2014-07-08 UTC
# 00:03 gRegor` How about "directory" as a catch-all name for it?
j12t joined the channel
# 00:04 gRegor` Or personal directory
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# 00:31 tantek hey bret - people are supposed to do that themselves! it's like a rite of passage ;)
# 00:32 bret we all know j12t by now ;) he has a user page n stuff, i did it for my own reference at this point XD
# 00:33 tantek aaronpk's use of "nickname" alludes to its function, enabling an indieweb author to simply type a nickname for someone rather than having to type out their full name when referring to them in a post
gRegor` joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:41 tantek nickname is nice because it's also a vCard/hCard/h-card property name
# 00:41 bret and its a term that actually has meaning outside of computers
# 00:41 KartikPrabhu is there a need to distinguish IRL nickname from a twitter handle nickname?
# 00:42 bret KartikPrabhu can you come up with one?
# 00:43 KartikPrabhu I thought the use-case being discussed was a collection of internet alternate names like my Twitter handle, my domain name, my G+ account
# 00:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: that's not a use-case, that's a data model ;)
# 00:44 KartikPrabhu then why are people discussing nicknames? that is what I thought from reading logs
# 00:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: it started with the reply-context icon discussion
# 00:46 KartikPrabhu yes those are fine. but then is the term "nickname" supposed to be an internet nickname or IRL nickname?
# 00:46 gRegor` I think address book sounds fine, actually, just threw directory out as an alternative
# 00:47 KartikPrabhu as aaronpk noted "Note that in the case of @snarfed, his twitter account is actually different. "
# 00:50 tantek KartikPrabhu: it's ok, there might not be a use-case for you for this
# 00:51 tantek if it were up to me, I'd use this for looking up (translating) both @-names and single world capital names in my notes
# 00:53 tantek e.g I type "Kartik is cool" into my note authoring "UI" and it publishes "<a href="https://kartikprabhu.com/" class="h-card"><img style="height:1em" src="https://kartikprabhu.com/static/images/avatar.jpg"/><abbr title="Kartik Prabhu">Kartik</abbr></a> is cool" on my site, and "@kartik_prabhu is cool" in the POSSE copy
# 00:54 KartikPrabhu yeah I get that one... i don't get the microformats connection with using "nickname"
# 00:54 tantek rather than making up a new name for this concept / feature
# 00:55 tantek perhaps even store them in file on my server called nicknames-cache.html that has h-cards for everyone that I reference like that.
# 00:58 KartikPrabhu urgh seriously. Twitter app names have to have globally unique names :|
# 00:59 gRegor` Is it the p-nickname property of an h-card that's the confusion?
# 00:59 gRegor` Re: you and Kartik's "nickname" conversation
# 01:00 KartikPrabhu if I encounter a p-nickname is the the person's IRL nickname or Twitter nickname or G+ nickname?
# 01:00 gRegor` I consider it an IRL nickname.
# 01:01 tantek KartikPrabhu: a Twitter nickname would be inside a u-url :P
# 01:01 gRegor` But I don't know how I'd implement an mf2 addressbook for online aliases
wolftune joined the channel
# 01:04 bret aaronpk++ for monaco on the irc logsā¦ can you add consolas as well for windows computers?
# 01:08 bret aaronpk also Menlo for iOSā¦. does not have monaco
# 01:14 gRegor` Hah. The DNS issues I ran into during IWC hack day . . . ended up being that I typoed the subdomain. Oops. :)
wolftune joined the channel
# 01:19 snarfed i put them in flat files and load them from there
# 01:19 snarfed KartikPrabhu: don't check the flat files into an open source repo or serve them over http :P
# 01:23 gRegor` I was just reading up on the best practices for that too, KartikPrabhu. You setting up direct syndication from your site?
# 01:24 gRegor` I'm working on pulling in reply-context from twitter
# 01:24 KartikPrabhu gregor`: that would also be done. right now trying to decode incoming twitter webmentions. will later use it for POSSE and reply-context
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# 01:26 snarfed KartikPrabhu: still trying activitystreams-unofficial? let me know if you hit any (more :P) bumps
# 01:27 KartikPrabhu just hit one... it seems outh_dropins/twitter_auth wants my key and secret to be in some file even though I gave it to the Twitter object
# 01:29 bret crap we still have to do 'missed you' for 2014
# 01:30 snarfed KartikPrabhu: actually, for now, you can just put your twitter app key and secret (not the access token) in those files and it should work
# 01:30 KartikPrabhu snarfed: seems I am getting the APP_Key and secret confused with access_token stuff
# 01:31 snarfed KartikPrabhu: four different strings, all related and important. whee
# 01:33 snarfed app key and secret are "API key" and "API secret" at the top
# 01:36 KartikPrabhu why the hell should I add my phone number for write access to my own account!?
benwerd joined the channel
# 01:45 gRegor` Nice work, kylewm
# 02:22 kylewm KartikPrabhu: you have my sympathy with the OAuth token stuff... no way to know if you're even close until you get it exactly right
# 02:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
benwerd and gRegor` joined the channel
# 03:19 GWG I spent a few days contemplating people focused communication
# 03:21 GWG KartikPrabhu: You were at that demo I missed...did you understand how the barrier for visitors would be lowered?
# 03:22 GWG KartikPrabhu: Using a people focused set of communication links?
# 03:25 KartikPrabhu the idea is I go to someone's website and bookmark/save it on my phone desktop... then on clicking that bookmarked icon I am prompted with some communication links that I can use
# 03:26 GWG But, the support for URL handlers is limited
# 03:29 KartikPrabhu GWG: in the deom using iPods the facetime and even skype links worked
# 03:30 KartikPrabhu i suppose the OS would have to add support for URL handlers... maybe some polyfill-type code could be written in the meantime but I have no ideas as to how that would work
# 03:31 GWG KartikPrabhu: I think more sites could register URL handlers as well.
tantek joined the channel
# 03:34 GWG The way that Gmail can register itself as a handler for mailto: links
# 03:35 KartikPrabhu for instance my Twitter app registers itself for tantek's Twitter DM URL
# 03:35 KartikPrabhu do you recommend that the website register the URL to a particular app/list of apps?
# 03:37 GWG KartikPrabhu: It can't. The protocol states you can't register an external URL to your site.
# 03:39 GWG There isn't necessarily consistency on support
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# 03:39 KartikPrabhu sure... isn't that a problem for the apps to solve by registering themselves as handlers for URLs?
# 03:40 GWG KartikPrabhu: What is their motivation?
# 03:40 GWG KartikPrabhu: To support any links
# 03:41 KartikPrabhu their motivation is to have their app used in such interactions. I mean why does iOS/Android apps do it?
# 03:45 GWG I still think there is something here crying out for more thought.
# 03:48 GWG For example, Google has already deprecated XMPP when they transitioned from GTalk to Hangouts.
# 03:48 GWG They will eventually turn it off fully
# 03:49 GWG Facebook announced their XMPP support for their chat service will shut off April 30th, 2015.
# 03:49 GWG I didn't see anyone even cover the Facebook one.
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# 03:49 GWG So, unified multi-vector communication is becoming harder
# 03:50 KartikPrabhu isn't that a problem for the app makers? if people want XMPP apps someone should make XMPP apps that registers the correct URLs
# 03:53 KartikPrabhu what is the other level? i.e. what can non-app makers do to solve this problem of apps not registering links?
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# 03:56 GWG That is the question I'm trying to figure out.
# 03:56 GWG And the same question on the desktop.
# 03:58 KartikPrabhu so the question is: suppose apps don't register links, then what can an indiewebsite do to 'register' them to something?
# 04:01 GWG Thank you for helping me clarify that in my mind
# 04:02 KartikPrabhu I'm afraid I see it as a problem for apps... but if you have a solution that'll be nice
# 04:02 GWG I'm trying to think of a solution
# 04:05 KartikPrabhu if I may recommend a second step... try to solve the question in some special case
# 04:06 GWG Well, my first step is outlined in my writings. Add more communications based links.
# 04:12 GWG KartikPrabhu: Another question is if Is there any service that is 'friendly' to seamless communication?
# 04:13 GWG There were people working on indieweb messaging, for one
# 04:14 KartikPrabhu what does a "service that is 'friendly' to seamless communication" do?
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# 04:15 GWG For me...that isn't turning off ways I use it
# 04:18 GWG We're deprecating our support for Protocol A, but we're not giving you anything to replace it with.
# 04:18 KartikPrabhu hmm again that is a problem for the app-space... one service that does not do it is called the Web
# 04:19 KartikPrabhu once something is in the HTML spec for instance it stays there for better or worse
# 04:19 GWG The standards can support a site having a closed protocol, but still interoperating
# 04:20 KartikPrabhu if FB built something on top of that and chose to close it down... that is their problem and problem for their users
# 04:21 GWG They did, I thought, when they abandoned HTML5 on mobile.
# 04:21 KartikPrabhu again I don't have any idea as to how to stop app makers and Web companies from doing anything
# 04:22 KartikPrabhu unless you put it in federal law that "FB can not shut something down once they start it"
# 04:22 KartikPrabhu in fact I would claim that the indieweb is an attempt to create such a space
# 04:23 GWG You can't. But, like POSSE, there has to be a way for people to use a vector and switch when you do.
# 04:25 GWG Yes, but what is POSSE for Real Time Communication
# 04:27 GWG KartikPrabhu: That is the question, isn't it?
# 04:27 GWG Also, to use an old example...can my mother do that?
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:27 Loqi snarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 1 hour, 44 minutes ago: successfully retrieved tweet and converted to mf2.
tantek joined the channel
# 04:28 KartikPrabhu GWG: so here is a thought: you should outline your idea on how this should work (with mockups if possible) and then build it step by step
# 04:28 GWG KartikPrabhu: I started thought wise
# 04:29 GWG I wrote a post talking about why I'm thinking about it
# 04:29 KartikPrabhu for this is a far-future problem... after I get webmentions and POSSE and all of that working...
# 04:29 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: for me this is a far-future problem... after I get webmentions and POSSE and all of that working...
# 04:31 KartikPrabhu GWG: it is hard to jump to solving that. Getting webmentions and POSSE working will yield lessons on how RTC should/shouldn't work
# 04:33 GWG I'm getting closer to the end of my current project, after which I need to reinforce some of the other 3 I'm working on before circling to something new
# 04:36 KartikPrabhu question for all: iirc it is recommended that indiewebsites locally store related external pages (like webementions/reply-contexts). For tweets do people store the tweet permalink page? what about retweets which don't really have a permalink page but only redirect to the original?
# 04:37 GWG 1. mf2_bootstrap - the 3rd iteration of my Wordpress theme, the one that fixes many things. When I finish it, I still have to deploy it to my live site.
# 04:37 GWG 2. Indieweb Taxonomy - Basic feature complete, have to figure out what is next for it. It adds in the like/repost/reply style verbs.
# 04:37 GWG 3. Semantic Comments - Syndication Metadata and styling for Webmentions
# 04:37 GWG 4. Simple Location - My effort to add a much more basic geolocation support to Wordpress. It currently barely functional
# 04:39 KartikPrabhu snarfed: yeah went pretty smoothly thanks for removing app engine dependecies
# 04:56 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I generate a fake page marked up with h-entry and cache that
# 04:57 kylewm KartikPrabhu: and I don't think I understand the second part about retweets
# 04:57 GWG I wonder how my attempt to convince petermolnar to write a better POSSE option for Wordpress is going.
# 04:57 KartikPrabhu kylewm: retweets have a permalink but the permalink redirects to the page of the tweet that was retweeted
# 05:03 tantek well it came out of the same question you asked about saving
# 05:03 kylewm i generate my own html for reply-contexts, and use bridgy's for comments
# 05:04 KartikPrabhu tantek: cool will look at it. I want to save everything in the same form so that reply-contexts and responses can all be handled in the same way (just like everything is a tweet on Twitter)
# 05:05 tantek KartikPrabhu: I think the consensus has been to save the HTML - assuming that maybe we'll have parser improvements in the future to apply to them
# 05:05 kylewm tantek: the IndieWeb Examples on that page are a bit misleading
# 05:05 KartikPrabhu yes. that is my inclination too. Have everything as original+mf2 markedup HTML
# 05:06 kylewm (I save both, just based on what aaronpk has said he does)
# 05:06 KartikPrabhu the trouble is activitystreams gives me JSON and so need to write some conversion template
# 05:06 kylewm pretty sure you can get html from activitystreams
# 05:07 KartikPrabhu activitystreams-unofficial is the library behind bridgy that converts Twitter API stuff to mf2 but in JSON format
# 05:07 KartikPrabhu is hoping there is some HTML+mf2 output already that I haven't found :)
# 05:08 KartikPrabhu snarfed: that seems to give me JSON/python dictionary not HTML right? or am I missing some function
# 05:08 kylewm tantek: reading it, I would assume that aaronpk and barnaby save their archives in those github repostiories
# 05:08 snarfed KartikPrabhu: primarily object_to_html() for AS and json_to_html() for mf2
# 05:08 KartikPrabhu snarfed: sweet! thanks. overlooked that in my joy for getting it working ;)
# 05:10 kylewm snarfed: no worries, I recommended that to Kartik :)
# 05:10 kylewm but I'm glad how it ended up, with a-u being decoupled from appengine
# 05:11 snarfed kylewm: thanks! me too. it was always the intent, but i got lazy for a while
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# 05:14 kylewm snarfed: (dripping with sarcasm, hope that's obvious)
# 05:14 snarfed kylewm: hah yes, definitely understood, i appreciate it!
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# 05:34 mko @tantek: implemented Whistle and NewBase60 as Node.js modules. Haven't gotten around to writing the documentation or tests for it, but they're up on NPM and now working (using them for my forthcoming new personal site). (cc: @hober since I based my NewBase60 on heavily his JS implementation)
eschnou joined the channel
# 05:45 kylewm bret: what a shambles and a poor show, fortunately, I moved all my photos to Aperture!
snarfed joined the channel
# 06:04 mko I'll probably make it a little easier to use in the next update. Right now, it expects a lot to be done by the dev in their app to make it work, but at least it has the NewBase60 and Whistle algorithm parts packaged up.
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# 07:03 shaners_ is anyone mf marking up the "using" or "source" data on a post?
# 07:06 KartikPrabhu shaners_: I'd like to do that but haven't come up with a good mf name
# 07:06 mko shaners_: @tantek does that already. <span class="using">BBEdit</span> on just about every entry he publishes.
# 07:07 shaners_ "using" seems like a personally used class, maybe for CSSery. not for MF semantics.
# 07:07 KartikPrabhu shaners_ would you use "source" also if you used a micropub app to post to you own site?
# 07:07 mko I just assumed it hadn't been updated for MF2 semantics. "personally used classes" were mostly what we used in MF1
# 07:08 shaners_ i'm not know about that word "source" either, but that's the idea. to include Quill if I post from Quill, etc.
# 07:09 mko "source" definitely implies something different to me than "client used to post"
# 07:10 shaners_ KartikPrabhu: i'm crashing to sleepy town, but we should probably start the process of documenting who's using what names already in the wild. and see what shakes out.
# 07:10 mko I liked "client" -- seems appropriate given how ubiquitous the term has become with posting interfaces.
# 07:11 shaners_ i think i like client too. but i'm too tired to have strong opinions.
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# 10:59 cweiske addal, I have a tool that sends out webmentions for new posts on a static site
petermolnar1, pfefferle, Sebastien-L, fofr, jsilvestre, forst3r, pfefferle_, friedcell, wolftune, snarfed, Lt_Drebin and gRegor` joined the channel
# 14:39 GWG Wanted to ask your advice about that Taxonomy plugin I was working on.
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# 14:55 GWG pfefferle: I think after a lot of discussion with acegiak, I simplified it as much as possible to make it easy to install and work with. But I still feel something is missing that prevents me from suggesting people use it in production
# 14:57 GWG pfefferle: I need an outsider. Maybe a neophyte to try using it
# 14:59 GWG pfefferle: On my live site, test site, and on the repository.
# 14:59 GWG pfefferle: The test site has the custom filter so it isn't being placed inside the content filter.
# 15:00 GWG pfefferle: And if you can find me a neophyte...a new Indieweb type who uses Wordpress who might be willing to give feedback...
# 15:01 GWG Something is missing, I just can't put my finger on it
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# 15:06 tantek hmm - didn't know anyone else was interested in "using"
# 15:10 tantek what does Twitter call the field in their API? presumably if they return it
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# 15:11 gRegor` tantek: "source" I believe
# 15:13 gRegor` For indieweb, I like "client" or "client_id"
# 15:17 tantek it's the name of the app that the user used to author/post right?
# 15:18 tantek I've been using "using" as a bias towards what was the user *using* to write the post.
# 15:20 tantek gRegor`: seems to me that this thing could end up being its own embedded object, with link to app home page etc.
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# 15:27 bear i've always thought of using "via" for that, for example: bear posted via quill
# 15:28 bear because source doesn't cover a 3rd party proxy
# 15:28 tantek bear - except that "via" already has common use as meaning a person someone got something from
# 15:30 bear I thought the consensus was flowing towards "source" - I can see how "using" is better
# 15:30 tantek "source" could also be easily misinterpreted as "citation"
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# 15:48 tommorris āusingāĀ? Iād go with something even more explicit like āposting methodāĀ.
# 15:48 tantek "method" sounds like something you call on an object/class :P
phil80, paulcp and snarfed joined the channel
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# 16:37 j12t Seems that indiephone.eu has morphed into ind.ie post-summit. Anybody know of any blog posts describing what happened at that event?
# 16:39 tantek j12t - not sure but what's ind.ie/cloud ? (in the footer of that site)
# 16:43 j12t Heās now also talking about a foundation, and was wondering what that was all about.
# 16:43 tantek tommoris - what was the "9:50 An Indie Tech Announcement / Itās a surprise." ? at the indietech summit
# 16:44 tantek j12t - because creating a foundation was clearly the key to the success of OpenID and OpenSocial.
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# 16:45 j12t Well, Iād like to hear what his thoughts are before I decide what I think about them. Certainly some foundations ā Apache, say ā have been very useful.
# 16:45 tantek tommorris - also what was "5:05 An Indie Phone announcement / We canāt tell you yet!" ?
# 16:45 tantek j12t - useful foundations have been the exception, not the rule, in open source (perhaps in general)
# 16:46 tantek but note that in both cases there was *years* of shipping code before anyone started a foundation
# 16:46 tantek I want to know of even *one* example of where starting a foundation *before* shipping code led to *any* success.
# 16:46 tommorris Foundation politics is fun. Wikimedia Foundation is okay, but can get a bit political.
# 16:47 tommorris OpenStreetMap Foundation is great. Itās kept deliberately lean and limited in mission.
# 16:47 j12t tommorris: if you were at that event, would you happen to have a summary blog post for those of us who werenāt? :-)
# 16:47 tantek tommorris - I tried checking the indie2014 and indietech hashtags to no avail. can't tell what was the surprise announcement(s)
# 16:47 tantek j12t - indeed I've been looking for such a summary blog post myself
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# 16:47 tommorris tantek: I was going to write one yesterday but I ended up pounding the cross-trainer like a crazy man.
# 16:48 tantek I mean - I want to write a nice summary post of all the awesome indieness of the past week+ of IndieWebCamp 2014 and Indie Tech Summit and link to others' posts but can't find much. :/
# 16:48 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Marcy said she'll email me back today about The Living room + HWC
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# 16:52 tommorris tantek: the post Iām going to write will probably just be cool stuff I saw + ranting about how āidentityāĀ is a way for everyone to turn their pragmatism off and get into pointless religious wars
# 16:53 tommorris (there was someone there who was trying to sell us all on i-Names + XRIs + XRDS, and someone else who thought that Namecoin and blockchains would solve all the things.)
# 16:53 tantek would very much like to see more coverage of the "cool stuff" you saw
# 16:53 tantek let's try to focus on the positive in our posts
# 16:53 tommorris I pointed out that the main website you use to buy Namecoins had OpenID login...
# 16:54 tommorris anyway, I had a nice chat with bnvk about how we could build a browser plugin to make IndieAuth (and OpenID, incidentally) easier by adding a simple identifier
# 16:55 tommorris basically, the problem with OpenID and IndieAuth is that typing in your domain makes it less easy than just clicking Facebook or Twitter or Google or whatever the NASCAR silo of the week is
# 16:55 tantek tommorris: that "problem" has never been shown to be true in any actual user study
# 16:56 tommorris if we simply added a class or some other kind of identifier to the OpenID or IndieAuth form which basically says āthis is an IndieAuth formāĀ (e.g. class=indieauth) then a simple browser plugin could store your domain
# 16:56 tantek and the disproof of it is that typing in your domain name is shorter than typing in your email address at your domain - which people already do when first signing in
# 16:56 tommorris and then replace the form with āSign in with tommorris.orgāĀ instead of āSign in with your domain [form]"
# 16:56 tantek how do current sites with email + pw login get auto-fill of the email address?
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# 16:58 tantek not worth trying to invent something for that until we understand (e.g. with citations) how the previous email-based mechanism works
# 16:58 tommorris if you are using Firefox, if you have a form field called āemailāĀ, when you activate it and then press ādownā, itāll show you things youāve put in other fields called email.
# 16:59 gRegor` Presuming one has "save form inputs" enabled in the browser, tommorris.
# 16:59 tommorris Firefox is now doing Firefox Mobile on Android. and thereās FirefoxOS/B2G/whatever itās called this week. the idea that your browser extensions and settings are synced between devices is coming. similarly, iOS now syncs your Safari saved passwords to iOS using iCloud, and Google is doing the same between Chrome on desktop and Android.
# 17:00 tantek all you have to do is make it as good as email+pw auto-fill
# 17:00 gRegor` Huh? If it's disabled in your browser, it doesn't autofill. I know because I have it disabled.
# 17:00 tommorris so, having a browser plugin that automatically replaces indieauth/openid sign in with a big button like FB would be fairly neat.
# 17:01 tommorris itād make the experience slightly more seamless. (although security, as Iāve pointed out and adactio has agreed, should probably have the seams showing.)
# 17:01 tommorris anyway, time for me to go home. Iāll try and find some time this evening to write some thoughts from IndieTechSummit.
# 17:01 tantek and for that reason, having the domain be explicit, in an text field, is better
# 17:01 tantek auto-fill the domain, but let the user change it
# 17:03 ericholscher Is there something good that people are using for hosting photos?
# 17:03 ericholscher indieweb style
# 17:04 tantek ericholscher: as in *storing* photos? because you want the permalinks to the resources to be on your own domain
# 17:04 ericholscher presumably software I'd run on my site to upload/host/browse them
# 17:05 tommorris ericholscher: weāre still sort of figuring out how to do photos well
# 17:05 cweiske bear, kylewm, aaronpk - I've made a php patch that fixes the nginx-fpm problem
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# 17:31 tantek donpdonp - what do you think of that "manifesto"?
# 17:32 donpdonp ive only skimmed a bit of it and then got annoyed that PgDn doesnt work on the site.
# 17:33 donpdonp tantek: okay on a further skimming, its laughably idealistic. 'down with corporations' our solution: 'sell products'
# 17:34 aaronpk i do like this sentence though "We do not reject making a profit
# 17:34 aaronpk we simply want to make an ethical, sustainable profit."
# 17:34 donpdonp its a nice sentiment, and it sounds aligned with open data, open source, etc
# 17:34 aaronpk whoa there's another whole page of text that expands inline if you click the little dotted text
# 17:35 tantek all I saw was markup in the tooltips on the dotted text
# 17:35 aaronpk omg there's a whole html document in the title attribute
# 17:38 donpdonp oh its a thing "The <dfn> tag is a phrase tag. It defines a definition term."
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# 17:39 tantek no it's ignoring the markup inside the title attribute
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# 17:48 crystal_ tantek: heya!
# 17:48 tantek had to turn off the wiki restyling theme because it was unusable due to long line lengths :(
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# 17:53 bret ericholscher photo hosting is still a pain in the ass ime. Was using flickr but they stagnated and now are changing their relationship with their users from more of a traditional paid service to be more like other social networks. I have been researching amazon cloud drive / S3 as a replacement. I have not found anything very compelling beyond a data hosting service
# 17:54 donpdonp bret: i like the design of the camlistore photo interface, but it doenst make sense to me to integrate it with the database daemon
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# 17:54 aaronpk it's probably time for me to update my flickr archiver into a real thing
# 17:55 bret donpdonp camlistore is conceptually great for thisā¦. still, I dont trust it enough right now to use it and I dont have time to learn its internals
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# 17:56 donpdonp i consider camlistore to be an 'opinionated document database', and im into the unopinionated dbs, especially rethinkdb.
# 17:57 bret donpdonp yeah mediagoblin is nice. I like the interface but I worry its going to be a maintenance nightmare in the future, kinda like old wordpresses
# 17:57 tantek I consider camlistore focusing on plumbing instead of UX, so therefore a distraction.
# 17:58 bret donpdonp i wish camlistore worked more like a dropbox client than traditional servery software
# 17:58 bret and I dont like how centralized it is right now
# 17:58 tantek curious what user-facing features it is enabling for you guys that makes it deserve your attention
# 17:58 aaronpk i really wish bittorrent sync was open source, cause it works so well!
# 17:59 bret aaronpk yeah, bittorrent sync + content addressable storage.
# 17:59 aaronpk what is the short version of the appeal of content addressable storage?
# 18:00 bret storage is pretty damn hard for large files
# 18:00 gRegor` Hi JonathanNeal
# 18:00 bret tantek unless you are willing to give up ownership of the data and use a streaming service like netflix or spotify
# 18:01 aaronpk i agree that storage is hard, that's why I like the btsync or dropbox approach of focusing on storage, and treating apps on top at a separate layer
# 18:01 donpdonp tantek: i think storage gets the focus for camlistore because its a storage project that happens to have a photo webapp
# 18:01 aaronpk it's also not practical to store several gb files on s3
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# 18:02 donpdonp bret: the photo screenshots of mediagoblin look nice.
# 18:03 bret s3 would probrably be the wisest and easiest thing to use right nowā¦ but I love distributed technology because it lets kids (anyone actually) create their own netflix with a single lamp server essentially
# 18:04 bret i should write a blog post about this so I can think this through
# 18:07 bret and then have my website be backed by that
# 18:09 donpdonp aaronpk: an opensource btsync has to be in the works, it works too well to not be reimplemented as open source
# 18:09 bret i grew up in p2p communities, so you see where my bias is.
# 18:10 aaronpk oh right syncthing! i should probbably give that a shot
# 18:11 bret donpdonp there are so many bittorrent inc apologists in that forum (paraphrasing) "pff they shouldnt have to open source it.. gawwwlll"
# 18:12 donpdonp im not familiar with the corp that makes btsync, but im fine with them publishing a closed source app.
# 18:13 aaronpk yeah closed source is not the end of the world. I'm mostly glad I can use btsync to move data around where the data doesn't need to flow through a service i'm paying for
# 18:13 bret donpdonp are you fine with them installing crap ware on peoples computers as a primary source of revenue?
# 18:13 donpdonp bret: heh. the daemon hasnt been crapware for me. maybe the win/osx edition is different?
# 18:14 bret the sync client does not have it. their torrent clients do
# 18:14 tantek do you guys use btsync for your indieweb backend or ā¦ ? trying to understand the connection.
# 18:15 bret basically install the client, add public read only key, start backing up!
# 18:15 aaronpk bonus is that you get an offline searchable archive of the wiki!
# 18:16 bret there is one setting you should check though, and thats restore files to their original state if modified locally
# 18:16 bret so you can actually seed back the correct backup changes
# 18:16 aaronpk bret: you should add that to the wiki page under the btsync section
# 18:17 bret aaronpk im not sure about it totally, i need to experiment, but I know it archives any modified files and replaces them with the correct version.
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# 18:51 tantek.com edited /photos (+318) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ sort earliest first, and separate notes with embedded photos, note Jeremy POSSEing photo posts to Twitter" (
view diff )
# 18:54 tantek adactio gets indie photo posts working and nearly *half* of the comments are nitpicking what text-editor he's using. and two about PHP-bashing. that's sad. or is that just Twitter turning into hackernews style commentary?
# 18:58 Loqi [@adactio] People on Twitter criticise my choice of programming language and text editor.
# 18:58 aaronpk thanks for the reminder to reply to that thread :)
# 19:03 tantek wow adactio is using his own main server / webhost for the photos
# 19:04 tantek no subdomain so ā¦ unlikely that it's being served from a CDN or S3 etc.
# 19:04 tantek will be curious to see how it impacts his bandwidth etc.
# 19:04 mko I'm serving my static assets through Cloud Files with dynamic URL generation using the Cloud Files API.
# 19:08 mko I'm working on that part of the site right now.
# 19:08 gRegor` Hosting or CDN section?
# 19:08 tantek Hosting makes sense, CDN is just a special form of that
# 19:10 mko So far I've implemented articles, notes, checkins, links, and arbitrary data. Photos and social actions ( replies, faves, bookmarks, reposts ) are my next couple of days' activities. Then I'm setting up the POSSEing and it should all be good to go.
# 19:10 mko Hoping to have it ready to ship live next week. Just depends on how long my shoulder can last at a computer. It's only been a month since the surgery.
# 19:13 tantek mko looking forward to seeing you throw the switch!
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# 19:14 mko Well, I had a lot of it already done in PHP/MySQL from the previous iteration of my site. And I abstracted out all of the types to a single base type ("entry") and just had to do extensions and custom displays for each of them. I can write code with Node.js/Mongodb 2-3x faster than PHP.
# 19:16 mko I've also been cooped up on "bedrest" for over a month without the ability to work. I needed to make some major progress and fast. lol. I was getting cranky. ;)
# 19:16 tantek so this is all new code then? not building upon an existing CMS?
# 19:17 mko Yeah. I'm building a Koa based application. Planning on open-sourcing it at the end of getting it all done.
# 19:18 bret how do you like koa? (vs express or whatnot)
# 19:18 mko @tantek: I wanted to learn how generators worked and compare the systems with Express and their terrible callback loops.
# 19:19 mko I've yet to get into performance testing and tuning, though. My favorite part of Express was how dynamic you could adjust the performance with code as opposed to just throwing more servers at it.
# 19:19 mko Koa is purportedly better than Express in this regard, but I've yet to really test that assumption.
# 19:20 tantek mko - sounds like you might have quite the competitive offering to Known ;)
# 19:20 bret mko im slogging through express right now
# 19:20 tantek interesting that you both started with Mongodb
# 19:20 mko @tantek: MongoDb just makes the most sense for IndieWeb data. Our goal is to store our own documents and files, therefore use a document store as opposed to a relational database.
# 19:21 aaronpk or you know, a document store like a filesystem ;)
# 19:22 mko MongoDb is effectively a filesystem
# 19:23 aaronpk what I'd really like to see is a query interface for an actual filesystem. I'm actually considering building up an index API for my filesystem storage
# 19:25 tantek interesting that adactio is still posting separately to instagram.com/adactio - like completely disjoint sets of photos!
# 19:25 tantek I wonder if this is deliberate segmentation for audience or ā¦ ?
# 19:26 tantek aaronpk, I'll tell him, since you built it ;)
# 19:27 tommorris Ever since I started posting drunk photos from bars, I locked down my Instagram to friends only. Some things arenāt for the open web.
# 19:27 tantek !tell adactio I noticed you post *different* photos on instagram.com/adactio vs. adactio.com - is that deliberate? If not, check out http://indiewebcamp.com/OwnYourGram for automatically PESOSing Instagram photos onto your own site.
# 19:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 19:28 aaronpk i'm sure he could implement a micropub endpoint in less than a day
# 19:28 aaronpk especially if he already has a way to upload photos to his site
# 19:28 tantek tommorris: pretty sure adactio's IG is public
# 19:28 tantek aaronpk - yeah I agree, I think this is the lure for him to implement micropub
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# 19:32 mko Not yet. Hoping to have a build that I can put up on a staging server and feel comfortable pushing to GitHub by EOD tomorrow.
# 19:32 mko I almost didn't push NewBase60 and Whistler yesterday because I hadn't written tests for it, but decided to be a rebel with a cause.
# 19:32 tantek go mko go! not going to distract you with any more questions :)
# 19:33 tantek (aside: and this is why we work hard to make each individual piece of indieweb functionality / feature easy to incrementally code)
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# 19:44 tommorris oh, incidentally, I think I worked out how to do photo stories on my own site. itās a truly radical idea: semi-static HTML.
# 19:44 tommorris that is, write the stories as HTML and have a teensy bit of code that pre-processes that HTML to substitute in the responsive images.
# 19:45 tommorris so I could put in <img src=ā{flickr url}
āĀ alt=āwhateverāĀ /> and any other attributes and classes I need, and the pre-processer would replace that with appropriate <picture> tags.
# 19:48 cweiske so the cgi-fpm patch gets now merged into php 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6
# 19:48 cweiske so sooner or later an update will bring it to you
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# 19:51 voxpelli tommorris: using some cool Jekyll/Markdown magic or just parsing the plain old HTML and doing some magic of your own?
# 19:52 tommorris well, markdown -> HTML -> some magic transformation rules of my own -> rendered HTML
# 19:53 tommorris I sort of realised that HTML+CSS was a fairly good language to describe the content and layout of a web page and that coming up with something else would be pointless.
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# 20:21 snarfed hey Jeena, just curious, did you mean to remove the webmention endpoint on your web site?
# 20:22 snarfed i see a rel-pingback using webmention.io, but that's it
# 20:23 tantek is there a webmention endpoint discovery tester in indiewebify.me?
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# 20:30 snarfed KartikPrabhu: interesting. i actually don't see that you're advertising an endpoint on your home page
# 20:30 snarfed looks like you only advertise on post pages. i guess i'd suggest adding it to your home page too
# 20:31 kylewm is bridgy the only thing that cares about a rel=webmention on the homepage?
# 20:31 kylewm but only a small number of people support those
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# 20:34 gRegor` receives home page mentions, but isn't doing anything with them yet
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# 21:22 Loqi adactio: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 54 minutes ago: I noticed you post *different* photos on instagram.com/adactio vs. adactio.com - is that deliberate? If not, check out http://indiewebcamp.com/OwnYourGram for automatically PESOSing Instagram photos onto your own site.
# 21:26 adactio tantek: Thanks for the heads-up about OwnYourGram. Sounds like I need to start by setting up a micropub endpoint on adactio.com
# 21:31 mko adactio: You're really on a roll today. I think you're the majority of the Loqi mentions today. :-)
# 21:32 aaronpk benwerd: community site for yxyy? what exactly does that mean?
# 21:32 adactio mko: Yeah, I was procrastinating at work today. ;-)
# 21:32 mko You've certainly got a bit of buzz generated for IWC.
# 21:33 aaronpk benwerd: oh man I've got all sorts of ideas for this...
# 21:34 tantek aaronpk - presumably to counter or complement the YxYY community *app*
# 21:35 aaronpk I want to sign in to the yxyy site with my domain, then add the yxyy site as a syndication option for my own posts
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# 21:35 aaronpk then the site basically becomes a Planet YxYY site
# 21:35 tantek I want what aaronpk said except no per post UI other than hashtagging my post #yxyy or #yayy
# 21:35 tantek can we pick a less RSS-aggregator-nerdy term please?
# 21:36 aaronpk tantek: totally, that'd be up to your site to syndicate to it that way!
# 21:36 tantek aaronpk - I just want the YxYY community site to subscribe to my existing PuSH notifications
# 21:36 tantek and then selectively pull in just the #yxyy or #yayy posts
# 21:37 tantek just as people are already used to doing with LinkedIn #li tweets or #fb tweets
# 21:37 tantek same UI that people are already used to from Twitter
# 21:37 tantek no need for any additional feeds, setup, anything
# 21:38 tantek got to always be thinking *as good as or better UX than silos*
# 21:39 aaronpk subtle difference: while I totally want all my posts tagged #yxyy to be syndicated there, I absolutely don't want to ever add a #li or #fb tag to my posts to syndicate there
# 21:39 tantek adactio - your photo posts are amazing. seriously - nicely done with integrating another post type into your composite stream.
# 21:39 aaronpk um bad english sorry. 1st "there" is the yxyy site, 2nd "there" is linkedin/facebook
# 21:39 tantek aaronpk, sure, because those are silos not community sites
# 21:40 tantek (LI used to be professional-like but has attempted to genercize itself into becoming yet another Twitter clone)
# 21:40 tantek adactio - huh, until you showed me that URL I thought they were their own post type - purely by their photo-centric presentation
# 21:41 adactio tantek: Yeah, I think in the "stream" (front page) view, that's how they'll come across (as their own thing), which is kind of what I want.
# 21:42 adactio tantek: but from a URL-design perspective, they still sit under /notes (for now)
# 21:43 tantek will be interesting to see the comments and likes/faves interspersed on your photo posts from both the Twitter and Flickr POSSE copies
# 21:49 adactio aaronpk: ++ for OwnYourGram (looks like exactly what I need)
# 21:53 tantek adactio - I notice that the "large" photo you link to on your site is like 800x600 - do you save/host/serve the full resolution anywhere?
# 21:53 tantek also that path made me think "images" were their own post type
# 21:55 tantek that's odd - I thought clicking the image gave me the large.jpg
# 21:55 tantek I was thinking you would presumably POSSE full resolution to Flickr, and then use them as a full resolution cache (rather than burning your own bandwidth)
# 21:56 adactio tantek: Yeah, both Twitter and Flickr get the original full-size image.
# 21:56 KartikPrabhu tantek: is that a good idea? I've been using G+ to host my photos for me... have been thinking of moving away but photo hosting is hard
# 21:56 gRegor` aaronpk: On step 4 of IndieAuth https://indieauth.com/developers , I presume it's a best practice that my site is https so it's secure end-to-end? Or should I not be too concerned about MITM server-to-server?
# 21:56 adactio tantek: There's three levels of clicking from the home page "stream": small -> large -> original
# 21:57 tantek adactio - I'll be interested to know how this impacts your bandwidth bill (if any)
# 21:58 adactio tantek: yeah, we'll see. I may have to stop linking to the original-sized photos if (for example) Google regularly spiders all those links.
# 21:59 adactio I don't think that many humans will click through to the full-sized image, so my main bandwidth/cost concern is around robots.
# 22:00 tantek adactio FWIW most of my bandwidth currently goes to anonymous bots pretending to be IE5.5
# 22:01 tantek hmm - could even put full resolution photos behind an indieauth wall - that'd block bots quite effectively
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# 22:02 adactio tantek: Or I could only link to the full-sized versions on Flickr (for as long as Flickr exists ...I'd still have the possibility of switching back to my own full-sized versions if/when Flickr goes down).
# 22:03 tantek adactio indeed. you could even use a subdomain mapping to hide that
# 22:04 snarfed still haven't found a solid UX reason to distinguish post types muchā¦but i know i'm in the minority
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# 22:04 adactio snarfed: I really like the way you've got galleries.
# 22:04 snarfed ie posting pictures but not bothering with invisible metadata for their post type
# 22:05 tantek aaronpk, a while ago I remember you supported special reply-contexts when replying to photos
# 22:06 aaronpk tantek: that was actually just a mockup it turns out
# 22:06 adactio snarfed: Works great. https://snarfed.org/wedding (for example) is terrific: definitely the kind of thing I'd like to have on my own site at some point (instead of using Flickr to organise photos into sets).
# 22:06 Jeena snarfed no I didn't I'll have a look at it
# 22:06 tantek aaronpk! that should be in brainstorming then!
# 22:07 aaronpk i think i'm past the brainstorming stage for it, pretty sure I know how I want to do it and just need to do it at this point
# 22:09 XgF snarfed: I really like a distinction between "note" and "article"
# 22:09 Jeena but snarfed I do advertise webmention support:
# 22:10 snarfed Jeena: ah, same problem as KartikPrabhu then. you don't advertise it on your home page
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# 22:11 Jeena ok, I see yeah, but actually I could advertise it on my homepage too, I even have some code in place to handle this special case
# 22:11 XgF snarfed: It lets me make the article appearence "more weighty"
# 22:11 XgF i.e. it helps the content stand out
# 22:12 XgF Plus you might experiment with things like making the article text be in a serif font for higher readability
# 22:12 tantek edits the wiki page for reply-context to a photo so aaronpk can focus on actually building it ;)
# 22:12 snarfed XgF: ah, for rendering style differently. sure, i do that too, e.g. i omit title for notes
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# 22:15 tantek snarfed, you do realize the irony of someone that uses the ActivityStreams data model internally actually not preferring different post types at the user level?
# 22:15 tantek (which is what AS was designed to solve - different presentation of different post types ;) )
# 22:15 kylewm I've just added a separate "photo" post type (nothing there yet). I resisted but now I like it much better than having a normal note with an <img> tag in it linking to an arbitrary file
# 22:16 snarfed tantek: maybe i manage to sleep at night because i'm equally disinterested in all schemas/taxonomies/markups. i just blindly use whichever tool seems best at the time :P
# 22:17 snarfed does *not* recommend that approach, for the record
# 22:17 XgF should probably start adding more post type inteligence to his ActivityStreams consuming software
# 22:20 aaronpk we've gotten in the habit of referring to wiki pages without the domain :/
# 22:20 XgF The only post type I care about at present is video =/
# 22:20 adactio aaronpk: Ah, I see! My h-card isn't being picked up. I'll have to work on that.
# 22:20 Loqi tantek meant to say: adactio, no your h-card has no photo or logo
# 22:21 tantek however your about page *does* link to an icon
# 22:22 tantek and then class=logo on your existing icon.png
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# 22:22 tantek e.g. <link class="u-logo" rel="shortcut icon apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" href="/icon.png" />
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# 22:29 adactio Hmmm ...I've already got a meta element with my name on it, and a link element with my logo. If I put class="h-card" on the head element, and added p-name to the meta element, and u-logo to the link element ...are any parsers going to pick that up?
# 22:30 adactio (although it would then be entirely hidden data ...totally against the spirit of microformats)
# 22:30 tantek adactio - so that's probably why I left it out of the microformats2-parsing spec
# 22:31 tantek "it" meaning special treating <link> and <meta> to look in their attributes
# 22:31 tantek and no one had done it yet - though it was always theoretically possible
# 22:31 tantek and yes, marking up the *visible* version of the data is always better
# 22:31 adactio tantek: Makes sense: the chances of those properties rotting (because they're invisible) are higher than if they were exposed.
# 22:31 tantek so you already have your name visible - so keep the p-name on that
# 22:31 tantek however, in this case, the design of your site does not show a visible logo/photo
# 22:32 tantek so should we allow <link class="u-logo" rel="shortcut icon apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" href="/icon.png" /> accordingly?
# 22:32 tantek since microformats shouldn't be dictating the visual presentation of your site/pages
# 22:33 tantek and there's less chance of that rotting since it's semi-visible
# 22:33 tantek to users who "add to home screen" on any mobile device
# 22:34 tantek for that reason I'd be willing to change this step for u- parsing:
# 22:34 tantek if a.u-x[href] or area.u-x[href] or link.u-x[href]
# 22:34 tantek but only if we had a real world example that needed it
# 22:41 tantek the other precedent we have for <link> tags in microformats parsing is that we already parse them for "rel" values.
# 22:45 kylewm and apple-shortcut-icon has the advantage of not being invisible
# 22:46 tantek kylewm, well, shortcut icon for desktop browsers and standards compliant mobile browsers, and apple-touch-icon for Mobile Safari
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