#pdurbinKartikPrabhu: you listen to podcasts... you might like the indieweb slant at 5by5 | The Web Ahead #75: Creative Direction with Andy Clarke - http://5by5.tv/webahead/75 ... close to an hour in
#KartikPrabhupdurbin: I do try to keep up with The Web Ahead
#snarfedtantek KartikPrabhu gRegor` etc: i took a stab at rephrasing the partial h-card thing as pure user feature(s) on http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card#Issues . feel free to ”°evise, move, etc.
#KartikPrabhupdurbin: seems I have to catch up on ep.74 onwards
#pdurbinKartikPrabhu: cool. well, I'm curious what you think. He starts talking about how he's disappointed when people post on Medium instead of their own sites.
#KartikPrabhupdurbin: there have been a lot of talk about "Medium allows me to just write. own site makes me want to redesign all the time" so <shrug>
#pdurbinmaybe I put that wrong... he's not negative about it... just talking about the value of posting to your own site, your own domain
#pdurbinhe comes at it very much from the creative/artistic side of things
#KartikPrabhuoh no. Andy Clarke is pro-own domain afaik
#sammachintommorris: continuing our discussion I guess i could build something that lets me tweet then takes the tweet, deletes it re-publishes it on my site and syndicates it back to twitter, but that seems like it could get messy v quick!
#tommorrisI know some people do that for Instagram.
#tommorrisJust because Instagram has a convenient posting mechanism. Photos are harder to handle on mobile devices without a dedicated app.
#sammachinI wonder what the experience is like for people following me though, if it was an @ reply I do that with they'd probably get 2 notifications which is a bit clunky
#sammachinI think for now I'll stick with PESOS ifttt makes that all very easy, more important things to do on my site and other projects for now anyway
#tommorrissammachin: I don't bother posting replies on my own site at the moment, just because it's a bit clunky.
#tommorrisothers are, but are using webmentions and so on.
#Loqipdurbin: KartikPrabhu left you a message 6 hours, 24 minutes ago: nice podcast by Jen Simmons and Andy Clarke. fwiw I actually happen to completely agree with Andy's POV. Hand-designing each post was a big part of why I switched to having my own site. see: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/redux##adapt+the+look+and+feel+of+an+article
#hmansSpeaking of which. What's #indieweb's current thinking regarding distributed Likes?
#hmansI saw parts of yesterday's discussion, and right now I'm thinking: publish (given) Likes as resources (documents) on the web, linking back to the liked URI, and sending a webmention
#snarfedjust fyi i use vrypan's webmention-tools for bridgy too, and he's merged all of my PRs. it's pretty well tested at this point, at least in prod (no direct unit tests)
#KevinMarksI was thinking about the DRIP legislation in the UK, and the RapGenius style of annotation (which is close to marginalia, but selection based rather than paragraph) and thinking we might have all the bits
#JeenaI just had a privacy meltdown with Google. I wanted to try Google Glass and I had to enable Google+ to do so. This automatically enabled something called "automatic backup" which, as I now found out, uploads all pictures you have on your device (even those you got privatelly through other apps from your friends) to this Google+ account.
#snarfedat least it doesn't make those uploaded pictures public…but still, that's awful
#JeenaI don't quite know if they were public or not, I panicked and deleted everything as fast as I could, but yeah the live now there somewhere on the internet. As google always says: If you're embarrised of some content about you, you probably shouldn't have been doing it in the first place!
#bretyeah the G+ requirement probably the most annoying thing about most of googles things lately
#snarfedJeena: they definitely don't get made public. regardless, yeah, they've been way too aggressive about that stuff, unacceptably so
#Jeenaand all of this with my work account, I have to assume my bosses already saw everything ^^
#Jeenawhat does "public" mean, visible to everybody on the internet or visible to people in my address book or in my circles or ...
#snarfedJeena: i'll rephrase and say iirc they're private by default, ie not visible to *anyone* else
#donpdonpIs anyone looking at an indieweb version of Google Circles?
#Jeenayeah, that most probably is true, but I just got so scared when everything showed up in my browser within the google+ UI that I panicked and removed everything I could find
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks: yeah... have been working towards fixing it... I'll add it to my t.co.txt :P
#gRegor`donpdonp: There's been some rudimentary private post testing. kylewm has a basic 'audience' field he can specify the domains that can view the post.
#KevinMarksbasically a surveillance bill being rushed through UK parliament to force all ISPs (Including overseas ones(!) ) to retain users traffic fot government searches
#KartikPrabhugregor`: his webmention forms can handle tweets afaik
#LoqigRegor` meant to say: Beyond that they all claim (?) to pull in comments from other networks
#KartikPrabhuright! given that on the IndieWeb you are pulling copies of comments while on Disqus you are hosting the original comments on an integrated silo
#gRegor`Not familiar with LiveFyre, but I've heard anecdotes that disqus doesn't do great on pulling in tweets
#KartikPrabhureally! Bridgy seems to be working great then!
#KartikPrabhueh... again really overkill for something that is essentially a hack around the silos
#snarfedeh the silos are the majority now and for years to come
#snarfedbridgy actually used to do whole network too, years ago, before webmention
#KartikPrabhuyes... which is fine. But if we keep tolerating the silos by making "better" ways to extract data from them which they don't make easy to extract then....
#KartikPrabhuwhich is one reason I don't bother with FB. FB makes it really hard to do anything with their data (exporting to dumb div soup for instance), so I don't care about it
#gRegor`Wait, that gist of adactio doesn't show how he's resolving backlinks (?)
#gRegor`Oh wait, Twitter puts the full URL in an attribute, don't they? yeah, that works. Hah
#snarfed(you just generate a url w/the id and your access token, ie no need to use the library)
#snarfedif you ask nicely, KartikPrabhu might even let you borrow his token :P
#gRegor`Ah, interesting. I played with that briefly the other week. Not too familiar with activity streams. I thought it only let you pull in your own tweets / replies or something.
#KevinMarkshm, reading adactio's gist, it doesn't check if target is actually on his domain, so you could send a webmention that mentions something else and have it accepted...
#hmansReason: I don't ask my users for post titles
#hmansinstead, I extract titles from their post bodies. If they want a post title, they just add a H1/H2/H3 to the post (using Markdown, but doesn't matter).
#gRegor`hmans: If it's hidden with CSS, it will still parse.
#gRegor`He hasn't responded to snarfed or me so far
#KartikPrabhukylewm: the main diff... is it is federated? If it pulls twitter comments and stores in some LiveFyre silo (like Disqus does) then it isn't
#gRegor`From an end user, use-case perspective they're very alike. "I want to pull in comments from FB and Twitter."
#KartikPrabhualso you can't "switch on" Indieweb by inserting a JS into your blog page
#KartikPrabhuso there is a user perspective where it doesn't work^
#gRegor`webmention.io + webmention.js is a pretty basic setup
paulcp joined the channel
#gRegor`I'm just saying I think that's why indieweb is included in the conversation. Brad wants to get his comments. He may not even know about the principles or that Disqus isn't in line with them.
#hmansYeah... I'm using code that generates custom thumbnail sizes of stuff on the fly, embeds the instructions in a signed hash, passes the hash into a Rack middleware, executes them there, letting me HTTP-cache the heck out of the generated image because if the image changes, the URL changes.
#hmansSo, here's something I'm working on in my app:
#hmansI'm making the same middleware that serves up custom images on the fly fetch remote posts (as mf2, JSON etc.) and serve them as clean mf2 JSON to some AJAX stuff I'm doing.
#hmansSaves you from having to deal with cross-domain stuff, enables HTTP caching in case the other node goes away, and so on and so forth. Fun times.
#mkoKevinMarks: I've got around 10 years worth of content that I'm working on importing into my personal site's db. Finding all sorts of fun nostalgia and creating tons of bugs in my own personal site framework.
#mkoTaking way more work than I realized to convert it all, too.
#mkoSo I've kind of had a bad habit of writing my own CMSes since then.
#mkoKevinMarks: I do reflect all of the added properties except ones that I'm storing for faster recall (i.e. calculated statistics like word count and reading time).
#GWGsnarfed: I don't use the Wordpress-syndication plugin because I thought the design and the storage functionality should be decoupled.
#GWGI've been moving slowly toward dividing things into pieces.
#kylewmmko: that's what I do too... i'm sort of imagining augmenting it with a row of buttons of common tags (where common is some combination of frequency and recency) to make it easier to tag posts on mobile