2014-06-22 UTC
chrissaad and tantek joined the channel
# 00:39 tantek I think we can be big enough to be inclusive of "indie" "web" produced/published arts in general, such as independent shows/films that are posted on their own web sites.
# 00:40 tantek (rather than say Hulu or Netflix - which don't feel "indie")
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 00:44 bnvk tantek: I fully applaud & want to see that reality :)
KevinMarks2 and basal joined the channel
# 01:32 GWG I'm having trouble with another design feature
# 01:36 GWG Styling a response/comment/mention/etc
# 01:37 GWG I'm working on site design version 3.0
# 01:44 rascul if you didn't already tell me i wouldn't realize those were referring to number of responses
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:46 rascul meybe some indicator for that could be helpful
# 01:46 GWG I tried that. I was having trouble with it. I could go with an icon..
# 01:47 GWG I discovered something about titles...
# 01:49 GWG If you are using a tablet...you don't see them
chrissaad joined the channel
# 01:52 rascul it's much more clear now, but i think the comment box is too fat
dybskiy joined the channel
# 01:56 GWG SO, what other metadata is missing?
# 01:56 GWG I've been building the logic for the metadata
chrissaad1 joined the channel
# 01:57 GWG I have that project under development
# 01:58 rascul the comment icon being fat might just be me, be sure to ask other people about it :)
# 01:58 GWG tantek: We calling ourselves campers?
# 01:58 GWG I need to now do the note vs article logic.
# 01:58 tantek GWG - shorter than participant or attendee to fit into the tweet, plus, what do you call someone who participates in an IndieWebCamp? An IndieWebCamper!
# 01:59 rascul when i can finally go to iwc, i'm pitching a tent
# 02:00 tantek rascul - good to know - we'll have to pick a site accordingly ;)
# 02:01 tantek Maybe we can get Tim O'Reilly to host an IndieWeb Foo Camp :)
# 02:02 GWG tantek: I like Indiewebcamp. I hated camp.
# 02:04 KartikPrabhu tantek: mari heurtas replied about HWC Chicago... will try to get something figured out about next one
# 02:06 GWG rascul: I'm in the country right now, till tomorrow when I go home. If you want to pitch a tent outside...
# 02:07 rascul actually i'm probably going camping in a few weeks in virginia in the shenandoah mountains
# 02:07 rascul well it's really just one mountain in the appalachians
# 02:07 GWG Bringing your biolite camping stove and cell phone charger?
# 02:08 rascul my mom has a piece of property in the mountains she has setup with a cabin and a pavillion
# 02:09 rascul cabin was just finished a couple months ago though i haven't seen it yet
# 02:09 GWG I'm in the country about 130 miles north of New York City.
# 02:09 GWG My grandparents have a place up here
# 02:09 GWG But they can't get up here very easily, so I came up for the weekend.
# 02:10 rascul i'm hoping to go to the cambridge thing in october, my sister lives in ma so i'll get to visit her at the same time
# 02:10 rascul i should have money for ticket in a few weeks then i'll put my name down
# 02:10 GWG I may video in. Not sure if I can head up
# 02:11 rascul i'm taking the train, never been on a train before
# 02:11 GWG My brother lives in MA and I don't want to stay with him
# 02:11 rascul i have a friend in nh that works in boston also
# 02:12 GWG Last time I was at Harvard, I just flew up for the day
# 02:13 rascul i've never been in the boston area except for as long as it took to get off the plane, rent a car and drive west
# 02:15 rascul i played one of the kirby games a bunch of years ago
# 02:19 tantek btw many/most people do *actual* camping at Foo Camps
# 02:20 GWG tantek: But if you were doing it, wouldn't it have to be Fot Camp?
# 02:20 tantek GWG - I hope not! Prefer not to make it a personality thing.
krendil joined the channel
# 02:21 GWG tantek: I understand. You are very unique though.
# 02:21 tantek you're larger point is right though - "Foo" is kind of incongruous with "IndieWeb" - unless somehow we get so big that O'Reilly wants to filter for FOO.
# 02:22 tantek GWG - treating everyone as unique is a good strategy. Pushes you to find out what is unique about them.
# 02:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:31 GWG tantek: I'm looking at your site header
# 02:35 GWG tantek: I'm looking at the two most common header styles. One is a full width, the other is a left oriented image
# 02:36 KartikPrabhu GWG: you should feel free to make your own header design! More diversity in visual design on the indieweb is good
# 02:36 tantek GWG do you mean "header" as in design / visual element?
iangreenleaf joined the channel
# 02:38 tantek GWG - looks different in "mobile" (narrower window) also
# 02:39 tantek !tell rascul - well done with the /git article - only made small tweaks.
# 02:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:41 Loqi rascul: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: - well done with the /git article - only made small tweaks.
gRegor` joined the channel
# 02:46 tantek rascul - looks like a free online book to me - seems reasonable
# 02:47 rascul ooo documentation section could be good, i'm sure i could add a few links there
basal and ozatomic joined the channel
# 03:12 tantek ok I need some WordPress help if anyone wants to join me in the #microformats channel (having trouble finding things in the damn WordPress dashboard UI). cc GWG
# 03:13 tantek like where the heck does "dynamic_sidebar" get its content from? e.g. dynamic_sidebar("Home Page");
chrissaad joined the channel
# 03:24 GWG tantek: I'm glad I've proved useful
# 03:24 tantek GWG - definitely. and instantly so. I was struggling looking for that stuff.
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:44 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
jvalleroy and wolftune joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 04:08 tantek ah too bad, was going to ask gRegor if he knew the answer
# 04:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:13 tantek funny coincidence, @joeld's profile says he's in Minneapolis, and *I* am in Minneapolis currently as well!
# 04:16 tantek KartikPrabhu: going to give gRegor the chance to do so first, since @joeld did reach out to hime.
# 04:18 tantek simpler: should be obvious - check schema/person and all the crap there vs. h-card - no comparison.
# 04:18 aaronpk !tell bnvk it's not that I want to encourage relying on a third party auth provider, I just want to allow the option for it.
# 04:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 04:19 tantek pointless to publish more complex things, you'll likely make more mistakes. unless it's a hobby for you. e.g. see tommorris' publishing of many things. works for him.
# 04:19 tantek pointless to consume more complext things, because again, greater likelihood of bad data due to complexity.
# 04:19 tantek schema is not open. it's google owned & controlled with lip-service to Yahoo, MSFT, Yandex
# 04:21 tommorris tantek: there’s an important point there. I publish them because there’s not much cost in doing so - just a few extra bytes on the page. but nobody seems to be doing much with them.
# 04:21 tantek KartikPrabhu: by indieweb publishers? none AFAIK
# 04:22 tommorris Google’s “don’t be evil” may be a joke, but even that’s a bit too evil.
chrissaad and tantek joined the channel
# 04:32 GWG Oddly I was working on widget code as tantek asked about what a dynamic_sidebar was
# 04:33 tantek tommorris - actually, they Google are that evil in the case of schema
# 04:33 tantek most recently it was a big public blow-up at the osfw3c workshop last August in SF
# 04:35 tantek I wish I'd noted what tweet it was in reply to
# 04:36 tommorris I wonder if most of the OWL/RDF stuff is royalty-free. because then you have the issue of, well, if you are parsing a page as RDFa, you are parsing schema.org whether you want to or not
# 04:37 tantek tommorris - so yeah, none of us can *consume* schema because their license is only for *publishing*. that alone makes schema a non-starter for the indieweb since we have to publish *and* consume.
# 04:37 tantek I've asked Google to fix the license since 2011, to use OWFa, or the W3C RF patent license etc. and they said NO.
# 04:37 tantek so at this point I basically tell people to avoid schema at all costs
# 04:37 tantek and don't have any patience left to deal with them
# 04:38 tantek they're a bigco they should have fixed this long ago. the fact that they haven't means either they don't care or they have malintent or both.
# 04:39 tantek tommorris - who knows - it's a good reason to AVOID schema vocabs in *any* syntax, whether microdata, rdfa, or even microformats2.
# 04:39 tantek tommorris - you can avoid it by dropping any triples with schema.org in them
# 04:40 tommorris mostly I’m not using anything from schema.org that isn’t replicated from FOAF/SIOC etc.
# 04:40 tantek KartikPrabhu: the license is only for publishing
# 04:41 tommorris So, I worked out how to fully nail down app.net syndication
# 04:41 tantek KartikPrabhu: so there is the implication that they are not giving you permission for consuming
# 04:41 tommorris the queue server I use - beanstalkd - lets you put in delayed jobs. the problem with app.net is with IFTTT there’s a time delay between publishing on your own site and then them syndicating it to ADN
# 04:42 tommorris so after publication I just plonk a job in my job queue timed at 30m and 60m.
# 04:42 tantek so because of that clause I don't trust schema, and I don't trust Google
# 04:42 tantek and because when confronted about it in 2011 and asked to change it they said no
# 04:43 tantek and most recently at osfw3c workshop in 2013-08 when confronted about they said sure go ahead and consume (verbally) and I said I'll believe it when you've updated the ToS - which they said they would do - and never did.
# 04:43 Loqi [@t] #osfw3c Sam Goto asks is #schema good or bad?
# 04:45 tommorris so, this weekend, I’ve been holed up at my parents place trying to recover from a few days of illness, and thinking quite a bit about publishing photos on my own site.
# 04:45 tommorris trying out different approaches and trying to work out the issues around responsive images.
# 04:46 tommorris ended up basically deciding on “steal everything I liked from old Flickr” as my design strategy.
basal joined the channel
# 04:52 tantek schema patent issues blew up on day 1 of the workshop, so guha drove up from MV to SF on day 2
# 04:54 tantek and his attitude was so arrogant that he basically pissed off (or scared) a ton of people from many different companies in the room.
# 04:54 tantek KartikPrabhu: that article transcript is way tl;dr
# 04:55 KartikPrabhu tantek: it is :) too long read later... also I skipped the personal history sectiosn
nloadholtes joined the channel
# 04:59 tantek KartikPrabhu: I vaguely remember having discussion in IRC before
# 05:00 KartikPrabhu yes. hence my interest in this article. It appears quite a few people have this view
# 05:00 tantek protocol first is the wrong approach. as a designer/typographer he should know better.
# 05:00 tantek let's see public documentation (as in, on a publicly editable wiki page) of those use-cases first
# 05:00 tantek so I'm basically ignoring all "we need a payment protocol talk"
# 05:01 tantek until those making that talk document their use-cases with specific URLs and provide such permalinks
# 05:01 tantek otherwise they're welcome to go waste time in any number of w3c payment protocol community groups etc.
# 05:01 tantek you know, email lists, for people who like to talk but no action
# 05:02 tantek scroll around there for more context / nonsense
# 05:03 KartikPrabhu hmm yeah. none of the "we need payment people" seem to be even remotely concerned with "how it would work" replicating the usual paywall approach is not good i think
# 05:04 tantek KartikPrabhu: right. so I assume they will never get anything done and instead direct them to a w3c mailing list to discuss their ideas with other similar people
# 05:04 tommorris Mailing lists: keeping hard drive manufacturers in business since 1986.
# 05:07 KartikPrabhu shouldn't Loqi start formatting h-entries like he does for twitter URLs?
# 05:12 tantek KartikPrabhu: add to indiewebcamp.com/Loqi#Ideas
# 05:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:18 GWG KartikPrabhu: How is this shaping up?
# 05:22 GWG KartikPrabhu: This is that, and version 3.0 of my theming effort
# 05:23 KartikPrabhu looks good... I like that for a base theme you haven't added a lot of visual styles, as that should be best left to individual sites
# 05:24 GWG The styles I'm adding are basic bootstrap styles, and everything is designed to be overridden by a child theme
# 05:26 GWG Since it is the base for a new theme, I am adding more pieces I didn't have in the previous iteration. Like the Header Widget Area
# 05:27 tommorris since tantek mentioned jay-z, I’m listening to Empire State of Mind and missing NYC
# 05:27 GWG tommorris: You are always welcome in NYC
# 05:29 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'll put out the welcome mat
gRegor` joined the channel
# 05:35 gRegor` Glad to see chat already was on what i came here to ask about. ;)
# 05:37 gRegor` !tell tantek I didn't have a solid answer (not very familiar with schema.org), but I said I suspect it's because mf2 have been around longer and are simpler, and tend to favor "what's actually in use" vs top-down ideas.
# 05:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 05:38 gRegor` Yeah, that's what i meant. Saw the logs :)
# 05:39 KartikPrabhu gregor`: schema is a bunch of vocabularies to be used with RDF and microdata
# 05:40 gRegor` I'll read up on it when I'm more awake. :)
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 05:42 gRegor` Welcome, indie-visitor
# 05:44 joeld howdy finally showed up
# 05:45 tommorris (Schema.org - Google: strangling the Semantic Web until they can find a way to own it.)
# 05:46 KartikPrabhu also fwiw I have found that microformats are easier to write than RDF or microdata
# 05:46 joeld just catching up here
# 05:47 joeld the licensing issue really is Too Bad, as based on first impressions I like Schema's syntax much more than hCard's
# 05:48 tommorris There was a Semantic Web before Google decided to embrace&extend
# 05:49 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Yeah, I saw her tweet!
# 05:50 gRegor` Did you link her to the event page for 7/2?
# 05:52 gRegor` Ok. Heading to bed, myself. Night.
# 05:52 gRegor` Oh, and hi joeld! And g'night. :)
# 05:54 joeld heading to bed here too. will be back laters
KevinMarks2 and gRegor`_ joined the channel
KevinMarks2, eschnou and danbri joined the channel
eschnou, realzies and dybskiy joined the channel
danbri and aaronpk joined the channel
# 10:10 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 52 minutes ago: seems like http://twtr.io/ links 404 if there's an errant ")" at the end, as happens on some auto-linkers of when Loqi links to twtr.io in the channel with a suffix like (http://twtr.io/bGnth9W7rU )
dybskiy, krendil, dybskiy_ and eschnou joined the channel
jvalleroy, dybskiy, basal, ttepasse and bnvk joined the channel
# 12:30 Loqi bnvk: aaronpk left you a message 8 hours, 11 minutes ago: it's not that I want to encourage relying on a third party auth provider, I just want to allow the option for it.
dybskiy and pfefferle joined the channel
# 13:49 Loqi pfefferle: GWG left you a message on 6/20 at 3:37pm: Saw the pull request, had actually fixed those and forgot to push.
nloadholtes and dybskiy joined the channel
# 14:20 mattl Happy to answer things about GNU FM and Libre.fm
chrissaad, realz, dybskiy and paulcp joined the channel
# 15:43 bnvk mattl: what does Libre.fm do exactly?
# 15:48 bnvk mattl: are you involved with the project?
ttepasse joined the channel
# 15:50 kylewm bnvk: mattl is a/the founder, also one of the maintainers of GNU Social
# 15:52 kylewm is gittip (recurring weekly donations) appropriate for that page?
# 15:53 bnvk I never really understood Last.fm, i'd browse to a song, try to play it, and then be directed elsewhere to similar music- was always very confusing
wolftune joined the channel
chrissaad, eschnou, dybskiy and danfowler joined the channel
# 16:33 rascul problem is that many things supporting scrobbling only support last.fm it makes other options difficult at times if you want to scrobble
# 16:47 kylewm any one a static site generator that only generates changed pages/indices?
wolftune joined the channel
# 16:47 kylewm rascul: you're writing your own thing though right?
# 16:47 rascul mine doesn't yet do incremental changes or whatever it might be called
# 16:48 rascul it will in due time, but not high on the priority list
# 16:49 kylewm might only be necessary if you have thousands of notes
# 16:49 rascul indeed, it's not that important until there's a lot of content, which i don't have currently
# 16:50 aaronpk i miss when scrobbling apps let you choose which scobbling server to point to
# 16:51 rascul yeah it seems a lot of times the choices are last.fm or nothing
# 16:52 rascul yeah crotal is nice, i was going to use it but i ended up writing my own instead
dybskiy and gRegor` joined the channel
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# 17:52 mattl I have plenty of tools to let people get all their data out of last.fm and into their own instance
# 17:54 aaronpk I'm planning on importing everything to my site at some point
# 17:56 aaronpk man the gpg login option for indieauth.com is my favorite now. command-option-s to sign the selected text makes it super easy.
# 17:58 aaronpk the content is mostly the same, it's only different cause if it were the same every time it'd be easier to hack it
# 17:58 aaronpk the challenge is actually all the login details encoded, along with a timestamp of when it was created and another random number
# 17:59 rascul ahh the first few characters seem to be the same, that's probably all i was looking at
# 17:59 aaronpk yeah it's actually a JWT token, so the first chunk indicate the signing mechanism used, which is always the same
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 18:00 aaronpk base64_decode(eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9) = {"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"}
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# 18:00 aaronpk you can decode the middle chunk if you want to see what the payload is
# 18:01 rascul i logged out of wiki just so i could login again with pgp :)
# 18:01 rascul nice that this way there's no dependency on third party auth mechanisms
# 18:01 rascul well maybe indieauth would be third party so... no fourth party? heh
# 18:01 aaronpk no, in this case indieauth is just part of the wiki
# 18:02 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: no, in this case indieauth.com is just part of the wiki
dybskiy_ joined the channel
# 18:03 aaronpk when I sign in the contents of my challenge is actually: {"me":"http://aaronparecki.com","user_id":1,"profile_id":3034,"redirect_uri":"https://indieauth.com/success","state":null,"scope":null,"nonce":865874,"created_at":1403460003}
chrissaad joined the channel
# 18:06 aaronpk but that's just implementation detail of indieauth.com
chrissaad and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:21 aaronpk "Despora is a server is the Diaspora-network, a so called pod. The pod can communitcate with every other pod of the Diaspora-Network and the Frendica-Network."
# 18:24 bnvk kylewm: I believe it federates, I have yet to find data federated to other pods, but in all honesty I haven't really explored enough
emmak, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
# 18:45 Loqi tantek: gRegor` left you a message on 6/21 at 10:37pm: I didn't have a solid answer (not very familiar with schema.org), but I said I suspect it's because mf2 have been around longer and are simpler, and tend to favor "what's actually in use" vs top-down ideas.
# 18:46 gRegor` tantek: joeld did stop by chat and caught up with the chat log, but it was late, so he said he'll come back another time
# 18:48 danbri the future being unevenly distributed and all that
# 18:50 tantek gRegor`: glad to hear it! we should talk with joeld about what any of his particular concerns are and see if we have answers or can adapt accordingly.
# 18:50 gRegor` Perhaps a /schema.org page would be a good idea? I didn't know most of what you shared in chat last night (licensing, not changing the TOS, etc)
# 18:51 tantek danbri, the arc of technology adoption is long but bends inevitably towards simpler, more open approaches. we're definitely seeing that with microformats2 uptake.
# 18:51 tantek gRegor`: perhaps - it hasn't been a high priority because there's nothing enabling about that discussion
# 18:52 tantek usually our wiki pages are about something that actually plays an essential role in people creating things for their own sites
# 18:52 tantek not exclusively so, but emergently so, based on our priorities of selfdogfooding and scratching your own itches
# 18:53 tantek could be useful for an FAQ though, maybe on the microformats.org wiki - since that's the context those questions usually come up
# 18:54 tantek danbri - do you see any evidence of upswing of rdf? these days most devs haven't even heard of it, and it seems to be going the way of XML (slow descent into obscurity / enterprise maintenance - kind of like COBOL and Java)
# 18:54 tantek no one I know other than tommorris appears to treat it as such
# 18:55 tantek all the mentions e.g. on twitter and such all imply microdata usage of schema
# 18:55 danbri the vocabulary's managed as an rdf schema, and generally consumed as triples
# 18:55 danbri json-ld seems to be getting more attention than the rdfa flavour lately
# 18:55 tantek you like to live dangerously huh? the applet runtime is among the most vulnerable and exploited from a security hole perspective in browsers
# 18:56 tantek danbri - no one seems to know/care about how schema is managed (other than being Google controlled)
paulcp joined the channel
# 18:56 tantek and no one seems to consume it (per the license problems) other than the oligopoly of search engines
# 18:57 tantek seems like primarily an SEO publish / search engine consume ecology
# 18:57 tantek anyway nothing much indieweb about it so it's probably offtopic for this channel. happy to continue in #microformats
# 18:58 tantek have a nice dinner danbri! perhaps see you in #microformats later on.
# 18:59 rascul kylewm i'm not necessarily worried about publishing the summary, i just want to extract it for use on index pages
# 19:00 kylewm gotcha. i think jinja has a function to truncate at a particular word count, if you happen to be using it
# 19:01 rascul i think i have a solution though using beautifulsoup
# 19:01 rascul grab the first 3 tags, if the third is a header, grab the next also
# 19:01 rascul well the first parent tags they might be called
# 19:03 rascul won't really be a summary, but will be suitable for displaying on the index page i think
# 19:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 19:08 kylewm reports of Java's death are greatly exaggerated
# 19:08 rascul i don't believe i've used java in 2014 except on android
KartikPrabhu and dybskiy joined the channel
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# 19:14 rascul i had taken a java class at one time several years back, but i never wrote anything in java after that, it was just for some easy credits
# 19:15 KartikPrabhu also wouldn't consider science and univ people writing java applets as usage of java. Science/univ people use a language because that is what they learnt for some reason or another.
# 19:15 KartikPrabhu i know profs who still teach in FOTRAN (and refuse upgrade suggesstions) because that is the only thing they know
# 19:20 rascul at one point i made a half hearted attempt to learn fortran, but i didn't make it very far
dybskiy, chrissaad, snarfed and awolf joined the channel
paulcp, dybskiy, iangreenleaf and iangreenleaf1 joined the channel
# 20:04 gRegor` Trying to decide if my note permalinks should use UTC or local time for the YYYY-MM-DD format.
# 20:05 gRegor` Could be confusing that a note from 2014-06-21 20:00 local time has a permalink of /2014-06-22/...
# 20:05 rascul what use whatever is presented in the page else it could get silly
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:07 gRegor` I tend to agree. Trying to avoid extra date-time juggling, if possible.
pfefferle joined the channel
# 20:08 gRegor` If I use UTC in permalinks, the query is easier. If I don't, I need to determine how to best look up those posts and deal with oddities, like DST.
# 20:10 rascul yeah that can get difficult, but i think it would be worth it so you don't have the date mismatches
# 20:10 gRegor` I lived in Indiana for quite a while and loved not having DST, until they voted to move onto it.
# 20:11 gRegor` I suppose I could just live with the permalinks being "off" for those late night posts (after 11pm) during half the year, heh.
# 20:11 rascul you could also just wait until morning to post late night stuff
# 20:11 gRegor` Or just include another indicator in the permalink that it is DST
# 20:11 gRegor` "Can't 'tweet' for another hour, dangit."
# 20:14 gRegor` I'm talking permalinks to individual notes, not the display date-time
# 20:14 gRegor` I display "June 21, 2014 8:23pm CDT" for post time.
# 20:15 gRegor` That's what I'm talking about.
# 20:15 gRegor` In UTC it would be: 2014-06-22/x. In local it would be 2014-06-21/y
# 20:16 gRegor` If I choose local it is
# 20:16 gRegor` Sorry, confusing examples.
# 20:17 gRegor` The DST issue only comes up between 11pm - 1am local time, of course, depending on the time of year.
# 20:17 gRegor` I'm pretty sure I will go that route, though.
# 20:17 gRegor` Eventually maybe I'll get fancy like you and use slugs :)
# 20:18 gRegor` But I want this up before next weekend
# 20:19 KartikPrabhu hmmm don't know if slugs are the best way either. there was some writeup about how "date based URLs" are more robust
# 20:20 gRegor` Gives a good time context, for sure
# 20:22 KartikPrabhu also "slug should be human editable" can hence might change later if you are not careful
# 20:23 KartikPrabhu can not find that write up. only a little tantek voice in his head :P
# 20:23 rascul my permalinks (which are also my short urls) are base62 of the published timestamp which redirect to the actual post
# 20:23 rascul this way i can change slug as much as i want and the permalink stays the same
# 20:25 rascul hrm but that might not work well in practice since that's not clear, i should maybe do something about that
# 20:26 gRegor` Ah, interesting.
# 20:27 gRegor` That's the other thing
# 20:27 gRegor` I'm trying to come up with a scheme that I don't need to change in the near future, since that will require updating my wm database, not just 301 redirects.
# 20:28 gRegor` I could just go with /notes/x/ but I think I'd want to add the dates eventually. Trying to figure it out now.
# 20:28 KartikPrabhu i use slugs a I find that a good slug gives a lot of info about the post and is easy to remember "article/indieweb-love-blog" than "article/2014/05/13/3" or something. I also endeavour to not change slugs and so far haven't changed any
# 20:28 gRegor` I agree about slugs on articles.
# 20:29 gRegor` YYYY/MM/slug could work on notes
# 20:29 rascul i don't plan on changing slugs, but i'm of the opinion that they should be editable and i need to accomodate for that
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# 20:30 gRegor` I'm also thinking my note permalinks will use hyphens instead of slashes. YYYY-MM-DD
# 20:30 gRegor` Yeah, it's good forward thinking, rascul.
# 20:30 rascul the slashes can make it easy to do indexes per year, month, date
# 20:30 gRegor` Oh, hm. Good point.
# 20:31 gRegor` YYYY-MM-DD/ YYYY-MM/ and YYYY/ could work?
# 20:33 rascul sure, i just think YYYY/ , YYYY/MM/ and YYYY/MM/DD is easier to get indexes from by just the url (from the user)
# 20:33 rascul but maybe the url isn't as important for most users as it is for mw
# 20:33 rascul tbh i'm more likely to look at the url than <title> heh
# 20:34 gRegor` Yeah, the implied directories is nice. I'll probably stick with that.
# 20:36 gRegor` Hadn't recently, but I'm familiar with most of the patterns
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# 20:42 gRegor` Got it sorted. Thankfully PHP's DateTimeZone support has gotten better.
chrissaad and tantek joined the channel
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# 21:03 tantek !tell rascul fascinating github charts. Knowing about the wordiness of java code, I wonder if this is a factor: "Language detection is based on lines of code" that may artificially inflate its numbers a bit.
# 21:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:03 Loqi rascul: tantek left you a message 44 seconds ago: fascinating github charts. Knowing about the wordiness of java code, I wonder if this is a factor: "Language detection is based on lines of code" that may artificially inflate its numbers a bit.
# 21:04 tantek also that would bias against C, C++, Perl since those programming cultures tend to lean towards reducing/minimizing lines of code
# 21:05 rascul and if you scroll down to new users, c and c++ graphs are very similar
# 21:06 tantek I'm using FF and have plugins turned off etc (so it's not flash)
# 21:07 rascul i'm copying from weechat on my laptop to my desktop firefox over synergy
# 21:07 tantek so we can use the same method for copying fragmention links :)
# 21:11 rascul whoa 48 GET requests to 15 different domains from that redmonk page
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# 21:14 tantek yes I'm trying to discern *which* JS does the trick and having trouble
# 21:18 rascul i usually would but i haven't yet with rascul.io
# 21:19 rascul maybe it could be good to put in the wiki? i'm not sure where to put it though
# 21:19 rascul probably wouldn't hurt to have a wiki page about site performance and optimization
# 21:20 tantek rascul I was similarly having trouble figuring out a place to put info about bandwidth concerns, troubleshooting, optimizing
# 21:20 tantek (since I've had to deal with that the past few months a few times)
# 21:22 tantek I like /performance because it seems more focused on what we're talking about. whereas plenty of different kinds of things can be "optimized"
# 21:23 tantek cool. rascul, feel free to start /performance accordingly. I'll follow your lead and add bandwidth related things there
# 21:24 rascul i'll work on it in a bit, watching nascar and working on my site some right now
# 21:28 rascul it is quite accurate in regard to all the decals on the cars and all
# 21:29 tantek rascul, briansuda and I had created a Wikipedia article about it but it got deleted.
# 21:29 rascul them wikipedia editors are picky about what gets through
# 21:32 tantek looks like that redmonk article is using tynt
# 21:32 tantek rascul - some are picky, others are deletionists
# 21:32 rascul that jumble of icons that /nascar is about bothers me, that's why the only icons on my site are on my h-card
# 21:33 rascul eh, icons to other third party stuff, but also (at least for now) icons period
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# 21:40 tantek ok just added tcr.tynt.com^ to my AdBlock Plus filters - because apparently tynt does nasty tracking code stuff as well as put the URL at the end of text you copy
# 21:40 tantek now looking for an indieweb-friendly way of doing the same thing (i.e. no tracking codes)
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# 21:49 tantek JonathanNeal: do you have a recommended way of doing it?
# 21:49 JonathanNeal as I recall, it has to do with listening for events and adding hidden tags inside the selection.
# 21:50 tantek I think it could be very handy for adding fragmention citations of copied text
# 21:50 JonathanNeal I had reverse engineered the common library folks use for that, but I’ll have to look around again.
# 21:50 tantek none of the online tutorials on it that I've found have *working* examples (e.g. in latest FF)
# 21:53 tantek yeah I walked through all the stackoverflow stuff to no avail
# 21:54 tantek JonathanNeal that would be great! I think for copying citations it would be quite handy
# 21:55 tantek (as opposed to say, having tweet buttons for each paragraph)
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# 22:03 tantek !tell aaronpk what I meant about twtr.io is perhaps trim an extra ")" from the end of the path before attempting to resolve the newbase60 encoded tweet ID?
# 22:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:06 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: what I meant about twtr.io is perhaps trim an extra ")" from the end of the path before attempting to resolve the newbase60 encoded tweet ID?
# 22:07 JonathanNeal Okay, I have it working in Chrome and Firefox, but give me another minute to clean things up.
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# 22:11 JonathanNeal I would almost like to make it only apply to when text is selected from within a node with a certain attribute.
# 22:12 KartikPrabhu how would that scope though? for instance if <p citable> <span>Some text</span> </p> ... ?
# 22:13 tantek JonathanNeal: maybe only for text inside the p-content or e-content in the h-entry?
# 22:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: attributes are basically what those are
# 22:14 tantek or you could just make it configurable by class name too
# 22:14 tantek so users of the script could easily pick uf2 class names
# 22:14 tantek since pretty much everyone has class names on various elements in their posts already for other reasons
# 22:15 tantek re-use existing structure rather than adding more
# 22:18 JonathanNeal Yes, I can make it work from within anything. Okay, it’s working. Deciding on how to format the text and the fragmention.
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# 22:28 gRegor` Hmm. If I'm copying text, I get annoyed if extra content is added like that. I've seen it on several news sites / blogs.
# 22:29 KartikPrabhu gregor`: it need not be triggered on text copy. for instance a small button could poup saying "cite" or something ala Medium
# 22:29 gRegor` Oh, ok. That makes more sense.
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# 22:35 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: on the whole I agree with gregor` that if a website does unexpected things with browser defaults I get pretty annoyed. Maybe the script to be made to attach to diff. events customizable by the content author?
krendil, paulcp, wolftune and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:17 gRegor` What's up, GWG?
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# 23:23 GWG My employee gives me a Juniper VPN router to connect to their network
# 23:23 GWG It somehow spontaneously factory reset while I was out
# 23:24 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: help me understand what you want and I’ll try to make it.
# 23:27 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: My thought was as follows: Reader selects some text on a site, and a little pop-up button says "Copy Citation". On clicking that the text with a fragmention is copied to clipboard. Someone else could set a similar function on "Ctrl+C" or some other event. So the "copy text+fragmention" javascript could be an independent function that could be triggered on some author-customised event
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# 23:32 GWG KartikPrabhu: Did you ever decide where you are staying for East?
# 23:46 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: of course there is no hurry. In fact I am astonished by you JS writing speed...
# 23:46 JonathanNeal I am wondering if it should just be something you can do with the range object.
# 23:52 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I think the script should only make a citation or just a fragmention link and it could be upto the author to do the correct button placements and all that
# 23:53 KartikPrabhu yeah... that is the best I could comeup with. There does not seem to be "onSelect" or something