2014-06-25 UTC
bnvk1 joined the channel
# 00:09 tantek kylewm - yes, the quick viewability in a browser is likely a key reason for the better fidelity over time - but more importantly, EVERYONE ELSE can look at it in a browser the momenty you put it on the web and see right away if anything is broken or missing
# 00:09 Loqi tantek meant to say: kylewm - yes, the quick viewability in a browser is likely a key reason for the better fidelity over time - but more importantly, EVERYONE ELSE can look at it in a browser the moment you put it on the web and see right away if anything is broken or missing
# 00:10 KevinMarks that weekend is my wife's birthday, both my sons are home, not a good weekend to be away
# 00:14 KevinMarks no way you'd know, and I ahve been away that weekend before, but decided against it this year
# 00:14 KevinMarks I did plug it on Jolie O'Dell's podcast which will be up tomorrow. And will mention in my Google IO ignite tomorrow afternoon too
# 00:15 GWG KevinMarks: I was disappointed. I tuned into that on your endorsement, and no you nor Jolie O'Dell. Wrong week.
caseorganic joined the channel
# 00:37 tantek was half expecting an h-event feed at that post ;)
# 00:38 aaronpk but holy crap that's a lot of work to do manually
# 00:39 aaronpk especailly cause I just made event posts for everything individually
# 00:39 tantek I suppose that would require a new "collection
# 00:39 tantek which would automatically include all the rich markup from the collections
pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 00:48 kylewm aaronpk: is it intentional that the collection post doesn't link to the individual post permalinks?
# 00:48 tantek aaronpk - I thought this week in IndieWeb was the list of changes to the wiki and such?
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# 00:59 aaronpk tantek: oops yeah... what I should ahve done is posted it last week and called it "next week in the indieweb"
# 00:59 aaronpk kylewm: there are post permalink links under the block quotes
# 01:03 kylewm aaronpk: that's a little awkward isn't it... your event pages don't permalink the dates (which I think makes sense)
# 01:04 kylewm aaronpk: i think permalinking event dates woudl be a little awkward
# 01:05 kylewm I like how you just have "permalink" at the bottom of the actual event pages
emmak joined the channel
chrissaad, fmarier and gRegor` joined the channel
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# 02:19 KartikPrabhu any JS experts around? How do you filter children elements that have some particular attribute?. Example: I have a list element <ol> and I want an array of those <li> which have a non-empty "data-huha" attribute
wolftune and realz joined the channel
# 02:48 KartikPrabhu yes! :D also don't really want all of jquery so push come to shove I can just borrow parts of jquery source
# 02:49 kylewm do you want to avoid libraries altogether? like have you seen zepto?
# 02:50 KartikPrabhu yeah. I don't want something as simple as adding marginalia to be dependent on third-party stuff
# 02:52 kylewm cool, good luck sorry I can't help. I bet jquery really pollutes the search space for this sort of thing
# 02:53 KartikPrabhu yeah. And there might be some specific word i need to use to describe this task that I don't know
dybskiy, snarfed, fmarier, lukebrooker and willnorris joined the channel
# 03:16 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: I might be able to help with that JS, but not right this moment. Later tonight maybe.
# 03:16 KartikPrabhu gregor`: got around that problem. :) thanks. now wondering why children.forEach does not in FF
# 03:20 gRegor` on an ol, or li?
willnorris joined the channel
# 03:22 KartikPrabhu rasul: yeah I ended up using a for loop too... the for (var child of huha) is interesting though... can you not do that with just for (var child of children) ?
# 03:23 rascul i couldn't do it to children, don't really know why
# 03:23 rascul also weird that it isn't working for me in chromium
# 03:24 KartikPrabhu gregor`: I got the <ol> using an id which is fine. then I want to do element.children.forEach(do stuff) and it doesn't work
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# 04:54 kylewm MDN : w3schools :: cppreference : cplusplus.com
# 04:57 snarfed eh. they're ok, but they all require an internet connection. go get dash, you'll thank me later
benwerd joined the channel
# 05:01 KartikPrabhu hmm will look into it. I probably can not code worth anything without internets :P
# 05:04 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: not at the moment... but that should be CSS stuff that'll add shortly... I'll just make them appear for now in a minute.
# 05:10 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: now the marginalia should just appear below the paragraph. might need hard refresh to load CSS. Have to fix some styles though.
# 05:12 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: stole some fragmention.js code to find the element for a fragmention. Let me know if this is a problem. Also comments on improving marginalia.js would be very appreciated. JS n00b all the way
# 05:15 KartikPrabhu doesn't really understand accessibility issues for using "display: none
# 05:15 gRegor` Hm. The age old "newer" and "older" links with arrows... which direction arrows and which order to put them in. I never seem pleased with it.
# 05:16 gRegor` visibility doesn't remove it from the document flow, so it can still take up space on the page.
# 05:16 gRegor` depending on the element.
# 05:16 gRegor` (Didn't read up on the context, just replying to that last bit :)
# 05:18 gRegor` Yeah, direction. I believe "older" should appear first, on the left, since that's most likely to be used. But I don't feel the arrow should point left.
# 05:18 KartikPrabhu gregor`: I have seen both time directions used. Had plans long back on writing a post about it
# 05:19 gRegor` Let me screenshot what I'm working on
# 05:20 gRegor` Yeah, I've seen various iterations and tried many. I start to like one, but then think about it more and then find something I don't like, haha.
# 05:20 KartikPrabhu yup! same here. part of why I have postponed all of this. but someday I'll have to settle it for my site
# 05:21 gRegor` It's been years, but I think that's why I settled on "Next" and "Previous" on my blog posts, no arraows, just links to the titles of adjacent blog posts.
# 05:21 gRegor` I think I felt better about those words than "older"
# 05:21 KartikPrabhu gregor`: one idea I had was to use up = newer and down = older keeping with the traditional vertical flow of time on blogposts
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# 05:22 gRegor` yeah, I'm playing with different unicode arrows at the moment.
# 05:23 KartikPrabhu "next" means the next post you made in time (future), or the 'next' post to read (past)
wolftune joined the channel
# 05:24 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: My 'next' means the first. It's the next post I wrote.
# 05:25 KartikPrabhu yeah. but that convention is again site dependent across the web. (sorry no data to back that up at the moment though)
# 05:25 gRegor` I don't know... it's still time-based content of course, but I think my concept was to move away from some of the traditional blog formats and have standalone posts/articles, which is why I chose the single post view.
# 05:25 gRegor` Yeah, you're right
# 05:27 gRegor` Thoughts on my screenshot above?
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# 05:31 gRegor` I think my disconnect is that "next" (newest) content to the right, especially with an arrow, mimics real world content like a book or newspaper...
# 05:31 gRegor` But the majority of our content online is reverse chronological.
# 05:32 gRegor` So an arrow pointing right to me should always point to older content.
# 05:32 KartikPrabhu sorry I have no answers but more questions... having flashbacks to when I thought about this intently
# 05:32 gRegor` I did have those switched, with the same curly arrows, but I realized more people are likely to click "older" so it should be first.
# 05:32 gRegor` Haha, no problem
# 05:33 gRegor` I'm mostly thinking out loud myself
tantek joined the channel
# 05:34 gRegor` I could stack them. "older" on top of "newer", same curly arrows
# 05:34 gRegor` Or, I could sleep.
gavinc joined the channel
# 05:38 tantek KartikPrabhu: yes move drafts to your own site! save your future!
# 05:39 tantek !tell scor re: story re fidelity of data in HTML have not shared that elsewhere - that permalink is fine for now, but clearly with your interest and kylewm's I should write a post about it.
# 05:39 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:41 tantek KartikPrabhu: mostly I didn't think of blogging it as you wouldn't think of blogging a small group casual conversation
# 05:41 tantek but I suppose I could blog my own points / words and that would be fine
# 05:42 tantek and perhaps Tim's questions would be ok too - as he just asked good critical questions
# 05:44 KartikPrabhu my interest in TBL's views are piqued because he was a physicist when he invented HTML :)
# 05:52 KartikPrabhu oh man! I'm adding updates to marginalia as marginalia! margiception :D
# 05:55 tantek KartikPrabhu: we'll see how that scales as you build the UI ;)
# 05:56 KartikPrabhu I have a small UI working already. it just shows the marginalia under the paragraph :D that's the update I added
# 05:59 tantek KartikPrabhu: really looking forward to meeting you in NYC!
# 06:00 KartikPrabhu really hopes he makes his early morning flight given the chaotic timetable he's keeping
cweiske joined the channel
# 06:15 cweiske benwerd, do you have a stream that contains all except the short notes?
# 06:15 benwerd everything except the short notes? kinda - one moment
# 06:19 benwerd I've had a feature request a number of times for notes not showing up in peoples' feeds, and it'd obviously solve a volume problem for me
# 06:19 tantek is happy benwerd has built an interface for himself that enables/encourages him to post often!
# 06:20 KartikPrabhu since I have only 2 post-types, i could get away with 2 kinds of feeds: Article/Notes/All
# 06:20 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: since I have only 3 post-types, i could get away with 3 kinds of feeds: Article/Notes/All
# 06:21 benwerd tantek: 5429 posts since May 30, 2013 and counting
# 06:29 tantek bummer that the youtube link is lost here in IRC :/
jsilvestre joined the channel
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# 10:17 petermolnar is feeling ill after looking at the NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster WordPress plugin code to see if there's a place to add API retweet/reply to Twitter
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# 12:07 Loqi scor: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 27 minutes ago: re: story re fidelity of data in HTML have not shared that elsewhere - that permalink is fine for now, but clearly with your interest and kylewm's I should write a post about it.
scor, dybskiy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 12:36 GWG petermolnar: I saw you looked at SNAP. I have to agree.
# 12:38 GWG petermolnar: I have ideas on how to design a better syndication plugin, but I don't think I'm ready for that right now.
KartikPrabhu, avanderlip, chrissaad and pfefferle joined the channel
# 12:51 petermolnar GWG I was wondering if I could add native retweet/reply to SNAP, the short answer is I do not like pain that much
# 12:52 GWG petermolnar: I had thought the solution was a Bridgy Publish Plugin.
# 12:53 petermolnar I disagree a bit: I'd like have the option to manually specify, sometimes even per post what content should exactly be posted to the silos
# 12:55 petermolnar one question though: would you rather do an all-in-one social poster plugin ( with repost/reply/comment/etc and a readable code ) or do one-by-one plugins per service?
wolftune joined the channel
# 12:58 petermolnar GWG I'd really like to have a working & usable plugin, so I probably start working on a POSSE names plugin for Wordpress, first only for Twitter & Facebook
# 12:58 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: GWG I'd really like to have a working & usable plugin, so I probably start working on a POSSE named plugin for Wordpress, first only for Twitter & Facebook
# 12:59 GWG petermolnar: If you design it right, then the services can be add-on options to a handler plugin
# 13:00 GWG petermolnar: Basically, the way Bridgy turns the services it supports into a common control language.
# 13:01 GWG petermolnar: So, the same actions are possible, but they translate to the equivalent on that service.
# 13:01 petermolnar what I'd like to differ from the current ones is to have the app id/token/etc per author not globally
# 13:01 GWG petermolnar: You want multiple authors?
# 13:01 cweiske michielbdejong, so you have to install it manually from git
# 13:02 petermolnar if this is and indieweb plugin, there's not need for multiple authors, that is true :D
# 13:02 cweiske petermolnar, can't you run a single wordpress instance for multiple domains?
# 13:02 GWG petermolnar: I'd say doing it that way would add complexity.
# 13:03 GWG petermolnar: I'd rather add complexity around functionality than multi-user, personally.
# 13:03 petermolnar GWG true, so per site should be enough, but per site one account for each network or multiple accounts for each network?
# 13:04 GWG petermolnar: Start with one, but design for the possibility of multiple ones.
# 13:05 GWG petermolnar: Make it a class, so you can have multiple instances?
# 13:05 GWG Then at least you have the possibility
# 13:06 petermolnar I can't find the who's working on what page on the wiki, can someone please point it out?
# 13:06 GWG petermolnar: I'm a horrible coder. I'm a better idea guy.
# 13:07 GWG petermolnar: There is one thing I would suggest. The output should have templates. If you look at SNAP, it only allows you one default. But, a note output to Twitter is different than a full article output.
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# 13:09 petermolnar previewing is a bit tricky and that might only be a future feature :)
# 13:10 mcepl looking at http://t.co/1bSM8BP0C1 and I have only question ... I need something which would be just yum installable on my server. Where do I have Twitter/WordPress/whatever-clone which I don't have to write myself?
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# 13:11 mcepl (and yes, I need XMPP-style transports ... Twitter, pump.io, Facebook?)
# 13:11 cweiske status.net, now gnu social, is the closest you get to a twitter clone
# 13:12 mcepl cweiske: well, I can make a package, just something which would be really something packaged, not weird set of hacks.
# 13:12 cweiske mcepl, then known/idno would be the best option I think
# 13:12 GWG petermolnar: Good to have a roadmap.
# 13:13 petermolnar GWG I'll be away for the weekend, but I'll try to put a roadmap and some initial scratch together asap
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# 13:24 GWG petermolnar: I'm happy to help with ideas. I just still have the Wordpress theme, the taxonomy plugin, the comments plugin, and the location plugin to hack away on.
# 13:25 GWG petermolnar: You are welcome to make suggestions for those.
# 13:26 petermolnar I'm just collecting my ideas ( and because the nature of brainstorming, it's in Hungarian ) for now, I'll put a page on the wiki for Wordpress-POSSE when I have at least a scratch
# 13:27 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: I mean scratch of ideas
# 13:27 GWG I unfortunately don't speak Hungarian.
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# 13:33 GWG pfefferle: That update responded to your response
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# 13:38 pfefferle GWG just read it… and now the before and after filters are definitively making sense! good point
# 13:42 GWG pfefferle: The other idea is to add a single e-content filter outside the div that indicates e-content.
eschnou joined the channel
# 13:44 pfefferle petermolnar you’re welcome… I did some research a few days ago because of the same reasons ;)
# 13:46 GWG Can we agree that anyone who implements a POSSE plugin will write and include a function for returning the syndicated URL?
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# 13:49 GWG petermolnar: Not to the current developers. They don't always care about third-parties working with their plugin.
# 13:50 petermolnar "I don't always care about third-parties working with my plugins, but when I do, I make the code impossible to read" this could come from a SNAP dev's mouth
# 13:52 _amz3_ (no backlog) «Publish then Subscript» low-wall is not ready yet.
snarfed joined the channel
# 13:55 GWG pfefferle: Would you have a p-summary on everything and then hide it with CSS?
# 14:00 pfefferle GWG the view is for users first, so it should only include visible stuff
# 14:01 GWG pfefferle: Unrelated question, should the page links for paginated posts be inside e-content or outside it?
# 14:02 pfefferle GWG it doesn’t matter, because the rel-value depends on the ”žpage“ and not on the ”žcontent“ and is always parsed as a ”žpage“-attribute
# 14:05 GWG But _s, which my theme is based, puts it in entry-content.
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# 14:13 GWG pfefferle: I turned 2 filters into one
# 14:16 GWG pfefferle: I liberated the entry-header/entry-footer/entry-content from you
# 14:17 GWG It should make the creation of post formats and such easier when I get to those content- files
# 14:21 GWG I do need to fix the header though
# 14:21 GWG Those grey boxes are placeholders for elements
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# 14:21 GWG The 200x200 in the header is a placeholder for a logo/picture
# 14:22 GWG The wide one is if I wanted text instead of a logo/picture and then a banner image next to it.
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# 14:23 GWG I also have 300 width box which could be a bio box or alternate image placement.
# 14:23 pfefferle GWG and it seems you have problems with the sidebar on singleviews
# 14:23 GWG pfefferle: Haven't worked on it yet.
# 14:24 GWG Haven't gotten to any archive views
# 14:24 GWG I want to do a custom author archive
# 14:27 GWG But first I want to finish up on home page and single view.
# 14:28 GWG I also have a bunch of cleanup ideas to make the code more readable.
# 14:52 GWG The content looks pretty boring with the taxonomy plugin turned off
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# 15:04 GWG The points are exactly what I was just mentioning about people not writing functions for other people
# 15:05 GWG So have I, but it was nice when it just came up on my feed reader to see I'm not alone.
# 15:09 GWG I'm trying to figure out how to describe that in indieweb terms
# 15:09 GWG "Scratch your own itch, but it doesn't hurt to think about other people's itches."
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# 15:53 kylewm snarfed: reverse engineering facebook permalinks--
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# 16:15 kylewm caseorganic++ good luck, have fun, break a leg and all that
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# 16:54 bear ugh - Nigeria v Argentina match, Google I/O and soon Amber's talk -- too many cool things
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# 16:55 aaronpk bear: does talky.io flip the video or is that my camera driver doing it?
# 16:57 aaronpk actually wait maybe it's just the preview that's flipped?
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# 17:05 bear if you are joining the talky session you can mute and hold - you will see/hear the video but transmit nothing back
# 17:05 aaronpk bear: sounds like a feature request to me ;) a "broadcast" mode for talky
# 17:06 tantek awesome surveillance slide with the double bowies!
# 17:07 bear for people on cell phones or bad networks
# 17:07 bear i'll have a demo this weekend of the version that uses the video bridge - so it's not full-mesh network
# 17:08 bear it may have on your side - I saw "connection issues" for your session
# 17:09 bear i'm connected via talky and it's doing fine
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# 17:11 bear tantek - if that is you connected showing a paper over your camera - just click on the "hold" button
# 17:11 bear it will stop your stream but continue to show amber
# 17:11 bear now I only see a black square for you
# 17:12 tantek yup that was fuzzy red from my EFF privacy sticker :)
# 17:13 tantek (as a temporary solution until a more global/finessed solution is designed/built)
# 17:13 bear right now the devs are working on the video bridge and more browser support
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# 17:15 bear she is doing an amazing Labryinth Bowie impression!
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# 17:22 tantek guess it's time to make an apprentices section for East!
# 17:22 bear oh cool - that is a good sign for East
# 17:23 tantek it may have been unintentional, but when someone with a domain signs-up someone without one - the only logical assumption for us is that they're an apprentice
# 17:24 tantek going to be fun explaining how IndieWebCamp works
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# 17:29 tantek aaronpk - can p3k auto-tweet photos that show up from IG?
# 17:30 benwerd (I just got that exact feature request yesterday)
# 17:31 aaronpk I don't actually want to post all my Instagram photos to twitter
# 17:31 tantek aaronpk - it helps with getting comments on your photos from people on Twitter, rather than just people on IG
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# 17:33 aaronpk And that would actually provide a better experience since I could upload a native twitter photo, but twitter only shows a link to Instagram rather than the preview
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# 17:34 tantek aaronpk - could even do that with a private IG account, no followers, purely using IG as transport - zero social interaction / public publishing
# 17:35 benwerd hopes someone asks caseorganic what kind of magic spells she uses
# 17:35 aaronpk We need a clearer answer to the webmention spam question
# 17:36 tantek aaronpk - we have a clear answer - we have not figured it out yet.
# 17:36 tantek currently webmention is *just as vulnerable* as pingbck
# 17:36 Loqi tantek meant to say: currently webmention is *just as vulnerable* as pingback
# 17:37 benwerd What's happening on Thursday morning? I didn't catch that
# 17:37 snarfed basically, you use a spam filter, just like all other broadcast comm platforms (e.g. email)
# 17:37 snarfed e.g. akismet for wordpress, and other servers that integrate with it (easy to do)
# 17:38 snarfed not perfect, but there's no perfect spam solution
# 17:38 snarfed the long pole is arguably just implementation. not many indieweb platforms integrate wwith a spam filter today
# 17:39 tantek benwerd, you mean it didn't show up in your Known indie event aggregator? ;)
# 17:39 aaronpk I like the answer of: Webmention doesn't attempt to solve spam, it's just solving that pingback was difficult to implement. Spam is a separate problem to solve.
# 17:39 benwerd tantek - one day I will have an indieweb aggregator on my smartwatch that lets me know about events and geofences local recommendations based on data saved on my friends' own homepages. But, er, not today.
# 17:41 benwerd Hey, maybe we can develop the beginnings of an aggregator this weekend.
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# 17:43 kylewm has a feeling i will be very conflicted choosing which sessions to attend/miss
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# 17:44 tantek bnvk - did you mean to add your apprentice Anna Saulwick to West Apprentices?
# 17:44 tantek I just added a Farther East Apprentices section in case you meant to say she is going to be attending in Berlin
# 17:44 benwerd What do we need most? More people to own their own websites and start publishing awesome things from their own spaces!
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# 17:45 tantek benwerd: What do we need most? For you to scratch the next most important itch on your own personal site.
# 17:46 tantek aaronpk - that's a theoretical non-personal question, make it personal
# 17:46 bnvk tantek: oops, I didn't realize that was "West" specific- assumed it was a Global apprecentices
# 17:46 benwerd tantek: If they have a personal site at all. Looking forward to showing off some itch-scratching this weekend though ;)
# 17:46 tantek do YOU want to post private content to your site?
# 17:46 tantek do YOU want to post a limited access event to your own site?
# 17:46 finchd so about how big should my server be to host some of this? (known maybe?) trying to decide on VPS versus not doing this until next year and colo-ing
# 17:46 benwerd desperately wants privacy. Back to the proposed sessions list ...
# 17:47 tantek we'll get private posts working when that is the next most important itch on someone's own personal site.
# 17:47 tantek benwerd - opportunity cost - how important is private posts TO YOU compared to everything else you want on your own personal site
# 17:47 bear finchd - the beauty is that since this is your data it does not take a lot of server power
# 17:47 aaronpk I am interested as well, given that there are quite a few rsvps on Facebook that I don't want to be private
# 17:47 bear so any site that can run the software framework you pick
# 17:47 aaronpk But it's not the next most important thing I want to do
# 17:48 tantek no problem bnvk - I can fix - was in there anyway
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# 17:48 finchd bear: I'm a sysadmin by trade, having someone host doesn't sound hard enough :p
# 17:49 finchd bear: i'm looking at (is a 256MB VPS big enough to get started, and still run my ZNC bouncer)?
# 17:49 bear finchd - :) without knowing how much elbow grease you wish to apply… but yes, the vast majority will work jsut fine with a normal vps
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# 17:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:50 bear finchd - your going to be handling dozens of requests per minute - not exactly internet scale ;)
# 17:50 tantek by the way looks like a big new contingent is coming to IndieWebCamp East: FOUR people affiliated with the CrossCloud project
# 17:51 tantek more of a heads-up like we'll have to work explicitly to possibly break them out of a potential "we have the solution" mindset
# 17:52 bear yes, that is an easy trap to fall into when you have a built-in echo chamber
# 17:52 benwerd it's a _great_ time for them to be coming to this though - right after the knight award
# 17:52 tantek benwerd - I strongly encourage you to start an "Itches" section on http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Werd.io where you list "Private Posts" and whatever else you really want on your own personal site. even if it's just a simple flat list.
# 17:52 tantek benwerd - and order it by which itches the most
# 17:53 benwerd oh, I actually did have that on the idno page. Yes, will do that. Right now.
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# 17:54 tantek benwerd - totally fine to keep it on the idno page
# 17:54 benwerd Known itches might also be different to my own werd.io itches
# 17:54 tantek right - fine to keep one list if it's a solo list
# 17:55 tantek once you have a partner, better to keep your own itches lists, and a collective one for the project
# 17:55 finchd caseorganic: I wanted to ask, how did the community choose mediawiki of the opensource wikis? I've been looking at a wiki for work, and couldn't decide
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# 17:58 gRegor` There isn't one, tantek
# 18:00 tantek (following the links from the URL in the RSVP)
# 18:00 finchd tantek: found a wiki of wikis when i was looking, sorting out all the closed source once left ~20 wikis with different storage backends
# 18:01 gRegor` Yah, guess I could use the latter. A photo of her holding a camera isn't a great avatar photo on the former. :)
# 18:01 gRegor` I didn't think a photo was required
# 18:01 gRegor` just got her set up with indieauth to sign her in :)
# 18:01 tantek finchd - short answer - MediaWiki is the open wiki UX that most people on the planet are familiar with thanks to Wikipedia, therefore it is the logical first choice for a new open source wiki on that basis alone as long as you don't mine the MediaWiki maintenance (which we are fortunate aaronpk is good at).
# 18:02 tantek gRegor`: not required but certainly does personalize/humanize the RSVPs
# 18:02 tantek and gives people a chance to start learning names/faces even before the IWC itself - helps enable friendlier interactions right from the start
# 18:05 finchd tantek: ooh, fair enough. thanks and many much internet points to you!
# 18:05 gRegor` tantek: Added :)
caseorganic joined the channel
# 18:07 benwerd Do other people have itches lists on their user pages? I'd love to read them
# 18:07 tantek it's been something we've been encouraging for a while
# 18:08 tantek a way to help people focus their energy on what a) matters to them *personally*, and b) that they feel empowered to actually *do* (rather than just talk about)
# 18:09 tantek benwerd, whenver someone makes a feature request, or starts asking "do you guys support x?", or "it would be cool if …", or "I have an idea for …" - respond by redirecting the conversation to personal itches
# 18:09 tantek i.e. "What is the next most important itch on your own personal site?"
# 18:10 tantek keep asking that over and over and make them answer. then make them write it down on their user page.
# 18:10 tantek then make them work on *that* instead of whatever they were *talking* about.
# 18:10 benwerd tantek: Yes. Definitely. Otherwise you end up in what I call spanner-land - things that are spanners in the works for hypothetical reasons
# 18:10 tantek I am going to call this question the scratchyourownitch challenge-response protocol.
# 18:11 tantek when someone starts talking about/in indieweb, they are implicitly doing a resource request for your time.
# 18:11 tantek for security reasons (avoid DOPA), you must follow the scratchyourownitch challenge-response protocol
# 18:12 tantek which starts by the listening party asking the question "What is the next most important itch on your own personal site?"
# 18:12 tantek and continue to asking it until the first speaker has answered it with something specific and concrete.
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# 18:13 tantek once they have passed that test, follow-up with "Great! Add it to your user page's Itches section"
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# 18:13 tantek once they have done so, if they bring up any other topic, repeat with the original challenge-response question.
# 18:14 tantek eventually they will run out of things to add to their itches, or start coding.
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# 18:20 tantek benwerd, hope you don't mind the linky linky - just trying to help connect your itches to existing thinking/doing in case it helps make it easier to scratch them!
# 18:22 tantek Working On are things where I have made *some* progress with UX, code etc. and thus am "in the middle of" implementing. Roughly ordered by personal priority.
# 18:23 tantek Itches is used to capture everything else I want on my site but haven't started coding yet.
# 18:23 tantek I figured the distinction would help if anyone else came by and wanted to work on similar things
# 18:23 tantek realizes he should add those descriptions to each section
# 18:25 gRegor` My interests (itches) section is more up to date now
avanderlip joined the channel
# 18:29 benwerd tantek - that's fascinating reading. Thank you again.
# 18:30 gRegor` I like the Falcon logo, tantek.
# 18:33 aaronpk hmm need a good header photo for indieweb event pages
# 18:34 tantek.com edited /User:Tantek.com (+508) "/* working on */ update to link to Falcon Working On and Itches sections, note Itches specifically with an id so I can refer to #Itches, note items to be reprioritized into Falcon working on / itches lists" (
view diff )
# 18:35 tantek I'm trying really hard to minimize any private to-do lists for Falcon beyond just links to within the /Falcon page as reminders.
# 18:35 tantek "doing" the working in the open thing instead of just "talking" about it ;)
# 18:36 tantek thanks gRegor`! I've been a fan of gliders for a while, and I thought that particular phase in the glider lifecycle looked kind of like a falcon swooping down to pick something up.
# 18:38 kylewm tantek: that's awesome, everyone uses the coathanger phase
# 18:38 kylewm falcon phase is instantly recognizable though
# 18:38 tantek thanks. yes I figured this more esoteric phase was more interesting for that aspect ;)
# 18:42 tantek ^^^ well done with the recruitment caseorganic!
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# 18:57 tantek caseorganic++ for an awesome Labyrinth themed IndieWeb talk and getting new recruits to sign-up for IndieWebCamp this weekend!
# 18:58 tantek awesome! probably via Bridgy :D (snarfed ^^^)
# 18:58 tantek aaronpk - just an opportunity to improve the "who's invited" display/facepile on your indie event posts ;)
# 18:58 aaronpk i'mw wondering what happened with the markup in the invitation, I see facebook tag IDs and such :(
# 19:03 snarfed aaronpk: looks like the problem is there's no p-rsvp in bridgy's event invites
# 19:03 snarfed …maybe because when i implemented rsvps (many months ago), we didn't yet know what the mf2 should be
# 19:06 kylewm the link i sent before changed from is invited to might attend!
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# 19:09 tantek snarfed, that page / brainstorm has received very little critical review so please do so and feel free to speak if *anything* seems off / inaccurate.
# 19:12 tantek would be interesting if Bridgy is the first to actually publish "invitation" posts with their own permalinks!
# 19:12 tantek (I don't think that's happened to a post type before - that is - a proxy service being the first to post them!)
# 19:16 snarfed the race is on. :P i'm curious if aaronpk (or anyone else) has implemented p-invitee on the webmention receiving side
paulcp, dybskiy, michielbdejong, gwhilts, eschnou, danbri0, friedcell and avanderlip joined the channel
# 20:17 benwerd They don't make it easy to screenshare from an Android phone :|
# 20:19 rascul iirc cyanogenmod has a screenshot option if you hold down power button
# 20:19 aaronpk benwerd: isn't there a way to do it via adb or something? pretty sure i've seen that done
# 20:20 benwerd there's a way to do it with java mods, the android sdk, etc etc, or by rooting the phone
# 20:20 donpdonp KitKat (and possibly earlier) will do a screenshot by holding power+volume_down
# 20:20 benwerd I just found a way though - VNC over a USB cable.
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# 20:31 aaronpk in the Civilizing IRC and forums talk. no video recording of this one.
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# 20:42 kylewm the count at the top should include apprentices right?
# 20:43 tantek kylewm yes it should - see how I broke it down for easy accounting with the East section
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# 20:55 tantek I thought there was a good consensus here about gandi.net for domain names
# 20:55 KevinMarks google is apparently going to give each io attendee a free domain
# 20:55 finchd tantek: i've been heavily recommended to nearlyfreespeech.net for domains
# 20:56 rascul gandi was (still is?) also the cheapest for .io
# 20:56 KevinMarks trying to watch tantek's talk, but im in th ebit of the train journey where the horn keeps getting blown
# 21:03 tantek in reading the etherpad about civilizingirc - it sounds like a lot of the problems can be (are?) avoided by the scratchyourownitch challenge-response
# 21:04 tantek i.e. if someone has lots of free time, continuing to redirect them to *create* for their own website hopefully gets them working on that rather than just talking a lot in the channel
# 21:04 tantek aaronpk, perhaps you can volunteer our code-of-conduct including the research we did for it
# 21:05 aaronpk she's talking specifically about the Cydia community, which is people trying to jailbreak their own phones, not sure how you can scratch your own itch more than that, heh
# 21:06 tantek "what is the next most important to you thing that you want to do with your device?"
# 21:07 tantek I also think having a wiki as an outlet for longer form collaborative writing makes a *huge* difference. Does the Cydia community have a wiki that they presumably push longer IRC text to?
# 21:08 tantek a wiki makes people collaborate on incrementally improving each others' work
# 21:08 KartikPrabhu my friend one remarked "forums are millions of people repeating the same 3 statements ad nauseum" paraphrased quote
# 21:08 tantek rather than email (or forums) which encourage incrementally nitpicking and tearing down each others' words
# 21:08 rascul forums can get stupid, only a few cases do i think forums are appropriate
# 21:09 bear my dream idea is that my site lurks for me on IRC and I can give it commands to store/retrieve content
# 21:09 tantek I've never seen forums "work" (as in be effective in terms of efficiency)
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# 21:09 tantek KevinMarks: or even capture multiple points of view (per disagreements)
# 21:09 tantek shows that diversity of opinion is *ok* (even valuable) in a community
# 21:09 rascul tantek even when they do "work" it's not 100%
# 21:10 tantek never seen a real world forum that has made me ever consider using a forum for anything
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# 21:24 kylewm aaronpk: clarifying question, the comment about a backchannel was from someone else?
# 21:26 snarfed shameless plug, KevinMarks's blog post link reminded me: thanks KevinMarks for being an early bridgy blogs user!
# 21:28 bret KartikPrabhu: can you link me to your margin article?
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# 21:29 KartikPrabhu sorry about hiding it... but I want it to be in draft while in progress :)
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# 21:33 snarfed KevinMarks_: yeah, it's a drawback of the API(s). at least it includes my name too :P
# 21:34 snarfed kylewm: ^^ if you want a recent real life example of the blog webmentions feature to show people at IWC this weekend :P
# 21:34 KevinMarks_ the comments support OpenID. I woner if there's a a way to finagle it with indiewuth
# 21:34 Loqi KevinMarks_ meant to say: the comments support OpenID. I woner if there's a a way to finagle it with indieauth
gRegor` and paulcp joined the channel
# 21:37 tantek and anyone being so nitpicky about names and naming assumptions should know to say "make *fewer* of them" rather than "make less of them" ;)
scor joined the channel
# 21:40 tantek snarfed++ for the Bridgy to blogger.com support!
# 21:41 tantek I doubt when Kevin posted that in 29 April 2003 that he was ever expecting someone could *like* it (predates invention of FB likes) much less from *another* site!
# 21:41 tantek KevinMarks_: how did you convince Ignite folks to let you use an HTML slide deck?
# 21:46 KevinMarks_ and then git me to throw out my crappy backpack and buy a new one
# 21:47 tantek I think the overall rule here is - pair emergency-handling can be quite helpful ;)
# 21:47 tantek specifically, pairing with someone who is *not* directly affected by the emergency.
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# 21:49 tantek KevinMarks_: please use your HTML is ACCEPTING slide to make a point about the Ignite folks not letting you use an HTML slide deck
# 21:49 aaronpk Interesting that the gittip crisis is somewhat encouraging people to do it on their own site by linking to existing payment mechanisms like paypal or dwolla
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# 21:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:52 KartikPrabhu so presentations in Google IO are using Apple Keynote and not Google Docs...?
# 21:52 tantek Ignite is its own thing kinda that is being hosted by Google IO
# 21:53 tantek though it wouldn't surprise me if there were IO presentations that use Keynote or PPT.
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# 22:00 Loqi KevinMarks: tantek left you a message 8 minutes ago: when you're on this slide http://slides.kevinmarks.com/procrustes.html#/12 perhaps consider making the point: "HTML is ACCEPTING, but sadly, IGNITE is NOT ACCEPTING of HTML slides (which this presentation originally was). Why does Ignite hate the open web?"
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# 22:10 kylewm aaronpk: did anyone mention public conversation logging (pro or con) in the IRC session?
# 22:11 kylewm that's ok! I thought maybe it was a hot topic q.v. #atunit
# 22:11 aaronpk It didn't seem to be an issue at all, especially since this community uses both a forum and irc
# 22:12 aaronpk Ugh my words have been imprecise lately. I mean the Cydia community that the speaker was referring to
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# 22:33 kylewm I was thinking this morning about how much I hate gmail's first name algorithm (ostenibly name.split()[0])
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# 22:35 tantek KevinMarks_: I know - I've read it before and didn't have time to debunk most of the assertions about wrongness
# 22:36 tantek regardless - that's just an aside - we can have that discussion IRL :)
# 22:37 tantek the HTML is ACCEPTED point (or not, for Ignite talks) is the more important point
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# 22:48 KevinMarks_ i'm not going to call out brady onstage when he gave me 36 hour deadline extension
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# 22:49 tantek "HTML is ACCEPTING, but full disclosure, these slides are not"
# 22:50 snarfed KevinMarks and i discussed possibly using OpenID for bridgy's blogger webmentions in person just now
# 22:50 snarfed KevinMarks: funny "small world" story: i actually implemented blogger's OpenID support, along with google's other first OpenID product integrations, as 20% projects
Garbee joined the channel
# 22:51 tantek snarfed - wow and well done! wish we'd somehow met sooner!
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# 22:58 tantek so now that caseorganic has done Labyrinth as a setting / metaphor for silos / indieweb - it's got me thinking about other movies that could fit so well
# 22:59 KartikPrabhu tantek: Matrix is an obvious one that I think you have used in the past
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# 23:01 tantek KartikPrabhu: right I've used Matrix analogies a lot in my recent talks
# 23:01 tantek including my closing slide in the PDF14 talk - I can only show you the door
# 23:01 KartikPrabhu yup! caught that reference... maybe you should dress up in Morpheus gear :P
# 23:01 tantek I'm wondering if Inception might make another good one
# 23:02 tantek "Inception - is it possible?" - "Indieweb - is it possible?"
# 23:03 tantek How do you know if you're awake (independent) or actually dreaming (inside someone else's silo)?
# 23:05 tantek sparverius - where's the secure delete option? ;)
# 23:05 rascul can't do it anywhere anymore with gnu's rm ;)
# 23:05 tantek you also can't do it if you're using any cloud backup services
# 23:05 sparverius i mean just the ability to run the command to completion means that you're PROBABLY not in a silo
# 23:08 tantek anyone know if there's a backchannel for Ignite?
# 23:09 tantek this medical devices talk needs some serious indieweb who ownsyourdata questioning
# 23:10 tantek "creates this dataset that can be sent to the cloud" (ARGGGGHHH)
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# 23:24 tantek amazing how many of these talks are completely side-stepping the ownyourdata needs of what they're talking about
# 23:24 tantek it's like they're all plugged into the silos so deep that they don't even realize their assumptions.
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# 23:27 tantek boardgame programming! teaching programming to preschoolers - amazing!!!
# 23:27 KartikPrabhu re silos: there is this assumption that silos will exists forever, people don't see the longterm effects
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# 23:29 bear KartikPrabhu - welcome to my fun "hell" ;)
# 23:30 bear young folks with already a lot of experience in programming :)
# 23:33 tantek so this guy is basically pitching everyone to give free content for no pay to Google's contributor forum silo right?
# 23:34 tantek come give content without pay to our silo and we'll give you gold stars by your name!
# 23:34 tantek I thought this was only a Microsoft dev-community sucker thing
# 23:34 tantek so Google has become the new Microsoft in that way I suppose
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# 23:48 tantek hopes to never start a talk with the word "So… "
# 23:50 tantek haha object orientation bad - because then you get Volcano with a fax number
# 23:51 tantek KevinMarks++ for criticizing Google+ at Google I/O
# 23:52 gRegor` Is there a link to his talk?
# 23:53 gRegor` goes to the logs
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