#indiewebcamp 2014-07-11
2014-07-11 UTC
paulcp joined the channel
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/541 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/2149850018 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/18299065 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/19090770 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
snarfed and emmak joined the channel
mko POLL: For your IndieWeb homepage, do you prefer A) curated list of content (e.g. http://briancray.com/ ), B) entire social stream (e.g. http://aaronparecki.com/ ), C) personal statement / bio (e.g. http://edward.oconnor.cx/ ), or D) something more visual (e.g. http://samanthatoy.com/ -- just pretend it's indieweb enabled, I know it's not)?
KartikPrabhu mko: Currently I have a small welcome statemwnt and the latest 5 articles. But planning to change that, so the homepage is more of a visual "what's new" page
KartikPrabhu for ref: https://kartikprabhu.com/
KartikPrabhu :)
KartikPrabhu mko: thanks :)
KartikPrabhu !tell JonathanNeal: figured out the fragmention.js trouble from yesterday. It seems Closure Compiler does something funny so that the code looks only at the first word and ignores everything after the first + sign in fragmention. unminified js now on site, will play with uglify and see how that goes.
KartikPrabhu mko: I like to have lots of whitespace and try to be mindful of loading huge images...
KartikPrabhu mko: also in case you haven't seen: http://indiewebcamp.com/homepage though I don't fully agree with everything there
mdik joined the channel
KartikPrabhu basically having your homepage as you. I like keeping that on my about page... and would like to have latest updates on homepage since I believe that is what most visitors would want (no actual data on this yet)
KartikPrabhu so not really a disagreement... some diff. priorities i suppose
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu rascul: yes... I want my full h-card on about. Basically I think of homepage as "latest stuff I posted" and about page as "this is me"
KartikPrabhu mko: yeah that I up to your own design sensibilities. I feel that having design diversity is good :)
KartikPrabhu !tell JonathanNeal: uglify seems to have worked correctly!
KartikPrabhu mko: making a general template is kind of hard for that reason
KartikPrabhu rascul: yup! exactly
KartikPrabhu mko: feel free to document those on the /homepage on the wiki... such research is very much useful
KartikPrabhu rascul: one must accept free internet points no matter from whence they come :)
irdan, saurik_, donpdonp, arlen, iboxifoo, hadleybeeman, bigbluehat, CaptainCalliope, ngoldman, piney0, amblin, hugoroyd, tallpaul_, mattl, benward, voxpelli, jden and rknLA joined the channel
@cascadesf @t @chloeweil @indiewebcamp I'm sorry to hear this :( (twitter.com/_/status/487409557874802688)
@andigalpern @t @indiewebcamp I'm sorry to hear this sad news and hope you are doing okay. :( (twitter.com/_/status/487409977053573120)
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/twitter/t/487370638374363136/487409977053573120 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu that was a major net split
KartikPrabhu I had 4 people! :P
KartikPrabhu Update: Marginalia is now active on all posts that accept responses! Fun… :D
tabraldes, XgF, ellton, PMurphs, _axx, onewheelskyward, lmjabreu_, jancborchardt, wagle, dysfun, jonnybarnes, JonathanNeal, nemo-yiannis, fofr, SamB, ben_thatmustbeme, bret, edrex, realz, ozatomic, b0bg0d____, wolftune, danfowler, emmak, jacus, yakker, teknotus_, JasonO, protman, peat, catsup, rektide, lukebrooker, Nagahz and hober joined the channel
Loqi JonathanNeal: KartikPrabhu left you a message 47 minutes ago: figured out the fragmention.js trouble from yesterday. It seems Closure Compiler does something funny so that the code looks only at the first word and ignores everything after the first + sign in fragmention. unminified js now on site, will play with uglify and see how that goes.
caseorganic joined the channel
galfert, finchd, mlinksva, jtzl_ and rhiaro joined the channel
shepazu joined the channel
bitraten, hmans, Guerillero, aranasaurus, halorgium, memecake, kronda, Phae, walkah, aaronpk, tommorris, smcgregor, binbasti, mdik, muhh, dariusdunlap and the_merlin joined the channel
chrissaad, sdboyer, kylewm, Garbee, etymancer and Jeena joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu bear: would be nice to have a python implementation of a an authorization endpoint for IndieAuth, so you can use your own website to log in instead of Github... just an idea ;)
KartikPrabhu sweet! :D I'll definitely use it... once I have some log in system on my site :P
KartikPrabhu so you want to add token storing so you can sustain the log in state...?
KartikPrabhu oo python-twitter exists? hmm never played with that
KartikPrabhu wonders how diff. it is from the activity-streams unofficial stuff that bridgy uses
KartikPrabhu I see... will look at it for my Lift code... which is supposed to connect me to all this social-media hullabaloo...
KartikPrabhu sure thing... playing with Twitter API makes me tired. will look into it soon though
gRegor` joined the channel
KartikPrabhu not-enough-hours--
scor, brianloveswords, ericholscher and wolftune joined the channel
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/119575945 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
indie-visitor joined the channel
fr0zen joined the channel
KartikPrabhu welcome fr0zen
fr0zen hi! :)
bear KartikPrabhu - https://github.com/bear/dainin/blob/master/indieweb_listener.py ignore the other python code, this is kind of my testing ground :)
KartikPrabhu bear: cool
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: how goes the website stuff?
fr0zen KartikPrabhu: I just found indiewebcamp. Digging to understand better. I was starting to move out of all these dangerous social networks and got very happy to find some more ppl thinking the same :)
fr0zen *sorry my not so good english, I'm Brazilian
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: not to worry... nice to to see indiewebcamp efforts getting some attention outside the US :)
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: do you already have a domain name or are you looking to start there?
fr0zen LOL :P
fr0zen KartikPrabhu: I had in the past, but stopped use and the domain dropped. Now I'm looking to register a new one.
fr0zen \o/
KartikPrabhu neat! that would be the first step then :)
fr0zen Yeah! What you think about github pages? I was thinking about use it as my personal website (and domain).
fr0zen with jekyll
fr0zen (cheap $$ :))
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: isn't that just switching to another silo though? I would get my own domain name but use Github for hosting (if that is possible) That way if something goes wrong with github you still have your domain name and can move to somewhere else
KartikPrabhu more info on Github Pages: http://indiewebcamp.com/hosting#GitHub_Pages
fr0zen KartikPrabhu: awesome! So many things has already been thought. Let me keep reading though :)
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: yes! use the search on the wiki. People have been documenting a lot of stuff
fr0zen KartikPrabhu: I'll. Thanks!
fr0zen and then I can help with a pt_BR translation
KartikPrabhu also feel free to ask here. people will always reply even if later on
fr0zen :)
snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu about.me seems to be getting quite popular...
addal joined the channel
jden eg my homepage, http://jden.us
fr0zen jden: nice! Following :)
KartikPrabhu jden: you should add your experience here: http://indiewebcamp.com/GitHub#Limitations
KevinMarks !tell hmans rel-me can be resolved in chains of mututal rel-me, so you link to a hub from the silos that allow only 1 link, then mutual-link the other sites together, but that can make the parsing trickier for consumers
@benwerd Excited by the proposed #yxyy sessions. Creative writing! The future of storytelling! #indieweb! Hiking! I'm down for everything. (twitter.com/_/status/487474604370169856)
lukebrooker, phil80, friedcell, eschnou, cweiske, chrissaad, jsilvestre, pauloppenheim, KevinMarks, glennjones, Sebastien-L, petermolnar, pfefferle and squeakytoy joined the channel
rascul peat this may be a start https://github.com/bcomnes/webmention.js
friedcell, dns53, adactio, lmjabreu_, jonnybarnes, pfefferle, phil80, scor, Sebastien-L, pbeaulieu and h1ro joined the channel
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/5774462 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
Victorium, EchoLynx, dns53, snarfed, brianloveswords and gRegor` joined the channel
@Wordius IndieWeb Twitter implementation http://wordius.com/?p=1104 (twitter.com/_/status/487605228363972608)
@Wordius A long way to go, but first #IndieWeb Twitter updates page is running on my site... http://wordius.com/?p=1104 (twitter.com/_/status/487605517783543810)
jonnybarnes anyone here use PHP and synidicate to twitter? do you use tmhOauth library?
jonnybarnes I can't upload photos when using thujohn's wrapper for Laravel
petermolnar yes, I do, w/ WordPress & Nextscripts
petermolnar but I believe nextscripts had altered it
pfefferle_ and mko joined the channel
JonathanNeal Good morning (PST)
gRegor` Ignoring DST out there? :)
gRegor` Awesome!
gRegor` Let us know when you want to test it out. We can send some wm.
eschnou joined the channel
mko Note: This is just based off the documentation that I've been using at http://webmention.io/ to implement them myself.
hmans Also, what's the definitive source of the spec? https://github.com/converspace/webmention/blob/master/README.md?
gRegor` I think as a protocol, you could refer to it as "Webmention", capitalized. But I don't think the capitalization is too immportant.
gRegor` We've moved away from the camel cased version
gRegor` "webmentions" plural is usually referring to the actual mentions that are sent / received.
gRegor` E.g. "I'm displaying received webmentions on my articles"
gRegor` mko: Where do you see camel-cased?
gRegor` On aaron's site
mko aaronpk's GitHub repo for webmention.io: https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io
gRegor` Ah, yeah that should be updated
gRegor` hmans: Yeah, shortcut to that spec is http://webmention.org. The wiki will have a lot more details of people's implementations, too. http://indiewebcamp.com/webmention
gRegor` Then you can add yourself to the implementations section of that page :)
chrissaad, paulcp, j12t, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
bret !tell peat see https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ instead of webmention.js. i did the later and it needs a fair ammount of work
emmak and gRegor` joined the channel
snarfed if your html has mf2 (or mf1), users can also generate their own json with mf parsers, e.g. https://kylewm.com/api/mf2?url=https://snarfed.org/2014-06-09_tel-aviv-surfing-club
gRegor` DRY++
gRegor` Well that's surprising
wolftune and phil80 joined the channel
gRegor` Guys, don't repeat the karma. ;)
gRegor` Haha
gRegor` mko: I like your "MO" logo/icon on your site.
snarfed joined the channel
gRegor` Nice show/hide detailed h-card, too.
mko The website actually had a ton more depth to it, but I removed all of the partially implemented stuff when I was starting to fundraise for my last startup. I decided to clean slate it this time around and change to Node (that one is in PHP right now), though I might keep the MO logo as part of the footer or something.
gRegor` My site is pretty minimalist and I having found a way to display h-cards in a way I like yet.
dariusdunlap joined the channel
peat_ joined the channel
Loqi peat_: bret left you a message 46 minutes ago: see https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ instead of webmention.js. i did the later and it needs a fair ammount of work
jacus_, emmak_, protman_, teknotus, a, eschnou, rektide, JasonO, npdoty and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks mko: why are h-cards too rich? the minimal h-card is <a href="http://kevinmarks.com" class="h-card">Kevin Marks</a>
KevinMarks image+name+link is a useful subset
KevinMarks you don't need all the properties, we're not being DBAs here
KevinMarks no Schenectady problem
KevinMarks well, that ends up being a profile page
KevinMarks u-url u-uid?
snarfed there's rel-author links. http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship does say to prefer the inline h-card to that, but it could be revised
KevinMarks http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing is a pass at this, it may need updating
KevinMarks not quite the same thing, but coudl extend the principle
KevinMarks it needs better linking then
KevinMarks longer discussion here: http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-brainstorming
tantek joined the channel
Loqi tantek: aaronpk left you a message on 7/10 at 12:16pm: I want to run some sort of indieweb event during http://pdx.devweek.org and am considering co-opting Homebrew Website Club to be more of a hack night or something. any thoughts on how that might work in conjunction with SF? or just not do joint that day?
KevinMarks also this is all microformats 1 syntax
KevinMarks uid is potentially key - if used consistently across sites, combined with rel=me
dariusdunlap joined the channel
KevinMarks right, but that is DB thinking. https://plus.google.com/+KevinMarks/about is a big hCard, but it isn't the root
mko I'm not thinking about it from a "DB thinking" perspective. I'm talking about from a usability and experience standpoint. In order to have consistent presentation of one's identity (if that's what he or she wants), one needs the ability to have a consistently parsed identity, regardless of the parsing source.
mko It's not a criticism of h-card as a format. I love the flexibility and ability to provide varying identity presentation with as little or as much information as one would need or want for the purpose at hand. I just think it would be nice if the user had the option of better identity presentation to tools if they wanted it.
mko I'm building a Passport authentication strategy for IndieAuth, and one of the concepts in Passport is that it builds a profile for the authenticating entity to use once the user has validated their identity. I was thinking about how we could leverage h-card parsing for building a consistent profile for the user.
mko Therefore, if they use a minimal h-card on their homepage and validate their identity through IndieAuth using their homepage, they will be stuck with an IndieProfile (my working name for it) only containing the minimal profile information, which is a bad experience for both the authenticating entity and the user.
mko I've worked most of my career in social networking and API-based app design. When a user connects with Facebook, many of the users expect that app to be able to find out anything about them that exists on Facebook, even if they haven't explicitly already told the app that they could have permission to access that information.
caseorganic joined the channel
gRegor` snarfed: you're not alone with invisible metadata. I have some, too. :)
gRegor` quacks
bnvk joined the channel
KevinMarks mko is part of this that the Passport model has the User ID cards idea, which look like business cards so have an implict expectation of address, phone number etc?
caseorganic joined the channel
KevinMarks right. name/photo/url is the common subset that is used everywhere
KevinMarks mko not this? http://support.microsoft.com/kb/277759
mko Passport = http://passportjs.org
KevinMarks aha
KevinMarks is there an acronym for node that is like tmtowtdi?
mko Anyway, sorry for the distraction. I wasn't trying to have this become a full-fledged roundtable. lol. I was really just trying to mention that it'd be nice if there was a way to point h-card parsers to a canonical h-card to use if we didn't want to include all of the markup in a specific place. You know, invisible metadata and all that jazz.
KevinMarks this is the mydomain.com vs mydomain.com/about split that KartikPrabhu has been talking about too
@Wordius ‘Dumb’ tweets on my WP site not working the way I’d like, because figuring out how to fetch ‘tweet_id’ so far beyond me. #IndieWeb (twitter.com/_/status/487670719635935232)
KevinMarks thing is, people refer to you by your domain externally
JonPincus joined the channel
KevinMarks snarfed it's more like "there's a framework for that, oh and another 12"
JonPincus greetings all
JonPincus mko, i was just looking at the log and noticed you mentioning a passport indieauth module ... i had been thinknig about working on something similar
KevinMarks or the xkcd on from future import antigravity
KevinMarks npm install great_old-ones
KevinMarks node.js sometimes feels like the Laundry Files
JonPincus kind of like that
KevinMarks "I just typed npm install, why are tentacled monsters coming out of my computer from an alternative reality?"
snarfed mko: agreed on that problem. (i should have said that to start. :P) i do the same thing. i only want a picture of me on https://snarfed.org/about , not on the front page or articles, but i want the picture available to h-card consumers. i do that right now w/invisible metadata, which isn't ideal
mowens.com created /Passport (+239) "Created page with "http://passportjs.org - An authentication library for Node.js Michael Owens is working on an IndieAuth authentication strategy for Passport to enable faster implementation of In..."" (view diff)
KevinMarks snarfed we were talking about using the favicon for that
KevinMarks or whatever the new name is
Loqi An icon in the context of the indieweb typically refers to a home page icon for an indieweb site http://indiewebcamp.com/icon
KevinMarks apple-touch-icon
KevinMarks make it part of your hcard by moving the h-card to your <html>
KevinMarks <link rel="shortcut icon" class="u-photo" href="km.jpg" />
KevinMarks logo?
KevinMarks photo surely
tantek kevinmarks see http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card#Properties
KevinMarks tantek's point was that this is not invisible metadata if the photo is shown in the browser bar
KevinMarks it means company rather than person - it's under organisationa properties in vcard
KevinMarks but you could put u-logo u-photo
eschnou joined the channel
snarfed GWG, totally. mko, my invisible picture use case might actually back you up. if we revised http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing to optionally prefer following a link to the complete h-card on another page, i could put a visible picture there and only there
snarfed tantek: yes, but again, ideally it wouldn't be visible. ideally i want the only "profile" picture on my site to be on https://snarfed.org/about
gRegor` also uses a "logo" for my site icon and would prefer it stay that way vs. my photo.
KevinMarks fair gregor - that was my logo/photo distinction - for tantek+me we use our faces as site "logos"
KevinMarks also, using the same jpg for the hcard photo and the icon saves an http fetch on mobile
paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` snarfed: Interesting, so one icon for the browser, but a separate apple-touch-icon (or equiv) when saving your site to a mobile screen?
@rknLA RT @t: shocked & numb from losing @chloeweil. saw her 11 days ago @IndieWebCamp http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos http://indiewebcamp.com/images/9/90/indiewebcamp_nyc2014.JPG (ttk.me t4X12) (twitter.com/_/status/487676768006844416)
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/repost/twitter/t/487370638374363136/487676768006844416 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
snarfed tantek, gRegor`: yeah, complicated. i'll try to rephrase. when people bookmark my site, i don't care if that icon is my picture. if users want it, that's fine with me. i just ideally don't want my favicon (ie the one you see when just opening the site in a browser) or home page or posts to have my picture.
tantek snarfed, perhaps /icon#Brainstorming ?
Loqi Passport (capitalized) is an authentication library for Node.js http://indiewebcamp.com/Passport
tantek aside: GWG - more here: http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-history (if you're curious :) )
snarfed tantek: heh. i'm all for that flipping! but this might be the rare case where it's a dead end. it'd be any arbitrary non-representative picture, e.g. https://snarfed.org/favicon.png
tantek snarfed - another similar example - combining cartoon and face: https://twitter.com/meyerweb/profile_image
bnvk joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snarfed GWG, gRegor`, mko: feel free to add to http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card#Issues and http://indiewebcamp.com/antipatterns#invisible_metadata
KartikPrabhu mmm lots of Icon/logo talks
gRegor` tommorris: But that isn't really intended for human eyes, right?
gRegor` Hey, KartikPrabhu. To be safe, I think I'm just going to update the venue to Panera for 7/16. I'd rather we have space and it be a bit quieter.
KartikPrabhu gregor`: want to add teh Panera location for next week
KartikPrabhu ha!
gRegor` Jinx
gRegor` :)
gRegor` I'll update and ping Denton and Mari to make sure they see it.
KartikPrabhu gregor`: neat!
petermolnar joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: where was that 'official protocol' to conduct a HWC... now that Chicago might have more than 2
KartikPrabhu tantek: err people :P
KartikPrabhu tantek: nvm gregor` showed
gregorlove.com edited /events/2014-07-16-homebrew-website-club (-50) "/* Where */ Chicago new location for this week." (view diff)
KartikPrabhu GWG: yes... I do that too... my expanded h-card is on about#me and it is linked to from everywhere there is a smmaller H-card
KartikPrabhu I think the issue it to do it programmatically or something
KartikPrabhu for instance can we update the authorship/representative-h-card algorithm to optionally fetch the full h-card
KartikPrabhu yes... the problem is marking up the link to the full h-card. not linking to the h-catd
KartikPrabhu rel is scoped to the entire page
Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/11/1/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-07-16-homebrew-website-club (webmention)
KartikPrabhu not necessarily... there can be one complete h-card. I'd really hate to have my full bio on very article and note
grantmacken joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: if I am making an "address-book" or if I am replying to something and using the authorship algo, and my site uses more info than is on the smaller h-card on the post-page.
KartikPrabhu tantek: one case I ran into was parsing webmention from adactio... he had no photo. but maybe he doesn't put photo on every post but has it on hus about page
KartikPrabhu in fact if we had a way of doing this, I'd remove my avatar from every article and just link to the about page
KartikPrabhu people reading stuff don't need to see my avatar on every post
KartikPrabhu yes, but if I send a webmention to someone how do they find my avatar to display on their site?
KartikPrabhu the authorship does not cover it and neither does representative h-card
tantek they use existing /authorship which says to follow rel=author
KartikPrabhu wait it does..
KartikPrabhu tantek: sorry :P
KartikPrabhu errr it does! blerg
KartikPrabhu aah then the equivalent situation is making "address book" or "people collection"
snarfed i guess you could just not mark up that partial info as an h-card, and include a rel=me link. doesn't seem ideal, but would work w/http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-hcard-parsing
KartikPrabhu I want to make a collection of people I follow, I put their domain name in my site UI, now the site has to go an fetch their info including possibly stuff not in their homepage
KartikPrabhu tantek: use case ^ ?
KartikPrabhu tantek: reader stuff maybe (I get updates to their posts and all)... wasn't kylewm doing something like that
KartikPrabhu also the auto-linking in notes to people
KartikPrabhu insert their avatar as a little face
KartikPrabhu I forget what name was decided for this...
kylewm KartikPrabhu: http://indiewebcamp.com/Red_Wind#Address_Book
KartikPrabhu aah yes that^
KartikPrabhu kylewm: what does you "fetch profile" do?
KartikPrabhu your*
KartikPrabhu just homepage h-card?
snarfed.org edited /h-card (+415) "straw man solution for partial plus complete h-cards" (view diff)
KartikPrabhu ooh
KartikPrabhu why do you have 2 entries of yourself :P
gRegor` It's pretty cool that we have someone coming to HWC for the first time this week, and they're already posting on their site and POSSEing to twitter.
KartikPrabhu kylewm: does it do rel-me lookup for Twitter and FB?
KartikPrabhu gregor`: Denton?
gRegor` Yeah
KartikPrabhu ok so here is the use-case. I don't link to my silo profiles from my homepage. I have them on my about-page... and kylewm's "profile fetcher" does not pick them up. Is there a way for it to do that kylewm?
snarfed KartikPrabhu: http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card#Brainstorming ?
KartikPrabhu rascul <link> what?
gRegor` Hmm. I think there needs to be *something* to indicate https:\/\/kartikprabhu.com\/about#me has more information about you. Something beyond just the u-url mf2
gRegor` I think, based on skimming, the uid can be used for that?
KartikPrabhu gregor`: yes that is my thinking
KartikPrabhu rascul: I don't want to put all my info in my homepage <head>
snarfed gRegor`: rel-me, right? http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card#Brainstorming
gRegor` snarfed: perhaps? I got quite confused months ago in a discussion (with kbs, I think) about using rel-me for that sort of purpose. :)
gRegor` I haven't revisited it in a while
gRegor` Oh hey, wiki. :)
mko Basically, I brought the whole issue to light because I was looking into a way to create a consistent IndieProfile that apps and websites could access through parsing any h-card that refers to me, but the best I can do with that is have my "complete" IndieProfile on my homepage, which is a design problem.
gRegor` learns to spell
KartikPrabhu mko: u-uid seems like a good idea... iirc we thought of that for partial-feeds vs full-feeds http://indiewebcamp.com/h-feed#partial_feeds
gRegor` Aye, mko. I read most of the conversation from this morning. Have paid less attention the last hour or two though
@activefree RT @benwerd: Excited by the proposed #yxyy sessions. Creative writing! The future of storytelling! #indieweb! Hiking! I'm down for everythi… (twitter.com/_/status/487694638292008960)
gRegor` Do the mf2-parsers handle following rel-author links and retrieving the h-card? I was thinking they didn't yet.
bnvk joined the channel
gRegor` Or that rel-author was mostly legacy
KartikPrabhu gregor`: mf parsers should not be following links all around the place
gRegor` Good point
KartikPrabhu this is to be implemented by some code on your end with help from a mf parser
mko https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-node finds rel=author, but doesn't follow it.
gRegor` Yeah, which is what I think I've done with my wm support.
gRegor` prepares an infinite loop for mko
KartikPrabhu ha!
gRegor` :)
gRegor` Mine isn't that sophisticated. I think it will just look at the first rel-author if no h-card is found in the h-entry
gRegor` That was my concern
mko I mean, it'd be easy enough to test. http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets should be the most important one to test
tilgovi joined the channel
gRegor` I'm more interested in indieweb / webmention support than Google's authorship stuff, but if I can get them both working together, sure.
snarfed feel free to update http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card#Brainstorming with any conclusions. i'm (morbidly) curious now
gRegor` I just want to make sure if I wm a note to indieweb folks, most/all of them can pull in my info from the rel-author
gRegor` So I guess that's a good poll: Does your webmention parsing follow rel=author to find an h-card if none exists in the h-entry?
hmans Making #pants webmention compatible has been easier than expected. Woohoo! https://trello.com/c/r0dppbnO/161-webmention-support
tantek joined the channel
gRegor` "What to do with the webmention" is really a secondary topic up to you. As long as you're sending source and target parameters, you're good :)
paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` Nice work, hmans
gRegor` hmans++
hmans it'll fetch :source, do a bit of discovery for its JSON representation (see http://hmans.io/idl994 vs. http://hmans.io/idl994.json), fetch that, load it into its local database, put it into its user's network timeline, send notifications... ah, fun stuff
gRegor` Does hmans.io receive webmentions now, then?
gRegor` hmans: Your json looks very close to what an mf2 parser would return, so might not be too difficult to bridge data from external sites (if they're marked up with mf2, of course)
gRegor` E.g. http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgregorlove.com%2F2014%2F06%2F1183%2F I don't have a uid, but could easily add one.
gRegor` Scroll down to "The Dream of the '90s"
gRegor` published vs published_at, updated vs. edited_at
gRegor` No rush :)
hmans Pants is very indieweb, I think... if anyone feels like giving it a go, I'm happy to set you up: http://hmans.io/lrn569
voxpelli hmans: looks like it: http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/UK
bnvk joined the channel
KevinMarks the defn of UID in vcard is To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the entity associated with the vCard.
KevinMarks so using that for "this is my main site" is a good idea. the challenge with all this rel-me identity consolidation is that your idea of what is you may change over time
KevinMarks so different legacy pages my have different answers
KevinMarks if you follow my rel-me graph you get a bit of a mess
j12t and chrissaad joined the channel
@hmans And just like that, #pants embraces Webmention as its core protocol. Time to go to the next @indiewebcamp! (twitter.com/_/status/487718274147561472)
gRegor` Awesome!
scor joined the channel
gRegor` About to send you a webmention, hmans
gRegor` crosses fingers
bnvk joined the channel
gRegor` http://hmans.io/ping gives a 404
gRegor` I sent via indiewebify.me and it appears it didn't work. Let me try manually and see what I get.
gRegor` I need to set up automatic webmention sending on my notes. It's only on aritcles currently.
gRegor` Just a sec.
hmans "Successfully sent 26 webmentions/pingbacks from http://hmans.io"
gRegor` Looks like it was accepted using curl. You should have one, maybe two, from http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/11/2/
gRegor` Bah. Wrong URL
gRegor` I put in-reply-to who you were replying to :)
gRegor` Fixed. Take 3. :)
hmans I assume http://gregorlove.com/ is properly mf2'd, so I can play around with that a little?
gRegor` Er, well I don't know about properly. :) Seems I'm always learning something new to fix about it. But yes, generally should work.
gRegor` aaronparecki.com and tantek.com are also good, established sites.
gRegor` Most regular /irc-people sites should have pretty good mf2
gRegor` Sure, it wouldn't be difficult for you to map the mf2 json fields to yours.
gRegor` If no uid is supplied, you could presume the URL as the uid
voxpelli hmans: nice with webmentions! if you want to test your parser against a number of different possible mentioners, then you can run it through https://github.com/voxpelli/node-webmention-testpinger :)
gRegor` bnvk: Yeah, super sad news :(
caseorganic joined the channel
caseorganic and paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` Usually B would have a rel-me pointing back to your domain. E.g. that's what the URL field on Twitter does.
gRegor` Ah
gRegor` Correct. The rel=me is scoped to the page, as far as I know.
gRegor` Interesting scenario
KartikPrabhu you should always scrub out the rel=whatever from external content
gRegor` KartikPrabhu: Perhaps another checkmention test to add :)
wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu checkmention is mostly doing cross-site type security but yeah this would be a good check for any external embedded content
KartikPrabhu you don't want spurious rels in your page
gRegor` Haha
gRegor` Yeah, I think it could be easy to focus on fixing XSS and overlook what appears to be "harmless" HTML
gRegor` I don't think many indieweb people are showing the HTML of webmentions anyway. And if so, they definitely should be whitelisting just a few HTML elements
aaronpk mko: I wrote an omniauth gem for indieauth already https://github.com/aaronpk/omniauth-indieauth
mko It uses the Portable Contacts contact schema: http://passportjs.org/guide/profile/
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/17958179 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
chrissaad and pauloppenheim joined the channel
voxpelli mko: seems like https://github.com/voxpelli/relspider could interest you
chrissaad joined the channel
voxpelli hmans: I have a similar setup, which I wrote about at http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Kodfabrik.se – kind of separating a professional and personal profile
chrissaad joined the channel
KartikPrabhu I don't think IndieAuth goes more that one step in the rel=me chain
KartikPrabhu it goes from yoursite -> Github and then verifies Github > yoursite and allows you to log in
KartikPrabhu having it do anything more than 1 link in the rel-me chain opens it up to "when to stop following the chain" issues
KartikPrabhu why no three?
KartikPrabhu that is not scalabel at all... anywya upto arronpk
KartikPrabhu kylewm: what if I have 3 websites I want to use IndieAuth with
KartikPrabhu voxpelli: yeah too complicated. Which is my point. IndieAuth right now is nice and sinple
KartikPrabhu voxpelli: arbitrary how?
KartikPrabhu yeah... it is the simplest thing to do
snarfed joined the channel
voxpelli hmans: I think Indieauth is an implemenentation of RelMeAuth: http://indiewebcamp.com/RelMeAuth
tilgovi joined the channel
snarfed mko: just saw the Passport/Poco connection you mentioned. cool! i've done some work with that myself: https://github.com/snarfed/portablecontacts-unofficial
snarfed joined the channel
peat hmans: Indieauth does RelMeAuth for several providers, but is also kind of a playground for non OAuth methods as well, like the GPG signing trick: https://indieauth.com/gpg
caseorganic and snarfed joined the channel
Loqi [mention] https://brid-gy.appspot.com/like/twitter/t/487370638374363136/9244262 linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/2014#East_Photos (webmention)
gRegor` Re: rel-me chaining, "Three shall be the number thou shall chain. Four shall thou not chain... Five is right out."
mko Has anyone ever imported their entire Facebook and Twitter histories into their IndieWeb enabled site? I downloaded my entire tweet history and entire Facebook account, but the Facebook data is not at all tagged or labeled in a way that would be easy to import. Twitter gave full JSON objects of every tweet from their database. Facebook does this pretty print bullshit that destroys the usefulness of the export.
KartikPrabhu mko: not surprised at FB being useless. I tried downloading my twitter but for some reason it doesn't download anything on FF.
KartikPrabhu blergh
KartikPrabhu does not like div-soup
KartikPrabhu there is no good div-soup
KartikPrabhu mko: i suspect that is true
KartikPrabhu I've stopped putting things to FB entirely now
KartikPrabhu that is unfortunate
snarfed mko: i have a dormant project that imports fb, twitter, g+, and instagram. all posts, w/metadata, comments, etc. it's rough but works. http://www.freedom.io/
snarfed mko: you expect to write some code to import them in a custom way? if so, check out https://github.com/snarfed/activitystreams-unofficial . has both python lib and REST API for all four