#JonathanNealI am attempting to write a UI library that let’s you appear to write comments on a site, but actually submits those comments back to your site for a webmention. Or has that been done to death?
#kylewmJonathanNeal: has not been done to death at all
#kylewmright on the cutting edge of what's going on :)
#JonathanNealClick on the menu button on the right side of your toolbar. Select History to expand the drop-down list and choose Restore Previous Session.
#JonathanNealAnother thing I would like to see fleshed out is the idea of likes/friends/followers/whatever. Something where I can “like” a bunch of you, and then generate a list of common people or sites that you like that I might not know about.
#rasculi've been forming ideas for friends and whatnot, but nothing coherent enough yet to document anywhere
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: I plan on posting some such list to my site soon... you can parse it for rel-following at get recommendations by me ;)
#JonathanNealI really need to get some kind of webmentions commenting thing together soon. It’s hard to build UIs when I have to cut my own everything-else.
#JonathanNealWhat is the easiest, simpliest webmention library on the net these days?
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: yes. building for your own use also serves as good motivation
#JonathanNealThe issue I am facing with cross site indieweb stuff is how easy it would be for a site to submit a webmention on your behalf without your consent. I guess you could decide your own authentication.
#JonathanNealI wish I could concisely and eloquently describe to you what I am imagining.
#rasculworking on webmentions is in the near future for me (which at my pace means anywhere from 1 day to 1 month heh)
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: yes... in fact I do that routinely, using my local site copy to send webmentions for my live one :P
#KartikPrabhubut if the post is public I don't see the harm.
#KartikPrabhuit is like saying "anyone can share your URL without your consent"
#KartikPrabhugoes to watch Grand Budapest Hotel... bbiab
#JonathanNealIf I login to a website, I might not trust them enough to “like” or “comment” on their site without first okaying it on my own site. If I tell my website to allow requests I make from that site immediately, that site could just say “send a request in the background to like us”.
#JonathanNealWhereas, if our two sites share a common protocol, my site won’t allow this by any forced means, but will allow an redirection where I can verify the action on my own site.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: maybe you should enable IndieAuth and webmention receiving on your website to see how their UX flow works
#KartikPrabhuand a traditional comment box if you want that
#rasculyeah i think the guy is trying to scare people away when he should be trying to inform them so they can better host their site
#GWGTo play devil's advocate, why hire a maid? People hire other people to do things because they don't want to do them all the time. But that seems to not be the argument.
#rasculhire a maid because you're lazy and don't want to clean
#GWGrascul: Or because you value your time more than your money?
#rasculthat sounds like a better reason than being lazy
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: still getting cold-shouldered by quill sometimes, clicking "Post" does nothing no error messages... could you add whether the "authorization" was done through LINK headers in the debug info?
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#rasculGWG i guess my h-card on rascul.io looks kinda like a business card
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: hmm yeah you mean you want to see what quill sent?
#KartikPrabhuyeah that'd be nice... I want to know if it is a problem at my end or something else
#KartikPrabhumaybe hidden in a link so that it doesn't interrupt your nice design?
#KartikPrabhurascul: the point is it could look like a IRL business card or it couldn't. that's upto the individual site
#rasculGWG doesn't work well on mobile, i have to play with the css some more to get it right, ideally it will be one list in reverse chronological order and the css will make it into two columns when there's enough room, or one when there's not (ie mobile)
#KartikPrabhuand anyone could include your card on their site but make it look compatible with their site's visuals
#rasculbut i wasn't able to get the css right yet so it's one list
#rasculwell, kinda like a list, but inside a div instead of ul
#rasculer, wasn't able to get the css right yet so it's two lists
snarfed joined the channel
#GWGrascul: Shortening is when you have a URL that is short, but not human readable usually.
#KartikPrabhu!tell tantek: I think algorthmic short URLs are for machines not humans. we should discuss/debate this! maybe then I can get miffed at you for being a pig-head ;)
#KartikPrabhuso no h-card on mobile and mobile people get a lesser-experience? that can be done
#KartikPrabhubut then you'd need to reconsider "what actual UX experience is the popup providing? Do touch users not need that? If so, why do mouse users need it? "
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: are all demos going into the wiki... If so I can help move NYC demos from IRC. I don't think we documented intro-demos but tantek took notes on hack-demos
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: yes that would be amazing if you could do that!!
#KartikPrabhucool... I'll try to get on it tonight/tomorrow
#snarfednot quite as bad as fabricating anything, since they can only post something you've already posted publicly…but yeah, it's a security hole to some degree
#aaronpkif you think about bridgy publish not as a webmention endpoint (since it's not really, it's just an overloaded use of webmention) then you might think of it as a syndication service
#snarfedoh yeah, it definitely is a syndication service
#aaronpkin which case the obvious thing to do is when signing up for a syndication service like bridgy publish is to have bridgy return an access token that's required to make the syndication request
#snarfedwebmention was just a convenient, maybe too lightweight trigger for programmatic code
#snarfeddefinitely. again, micropub or something similar is the right thing to do, it just limits potential users in the short term
#aaronpkso the thing you're shooting for is that people can just add a link to brid.gy/publish/twitter on their post and it'll happen automatically when they send webmentions for the post
snarfed joined the channel
#snarfedgotta run, but thanks for starting that page, i'm glad to have more prodding on this!
#snarfed(and very few people use publish anyway, so i probably should bite the bullet :P)
#aaronparecki.comedited /micropub (+76) "update syndicate-to parameter to require username. this allows the micropub endpoint to be able to syndicate to multiple accounts on the same silo" (view diff)
wolftune joined the channel
#aaronpkreally struggling with the limitations of form-encoding for specifying multiple values for the same parameter
#aaronpklike specifying multiple tags when creating a micropub request, or multiple syndicate-to values
#aaronpkcomma-separated for tags makes sense, and also is technically valid for syndicate-to since commas can't be in URLs
wolftune joined the channel
#aaronpkmost web frameworks get around the limitation of form-encoding by sending form parameters with [] after, like "tag[]=foo&tag[]=bar" but that is not actually part of the form-encoded spec
#aaronpkphp also supports "tag[a]=foo&tag[b]=bar" doing what you'd expect
#aaronpkthat was my attempt to get around the chicken-and-egg problem and security issue that bridgy has right now
#KartikPrabhusnarfed: kylewm: with posse-post discovery what stops me from getting responses to someone else's tweets? For instance I can put kyle's tweet url as a "u-syndication" on my site
#KartikPrabhu!tell snarfed: kylewm: with posse-post discovery what stops me from getting responses to someone else's tweets? For instance I can put kyle's tweet url as a "u-syndication" on my
#KartikPrabhuit seems as bridgy becomes bigger it'll need to deal with logging in and authentication. But that might prevent more users due to added complexity
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#kylewmKartikPrabhu: posse-post-discovery would only search your domain for my tweets if I put kartikprabhu.com as my URL in the bio
#KartikPrabhukylewm: so if I put your tweet URL as a u-syndication into one of my posts it gets ignores?
#jonnybarnesbut twitter.com/username can be used to be more specific?
scor and emmak joined the channel
#aaronpkyeah. and actually i'm thinking that the actual values for the syndicate-to field should be determined by the micropub endpoint and pretty much opaque to the client
#jonnybarnesthats what Im using at the moment for my auth endpoint
#aaronpkif it's handled by an auth service like indieauth.com then yeah indieauth.com is going to need a way to ask your website for the list of all supported syndication targets to support :)
#aaronpkmy only concern is that I may not want to reveal the full list of my supported syndication targets publicly
#jonnybarnesthen it may be best if the client itself asks for the syndication targets, if it already has an access token then the request cant be made by anyone and their dog
#aaronpkbut that request could still be made by any authorized app
#jonnybarnesyes, but youd have to have authosised the app
#jonnybarnesi.e. only apps that you have already authorised to use your site can get the syndication endpoints
#jonnybarnesI would never be able to get the syndication endpoints your site supports because I'd never get a valid access token from your site
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: CSS question for you! I'm playing with a responsive grid for https://kylewm.com/ ... on small screens, I want half of the left sidebar above the content and half at the bottom. is that possible?
#JonathanNealI would prefer to create a global variable, like window.fragmention
#KartikPrabhukylewm: there is an experimental spec called CSS regions that allows you to do that. But it is note well supported and frankly complicated
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: maybe. I really don't know JS best practices so up to your good judgement
#KartikPrabhukylewm: also always good to start designing from small screens. So at small screens make the source order as you'd like then use CSS for larger screens for fancy stuff
#KartikPrabhuso I'd actually do <sidebar1><content><sidebar2> on small screens and then CSS on larger ones to look like one sidebar
#KartikPrabhuthat should work. though I forget if it is clear-both on the sidebar or the thing right above it. I always have to fiddle with it a few times
lukebrooker and pbeaulieu joined the channel
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: it seems the only way to do it is to float: right the main content
#KartikPrabhuhmmm yeah you ave to use float and clear
#KartikPrabhuyeah float follows source order while deciding which thingy goes first
lukebrooker, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
#Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 7/4 at 9:22pm: I think algorthmic short URLs are for machines not humans. we should discuss/debate this! maybe then I can get miffed at you for being a pig-head ;)
#aaronpkwell that's an unusual comment out of context
indie-visitor joined the channel
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
#tantekKartikPrabhu slugs are more human friendly, if that's what you're getting at ;)
#tanteklaz, it looks like you have links to both your github and twitter on your personal domain. if you make a couple of minor markup changes you should be able to use your domain to sign into the wiki!
lukebrooker joined the channel
#tantekin both cases, change <a href="http:// … to <a rel="me" href="https:// ...
#lazlazlaz1Yep, already on that, just gotta pull it on the server