2014-07-06 UTC
# 00:00 lazlazlaz1 really clever
# 00:00 tantek thanks! it came out of a sense of frustration with the hassle(s) with OpenID.
# 00:01 lazlazlaz1 Oh man, yeah, OpenID did end up being a touch confusing
# 00:01 tantek in so many ways. for users, publishers, consumers, app developers. everybody. :/
# 00:03 tantek !tell aaronpk re: reader use case of temporary following of a hashtag, could prototype with Loqi here especially when on topic
# 00:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:05 Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: re: reader use case of temporary following of a hashtag, could prototype with Loqi here especially when on topic
fmarier joined the channel
# 00:07 lazlazlaz1 just noticed that "domain.com" != "www.domain.com" for indieauth, is that intentional?
# 00:08 tantek just as tantek.tumblr.com is not the same as tumblr.com
# 00:08 lazlazlaz1 ah yeh, good point
# 00:09 tantek "www." is not special. mostly, it's superfluous, per no-www.org
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# 00:11 bret lazlazlaz1: static sites have some nice qualities, but they also offer a set of challenges that make them harder to do dynamic things that php or other web frameworks make easyish
# 00:12 lazlazlaz1 Yeah I switched to static since I wasn't doing anything dynamic and it seemed a bit pointless running all this php code behind it
# 00:12 lazlazlaz1 But now I want to!
# 00:12 aaronpk at that level php is more of a templating language than a full server-side stack like node or ruby
# 00:12 aaronpk luckily the php tools around microformats and indieweb are pretty extensive!
# 00:14 bret tantek: i wonder if gitpub would be a good approach for your site to add webmention/micropub support, as your posting interface consists of editing a text file at this point
# 00:14 aaronpk bret: you'd have to convince tantek to use git first ;)
# 00:14 bret he wont have to use git, it does the git for you!
# 00:15 tantek more like I want to force myself to code the minimal php (rather, CASSIS) support necessary in order to share those libraries (or reuse others')
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# 00:17 bret I want to teach git to tantek next time we are in the same place
# 00:18 aaronpk but then you have to be able to pull it from the server
# 00:19 bret aaronpk: thats wack... do you know host that provide git shell access?
# 00:19 lazlazlaz1 There's plenty of graphical tools that help if you don't want to learn the commands
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# 00:20 lazlazlaz1 But there is always more flexibility in learning it
# 00:22 bret it does not emphasize the index, which is a point of confusion at first
# 00:24 lazlazlaz1 My favourite git tool is tig, it's a terminal "graphical" representation of the branches/merges etc
# 00:31 lazlazlaz1 So with IndieAuth you have to use an external service to authenticate, has there been any discussion around that to move away from "walled garden" external services? It came up today at the Indie Tech Summit as part of the idea of the user having the control over their authentication and identity. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had thoughts regarding this.
# 00:33 aaronpk you can use SMS, which while doesn't rely on a web silo still relies on a phone company
# 00:33 aaronpk there's email which uses persona or your email provider's persona implementation (which can be your own, but nobody has done that)
# 00:34 GWG aaronpk: Don't forget authentication using your watch
# 00:34 aaronpk you can (soon) become your own OAuth provider, which takes more work on the server side but then doesn't require any other services to be involved
# 00:34 aaronpk the simplest one is a GPG key where you link to a public key on your website, then you sign a challenge to sign in
# 00:36 aaronpk it's not yet implemented on indieauth.com but it's close
# 00:37 KartikPrabhu so to do this my server would have to implement code to act as a authorization_endpoint
# 00:37 aaronpk i already implemented it on aaronparecki.com actually
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# 00:47 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: the twitter.py thing seems to need app-engine for some HTTP_TIMEOUT is that necessary?
# 00:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:47 KartikPrabhu tantek: for the hand-written URL use case wouldn't a slug URL be better than an algorithmic short URL?
# 00:47 bret aaronpk: have you documented the gpg signin option somewhere?
# 00:48 KartikPrabhu !tell snarfed: that last msg was regarding activitystreams_unofficial
# 00:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:49 aaronpk i should probably just copy that into a blog post on my site
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# 00:58 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 4 hours, 54 minutes ago: kylewm: with posse-post discovery what stops me from getting responses to someone else's tweets? For instance I can put kyle's tweet url as a "u-syndication" on my
# 00:58 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 11 minutes ago: the twitter.py thing seems to need app-engine for some HTTP_TIMEOUT is that necessary?
# 00:58 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 9 minutes ago: that last msg was regarding activitystreams_unofficial
# 01:01 snarfed KartikPrabhu: HTTP_TIMEOUT comes from an appengine_config.py file, but that shouldn't need app engine itself
# 01:01 snarfed KartikPrabhu: when you cloned the repo, did you run git submodule update --init --recursive ? details in the README
# 01:02 KartikPrabhu oh sorry on further inspection... oauth_dropins seems to need google.appengine.api
# 01:02 snarfed well, some files in both repos will import from that package, but you shouldn't need those files
# 01:03 snarfed btw, as for hijacking rel-syndication links, yes, true. that's not bridgy specific though. you can claim syndication to a post that isn't actually yours, true…but you can fabricate arbitrary html on your own site
# 01:03 snarfed so, i'm not sure of a clear attack vector with that
# 01:04 snarfed i guess i'm still not sure what the actual attack is
# 01:05 KartikPrabhu it is not an attack... but I could very well write some inappropriate post and have all of your friends agreeing with me or something...because it looks like they have commented on my site
# 01:05 snarfed right…but like i said, you don't need any of this to do that, you can just author the html for that by hand :P
# 01:06 KartikPrabhu "oauth_dropins/webutil/appengine_config.py" seems to have "from google.appengine.api import app_identity"
# 01:06 snarfed yes, but it's in a try except, so it should be ok without it
# 01:06 snarfed are you seeing an exception at module import time?
# 01:08 KartikPrabhu hmm oh this was on File "twitter.py", line 25, in <module> from appengine_config import HTTP_TIMEOUT
# 01:09 snarfed git's recursive operations are sometimes flaky for me. try that submodule command inside oauth_dropins
# 01:09 snarfed …but you will run into one app engine dependency eventually. thinking about that now
# 01:16 KartikPrabhu snarfed: it tells me to install webapp2 isn't that an appengine thing too ?
# 01:16 snarfed yeah. there are a couple remaining dependencies. that's the easy one, the other is the hard one
# 01:17 snarfed as a temporary workaround, if you download the app engine sdk, you'll be able to use this now, and you can remove it as soon as i push the fixes
# 01:17 KartikPrabhu aah ok good. I cna wait :) might be more confusing if I attempt installing the app engine sdk :P
# 01:23 KartikPrabhu snarfed: is there a reason for converting everything into an activity stream first and then to mf2?
# 01:24 snarfed short answer, i discovered AS years and years before i discovered mf2
# 01:25 snarfed AS is also a bit more expressive when it comes to social specific stuff
# 01:26 KartikPrabhu in fact might be advatageous as mf2 grows and adds more things to be expressive
# 01:27 snarfed maybe! migrating would be a big task, and it can already input mf2 and output both AS and mf2, so the common format underneath doesn't really matter too much
# 01:30 snarfed yup. pretty much none of our applications are cpu bound
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# 02:27 emmak snarfed: how does bridgy elide POSSE'd tweets?
# 02:28 snarfed emmak: hmm. do you mean, how does it count characters?
# 02:28 emmak i am looking for the code in your github, but not finding it
# 02:52 KartikPrabhu I want to make a drop down list of links, is it possible to do it without have some onClick JS on the <option> elements?
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# 03:03 emmak KartikPrabhu: what do you mean by drop down list of links?
# 03:04 emmak oh i see, and then when you select a year, it jumps to the url for that?
# 03:05 KartikPrabhu that way on touch devices it can also pull up a nice menu like on Android or iOS
# 03:05 emmak yeah, not sure if that's possible without js
# 03:06 kylewm can you make a form auto-submit on change, without javascript?
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# 03:07 emmak what is the reason you want to avoid javascript?
# 03:10 kylewm so one argument, would be to use JS/CSS to show hide a list of links instead
# 03:10 snarfed KartikPrabhu: ok, i think activitystreams-unoffiical's app engine deps are gone
# 03:10 kylewm then if JS is disabled, the links are still intact
# 03:12 snarfed KartikPrabhu: you'll want to git submodule update —recursive after you pull
# 03:15 KartikPrabhu emmak kylewm: thanks for the help... will have to think of some other interaction way
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# 04:03 aaronpk i just realized that quill is sending in_reply_to instead of in-reply-to
# 04:06 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: will I break everything for you if I change it to in-reply-to?
# 04:06 KartikPrabhu I noticed it and thought it was some form-encoding thing I didn't realise
# 04:07 aaronpk cool. probably won't push it out for a while, i'm working on adding syndication buttons to it.
# 04:08 aaronpk oh dang, and ownyourgram is sending place_name instead of place-name
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# 04:10 aaronpk you're the only one who has used it in the past week besides me
# 04:10 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: I want to show a "via quill" on my notes. Is there a sane "field name" such things?
# 04:11 aaronpk if you don't want to just show "via quill.p3k.io" then I should add an h-card to the site so you can get the name from there
# 04:11 aaronpk the client_id comes from the token info, not from the micropub post request
# 04:12 aaronpk of course the other option here is since everyone's clients are already using the underscore version, just stick with that an update the /micropub page
# 04:12 KartikPrabhu yeah. depends on conformance with mf2 or having uniform naming conventions for all fields in micropub request
# 04:13 aaronpk yeah the hyphen is probably better cause there's no transformation needed from the microformats field to the micropub field
# 04:26 KartikPrabhu is it worth bothering with a single note being in-reply-to=URL1 *and* repost-of=URL2 ?
# 04:27 aaronpk if it's a repost, then it can't be anything except that I think
# 04:39 KartikPrabhu what is the wiki page with a list of note types i.e. reply, repost, like...
crystal, chrissaad, mdik_, emmak, squeakytoy, wolftune, lukebrooker, indie-visitor and arlen joined the channel
# 06:17 KartikPrabhu I'm trying to copy my old retweets from twitter to own site. anyone know how to get the time I retweeted something? the tweet-id is in data-my-retweet-id but no date/time
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# 07:18 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: did you see aaronpk's attempt to have own site authorization/login?
# 07:37 aaronpk JonathanNeal: it's implemented at ownyourgram.com and quill.p3k.io right now, in the process of adding it to indieauth.com
# 07:38 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: wait so if i have my own auth stuff setup I can use it on quill?
# 07:38 aaronpk quill requires you to set an authorization_endpoint
# 07:40 JonathanNeal One big difference I had was that I wanted each domain to host what-you-are-calling an authorization endpoint.
# 07:40 aaronpk it's just not required, so that it's easier to bootstrap
# 07:41 JonathanNeal yea, I think it is, you could not include the rel and let the form or site respond directly to the domain.
# 07:43 tommorris aaronpk: I was discussing making an IndieAuth browser plugin for Firefox to make the UX of using IndieAuth simpler. Was wondering if you’d be willing to drop a classname on the indieauth forms so that the form could be replaced with a button that just says “sign in with [your domain]”
# 07:44 tommorris all the plugin would do is look for that classname and replace the whole form with a simple one-click sign in. It’d just pre-fill the domain with your domain
# 07:44 aaronpk tommorris: ooh like pre-filling (and auto-submitting?) the web sign-in form?
# 07:45 tommorris but just if you have the plugin installed, it’d auto-replace the login form with a button
# 07:45 tommorris the button would just be “Sign in with aaronpk.com” or “Sign in with tommorris.org” - and underneath a little link that said “Sign in with another domain” that would un-hide the original form
# 07:46 tommorris I don’t know of a good class name. Something like “indieauth-form”. ;-)
# 07:48 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: this is sounding a lot more like what we were doodling with now, cool.
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# 07:50 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: yeah pretty much. i knew aaronpk was cooking something like this
# 07:51 JonathanNeal tommorris, KartikPrabhu: In that case, I suggest data-[PROTOCOL]="[FEATURE]:[OPTIONS]"
# 08:07 KartikPrabhu is pretty ignorant about how to best defin protocols, so leaves it to you folk to figure this cool stuff out
# 08:08 aaronpk I'm still somewhat ignorant about the data-* attributes.
# 08:09 aaronpk I heard something about how they are only supposed to be used for in-page consumption, and should not be used by external parsers. that's why microformats2 doesn't use them.
# 08:09 aaronpk so i'm not sure where browser extensions fall within that spectrum
# 08:15 JonathanNeal > Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements.
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# 09:55 tommorris aaronpk: data- attributes are awesome. use them a lot at work.
# 09:59 bnvk tommorris: where's the rel="pgpkey" on your site?
# 10:00 tommorris I put rel=“pubkey” yesterday rahter than rel=“pgpkey”. changed it to pgpkey. now works.
# 10:00 bnvk ok. I didn't know it worked as a <link> tag
# 10:01 tommorris but it probably ought to be an <a> on the page somewhere because visible-metadata. ;)
# 10:02 bnvk oops, yah, it probably should be visible old schoolers who look for mentions of PGP keys
# 10:02 tommorris Am tempted to go through the indieauth docs and fix stuff like that
# 10:03 bnvk also, you might want to rename it to key.asc instead key.pgp as some clients (like my Mac GPG Tools) shit the bed and won't import the other extension
# 10:03 tommorris If there’s a GPG contingent in IWC, we ought to have key-signing at future IWC events btw
# 10:04 tommorris I did check to make sure it was being served as text/plain by Rails
# 10:04 bnvk oh, that's the other thing, my browser downloaded it by default
# 10:05 tommorris probably some download intent stuff. donpdonp’s one does the same in my FF
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# 10:29 tommorris a nice little job for today: rewriting the JS on my site to drastically reduce the size
# 10:30 tommorris Lots of that is jQuery which can be stripped out and replaced with just using the DOM.
# 10:32 bnvk and still have your codes look nicer than straight DOM JS
# 10:35 tommorris I had a shock at work recently when I saw that one of our Facebook apps downloads 4Mb of data to run.
# 10:38 tommorris Sega Genesis game cartridges each had 256KB to 4MB of storage.
# 10:38 tommorris Complete video games from the 1990s were smaller in size than some of today’s web apps. (And more enjoyable to use.)
# 10:50 bnvk tommorris: it interesting to consider the environmental impact of all that
# 10:51 tommorris anyway, I need to disappear off into London and get things done.
# 10:51 bnvk I've long thought "why the hell isn't jQuery and large common libs not bundled in browsers and accessed via <script local="jquery" version="2.1" src="http://domain…">
# 10:52 bnvk some smarty pants "optimization" guru dude from Google once explained why it's not good
# 10:52 bnvk his reasoning made sense, but was so technical and convoluted I forgot the reasoning
# 10:52 bnvk anyway, really cool hanging out man, have a good trip back to LDN
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jonnybarnes, pbeaulieu, pfefferle, crystal, glennjones, chloeweil, dysfun, chrissaad, cweiske and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 14:54 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
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# 15:42 rascul better to show post datetimes in timezone it was posted from or utc?
# 15:42 rascul or use some javascript to adjust to timezone the person viewing the post is in?
# 15:43 rascul i'm happy with any of those but i don't know what would be better for others
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# 15:54 pdurbin nice. python. and it supports various indieweb things?
# 15:55 rascul yes, more and more as i get farther and farther
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# 16:49 indie-visitor Hello to all.
# 16:51 indie-visitor not much to say, new here
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# 17:07 GWG I'm looking at finishing up my new design.
# 17:07 GWG Do you have any sites you know of with interesting multi-column layouts?
# 17:08 GWG rascul: That is what I'm looking for...sites to get ideas
# 17:09 GWG I had played with a design that had the first few things full width and then the older stuff half or quarter width
# 17:10 dariusdunlap I know it’s “the thing” these days, but I do like the resutls from Bootstrap. Using it right now in a couple projects.
# 17:12 GWG dariusdunlap: I don't mind being part of a crowd.
# 17:14 dariusdunlap Bootstrap makes it real easy to get that multi-column look, including some nice flourishes like circl-shaped images for topic headers in the narrow columns. Here’s something I’ve been fiddling with, just to see what’s possible: https://dunlaps.net
# 17:16 GWG dariusdunlap: I'm actually using it. But I'm trying to get ideas beyond the traditional...full-length post model
# 17:17 dariusdunlap What are you thinking about? Link-Lists? I’m curious, because I’ve been musing about the best way to present POSSE’d material… likes, comments, reshares, etc.
# 17:18 GWG Many sites have a combination of views.
# 17:19 GWG I want the detail on the front page to decrease proportional to the age and possibly the content type.
# 17:19 Loqi gives GWG the detail on the front page to decrease proportional to the age and possibly the content type
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# 18:00 GWG dariusdunlap: I'm always curious for outside perspective
# 18:01 dariusdunlap Just with the general concept of dimishing size representing age… it’s a nice design idea, if you can pull it off. :-)
# 18:06 GWG The only font change is that articles have a smaller size than other post types
# 18:08 dariusdunlap Ah, your saying “detail”, as in the degree of excerpt or something. I was reading that in the context of the multi-column idea and thinking “size”, as in column width. Although I suppose they kinda go hand-in-hand.
# 18:10 pdurbin dariusdunlap: I think Loqi does some nicee substituting
# 18:10 Loqi pdurbin meant to say: dariusdunlap: I think Loqi does some nice substituting
# 18:11 GWG dariusdunlap: I think I need better test content
# 18:14 pdurbin aaronpk: I shoulda checked the log before writing that :( ... all set now :)
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# 20:37 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I am bit confused by your IndieJS example. Is the idea that instead of a browser plugin I host a JS on my site whose address is stored on a cookie. Then the log in site reads the cookie and loads the JS to do stuff. For instance, auto-filling my domain name in IndieAuth ?
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# 21:02 kylewm KartikPrabhu: twitter docs are working for me
# 21:04 kylewm i was already signed in, but i logged out and back in just now
# 21:07 aaronpk I've been hearing about redirect loop issues trying to sign in to other sites with firefox lately too...
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# 21:12 GWG What good elements do people put in footers?
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# 21:13 KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: was fragmention.js updated with the the exposed get element by text method?
# 21:15 kylewm GWG: I like having <a rel=webmention> in the footer
# 21:15 GWG Some people seem to duplicate their top menu
# 21:15 GWG Some people have a bottom menu but no top
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# 21:17 GWG I've been trying to find sites to inspire me about that and decide if I want to try a more magazine style front page layout
# 21:19 GWG A blog style layout is a single column in reverse date order, newest first.
# 21:19 GWG A magazine style layout is multi-column.
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# 21:22 GWG But, a multicolumn layout would be interesting for notes.
# 21:22 KartikPrabhu I don't understand classification of blog/magazine by layout <shrugs>
# 21:22 GWG KartikPrabhu: Blog 'Style' and Magazine 'Style'
# 21:23 rascul yeah my two column layout can make chronology hard
# 21:23 rascul especially if i get a bunch of tall boxes on one side and short ones on the other
# 21:24 rascul mine is in such a way so that the left and right cells aren't required to line up with each other
# 21:24 GWG KartikPrabhu: What if, for example, I want to separate articles, notes, photos, etc...
# 21:27 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'm thinking about a lot of ones.
# 21:28 GWG For example, articles tend to be driven down by Notes
# 21:28 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'm in the planning stages right now
# 21:29 GWG KartikPrabhu: I had this idea of separating the articles and the notes, as the frequency of notes will be more than articles
# 21:30 KartikPrabhu yeah that is a good idea... and multi-column might help. but also think of small-screens
# 21:31 rascul multi column is maybe not so good on small screens
# 21:31 GWG KartikPrabhu: I've done it before. On a small screen, the column wraps itself to single width again
# 21:31 rascul try looking at rascul.io with small screen it's not fun
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# 21:32 GWG rascul: Your layout should be responsive and go single column on a smaller screen to solve that
# 21:32 KartikPrabhu so small screens get one-column. then why is there a need for large screens to have multi-column?
# 21:32 GWG Currently, on my site, the sidebar goes below the content.
# 21:32 rascul GWG it will be but i got tired of playing with the css for my site
# 21:32 GWG KartikPrabhu: Why not be aware of screen size and address it?
# 21:33 GWG Why should your site not take advantage of real estate?
# 21:33 GWG KartikPrabhu: Explain the G+ layout to me?
# 21:33 rascul i don't like when sites only use about 1/3 of the screen width
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# 21:34 rascul it's kinda like mine but three columns it gets too crazy
# 21:34 KartikPrabhu my point is don't try to fill up space because space exists. there should be some better reason, more reader-centric
# 21:35 GWG I have a site I did where I have full width for the latest few articles and below it, just the titles and the image, if one exists
# 21:35 GWG So, a single page can show more older stories to click to
# 21:36 GWG KartikPrabhu: It can. And it might.
# 21:36 KartikPrabhu in any case... you should feel free to experiment regardless of my biased views
# 21:36 GWG KartikPrabhu: I'm in the...what do I want to try stage of that
# 21:37 GWG Without the grey boxes, those notes are tiny in terms of vertical space taken up
# 21:37 GWG Which would be a traditional note
# 21:39 GWG If you have a small screen, it isn't
# 21:39 KartikPrabhu also your site need not always expand to fill up the full width of the screen. Margins are your friends
# 21:41 GWG I'm not sure what a margin would do though
# 21:41 KartikPrabhu GWG: your site looks good on moderate sized screens. on large ones it is trying too hard to fill up the space. the main column becomes too wide for its text
# 21:44 rascul firefox web developer tools have a responsive design mode tool that makes it easy to see at different resolutions
# 21:44 KartikPrabhu yeah that looks much better on really wide-screens, you might want to play with proportions a bit
# 21:45 GWG I switched from a fluid to fixed container
# 21:45 rascul looks better when it doesn't try to take whole screen
# 21:46 KartikPrabhu GWG: fluid is not always the best option... you don't always want to take up full width of screen estate
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# 21:48 GWG I think I'm moving toward completion of this starter theme
# 21:48 GWG The Mf2 markup is correct, I think
# 21:55 GWG Big header, smaller content window
# 22:04 GWG I think the effect is better now with a picture
# 22:06 GWG I wonder if I should figure out the two grey boxes, which are my two optional widgetized h-card positions
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# 23:34 aaronpk considering automatically dropping my permashortlink from my tweets if I'm also including another URL in the tweet, so that twitter embeds the twitter card for the other link
# 23:35 GWG aaronpk: What do you do with the shortlinks considering Twitter rewrites them?
# 23:36 GWG Whenever I post a URL to twitter, it turns it into a t.co shortlink
# 23:36 GWG I'm still trying to figure out why...if they keep rewriting my URLs, why I should to.
# 23:37 aaronpk well I like sending short links for the citation because twitter displays whatever you send them. my normal domain is so long that twitter displays it with ... at the end
# 23:38 aaronpk so it's more for the human-readable aspect than anything
# 23:38 aaronpk if my main domain were short then it wouldn't really matter
# 23:38 GWG Too late for both of us on that part
# 23:39 aaronpk I do occasionally post the full URL to twitter if I'm manually POSSEing an article to twitter
# 23:39 aaronpk because in that case I want the full URL to appear on twitter so that people know it's a real post, not just a POSSE copy of a short note
# 23:39 Loqi gives aaronpk the full URL to appear on twitter so that people know it
# 23:39 aaronpk tantek.com is pretty short, and I would do the same with tantek.com vs ttk.me
# 23:39 aaronpk e.g. tantek.com when sharing full articles, ttk.me when the content is a copy
# 23:40 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: e.g. tantek.com when sharing full articles, ttk.me when the content is a full copy
# 23:41 GWG I can't get Twitter POSSE to work the way I want it
# 23:47 snarfed aaronpk, GWG: just as a data point, i've come full circle w/dropping self links from my tweets too. i only include them now if there's substantial additional content
# 23:47 snarfed one reason was noise and confusing UX, another was including the other link's card (if any) like aaronpk
# 23:51 KartikPrabhu I have been doing the same. no backlink if it is a complete copy. backlink if it is modified or truncated. And for that purpose my long permalinks seems to be working fine
# 23:59 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: there is still the concern that the POSSE copy then has no connection back to the original
# 23:59 aaronpk yeah, not ideal, but it's really a limitation of twitter
# 23:59 aaronpk cause with facebook I get the "See Original" links on all the posts