs...
# 03:26 aaronpk hm I'm actually seeing this in the logs: SSL ERROR: hostname does not match the server certificate
# 03:26 mnot aha, how interesting
# 03:26 mnot it appears to be sending SNI
# 03:27 mnot (assuming that it's
# 03:27 mnot not sending a User-Agent)
# 03:27 mnot yeah, I log SNI and the Host header separately
# 03:27 mnot that would be friendly :)
# 03:28 aaronpk actually I thought it was sending the mac safari user agent
# 03:28 mnot is it that IP address?
# 03:29 mnot hmm. So it thinks there's a cert error. I've checked my TLS setup with the regular things (e.g., Qualsys) and they're happy
# 03:41 mnot turn it off and back on again
# 03:42 mnot maybe a cert cache got corrupted or something
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# 03:42 mnot works like a charm
# 03:48 KartikPrabhu haha! aaronpk: to quote gregor` from earlier ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ quite a bit of that going on today
# 03:49 gRegor` BTW, emojicons.com for all your text emoji needs.
# 03:53 KartikPrabhu gregor`: that page hurt my eyes a bit! seeing red+black residual images now
benward, jacus, jgee, Garbee, tommorris, rknLA and ngoldman joined the channel
# 04:09 KartikPrabhu I will spill the beans soon enough as I'd need a bunch of people who'll try to break it :)
# 04:09 aaronpk i already spilled them, there are no beans left to spill!
# 04:10 KartikPrabhu just putting the base project together... though it is a busy week and me promises nothing ;)
# 04:11 KartikPrabhu busy week = finishing 1 physics and 1 indieweb thing and starting another physics thing... so yeah, not promising anything for sure
# 04:14 GWG KartikPrabhu: Have you developed time travel?
# 04:15 GWG KartikPrabhu: Always cover your bases, right?
# 04:15 KartikPrabhu sadly time-travel is quite impossible... but that is for another blogpost that has been a long time coming
# 04:15 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: that's just what the time travelers want you to believe
# 04:17 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: 'I Held A Party For Time-Travellers... But None Came' - Stephen Hawking :P
# 04:18 GWG KartikPrabhu: It's fun in fiction though
# 04:19 KartikPrabhu GWG: it is! I recommend the movie Primer for it. beware it will get your mind in a twist
# 04:24 GWG KartikPrabhu: Saving it for IWC East?
# 04:25 KartikPrabhu GWG: saving it as my thing to show-off or something, but I will post it here before so people can test/break it. I will let you know
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# 05:10 gRegor` Demoed at Portland HWC tonight
lukebrooker joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
dybskiy, caseorganic and brainTrain joined the channel
# 05:38 aaronpk i really need to do a nice writeup of my QS data I publish on my site
# 05:41 snarfed aaronpk: true! we mentioned you have a really high powered setup, but it's hand rolled and not quite accessible to the average person
eschnou, edge226, phil80, caseorganic, ozatomic, glennjones, michel_v_, GWG, realzies, etymancer, friedcell, jsilvestre, KevinMarks and krendil joined the channel
Sebastien-L and BjornW joined the channel
KevinMarks, adactio and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 09:28 Loqi barnabywalters: GWG left you a message 11 hours, 36 minutes ago: I have the translation you asked for.
ab9, dybskiy, ngoldman and scor joined the channel
scor, dybskiy, Sebastien-L, friedcell, ttepasse, phil80, phil80_, pbeaulieu, LauraJ, GWG and caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic, chloeweil, scor, dybskiy, dybskiy_, chrissaad, adactio and glennjones joined the channel
# 13:44 GWG !tell pfefferle Put some notes on the Development page about filter placement. Not sure if you want to add anything
# 13:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
caseorganic joined the channel
# 13:52 GWG And now...it's another episode of Where in the World is Tantek.
vanderwal and chloeweil_ joined the channel
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caseorganic and gRegor` joined the channel
chloeweil_, friedcell and eschnou joined the channel
# 15:09 GWG Anyone have any good resources on typography?
# 15:12 GWG KartikPrabhu: There are hundreds of fonts. I don't know how to pick one
# 15:14 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'm just looking for some points of advice to help me narrow it
dybskiy joined the channel
# 15:17 jonnybarnes GWG: simplest advice possible: sans-serif font for headers, serif font for body text
# 15:17 KartikPrabhu here are some broadstrokes: pick a readable body-type first. decide a good weight and line-height so you like your body text. Then choose a headline type which has enough contrast with the body. Mostly you can use the same font with diff weights for both
# 15:18 GWG Maybe I should just stay with Helvetica
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# 15:22 GWG KartikPrabhu: Since I started with a bootstrap base, that defaults to Helvetica. I have just started looking.
# 15:23 GWG KartikPrabhu: Bear in mind I'm looking at a lot of things. I've gone back to the mostly unstyled theme I based my current design on, and I'm backporting a lot of the things I learned and improving it.
# 15:24 GWG KartikPrabhu: Theme in this case is Wordpress theme
# 15:24 KartikPrabhu I use google's webfonts there are quite a few good ones there, and some very bad ones too
# 15:25 GWG KartikPrabhu: We'll see what I end up with.
# 15:26 gRegor` If it's the WP theme you're working on, I'd say keep it simple.
# 15:26 gRegor` If it's just your install of it, then sure, use some web fonts if you want.
# 15:26 GWG gRegor`: It is. But I'm actually making it simpler by making it more complex.
# 15:26 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: I wonder what "manage their contributions and online identities" means... seems like they'll end up building another identity silo
# 15:26 gRegor` I'm a fan of Georgia for content, personally.
# 15:26 gRegor` Ahh, so war is peace, GWG? ;)
# 15:27 GWG gRegor`: More complex design to make customization simpler?
# 15:27 gRegor` (I didn't follow your meaning with making it simpler by making it more complex)
# 15:27 gRegor` Like making it a theme option in WP to select fonts?
# 15:28 GWG gRegor`: I thought of that, but not right now. Lower level.
# 15:28 gRegor` Oh. Not sure I follow then.
# 15:28 GWG gRegor`: Did you catch the discussion I had about filters?
# 15:28 KartikPrabhu I wonder if jeremyzilar can get the "NYT Washington Post comments system" people to the IWC
# 15:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:31 gRegor` Cool. Not sure the connection to typography though
# 15:31 GWG gRegor`: I said I was redoing everything
# 15:31 GWG gRegor`: I'm redoing the entire base on which my current theme is based.
# 15:32 GWG gRegor`: So that includes adding in filters that match Sempress, if pfefferle and I come to a consensus.
dybskiy, dybskiy_ and bnvk joined the channel
# 15:37 Loqi bnvk: bret left you a message on 6/18 at 7:28pm: Are you still using Social Igniter?
# 15:37 GWG gRegor`: The thing is making sure the pieces are flexible, which means it can be modded.
# 15:38 gRegor` I understand that. It has little to do with font choice, though, as far as I can tell.
# 15:38 GWG gRegor`: It is all on my list. Along with font choice, how the header should look, how the footer should look. Etc.
# 15:38 bnvk !tell bret: yes, I am on my personal site brennannovak.com as well as my emotional journal app emoo.me
# 15:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:39 GWG gRegor`: You are focusing on one piece of a bigger set of questions. Font is a hard one for me.
# 15:39 GWG For header, I've been staring at people's sites.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 15:40 GWG For example, gRegor` you have a large image as your footer.
# 15:40 gRegor` Since you're making a general-use theme, I think the fonts should be basic. People can always change it in CSS.
# 15:41 gRegor` That's just my suggestion, though.
# 15:41 GWG Compare that, which is the theme under construction, to my live site.
# 15:44 kylewm GWG: are the header fonts on n9n Bootstrap's default?
# 15:44 gRegor` Yeah. If you make a theme that has a header image like that (like one of the earlier twenty* themes did), you'll probably want to make it a theme configuration too, so people can easily update it in WP.
# 15:45 GWG kylewm: In the header, yes. The Entry Headings aren't. I was experimenting
# 15:46 GWG kylewm: I just dropped t to standard
# 15:46 gRegor` The test site heading isn't large enough, relatively, IMO. The "Test Quote" heading is equal size, and bolder
# 15:47 GWG gRegor`: The header image I did on the version on my live site. It's coming.
# 15:47 GWG Also, I want to offer a logo style header image
# 15:47 GWG Where it is a left oriented smaller image with something next to it, which is a common option
tantek and tilgovi joined the channel
# 15:53 GWG On that note...I'm going to eat lunch
# 15:59 gRegor` Morning, tantek
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# 16:01 tantek kylewm: pretty good! today is quite rainy however!
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# 16:04 barnabywalters kylewm: might be more appropriate in a #Criticism section on pages about Heroku/AppEngine
# 16:06 kylewm barnabywalters: heh, that's an interesting alternative. seems like if you want to run Ruby or Python but don't want to run your own server/VPS, a PaaS is the only game in town
# 16:06 kylewm but e.g., Red Wind won't work on a PaaS because it's file-based
# 16:06 barnabywalters kylewm: yup, one of the reasons I basically never use python for personal projects. too bothersome to deploy
# 16:08 barnabywalters rascul: if using a PaaS like heroku: deploys take 10-30 seconds, starting ad-hoc processes take ≈10s, no stable filesystem
# 16:08 rascul try using openshift, deploys take much longer!
# 16:09 kylewm I agree with that. I'm used to Python now but terrified of Rails
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# 16:10 rascul i don't deploy very often the wait isn't a big deal for me
# 16:11 tantek presumably there are webhosts that support python and flat files without any problems
# 16:11 rascul although in my case i'll use dokku on my server instead of heroku or openshift
# 16:11 rascul tantek there are but heroku's (and similar) implementation doesn't really allow it, not just for python either
# 16:12 tantek rascul, hence sounds like a criticism more of Heroku rather than python.
# 16:12 rascul same applies to openshift, dokku, or anything which has deployment in such a manner
# 16:14 rascul there's also flynn.io which is supposed to be like a super dokku, but i never did get flynn.io figure out
# 16:15 kylewm also dokku is like a couple hundred lines of bash scripts, right?
# 16:16 rascul flynn has been available for a little bit as preview release
# 16:17 KevinMarks You can have flat files on heroku, but you need to check them in to git. If you want a file service that isn't per instance you need to use one explicitly
# 16:17 tantek still reading up on what it's about and trying to understand the Mozilla connection
# 16:19 kylewm KevinMarks: would you agree that Heroku and p3k or Taproot or Red Wind (as applications that store all their data in the file system) are fundamentally incompatible though?
# 16:20 rascul it'll work as expected but data won't persist between deployments unless it's in the git repo
# 16:21 KevinMarks Well, you will need to use a file system service. The point of 12 factor is that you should be able to have multiple instances
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# 16:23 barnabywalters KevinMarks: a good idea for people who get paid to do ops, typically an overcomplication for personal sites though
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# 16:24 kylewm (I'm genuinely trying to understand not argue) amazon s3 is the only thing that comes up when I search for 'heroku file system service'
# 16:24 rascul i was about to mention using s3 for storage on heroku
# 16:25 kylewm that doesn't seem like a good fit for an application that needs to load many static resources (markdown files) to render a page
# 16:25 tantek KevinMarks - I have no idea. I may ping the Mozilla person mentioned in the article and see what's up - invite them to join us here etc.
# 16:25 rascul or implement some git stuff into the app and use a git repo
# 16:25 tantek so many different efforts going on at Mozilla sometimes it's hard to keep track or coordinate
# 16:25 kylewm yeah, I could imagine doing a git commit/push for every change you make to the filesystem
# 16:26 rascul i wouldn't keep the content in the same repo as the code though, that could get a bit messy
# 16:26 KevinMarks Not having a backup strategy isn't great either. Related to the database issue.
# 16:27 kylewm well, there's having a backup strategy and there's trying to implement ACID on your own :)
# 16:27 rascul i plan on implementing git stuff into my site, a new post would be as easy as a git push
# 16:28 rascul i already work a lot with git daily so it's trivial for me
# 16:29 jonnybarnes barnabywalters: not technically, though aurora is updated every day
# 16:30 KevinMarks Each new pay is a git push for me too, which is why I don't do notes
# 16:30 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: Each new post is a git push for me too, which is why I don't do notes
# 16:30 barnabywalters I’ve had some intermittent issues with Nightly recently too, it’s not happened for a few days though
# 16:30 aaronpk each post is a git push for me too, I just have my server do it in the micropub endpoint :)
# 16:31 rascul KevinMarks my notes and articles are pretty much the same thing and i call them notes
# 16:31 rascul mentally it's harder for me to write an "article" than a long note with a title :)
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# 16:32 KevinMarks Building a micropub endpoint seems a good idea. S3 is such a rats nest though.
# 16:34 KevinMarks That sounds handy. I am thinking that python would be a better tool for me than node after all
# 16:37 kylewm aaronpk: re: "each post is a git push for me too". when you post something, does it go to a git repo first, and then aaronparecki.com pulls the update? or is the git push more like a backup of live content?
# 16:37 kylewm rascul: thanks for the pointer to that projcet
KevinMarks2, brianloveswords, iangreenleaf, pbeaulieu, snarfed and paulcp joined the channel
# 16:44 aaronpk but sometimes I write articles on my local copy and git push them to the server
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# 16:46 rascul i keep a local server running to serve up stuff i write locally before i push it
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# 17:14 snarfed rascul: interesting that the html title of your pages is the unix timestamp. i'm guessing that's not intentional...?
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# 17:15 rascul technically i guess those would be notes because they don't have a real title
# 17:15 rascul aaronpk yeah i'm going to do something more readable in due time, i'll note that on my site plans page!
# 17:18 rascul eventually my site is still going to be a static site, but it will be dynamically generated with the http api stuff i'll put on top of it
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# 17:29 rascul snarfed oh i misunderstood what you were saying about the title
# 17:30 rascul the html title should be "Future Site Plans" but apparently i got that messed up somewhere
# 17:30 aaronpk i'm getting an EOFError trying to verify a signature when it runs on the server, but no error when I run it on my laptop with the exact same input :(
# 17:31 rascul aaronpk is there a newline at the end before eof? i've seen things choke on a missing newline before
# 17:36 bnvk aaronpk: whatcha doing with GPG related things? :)
# 17:37 bnvk are you making it work with IndieAuth somehow?
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# 17:41 jonnybarnes rascul: whats happening with the title your future sites plans note?
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# 17:45 kylewm rascul: your site plans sound great, have a feeling I'm going to be influenced by what you end up doing
# 17:47 rascul well it says i just now noticed it, but that was almost 20 mins ago!
# 17:48 rascul kylewm i've spent much time thinking about how to implement everything and changing/discarding ideas, what is there is pretty much what i've settled on based on what i want vs how to implement it
# 17:48 gRegor` I'm getting some jQuery related errors on the wiki. ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined dots.js:78, ReferenceError: $ is not defined indiewebcamp.com:48
# 17:48 gRegor` Just a heads up
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# 17:49 gRegor` Core wiki file?
# 17:49 gRegor` ChangeGraphs extension
# 17:50 gRegor` Sorry, copied from Firefox console. Doesn't let me easily copy the entire path.
# 17:51 gRegor` I was trying to duplicate an error I saw last night about a missing CSS file, but I can't. It was probably another tab in Firefox.
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# 17:52 gRegor` The second error is inline, at line 48. "$(function(){ $("#dotchart1").dotChart("chart1");"
# 17:53 rascul aaronpk i don't see that jquery is being loaded before dots.js, or even at all
# 17:54 gRegor` At a glance, I don't see jQuery included
# 17:54 tantek aaronpk, snarfed, any photos from PDX or SF HWC last night?
# 17:54 aaronpk hm it seems to be brought in via load.php or something
# 17:54 aaronpk tantek: I forgot to take a real photo but I took some screenshots
# 17:54 snarfed tantek: none from SF, sorry. need to get into the habit!
# 17:55 tantek snarfed - no worries - I totally understand - easy to forget. I almost forgot myself. and I *did* forget to hand out stickers
# 17:55 ben_thatmustbeme very strange. i have weird errors caused by non-printable characters somehow getting in there
# 17:56 tantek maybe we can make that part of the "new people introduce yourselves" bit - every new person that introduces themselves gets a sticker?
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nikol, emmak, snarfed, iangreenleaf, gRegor`, vanderwal, ngoldman, ozatomic, jonnybarnes, TimAbraldes, gavinc, sparverius, zaal, aaronpk, lmjabreu_, JonathanNeal, markmhendrickson, acegiak, dietrich, edrex, bigbluehat, hadleybeeman, walkah and bret joined the channel
# 18:10 Loqi bret: bnvk left you a message 2 hours, 32 minutes ago: yes, I am on my personal site brennannovak.com as well as my emotional journal app emoo.me
grantmacken, emmak, snarfed, iangreenleaf, gRegor`, vanderwal, ngoldman, ozatomic, jonnybarnes, TimAbraldes, gavinc, sparverius, zaal, aaronpk, lmjabreu_, JonathanNeal, markmhendrickson, acegiak, dietrich, edrex, bigbluehat, hadleybeeman, walkah, bret and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:17 aaronpk it's working on my osx laptop but not on either linux server (fedora and ubuntu)
# 18:18 aaronpk i was wondering how that was possible that it was working... is the gpgme gem getting stuff from my filesystem?
# 18:20 aaronpk ok that is not at all what I want... can't I pass in a key to the verify method?
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# 18:26 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: could you do me a favor and link to your gpg key on your website with rel=pgpkey?
# 18:26 aaronpk i need to test this with something that is not in my gpg chain on my laptop
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# 18:34 kylewm aaronpk: you can test rel=pgpkey against my site too if you want!
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# 18:50 aaronpk luckily ruby's URI can resolve URLs so I don't need to write one
# 18:53 aaronpk "http://ben.thatmustbe.me/static/ben.gpg" was not found on the site "http://ben.thatmustbe.me"
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# 18:56 aaronpk the good news is my error handling is working well
# 18:59 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: and kylewm: wanna give it a shot? try signing in at indieauth.com
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# 19:04 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: if you re-scan your site you should see the GPG option
Garbee joined the channel
# 19:10 aaronpk rascul: no it's the weird error where it sometimes stops being able to verify SSL certs
# 19:14 ben_thatmustbeme i was about to say, what is the point, but it doesn't use any external site for auth this way
# 19:15 aaronpk it's possibly easier than implementing your own auth server, which is the other way to not rely on external sites
# 19:22 rascul it was just working... then it just stopped working
# 19:23 barnabywalters aaronpk: I just successfully authenticated using my public key — also completely using a GUI!
# 19:24 barnabywalters aaronpk: can I post wildly about it now or should I wait until further testing has been done?
# 19:27 aaronpk barnabywalters: what tool do you use for signing?
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# 19:28 aaronpk hmm makes me want to make this happen with magic iphone qr codes
# 19:29 barnabywalters aaronpk: GPGtools for mac comes with a bunch of services for encrypting, decrpyting and signing text
# 19:29 barnabywalters I copy the challenge into the textbox, highlight and go Firefox -> Services -> Sign
# 19:29 barnabywalters it’s a little quicker than logging in using a 3rd party auth provider, if with slightly more clicks
# 19:30 barnabywalters it could be made quicker by pre-filling the textbox with the challenge, but that might be too specific and confusing
# 19:34 aaronpk ok so how cool would this be... download an iphone app and create a GPG key. link to the public key from your site (handwavy steps to get it there from the app). when signing in to indieauth.com, click the "Mobile GPG" button and a QR code pops up. launch the iphone app and scan the code. done.
paulcp joined the channel
# 19:39 aaronpk the QR code would encode the challenge to sign as well as a URL to send the signature to
# 19:40 barnabywalters heads out to the office as home wifi will apparently take 32773 minutes to upload this 30 second video
# 19:41 ben_thatmustbeme much easier than before anyway. but if i wanted i could probably make my site log in to the wiki and update my user page for me as i update it on my page
# 19:49 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: POSSE to the wiki? awesome. I think I'd need to hack up the MW API to allow you to auth via the API to do that. otherwise you could do it by scraping the web interface
barnabywalters and paulcp joined the channel
# 19:56 barnabywalters has anyone else ever felt the need to POSSE updates to posts to twitter? obviously not for typos, but when adding or making substantive changes to notes or articles, I often want to have the option to post a tweet summarising the update
# 19:56 barnabywalters which would be linked as an additional u-syndication link so that replies to the update also backfeed to the original
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# 20:19 aaronpk barnabywalters: LOL oops I made it into your screencast
# 20:20 barnabywalters I couldn’t get rid of it all easily — Quicktime is only tolerable for a certian amount of video editing
# 20:23 aaronpk barnabywalters: mine doesn't have the "sign in place" option like yours
# 20:23 barnabywalters aaronpk: you might have to manually turn on the service in Services preferences
# 20:24 barnabywalters anyone know of a mac video editing app which is exactly half way between quicktime and iMovie?
# 20:25 barnabywalters without forcing you into a “project” structure with patronising effects and other such crap
# 20:27 aaronpk KevinMarks_: lol send a bitcoin to indieauth to sign in?
# 20:28 barnabywalters excellent, now I can spam twitter with updates and separate-timezone “promotions” of my posts without a) actually re-posting or b) using twitter.com
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# 20:30 aaronpk are replies to your tweets also counted as replies to the original article?
# 20:32 Jeena so it is not ok to redirect to the post and then send 200?
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# 20:33 aaronpk Jeena: that sounds out of date, it should always return 202 accepted (see webmention.org)
# 20:33 barnabywalters KevinMarks: good point, bitcoin wallets are also arguably easier to set up than PGP
caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:33 Jeena I'm asking because I have a normal Form on my website and if someone uses it he/she gets only a 200 OK with a {"status":"OK"}
which is not that nice
# 20:33 aaronpk i have a special case for the case when a browser sends the mention which sends back a redirect header
friedcell and scor joined the channel
# 20:42 tantek aaronpk - just read through the /p3k page again - well done with such great documentation of features / work / thinking in progress
# 20:42 tantek also really like the way you explain open sourcing parts of it for re-use
# 20:44 tantek !tell bret, for /projects I'm thinking it would help to have a "Inspiration" section just after "Installation" - for the selfdogfood projects that community members are building, that other creators can look to for inspiration (and potentially building block re-use)
# 20:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:44 Loqi for: tantek left you a message 24 seconds ago: /projects I'm thinking it would help to have a "Inspiration" section just after "Installation" - for the selfdogfood projects that community members are building, that other creators can look to for inspiration (and potentially building block re-use)
# 20:45 Jeena honestly the most fun with indieweb I have because I can work on my own software and can use open source stuff for the hard parts (like the microformats parser, or posting to facebook/twitter)
# 20:46 tantek there's a strength to that style of community development that "whole cloth" solutions (like Tent, Ghost, etc.) just don't scratch
# 20:46 tantek "work on my own software + re-use open source building blocks"
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# 20:47 kylewm aaronpk: PGP login worked for me too! that's awesome. noticed two little things - 1. I initially had rel="pgpkey publickey" and it didn't find that, 2. the box that says "Paste signature below" seems to actually want the entire signed document (is that right?) I tried pasting in only the signature part and that didn't seem to work
# 20:48 aaronpk it does want the whole document. i'm not sure the correct terminology.
# 20:48 aaronpk the output of keybase sign -m '...' works, as well as the output of the gpgtools "sign" function
# 20:49 kylewm I don't know the correct terminology before, but what about "Paste signed text below" ?
# 20:49 Loqi kylewm meant to say: I don't know the correct terminology either, but what about "Paste signed text below" ?
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# 20:52 kylewm or even better (imho), what if it were just the one editable text box and said "Sign this text with your private key"? then no copy/paste if you have an extension like barnaby does
# 20:52 aaronpk didn't realize there was an extension that did that!
# 20:52 aaronpk barnaby is going to have to redo his screencast then :)
# 20:53 kylewm me neither! i installed WebPG after seeing his vid
# 20:55 aaronpk but that seems like a good change given how the tools work
# 20:56 kylewm lol, you can just say "I accept pull requests"
# 20:58 kylewm that seems to be a good way to separate "it might be cool if..." sort of requests from "this would really improve my life" sort of requests :)
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# 21:03 tantek aaronpk, I wonder if it would be helpful to indicate on our projects where "installation" is not a priority, explicitly that fact (that it's not a priority for us right now)
# 21:03 tantek I suppose the "only parts are open source" is a good enough disclaimer for now
# 21:04 aaronpk is "only parts are open source" sufficiently clear? I mean if anybody here thought they could download and install p3k as a whole then it's clearly not :)
# 21:04 tantek well I clearly made that mistake when putting p3k in the "Get On The IndieWeb" section ;)
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# 21:07 tantek ok new subsection: Get Inspired (implied And Make Things)
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# 21:09 aaronpk oh yeah this is all super not documented, sorry :D
# 21:11 kylewm snarfed: driving out to ocean beach last weekend, my gf said "hey look it's the golden gate bridgy"
# 21:11 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters I already invalidated your screencast, sorry :-/ try signing in to indieauth.com again!
# 21:11 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 21:12 kylewm aaronpk++ two mouseclicks now, that's sooo nice!
# 21:12 aaronpk if you have a keyboard shortcut for signing then it's like one click!
# 21:13 bret tantek I lost all my work on my wiki edit yesterday :[
# 21:13 Loqi bret: tantek left you a message 29 minutes ago: /projects I'm thinking it would help to have a "Inspiration" section just after "Installation" - for the selfdogfood projects that community members are building, that other creators can look to for inspiration (and potentially building block re-use)
# 21:14 bret ill redo it this weekend or something
# 21:14 snarfed oh wow, adium combines two -s into — so i can't downkarma :/
# 21:15 bret snarfed maybe you can turn that off in language and text in system settings?
# 21:16 bret that is where auto replace settings lives in osx
# 21:18 bret tantek, i was doing a loose sorting of projects based on aprox indiemark score, and number of users
# 21:19 bret for projects that were used for creating, running, serving/hosting indieweb sites
# 21:20 tantek hey - Firefox has EXCELLENT session restore functionality, including textareas with edit text
# 21:20 tantek bret - you must have been using some other browser ;)
# 21:21 tantek (restore as in - crash, relaunch browser, re-opens tabs AND restores the edittext in them)
# 21:21 tantek especially when I run out of battery and my machine decides to do a hard restart upon reconnecting to power
# 21:21 aaronpk "The database for Just another StatusNet microblog is not responding correctly, so the site will not work properly."
# 21:21 snarfed tantek: agreed. the common case for me is web site failure, not browser failure. the form submission fails, or something pops up, or something else happens, and my form text is lost
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# 21:22 bret safari runs the most conservatively on my crappy laptop unfortunately
# 21:22 Loqi gives snarfed the equivalent of strings
# 21:23 tantek bret - take a look at the "Get Inspired" section and see if that section description makes sense to you
iangreenleaf, iangreenleaf1, chrissaad1, snarfed, jsilvestre, paulcp, chrissaad, wolftune and scor joined the channel
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# 22:07 pauloppenheim1 there are other guides as well
# 22:07 pauloppenheim1 this is why i don't use PGP much
# 22:07 pauloppenheim1 i have only automated some of this
# 22:08 pauloppenheim1 i have had my own "keybase" in (non) progress for a few years
# 22:08 pauloppenheim1 but basically most tools do very scary things. even the FSF's new guide for enigmail is a little scary
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# 22:09 pauloppenheim1 admittedly, it's far better than nothing
# 22:10 aaronpk i think a lot of this stuff doesn't apply in the use case of signing in with your key
# 22:10 pauloppenheim1 correct
# 22:11 pauloppenheim1 but key hierarchies, selective online use, revocation, etc might
# 22:23 gRegor` pauloppenheim1: That'd be a good link to add to /pgp
# 22:24 gRegor` Pretty high up. Maybe a section under Terminology "Good PGP Practices"
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# 22:32 pauloppenheim1 i feel like we're at a point where HSM makes sense
# 22:33 pauloppenheim1 because then we could make boxes that abstract much of this away
# 22:33 pauloppenheim1 Hardware Security Module
# 22:33 pauloppenheim1 if you sign apps for iOS, android, windows, etc you should REALLY look into HSM
# 22:34 gRegor` PGPGPP, KevinMarks. I like it. :)
# 22:35 pauloppenheim1 this is the kind of shit that keeps me from working on actual projects
# 22:36 pauloppenheim1 i have a very very shitty self-made HSM that is almost completely hand-driven
# 22:36 pauloppenheim1 but hey, it works for my CA
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# 22:42 pauloppenheim1 i hadn't added myself to that yet
# 22:42 pauloppenheim1 and hadn't seen it
# 22:42 pauloppenheim1 and just realized nobody is using real olson timezone DB entries :P
# 22:43 pauloppenheim1 ie, America/San_Francisco does not exist
# 22:44 aaronpk we could switch to timezone offsets (normaltime/summertime)
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# 22:44 pauloppenheim1 location is better
# 22:45 pauloppenheim1 there's more information in it
# 22:45 pauloppenheim1 but yeah, olson is not obvious to people, that's why operating systems have those map-picker widgets
# 22:45 aaronpk the downside of named timezones is that you need to load a whole tz database to do anything with it, because the actual offsets change over time. (for example a few years ago DST moved)
# 22:45 pauloppenheim1 and everyone's like "where's my town?"
# 22:45 pauloppenheim1 aaronpk: right, but you want that
# 22:46 aaronpk in practice it ends up not being a big deal because all the platforms ship with the database
# 22:46 pauloppenheim1 the real problem with the olson db is that it's geopolitically insensitive
# 22:46 aaronpk but i could see that being an issue in like 1000 years
# 22:46 pauloppenheim1 it's already an issue, depending what country you're in
# 22:46 pauloppenheim1 the pakistan / india border, for instance
# 22:46 aaronpk like wtf timezone offset was America/Los_Angeles in August 2091 after they've gone through multiple iterations of when DST starts/ends and eventually abolish it
# 22:47 pauloppenheim1 aaronpk: right, but that's in with the update files
# 22:47 pauloppenheim1 which just updated!
# 22:47 pauloppenheim1 (yesterday i think?)
# 22:47 aaronpk right so for practical purposes right now are fine, but are potentially fragile in the long term
# 22:48 pauloppenheim1 well, olson is less fragile than the microsoft solution, because at least it's centralized and the update record is pretty well distributed
# 22:50 pauloppenheim1 k, back to auth hacking
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# 22:54 pauloppenheim1 aaaaand azure died
# 22:55 pauloppenheim1 i would suggest not using it yet
# 22:56 pauloppenheim1 it's actually a cryptographic challenge / response system
# 22:56 pauloppenheim1 but it uses email as a key, yes
# 22:56 pauloppenheim1 right :)
# 22:59 aaronpk snarfed: hmm if I were to run my own streaming twitter search, could I turn off bridgy twitter and just use bridgy for the mf2 URLs for tweets?
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# 23:00 snarfed aaronpk: sure. it'd take some work to handle the streaming events, distinguish replies vs retweets vs favorites vs mentions, and fetch the right mf2 url, but sure you could
# 23:01 snarfed the only reason i had to drop it is because it stopped working after i hit a hundred or so twitter users
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# 23:02 aaronpk i'm actually running my own twitter streaming search right now for a bunch of things, that's how loqi finds tweets so fast
# 23:03 snarfed aaronpk: ah, the comment in that file that starts "not handling replies right now…" is important. basically, it's hard to get full @-reply chains, since you don't have the original tweet, and the api only really lets you walk down the chain, not up
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# 23:03 snarfed anyway. lots of similar learned-from-experience in there.
# 23:14 snarfed GWG: ah well. maybe ignore for now. you can always send a webmention manually to push it through if you want, based on that log link i sent
# 23:24 GWG snarfed: I think it is a capacity issue at certain times of day
# 23:25 GWG snarfed: I'm looking into it. I need to add some finer grain monitoring to isolate the times and find a solution
# 23:27 snarfed are you sure? i think the probe requests come from wordpress.com, ie they're entirely external
# 23:27 GWG snarfed: I have monitoring on the server level, but I have thresholds set to avoid getting overwhelmed with email alerts. I need to temporarily lower them
# 23:27 GWG snarfed: I found your 504s in my access log
# 23:28 snarfed GWG: got it. monitoring in depth is always good, maybe consider jetpack's in addition to yours
# 23:28 snarfed GWG: hmm, i wonder if those are my requests. bridgy saw 502s, not 504s
# 23:29 GWG snarfed: The culprit is likely in the nginx/php-fpm configuration.
# 23:35 GWG snarfed: I should ask bear 's advice next week. I gather he knows a lot in that aea
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# 23:44 GWG snarfed: I wonder if my Wordpress work has me neglecting my server maintenance
# 23:46 snarfed GWG: eh, not neglect. everything breaks eventually, just fix things when they break. :P
# 23:50 bear yea, unless you do it as a day job - fix things as they break
# 23:51 GWG bear: Yes, but it is your day job. It is my...not job.
# 23:52 GWG bear: That's why I sometimes fall behind on tracking issues
# 23:55 GWG bear: May ask you some advice next week in person