#kbsright - that's about the size of it. I think the paranoid might also want feel a need to know that encoded text means in the first place [eg: a naughty person might have them sign a base64 message that says "I owe KB $100" or something]
#aaronpkdo you think there's value in having that text be human-readable then?
#kbsactually popped in here to see if cweiske was around to clarify an issue :-) but maybe will try later
#finchdaaronpk: kbs: yeah, the reverse is deniable encryption - something that only confirms identity during the session, but prevents guilt by association, a la OTR, which may also be valuable in indieauth
#kylewmwow, good point about signing arbitrary text
#kylewmso many non-intuitive corners in asymmetrical encryption
#aaronpki guess the danger is relatively low, because all that it proves is that the person signed the encoded text. so there's plausable deniability there
#finchdaaronpk: it does. I think that skipping the user_id and profile_id is probably best - it gives away far less of your db interals for explotation. I'm no security researcher -- I had to go look up OTR to find the word I was looking for ;)
#finchdwell GPG can't be denied, unless it can be demonstrated that someone else had my private key before that challenge was signed. deniability would come in if I needed to prove that I was never at indiewebcamp.com looking at $thing-not-allowed-in-my-country say pictures of women without burkhas, or encryption (like GPG, which is restricted by international treaty)
#aaronpki just mean that if I maliciously encoded something like "finchd owes me $100" into the indieauth challenge, you could always say you didn't actually agree because it was obfuscated and you didn't sign the plaintext
dybskiy joined the channel
#finchdah, so I can't open the challenge to verify? if I sign your public key I can open encrypted blobs from you right? then I re-encrypt (having done known math to the nonce) with my key (which you signed).
#aaronpki do like the idea of making the challenge human-readable tho
#aaronpkoh hm I actually need one more piece. the reason profile_id is in the challenge is that you may have linked to multiple pgp keys, and I need to know which one to expect
#aaronpki mean i guess i could try to verify the signature on all keys you link to
#finchddoesn't actually know the performance of such a thing ^ , but if feasible, my network security class suggested it is desirable to move less info and do more server-side work
#GWGKartikPrabhu: I did mention my thought to pfefferle earlier, as the webmention and related plugins form the foundation of my indieweb implementation
#GWGKartikPrabhu: But I just have to keep playing with it. Once I find the organization I want, I don't intend to change again
#GWGKartikPrabhu: To use non-Wordpress specifics, I had all my code in one PHP file. Now it is in several. Since Wordpress allows child themes to override specific files in the parent theme, this will make it easy to change while still allowing updates to go downstream
#shepazuKartikPrabhu, an interesting indieweb-friendly option might be to have a comment box on the site, but with some way to publish the comment in multiple places (not just your blog)… so, your commenting system would be a micropub endpoint as a utility for other blogs
#shepazuKartikPrabhu, for example, if I gave you my blog address, which had the appropriate hooks in it as well, I could post on your site but publish to both your site and mine, through oauth or something
j12t joined the channel
#shepazuthat seems like a friendly compromise that would help spread the idea… if you want to comment, you have to have your own publication site as well :)
#KartikPrabhushepazu: yes. that idea has been discussed in recent times a lot. I do plan on having that :)
#shepazu(which could be a service like twitter or whatever)
#KartikPrabhufunny how many people are reaching the same idea. means it is worth exploring seriously
#KartikPrabhuwell i have my indieweb project for the extended weekend
#tantekshepazu, good to see you come up with the same comment box -> micropub or Twitter flow.
#shepazuKartikPrabhu, you pinged me about an SVG icon?
#tantekKartikPrabhu: the challenge with Twitter fragmentions is certainly the escaping that occurs when the fragmentions are tco'd
#KartikPrabhushepazu: oh yeah but no one seems to be in a hurry to have an icon for micropub or webmention
chrissaad joined the channel
#KartikPrabhutantek: fragmention.js handles that already :)
#Loqitantek meant to say: and doesn't depend on the underlying plumbing (e.g. you could be getting mentions via webmention or pingback or whatever - something new)
#KartikPrabhutantek: i want to disagree with you... but damn it you make good points
#tantekKartikPrabhu: the problem is that every thing you put on your site like either serves a functional purpose for the user, or it is noise that distracts the user
#tanteknow shepazu is right too however, especially the way he put it
#tantekthough it's not icons per say, but branding that's going on there
#shepazuyeah, that's why those twitter and fb and stumbleupon and pinterest and reddit and … buttons never really caught on on websites… too distracting :)
#shepazubut that's okay, I don't need to convince you :P
#tantekusers don't care about the underlying tech. hence why they can switch between "native" apps and websites for the same without difficulty if their UI is consistent.
#tanteksure, there's the 1% of devs that care 1% of the time when they're curious and choosing view source. but designing for that by default is an error, unless you want to provide a worse experience for everyone else.
#shepazuI don't think it's so cut-and-dried what users want, for any given user for any given task
#tantekhappy to have you chat with any number of UI/UX/usability experts/professionals and see if you find even one which shares any of that point of view
#tantekthe "promote plumbing in your presentation" is a leftover from devs who live & breathe plumbing day to day
#KartikPrabhuerrr that "ha!" was for shepazu who's sense of snark I very much enjoyed
#tantekshepazu: you're right, we're pretty dismissive around here of the protocols/formats first crowd. as opposed to user first, design first. it's a pretty big differencne in indieweb vs. previous federated, decentralized etc. efforts.
#tantekmuch more talk / focus on use-cases, but we're not there yet
#tantekI stay involved with W3C because I'm trying to shift the culture there to be more like the user-centric / selfdogfooding / scratch-your-own-itch culture here.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: he'll be back. fundamentally shepazu wants the samething - usable solutions
#tantekit's difficult when you're surrounded by a tech-first culture though (most of W3C), to break out of that way of thinking/bias
#Loqitantek meant to say: but in particular re: in-person conversations, shepazu and I are fairly used to being direct with each other in person
#tantekGWG - pretty sure there is a webmention logo already - though that's not a mention icon. you want to talk with a visual designer about that. that's a more challenging concept to communicate.
#tantekGWG - if you have an image already for such an icon, shepazu and other SVG experts are good at converting it to vectors
#tantekbut that's different than coming up with a visual representation of a concept
#tantekKartikPrabhu: perhaps consider just having a colophon page where you describe what technologies your sites supports, and what tools you use to build it: http://indiewebcamp.com/colophon
#Loqi[@shepazu] @kartik_prabhu very cool, but the side-panel needs its own “close” button, in addition to the annotation icon
#tantekin this case, this was imprecise / wrong focus: "dismissive of the protocols/formats/datamodels/syntax… first crowd" <-- because of the last word
#tantekmore correct: "dismissive of the protocols/formats/datamodels/syntax… first *mindset*"
#tantekregarding the wording, so the difference is that "mindset" is something that any one person can adopt or drop at will, whereas "crowd" sounds like it refers to specific people which both doesn't given them an opportunity/expectation of change, and it separates based on people not ideas - which is also undesirable.
#KartikPrabhuyeah it came of as attacking people rather than ideas
#tantekso anyway - just wanted to point that out since it was a pretty clear error, and may have even been hurtful. apologies for that (both to shepazu, and for the error in general)
#tantekit's an easy trap to fall into as well, when you start to cluster people as holding certain viewpoints. though it does them and the understanding of a debate a disservice, it is an unfortunate human short-hand.
#tantekwhen more words are used to make an error, there's a sense of more time/effort/commitment to the error, which means people are even *less* likely to admit a mistake.
#tantekat least in IRC mistakes are recognized/corrected more quickly.
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: looking at activity-streams stuff to parse twitter mentions from my webmention form. Does that set require google app engine stuff or can just be run as a package?
#KartikPrabhu!tell snarfed: looking at activity-streams stuff to parse twitter mentions from my webmention form. Does that set require google app engine stuff or can just be run as a package?
paulcp, dreeves, chrissaad and crystal joined the channel
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I'm not going to engage in an argument on Twitter - it's not productive for anybody.
#KartikPrabhutantek: fair enough... maybe a blog post on your view on this... me (as not part of the argument) maybe shouldn't try to defend it like I did with Joschi Khupal (he did take it more positively than I was expecting though)
#KartikPrabhuit does seems as if people are taking the more outspoken voices here as the view of the entire IWC
#tantekKartikPrabhu: my entire talk at Personal Democracy Forum was about the principles, and what we had to reject in order to be productive.
#LoqiKevinMarks: voxpelli left you a message 4 minutes ago: You have some webmentions listen on your page now, tweaked how https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ handles eg. www-subdomains
scor, brianloveswords and gRegor` joined the channel
#aaronpkoffline for a bit again... feel free to continue importing etherpad notes onto wiki pages!
#KevinMarksVoxpelli: Yay! I need to get my static story straight - g.kevinmarks.com is my Google hosted one, a. My Amazon one, but automating posting is work not yet done
#luxpsychoit's all about web (blogs, social web, information pages), and you want everyone to host their own stuff (as opposed to posting on facebook, wikipedia etc.) and insert these h-tags that a crawler I guess gatehrs and copies so that censoring/removing data becomes less possible
#gRegor`Pretty much. I've not seen censorship as a big motivator behind indieweb personally, but it definitely gives you more control if you are publishing on your own site.
#gRegor`A lot of it is about controlling how your content is displayed, where it's displayed, and how long it's displayed -- sites disappear all the time.
#voxpelliluxpsycho: also – as I see it the indieweb movement is mostly a mentality of dogfooding concepts around independently hosted social sites – not about specific technologies, although some have gained a bigger momentum than others :)
#gRegor`luxpsycho: Ideally, when you "delete" a post, it would then return an "HTTP 410 Gone" header...
#luxpsychoseeing as you are the first google result for WebMentiopns: did you guys develop them?
#gRegor`When you send the updated webmention to the person you're replying to or mentioning, their implementation should read your source page, see that HTTP status code, and delete it.
#gRegor`http://webmention.org details some of that, the "shoulds" of the webmention protocol.
#gRegor`There is also indiewebcamp.com/webmention which includes a lot more implementation details than you may be looking for right this moment :)
indie-visitor joined the channel
#GWGluxpsycho: I want a presence on silos...sites like Facebook/Twitter...not because I like them...but as Willie Sutton, the noted bank robber, did not say..."I'm on social networks because that is where the people are."
#GWGgRegor`: Isn't that the point? Not to be in an echo chamber?
#gRegor`Create on your own site is one of the first principles of IWC. I'm confused by the question.
#luxpsychoIs there any use in joining IWC when I don't really have a lot of own content then?
indie-visitor joined the channel
#luxpsychoI have a domain, but it's relatively empty for about 3 years now ...
#voxpelliluxpsycho: each participant have different levels of involvement
#gRegor`What are your interests, luxpsycho? Are you interested in posting blog posts/articles/status updates online? Are you using Twitter/FB/etc for any of that currently?
#GWGgRegor`: I was saying, if you don't get people there, then your site is ineffective as a site.
#luxpsychoI mainly use facebook for 1-1 chatting at the moment, and not really any of the others actively
#voxpelliluxpsycho: then it's not much effort to consolidate your identity to your own domain :)
#luxpsychoso basically, when I start developing and populating my self-hosted web presence
#luxpsychoall I have to do is include h-entries, and that's it?
#voxpelliThere's two parts to the WebMention thing: One is the ability to send, of which h-entries is kind of needed, and another the ability to receive
#luxpsychoso i have to install the webmention protocol somehow
#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: microformats are not needed to send/receive webmentions
#gRegor`luxpsycho: For now you can set up a simple h-card on your domain and use it as your identity online.
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: No, but if you want the receiver to have a nice representation of your post they are kind of needed :)
#KartikPrabhuluxpsycho: all these other technologies are seconddary... the important thing is to have your own domain and post on it (posts could be anything at all) even short notes like people do on twitter. Once you have that then think about technologies and microformats
#luxpsychoKartikPrabhu: I see. WOuld these posts be somehow replicable to facebook or other 'silos' (because that's where the people are) without becoming owned by them?
#gRegor`luxpsycho: I would recommend signing in to the wiki first. It can be as simple as adding a link to github, Twitter, etc. and making sure that account links back to your domain.
#gRegor`Short version: There is a service that looks at Kartik's feed and sees it's the canonical copy and finds the twitter version from it.
mcepl joined the channel
#gRegor`The copy of the content you syndicate to FB, Twitter, etc. would be subject to their terms I believe, yes. But you have the canonical copy.
#gRegor`If Twitter censored your tweet, they can't censor your original on your own site at least.
#luxpsychogRegor`: I see, but if I only see the twitter copy of it, as 99% people I guess till would, how would I / that service find the original post on his site?
#voxpelliOne thing to be sure of as well – all those things are still under development as well and most participants in IWC has their own current take on it, some auotmated, some manual etc
#luxpsychowouldn't we need the silos to implement webmentions?
#gRegor`There's a lot of experimentation as this is still pretty new. It is more common to include a link back to the original, yes.
#GWGluxpsycho: I use Wordpress, which is easy to install.
#KartikPrabhuluxpsycho: that's why I mostly include a link back unless it doesn't fit in 140 char limit... damn you Twitter
#voxpelliluxpsycho: https://www.brid.gy/ is an opensource service that solves lots of those things – a bit magic, but it works :)
squeakytoy joined the channel
#gRegor`luxpsycho: Some people think that having a link to the original tweet can be confusing, if people click it they just see the same tweet they already read. But yeah, it's all in development and people are trying different things.
#luxpsychoby magicm do you guys just mean it's a hack? ^^
#KartikPrabhuit seems most new people get the impression that you need to get all of this working for indieweb... Is there someway to emphasise incremental steps on the wiki?
#Loqisnarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 7/3 at 10:00pm: looking at activity-streams stuff to parse twitter mentions from my webmention form. Does that set require google app engine stuff or can just be run as a package?
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: cool! activitystreams-unofficial *should* be usable without app engine…but we can definitely use more practice and testing there. happy to help!
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: alright... that is my weekend project because Doug Schepers wanted to leave annotations using twitter and it failed :P
#snarfedinteresting! so…he wanted to tweet and have bridgy send it as marginalia?
#KartikPrabhuno use my webmention form... but my form does not handle twitter very well due to URL obfuscation. So I plan to bootstrap it using activity-streams
#snarfedbtw KartikPrabhu, just fyi, you will need to auth for twitter's api, but you don't need to do the full oauth dance. you can get an access token and secret for your own account on the API Keys tab of your twitter app page on dev.twitter.com, and just hard code those in
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: I just want to get a mf2 version of the tweet... shouldn't that be possible without the auth thing
#snarfedsadly no. all v1.1 API use requires auth, and they've turned off the v1.0 API
#snarfedbut it's easy. just grab those two strings from that page and pass them into activitystreams-unofficial
#snarfedhard code them, or put them in a file, or whatever you want
#KartikPrabhuhmmm that is annoying ... i thought i could just GET the HTML page of the tweet and go from there
#snarfedmy code only scrapes twitter's HTML for favorites
#KartikPrabhualright... will play with it. Now I have to be a dev on twitter :P
#KartikPrabhuis now unsure whether to "support" Twitter and all its weirdness on his site
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: It's hard to solve that resolving problem in a generic way :/
#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: I am more worried about pandering to twitter and then dealing with it whenever they change their way to doings things
#voxpelliIdeally one would follow all of the possible WebMention targets from the source until one finds one that matches the intended target, but that isn't really feasible
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: there is a "data-expanded-url" attribute on the a-tag in Twitter's source that you could probably look at
#voxpelliCould be a pattern that other sites using shortened URL:s could take after as well
#KartikPrabhuyeah I am now scouring the source of a tweet to see what is the simplest thing to do rather than use all of bridgy's magic
#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: that'll be unfortunate. URL obfuscation is a problem
#KartikPrabhuhiding it in a data-* is even more stupid
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: well, as long as there's a bad, standardizable and feasbible way around it – then it's at least better than nothing :)
#KartikPrabhuMaybe be I'll write a little extractor object and opensource it for people to use
#voxpelliI'm thinking that this issue, how to find WebMention targets among shortened URL links, is something that should be documented on the wiki as well
#KartikPrabhuthis is Twitter and implementation specific so I doubt if this can be written generically
#voxpellione can document general approaches and see if common patterns emerges
#KartikPrabhuI will write up Twitter if I manage to get this working
#KartikPrabhukylewm: someone tweets a reply to my article, and tries to use my webmention form to tell me about it. But that does not work because the URL is obfuscated. So basically I want to support Twitter responses through my webmention receiving
#kylewmoh OK, so not marginalia just a regular "mention"
#KartikPrabhumarginalia would also work if regular mentions worked. they are the same thing as far as receiving responses
krendil joined the channel
#kylewmoh so you are thinking about a twitter-specific way of converting it to an h-entry
#KartikPrabhuor directly to a mf2 parsed dict with stuff that I want in it, like author and all that
#KartikPrabhuso here is the flow I have so far, given a tweet permalink find the tweet using "class=permalink-tweet" then find the correct data-* attributes and make a mf2 style dicitionary, use that to make responses
#kylewmI think I did something like that when I backfilled reply context for old tweets
#aaronpkthis is basically the most ruby-like php i've ever seen :-)
#rasculi do see the advantage in comments though, because they can make it easier to understand how a piece of code fits into the bigger picture without going through the entire project
#rasculbut still, i don't understand how to write those comments
#rasculit's more of a failing on my part than anything else
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: that case is not for the missing part. But bridgy is detecting that my tweet is in reply to my own previous tweet even though they have another person's tweet in the middle
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: right. so, bridgy intentionally sends all tweets in a chain as responses to the original tweet, not just the first direct replies in the chain
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: if there are multiple possible posts earlier in the chain to send a reply to, it chooses one, and it looks like which one is undefined, ie arbitrary
#KartikPrabhuI am not chaining conversations at all on my side... so right now, there would be my post and Doug's direct reply below it
#KartikPrabhumy next reply to Doug's post shouldn't be a reply to my original
#KartikPrabhubut maybe twitter does not handle reply to replies and reply to original separately
#snarfedright, sorry, i was unclear. i see how your site does it now
#snarfedi was curious how you'd *ideally* like it to work.
#KartikPrabhuideally on my end I'd be chaining replies with my own posts so they'd all show up as one conversation on clicking "show thread" or something
#snarfedand one permalink for the thread? or one per reply, and they'd all show the thread reasonably, like twitter itself does?
#KartikPrabhuone permalink for each of my posts. Each post would have all direct replies under it. But then on any post click "show full conversation" pulls in all the previous and later notes that are reply chained
#KartikPrabhuif it workde by magic, that's how that'd go :P
#snarfedgot it, ok. and so for a reply in the middle of the chain, where would you want the webmention for it sent?
#KartikPrabhuto my post that it is a direct reply to... not the first one in the conversation
#snarfedok. would you mind if it was sent to both?
#KartikPrabhuthere is a problem of munging twitter's model to this one
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: unknown, since I haven't thought about how to handle that yet :P