#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message on 7/8 at 6:49pm: for those of you going to YaYY - I just added a "Website Club!" session to the session ideas wiki page they have: https://yxyy.hackpad.com/Session-Ideas-aZ5THxkaIRY - add yourself in the 5th column if you're interested!
#Loqibenwerd: aaronpk left you a message 1 week ago: minor nitpick about the yxyy site... the comment box looks so similar to Disqus for some reason and it freaks me out and makes me not want to use it
#Loqibenwerd: KartikPrabhu left you a message on 7/15 at 9:19pm: any reason withknown.com does not list your site as a working example?
#Loqibenwerd: gRegor` left you a message 1 hour, 58 minutes ago: You don't accept HEAD requests to werd.io?
#kylewmdiscussing bridgy twitter-streaming ... can't use for free above a certain number of users
#kylewmthe code is still there, ostensibly still works, but is turned off
#kylewmsnarfed: working on improving the sign-up flow for casual users, and being really aggressive notifying users if it detects anything wrong on their site
glennjones joined the channel
#kylewma challenge to all of you working on your own indieweb sites:
#kylewma reply *should* go to all posts in a reply chain, not just the most recent
#rasculis bridgy something that can be self hosted?
#kylewmrascul: you can run your own instance on google appengine
#KartikPrabhuI tried to install ronkyuu from the repo today. and it seems that when setup.py is run, it goes to __init__ because of the import statements in setup.py. Then in __init__ it runs the import statements there and fails because it doesn't find bs4 for example
chrissaad, npd, jsilvestre, emmak_, lupinedev1, chrissaad1, the_merl1n, rektide_, muhh_, Guest87968, npdoty, KartikPrabhu and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
#acegiakok so I'm pretty new to contributing to open source projects etc. What's the go if I've made something new that uses stuff written by someone else?
glennjones joined the channel
#acegiakSo I've written this last.fm plugin which relies heavily on a php class written by someone else on github
#acegiakexcept with one method made public instead of private
#acegiakdo I fork that first class on github and add my code? Do I reupload the whole lot to github as a new package with the credits to the original guy in the source?
#acegiakdo I upload as a new bundle and just don't include his code and make the user go get it?
#jonnybarnesbarnabywalters: just curious, how do you actually store the text of your notes (asking cos your recent note has emoji in, which causes hiccups in MySQL)
#jonnybarneswhy the mysql added a utf-8 charset option that doesn't support all of utf-8 confuses me?
#barnabywaltersjonnybarnes: I store all my content in utf-8 encoded YAML files
#jonnybarnesI realised I was going to have a problem with my URL structure. my new notes page is at /notes/new and an individual note is at /notes/nb60id
#barnabywaltersalong with two other bugfixes which accumulated while I was gone
#glennjoneskylewm: answer to question earlier today, yes you are thinking of http://store.transmat.io/ my first go at building a backend for my blog
#glennjonesIt still powers the articles on http://glennjones.net it’s a simple microformats API based of an online file system, in this case Google docs, but it could be dropbox or something else
#glennjonesI drop a HTML document into a folder marked up with h-entry and the code does everything else for me
#barnabywaltersglennjones: that’s so cool! so archives can be restored by wget’ing a site and dropping it in?
#barnabywaltersglennjones: it would be interesting to drop an archive of someone else’s indieweb site into your system and see how well the content is preserved
#barnabywalterstommorris: also, loving your work on places and reviews — it has inspired me to work on something similar
#glennjonesbarnabywalters: yes I wanted something that was html files and also could be a backup
#barnabywaltersit would be cool to plot the places on a map on the index page instead of traversing a hierarchy
#Loqikylewm: barnabywalters left you a message 6 hours, 10 minutes ago: your 410 Gone page has some stray escaped markup, and the doctype declares HTML 3.1 :) https://kylewm.com/note/2014/06/30/2
paulcp, chrissaad, KevinMarks, brianloveswords, snarfed, barnabywalters, KartikPrabhu, sparverius, dariusdunlap, emmak, tilgovi, squeakytoy, npdoty, benwerd and Sebastien-L joined the channel
#gRegor`jonnybarnes: (scrolling back) Apparetly the utf8mb4 mysql character type is the "complete" utf8. It is odd they shipped only 3-byte support in 'utf8' though
#snarfedhey benwerd, any chance you have a link to that 1500-response load test post you mentioned yesterday?
#hmanshttp://hmans.io/oqq524 has two replies -- coming from the same software, but distributed through webmentions. Webmentioned URLs from non-#pants sites will just be linked plainly (but I'll try to extract h-entry or just OGP as a fallback at some point)
#hmansI guess one of the many possible description is: a distributed social blogging aggregator something something.
#hmansGah, it's frustrating, because #pants is really extremely simple.
benwerd joined the channel
#kylewmin your mind, how does it differ from pump.io/tent.io?
#kylewmI guess those are technically protocols, not platforms
#hmansFrom what I've seen of the two, I'd say a) extreme simplicity and b) salted with blogging
#hmansI didn't have much of an agenda when I started out building this, though.
#hmansI just wanted to build something that doesn't make me any money and doesn't solve any problems.
#hmansOne of the things I'm enjoying about it is how you can choose to just use it as a standalone blogging engine, if you like, or even just as an internal system. Some friends of mine just set up an instance as their internal code snippet server.
#hmansre "salted with blogging", that's actually wrong. #pants is really blogging with social, not social with blogging.
#hmansI'm really just making most of this up as I speak.
#Jeenahow is this following stuff implemented, is it a feedreader too?
#hmansYeah, you can subscribe other #pants users (long-term goal is to support non-#pants sites, too) by entering their domain name, and it'll give you a timeline with their posts.
#Jeenasadly I don't quite have the time right now, I'm mostly interested because my own website is a hacked together rails app where I gradually add new indieweb functionality
cuibonobo joined the channel
#Jeenabut it got quite complicated to set up so I haven't been able to open source it yet
#brethmans pubsubhubbub is good for broadcasting pings from one person to many followers
#Jeenaoh nice, you already got a community around the software, very cool
#hmansI may have a go at implementing indieauth (the protocol) at some point, but there's a million more thing that I need to do first.
#Jeenais there a reason why you don't show the year of the date for the posts? I kind of like to know if it is a reasent post or if it is already a couple of years old
#hmansJeena, excellent point, thanks. I'll change it.
#cweiskeI implemented the protocol in my indieauth-to-openid wrapper, but indiewebcamp.com doesn't support non-indieauth.com logins
#bretcweiske what is the status on that? isn't aaronpk rewriting indieauth.com?
#breti think to follow a similar model that ownyourgram takes or something
#cweisketoday I saw the "will be coming soon" message again
#snarfedhey kylewm, just fyi since you're starting to work on bridgy publish…when it's running in dev_appserver, i'm going to make its facebook posts only visible to the author