2014-06-23 UTC
paulcp and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:13 JonathanNeal Correct. Well, there’s no point in me copying that because I can’t add things to the clipboard.
# 00:14 JonathanNeal So the link would simply reselect the same selection and add the citation.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:18 aaronpk !tell tantek should I add amber's and my osbridge talks to the /events page even though it's not possible to attend unless you buy a ticket to osbridge?
# 01:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 01:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 01:49 KartikPrabhu hey guys... some help with my "secret project" :P Here is the related post: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/marginalia would appreciate if people sent some comments via webmention to a "fragmentioned" URL for that post so I can play around with marginalia UX/UI. I really don't know what test-comment to leave as I put all my own thoughts into the article :)
carlo_au, KevinMarks, chrissaad, 1JTAAM1ST, bnvk and zaal joined the channel
# 02:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dybskiy and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:19 KartikPrabhu kylewm: right now it appears below as a normal comment with a fragmention link! onto UI/UX thanks :D
# 02:20 kylewm I thought that was my doing ... I'd linked to a fragment on that paragraph earlier
# 02:21 KartikPrabhu something wrong with the way the fragmention.js is working on my site... lot of js in my future week
chrissaad, wolftune and pdurbin joined the channel
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# 03:40 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I think the trouble is that the script "activates" either on dom-load or hashChange and async loading happens after domload... that is my guess
# 03:42 JonathanNeal Awesome. Okay, now I see it. Yes, the script should be updated to allow asynchronous load.
# 03:46 KartikPrabhu a fragmention object would be sweet and exposes the different methods... for instance I'd like to access the "parent element" given a particular fragmention, or the fragmention URL given a string or something
# 03:54 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: as a FYI with that article I am hoping to get "Medium-style" marginalia (annotations) using fragmentions... hope to have it ready by next weekend for indiewebcamp
Nagah joined the channel
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# 04:28 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: I made my changes before pulling in previous changes. Merge conflicts will set me back another 15 minutes.
# 04:31 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: no hurry. I plan to get to this tomorrow. Too much javascript for me to handle at this late hour
tantek joined the channel
# 04:48 Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 3 hours, 29 minutes ago: should I add amber's and my osbridge talks to the /events page even though it's not possible to attend unless you buy a ticket to osbridge?
# 04:51 tantek aaronpk - yes - any talk that is IndieWeb related
# 04:51 tantek though I think I forgot to add my talk from PDF
# 04:56 bret KartikPrabhu: super cool, prepare for possible pushback from existing annotation efforts :p
# 04:56 bret would love to see that get working across some sites this week/end
paulcp joined the channel
# 04:58 bret KartikPrabhu: plans to display it in the actual margin?
# 04:59 KartikPrabhu bret: yes. prject for this next week before IWC on saturday :D feel free to add marginalia in the meantime :)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 05:31 JonathanNeal ^ what KartikPrabhu said, also fixed an issue with literal + plus character encoding.
v0 and chrissaad joined the channel
# 05:40 tantek KartikPrabhu: for appending fragmention citations to copy
# 05:43 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: no the one adding fragmention citations to copied text on Ctrl+C
# 05:44 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: it’s in the same repo, under the folder at the top labeled “chrome-extension”.
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bnvk1, Jihaisse, eschnou, squeakytoy, glennjones and petermolnar joined the channel
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fmarier, nloadholtes and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 08:41 rascul i'm wondering, for index pages, should i sort by dt-published or dt-updated?
# 08:51 pfefferle rascul I think it depends on the update… if you add new content, it might be good to display it on top… if you only change a typo it might not…
# 08:53 rascul the capability to distinguish between adding and correcting isn't feasible, at least not at this time
friedcell joined the channel
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# 09:45 petermolnar I've been thinking about the indieweb vs silo thing from a different point of view: let's say the movement succeeds and a lot of photographers and artists will move to their own site. Some of the silos, like deviantart, never offered a proper api to publish, therefore the could not be used in that case and I'm fairly sure a lot would miss browsing art like the way you can do it now.
# 09:45 petermolnar Had anyone thought about indieweb aggregators, especially for media-like content, that could replace sites like deviantart?
# 09:46 rascul that might be what you're thinking of with the aggregator?
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# 10:17 tommorris petermolnar: That’s more the problem of the aggregator. ;-)
# 10:18 tommorris petermolnar: the main thing would be to have more “blogroll” style links between sites.
# 10:18 tommorris then you can explore in a more serendipitious webbish way.
# 10:32 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 11:48 rascul but i would argue that the people who care about their online identity and data will take the extra bit of time to gain the knowledge they need
barnabywalters joined the channel
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# 12:01 bnvk dah, i'm arguing on Twitter about the Indieweb
# 12:01 rascul why do people feel the need to preach about how horrible something is just because they're not interested in it?
# 12:03 rascul i'm resisting the urge to engage in a twitter fight
# 12:04 bnvk The reason I try is because I believe that deep down they believe in and agree with the ideals, but find too much cognitive dissonance and they need their biases confirmed- thus they argue
# 12:06 rascul this person does not appear to have informed and constructive arguments on this topic
# 12:08 rascul plus i'm waiting to post on twitter until i can do it from my site, i don't want to ruin my fun!
# 12:12 rascul if you're using wordpress.com could you still use sempress theme or the uf2 plugin?
pbeaulieu joined the channel
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# 12:57 pfefferle rascul there is a sempress version for wordpress.com but they removed all the mf2 stuff
# 12:58 pfefferle I think you need an vip account to add custom plugins/themes
tantek joined the channel
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# 13:25 GWG Why would they remove the mf2 stuff?
# 13:26 GWG pfefferle, by the way, using some of your SemPress code.
brianloveswords joined the channel
# 13:32 GWG pfefferle, you used a function to add classes to the theme, seemed like a good idea
# 13:35 GWG Maybe it is time to add a repository for mf2_bootstrap
# 13:36 GWG That is the next generation of my theming
# 13:40 pfefferle GWG good luck… added some thoughts on the wordpress/development page
chrissaad, eschnou, ttepasse, snarfed, gRegor` and wolftune joined the channel
gRegor` and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 15:14 jonnybarnes the ZNC wiki suggests setting a cron job to run the `znc` command on a regular basis in case the program crashes
# 15:31 kylewm jonnybarnes: I don't and I don't think it's crashed in the last ~3 months I've been using it
# 15:37 aaronpk jonnybarnes: my znc has been running for 22 weeks
tilgovi, chrissaad, iboxifoo, jonnybarnes, pbeaulieu, v0 and iangreenleaf joined the channel
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# 16:39 KartikPrabhu "how does anyone think it will work" well because it is working right now.
# 16:39 KartikPrabhu "horribly impractical" what aspect is horribly impractical? lot of people are using it right now (and working on making it easy)
# 16:39 aaronpk but it's so much easier to throw empty criticism around and see if it sticks anywhere
# 16:40 KartikPrabhu yeah. In that sense I liked Joschi Kuphal's criticism even though I didn't agree with it
# 16:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
tantek joined the channel
# 16:44 Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 minute ago: it seems like it might be more appropriate to add our osbridge talks to the /presentations page rather than /events
tantek joined the channel
# 16:56 tantek perhaps events should be indieweb-focused events
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:58 tantek everyone getting their projects ready for IndieWebCamp this weekend? :)
emmak joined the channel
# 17:02 snarfed KartikPrabhu set a high bar, marginalia is pretty great
# 17:02 snarfed can't wait to see a version that renders the comments inline, next to the part of the post they're addressing
# 17:03 tantek basically a proof of concept of IndieWeb "medium" like interactions - federated of course ;)
# 17:03 tantek far beyond the silo-centric solutions that the annotations people are pursuing (e.g. with an "annotation server" bottleneck etc.)
benwerd joined the channel
# 17:04 tantek though the Hypothesis folks have done some GREAT work with UI we should be paying attention to
# 17:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:07 tantek with bnvk's organizing of IndieWebCamp 2014 site in Berlin, did the Leonard Cohen lyric come to anyone else?
# 17:07 tantek "First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin" ;)
# 17:08 benwerd tantek: re bars, those are absolutely the goals. Meeting some of them already.
# 17:09 benwerd aaronpk: re bars, when do you think drinks on Friday are likely to start? :)
# 17:10 benwerd trying to juggle meetings in PDX (we're there all day on Friday) but don't want to overlap with indiewebcamp pre-drinks
# 17:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
barnabywalters joined the channel
# 17:21 tantek digs up his indieweb "jam" that he posted a few months ago to see if he can do so manually again.
lupinedev joined the channel
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# 17:26 tantek KartikPrabhu++ for awesome progress on marginalia!
sdboyer and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:32 KartikPrabhu snarfed: there does not seem to be a link to my post in yours. So the webmention is unsuccessful
# 17:33 snarfed KartikPrabhu: there actually is a link, it just doesn't have any link text, so you don't see it visibly. does your wm handler require link text?
# 17:33 snarfed the html snippet is <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://kartikprabhu.com/article/marginalia##The+visual+display"></a>
# 17:33 snarfed (i usually omit link text in replies, since i haven't implemented reply context)
# 17:34 tantek snarfed, how about just "in reply to: URL" where URL is the link text?
# 17:34 aaronpk snarfed: looking at that url it would actually be more helpful if you visibly linked to the URL
# 17:34 aaronpk otherwise your post appears entirely out of context
# 17:34 snarfed tantek: aaronpk: yes, all true. i think we've had this discussion before. :P
# 17:35 barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: do you want test fragmention comments on your paragraphs, or on any element (e.g. blockquotes)?
# 17:35 snarfed again, i agree on all points. i haven't done it because it would take more work to render outside of the e-content, and i don't show replies/likes in my stream, so it's not a personal itch
# 17:35 tantek if you can generate <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://kartikprabhu.com/article/marginalia##The+visual+display"></a> then you can generate in reply to: <a class="u-in-reply-to" href="https://kartikprabhu.com/article/marginalia##The+visual+display">kartikprabhu.com/article/marginalia##The+visual+display</a>
# 17:35 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: any is good. I want to try to see what kind of places people want to comment :)
# 17:35 snarfed (very few if any people actually look at my reply posts)
# 17:36 barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: of course, real data is always the most useful :) I shall leave a legit comment
# 17:36 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: yes that is why I opened it up for comments here. I didn't want to do "this is a test comment" myself.
# 17:37 snarfed the problem with including link text in my current in-reply-to link is that it would be included in the reply text, and rendered as part of the comment on the target site, which i don't want
# 17:38 tantek right, it belongs inside the h-entry but not inside the e-content
# 17:38 snarfed (heh, sorry for being snippy. maybe i need more coffee.)
# 17:38 tantek snarfed, np at all - you've likely explained this before and we're being dense/stubborn ;)
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# 17:39 barnabywalters tantek: the errant I in there makes it sound less like inception and more like a giant trampoline :)
# 17:41 bnvk my client has been giving me weird alerts status
# 17:42 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: the whole thing should be URI incoded right including the / ?
paulcp joined the channel
# 17:43 tantek aaronpk - I don't think we should be uploading others' logos to the wiki
# 17:44 aaronpk can I add a note on the image page saying it's copyright?
# 17:44 tantek nope - because all contributions to the wiki are cc0
# 17:45 aaronpk how bout I put them on the server but outside of the mediawiki database
brainTrain joined the channel
# 17:47 JonathanNeal URL encoding is weird. I have to manually encode literal + signs, and not get them confused with spaces that are also represented by plus signs.
# 17:48 KartikPrabhu snarfed: also thanks for that library github link. But it uses jQuery which I wish to avoid
# 17:48 JonathanNeal “Federated marginalia” is probably the most legitimate sounding term I have ever heard in our industry.
# 17:49 KartikPrabhu snarfed: it is huge... and most parts are not needed for simple stuff
# 17:50 KartikPrabhu as in most people import all of jQuery just to use their "$" syntax! I mean come on
# 17:51 JonathanNeal Interesting. I haven’t followed the discussion. You’re building medium style comments that utilize fragmentions?
# 17:52 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: the form does not handle fragmentions yet! only post level comments
# 17:54 barnabywalters have a good indiewebcamp everyone! document everything! see you in three weeks!
# 17:55 gRegor` Oh, that's replacing with a tab?
# 17:55 barnabywalters gRegor`: yup, normalising space, tab and newline to space for then exploding on space
# 17:56 gRegor` OHH, I really misread that.
# 17:56 gRegor` It's an array. Got it.
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# 17:56 gRegor` I've not used [] as an array shortcut in str_replace before. Good to know.
# 17:57 aaronpk barnabywalters: are you forcing me to update my phps again
# 17:58 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: again somehow it worked when I sent a webmention myself!
tantek joined the channel
# 18:00 KartikPrabhu I am using bear's ronkyuu package basically some python requests library code
# 18:01 bear it's very much a shared project now :)
# 18:02 KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: you also linked to the wrong twitter account mine would be @kartik_prabhu
# 18:03 KartikPrabhu should be possible to do @kartikprabhu.com for instance and autolink that
# 18:04 barnabywalters yeah I used to have a really nice system for autolinking domains and twitter IDs, but it was very slow
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# 18:06 KartikPrabhu hey! I resent the webmention from your post barnabywalters and the comment just updated! it's alive...!
# 18:07 barnabywalters snarfed: good to know! I don’t understand exactly what that comment is referring to, but glad to be of use/real life example :)
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# 18:10 snarfed KartikPrabhu: no, it's pfefferle's wordpress-webmention plugin
# 18:13 snarfed aaronpk: heh. i was about to say you could leave the bridgy logo, since bridgy is public domain, but then i realized i willfully stole the logo from somewhere else myself, so…um…never mind :P
# 18:15 KartikPrabhu snarfed: another trouble with the side-comments is its reliance on JSON for the comments. I want to just enhance the already present HTML+mf2
# 18:15 snarfed KartikPrabhu: sure. i have no particular attachment to that project, just looked interesting
# 18:16 KartikPrabhu snarfed: Also I don't mean to come off as all negative. That is a useful link and I will refer to it for some pointers :)
# 18:16 JonathanNeal I’ve just been walking around the office, saying clearly and slowly “federated marginalia“.
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# 18:19 bret KartikPrabhu how do I find your FM article on your site? not in articles or notes?
# 18:19 KartikPrabhu bret: it is future dated to be released on indiewebcamp day so not is streams yet
# 18:25 aaronpk tantek is right about the logos, we can't distribute them as part of the wiki cause they're all copyright
# 18:27 aaronpk i put them on the server so they're still local links, but this way they aren't included in the backup of the wiki
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# 19:30 cweiske aaronpk, does indieauth.com rely on keybase to retrieve gpg keys, or does it support normal pgp key servers?
# 19:32 aaronpk It uses whatever key you link to from your home page
# 19:43 aaronpk i think its correct to not have rel=me on that link
chloeweil, wolftune and caseorganic joined the channel
# 20:01 bnvk I think they've offered that for many years
# 20:01 bnvk but it used to bounce you to GoDaddy associate thing
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# 20:10 tantek so when is amazon going to be a domain registrar?
# 20:13 sparverius jeez i feel like it's bad to have your domains tied to your google account
# 20:17 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: want to do it right now so amber and I can use a screenshot as an example for our talks tomorrow? :)
# 20:18 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: re:posting apps I'd like to do that. At the moment I do it for webmentions, I write "via twitter.com" or "via aaronparecki.com" etc...
tilgovi joined the channel
# 20:21 ben_thatmustbeme i could probably look at it, i don't currently record what created the entry yet though
# 20:21 tantek when I have an actual publishing UI built into Falcon that will be updated to say so :)
# 20:22 tantek aaronpk, it is recorded in my storage however - each post stores what tool was used with the "using" class name
# 20:22 tantek which gets read, and then written to the generated permalink pages accordingly
# 20:22 tantek so it's not just static text (in case you were wondering)
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# 20:23 aaronpk heh just realizes your permalink pages don't show it, only the list view
# 20:24 tantek oh weird. well the home page is also generated from storage so there you go.
pfefferle joined the channel
# 20:33 tantek permalink pages for all post types now show it
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# 20:35 bnvk aaronpk: my friend Michael might come to IWC PDX this weekend, so be on the lookout for a tall guy with glasses ;)
# 20:37 bnvk KartikPrabhu: yes, PDX is full of mostly midgets and dwarves
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# 20:41 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: thanks! This has been at the back of mind for quite a while. would be great to finally make it :)
# 20:43 JonathanNeal I would love to experiment with it. I might not be able to pull off the webmention stuff right away.
# 20:43 jonnybarnes fellow znc users, occasionaly when I wake my laptop up it fails to connect, but when I retry to connect its succesful and I get a full buffer playback
# 20:43 jonnybarnes the error message I see is "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
# 20:44 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: here is my plan so far: I already have the responses as normal comments in HTML. So write a Javascript to
# 20:44 KartikPrabhu 2. put the responses inside the correct <p> using the fragmention.js code
# 20:44 KartikPrabhu 3. add a "button" to show/hide the marginalia responses by adding suitable classes
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# 20:48 JonathanNeal You could stick an attribute or classname on elements that support marginalia. Like <div data-marginalia>, <p data-marginalia>, <p data-marginalia="after">
# 20:49 JonathanNeal The JavaScript returns some element matching the fragmention, and then you use element.closest('[data-marginalia]')
# 20:50 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: at the moment I want to try it out on everything! see how people use it. it would be nice to only do it on <p> inside an article though, so that is a good suggestion.
# 20:53 JonathanNeal From a DOM tree perspective, I’m trying to imagine what that looks like. Is the comment some generated DOM inside the <p>aragraph? After the <p>aragraph?
# 20:54 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: My thought right now was to put it inside the <p> at the end. Using .append or something... so it would look like <p>text text <ol class="marginalia-list"></ol></p>
# 20:57 KartikPrabhu ideally people who want to reply to a comment should be doing that on the comment permalink page, not my content page
# 21:03 aaronpk i think that was a placeholder logo or something. it's not even linked to on any page
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# 21:56 aaronpk ok yes it's better. the number of clicks to change the privacy of a photo is way down
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# 22:39 bear @aaronpk can I put down &yet as sponsoring lunch for both days at NYC event?
# 22:42 aaronpk have you already coordinated with tantek on that?
# 22:43 bear no, just got clearance to make the offer
# 22:47 aaronpk i don't know if that escaping is going to work...
# 22:47 bear yea, that dang & is always mucking things up for us
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# 22:49 bear thanks - and please do suggest edits - I am very bad at this corporate shilling stuff so don't want to make any mistakes
# 22:56 aaronpk benwerd: we had 4:30pm on the wiki for Friday but I'm up for pushing it back later if you want
# 22:56 benwerd aaronpk: thanks - sorry, had somehow missed that. All sounds good
# 23:03 kylewm oh actually lots of people signed up since i last looked, awesome
# 23:07 rascul i probably sign up for cambridge in a few weeks, gonna get ticket first to get up there
# 23:10 bear but I may put in an edit request because your right!
# 23:10 bear they don't normally let ops folk near the word-smithy areas of our site ;)
ttepasse joined the channel
# 23:32 Loqi IndieWebCamp 2014 Pre-Party on Friday, Jun 27, 4:30pm at Pints Brewing
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# 23:34 gRegor` Unfortunately I can't make the (West) pre-party on Friday
# 23:37 gRegor` wonders how many are coming to West with session ideas.
# 23:37 aaronpk yeah it's rare that people put stuff on the wiki before
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# 23:39 gRegor` Is breakfast supplied Saturday, or is that "bring your own"?
# 23:43 gRegor` Getting excited! Blog post to come soon.
# 23:43 GWG I think I will talk about it on my podcast
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# 23:47 gRegor` Awesome, GWG. I didn't realize you had a podcast. Link?
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# 23:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 23:48 gRegor` Is it bnvk that's heading up Berline?
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# 23:50 gRegor` Actually, with 3 events, separate schedule pages might be a good idea, heh
# 23:51 gRegor` or at least separated differently on this page
# 23:52 gRegor` Increase your wiki-fu :)