#jancborchardtI’m trying to set up Known on my server but have problems, keep seeing 500 error even though I cloned everything incl submodules: https://jancbdt.pictor.uberspace.de/known/ cc benwerd – not sure if the database stuff is correct, I installed Mongodb and all tho
#benwerdbrianjesse: we watched a seven year old girl sync her website using ruby, then log into the wiki using relmeauth
#brianjessebenwerd: awesome! thanks man - guess my 8 yr old needs to check this out
#benwerdjancborchardt: I'm sorry to heard that. Anything in your server logs? You can also use MySQL and local disk now if it's easier - see http://docs.withknown.com
#Loqibenwerd meant to say: jancborchardt: I'm sorry to hear that. Anything in your server logs? You can also use MySQL and local disk now if it's easier - see http://docs.withknown.com
#jancborchardtbenwerd: ah, this is the error: known/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
#brianjessewill micropub make webmention obsolete?
#tantekbrianjesse: webmention does not require any auth
#aaronpkmicropub is for content, webmention for notifications
#jancborchardtbenwerd: thanks! I can open an issue on github for teh record
#brianjesseaaronpk: if you receive a micro pub post and your'e not the author (when you validate the identity) - you can put it in a "mentions" bucket - is what i mean
#dreeves(I should've clarified that the tail -f I was showing was a dummy consumer of the callback, ie, data gets added to beeminder, it sends it off to a URL of your choice. so that's what my laptop was showing, just echoing what the callback sent)
#Loqicaseorganic: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 13 minutes ago: heads-up re: Cambridge, now that we're filling up, Sandro (who works at MIT) has volunteered that he can reserve a room for 40 people - 40 chairs and 9 tables at MIT for the curation of the Cambridge IndieWebCamp.
#tantekincluding two apprentices who got their own sites setup!!
#benwerdI'm going to have to head out for my flight in ~10 mins :(
#benwerdwants to be in open source portland-land forever
#tantekto folks in Portland - just want to make sure everyone knows Felix (mrfelix) got all the CSS working - I just assembled it onto a page on my site with the markup I had from before
#Loqitantek meant to say: to folks in Portland - just want to make sure everyone knows Felix (mrflix) got all the CSS working - I just assembled it onto a page on my site with the markup I had from before
#binbastithis is exactly what the webapps wg is already working on
#binbastiif people are missing use cases in their requirements, please bring them forward on the webapps mailing list
#binbastii don't see how it makes sense to deviate from anything that's currently being standardized there
#binbastithe whole idea is to allow for independent app stores etc
pfefferle joined the channel
#cweiskethe people here are somehow allergic to the w3 and working groups that produce no working code
#binbastii'm part of that working group and i produce a ton of code. in fact i'm only there for giving feedback and seeing that it makes sense. my company built an html5 app store even before mozilla did. we just never launched it precisely because it makes no sense without vendor support and common standards
#binbastii'll happily discuss our experience with that topic in detail. gotta leave now though :(
#binbastijust saying it'd be good if people joined the w3c's efforts instead of replicating their work in a slightly different way (even basing it on their specs initially)
#binbastiit will at least be used by mozilla and a few others
#binbastimeaning all the indiephone etc vendors could/would be compatible with ffos etc., and using common web standards
#cweiskecan someone who attended the private conversations talk explain how my feed reader authenticates on the another ones's website so it sees the private messages for me?
bnvk1, eschnou and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#jancborchardtbinbasti: the point on what we worked on though is also the whole setup process – installing Mailpile or ownCloud in one click, provisioning etc
#jancborchardtbinbasti: it’s not only for HTML5 apps, but basically only for open source self hostable apps.
#jancborchardtbinbasti: kind of like http://libreprojects.net, but for your own server and with install buttons
#cweiskecan someone who attended the private conversations talk explain how my feed reader authenticates on the another ones's website so it sees the private messages for me?
avanderlip, pbeaulieu, shepazu, tantek, chloeweil, Sebastien-L, glennjones and brianloveswords joined the channel
#kylewmnoo, I didn't ask permission on any of the screenshots
#tantekkylewm - I'm saying save the screenshots, *do* ask permission, (Glenn will likely grant it) and then go ahead and re-upload with note about permission received (and citation or personal note)
#tantekp.s. SF - Homebrew Website Club is back @MozSF this week!!!
#glennjoneskylewm happy for you to use screenshot - for future ref my blog has Creative Commons NonCommercial 3.0 License for content and MIT License for code
#bret"People can export their profile data, community posts and photos using Google Takeout (available until September 2016). Starting today, it will not be possible to create a new Orkut account."
#aaronpknow begins the task of creating wiki pages for all the sessions and copying the etherpad notes into them!
#aaronparecki.comedited /2014/Schedule () "(-782) /* Saturday, June 28, 2014 */ remove mini-schedule because all the content is on the main grid now" (view diff)
#aaronparecki.comcreated /2014/Demos (+6342) "Created page with "IndieWebCamp 2014 Portland Demos June 29, 2014 4PM-ish == Fix the wiki == Crystal, Peat, Lillian, Reid CSS instead of tables - Used the Foundation CSS framework Responsive desi..."" (view diff)
#aaronpk!tell benwerd can you tell me what sort of string encoding settings you have in your php and mysql that didn't crash on my emoji post?
#aaronpkthe only thing that's close is socrates.io but they actually explicitly say that it's not suitable for multi-user editing
#bearI did some looking earlier last week to see if there was a js lib implementation of OT - but didn't find any that implement the same as Etherpad (or Wave) did
#@glyphI had almost forgotten that I really wanted a decentralized social media platform until hashtag worldcup happened. Please make it stop. (twitter.com/_/status/483694476431351808)
#KartikPrabhubret: i will put the read-me and license on my marginalia.js tonight :)
#bretKartikPrabhu its going to be a while, take your time
#tantek!tell cweiske in conversation earlier today with binbasti you said "people here are somehow allergic to the w3 and working groups that produce no working code" - I don't think that is a fair generalization, nor is it reasonable to paint everyone with that brush. If you have specific concerns about specific specs/people, please raise them directly with them.
#aaronpkI haven't really been following the /store development, but why is it re-creating things?
#JonathanNealKartikPrabhu: I have been working on fragmention.js today to make marginalia easier to implement. tantek: i am referring to the context of block level notes, say, appended after a paragraph.
#tantekaaronpk - maybe because bnvk, j12t are distracted by the shiny of proprietary app stores? it's why I added the link about Firefox Marketplace and manifest already enabling open app stores.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: awesome! I'll surely update the current code with improved fragmentions :)
#JonathanNealThanks tantek, I’ll look at that. I wasn’t sure if it would change when it is appended within the original article itself.
#tantekaaronpk - I'm not too worried about it - when they get closer to building stuff for /store on their own sites I'm sure we'll see convergence / re-use, because it's easier to do so.
#tantekJonathanNeal: if you have a specific use case that you think is special/different (sample URL) that you're wondering about, we can take a look at it.
#KartikPrabhutantek: also is there a misconception that the indiewb wiki is attempting alternative specs, where as I think of it more as documenting use-cases and solutions, regardless of whether they match w3c or not...?
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: yes, that's what I guessed. would be nice if marginalia had valid HTML :P
#JonathanNealIt is, admittedly, confusing. But were you to create a new document that had <p>Hello <ul><li>World</li></ul></p> it would be rendered as <p>Hello </p><ul><li>World</li></ul><p></p> in all browsers.
#tantekto fix HTML for this we basically just need to define new "inline" versions of lists etc. and then we can just stick to always using those.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: oh poop! Will update the code if/when we can comeup with a "valid" HTML then
#bnvk!tell binbasti my efforts with the /store are NOT relating to client side app stores, webapp !== client side (html5 + js) only apps, I'm not focusing on server side apps that are installed on hardware that is available to the web- think an open source cPannel for self hosting. Look at the platforms and "Platforms" documented on the page
#KartikPrabhutantek: somehow I feel list should only be saying that there is a list of things, inline or not who cares, except for some CSS...
#tantekmy point was that it looked like no one working on /store was aware that there already was a *shipping* open "app store" implementation, spec etc.
#KartikPrabhuis sometimes confused by HTML semantics
#tantekthat's part of our code-of-conduct - if you see someone saying something that you feel is "off", talk to them directly about it and try to resolve that way first if you don't mind.
#tantekbnvk - btw sorry to bring this up as a subject - that was not my intent
#bnvkwhat was cweiske's remark? was that in the log today?
#aaronpknothing wrong with mozilla's, I just feel that since we're making extensive use of it now it seems a little redundant to have to explain "prefix all pad names with 'indieweb'"
#tantekbnvk - were you able to take photos of IndieWebCamp Berlin like we did in East and West?
#aaronpkhopefully also this URL will be easier to remember
#bnvktantek: I don't have a good massive group one because some people showed up late, others left early, and some variation in people showed up each days- but I'm organizing my pics. Was offline / traveling most of today
#bretjden, ngoldman and I started looking at gitpub a little more yesterday. I didnt get much furthur on it since i dont work very well when im distracted but we are looking to clean it up. lemmi know if that is something you would want yourself
#bretwe might switch to using hapi instead of express
#jdenno real preferences between those on my end, bret. i haven't had a chance to poke around yet
#bretim going to try to clean it up over the week so its not such a pile of code
#aaronpkwow got a bizarre error message from flickr: "Description: Unable to locate the server named "notfound.yahoo.com" --- the server does not have a DNS entry. Perhaps there is a misspelling in the server name, or the server no longer exists. Double-check the name and try again."
#ngoldmanbret: would like to help, time is the current constraint -- might have free time when I'm on the road next week
#bretbut jden++ for getting start on those projects!
#ngoldmanjden: we started cleaning up gitpub (https://github.com/bcomnes/gitpub) sunday, trying to abstract to the point that it would be useful for any statically generated site hosted on gh-pages. would basically act as a micropub endpoint you could self-host
#jdensnarfed: let me take a look at it - i'm definitely gonna need help. i'm building indiefinger mostly as a tool to support addressing and discovery for http://rel.is
#jdenyeah. that's the proxy/fallback part, is it first looks to see if the publisher has webfinger. if they do, it passes through the request, otherwise it just builds the request from http/html links
#Loqijden meant to say: yeah. that's the proxy/fallback part, is it first looks to see if the publisher has webfinger. if they do, it passes through the request, otherwise it just builds the response from http/html links
#KartikPrabhuhmm "WebFinger is a protocol specified by the IETF that allows for discovery of information about people and things identified by a URI. Wikipedia" if I am reading this correctly, it is same function as rel=me ... ?
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: it works with email addrs too. (that's arguably the more common case.) it doesn't assume you have a web page
#tantekKartikPrabhu: yeah - there's a lot of unnecessary reinvention going on in webfinger
#snarfedit was inspired by the finger cmd' on old timesharing systems
#tanteksnarfed, yeah, when it got started, I gave that feedback and then backed away because the response was "please join our mailing list!" - and I was like haha, no just go do your homework before you reinvent too much.
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: you query the webfinger server at the email addr's domain, and it responds with info
#tanteksnarfed - all that lots of other info. profile urls, picture, etc was already in hCard
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: for marginalia I am not changing any markup that the content page author hasn't used already. Just moving <li> to a new <ol>
#tantekKartikPrabhu: there was no real world use case for webfinger to exist
#tantekit was developed for the imaginary "other users"
#snarfedtantek: sure. i'm not defending, just describing
#tantekit failed both the scratchyouownitch test and the selfdogfood test
#tanteknevermind the "let's create a new one-off email list for this one spec!" anti-pattern
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: link to the fm :P I couldn't find any good description on the Googs
#tantekKartikPrabhu: for today's web, webfinger is suitably ignorable