2014-06-24 UTC
benwerd joined the channel
# 00:20 rascul google wants to be a registrar, problem is in a number of years if google decides to kill the service like they have so many others
# 00:21 rascul although i guess they don't normally kill services that bring them income
gRegor`_ joined the channel
# 00:25 snarfed rascul: eh, i don't know if that's really a problem. the beautiful thing about domains is you can transfer them between registrars
benwerd joined the channel
KevinMarks and paulcp joined the channel
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benwerd, snarfed and luxagraf joined the channel
willnorris joined the channel
# 01:19 Loqi willnorris: tantek left you a message 3 weeks, 5 days ago: was IWC SF (2014-03-07) when you got https working on your site with proper ciphers etc. to get an A+ rating on ssllabs?
# 01:19 willnorris @KevinMarks google wasn’t the registrar for google.com/a domains… I think it rotated between enom, godaddy, and maybe others
# 01:23 jlsuttles rknLA: Things are good! Hanging out with veganstraightedge atm
# 01:26 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
benwerd joined the channel
# 01:47 gRegor` Does Loqi ignore rsvp webmentions to IWC pages?
# 01:48 GWG gRegor`: I know there was some logic put in to avoid duplicate mentions
# 01:51 gRegor` Oh, might be because I have www. on indiewebcamp.com. My other two links don't
# 01:53 GWG I have to go do a recording in #androidbuffet
# 01:55 gRegor` I fixed the link and re-sent the wm
# 01:55 aaronpk willnorris: hey! are you going to make it to either PDX or NYC this weekend for indiewebcamp?
# 01:56 GWG Ah, willnorris, the man who inspired a million facepiles
wolftune, Jihaisse1 and JasonO joined the channel
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# 03:23 gRegor` So I'm pretty satisfied with my wm receiving / parsing. I flipped the switch and am processing received wm every 5 minutes now.
benwerd joined the channel
# 03:24 gRegor` We'll work on that at IWC. Haha
# 03:26 gRegor` I might be one of the few doing async processing, at least according to /webmention
# 03:26 aaronpk gRegor`: I do async processing but it happens almost immediately
# 03:26 gRegor` Own your own interjections, Loqi.
# 03:27 gRegor` Oh, so not a cron
# 03:27 aaronpk the web server responds with "202 accepted" then puts a job onto a queue, the worker picks it up immediately
fmarier joined the channel
# 03:28 gRegor` What do you use for queueing?
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# 03:28 gRegor` I should look into that.
# 03:32 kylewm manually I guess. I modified a flask snippet that mitsuhiko published
# 03:35 kylewm trying to think of a hack for Sunday that isn't just reimplementing some feature if p3k ;)
# 03:35 kylewm but maybe I will leave it open and plan to be inspired in Saturday
# 03:35 aaronpk haha! go look at my todo list and beat me to something :)
# 03:36 aaronpk i've been stalled on new p3k features lately cause of all the indieauth work
v0 joined the channel
# 03:47 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: does your software have a name? like p3k or Known?
# 03:47 KartikPrabhu I'm calling it "Bundle" privately... it just isn't public/open source yet... another thing I need to do
# 03:51 KartikPrabhu sure... I'd write it up on the wiki if that helps... there wouldn't be much to write about except list all the tools I'm using
# 03:52 KartikPrabhu wants to open-source it but gets sidetracked by all other cool things to do :P
# 03:52 aaronpk imo there's not a lot of value in open sourcing the whole thing unless you plan on actually supporting the open source version, which involves things like writing docs, tutorials, etc
# 03:57 kylewm KartikPrabhu++ for working on marginalia.js (is what I meant to say earlier)
# 03:58 KartikPrabhu bear: I am somewhat plagiarising your Hakkan page if you don't mind :)
# 03:58 bear copy away - that's why it's on a wiki and open source :)
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:01 bear heck, with the way your going, I may just switch to your tools and join in
# 04:07 bear KartikPrabhu++ great job getting good python apps rolling with the latest features
# 04:08 gRegor` BundleConnectionPullbackParallelTransport
# 04:08 gRegor` It rolls off the tongue
# 04:13 KartikPrabhu boom! aaronpk there you go! Bundle bundle everywhere... not a drop to "drink"
# 04:14 gRegor` what is bundle
# 04:15 aaronpk that's great cause now if people search for python it'll show up, and will link to the python tools!
# 04:16 aaronpk request for y'all: can you send me screenshots of your posting interface?
# 04:16 gRegor` For tomorrow, aaronpk?
# 04:17 aaronpk i've got p3k and Taproot covered, but more would be great
# 04:17 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: mine is the horrible Django admin interface. nothing of note there... :(
# 04:17 gRegor` I have a notes UI image posted a couple days ago, but I've altered it and was going to post a newer version. I can do that now though.
# 04:17 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: that's actually more helpful since it illustrates my point better :)
# 04:18 gRegor` Just my notes posting UI. The article posting one from my CMS is ugly
# 04:18 gRegor` Basically I just re-ordered the fields from most likely to least likely to be filled in
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 04:23 gRegor` ^ Updated, aaronpk
# 04:24 gRegor` Notes are not published publicly on my site yet, but soon! Tomorrow, maybe. Before IWC, definitely.
danbri joined the channel
# 04:36 gRegor` Maybe a wiki category for interfaces?
# 04:37 gRegor` Yeah. I was thinking pages that included images at first, but you can add them directly to images too
# 05:02 kylewm sweet logo KartikPrabhu. looks like if the Rebel Alliance joined indieweb
# 05:04 KartikPrabhu that is another theme I have going on in my site... circles and lines for logos
# 05:12 aaronpk probably don't merge them, if anything leave the StatusNet page there and migrate some of the content leaving a stub of sorts
# 05:18 aaronpk yes! i'm including screenshots of everything i can get my hands on
# 05:19 rascul now since i been using python for awhile c is hard
# 05:20 rascul i learned c++ > c > lots of things in i don't remember what order > python > more things in some other order
# 05:21 rascul put some s-lang, expect, tcl, bash, php, java, perl in there somewhere
# 05:21 rascul i learned it in some class, it made the teacher mad because my java codes were better than his
# 05:22 aaronpk went GWBasic > QBasic > C > Visual Basic > Perl > PHP > C# > Java > Objective C > Ruby
# 05:23 rascul and quickbasic i guess, there were some minor differences
# 05:23 KevinMarks I went BASIC, 6502 assembler, Forth, Fortran, Pascal, HyperTalk, C, Python, Java, JS
# 05:24 rascul i can typically look at code and figure it out regardless of the language
# 05:24 kylewm hmm, we do not represent functional programming very well
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# 05:25 rascul i don't know that i belong to any paradigms but if i did it would probably be functional
# 05:29 kylewm Go is interesting, I'd be curious to hear your take on it KevinMarks
# 05:30 rascul i have this feeling that rust will solve all my problems i never knew i had, because mozilla
# 05:31 KevinMarks I like the thinking it about about simultaneously reducing writing ceremony with compiler simplicity
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 05:43 benwerd aaronpk / anyone, re: micropub - is it "syndicate" or "syndicate-to"? Wiki text and curl examples disagree
# 05:45 kylewm benwerd asking about micropub... that's exciting in and of itself
# 05:45 benwerd may or may not have an IndieAuth + Micropub plugin in testing
# 05:46 benwerd KevinMarks: yeah, she was very generous with her time this afternoon. Fantastic conversation. What with her stopping by tonight, and Jeff on Friday, I'm feeling very lucky.
# 05:47 aaronpk benwerd: let's go with syndicate-to, I believe that's less ambiguous. also afaik know current implementations actually are sending that parameter :)
# 05:47 benwerd KevinMarks: And I came away with a zillion exciting ideas. Some of which may turn up by this weekend if I can get it together.
# 05:47 benwerd aaronpk: Thanks! I'll code that in. I didn't see it in OwnYourGram but I figured I'd be ready ;)
# 05:48 KevinMarks If you want a test case for importing various generations of websites, heather would be it
# 05:50 aaronpk benwerd: yep. ownyourgram sends the already-existing syndicated URL in the "syndication" parameter.
# 05:50 benwerd aaronpk: yeah - I'm not quite ready to handle syndication fields in that direction, but I'm playing with it
# 05:51 aaronpk i'm also considering how my site would indicate to a client like Quill which sites I can syndicate to
# 05:51 aaronpk my site currently supports. syndicating to twitter, facebook, github and indienews.
# 05:51 aaronpk obviously this list should not be hard-coded into every micropub client.
# 05:52 benwerd we're adding, eg, syndicate to Twitter Account A, Twitter Account B, Facebook Profile, Facebook Page, Some Other Facebook Page - so it's not even one per site
# 05:52 aaronpk so it's probably part of the initial login attempt
# 05:52 aaronpk so that's more like "syndicate-to=twitter.com/aaronpk"
# 05:52 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I was also thinking similarly for "tags" for something like auto-suggesting tags in a micropub client
# 05:53 benwerd although, heh, OwnYourGram has triggered a squid error of all things. Good, good ...
# 05:54 aaronpk hm yeah pre-filling content will be important when these clients are used for replying, not just posting new things
chrissaad, wolftune and nloadholtes joined the channel
# 06:19 KartikPrabhu a small nit: the known link in the footer puts utm stuff in the URL...
# 06:21 KevinMarks that was part of the motivation for fragmention in the first palce
# 06:27 benwerd I love this so much. The combined work here has created a whole new layer over the web.
# 06:27 benwerd (Of course, my question is immediately: hmm, I wonder how we could adapt this to also work well for playable media ... but that's something for another night)
danbri and benwerd joined the channel
# 06:56 KevinMarks the medium ui for marginal comments is worth looking at for this too
# 06:56 KartikPrabhu thanks KevinMarks. fragmentions are neat as people can add marginalia already (like those on that article) this tricky bit is the displaying of those things... I am looking at Medium for clues :)
# 06:56 KevinMarks well, if you are on a laptop/desktop you probably have a wide margin to put them in
# 06:57 KevinMarks medium does subtle things on mobile screens too - showing that comments exist and scrolling sideways
# 07:04 KevinMarks in chrome on android it works by showing a comment count icon by the para
# 07:04 KevinMarks then when you click it it highlights the para and shwos the comment underneath
# 07:07 KartikPrabhu hmm will try on Android. but i'd really like for it to work in some sort of "progreesively enhanced" way
# 07:08 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: hmm will try on Chrome. but i'd really like for it to work in some sort of "progreesively enhanced" way
# 07:08 KevinMarks yes, that would be nice. comments with replies are more complex (look at the fragmentions post on medium)
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# 07:10 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: for instance Medium completely hides the margin notes if the JS does not work. Whereas with fragmentions I can at least out them at the bottom like normal comments
# 07:22 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks: thanks for all the pointers. I hope to have this working in some form by IWC this weekend
danbri, eschnou, iboxifoo, wagle_, lukebrooker and cweiske joined the channel
# 07:42 aaronpk !tell benwerd omg congrats!! This is awesome news! I'm definitely going to mention it in my talk tomorrow!!!
# 07:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bnvk, v0 and amz joined the channel
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# 08:37 petermolnar is anyone aware of a wordpress syndication to deviantart sta.sh api plugin? ( snap can only do journal entries, not actual submissions )
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# 08:46 KartikPrabhu petermolnar: not that I know. deviantart doesn't seem high on having a posting API last I checked. Though Angelo+team seem to be doing cool stuff
# 09:22 petermolnar that api, the sta.sh api could be able to upload to sta.sh, but not actually submit to deviantart
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# 13:33 bnvk I'm gonna manually POSSE to it for now
wolftune, pbeaulieu and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 13:51 luxagraf What's the best way to test my probably-not-working webmentions code? I was thinkingI I'd just use a second site, but that seems, I dunno, overkill
chrissaad, gRegor` and pbeaulieu joined the channel
# 14:25 GWG pfefferle: It is far from finished.
# 14:27 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: really looking forward to it, re your conversation about webmentions+fragmentions. Did you decide how you would append them to the DOM tree?
# 14:30 pfefferle cweiske: hmmm seems that the domain is in the clientTransferProhibited mode… strange
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# 15:31 Loqi [@raganwald] Will someone PLEASE build bar codes into 2FA so that I can hold my phone up to the laptop camera to sign in?
# 15:48 kylewm for someone authenticating (i.e. to see private content) into my site with indieauth, does it make sense to use their authorization_endpoint first and fall back on indieauth.com if it doesn't exist?
# 15:49 cweiske although aaronpk told me he wants to implement authorization_endpoint support in indieauth.com
# 15:49 cweiske but then you're still relying on indieauth.com, which isn't indie
# 15:49 cweiske so using authorization_endpoint first is the sensible approach
# 15:51 kylewm thanks cweiske. i'm wanting to do add a micropub comment form, so i think i can authenticate them first and then later do the rest ofthe dance if they actually want to leave a comment
eschnou, pbeaulieu, brianloveswords, tilgovi and npdoty joined the channel
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# 16:06 Loqi benwerd: aaronpk left you a message 8 hours, 24 minutes ago: omg congrats!! This is awesome news! I'm definitely going to mention it in my talk tomorrow!!!
# 16:07 benwerd aaronpk: whoa, thanks! And good luck with your talk! I'm sad I'm not there for it - super-interesting topic
glennjones and pfefferle joined the channel
# 16:18 benwerd just signed up for the Yo API, realized what he was about to do, and thought better of it
# 16:23 PMurphs app bubble's gonna burst soon, methinks
iangreenleaf and ttepasse joined the channel
# 16:34 gRegor` aaronpk, kylewm, or anyone else: Any plans to do a session on micropub at IWC west? I'd be interested. Still wrapping my mind around it.
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# 16:35 aaronpk And would be happy to do a micropub workshop session on Sunday
# 16:37 bear I plan on attending any micropub sessions - IWC is the only time it seems I get to work on my own site :/
terminalpixel, paulcp, caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:50 gRegor` Did micropub originate with IWC?
# 16:50 benwerd aaronpk: on the subject of micropub, Quill and OwnYourGram are triggering squid's security features for me - I think maybe it's not sending content length or something? I'll investigate more and pull it out of the logs
# 16:51 aaronpk Very odd... I would have assumed they're sending a regular request because it's just using curl
# 16:52 benwerd It's very likely a squid configuration issue then
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# 16:59 aaronpk Let me know the error if you find it. Would at least be good to add a note to the wiki if it does end up being a squid configuration thing
# 17:00 aaronpk gRegor`: yes it did. It's also one of the few things I named myself and am happy about the name. :-) Usually I'm terrible at naming things
# 17:21 aaronpk @MicropubInfo: "Chronicling the rise of the micropub movement in the UK. Micropubs serve great beer in a convivial setting."
# 17:22 aaronpk kylewm: re: fallback to indieauth.com, yes sort of.
# 17:23 aaronpk it's more like, use their authorization_endpoint first if it exists, otherwise look for other common providers (a Github profile, etc)
# 17:23 aaronpk indieauth.com doesn't ever need to be in the picture
# 17:25 bret :p let me know if you need any help/an ear
# 17:30 snarfed that backslash in twitter\.com seems suspicious. unrelated?
# 17:30 kylewm oh sorry yeah i was trying to prevent loqi from seeing it
# 17:31 kylewm looking at the logs from before 2014-06-23 21:00:00 ... i don't see any mention of it
# 17:31 kylewm maybe it has something to do with us not following each other?
bnvk, KartikPrabhu, cweiske and caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:50 benwerd aaronpk: I'll update the wiki too, but check your inbox
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# 18:00 aaronpk benwerd: that's perfect. I'm actually going to use the browser extension as an example of a micropub client even if it isn't one
# 18:00 aaronpk cause I don't want to write a browser extension myself :)D
# 18:01 benwerd I'm definitely going to write a micropub client. Not sure it'll be a browser extension to begin with though
# 18:01 benwerd (I want to make one that takes its cues from Medium's editor - something really elegant and full-page)
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# 18:08 aaronpk oh man i'm so sad about my site's broken unicode support
# 18:09 aaronpk i'm not really sure what changed, I could have sworn it was working properly not too long ago
lupinedev and wolftune joined the channel
# 18:24 gRegor` aaronpk: That's odd. HTTP header and <meta> are both set to UTF8
# 18:24 gRegor` Perhaps your mysql connection is not defaulting to UTF8?
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# 18:25 gRegor` And are the table columns' collations set to utf8?
# 18:25 aaronpk it's not getting the contents from the database :)
# 18:25 aaronpk it's just plain files. and when I open them in vim I even see the emoji in my terminal!
# 18:26 gRegor` Sure the browser supports them?
# 18:27 aaronpk when i visit my local copy of my site that's served by my laptop everything looks fine. emoji and unicode
# 18:27 gRegor` Emoji didn't work for me on Twitter until they started replacing with their own graphics.
# 18:27 aaronpk so it's something about the server environment, I just don't know what else to try.
# 18:29 tantek.com edited /2014 (+116) "/* sponsor */ East: adding New York Times for breakfasts presuming same plan as last time, and Mozilla will sponsor Saturday dinner (so says I), make headings shorter/more fragfriendly" (
view diff )
# 18:29 gRegor` Is it supposed to be showing the ampersand encoded versions in the source? ð
# 18:32 aaronpk it must be something about the htmlentities function
# 18:33 gRegor` Run through htmlspecialchars() or something?
# 18:33 gRegor` Yeah, same for htmlentities
# 18:33 gRegor` Easy fix at least. :)
# 18:34 gRegor` It does in PHP 5.4
# 18:34 gRegor` 5.6+ uses default_charset
# 18:34 gRegor` "PHP prior to 5.4.0, ISO-8859-1 is used" Ew
# 18:34 aaronpk oh crap you mean I have to explicitly specify the encoding if i'm in 5.3?
# 18:35 gRegor` Looks like it, yes.
# 18:35 gRegor` mb handling in PHP has been pretty abysmal until recently
# 18:36 gRegor` Alternately, how difficult is it to upgrade to 5.4? I did it one-click recently. It's worth doing.
# 18:37 aaronpk i hacked it in, will have to fix that for real later
# 18:37 gRegor` A box, a sun, scissors, and a box!
# 18:40 snarfed i'd forgotten that, and so i spent an hour debugging just to rediscover it. whee!
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# 18:47 gRegor` Whoa, upload to wiki by email?
# 18:47 gRegor` Is this a vulnerability in Mediawiki?
# 18:49 aaronpk it makes it way easier to add photos from your phone
eschnou, emmak and tantek joined the channel
# 20:01 tantek !tell gRegor` we have two medium sized rooms at NYT - which we can open up into one big room.
# 20:01 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:05 Loqi gRegor`: tantek left you a message 4 minutes ago: we have two medium sized rooms at NYT - which we can open up into one big room.
# 20:06 tantek !tell caseorganic - excited for you talk tomorrow! PDF2014 just posted my 13 minute "Why We Need The IndieWeb" high speed lightning talk: http://youtu.be/HNmKO7Gr4TE - feel free to re-use any/all material.
# 20:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
# 20:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
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# 20:12 tantek though I think aaronpk and I are working on aligning time slots / meals so that we can maximize joint sessions
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# 20:12 Loqi caseorganic: tantek left you a message 6 minutes ago: - excited for you talk tomorrow! PDF2014 just posted my 13 minute "Why We Need The IndieWeb" high speed lightning talk: http://youtu.be/HNmKO7Gr4TE - feel free to re-use any/all material.
scor joined the channel
# 20:15 caseorganic !tell tantek: thanks for the slides! good timing as i'm making my slides for OSBridge and they're going to be Labyrinth-themed
# 20:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 20:16 tantek KartikPrabhu: re: pre-party, unfortunately I'm not getting into JFK until ~23:00 Friday night, so if we're going to do a pre-party you should either organize one without me (ping Jeremy when he's on here) or we can do one at midnight!
# 20:16 Loqi tantek: caseorganic left you a message 46 seconds ago: thanks for the slides! good timing as i'm making my slides for OSBridge and they're going to be Labyrinth-themed
# 20:16 tantek caseorganic - awesome!!! can't wait to see it!!!
# 20:16 caseorganic tantek: i'm going to dress as the goblin king, of course. people are expecting that for some reason
# 20:16 gRegor` Labyrinth-the-movie themed?
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# 20:17 tantek hopes aaronpk setsup a talky.io feed of caseorganic's talk!
# 20:18 tantek KartikPrabhu: what's your preference for pre-party?
# 20:18 tantek caseorganic: if you need any more background research e.g. on /timeline or /history on the wiki, let me know and I can dig things up.
# 20:19 tantek I've been trying to add to both incrementally as I do my own research for my talks.
# 20:20 tantek !tell jeremyzilar do you have any preference/plans for IndieWebCamp East pre-party this Friday night?
# 20:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 20:22 tantek brianloveswords: hey - you're back! how does your weekend look? excited for IndieWebCamp 2014 at the NYTimes?
# 20:23 caseorganic tantek: next time you give an indieweb talk you should dress up as neo
# 20:24 brianloveswords tantek: aw man, this weekend isn't great – Jess Klein (designer for the Foundation, you might have met her?) is getting married, I'm going to her wedding!
# 20:24 tantek caseorganic: I think I'm slowly headed in that direction (if you watch the YouTube you'll see)
# 20:24 caseorganic tantek: yes! especially the last line "i can only show you the door"
# 20:25 tantek caseorganic: yeah! I'm glad you liked that :)
# 20:27 tantek brianloveswords: bummer! can you make it for either part of Saturday or Sunday?
# 20:29 tantek brianloveswords: that would be great! we'll be doing hack demos and such in the afternoon - and hopefully like last year we can run a little late so we can sync-up with IndieWebCamp West in Portland as they do their demos.
# 20:30 tantek brianloveswords: also, while you're hear, do you have any insight into the Mozilla / Open News / WaPo / NYT "web comments" initiative thing? is it just an announcement? is there running code? UI sketches? anything? anybody there know about indieweb comments? etc.
# 20:30 Loqi tantek meant to say: brianloveswords: also, while you're here, do you have any insight into the Mozilla / Open News / WaPo / NYT "web comments" initiative thing? is it just an announcement? is there running code? UI sketches? anything? anybody there know about indieweb comments? etc.
# 20:31 brianloveswords tantek: just an announcement, there was some user experience research, but no UI sketches or anything.
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# 20:32 tantek brianloveswords: sigh. that worries me. web comments are a *very hard problem* and announcement-ware is not a great start to something. :/
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# 20:33 tantek alright, well, time to start asking around and seeing who is working on this in what open forum (IRC/wiki) and seeing if we can get any of those folks to show up to IndieWebCamp where we *do* have UX designs *and* running code
# 20:33 brianloveswords tantek: there is "running code" in the sense that the NYT has been working on stuff behind the scenes, but I that's some prototype stuff and I haven't seen it.
# 20:33 tantek brianloveswords: do you know who at the NYTimes? I mean, you do realize they are also HOSTING IndieWebCamp 2014 this weekend.
# 20:34 brianloveswords tantek: I have no idea *who* at the NYT, the last time I was involved in the discussions Aron Pilhofer was the point-person and he's left to go to the Guardian.
# 20:35 tantek would be great if you could ping the folks at NYT working on stuff behind the scenes to sign-up for IndieWebCamp - feel free to cc me and Jeremy Zilar
# 20:36 KartikPrabhu tantek: iirc I left jeremyzilar a message on irc about this. I don't think he's been around here to get it though
wolftune, awolf, hidgw, lukebrooker and donpdonp joined the channel
# 20:44 donpdonp once i've selected a provider, indieauth.com spins... endlessly
# 20:47 donpdonp KartikPrabhu: indiewebcamp.com, tried twitter then github
# 20:48 donpdonp someone at the conf (opensourcebridge) said twitter was working now
# 20:49 tantek donpdonp - hey are you coming this weekend? indiewebcamp.com/2014 ?
# 20:49 tantek (or is the indieauth question about signing into the wiki in order to RSVP? (crosses fingers) :) )
# 20:50 gRegor` anecdotally, sometimes I've found updating the URL in my twitter profile will make indieauth work when it didn't before. Something with the t.co URL shorteners. This was months and months ago, though.
# 20:51 aaronpk I can take a look at it donpdonp but not til after my talk ;-)
# 20:51 donpdonp can anyone else auth to indiewebcamp with any provider or is it just me
# 20:51 tantek aaronpk when is your talk? and can you get someone to talky.io it?
# 20:51 donpdonp aaronpk: heehee. okay. i have to leave the conf for a meeting right during your talk :(
# 20:51 tantek has been authing into indieauth via github and 2FA!
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# 20:53 aaronpk I left my camera at the office, probably too late to try to run and grab it
# 20:57 tantek oh man, I need to go get/make a quick lunch so I can be back in time for aaronpk's talk!
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# 20:57 tantek is there an IRC backchannel (besides this one) or etherpad for aaronpk's talk?
# 20:57 tantek and who else here is attending? can you setup a camera or laptop with talky.io? maybe even use Quicktime to record it?
# 20:59 aaronpk Definitely audio, I think video too which is cool
# 20:59 tantek ok then just live streaming for those of us that love hearing this stuff in real time :)
# 20:59 tantek !tell KevinMarks did you make it up to Portland for #osbridge? Hoping to see you live-tweet some key talks ;)
# 20:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:01 aaronpk Sweet getting coworkers to bring the logitech camera
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# 21:28 aaronpk Mute your audio and video if you can to save everyone's bandwidth
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# 21:31 bret ill take some notes but feel free to help me
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# 21:32 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Cover the camera and click "Pause"
# 21:33 gRegor` It freezes your video image that way
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# 21:33 gRegor` it is odd there's no audio-only option
# 21:33 gRegor` Kinda hard to hear
# 21:36 gRegor` giving up on it
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# 22:15 GWG tantek: What is this about a pre-party?
# 22:15 tantek so back to re: SSL "complicated", as in requiring it for indieauth
# 22:16 tantek either you require https for your secure protocol on top of that, or you end up reinventing something that is likely more complicated and less secure (as what happened in OAuth1)
# 22:16 tantek or you leave users more vulnerable to semi-trivial attacks (OpenID)
# 22:16 tantek KartikPrabhu: not strange - it's been asked for the past 10 years on this subject
# 22:17 tantek and people at first tried the approach of layering something else on top of http (i.e. see OpenID and OAuth)
# 22:17 tantek but those turned out to make THOSE protocols a lot more complicated
# 22:17 tantek so even *more* security surface / vulnerability
# 22:20 KartikPrabhu GWG: yes. that was the question. is there a pre-party in NYC. Tantek is not getting there until late on Friday night
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# 22:22 tantek you know it's a useful thing when you resort to doing it by hand
# 22:24 KartikPrabhu tantek: GWG: it seems the existence of a preparty depends on whether there are people around. I'm reaching NYC Friday afternoon
# 22:25 tantek KartikPrabhu: perhaps we need a wiki or etherpad for what time people are arriving / departing to coordinate this
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# 22:27 tantek would you two like to coordinate at NYC pre-party? perhaps just drinks at a bar somewhere in Manhattan maybe not too far from the venue? (assuming folks are staying near the venue)
# 22:28 tantek GWG lives there so he can help suggest places
# 22:28 GWG I live in Queens. I know some good restaurants in Manhattan, but not really bars.
# 22:29 GWG Mostly because I'm not really a drinker.
# 22:29 tantek I'm not much of a drinker either - could do a coffee place instead?
# 22:30 tantek aaronpk - was a little hard to hear, but since I knew the topic mostly I could interpret what I heard
# 22:30 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: the sound was choppy but i could understand from the slide-topics
# 22:31 tantek sweet I think we have everything but pre-party covered for IWC East
# 22:32 aaronpk hm yeah, I was hoping the amplification would have made the sound more clear for the mic
# 22:32 GWG Jeremy works in midtown, he might have a good idea
# 22:32 aaronpk i was wearing a mic so the video will have good audio
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# 22:49 jden is there a micropub implementation in node?
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# 22:59 aaronpk google calendar is reasonable, I think I like that the best. facebook's is close, at least it progressively loads interface elements
# 23:01 tantek I've heard good things about gcal's UI - but I don't use it mysefl. I just annoyed with their supercrappy gmail integration.
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# 23:08 bret jden: my micropub endpoint is a friggin mess
# 23:09 bret would be nice to separate out make git one of many targets
# 23:12 tantek Interesting that Hawke.org put a w3.org URL as his URL in his RSVP to IWC 2014 East!
# 23:12 tantek in fact, his RSVP doesn't mention his own URL (that he used to sign-in!) at all!
# 23:12 aaronpk !tell j12t just got your email announcement to the indiebox list! That would make a great post on your blog! I'd love to link to it!
# 23:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:13 tantek I hope his feelings have changed and that's why he's coming to IndieWebCamp!
# 23:15 aaronpk man it is *so weird* that I am automatically logged in to people's blogs by wordpress.com
# 23:16 aaronpk I see the wordpress.com header when I visit his site
# 23:16 bret when I log into the mocroformat blog i see the wordpress header
# 23:17 tantek well this should be interesting, Sandro's latest talk this past March is on " Building Social Applications with the Linked Data Platform" - posted online, in wait for it
# 23:18 aaronpk but also there's a "new post" button which makes less sense since it's not my site and I shouldn't be able to post to it
# 23:18 tantek aaronpk - in Tumblr everything you do is a new post on your Tumblr
# 23:19 aaronpk tumblr is very indieweb-like. what do you suppose it would take to get them to adopt webmention or microformats?
# 23:19 tantek what would it take to get *us* to adopt a *UI* as nice as theirs?
# 23:20 tantek *that* would get them to take us more seriously
# 23:20 tantek this is something that Jay Wong pointed out at the very first HWC in SF - we need our indie UX to be as good as Tumblr
# 23:21 tantek a nice UX is what will sell people on our protocols and formats
# 23:21 tantek which is why I keep showing examples of aaronpk, benwerd, caseorganic, etc. permalinks as content / UX that is possible using webmention + microformats2
# 23:22 aaronpk in order to do one-click likes and things, i'm pretty sure we're going to need browser extensions or browser support
# 23:23 aaronpk definitely! i'm hoping to finish getting the rest of this down on paper so people can understand it
# 23:24 tantek aaronpk, barnabwalters did some work on understanding/standardizing /webaction endpoints - can any of that help with using micropub for this?
# 23:25 aaronpk side note: I do like that we're using "Aaron" and "Barnaby" for these auth examples instead of "Alice" and "Bob" :-D
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# 23:27 bret one sugestion: mix in a demo of the user facing log in process, I think that would illistrate the different peices before going in and explaining them
# 23:27 aaronpk bret: yeah, I think I needed a more complete user flow example before diving in
# 23:27 aaronpk I kind of showed it with screenshots, but it's different seeing it
# 23:28 bret i think that would give a good flow/structure for audience members to attach what they are hearing too
# 23:28 aaronpk i was thinking about including screenshots on the side along with the POST examples
# 23:29 bret maybe a video/screen recording would work/be predicable
# 23:29 aaronpk i might have to switch my slides to keynote/ppt in order to do that, I sometimes feel very limited with my layout options in html slides
# 23:31 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: not sure. I think they're pretty good about it tho.
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# 23:38 donpdonp aaronpk: yes its up i get the list of providers no problem
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# 23:41 tantek a-ha, looks like with Andrei Sambra and Sandro Hawke (love these names!) we have the CrossCloud developers represented. Will be looking forward to asking them how to see CrossCloud running on their own domains. ;)
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# 23:42 tantek they linked to it directly from their profiles, presumably going gently into a new space and not just immediately creating an article for it
# 23:42 Loqi tantek meant to say: they linked to it directly from their RSVPs, presumably going gently into a new space and not just immediately creating an article for it
# 23:43 tantek "planning to release demo software and toolkits in the fall of 2013" - um...
# 23:43 tantek someone please smack me (in IRC) if I ever lay any claims to when anything about Falcon will be shipping / available beyond what is live on my site / github
# 23:44 kylewm tantek: particularly if those claims are in the past :P
# 23:44 tantek indeed - I had a good chat with TimBL during the W3C AC meetings in Boston a couple of weeks ago
# 23:45 tantek unprompted at lunch time he asked me how the indieweb was doing
# 23:45 kylewm (sorry the surprise hasn't worn off of knowing people who are or know famous people)
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# 23:45 tantek I was like whoa, cool. and then proceed to just give the dry update of what folks here have gotten working :)
# 23:46 tantek we walked from the meeting venue to coffee and chatted indieweb formats & protocols on the walks there and back
# 23:48 tantek he was particularly impressed with webmention, and then we got into discussing formats for publishing stuff on web pages (for stuff like comments), and I pointed out the longevity of HTML over any XML or JSON or any other formats
# 23:48 donpdonp ok dns fixed. indieauth is happy now. yeah i was assuming indieauth could reach donpark.org when i saw the list of providers
# 23:48 tantek (which all seem to come and go - the machine-centric formats that is)
# 23:48 tantek I think that argument struck a nerve with him
# 23:49 tantek he asked about microformats vs. schema vs. rdfa vs. microformats2 - which have had their own evolution over time inside the HTML
# 23:49 aaronpk it used to go out and look at your site first, but I made it cache the list to drastically speed up the login process
# 23:49 tantek true I said, and then pointed out that the changes there have in general been fewer, slower, and more compatible than say, all the random XML vocabularies or all the custom JSON objects people make up in various APIs to represent information.
# 23:52 tantek pitching the longevity of HTML to the man who invented HTML felt pretty weird I have to admit.
# 23:52 tantek but I felt like my arguments were sound so my feelings were irrelevant.
# 23:52 Loqi tantek meant to say: but I knew my arguments were sound so my feelings were irrelevant.
# 23:54 kylewm tantek: thanks for relating that story, what a cool conversation
# 23:56 tantek kylewm - my point was that data in the HTML survives longer than anywhere else, than in XML (e.g. RDF/XML) or JSON (e.g. JSON-LD / linked-data), and thus data in HTML should be preferred for publishing, consuming, and building upon.
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# 23:58 kylewm tantek: so is the explanation that HTML is more durable because you can look at it in a browser and see right away if anything is broken or missing
# 23:59 bret "confessions from a DBA: it upset my tummy so much I couldnt eat veggies for a year"
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# 23:59 Loqi KevinMarks: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 59 minutes ago: did you make it up to Portland for #osbridge? Hoping to see you live-tweet some key talks ;)