2014-07-09 UTC
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 00:09 KevinMarks tell KartikPrabhu, shaners one name for the [Twitter for iOS] thing that twitter calls 'source' would be Activity Streams (and Atom's) 'generator' - so <span class="p-as-generator">Twitter for iOS</span>
# 00:10 KevinMarks !tell KartikPrabhu, shaners one name for the [Twitter for iOS] thing that twitter calls 'source' would be Activity Streams (and Atom's) 'generator' - so <span class="p-as-generator">Twitter for iOS</span>
# 00:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
arlen joined the channel
# 00:10 tantek and I think "generator" is an old blogging convention
# 00:17 tantek KevinMarks: silos spamming each other's proprietary invisible metacrap standards? surprise surprise
crystal_ joined the channel
# 00:17 KevinMarks I think it's the Twitter app on facebook doing it, as it's an HTML element, not a bitmap
# 00:21 gRegor` Woot. Thanks. :)
# 00:22 tantek this is something I really appreciate about this community - people are continuously deploying *visible* updates to their websites at *usable* public URLs, *AND* documenting their examples of doing so on the wiki for others to easily discover
# 00:23 aaronpk KevinMarks: are you talking about the generic text that ended up on facebook?
# 00:23 Loqi tantek meant to say: this is something I really appreciate about this community - people are continuously deploying *visible* updates and feature improvements to their websites at *usable* public URLs, *AND* documenting their examples of doing so on the wiki for others to easily discover
# 00:23 tantek in stark contrast to communities that spend most of their time on mailing lists, or writing press release blog posts.
# 00:28 KevinMarks aaronpk: instead of posting the image in the tweet, the twitter app cropped it to be useless and put a message on top saying "see the full picture"
# 00:29 tantek perhaps some day we'll start doing that to silos
# 00:29 aaronpk KevinMarks: weird!! yeah searching the source of the tweet URL doesn't have the text "see the full picture..."
# 00:29 KevinMarks well, given that they often arbitrarily crop images too, that may be needed
emmak joined the channel
# 00:33 rascul i have the best scores on ssllabs out of the level 5 examples :)
# 00:34 kylewm KevinMarks: silo inception ... i can't tell where one silo ends and the next begins
# 00:34 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: The Living Room isn't available for 7/16
# 00:34 gRegor` there's a one-off event. Should be available for 7/30, though.
# 00:41 emmak snarfed: does bridgy posse photos to twitter?
# 00:42 snarfed emmak: sadly no, not yet, but i'd love to have that eventually
# 00:43 emmak i can take a look. would that be implemented in activitystreams or bridgy?
# 00:43 snarfed activitystreams. posting details to that issue now
# 00:44 emmak also i just realized its not clear whether u-photo should be a child of h-entry or e-content
# 00:44 emmak it looks like in practice people are putting it in e-content
# 00:45 tantek properties (whether p-* dt-* u-* or e-* ) all apply to their containing object (h-*)
# 00:45 tantek doesn't matter from a microformats perspective that is
# 00:46 tantek however, semantically, the photo *is* (or is a part of) the content, so it makes sense for it to be inside.
# 00:49 kylewm with Facebook, you have the option of creating a photo post, or linking to the original and specify the image to use for a preview
# 00:49 tantek no problem emmak! now I'm wondering where I could document that answer so it's discoverable on the wiki...
# 01:05 gRegor` I suppose it's just aesthetic. /events redirects, of course.
# 01:06 tantek gRegor`: it's deliberate - only way I could figure out to distinguish generic (lowercase) vs. specific (uppercase)
# 01:06 tantek if you have a suggested improvement - open to it!
# 01:07 gRegor` Not sure what you mean by distinguishing?
# 01:08 tantek ah - right - I think the plural was another axis of distinction
# 01:09 tantek and then using the capitalized form as canonical for the top level page to make it look that much different than /event
# 01:09 tantek that's a deliberate usability / readability / scannability design decision
# 01:10 tantek so the meaning is somewhat intuitively discoverable
# 01:11 rascul although typing difficulty isn't a very strong argument here heh
# 01:11 gRegor` You don't have to type the capital E, because of the redirect. :)
# 01:11 tantek rascul - your browser doesn't autocomplete from your history?
scor joined the channel
# 01:11 tantek or just click the "Calendar" sidebar link from the home page :)
# 01:13 gRegor` I think /irc/today is a special case, since it's not a wiki page
# 01:15 gRegor` Further abstracting, /Events could just aggregate those posts, too.
# 01:15 gRegor` But I'm not understanding why they're capitalized differently in the meantime.
# 01:16 gRegor` Good idea on tz, rascul
# 01:18 rascul aaronpk does the logs? i'll mention it to him when i see him
# 01:19 tantek that's just cross-posting - you're not PESETASing (not *everything*) really KevinMarks :)
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 01:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
crystal_ joined the channel
# 01:58 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
lukebrooker joined the channel
lukebrooker, addal, chrissaad, j12t, snarfed, crystal_, tantek, KevinMarks2 and wolftune joined the channel
gRegor` joined the channel
# 04:01 kylewm eg should I auto fetch the title of the bookmarked page, or if its better to be more selective and like write a description by hand
# 04:10 KartikPrabhu KevinMarks, tantek, shaners I somehoe still like "posted via" or just "via" but that might be because I use it for backfed responses
# 04:11 Loqi KartikPrabhu: KevinMarks left you a message 4 hours ago: one name for the [Twitter for iOS] thing that twitter calls 'source' would be Activity Streams (and Atom's) 'generator' - so <span class="p-as-generator">Twitter for iOS</span>
# 04:25 JonathanNeal KartikPrabhu: an unfortunate physical illness. I’m eager to get back to it.
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
# 04:34 tantek KartikPrabhu: except the backfed responses are automated thus "via" makes more sense for those, whereas authoring tools are deliberate user decisions, and "using" actions.
# 04:35 aaronpk ooh backfed comments as "via bridgy", and "posted using Quill"?
# 04:35 KartikPrabhu hmmm interesting so you think "using Quill" is better than "via Quill" ?
# 04:35 aaronpk that's what's been discussed earlier today, right?
# 04:35 aaronpk and to tantek's point about "via" being more of a passive thing
# 04:36 tantek though the bridgy use-case is more of a "from" than "via"
# 04:37 KartikPrabhu aaronpk tantek: so storing backfed comments with a "u-x-from" while storing my own posts as "u-x-using" makes most sense?
# 04:37 snarfed agreed. personally i'd vote for omitting bridgy entirely and just putting "twitter," "facebook," etc wherever you'd usually put the source domain
# 04:37 aaronpk so "from Facebook via Bridgy" would be an appropriate thing posisbly :)
# 04:37 snarfed the beauty is, everyone gets to do whatever they want
# 04:37 tantek snarfed's right, no need to add more plumbing exposure
# 04:38 aaronpk I kind of want to find a tasteful way of exposing the plumbing that doesn't distract from the main UX
# 04:38 tantek whereas "from Twitter" (which could link to the Tweet permalink)
# 04:38 tantek aaronpk - everything meta that is exposed distracts from the main UX
# 04:38 KartikPrabhu yes that's why I am omitting bridgy.... possibly since I might graduate to self-backfeeding
# 04:38 tantek aaronpk - I think that may be why I omitted "using" in those cases
# 04:39 tantek but it was inconsistent, so at least I fixed it to a consistent state
# 04:39 aaronpk i'm thiking something along the lines of how you can "view source" on a web page to see the HTML
# 04:39 aaronpk like "how does this work" and the answer is bridgy, webmention, quill, micropub, etc
# 04:40 aaronpk you'd be able to look under the hood, so to speak
# 04:40 tantek user uses a client C to post to a silo S which then gets propagated by backfeed as a service B
# 04:41 aaronpk i want someone to be able to be like "hey how'd that get here" and take some action and get one little piece of information answering it. not a whole architecture stack diagram
# 04:41 tantek hey you're the one that wanted to look under the hood ;)
# 04:41 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: i'd like to help people look under the hood too, since that is how I learnt all this stuff. "view source" was very very helpful
# 04:42 tantek I'd start *without* any kind of "under the hood" nonsense and just show the minimum necessary to providet the backlink to the permalink
# 04:42 tantek and then try to see what makes sense to incrementally add after that
# 04:42 KartikPrabhu for instance I like the "source messages" adactio leaves as HTML comments
# 04:42 aaronpk maybe i can start doing giant ascii art diagrams in an html comment
# 04:43 aaronpk that way the "look under the hood" is still just "view source"
# 04:43 KartikPrabhu tantek: you think "learn more" links to more detailed pages are helpful UI? I do that with webmention forms as of now
# 04:44 kylewm if you truly wanted a view-source, why not just show the YAML+Microformats backing data?
# 04:44 KartikPrabhu where the "learn more: links to my webmenition endpoint with a small explanation of webmention...
# 04:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: a single "What's this?" link for new user interfaces / experiences
# 04:45 kylewm honestly that's what I'd want to be able to see, if anything
# 04:45 tantek kylewm - because too much all at once = glaze over
# 04:45 aaronpk I also like the convention of providing helpful "about" pages on the HTTP endpoints for things like micropub and webmention when a GET request is made
# 04:45 KartikPrabhu kylemwL there is something to be said for progressive disclosure of info
# 04:46 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: yes that's what I've been doing with both webmention and micropub :)
# 04:48 KartikPrabhu that's why my webmention endpoint is revealed only on pages that accept webmention throught a form :)
# 04:49 tantek there are other tricks you can do to, e.g. desktop only hover on the via / from links revealing a (How?) link right next to it
# 04:53 tantek KartikPrabhu: seems ok for a teaching / view source type of thing
# 04:54 KartikPrabhu tantek: is that not an argument *for* giving a good UI for exploring the under the hood stuff?
# 04:55 tantek KartikPrabhu: in as much as it works for whatever generation is looking at your site
# 04:56 tantek KartikPrabhu: in that case you'd likely have your own site
dreeves joined the channel
# 05:05 bret does known have a maintained "itching"/current efforts page?
jeukku joined the channel
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# 05:50 JonathanNeal tantek: there are services that let you view source on mobile, which can be helpful sometimes.
crystal_ joined the channel
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Garbee joined the channel
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# 07:34 tantek it's funny that retweets of my tweet now show up in adactio's permalink as a retweet of *his* post, just because I ended my post with his post permalink
npdoty, pfefferle and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 07:51 tantek I suppose that will provide more motivation for always putting your own permashortlinks at the end of your POSSE copies.
# 07:52 tantek so your posts get the bridgy activity rather than the posts you link to
crystal_ joined the channel
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# 08:15 tantek KartikPrabhu: apparently it is still a concern because I use rel=syndication and bridgy is not discoverying my original posts, but instead discovering what I linked to
# 08:19 KartikPrabhu tantek: it should do both i think. I think a few requirements for the posse-post discovery is to have a rel=feed on your homepage and have a u-syndication
# 08:21 KartikPrabhu I think it is so that bridgy knows where to look for the original post
# 08:22 tantek why? the simple obvious case is that the h-entry feed is just right there on the home page
petermolnar joined the channel
# 08:27 KartikPrabhu tantek: but in any case i have a feeling bridgy should detect your posts
# 08:34 tantek e.g. Twitter DMs list just gave me: Internal server error.
# 08:35 tantek in a red bar inside the "Direct messages" fake window
Sebastien-L, eschnou and pfefferle_ joined the channel
# 08:49 tantek also getting a lot of "Oops / Something went wrong. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." on FB when trying to peopletag some public photos
crystal_, addal and KevinMarks joined the channel
crystal_, adactio, phil80 and Sebastien-L joined the channel
# 10:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
glennjones joined the channel
crystal_, Tallken, glennjones, michielbdejong, scor, phil80, fofr and donpdonp joined the channel
scor, Sebastien-L, crystal_, Lt_Drebin and friedcell joined the channel
pfefferle_, glennjones, snarfed, adactio_, tabraldes, hodge, XgFgX, saurik_, a, ellton_, rektide_, Nagahz, nemo-yiannis_, markmhx, JasonO-, Jeena_, friedcell, irdan and crystal_ joined the channel
etymancer, michel_v, scor, KevinMarks, PMurphs, chrissaad and GWG joined the channel
jgarber, KevinMarks, chrissaad, gRegor`, tantek and phil80 joined the channel
# 15:24 petermolnar oh god, I was so not aware what I'm doing when I decided to start writing a syndication plugin for WordPress, this is hellish :((
# 15:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
GWG and npdoty joined the channel
# 15:45 GWG petermolnar, were you looking for me?
# 15:46 petermolnar hi, I was, I'm a bit busy with my dayjob at the moment, I'll be back soon :)
mayuresh joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 15:50 mayuresh more like late evening out here... ;-)
# 15:53 mayuresh wolftune, you in the united states?
dariusdunlap joined the channel
# 15:59 aaronpk !tell benwerd minor nitpick about the yxyy site... the comment box looks so similar to Disqus for some reason and it freaks me out and makes me not want to use it
# 15:59 Loqi aaronpk: rascul left you a message 5 hours, 43 minutes ago: /irc/today should note the timezone
# 15:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:59 onewheelskyward I have that same reaction to disqus.
# 16:03 mayuresh and I am from the "Land of Snake Charmers". :-)
# 16:04 petermolnar so I've started working on the syndication plugin for WordPress and I'm only planning the interface and the storing of the data, but it hurts already
# 16:04 petermolnar and at a point I wanted to ask you on some questions that occured, but I solved them more or less, so the question is gone and sorry for bothering :)
# 16:05 GWG petermolnar, always happy to lend an ear.
# 16:05 kylewm mayuresh: welcome! are you working on a personal site?
# 16:05 mayuresh that's just the starting point
# 16:05 mayuresh have a bunch of ideas
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:06 mayuresh heard about the indieweb, would like to learn more about it
# 16:06 mayuresh hence am on this channel. :-)
# 16:08 wolftune I've been spending my time developing a community fundraising system to support things like Indie Web technologies but am way behind on actually getting my own website independent
protman joined the channel
# 16:11 kylewm wolftune: interesting! what sort of community fundraising site?
# 16:11 GWG mayuresh, lots for all of us to learn.
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:13 GWG I, for example, am on my third time ripping apart my site design since March.
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 16:14 mayuresh GWG, I too will be doing some ripping apart soon enough :)
# 16:15 GWG mayuresh, I am hoping that this will be the last time for a while. I am redesigning it to be more modular to make it easier to change.
# 16:15 kylewm wolftune: I'm majorly excited that you have ways to donate that don't incur credit card fees... that's my big complaint with gittip
paulcp joined the channel
# 16:16 wolftune kylewm: my big complaint with Gittip for most of their history was they forced you to sign in with proprietary silos
# 16:17 wolftune kylewm: they since added "Open Street Map" sign-in. :P Still not that Indie…
# 16:17 mayuresh kylewm, thanks for the indiewebify.me link
# 16:17 mayuresh will do the needful soon enough...
# 16:18 wolftune kylewm: the other thing abotu Gittip is that it's not really a change from the donation options you always had, it makes no real difference in the incentives to donate, doesn't address the real reasons why just asking for donations has rarely been adequate
irdan and j12t joined the channel
# 16:27 bear rascul++ to having the best SSLLabs server score
# 16:28 rascul i coulda gotten higher score, i think i was up to 100/100/100/95 at one point but my cipher set was too restrictive
# 16:28 bear yea, that level requires locking out of a huge chunk of older browsers
# 16:29 bear which isn't a bad thing in some ways, but for a personal site maybe a bit too restrictive
# 16:29 snarfed1 rascul: screw users, high scores are all that matter!
# 16:29 snarfed1 especially with arbitrary internet points
# 16:30 bear yea, your current set locks out IE8 and older
# 16:30 bear yea, but I find that IE8 rarely pairs with win7 and almost always has XP
# 16:31 bear most folks upgrade their IE version when they upgrade their OS
# 16:31 rascul are there many people still using pre-7 windows?
# 16:31 bear but that is also a "what community are you reaching" question
# 16:33 tantek I'm tempted to block all IE5.5 because it's nearly all bots pretending to be IE5.5
# 16:33 bear yea, the bots use IE5 to get older html versions for sites that sniff UA
# 16:33 bear blocking that UA will indeed cut down on traffic
# 16:33 tantek especially if we're saying it's ok abandon users on IE7 and below
# 16:34 rascul i'm not good at target audiences and what browser/os they use heh
# 16:34 bear that's a tough call - again it comes back to what does the site in question want for an audience
# 16:35 bear I think we are still a good year out as the range of tablets and phones reaches more people
# 16:35 bear until then I personally will support IE6+
# 16:36 rascul i kinda wish people just wouldn't use windows, supporting windows and/or ie gets silly sometimes, but then i'm probably biased ;)
# 16:37 rascul i've been using linux almost exclusively for close to 20 years now i think
cweiske and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:38 bear my job requires me to have and use all 3
# 16:38 cweiske JonathanNeal, you did test phorkie on your mac, right?
# 16:39 rascul by all three, you mean debian, red hat, AND ubuntu? ;)
# 16:39 cweiske when I remember correctly, mime detection did not work
# 16:40 rascul how was phorkie working out? i vaguely recall you two trying to get it running
# 16:40 tantek interesting thread to read in that KevinMarks reply
# 16:41 tantek every single one of the criticisms of Tent in the replies is something we should consider as a *question* about the IndieWeb
# 16:41 JonathanNeal Ha, uh, I'm in the hospital at the moment, I will when I hope to get home in a few hours.
# 16:42 tantek JonathanNeal: hope you're feeling better soon!
# 16:42 KevinMarks Marco was being a bit opaque, I don't know what service he actually tried
# 16:42 JonathanNeal But I will! I haven't been able to code so it feels good to test. Thoughts on md extra?
# 16:42 tommorris "if you like open decentralized alternatives, you might like the legendary signal to noise ratios of e-mail and USENET" - buuuurn.
# 16:43 rascul most of my non techie type friends are annoyed that there's so many social networks and they have to use different ones to find different friends
# 16:43 tantek of course, we still have to figure out good signal to noise ratio for webmention
# 16:43 KevinMarks I'd love to get Marco (who is writing a podcast listening app) into the feed discussion
# 16:43 rascul have there been cases of webmention spam yet?
# 16:43 tantek rascul - only via bridgy - not directly from an indieweb site
# 16:44 tantek I get plenty of spam @-replies to my POSSE copies on twitter
paulcp_ and nemo-yiannis joined the channel
# 16:45 tantek and I'm already signed-into bridgy, and setup with a queue in webmention.io
# 16:45 tantek so yes, I already have spam in my queue of webmentions that I'll have to process once I have code written to process them and put them on my site
# 16:46 KevinMarks Are they also annoyed by the "everyone in the same room" problem on Facebook, rascul?
# 16:46 rascul i don't know, i tune out of those rants fairly quickly heh
# 16:46 tantek this however: "The average person doesn’t care about how open a social network is, just if their friends are on it." *is* a key differentiating aspect of the indieweb approach with POSSE
# 16:46 tantek so at least we have that focus right - on friends before federation
wolftune joined the channel
# 16:47 rascul i do like that the way indieweb is going, it doesn't really matter which networks friends are on, at least to some extent
# 16:47 kylewm was Marco's original post at least partially sarcasm?
# 16:48 kylewm the choice of Tent seems particularly strawman-y
# 16:48 bear agree - any tech/group wanting to change *has* to enable cross channel traffic to keep the early adopters connected to their slower moving friends
# 16:48 tantek kylewm - I thought maybe but then the addition of "… rather than one service." makes me think he's being sincere, and taking a dig at app.net
# 16:50 rascul i did look at tent at one time, but it seemed like it had a narrow target audience (not sure if that was real or perceived though) and it didn't look like it would take off
# 16:51 rascul seemed to me that using tent would mean putting work into something i'll end up replacing later anyway
# 16:51 tantek rascul - there are some here that spent non-trivial time with Tent, like Jeena, but came here out of frustration with the way Tent stuff (code, community) was run
# 16:52 tantek within the first week or so that Jeena was here he built amazing things with his site - I think more than he ever got working with Tent?
# 16:53 rascul i don't really think that a twitter/facebook/g+ replacement is the way to go
# 16:53 rascul hrm well that's probably obvious, since i'm here and all ;)
crystal_ joined the channel
# 16:54 tantek rascul - right, barnabywalters said it really well
# 16:54 bear it's important to always be aware of any critical reaction to the concepts behind indieweb - even if they are for another project
# 16:56 bear heads out for a walk to unplug from tech for a bit
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# 17:27 j12t Absolutely. Currently trying to get an automated build going. Then automated tests.
# 17:28 j12t Imagine if your website could be automatically upgraded every, say, week, and you knew beforehand that the upgrade was going to be successful :-)
# 17:30 j12t I’m sort of there with my own sites, but it isn’t QA’d enough yet, and that’s because it isn’t automated enough yet. Getting there ...
# 17:31 tantek that kind of seamless maintenance is pretty essential
# 17:32 aaronpk i'm always terrified of running the wordpress upgrades in place because I don't trust that it'll keep working with all the plugins or custom themes
# 17:32 j12t yep, otherwise you need to be able and willing to ssh, vi, etc. and that sort of limits the market ...
# 17:33 tantek "sort of limits the market" - understatement of the day
# 17:33 aaronpk same with mediawiki. like no way in hell am I going to upgrade the indiewebcamp wiki live. definitely installing it locally on my laptop and running upgrades there.
# 17:33 j12t .. and also be extremely frustration-tolerant (I keep telling non-techie friends that geeks have an underappreciated talent, which is to be extremely tolerant in the face of constant “it does not work and I have no idea why")
# 17:34 bear j12t - please do poke me if you need help in automating any of the indiebox project - my background is ops and build/release
# 17:34 bear do you have a itch/problem list that I can poke at?
# 17:35 bear is back early from his walk - 90F and being overweight == not fun
# 17:35 j12t What about this. I should have the first process for release working in the next couple days.
# 17:36 j12t I’ll poke you then with a next things that need to happen
# 17:36 bear where is the project page for IndieBox?
# 17:37 j12t I need to write this whole process up
# 17:38 tantek j12t - yes please! writing that stuff up is really helpful!
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# 18:10 tantek very sad loss for the community and for those of us that knew her personally
# 18:11 JonathanNeal Only insinuating what you are talking about, it's surreal to hear you say such sad things and all of your links are only happy.
# 18:14 tantek JonathanNeal: surreal is how it feels. also numb.
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# 18:36 cweiske bear, you don't happen to compile php yourself on your server?
# 18:37 bear I only installed php to see if I could help
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# 18:37 bear while I run and maintain quite a few customers with php5 I avoid it on my own servers :)
# 18:38 cweiske that's the config I had to use to get phorkie running smoothly
# 18:38 cweiske the (/.*)? in the location is especiall important
# 18:39 bear yep - that saves the remainder of the uri for use in passing thru to proxy
# 18:40 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Did you see my note about The Living Room + HWC? I didn't leave it as a tell
# 18:41 gRegor` Open to other ideas for 7/16, but if nothing comes up I'll just try to get there early and grab some seats at that table
# 18:41 gRegor` There's a Panera around the corner that's pretty big, actually.
# 18:41 gRegor` Has a table like Intelligentisa too
# 18:42 KartikPrabhu gregor`: yeha we should decide up on some temporary place at least for now
# 18:43 cweiske but until that you're either doomed or have to compile it yourself
# 18:44 cweiske I had a look about implementing Phar::webPhar() myself in php userland, but that's too much work
# 18:44 cweiske and I fear that there are some cases in which I just can't reach deep enough into php's core from userland
# 18:44 cweiske so I'm afraid for now phorkie on php-fpm doesn't work unless you compile php yourself from git
# 18:45 cweiske nevertheless i'm glad you all tried to get it running
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# 19:05 kylewm cweiske: i'm not understanding the bug history, does that mean they already accepted your patch??
# 19:07 tommorris so, my domain expired today. almost forgot to renew it. just renewed for 3 years.
# 19:07 aaronpk I last renewed mine for like 5 years, which is worrisome because it means I'm likely to forget to renew it when it finaly does expire cause I haven't been reneweing it every year...
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# 19:43 SamB I, um, set up a blogger account to post a few scraps of information I thought might be useful to others a while back
# 19:43 SamB nothing I'm proud of
# 19:44 SamB I mean, I'm not proud of it as a site, not that I'm ashamed of my posts
# 19:46 bret SamB are you interested in anything in particular?
# 19:46 tantek nice thing about a blogger blog is that you can set it up to be served on your own domain
# 19:47 tantek SamB - do you have a personal domain? or have you ever wanted one?
# 19:48 SamB no, I'm kind of broke, and I'd be too afraid I'd miss renewing it ...
# 19:48 bret thats what I though before I bought one ;)
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# 19:50 cweiske in germany we give the company our bank account number, and they fetch the money every month or year
# 19:51 bret cweiske lol this is murica. things are never that easy
# 19:51 SamB I mean, I have naesten.mooo.com pointing to a personal machine, but I don't own that and my ISP blocks port 80 ...
# 19:51 gRegor` has auto-renew on most of my domains
# 19:51 bret cweiske we have to go through a visa card, wich expires ever few years
# 19:51 aaronpk problem is things change. like billing address. or I get new accounts. or the card expires.
# 19:51 bret cweiske and bank numbers are super secret
# 19:52 gRegor` You could make a kickstarter to make a potato salad website and rake in the money...
# 19:52 bret aaronpk as super secret as a check is
# 19:52 cweiske we can "book back" 6 weeks if someone mistakenly retrieved money from your account
# 19:52 aaronpk bank/check fraud is dealt with after the fact rather than trying to be prevented ahead of time
# 19:52 SamB did you see what knuth had to say on the subject of checks?
# 19:53 SamB anyway he got tired of dealing with the fraud so he issues notes from "the bank of sans-serrife" or something like that
# 19:54 cweiske and you can always update the bank account numbers with the companies you have contracts with
# 19:55 bret i was under the impression that they way banks work in Europe was that you can give your account number to anyone and they can just send money to it
# 19:55 bret but im finding a gap in my understanding apparently
# 19:56 cweiske know someone's account number, and you can transfer money to them
# 19:56 bret like there is some difference between EU and US where bank numbers are way more useful and secure
# 19:56 SamB is it terribly dangerous for anyone to be able to GIVE you money?
# 19:56 SamB the only risk, I think, is if that could somehow get you in some kind of legal trouble
# 19:56 bret we actually have rules in place that prevent all the banks from transfering money faster via ach… primarily due to shitty big banks not wanting that
# 19:57 cweiske we also had transfer times of 2-3 days, but the EU laws now require EU-wide bank transfers within a work day
# 19:57 aaronpk I used to print checks from my roommates to myself to pay rent. was easier than having them go get a checkbook from their bank.
# 19:57 aaronpk when they were out of town i'd even just print their signature on the checks
# 19:58 cweiske must been 13 years I last wrote a transfer by pen
# 19:58 SamB aaronpk: my impression is that you wouldn't need to even print a check these days
# 19:58 aaronpk "The account number and routing information are all that international financial institutions look at before deciding to transfer funds from one account to another." "Forget signatures
# 19:59 SamB I heard there were websites where you could just enter the numbers ...
# 20:01 tantek from that URL: "…has branches in Blefuscu and Elbonia on the planet Pincus."
# 20:02 tantek so Knuth is paying in Zinga dollars?!? (planet Pincus, presumably Mark, co-founder of Zynga)
# 20:04 SamB tantek: well, I don't think anyone has ever cashed in one of these notes
# 20:04 SamB so it's hard to say for sure
# 20:05 aaronpk "...I shall henceforth award brownie points, otherwise known as hexadecimal dollars (0x$)."
# 20:06 SamB tantek: ... your hcard covers the whole sidebar?
# 20:08 tantek SamB - it really should cover the whole page since my home page is me
# 20:09 SamB ... are you sure you shouldn't be in therapy for that?
# 20:09 SamB "my home page is me"? seriously?
# 20:10 aaronpk my home page is the digital representation of myself, yes
# 20:10 gRegor` has never seen tantek in the flesh. HMM
# 20:10 SamB I hope it doesn't go down!
# 20:10 SamB some digital-based intelligences are liking to diversify their consciousness
# 20:11 bret hey your talking to a computer right now via a keyboard and monitor ;) how bout that
# 20:12 SamB by which I mean, they like to avoid a SPOF by spreading throughought the network
# 20:13 bret SamB have you every heard someone point at a picture of themselves and say "thats me!" I think that is the meaning here
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# 20:21 JonathanNeal I’ve been meaning to make instructions like this for configuring trusted https on a Mac’s local machine. Think anyone would want that?
# 20:21 aaronpk yeah! There was someone I would have sent to that yesterday
# 20:27 SamB still thinks fragmentions is waaay too namespace-grabby ...
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# 20:30 SamB well, it seems to implicitly assume that there couldn't possibly be any other worthy extension of fragment identifiers
# 20:31 JonathanNeal aaronpk: that’s the trick I wish I could figure out, having one cert that works for multiple domains.
# 20:31 aaronpk you can try putting a bunch of domains in the CSR and uploading it there
# 20:31 SamB to not implicitly assume that, it would basically have to explicitly state the opposite, that there probably *are* other worthy extensions, and provide a mechanism by which different extensions could be distinguished
# 20:31 kylewm KartikPrabhu: the whatwg group wanted it to be like ##text=slice+of+text
# 20:32 kylewm so that you could use other extensions like ##regex=
# 20:32 SamB that's just an example syntax, of course, not necessarily actually workable
# 20:33 aaronpk that's one of the reasons there's no namespace crap before the text
# 20:33 JonathanNeal aaronpk: i’m not sure how to add a bunch of domains in the CSR though.
# 20:38 SamB aaronpk: how about, say, disallowing unquoted = in the query?
# 20:40 aaronpk JonathanNeal: the thing you're looking for is called SAN - Subject Alternate Name
# 20:41 aaronpk i'm having a tough time finding how to do it with the interactive CSR generator, everything seems to want you to add them to the machine's openssl.conf file
# 20:41 aaronpk but when I've done this in practice, it's actually done by the CA when they generate the cert, not by me when requesting
# 20:42 j12t Any reason not to use multiple certs and SNI?
# 20:43 aaronpk I should have asked, what is the reason you want multiple domains in the cert, JonathanNeal ?
# 20:45 SamB honestly I don't see why anyone who knows how to query-encode a piece of text would balk at something like text= being expected before it ...
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# 20:48 JonathanNeal aaronpk: I do stuff like dev.testblabla.com, dev-1.testblabla.com, dev-2.testblabla.com, dev-3.testblabla.com
# 20:48 JonathanNeal Especially lately when I’ve been testing website login webmention stuff.
# 20:49 JonathanNeal aaronpk: teach me. I can write instructions around generating certs and adding crt files to a Mac’s keychain.
# 20:50 SamB bret: only hypothetical people, afaict
# 20:51 bret SamB although having a default fragment syntax set to text allowing preventing me from typing text= 98% of the time sounds nice
# 20:52 aaronpk JonathanNeal: I think so? best to test it out tho
# 20:52 Loqi bret meant to say: SamB although having a default fragment syntax set to text preventing me from typing text= 98% of the time sounds nice
# 20:53 rascul both alt names and common names support wildcards
# 20:53 JonathanNeal I’m getting mixed responses. How do I target domain.tld and all of its subdomains?
# 20:54 rascul either put domain.tld in common name and *.domain.tld in subjectAltName, or vice versa
# 20:54 aaronpk rascul: do you know how to make a CSR with a subjectAltName without editing openssl.conf? I couldn't find that
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# 20:55 JonathanNeal rascul: when I configure CSR files, I follow a series of prompts and I haven’t see anything about Alt Name. I do see `Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []`
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# 20:58 JonathanNeal rascul: thanks. this will be gold for me when setting up trusted local sites on new machines.
# 21:02 tantek Samb - mistaking extensibility as being more important than usability (especially of the dominant use-case) is a common developer methodological error. Omitting any kind of query syntax *greatly* simplifies fragmentions and makes them much more "obvious" to people creating and viewing the URLs (e.g. in code).
# 21:03 tantek but in developer circles, especially technical specification circles, people mistakenly value extensibility above usability so you end up with namespaces, XML, RDF, all kinds of crap which obfuscates getting simple things done.
# 21:04 tantek and they use expressions like "namespace squatting" as if namespaces were a good thing or relevant at all in most cases.
# 21:05 tantek it was sad to see that kind of conversation dominate the discussion in #whatwg - I would have expected that in various W3C discussion forums (email/irc), but not whatwg.
# 21:05 tantek seems like a lot of whatwg is becoming like old w3c
# 21:05 rascul JonathanNeal aaronpk looks like a config is required
# 21:05 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: 7/30 HWC meetup confirmed for The Living Room
# 21:05 tantek the fragmentions discussion really demonstrated that
# 21:06 gRegor` updates the wiki
# 21:08 SamB tantek: but *you* don't own fragments
# 21:09 SamB I mean, it's no big deal if you only want it on a site-by-site basis, I guess
# 21:09 tantek or are you referring to the way that any set of people can come up with an idea, implement it ineroperably and publish a spec? no one needs anyone's permission to do this kind of thing on the web. rough consensus and running code.
# 21:10 tantek whatwg demonstrated that w3c didn't own that. and by doing so, they demonstrated that no one does de facto.
# 21:10 tantek implementations and interop do - no matter what anyone at whatwg or w3c says.
# 21:12 SamB tantek: having no or too short of a "magic number" makes interop harder, in general
# 21:12 rascul JonathanNeal this is gonna take me more than a minute, seems i no longer remember how to configure openssl
# 21:12 rascul got a few things to do, i'll get back to you soon
# 21:16 SamB tantek: anyway, this h-entry thing *does* seem to mark up the stuff I'd want from a feed, at least
# 21:17 SamB well, h-feed+h-entry
# 21:17 gRegor` Yeah, there's been some good work on an indiereader that will read those feeds, too.
# 21:17 SamB oh, except how do you find the whole feed?
# 21:18 SamB I'm guessing not rel=prev[ious] ?
# 21:20 SamB tantek: well, typically when there get to be enough articles, it takes more than one page to even present a LIST of all of them
# 21:20 tantek the "all of them" is the different use-case presumably you're talking about
# 21:20 gRegor` For example, my (beta) notes feed is at gregorlove.com/notes. My homepage has a <link rel=feed> pointing to it.
# 21:20 tantek that's not common (nor well solved) among silos for example, on Twitter, FB etc.
# 21:20 SamB if you someones stuff is so good that you want to see ALL OF IT
# 21:20 tantek very hard to actually view all of someone's stuff there
# 21:20 SamB er. you know what I mean.
# 21:21 tantek sure - and you can't do that now on Twitter or FB
# 21:21 tantek I mean, theoretically? but through their javascript UI, slowly
# 21:21 SamB yeah. you can do it on typical blog sites, of course, but it can be klunky.
# 21:21 tantek interesting - how do you do it on typical blog sites?
# 21:23 SamB oh, did I mention I like webcomics?
# 21:23 Loqi tantek meant to say: is now wondering if /- * gets linked
# 21:24 SamB and here I was thinking "typical path on a domain to the archives"
# 21:24 SamB well, I meant on ANY site
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# 21:24 SamB not just an "indieweb" site particularly ;-)
# 21:24 tantek much of what indieweb does is codify best practices that predate it
# 21:24 SamB anyway, typically it's either based on time period, or just "this much can be on one page and no more", or maybe even both
# 21:24 tantek so hopefully not just an indieweb site particularly :)
# 21:25 SamB and yeah I hate the whole "bottomless with no alternative" trend
# 21:25 tantek but I have to run to eat - so go ahead and add to /archives - and if you have any trouble logging into the wiki, someone here should be able to help with that
# 21:27 SamB ... would I be lynched if I tried to login using a domain that had FOAF stuff on it?
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# 21:30 cweiske could you check if you can clone the public git url of a paste?
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# 21:31 SamB oh man, thinking "do I have any domains of my own that have port 80 open" reminds me of a site or two I made on tripod.com in the '90s ...
# 21:38 SamB I really don't think I want to be linking that domain to my current profiles though ;-)
# 21:40 gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Yeah, 1830 for now. Willing to discuss later if that works for people (and the venue)
# 21:41 JonathanNeal cweiske: again, I recommend markdown extra to get the code block formatting
# 21:41 gRegor` Correct. that's why I was suggesting Panera for 7/16 maybe. Sorry for the confusion.
# 21:41 gRegor` Living Room has something already on 7/16
# 21:42 gRegor` But it's a one-off. Going forward we should be able to stay there.
# 21:42 gRegor` Panera is right around the corner, quite big and wasn't busy when I was there several weeks ago around that time of night. Has a big table like the coffeeshop does.
# 21:43 SamB warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
# 21:43 SamB um, yes git, that was the idea ;-)
# 21:43 gRegor` "Warning: you just bough Hot Pockets"
# 21:43 gRegor` s/bough/bought/
# 21:43 Loqi gRegor` meant to say: "Warning: you just bought Hot Pockets"
# 21:44 SamB still, fair enough as if I didn't know it was an empty repo I probably would want to know ASAP
# 21:44 gRegor` You said Mari is coming 7/16, right KartikPrabhu?
# 21:45 gRegor` Heading out. Back in a while.
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# 21:58 SamB what advantages does h-card have over hCard?
# 21:58 SamB besides avoiding studlyCaps?
# 22:00 SamB being newer counts AGAINST it, btw, as if there's nothing else to recommend it, the one that's had more time to be implemented is preferable
# 22:01 bret SamB its what all of the indieweb cross site reply context stuff uses
# 22:01 SamB (not that I'm saying it counts MUCH against it)
# 22:01 KartikPrabhu bret: hopfully the mf2 parsers people are using have backward compatibility stuff
# 22:02 SamB the "using prefixes" thing sounds good enough to me ;-)
# 22:02 bret SamB it comes down to what do you want to use it for?
# 22:03 bret h-card is mf1, which can be used for rich snippets, but if you want to turn your html into json for some application, mf2 is better and more suited for that
# 22:03 bret and hopefully can be used for rich snippets some day too
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# 22:05 SamB you should try them in #emacs
# 22:05 SamB they're actually totally fake there ;-P
# 22:08 kylewm must admit the backcompat stuff has made my life difficult
# 22:08 kylewm wordpress.com blogs in particular come out all weird
# 22:08 kylewm authors nested in authors, entries nested in entries
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# 22:22 GWG snarfed: You are a great indiewebizen.
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# 22:32 GWG snarfed: The man who bridged the indieweb
# 22:43 GWG snarfed: I'm reminded of the words of John Adams
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# 22:47 GWG "I won't be in the history books anyway, only you. Franklin did this and Franklin did that and Franklin did some other damn thing. Franklin smote the ground and out sprang George Washington, fully grown and on his horse. Franklin then electrified him with his miraculous lightning rod and the three of them - Franklin, Washington, and the horse - conducted the entire revolution by themselves."
# 22:52 GWG snarfed: It depends who Franklin and Washington are in this analogy
# 22:57 GWG snarfed: Either way, Bridgy makes my POSSE more posseable. I appreciate it
# 22:57 snarfed GWG: thank you! i definitely appreciate the kind words
# 22:58 snarfed it started as a personal itch, so i'm just glad other people like it too
# 22:59 GWG snarfed: I keep trying to follow that idea and make my itches available for others
# 23:00 GWG I just always feel my itches are inferior to other itches
# 23:00 GWG Probably the same way you tried a regex to replace snarfed with pfefferle in a recent chat log.
# 23:00 bear very common. the only metric to worry about is if your happy with it. anyone else who uses it or even looks at it is extra bonus
# 23:02 bear the world of open source would be a lot better if everyone shared more and judged less (note that the IndieWeb community is *NOT* an example of this)
# 23:02 GWG bear: I'm convinced my best project idea so far needs improvement, but I can't figure out what's missing
# 23:03 bear put it up, let it rest a bit and then come back to it
# 23:03 bear you will either discover the missing piece or not - if you don't, guess it wasn't a big piece
# 23:03 GWG bear: I think I need an outside perspective.
# 23:04 bear software is the only "engineering" process that is better when done incrementally
# 23:04 bear I have many a project where that one final bit did not feel right
# 23:05 bear and is sitting in a TODO list waiting for me to come back around and fix it
# 23:05 GWG bear: I'm using the thing on my site
# 23:05 bear i'm saying that you can be your own outside perspective by putting distance between you and the issue
# 23:06 GWG I was doing better when Acegiak was around. He was assisting by letting me bounce ideas and vice versa
# 23:06 bear or you can release it and let others help
# 23:06 GWG bear: I did. I haven't done anything in a month
# 23:06 bear ah - sorry, I thought this was a recent change/issue
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# 23:08 GWG bear: I put it aside and worked on the mf2 compliant theme
# 23:09 GWG I know there is stuff missing in that, but I"m working through it
# 23:09 GWG The issue I have is with the Indieweb Taxonomy plugin I wrote It adds in a custom taxonomy for things like 'like', 'reply', 'repost', etc.
# 23:10 bear square peg in round hole problems? because of how WP handles things internally?
# 23:10 GWG bear: Sometimes. But the plugin does well enough
# 23:12 KartikPrabhu I want to push changes from my fork to tommorris' where do I start a PR?
# 23:16 bear it can be if your coming from a reference point that is not a distributed source repo tool
# 23:17 bear that is the reason why github is so popular IMO - they abstracted out the confusion of many different ways to do branch/merge operations
# 23:18 bear were you using the web tools or following the "how to do it from the command line"?
# 23:18 bear base == "where to start looking for change history to send to upstream repo"
# 23:18 SamB at least the command line is the same regardless of git host ;-)
# 23:19 KartikPrabhu like "I start a Pull Request on my fork to push changes to tommorris' fork" is a very inconsistent sentence
# 23:19 bear head == "where my current local repo is pointed at"
# 23:19 bear yea, it really is nothing but "gather up my changes and deliver them to that repo"
# 23:20 KevinMarks_ I think I need to do a FAQ about fragmentions "taking over the namespace"
# 23:20 bear github needs a "feeling lucky" merge button ;)
# 23:21 KevinMarks_ fragmentions are an alternative fall back if an id doesn't exist in the page
# 23:21 KartikPrabhu yeah. did people complain about id-fragments not being extensible when they took up #word ?
# 23:22 KevinMarks_ if you want to put another convention ahead of fragmentions but after id, that is still possible
# 23:23 KevinMarks_ the best argument I've seen is tantek demoing them by selecting text, copying it, then going to the URL at top typing ## and pasting the text to create one
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# 23:25 KartikPrabhu though it'll be good to have a "get link to this text" functionality. and I should finish that little project :P
# 23:26 tantek KevinMarks_: is there a Firefox Add-on for Fragmentions yet?
# 23:28 tantek KevinMarks_: yes that demo is pretty damn empowering
# 23:29 tantek it's actually *faster* for me to create a fragmention link than a fragment link
# 23:35 bret KevinMarks_ is instapaper doing something with fragmentation?
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# 23:39 KevinMarks hm, sorry about that, my client lost the ability to post suddenly
# 23:41 KevinMarks yes, instapaper shipped support for PESETAS of highlights from their app to silos, using fragmentions
# 23:57 GWG Skype...Talky...people focused communication
# 23:58 aaronpk like "hey aaronparecki.com I want to chat with you at this talky URL" sent as a webmention to my home page
# 23:58 GWG aaronpk: What does my homepage do when I get that mention?
# 23:58 bear no reason why it couldn't - tagged even so that it gets filtered to a high attention feed
# 23:58 aaronpk sends you a push notification to your mobile phone
# 23:59 GWG aaronpk: This was the one I suggested could piggyback on Pushover as an interim solution, right?
# 23:59 aaronpk GWG: probably yeah, I want to eventaully make my own app for this but it's basically a generic push notification app