2014-07-02 UTC
benwerd joined the channel
# 00:00 tantek aaronpk - no that's definitely this decade in the middle east e.g. twitter
# 00:02 GWG tantek: what would you suggest I call a page on my brainstorming on the matter of changing communications links on a site based on the owner's context.
benwerd_ joined the channel
# 00:03 tantek (I should have provided that URL before - apologies)
# 00:07 gRegor` aaronpk: posting via SMS will be a hipster thing here in a few years, I'm sure? :)
# 00:08 gRegor` !tell KartikPrabhu cool! So I guess it was delayed a few minutes, but worked.
# 00:08 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
benwerd, lukebrooker and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:14 Loqi KartikPrabhu: gRegor` left you a message 6 minutes ago: cool! So I guess it was delayed a few minutes, but worked.
# 00:18 GWG tantek: I wanted to write out my thoughts. But perhaps an article on my site is better for tat.
# 00:19 tantek it felt too unstructured and personal / fluffy idea so I decided to blog it
# 00:19 tantek GWG - to be clear - great to have more people thinking about indieweb comms
# 00:19 KartikPrabhu yes. but we could always blog own ideas to own site and then POSSE it to wiki on further discussion :)
# 00:20 gRegor` So, h-card question going back to IWC on Sunday.
benwerd joined the channel
# 00:21 tantek KartikPrabhu: that shows the webmentions for that page?
# 00:22 gRegor` Amanda's info in the sidebar is an h-card, but it's outside the h-entry.
# 00:22 gRegor` I suppose I could move it into the h-entry with some fiddling, but I'm wondering is it best to just link to the /about page using rel-author?
# 00:22 gRegor` *and*, if I do so, should the sidebar even be marked up as an h-card on the individual posts?
# 00:23 tantek gRegor`: why not <a rel=author href="/"></a> ?
# 00:23 gRegor` tantek: There is no h-card on amandamaclean.com currently and won't be for the near future, unless/until it's redesigned.
# 00:24 gRegor` I could put an invisible one, of course, but since I'm already displaying them on the /about and blog pages...
# 00:24 gRegor` was looking for an easy way to use those.
# 00:24 gRegor` This blog will reside at battlestaramandica.amandamaclean.com, btw
crystal_ joined the channel
# 00:25 gRegor` I agree a common h-card is the ideal and eventually will probably have that.
# 00:26 gRegor` For now I'm thinking of using /about as that common h-card though, which makes me wonder if there's any reason to mark up the h-card in the sidebar of the individual posts.
# 00:27 kylewm does aaron's php-comments library follow rel=author?
# 00:28 gRegor` Another way of framing my thoughts: maybe it's not necessary to mark the sidebar up as an h-card even though the info maps nicely to an h-card?
# 00:28 kylewm right now I know, mf2util will only process the microformats it's given ... it does not make any additional requests
# 00:28 gRegor` indiewebify.me does not support rel-author as far as I could tell on Sunday
# 00:29 gRegor` Might pick your brain about this tomorrow, KartikPrabhu. Might be easier in person than in text.
# 00:32 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:32 gRegor` kylewm: Is that on indieweb or aaronpk github?
# 00:33 gRegor` will take a look
# 00:35 gRegor` Doesn't look like it handles rel-author, as far as I can tell.
# 00:46 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: gregor`: sure thing
# 00:49 tantek gRegor`: right - every permalink page should just be an h-entry at the top level
# 00:50 gRegor` I think <a href="http://gregorlove.com/battlestaramandica/" rel="author"> would work for everything.
# 00:51 kylewm gRegor`: main blog list should be an h-feed, with a p-author
# 00:51 kylewm rel=author looks good per the spec, but it doesn't look like any authorship implementations follow it? I think KartikPrabhu's might
# 00:52 gRegor` I follow it for my webmention implementation
# 00:52 gRegor` Though it doesn't have extensive real-world testing
# 00:53 gRegor` Each h-entry within the h-feed still needs a p-author, though, right? For which I could use a rel-author to the first page of the blog list.
# 00:55 kylewm gRegor`: if an h-entry doesn't have its own author, it assumes the author of the h-feed it's a part of
# 01:08 gRegor` Does indiewebify.me need to be updated? It recommends <a rel="author" class="p-author h-card" href="…">Your Name</a> for an author. I thought I saw tantek say earlier it should be either a rel or an h-card, but not both.
# 01:09 gRegor` Every time I think I *kind* of have mf2 down, some new case confuses me. :)
# 01:12 kylewm i'm not sure on the rel vs. class thing... that was in reference to rel=following links for the reader
# 01:13 gRegor` Noticed you bumped your test size up on your site kyle. Looks good
# 01:15 tantek gRegor`: the recommendation is correct for simple single element a href h-card like that
# 01:15 tantek that way consumers of rel=author that don't (yet) support h-card will follow the link and work that way
# 01:15 tantek (there are rel-author rel-me consumers, e.g. google spiders)
# 01:18 gRegor` guesses yes, based on tantek's own implementation
# 01:20 gRegor` It's going to be a subdomain. Ran into dns issues
# 01:21 gRegor` On Sunday, the subdomain was actually just a frame redirect to this, but now even that's broken somehow
# 01:21 gRegor` (Probabl because 1and1 sucks)
# 01:24 gRegor` tantek: Should I add <a href="http://gregorlove.com/battlestaramandica/" rel="author">Amanda MacLean</a> inside the h-card on that post?
# 01:24 tantek if there's an img it should go inside the link
# 01:24 gRegor` I'm confused on the combination of rel-author in a one-line h-card then
# 01:26 gRegor` I don't understand why you add rel=author on a one-line h-card (like on your posts), but not on other h-cards, like this one I've set up in the <aside> element.
# 01:27 gRegor` Is rel=author in combination with class=h-card saying "Go find the h-card over there"?
# 01:27 gRegor` Because I was reading it as "this is the h-card"
# 01:32 tantek gRegor`: rel=author only on the one-line p-author h-card inside the h-entry
# 01:33 gRegor` It's still not really clear to me the "why" behind it.
# 01:42 gRegor` tantek: Hopefully I've documented my question better on /rel-author now
# 01:43 tantek so if/when you put it on other elements it does nothing
# 01:44 gRegor` I'm talking about it on an <a href>
# 01:44 tantek and if you use rel in combination with a more complex h-card it gets confusing
# 01:44 gRegor` It's already confusing to me. :)
# 01:44 tantek threre is no particular meaning to the combination
# 01:44 gRegor` I'm not trying to. I'm trying to understand why you're using rel=author
# 01:45 tantek some parsers only support rel-author + rel-me for determining authorship
# 01:45 tantek so it's easy enough to put the rel-author on there for them
# 01:45 gRegor` Right, so non-indieweb parsers, it sounds like.
# 01:46 tantek and the "not in other, more verbose, h-card instances" because complexity
# 01:46 gRegor` So if we're using more complex h-cards, should we just not be concerned with the legacy parsers?
# 01:46 tantek rather the cost of complexity is then IMO worse than the cost of ignoring legacy parsers
# 01:47 gRegor` I get it better now. Thanks for the patience. :)
# 01:48 tantek I think that question belongs more on indiewebcamp.com/rel-author
# 01:48 gRegor` That's where I put it :)
# 01:48 gRegor` It's contagious! (the confusing, haha)
# 01:48 tantek gah - time to put computer away and do something else
# 01:48 tantek gRegor`: if the answers I gave made sense - can you add them to the page? feel free to reword
# 01:49 gRegor` In my defense, I got home at 4:30am and have been hazy all day :)
# 01:49 gRegor` I will summarize and link to chat logs
crystal and wolftune joined the channel
# 02:01 aaronpk kylewm: yes right now the php-comments library only looks inside the h-entry for the author info
# 02:02 aaronpk part of the challenge of these mf2 libraries is not having them actually make the http request and not tying them to a particular http library
# 02:03 aaronpk because the library shouldn't assume it's safe to make an http request at the moment the function is called
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# 02:28 aaronpk multi-author is somethign twitter has struggled with for a while
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# 02:33 gRegor` Now to deal with the DNS
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# 02:58 kylewm aaronpk: that was exactly my issue with it with mf2util
# 02:58 kylewm it's really nice that it runs quickly and has no dependencies
# 03:39 aaronpk yep. so implementing the part of /authorship that involves more http requests will probably involve some sort of callback method where you can go do the http request yourself or defer it for later or something
# 03:45 kylewm aaronpk: sure, "in-reply-to" wasn't being included in the micropub request
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:46 kylewm so i just passed the data-url attribute down from the Reply button to the created save button
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tantek, brianloveswords and emmak joined the channel
# 04:36 JonathanNeal I’m still trying to understand webmentions. I was told they don’t have to rely on microformats (and I have nothing against them) but I’m trying to understand what fields must be sent in a webmention and how those fields are communicated without microformats.
gRegor` joined the channel
# 04:38 aaronpk just separate the idea of the "mention" from rendering the mention
# 04:38 aaronpk in practice everything works way better when tehere's microformats on the source page
# 04:39 JonathanNeal yes, source is where the mention resides, target is the where the mention is directed, but the source must also contain something.
# 04:39 KartikPrabhu source must contain a <a> link to the target. so that the target can verify that it is indeed a mention
# 04:40 aaronpk terminology nitpick: the "mention" is just the HTTP request containing source and target URLs
# 04:40 aaronpk the source URL may be a comment marked up with microformats
# 04:42 JonathanNeal aaronpk: a mention is just the request and has nothing to do with whether the source or target exist? Or whether the source has certain content?
# 04:42 aaronpk JonathanNeal: so you are correct that without microformats, you don't have a lot to go on when rendering a comment
# 04:43 aaronpk JonathanNeal: yeah, you may receive a webmention request from an invalid URL for example
# 04:44 JonathanNeal So, a mention is the ping. What is done with the ping is something different? What is that called?
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# 04:47 JonathanNeal So for all colloquial purposes, the handling is known as a (web)mention, and the formalized protocol for “processing” or “handling” is part of the (web)mention spec?
# 04:47 gRegor` or the source URL can return 410, if the content was removed. :)
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# 04:51 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: the notification is called a "webmention" (similar to a pingback) and has a spec as to what parameters it needs. The handling is not really formalised I think.
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# 04:55 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: note that the handling is an implementation left to the receiver and a common flow is documented at that link
# 04:56 gRegor` Interestingly, the introduction on webmention.org, #4 says "...and then includes this information on her site."
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# 06:04 kylewm KartikPrabhu: when we've talked about author verification before, the obvious thing was to accept mentions that come from only {the author's domain OR bridgy}
# 06:05 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: they could. depending on how you parse the "source" page for microformats
# 06:05 kylewm like, u-url of the post is the same domain as the source of the webmention
# 06:07 JonathanNeal Gah, protocol-less URLs are still not allowed when specifying authentication provider.
# 06:07 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: one could parse the 'source' page for comments and then inlcude them as nested comments
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# 06:11 kylewm I think that's basically the same as having a u-url that points to the current page
# 06:14 kylewm (in that it can't redirect you to somewhere else)
cweiske joined the channel
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# 08:46 binbasti !tell bnvk yes, that'd be great. i was traveling a lot during the last couple of days, but i should be more available again next week latest
# 08:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
pfefferle, adactio, sankha93 and friedcell joined the channel
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indie-visitor joined the channel
# 11:32 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
indie-visitor joined the channel
sankha93, KartikPrabhu, brianloveswords, adactio, Sebastien-L and shepazu joined the channel
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# 14:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
chloeweil, wolftune, donpdonp and snarfed joined the channel
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# 15:09 petermolnar !tell pfefferle !tell acegiak it's definately a bug in the plugin:
# 15:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:13 pfefferle petermolnar do you use the indieweb plugin or the individual plugins?
# 15:13 Loqi pfefferle: petermolnar left you a message 3 minutes ago: !tell acegiak it's definately a bug in the plugin:
# 15:14 pfefferle ok, the plugin is way behind… need to update it! thanks for the reminder!
brianloveswords, KartikPrabhu and chloeweil_ joined the channel
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# 15:47 GWG pfefferle, can a plugin install other plugins? I have never looked.
# 15:47 pfefferle the indieweb one includes all the single plugins and require it
# 15:48 pfefferle it would be much better to have for example dependencies or something like that
# 15:48 pfefferle so the indieweb plugin would automatically install all the required plugins
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# 15:48 GWG I wonder if there is middle ground
# 15:50 aaronpk tommorris: ooh cool! you should add "via SMS" on those posts :)
# 15:51 GWG pfefferle what about a guided install? That is what Jeremy Zilar was working on?
# 15:51 tantek yeah we need to expand the IRC log of NYC demos into actual sections/paragraphs of descriptions with links on the wiki
# 15:51 pfefferle That was my first thought… and it would be much simpler...
# 15:52 tantek I just found it fastest to quickly type stuff into IRC while the demos were happening
# 15:52 tantek pfefferle! great to see you on video during IWC 2014 :D
# 15:53 GWG pfefferle, I do have a plugin question while I have you.
# 15:54 GWG The via links in the semantic plugin.. what if I wanted to change their appearance or placement?
# 15:55 GWG I was thinking about it and trying to come up with a suggestion.
# 15:55 GWG I had this idea about displaying the via in the comment meta
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# 15:57 pfefferle GWG yes, sure. simply run remove_filter('comment_text', array( 'SemanticLinkbacksPlugin', 'comment_text_add_cite'), 11, 3)
# 15:58 pfefferle GWG like add_filter('entry_meta', array( 'SemanticLinkbacksPlugin', 'comment_text_add_cite'), 11, 3)
# 15:58 GWG I don't like to disable functionality without thinking if it is the best way
# 16:03 GWG But my mind just jumped to theme design thoughts again. I have another idea for a change.
# 16:06 GWG Common practice is to use content-(format) for the different formats. I think I could switch to just having template parts for the differing headers and footers and a single content file to stitch them together.
# 16:06 GWG I keep trying to simplify the code
# 16:07 kylewm does it go through email? SMS -> email -> post?
# 16:08 pfefferle GWG I am not sure if it simplyfies the code… because you have even more files in the end… if we assume that every file has a different header AND footer…
# 16:09 GWG Not really. Because in the absence of a specific file it falls back to generic.
# 16:09 GWG And most post formats except standard use the untitled style.
# 16:09 tommorris kylewm: Twilio can be set up to send you HTTP POST containing a blob of XML containing the content of an SMS. You can reply in the response body of the XML
# 16:10 tommorris kylewm: when I text my blog post number, I get a response back containing the URL of the post.
# 16:10 GWG But just as many as content-(format)
# 16:11 tommorris Especially if you can find someone who works for Twilio - they’ll often be able to give you $25 worth of credit if you are hacking on something
# 16:11 rascul twilio keeps emailing me they want to support me!
# 16:13 tommorris so, the grand plan which I haven’t had time to do is to do Dodgeball style checkins via Twilio.
# 16:13 bret tantek re: the reader subscription list stuff from yesterday. I understand your idea much better now and am totally onboard with the idea of using h-cards instead of the old style import/export patterns
# 16:14 tommorris I actually had reason to use Twilio recently - I went to France and had no roaming on my iPhone. I wanted to post something to my site, so I could actually post it from my £10 Nokia 1000 phone while roaming in France.
# 16:14 bret an outline model is not necessary here. tagging/category is much more flexible
# 16:25 tantek bret - yes there was always an impedance mismatch between outlines and user-centric methods of grouping people etc.
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# 16:30 tommorris As a posting interface goes, it’s fairly minimal but widely implemented.
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# 16:35 tantek tommorris - do your posts say when they're made via SMS?
# 16:43 tommorris that screenshot needs updating at some point. as does my posting interface. ;)
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# 17:02 aaronpk just to mention it again, I can't host in PDX tonight
# 17:03 tantek any other backup Portland hosts for tonight? Bret?
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# 17:04 bret im a bit burnt out to host another tonight with os bridge all last week, indiewebcamp during the weekend and then code for portland org meetings this week
# 17:05 tantek bret - though I'll point out that even Minneapolis is pulling together a 2nd HWC meetup tonight!
# 17:05 bret virtual hack sessions in the evening this weekend though!
caseorganic joined the channel
# 17:07 bret lol esri pdx is such an active tech community space
# 17:12 tommorris if only there were a way to put audio on the web. some kind of tag you could use to include an audio player, perhaps.
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# 17:19 JonathanNeal Now, if there were an indieweb music project, that I could definitely use.
# 17:19 aaronpk tantek: what's the normal header for things like that? Issues?
# 17:20 tantek aaronpk - issues are things that are resolvable
# 17:20 tantek things like that where there is outright misbehavior - "Criticism"
# 17:21 tantek let's bombard scobleizer with POSSE replies with permalinks back to our originals on our own sites
# 17:22 benwerd I actually was going to ... and then realized I had other things to write
# 17:22 tantek thinks it might involve sniffing the http traffic from the Yo app to the Yo servers
# 17:23 bret tantek: isnt the point that we dont have to compete?
# 17:23 tantek step 1: use the silos for distribution to grow the indieweb
# 17:24 tantek step 2: make peer-to-peer indieweb interactions *better* than silo based plumbing/UI
# 17:24 tantek step 3: braindrain leaders from silos to the indieweb
# 17:25 tantek step 5: press etc. notices silo traffic is flatlining - cool kids are fleeing
# 17:25 bret other than trolling positive projects and communities, what does scobleizer do?
# 17:25 tantek step 6: silos implode (see previous site-deaths, Orkut, MySpace, Friendster, etc.)
# 17:25 tantek bret - every community has a court jester or two ;)
# 17:26 aaronpk "Some example use cases: A blog can Yo the readers whenever a new post is published. Imagine getting a Yo From PRODUCTHUNT."
# 17:39 benwerd indieweb event w/ fb posse is up for homebrew btw
# 17:47 tantek " it is far from the “And once they see the power of my code, the people will rise up” bullcrap that typically dominates this set of conversations. " - love it!
# 17:47 aaronpk "People here weren’t allergic to making money, but they weren’t high off their own pitches either."
# 17:48 tantek !tell binbasti FYI I got the Moz App Manifest docs to link to the W3C Manifest for Web Apps spec. Making some progress.
# 17:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:48 tantek "Every presentation I saw focused *heavily* on user experience, whether it was on IndieBox, or Known, or IndieAuth." - well done IndieWebCamp Portland!
# 17:49 gRegor` Imagine if he'd spent, say, 1/10th of that time on his own site.
# 17:49 gRegor` Someday when Facebook screws him over, he'll have lost thousands of hours.
# 17:49 tantek gRegor`: perhaps start a "Apologists" section on /Facebook and cite that Scoble commentary?
# 17:50 tantek (and the irony of it being posted on Google+)
# 17:50 gRegor` It's on FB too apparently
# 17:51 aaronpk there is no password reset functionality in Yo apparentyl
# 17:51 gRegor` Man, I'm loving this new Teahouse theme on the wiki.
# 17:51 tantek aaronpk - is there a place on /2014 where we're collecting blog posts about IWC 2014? like that one from holden?
# 17:51 gRegor` Going to submit some small tweaks, but overall it's great.
# 17:51 aaronpk ooh good call. isn't there a stub section already?
# 17:52 gRegor` I didn't see a blog section on /2014 when I wrote a post beforehand.
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# 18:05 aaronpk you know how we often can gain insight from observing features of silos
# 18:05 gRegor` I can see it being inflammatory, yeah
# 18:06 aaronpk this is basically scoble sharing what he likes about facebook, and what it will take to find a system to replace it
# 18:06 gRegor` is fine with another term. Just used the suggested heading
# 18:07 tantek aaronpk - ok - how about "Advocates" instead then?
# 18:07 tantek if his post is framed positively then it's advocacy
# 18:08 tantek rather than apologism (which is making excuses)
# 18:08 aaronpk i'd still rather just cite all the things he mentioned as benefits of facebook as part of the UX research we are doing
# 18:09 aaronpk and then is easy to demonstrate when someone here does something with better UX on their own site
# 18:09 gRegor` I was just surprised by the face he's put thousands of hours into it.
# 18:09 peat I'm raising the flag to mention that I'm digging into the Teahouse theme today. Fixing links, a few styles, merging in some work that was done a couple of days ago (skinny, aaronpk, myself).
# 18:09 gRegor` Perhaps a bit of hyperbole, though
# 18:10 donpdonp gRegor`: i was trying to figure that out too. i assume he meant hours of adding and muting the people that contribute to what he wants to read about.
# 18:10 gRegor` peat: I was going to suggest setting the <p> margin to be top and bottom instead of just bottom. Spaces it out better from some other text with no margins, like the "See [[Main Article ]]" links.
# 18:11 peat This includes the original logo assets (AI files) and such. :)
# 18:11 peat gRegor`: Right on. I'm totally open to playing around with it. :)
# 18:14 aaronpk haha it was a hack cause the #mediawiki people didn't have any idea why user stylesheets weren't working
# 18:18 gRegor` peat: Is there already a wiki page with all the different wiki components to test against? Like all headings, paragraphs, <code>, <pre>, etc?
# 18:18 peat gRegor`: No, not yet. A lot of the stuff I'm stumbling over has to do with wiki controls (eg: tabbed navigation) and fun with microformat markup and nesting.
# 18:19 peat gRegor`: It's all been pretty easy to fix, though.
# 18:21 peat aaronpk: I don't have a test environment set up on my laptop, so .. uhh. yeah. those are all changes from the other day, so I think they should work. Haha.
# 18:21 tantek How do I see it? I'm refreshing indiewebcamp.com and don't see it!
# 18:21 peat tantek: Check out the "Teahouse" theme in Appearances, in your perferences.
# 18:21 Loqi peat meant to say: tantek: Check out the "Teahouse" theme in Appearances, in your preferences.
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# 18:43 kylewm tantek: when you were talking about having a reading on your own site (our own sites), are you thinking my main view when I log into my site would be a stream of my friends, a la social media?
# 18:48 gRegor` misses old school Twitter
# 18:51 kylewm I might be in the minority of thinking their UI improvements have generally been good
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# 18:52 tantek kylewm, some good, others, nothing but distractions designed to increase traffic, visits, clicks etc. all that usual free-service-keep-you-looking-at-ads crap.
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# 18:55 gRegor` kylewm: I just miss some of the simplicity. Multiple clicks to get from my stream to someone's profile now
# 18:55 gRegor` another click to see "Tweets and Replies" instead of just whatever selection Twitter chooses on their profile
# 18:55 gRegor` the old-old ability to choose whether to see others' conversations even if you only followed one half of it.
# 18:56 gRegor` In the early days, half of how I found new interesting people to follow was catching half a conversation and checking out who the other person was.
# 18:56 gRegor` It used to be a feature you could select to see only conversations where you followed both parties, or "all" at-replies.
# 18:57 kylewm I love the work they've done to try to show conversations together
# 18:57 gRegor` Agreed, those are great
# 18:57 gRegor` And definitely informing several indieweb UIs
# 18:57 kylewm even if it is weird that things suddenly appear in chronological order
# 18:58 cweiske bret, the indieauth protocol is so underdefined that I don't know if it really should be in there or not
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# 19:20 aaronpk cweiske: oh good call, i think that's cause it was all in progress on my test implementation of indieauth.com and aaronparecki.com
# 19:24 cweiske aaronpk, I hope that indieauth automatically redirects me to my auth endpoint when there is only that one on my homepage
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# 19:25 aaronpk if you specify exactly one authorization_endpoint and no other providers (github, sms, email, pgp, etc) then yes that probably makes sense
# 19:25 aaronpk however, what happens if you change your authorization endpoint?
# 19:25 aaronpk if indieauth.com has to make an http request every time to your site, it ends up feeling slow and you get annoyed
# 19:26 aaronpk that's why I made it cache the list of providers and require clicking "re-scan" in order to find any changes from your site
# 19:26 cweiske when logging in via openid, I don't even get a login prompt since my openid server stores the login cookie for a week
# 19:27 cweiske with indieauth.com I would have to select my provider
# 19:27 aaronpk I would be more inclined to do something like that
# 19:27 aaronpk where indieauth.com would store a cookie and skip even validating with any provider
# 19:28 aaronpk but it would have to be based on the combination of client_id, redirect_uri and scope, so that if a new app wants to authorize you it would prompt you still
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# 19:32 aaronpk also keep in mind that this is an optimization being done at the indieauth client level, so every indieauth client may behave slightly differently for you
# 19:34 aaronpk so while these are good suggestions, the end result is that will solidify indieauth.com as the best implementation of an indieauth client, causing more people to use it, making it look more and more like a silo
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# 19:36 cweiske you can provide a clean indieauth protocol specification to help preventing that
# 19:39 peat aaronpk: did you write up anything about the GnuPG auth feature? Blog style, that I can point people at?
# 19:39 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: re: indie music iirc chloeweil was doing something with music-data on IWC-East
# 19:40 aaronpk I did that for TOTP, so I should have one for this
# 19:40 peat aaronpk: I'm unreasonably excited about it. Sig verification is an awesome idea.
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# 19:42 aaronpk the feedback i'm hearing from GPG people is they all assume i'm doing something with key servers and checking the contents of the key and such... it's really much simpler than that and I hope that's ok
# 19:47 aaronpk someone asked if i was verifying the key had a matching email address
# 19:48 michielbdejong keyservers are a double check, as far as i understand. If someone gets access to my webserver, they can publish a new public key there
# 19:49 gRegor` Yeah, I think MITM is a slight concern if the key isn't available over https
# 19:49 cweiske I'd have expected that I only have to put the key hash on my homepage
# 19:49 michielbdejong as long as nobody takes control over my webserver, the keyserver can be left out of the equation
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# 19:50 aaronpk i assume you need the private key in order to make changes to your key in the keyserver network?
# 19:51 rascul taking over my web server isn't going to matter, my private key is not there
# 19:52 rascul sure, but it wouldn't work for signature verification
# 19:52 michielbdejong rascul: if i get control of your webserver, then i can publish a new public key which i generated, and to which i (not you) have the private key
# 19:53 rascul michielbdejong oh now i see what you're saying
# 19:53 rascul well my public key is on keybase so that could be useful
# 19:53 aaronpk these keyservers are basically a federation, yea?
# 19:53 michielbdejong also, if https is compromised, the information on keyservers would still be trustable
# 19:53 Loqi michielbdejong meant to say: also, because :) https is compromised, the information on keyservers would still be trustable
# 19:55 gRegor` michielbdejong: I thought some of these keyservers themselves weren't even https, though
# 19:56 aaronpk "This is why PGP keyservers are networked for synchrony. If one has it, they all have it. Publishing one's fingerprint far and wide (say, in the .signature appended to one's e-mails) makes it more difficult to substitute a public key with a fake."
# 19:58 aaronpk if someone has access to your web server, they can sign in as you. whether that's by swapping out your public key, changing the link to a github profile or email address, etc
# 19:59 aaronpk GPG has a mechanism to protect this, a way to distribute keys all over so that you have more places to verify them
# 20:01 aaronpk so me implementing more of the GPG stuff has little benefit for indieauth.com because there is still the potential to attack via other methods
# 20:02 gRegor` I think so. With the important caveat that if your key is available over http, they don't have to compromise your server to impersonate you, just MITM your site. I'd be concerned about someone new to indieweb / crypto putting a GPG key on their non-secure site.
# 20:02 rascul aaronpk well it's still another mechanism that doesn't rely on a third party service
# 20:03 kylewm gRegor`: that's true of all the indieauth methods right?
# 20:03 cweiske aaronpk, even if you use the website to lookup the key via its hash, the attacker can still change the hash on the website
# 20:03 gRegor` I think it's beneficial. If someone can compromise your site, they could just as easily update your rel-me links
# 20:03 gRegor` kylewm: Also good point. :)
# 20:03 cweiske because that would not need any homepage that can be compromised
# 20:04 cweiske which is diametral to indiewebcamp that wants the homepage for everything
# 20:04 aaronpk what would make sense is adding stuff like "it looks like you're tryign to use a new provider, we'll need an extra check before you can continue"
# 20:04 gRegor` TLS all the things
# 20:04 rascul yes spdy, hsts, fs, sni and all that good stuff
# 20:04 aaronpk or "last time you signed in as github.com/aaronpk, you'll need to re-verify your domain in order to change to signing in as github.com/attacker"
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# 20:07 aaronpk or instead of "re-verify" it's requiring a second factor
# 20:07 cweiske aaronpk, doesn't work. because the attacker changes all second factors on the website
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# 20:08 aaronpk but if you've signed in on indieauth.com before, it would use the last trusted info
# 20:08 cweiske the current re-scanned one and the old "trusted" one
# 20:09 aaronpk anyway I think I'm sufficiently convinced that there's no need for me to bother with gpg keyservers
# 20:09 aaronpk and at the point where I am worried about preventing the attack where someone takes over the website, I will continue to think about it further
# 20:09 gRegor` yeah, I think it adds a lot of complexity for not much value
# 20:10 aaronpk for now, it is a known quantity that gaining access to the web server will allow the attacker to impersonate the site owner
# 20:12 aaronpk of course signing in is not the only attack someone could do. they could update past posts and re-send webmentions to change the contents on the target sites, fake new posts, etc etc
# 20:13 tantek aaronpk - exactly. as soon as someone has control of someone's server i.e. through their web host control panel etc. that's a much worse compromise than indieauth
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# 20:26 bear in the realm of GPG web of trust - you *must* not trust a public key (hashed or otherwise) unless you trust the people who have signed the key and you verify that by pulling down from a key server the full key
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# 20:32 JonathanNeal Would someone help me understand why indiewebcamp might require I re-authenticate after a relatively short period of inactivity? Am I perceiving things incorrectly? Or is there a great rhyme or reason to this?
# 20:32 aaronpk it's cause i can't find the mediawiki setting for it
# 20:33 aaronpk if you go to your user preferences there's a "keep me signed in" checkbox and you'll never have to sign in again
# 20:34 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: oh! so you either log in everytime or stay logged in forever!
# 20:36 aaronpk wonders if he should also attempt to upgrade the microformats wiki at the same time
# 20:36 JonathanNeal Would there be a secure way to login without authenticating off site? Like, could my site contain its own session token that tells you I am indeed who I say I am?
# 20:38 gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme was working on upgrading the mediawiki version, I believe?
# 20:39 cweiske JonathanNeal, my indieauth-openid auth provider does this
# 20:39 JonathanNeal That seems promising then. I would much prefer to put my own site’s login behind lock and key, and let every other site be password free without even selecting an additional authentication method.
# 20:39 cweiske and whenever I have to re-authenticate, it simply uses the cookie stored in my browser
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# 20:40 cweiske JonathanNeal, I also like to have the auth on my side and don't like selecting auth methods
# 20:40 cweiske which is why I wrote my own indieauth implementation :)
# 20:41 kylewm cweiske: when you log into the wiki it will still send you to indieauth.com and give you the option to authenticate with your own authorization_endpoint provider?
# 20:41 tantek cweiske++ for writing his own indieauth implementation
# 20:42 kylewm I am not understanding why it goes through indieauth.com in that case, and doesn't use your provider directly?
# 20:42 cweiske it would be of course better if the mediawiki plugin would do the authorization_endpoint discovery itself
# 20:44 kylewm cweiske: i respect that :) was more wondering if there was a fundamental reason it couldn't work that way
# 20:44 aaronpk indiewebcamp.com is using indieauth.com to handle auth. ownyourgram.com is doing indieauth directly.
# 20:44 aaronpk i don't want to write that much mediawiki code, so that's why i'm letting the wiki rely on indieauth.com
# 20:45 aaronpk this is kind of confusing because of the double role that indieauth.com can play
# 20:45 cweiske indieauth.com for indieauth is like janrain for openid
# 20:46 cweiske "hey, don't implement the open protocol but our protocol that talks the open protocol in the background" :)
# 20:46 aaronpk except in this case it's the same protocol *gasp*
# 20:49 dreeves ooh, speaking of which, can we get beeminder added to the bottom of indieauth.com?
# 20:53 tantek !tell aaronpk yes on upgrading microformats wiki at the same time. Will also have some plugin compatibility testing to do.
# 20:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:53 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 32 seconds ago: yes on upgrading microformats wiki at the same time. Will also have some plugin compatibility testing to do.
# 20:53 cweiske seems I found a way to send webmention spam without getting caught as duplicates :)
# 20:54 cweiske webmention.io could verify if there is really an element with id=1
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# 20:54 cweiske but currently it's accepting all anchors without checking them
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# 20:55 kylewm hmm interesting. the same thing would happen if you sent those webmentions to my site
# 20:56 kylewm i just mean i'd be vulnerable to #[0-10000] too
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# 20:59 dreeves aaronpk: pull requested
# 20:59 tantek cweiske - yes, webmention is quite vulnerable to being spammed, in pretty much everybody's implementation.
# 21:00 tantek cweiske, if you're up for doing spam testing, please start gently. 1-3 maybe rather than 1-10k. And preferably with someone who has explicitly opted in as a spam-test-target. :)
# 21:00 shepazu JonathanNeal, if there isn't, I could make one in about 5-10 minutes
# 21:00 tantek haha "SVG" as hot-keyword for summoning shepazu ;)
# 21:00 shepazu tantek, guilty :)
# 21:01 JonathanNeal let me spend 2-3 minutes first, and I’ll ping you if my efforts are not perfect.
# 21:01 shepazu JonathanNeal, sounds good
# 21:01 tantek shepazu - is there a service for making "comicbook" versions of avatars (i.e. upload JPG/PNG) in SVG?
# 21:01 shepazu tantek, don't know of one, but I'd love it
# 21:02 shepazu tantek, it's actually not trivial to convert a PNG to an efficient SVG
# 21:02 shepazu there are apps, but it's not terrible smooty
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# 21:02 tantek shepazu I figured of all people you would know. Plus it would be fun way to promote SVG adoption (since people like cartoony-avatars of themselves)
# 21:02 shepazu tantek, well, I'm often out of the loop
# 21:02 kylewm JonathanNeal: I'm pretty sure there is one somewhere
# 21:02 shepazu but it is a good idea
# 21:03 tantek shepazu - but you're good at discovery of such things. :)
tilgovi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:03 shepazu tantek, currently working on an icon for "annotation" for my annotation architecture diagram
# 21:04 JonathanNeal shepazu: Mine was not perfect when I used tracing in illustrator. Go for it.
# 21:04 shepazu JonathanNeal, gimme 10 minutes
# 21:07 shepazu KartikPrabhu, why relative units?
# 21:08 tantek shepazu - nice, perhaps the indieweb annotation implementation efforts can use your icon - if it has a liberal enough license ;)
# 21:08 JonathanNeal Correction, base appears to be 60, 40, 60. KartikPrabhu, you can use px measurements and they’re still relative.
# 21:08 shepazu tantek, all my stuff is CC-BY or CC-0… in this case, since I didn't draw it, CC-0
# 21:09 shepazu JonathanNeal, nope, there's a difference
# 21:09 shepazu but now I'm going to work on it… brb!
# 21:09 KartikPrabhu shepazu: would like to see an "annotations" icon. have been using just the comment on for now
# 21:09 JonathanNeal shepazu: uh, isn’t the only difference the granularity of the math behind the shapes?
# 21:10 KartikPrabhu shepazu JonathanNeal: yeah I'd like to know about this px thingie too
# 21:11 tantek KartikPrabhu: I had another suggestion for the "comment" icon that you're using inline at the ends of paragraphs with marginalia
# 21:12 tantek what if you also put a mini inline facepile of the avatars of those who had left marginalia on that paragraph, immediately after/inline with the comment icon.?
# 21:12 tantek so just by scrolling, you could see the faces of those who added marginalia on each paragraph - no need to show/hide or anything
# 21:13 tantek that way if someone in particular that you like to read said something, you would know to open it up
# 21:13 tantek or say, if *a lot* of people left marginalia on a paticular paragraph
# 21:13 Loqi tantek meant to say: or say, if *a lot* of people left marginalia on a particular paragraph
# 21:14 KartikPrabhu tantek: the problem is the "lot" of people. This is not scalable in any sense. I don't want 50 faces after a paragraph interrupting the reading flow
# 21:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: so you cap it at 6 (like Twitter) or some other number
# 21:16 tantek but they're popularity on paragraphs! on ideas!
# 21:16 KartikPrabhu I don't know. I don't like the "ooo this has 50 likes so I'll read it" situation
# 21:17 tantek sure - so that's a reason to not use +n and just trim at 6
# 21:17 bear if > N use a single avatar that is a crowd
# 21:17 KartikPrabhu I have been thinking of adding a marginalia count attribute in case people want to use it. I'll think about my site separately
# 21:18 bear oh poo - I forgot to say… loved it - much easier for me to see and also re-find on a page after scrolling
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# 21:22 JonathanNeal Also. Top of the “A" is 82 including stroke. Base of the “I" is 40 inside stroke.
# 21:23 shepazu JonathanNeal, sorry, still working on it
# 21:23 shepazu gimme another 10
# 21:28 tantek KartikPrabhu: anyway - just some thoughts - I find that UIs with faces like that are much friendlier, more humanizing, and the little splash of color at the end of a paragraph would help break up the b&w
# 21:29 KartikPrabhu tantek: of course. It just happens that that idea might not go with my design tastes. But I would like to see more diff. ways of doing it :)
# 21:30 tantek KartikPrabhu: because it still feels too hypothetical / handwavy. If I was implementing it myself (even planning to soon) then I might capture it on the wiki.
# 21:32 KartikPrabhu another reason I am reluctant at the moment, is that the facepile is very site-specific (who know where the avatar is.) I want to have some generally usable thing first
# 21:34 tantek you just get it from the logo or photo of the h-card of the author
# 21:35 KartikPrabhu tantek: I'll have to search for a u-photo element and gets its src and put it in the paragraph
# 21:35 tantek KartikPrabhu: you already do that in your existing marginalia display
# 21:36 shepazu JonathanNeal, done
# 21:36 shepazu it's not perfect
# 21:36 KartikPrabhu tantek: no! I just move existing comments around. not finding any mf2 stuff
# 21:36 shepazu I erred on the size of geometric symmetry… the original was lopsided
# 21:36 shepazu I could easily change it
# 21:40 kylewm i'd guess the original was not lopsided intentionally
# 21:41 shepazu JonathanNeal, does that work for you?
# 21:42 KartikPrabhu btw tantek: you should leave marginalia comments with UI suggestions ;)
# 21:43 tantek but do you show embedded images from marginalia?
# 21:43 tantek which I could use to illustrate my suggestion?
# 21:43 KartikPrabhu if they're in the comment then yes! I am pretty sure I allow img in responses
# 21:44 tantek (so many awesome things to blog about post-indiewebcamp pre-homebrewwebsiteclub!)
# 21:44 KartikPrabhu I do nothing special with marginalia compared to other comments except move them around
# 21:44 KartikPrabhu though some style might break, since I haven't gotten image laden responses yet!
# 21:48 tantek KartikPrabhu: I'd probably just use an inline style= attribute to size/align the image
# 21:49 shepazu JonathanNeal, can you ack that you got it?
# 21:49 tantek bret - did you pick a bar for an informal PDX HWC tonight?
# 21:50 KartikPrabhu tantek: I am not sure if my HTML cleaner gets rid of inline styles! Will be a really good test case.... looking forward to it. Along with fixing some webmention verification issues
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# 21:51 KartikPrabhu hmm not posting events yet! I don't host enough really. but will work on adding that post type
# 21:52 KartikPrabhu let me re-phrase. none of my friends will look at indie-events! they're all FB people
# 21:52 shepazu JonathanNeal, 159?
# 21:53 shepazu KartikPrabhu, they should be able to use FB and federate indie-events
# 21:53 shepazu JonathanNeal, KartikPrabhu yeah, that's the size of the original image
# 21:54 shepazu JonathanNeal, it doesn't matter what the measurements are
# 21:54 shepazu it's autoscaling
# 21:54 shepazu it fits whatever size you want
# 21:55 shepazu JonathanNeal, I can do 160, just a minute
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# 21:57 bret tantek i think im tapped out for the week in terms of meetups. have to get ready to go on a 4th of july trip tomorrow too
# 21:58 tantek bret, perhaps encourage other PDX folks to consider doing a meetup at a bar?
# 21:59 tantek like maybe that one with the digital display of what brews/drinks they have on tap
# 21:59 tantek and that has the ability to have mexican food delivered from the place next door
# 21:59 bret the mexian place with the bathroom in the strip club :)
# 21:59 shepazu JonathanNeal, I didn't draw it in Illustrator, I drew it in TextPad :P
# 21:59 tantek bret - yes, however the pub itself has its own bathrooms
# 22:00 tantek so you can get the mexican food delivered to you at the bar, and then use the bar's bathrooms so you don't have to walk through the other club.
# 22:00 bret tantek the way portland works is that everyone leaves downtown at 5 XD. aaronpk and I met up and ford food and drink the other weekend and had a few people show up
# 22:02 JonathanNeal shepazu: by the way, I think we’ve collaborated once before, on, the HTML5 Gang Sign?
# 22:02 shepazu JonathanNeal, oh, right :)
# 22:02 shepazu not sure I "collaborated"… more… "piled on"
# 22:03 JonathanNeal Sadly, I can give you the exact X+Y points for the shape, but I don’t know how to draw it.
# 22:04 shepazu JonathanNeal, then you should learn SVG, it's not that hard
# 22:04 shepazu I didn't "draw", I handcoded this
# 22:05 bret tantek well if no one steps up to do hwc tonight, i will be hacking on iw stuff next week and resume the normal meetups after that
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# 22:09 bret but if emmak pauloppenheim or peat wanna do a hwc portland tonight feel free :)
# 22:11 pauloppenheim tantek: have a party tonight. i have some curious things cooking, but not quite cooked
# 22:12 emmak what is the tentative plan for PDX HWC? meet up for drinks and coding somewhere?
# 22:13 shepazu JonathanNeal, H is horizontal moveto
# 22:13 shepazu JonathanNeal, boarding a plane now, later!
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# 22:38 kylewm emmak: my understanding was that no one has volunteered to lead PDX or pick a place to hang out and code
# 22:40 bret aaronpk could you not host bust still want to meet?
# 22:41 Loqi bret meant to say: aaronpk could you not host but still want to meet?
# 22:42 aaronpk bret: I have a dinner to go to and I don't know how late it will go
# 22:43 aaronpk I'll be downtown though so if you guys end up somewhere let me know cause I might be able to join you for a bit later
# 22:43 bret im going to be at home packing and decompressing from the last week and a half
chrissaad, paulcp, willnorris_, gRegor` and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:09 willnorris !tell tantek, could you release your NewBase60 implementation in Cassis under a “traditional” permissive license (Apache, MIT, BSD, etc). I’m getting a lot of pushback over the BY-SA license from Google lawyers in trying to release my Go port.
# 23:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:15 willnorris bret: yeah, though to be fair, even Creative Commons themselves tell you that CC licenses shouldn’t be applied to software
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# 23:44 gRegor` php-mf2 question, specifically with barnabywalters' Functions.php:
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# 23:44 gRegor` What's the best way to extract the in-reply-to URL?
# 23:44 gRegor` I was incorrectly using getPlaintext(), which assumes the link text is also my URL.
# 23:45 gRegor` getHtml() returned the same.
# 23:45 gRegor` Might just need to parse the array manually
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# 23:53 GWG gRegor`: We any closer to that deep dish?
# 23:54 kylewm gRegor`: I think you want `if isMicroformat(mf) return getPlaintext(mf, "url") else return toPlaintext(mf)`
# 23:54 kylewm where mf = entry["properties"]["in-reply-to"][0]
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# 23:59 Loqi tantek: willnorris left you a message 50 minutes ago: you release your NewBase60 implementation in Cassis under a “traditional” permissive license (Apache, MIT, BSD, etc). I’m getting a lot of pushback over the BY-SA license from Google lawyers in trying to release my Go port.