#indiewebcamp 2014-07-07
2014-07-07 UTC
KartikPrabhu true

KartikPrabhu how big should photos be on the Web? I have one jpeg at 200kB and still not as sharp as the original!

KartikPrabhu this is the high res

KartikPrabhu the original is unedited jpeg (phone camera no RAW) at 1.1MB

aaronpk they save several intermediate sizes for viewing in different layouts, but you can always get to the original resolution photo https://www.flickr.com/photos/aaronpk/14542562814/sizes/l

KartikPrabhu yeah have seen that. I do actully show intermediate sizes in the actual post... clicking takes you to the high-res one. But still 1.1mB high res is a huge photo

Loqi [mention] http://www.matthewgraybosch.com/2014/07/06/screw-digital-sharecropping/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/ (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://www.matthewgraybosch.com/2014/07/06/screw-digital-sharecropping/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE (pingback)

Loqi [mention] http://www.matthewgraybosch.com/2014/07/06/screw-digital-sharecropping/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress (pingback)

@MGraybosch Check out "" at A Day Job and a Dream. #Backfeed #DigitalSharecropping #IndieWeb #IndieWebCamp #SocialMedia https://twitter.com/MGraybosch/status/485938947705409536/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/485938947705409536)
crystal_, wolftune and chrissaad joined the channel
@MGraybosch http://www.matthewgraybosch.com/?p=866 Not what I had in mind. ... #IndieWeb #Mistake #Oops #Sharing #Syndication https://twitter.com/MGraybosch/status/485949168909701121/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/485949168909701121)
@veganstraightedge Video: The taking of the group photo at Indie Web Camp 2012 in Portland, Oregon http://vimeo.com/100065946 #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/485950617722970112)
KartikPrabhu aaronpk: maybe the demos then?

KartikPrabhu demos were broadcast throguh talky anyway

KartikPrabhu isn't that someone or other's law of something or other?

j12t joined the channel
aaronpk this is what I would expect http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009L4X3ZA

yakker joined the channel
aaronpk it says "video card support necessary" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002TUC64W

aaronpk this seems like the right thing http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D0B7HIE

gRegor` joined the channel
willnorris joined the channel
JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: around?
KartikPrabhu yup

JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: so indiejs has a few parts. The simplest part is the cookie. It lives on domainX and tells it where your IndieJS is.
aaronpk i just found this, potentially interesting https://code.google.com/p/glmixer/

JonathanNeal I dunno, it’s just an idea. The idea being that you host your own interactions, and pages have hooks for those, so you could add a like button on your page, and the visitor’s indieJS connects it with their account.
KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I see. WIll have to think about how this should all fit together

JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: I think I’m beginning to prefer the token idea, where your site decides what you share with other sites, and you can track what those other sites have requested and when.
KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: yes. that way you could choose to revoke the token and stop access

gregone joined the channel
JonathanNeal Great, let’s write it!
KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: hasn't aaronpk done that?

JonathanNeal Then, let’s use it! Are we talking about his idea or an implementation?
tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: I think IndieAuth already does the token verification. What needs to be written would be hosting your own authorization_endpoint, which seems backend dependent

emmak joined the channel
JonathanNeal We can do that too.
KartikPrabhu of course! :) I'll help you test it... I might have to do it independently for my python backend

KartikPrabhu wassup tantek!

JonathanNeal Good evening #tantek!
KartikPrabhu tantek: first repost imported from G+... and following G+ reposts have added commentary :P https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/brianwebb-window-look

KartikPrabhu #rebellion :P

KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: you really are jumping ahead with indieweb stuff straight to authorization stuff :P

KartikPrabhu should stop using 'stuff' for everything

KartikPrabhu !tell gregor`: any updates on the new HWC venue?

JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: I gotta jump ahead somewhere
KartikPrabhu JonathanNeal: always a good idea to publish notes and 'tweet' from your own site :)

dariusdunlap joined the channel
KartikPrabhu awww :(

KartikPrabhu so what should indieweb do when back posting?

KartikPrabhu oh sorry... I mean importing G+ reposts to indieweb site? include the extra comment or not?

willnorris KartikPrabhu: that’s simply known as PESOS

willnorris and sure, might as well include comments if you’re doing it for POSSE’d posts

KartikPrabhu willnorris: yeah but sort of PESOSing previous posts

KartikPrabhu I see... so wouldn't count as actual "indie reposts" :(

KartikPrabhu back to the drawing board

willnorris err, I see the “extra comment” you mean. yeah, I would absolutely include it, since that’s the original creative work that you authored. And as tantek says, it’s is really basically a comment

KartikPrabhu cool!

j12t joined the channel
KartikPrabhu Q: about rel=following. If I publish a page say mysite/following with a bunch of links I want to follow, would the rel value then say that "this page is following this other page" instead of saying "this person is following this other page" ?

willnorris (URLs are people, too!)

KartikPrabhu yes. then tel=following would say "this other page is being followed by the current document" but the current document is not "me". my homepage is me right?

KartikPrabhu hmmm

KartikPrabhu tantek: yes "if it is my homepage" so I have to publish the rel=following list on my homepage/about page

KartikPrabhu or have a rel=me to my page with the list on it

@AnastasiaAshman RT @benwerd: My #indieweb life: how my site gives me an awesome social media archive of everything I've ever written http://werd.io/2014/my-indieweb-life-how-my-site-gives-me-an-awesome (twitter.com/_/status/485988097448882176)
KartikPrabhu hmmm that is sort of restrictive... will have to think about that

KartikPrabhu tantek: yes choice 2 sounds more people centric which I like... though there would still need to be a rel=me from homepage to followingpage

KartikPrabhu hmm that sounds reasonable...

KartikPrabhu also prone to typos as it stands :)

KartikPrabhu I guess this whole business depends on indie readers and what they want to do

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: any input on this from indie reader attempt at PDX?

KartikPrabhu tantek: it might be useful for me to discover who follows me and all that... or who you follow so I can discover new people to follow

KartikPrabhu like a "web" of follow links

snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu true! but there was no auto-discovery/auto-suggest of follows

snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu is really getting ahead of himself with all this speculation about future :P

KartikPrabhu yes

KartikPrabhu I'll start with some basic links and go from there as readers/others add things

KartikPrabhu #babysteps

tantek for those that didn't see - adactio got image posting to his site working over the weekend, including POSSE to Twitter: http://adactio.com/notes/6978/

tantek and of course, as often predicted, the HTML is more important than the RSS, which gets neglected … and that's ok: http://adactio.com/notes/6978/#comment2010

KartikPrabhu tantek: works in my reader somehow

KartikPrabhu wonder if Feedly does some HTML scraping

KartikPrabhu hmm good point

KartikPrabhu smart reader then :P

tantek KartikPrabhu: or he fixed it: https://twitter.com/adactio/status/485710400298958849

@adactio @charlesroper Ah, good catch! Fixed now. Cheers! (twitter.com/_/status/485710400298958849)
KartikPrabhu aah neat

tantek.com edited /WordPress (+23) "/* POSSE */ add id=POSS to make the first link work from https://twitter.com/kartik_prabhu/status/485197197542060032" (view diff)

JonathanNeal kylewm: it is just a weird idea to use JavaScript for trust-less cross-site interactions.
gregone joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yeah... adactio is silently doing some major stuff

KartikPrabhu I'd like to see his posting interface

KartikPrabhu ACME++

KartikPrabhu also that interface does not have all the new goodies like photo and geolocation

JonathanNeal kylewm: yes, that was the initial idea, and that requests would be sent back to your site
cweiske joined the channel
tantek KartikPrabhu: it's funny, I noticed bnvk editing /IndieMark recently, so I went to check his edits, see if there was anything I could build on, and I'm noticing upon reviewing Level 2 and Level 3 that adactio is adding support for stuff listed there recently

KartikPrabhu aah neat

KartikPrabhu I haven't looked/scored myself on IndieMark for a long time

tantek.com edited /IndieMark (+301) "level 1 posts 0.2 = 0.1 per post to 0.2 for 2 at most (minimum required). location is not a separate post type, it's part of others)" (view diff)

KartikPrabhu tantek: I propose upgrading IndieMark to have a least-point of 1 instead of 0.1 for the non-mathy crowd... thoughts?

KartikPrabhu hmm really?

KartikPrabhu I see so the total score of each level should be 1 is the idea

KartikPrabhu fair enough :)

KartikPrabhu sports-argument... you win! :P

KartikPrabhu tantek: hmm sure will do some more reading of that page :)

willnorris so… 9 years, 1 month, 14 days. That’s how long I used WordPress. Completed the migration to Jekyll last wednesday: https://willnorris.com/2014/07/one-step-forward-two-steps-back

willnorris well, what good is having a personal site if you can’t change things up once in a while? :)

Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/kartik_prabhu/485197197542060032/11628 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/wordpress#POSS (webmention)

KartikPrabhu tantek: would be nice to see a bigger picture of your comic to read the dialogue http://tantek.com/2013/149/b1/bayesian :)

willnorris tantek: thanks. btw, did you see my note the other day about the cassis license (or at least for the newbase60 implementation)?

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: did you update quill code to do in-reply-to intead of underscores?

KartikPrabhu oh ok so I can safely use it for now without code updates on my side :)

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: quill again did the "I'll do nothing" on Post :(

KartikPrabhu weird

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: oh poo never mind... I changed some Notes stuff on my site which broke my micropub internally :P

KartikPrabhu what the waht!

KartikPrabhu tommrris: maybe a syndicated to link would be good :)

KartikPrabhu so much POSSE

jsilvestre, glennjones_ and tantek joined the channel
cweiske, snarfed, glennjones and gRegor` joined the channel
tantek, Jihaisse and glennjones joined the channel
cweiske I'd like to test a new version of phorkie, my federated self-hosted pastebin software. if you have PHP and the git cli running on a server, please download http://tmp.cweiske.de/phorkie-0.4.0.phar
tantek, phil80, mdik, michielbdejong, fmarier, eschnou, petermolnar and sankha93 joined the channel
JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: an idea for cross domain access in PHP with the ability to configure what gets shared and keep logs of when it is accessed https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a1eaf5571e56a4adf13a
JonathanNeal cweiske: https://github.com/cweiske/phorkie ?
JonathanNeal Will I still need pear for that?
JonathanNeal Sure. I will create a new test domain for this.
JonathanNeal I have the phar file in the root of the domain.
JonathanNeal It does not, may I rename the file?
JonathanNeal Yes.
JonathanNeal I have pear installed, did a `which pear`.
cweiske JonathanNeal, edit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf to let php handle .phar files
Sebastien-L joined the channel
JonathanNeal I have no such php conf file
JonathanNeal Default Mac install.
JonathanNeal I will look into it. I can edit /etc/php.ini
cweiske do you have a /etc/apache2/ directory?
JonathanNeal yes
JonathanNeal `grep -r “FilesMatch”` you say?
JonathanNeal Nothing for the last minute, but it’s still looking.
JonathanNeal Does it go by another name? httpd.conf
JonathanNeal Done.
JonathanNeal Running.
JonathanNeal Feels very rails.
JonathanNeal “No configuration file found. Visit the setup check page for more information.”
JonathanNeal That was easy. unexpected: git version is less fun
JonathanNeal And I’m not sure what MIME type detection fails means.
JonathanNeal I imagine it’s because “git version needs to be at least 1.7.5”
JonathanNeal Which is beneath “git version output format unexpected: git version (Apple Git-48)”
JonathanNeal awesome, unbreak it
JonathanNeal The third error is “MIME type detection fails” and those are the only red X errors. There’s a information warning “Possible config file: /Users/jonathan/Sites/phorkie/phorkie-0.4.0.phar.config.php (not loaded)”
JonathanNeal I did.
JonathanNeal My markdown came out as plain text, renamed the file to .md and uh, the markdown parser needs love.
cweiske then visit http://p.cweiske.de/114 and click "fork to remote system"
cweiske i'm using https://github.com/michelf/php-markdown
JonathanNeal that forking totally worked, btw
JonathanNeal Absolutely amazingly well done, cweiske
cweiske JonathanNeal, if your phorkie instance would be public, http://p.cweiske.de/114 would show the fork and link to it
cweiske see http://p.cweiske.de/116 how the listing looks like
JonathanNeal Yea, that looks good.
@winnie_chily My #indieweb life: how my site gives me an awesome social media archive of everything I've ever written http://werd.io/2014/my-indieweb-life-how-my-site-gives-me-an-awesome?utm_content=buffer1b8a6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer #SocialM... (twitter.com/_/status/486074144715735040)
JonathanNeal Nice
JonathanNeal I think I have been using Markdown Extra to render my code blocks http://sandbox.thewikies.com/fragmentions/ it is also part of the same repo you are using https://github.com/michelf/php-markdown/tree/lib/Michelf
JonathanNeal That will help with ```html becoming http://phancap.cweiske.de/phorkie-0.4.0.phar/2
JonathanNeal Okay. Time for bed. 2am here. Want to enjoy my kids before leaving for work.
fofr and friedcell joined the channel
adactio and Kyle-K joined the channel
@voxpelli @willnorris Congratulations on the move to Jekyll! Feel free to use https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ for your WerbMentions – easy to migrate from :) (twitter.com/_/status/486099134995525632)
scor joined the channel
@evanpro RT @voxpelli: @willnorris Congratulations on the move to Jekyll! Feel free to use https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ for your WerbMentions – easy to m… (twitter.com/_/status/486099678136508416)
@hugoroyd RT @voxpelli: @willnorris Congratulations on the move to Jekyll! Feel free to use https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ for your WerbMentions – easy to m… (twitter.com/_/status/486102223131529216)
pbeaulieu joined the channel
scor joined the channel
@jimgroom @dkernohan @patlockley @VivienRolfe > @dajbelshaw is @timmmmyboy's biggest fan which meansd we'll have entire indieweb on relcaim shortly ;) (twitter.com/_/status/486124247333761024)
sdboyer_, halorgium, jonnybarnes, dietrich, piney0, JonathanNeal, ngoldman, CaptainCalliope, teknotus_, michielbdejong, bigbluehat, b0bg0d____, hadleybean, ozatomic, ryana, phil80, reidab, Sebastien-L, brianloveswords and squeakytoy joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
gRegor` and irdan joined the channel
gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Haven't heard back yet
chrissaad joined the channel
kylewm what's the distinction between "IndieWebCamp participants" and "IndieWebCamp community members" on the wiki? (ref http://indiewebcamp.com/Wordpress#People_using_WordPress)
wolftune joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
kylewm.com edited /WordPress (+84) "/* People using WordPress */ added start - end dates for User:willnorris.com" (view diff)
friedcell, Sebastien-L, scor, eschnou, gavinc and npdoty joined the channel
jonnybarnes.net edited /email (+188) "/* Handling it Yourself */ mention mail in a box" (view diff)
irdan, squeakytoy, pfefferle, tilgovi and j12t joined the channel
JonathanNeal Hello!
caseorganic and brianloveswords joined the channel
gRegor` +1 for not using participants / community member distinction there, kylewm.
danfowler joined the channel
gRegor` Other IndieWeb Example sections don't follow that pattern as far as I can tell. If they're on the wiki, they're on the wiki... that's my take :)
gRegor` Hm, so there's a separate "People using WordPress" and "IndieWeb Example" sections.
paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` for wp.org and .com respectively
gregorlove.com edited /WordPress (-20) "/* People using WordPress */ subheading "Using on their primary site" rm "participant" text" (view diff)

gregorlove.com edited /WordPress (-21) "/* Using on their primary site */ subheading "Using on one of their sites"" (view diff)

gregorlove.com edited /WordPress (+9) "/* People using WordPress */ subheading "Other independents using it on their primary site"" (view diff)

gregorlove.com edited /WordPress (+2) "/* People using WordPress */ mv aaronpk screenshot" (view diff)

gRegor` I think that's better, but it could still probably use some work: http://indiewebcamp.com/WordPress#People_using_WordPress
gRegor` Perhaps "IndieWeb Examples" instead of "People Using WordPress" Not sure where that puts the "Other independents using..." subsection
gRegor` Right
gRegor` Like 1/4 of the web? Or whatever the WP stats are these days. :)
benwerd joined the channel
tommorris adactio presenting at IndieTechSummit on Friday - https://www.flickr.com/photos/tommorris/14410883438/

cweiske joined the channel
cweiske I'd like to test a new version of phorkie, my federated self-hosted pastebin software. if you have PHP and the git cli running on a server, please download http://tmp.cweiske.de/phorkie-0.4.0.phar
piney0 joined the channel
tommorris okay, most of my IndieTechSummit photos uploaded - https://www.flickr.com/photos/tommorris/sets/72157645150633018

emmak, friedcell and snarfed joined the channel
jonnybarnes I'm not too sure on this: http://indiewebcamp.com/micropub#Alternate_Content_Types

jonnybarnes are we saying that micropub clients should not send rendered HTML?

indie-visitor joined the channel
gregorlove.com edited /IndieAuth (-4) "/* The IndieAuth API */ fix documentation link" (view diff)

mko joined the channel
Sebastien-L, KartikPrabhu and pbeaulieu joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
tantek I'm just going to post this again here for us West-coasters that might not have seen it when it was tweeted live: https://twitter.com/yatil/status/486116586760462336

tantek that reminds me, more thoughts on /Twitter#Features

otterdam joined the channel
tantek.com edited /Twitter (+79) "/* Features */ reply-context up through start of thread" (view diff)

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk there's also the command line trick if you're into that sort of thing :) `curl http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-06 | grep -i reply`

gRegor` Ooh, nice
gRegor` contemplates a shell script to loop through certain dates
gRegor` h-oogle
gRegor` free name idea :)
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
gRegor` Haha
kylewm I put it here http://phorkie.kylewm.com/ and tried lots of different nginx params
cweiske when accessing http://phorkie.kylewm.com/phorkie-0.4.0.phar
addal joined the channel
addal Hey all so I so I have my own domain I'm posting to but it is static
addal do you know any tools for POSSE? Like give them a url and they post it in all the places
addal rascul, yep
addal rascul, all I really know is hootsuite :x
cweiske kylewm, place http://tmp.cweiske.de/phpinfo.phar on your server
addal rascul, thought about doing the opposite too, write a script for jekyll to grab my latest foursquare checkins, retweets ect
addal tantek, http://ashersilberman.com/, we had a little talk about ssl :p
tantek addal cool! we? and add yourself to /irc-people !

addal tantek, all right, oh man so many lists haha
addal kylewm, thanks!
cweiske another one with the same problem: http://stackoverflow.com/q/23814312/282601
cweiske I created the phar with http://p.cweiske.de/120
cweiske works fine on apache with fastcgi: http://phancap.cweiske.de/phpinfo.phar
cweiske kylewm, please put http://tmp.cweiske.de/phpinfo-simple.phar on your server
addal tantek, got excited for all the America/Los_Angeles people, then realized it's the whole Pacific time zone
cweiske now we need to compare server variables with http://tmp.cweiske.de/phpinfo-simple.phar
addal tantek, yep.
bear hmm, does it require no / redirect like most php does (i.e. / -> /index.php … )

tantek addal, next, setup a simple User: page with at least a simple h-card with your name and domain: http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Ashersilberman.com

Jeena hehe this is a funny blog http://ourincrediblejourney.tumblr.com/ in the spirit of http://indiewebcamp.com/site-deaths

tantek Jeena - it's linked from /site-deaths ;)

paulcp and tilgovi joined the channel
@cznweb RT @MyCozyCloud: IndieWebCamp (@indiewebcamp) is running: lots of awesome talks. Follow the hashtag #indietech. By the way, Benjamin will p… (twitter.com/_/status/486229979114774529)
@benwerd I've been spinning my wheels on #indieweb ideas for a long time. Here's a PDF I'd forgotten I'd written, from 2009: http://benwerd.com/shoal.pdf (twitter.com/_/status/486230186317209600)
ashersilberman.com created /User:Ashersilberman.com (+133) "Created page with "Hey all, I'm <span style= "font-size: 16px" (view diff)
Loqi line-height: 1.625em;" class="h-card">[http://ashersilberman.com/ Asher Silberman]</span>"

addal tantek, done :)
aaronpk here's an old php bug for it https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53537

kylewm cweiske: my nginx is https://gist.github.com/kylewm/bec6c52eadfde4220ec2 now, and still looks the same
KartikPrabhu1 mko: Articles/Notes
addal tantek, copied someone, I probably should have used divs so I could include other sites though
glennjones joined the channel
gRegor` mko: Eventually I think my links will be: Home, Notes, About, Archives, Contact. (Notes is the only one not in nav currently)
bear why does phpinfo.phar redirect to /www/index.php ?

aaronpk oh interesting, here's an alternate way to package a phar that doesn't involve server configuration changes http://www.sitepoint.com/packaging-your-apps-with-phar/

@neilcford Learn Ruby, learn JavaScript, then help to make Jekyll POSSE capable. Small task really. #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/486237370170474496)
tantek.com edited /reply-context (+2805) "add levels based on http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-06-26#t1403820472 (and prev/subsequent analysis), including reply-context thread!" (view diff)

tantek aaronpk - ok I expanded on what I said in IRC, into the wiki, your review is appreciated: http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#Levels

tantek also, a challenge for you (aaronpk), benwerd (in Known), and snarfed (as a WP plugin) : http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#reply_thread

KartikPrabhu snarfed: to what?

KartikPrabhu snarfed: oh... not in the sense tantek is thinking I guess

snarfed tantek: here's an example of KartikPrabhu's that's not too far off: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/marginalia-schepers
snarfed (related bridgy feature request: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/217)
KartikPrabhu snarfed: yeah it isn't what tantek is asking for :P

tantek snarfed, see for example: https://twitter.com/kartik_prabhu/status/485187603461709824

@kartik_prabhu @shepazu I’ll support twitter on my site and you can fix your blog, deal? ;) #indieweb (https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/blog-schepers) (twitter.com/_/status/485187603461709824)
KartikPrabhu tantek: i suppose you are thinking more link Twitter's show full conversation thingy?

brianloveswords joined the channel
KartikPrabhu nods

KartikPrabhu I am aiming to do that soon, but let me get one reply-context first :P

KartikPrabhu tantek: how about them webmentions :)

aaronpk i've got quite the list before I get to threaded reply contexts https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k/issues?state=open

KartikPrabhu tantek: on your site ;)

tantek KartikPrabhu: it's in the list: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#show-webmentions

gRegor` +1 for tantek getting webmentions. :)
tantek KartikPrabhu: is http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#reply_thread in your itches or working on list somewhere? ;)

KartikPrabhu nope will add soon :P

KartikPrabhu my itch list is getting so big i'll have to add "update itch list" to my itchlist

KartikPrabhu tantek: actually it is! ref: https://kartikprabhu.com/itch##chaining+conversations

KartikPrabhu hey short hand!

eschnou joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: yes... but once i can do reply-contexts I can chain replies too to get full chained conversation

pauloppenheim, chrissaad and hober joined the channel
kylewm interesting, I'm getting Google +1's on a post I didn't post to google https://kylewm.com/note/2014/07/05/1
snarfed kylewm: looks like this post: https://plus.google.com/+MatthewGraybosch/posts/gZZGSs3njtL
paulcp joined the channel
snarfed background, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/215
pauloppenheim and brainTrain joined the channel
KartikPrabhu snarfed: yeah reasonable :P

tantek and brianloveswords joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
kylewm I do have one, but it's empty https://kylewm.com/like/2014/07/06/1
tantek joined the channel
kylewm snarfed: I know https://snarfed.org/2013-08-18_im-slow
kylewm hmm, your like on here http://stream.withknown.com/2014/we-open-sourced-our-user-research-materials-idnouser-research-if-youre looks good
@skinny @t I want to talk what #indieweb can learn from Medium at #yxyy (twitter.com/_/status/486256338809286656)
snarfed emmak: yeah, no answer on http://indiewebcamp.com/like . i think it's unclear, or maybe both are ok.
brianlov_ joined the channel
snarfed great post about this: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/BuildingCommunitieswithSo.html
arlen joined the channel
gRegor` I'm thinking of setting up a bookmarklet to easily populate the reply-context for my new note interface. Are any JS people working on similar already / does it already exist? I didn't see anything on /reply-context
gRegor` Yeah. Specifically looking to use with Twitter
gRegor` But could branch out from there.
fmarier joined the channel
gRegor` The tweet text, for now.
snarfed gRegor`: here's what i use: https://snarfed.org/indieweb-press-this-bookmarklets-for-wordpress
gRegor` aaronpk: Does it pull in the reply-context server side, or client side as you're writing the note?
gRegor` snarfed: Thanks, I'll take a look
snarfed uses fb and twitter embeds for (de facto) reply context, e.g. https://snarfed.org/2014-06-29_twitter-t-thanks-mrflix-for-figuring , https://snarfed.org/2014-05-28_alexis-shoemate-for-you-and-gina
aaronpk gRegor`: it looks kind of like this https://vimeo.com/48097093

fmarier joined the channel
gRegor` Interesting, snarfed. Looking at the source, is this using the bridgy fb app for the fb embeds? I'm not sure I want to do native embeds like that, but it certainly captures everything.
gRegor` aaronpk: Cool, so as you're posting it's asynchronously fetching the reply-context? Is that part of p3k open source?
chrissaad joined the channel
gRegor` aaronpk: Think this might be what I'm looking for https://github.com/aaronpk/php-mf2-twitter-shim
aaronpk gRegor`: ah cool. also barnaby has some stuff here https://github.com/barnabywalters/php-mf-cleaner

gRegor` is that not the baked in part you're referring to?
aaronpk just noticed that the genshi box indiegogo ended https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/genshi-box-personal-social-networking-appliance#activity

@pfefferle @voxpelli just released a new version of http://pfefferle.github.io/openwebicons/contact/ with your webpage-webmention service https://webmention.herokuapp.com (twitter.com/_/status/486277866091741184)
@pfefferle I think I need to add some CSS but I need a WebMention first, to see how it looks like ;) (twitter.com/_/status/486279143194386432)
@pfefferle @voxpelli I think I need to add some CSS but I need a WebMention first, to see how it looks like ;) (twitter.com/_/status/486279765943652353)
tantek KartikPrabhu: you said "let me get one reply-context first " - in that context, does this sequential list of reply-context implementation levels help? does it make sense? http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#Levels

tantek addal, nice work. Have you checked http://ashersilberman.com/ with indiewebify.me?

tantek and npdoty joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: yes those levels make sense

KartikPrabhu though I intend to get icon/dt/content/author all in one go :P

@Ejones82 RT @MyCozyCloud: IndieWebCamp (@indiewebcamp) is running: lots of awesome talks. Follow the hashtag #indietech. By the way, Benjamin will p… (twitter.com/_/status/486285753291259904)
KartikPrabhu there is a lot more work from going to displaying various small info to getting threaded replies

KartikPrabhu tantek: once you get some mf2 equivalent of the original then all those things become the same code

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: except the last one yes :)

KartikPrabhu yes... but how is that different from any webmention parsing algo to display comments/

tantek getting the mf2 equivalent of the original is only enough to do http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#published

tantek then you need to implement /authorship on top of that to get http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#author_name

KartikPrabhu I think if you parse incoming webmentions then you can parse reply-contexts similarly

tantek then on top of *that* you have to implement intelligent truncating/ellipsing/summarizing to get http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#original_content

KartikPrabhu which is why I am taking shepazu's suggestion to allow incoming webmentions from Twitter

KartikPrabhu tantek: you should get incoming webmention parsing first which will make you do all those things :P

KartikPrabhu then use the same for reply-contextx

KartikPrabhu aah fair enough

KartikPrabhu has not needed to block anyon yet but he is not famous

KartikPrabhu kylewm: what is webmnetion.io rendering code do?

KartikPrabhu ha!

KartikPrabhu yeah I think the other way around makes sense for your case

kylewm KartikPrabhu: http://bret.io/assets/js/webmention.js
KartikPrabhu becasue I already have webmention working so I don't need the steps you mention... I just have to parse my reply-contexts like I parse my incoming webmentions

KartikPrabhu it is a subset, but I already have most of the code working for webmentions :)

KartikPrabhu true!

KartikPrabhu it might make sense to start the way you are doing

KartikPrabhu agrees

KartikPrabhu oh

KartikPrabhu is bad at reading JS anyway

KartikPrabhu ooo... ambitious :)

KartikPrabhu mine was an alert box ;)

snarfed you're probably all already aware of it, but just fyi, voxpelli's http://webmention.herokuapp.com/ is the other js project like that worth looking at
tantek wonders how many indieweb sites have their avatar/icon at /logo.jpg or /photo.jpg

KartikPrabhu avatar.jpg for me ;)

KartikPrabhu but it is /static/avatar.jpg

gRegor` /assets/img/profile.jpg for me
gRegor` Document it on the wiki? :)
bret KartikPrabhu and kylewm i would start with https://webmention.herokuapp.com/

bret tantek: https://chat.meatspac.es/

gRegor` http://sixtwothree.org/blog/now-accepting-webmentions/ is using webmention.js, I think
KartikPrabhu tantek: that is supposed to be deprecated or something

KartikPrabhu looking

KartikPrabhu ha es!

KartikPrabhu booo

gRegor` My favorite rumo(u)r(s). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumours_(album)
crystal_ joined the channel
tantek.com edited /reply-context (+173) "/* icon */ use example of benwerd since his own site's avatar/image URL has moved around" (view diff)

tantek oh I did capture it: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter##translate%20indiewebsite%20people%20references

aaronparecki.com edited /p3k (+1366) "/* Features */ add local nickname section, probably more to add later" (view diff)

kylewm I used the wiki syntax, like "demo that [[Ben Werdmüller|Ben]], [[Emma Kuo|Emma]], and [[Aaron Parecki|Aaron]] put together at IWC."
kylewm https://kylewm.com/admin/addressbook if anyone's interested
tantek kylewm - though you used /addressbook - I feel like that term is a) dated, and b) implies private data

KartikPrabhu joined the channel