#indiewebcamp 2014-07-18
2014-07-18 UTC
crossdiver joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
@npm_tweets passport-indieauth 0.0.1 https://www.npmjs.org/package/passport-indieauth IndieAuth authentication strategy for Passport. (twitter.com/_/status/489926471163871232)
@npm_tweets passport-indieauth 0.0.2 https://www.npmjs.org/package/passport-indieauth IndieAuth authentication strategy for Passport. (twitter.com/_/status/489927728465190913)
chrissaad joined the channel
tantek nice post tommorris! http://tommorris.org/posts/9040 and very succinct explanation of the problems with typical geek/dev methodologies.

bnvk joined the channel
tantek.com created /SuperHappyDevHouse (+506) "stub with a short dfn, relevance to IWC" (view diff)

KevinMarks2 joined the channel
tantek recently I worked on design improvements for displaying my composite stream on my home page - deployed now - see if you notice any difference: http://tantek.com

bnvk joined the channel
tantek !tell hmans go ahead and create a page indiewebcamp.com/pants that describes the project - even with just a stub like you did in IRC: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-17#t1405627280

tantek.com deleted /File:20140717-121348.jpg "Spam: spam uploaded by email even. heads-up aaronpk."

tantek !tell tommorris https://projectdouglas.org doesn't load for me. just spins and spins.

@aaronpk Just realized I documented this trip entirely in pictures, no text posts the whole time! #indieweb (http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/07/17/7/indieweb) (twitter.com/_/status/489935553530302464)
emmak joined the channel
rascul this might be something interesting https://ind.ie

kylewm tantek: http://projectdouglas.org works, without the s
@kevinmarks @aaronpk did you see the debate about kinds of photo post in #indiewebcamp yesterday? (twitter.com/_/status/489936817139879936)
rascul https://projectdouglas.org i mean, http:// seems to work fine

KartikPrabhu oh tantek found out about the photo-post debate :P

KartikPrabhu s/oh/oh noes

tantek KartikPrabhu: haven't read it yet. I'm just assuming it means more people got photo posts working on their sites, and thus /photo#IndieWeb_Examples has more folks listed, right? ;)

KartikPrabhu yes... the debate was the age-old "photo with caption" vs "note with photos"

KartikPrabhu if and what is the diff

KartikPrabhu tantek: I don't think people know what to call their photo posts

KartikPrabhu rascul hunting

KartikPrabhu rascul: starts here... http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-15#t1405445144 beware it is long and winded for a summary see: http://indiewebcamp.com/photos#Discussion

tantek.com edited /export (+286) "/* Articles about data export */ add WIRED article about downloading social network archives" (view diff)

KartikPrabhu goes to do physics stuff. Have a few photos that I can post as "captions with photo" just to create a ruckus

KartikPrabhu tantek: of course... the ruckus bit was a wink winky to the last debate

KartikPrabhu good idea

bret tantek: http://bret.io/2013/02/26/pictures-from-portland/ first photo only post

bret first post w/ ownyourgram http://bret.io/2014/05/18/ownyourgram/

npdoty joined the channel
@temporaryhuman in tradition of @davewiner & others, next social web #indieweb is already changing everything @aaronpk &co show how http://aaronparecki.com/ (twitter.com/_/status/489941048240906240)
tantek !tell snarfed does Bridgy support Flickr comments/favorites backfeeding yet? e.g. from https://www.flickr.com/photos/adactio/14604446101

tantek.com edited /photos (+689) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add bret.io, also note adactio added POSSE to Flickr" (view diff)

tantek.com edited /Falcon (+121) "/* Storage format */ clarify hentry elements most recently published first inside first hfeed element" (view diff)

tantek bret more here: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Storage_format

mdik, wolftune, jgee and snarfed joined the channel
Loqi snarfed: tantek left you a message 52 minutes ago: does Bridgy support Flickr comments/favorites backfeeding yet? e.g. from https://www.flickr.com/photos/adactio/14604446101

paulcp, fmarier, squeakytoy2, scor and npdoty joined the channel
KevinMarks2 and salanto joined the channel
salanto @aaronpk http://note.io/1qjrwsf
salanto home.tylergilles.club
salanto do you have ipv6?
salanto its an AAAA record
salanto ipv6 is awesome
salanto pdxbrain isn't owned by me anymore
salanto it expired
salanto oh it needs to be bidirectional?
salanto derp
salanto ok thanls
salanto thanks*
paulcp and gRegor` joined the channel
KartikPrabhu snarfed, kylewm: is POSSE post discovery not active on G+ ? see first one here: https://www.brid.gy/googleplus/117114060857732496623

KartikPrabhu unless the poll happened seconds after POSSEing, no

KartikPrabhu snarfed: I have bridgy backfeeds from other ones on G+ so that can't be the issue me thinks

KartikPrabhu not changed G+ info either

KartikPrabhu ahh hmm ok

KartikPrabhu then I suppose it doesn't re-poll the one it already failed on

KartikPrabhu weird just re-signed up and the error is now different because my homepage does not have a webmention link... but the error on the backfeed still stands

KartikPrabhu oh!

brianloveswords joined the channel
KartikPrabhu snarfed: that is strange as my notes link has a rel=feed on it

KartikPrabhu hmm ok cool will keep an eye out

KartikPrabhu I see. well thanks :)

KartikPrabhu oh kylewm thanks for that alert! I'll keep tracking this... :)

KartikPrabhu snarfed: sure thing. I have enough friends on G+ who do comment on my "non-indieweb" stuff (which is mostyl on Twitter) that I can consistently keep an eye out

npdoty joined the channel
snarfed KartikPrabhu: looks like it fetched your h-feed. didn't find a syndication link for that one comment, but lots of details in the log: https://www.brid.gy/log?start_time=1405657604&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lyKQsSDkdvb2dsZVBsdXNQYWdlIhUxMTcxMTQwNjA4NTc3MzI0OTY2MjMM
dariusdunlap joined the channel
fmarier joined the channel
@gRegorLove @pitchdesign There's Homebrew Website Club every two weeks on Wed. evening: http://indiewebcamp.com/events/2014-07-30-homebrew-website-club @antiheroine @davehoover @marcymarcy (twitter.com/_/status/489999468985843712)
salanto Can you send to google+ from wordpress indiweb plugin?
salanto indie
gRegor` Maybe we can snag some more people, KartikPrabhu ^
gRegor` Well that was easy. :) https://twitter.com/pitchdesign/status/490000060386926593
@pitchdesign @gregorlove oh this is excellent news!! thanks so much for inviting me! I will definitely come to as many as I can. (twitter.com/_/status/490000060386926593)
KartikPrabhu gregor`++ if that works. on new people invitation!

kylewm salanto: some background here http://indiewebcamp.com/Google+#POSSE
gRegor` conditional-karma
KartikPrabhu snarfed kylewm: looking at the logs but seems like some strange stuff in the PPD algo

salanto kylewm: thanks
gRegor` I think having meetings at Polymathic will help a lot - more word of mouth to Chicago tech people
KartikPrabhu salanto: to summarise: G+ is pretty "stuck up" on posting

salanto how did ryan do this? https://plus.google.com/+RyanBarrett/posts/eP15eV1ZZwa
KartikPrabhu salanto: manually I'm guessing. that's how I do it too

KartikPrabhu gregor`: I will leave the 'people organisation' to you since I am not into the 'web' circles

gRegor` isn't either, really, hah
KartikPrabhu more than me! :P

KartikPrabhu I know 1 person = gregor`

gRegor` Haha
gRegor` Really, no other friends with websites or an interest in getting one?
KartikPrabhu gregor`: I'm mostly stuck with civilians :P

gRegor` Hehe
gRegor` Time to recruit.
KartikPrabhu kylewm: fair enough. sounds complicated anyway. thanks for looking/dealing with this

gRegor` "Uncle Tantek wants YOU!"
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu gregor`: I doubt my 'civilan' friends know tantek. (I didn't before this). Again doubt if they're even Gen2

cweiske joined the channel
gRegor` If he were pointing, this would be a great photo for it: http://instagram.com/p/p94HTRA9Qf/
KartikPrabhu judas fu@$%^ priest!

gRegor` Lulz
KartikPrabhu !tell tantek are you auditioning for the future Cap. indieweb movie? ref: http://instagram.com/p/p94HTRA9Qf/ ;)

gRegor` Night, all
KartikPrabhu night gregor

KartikPrabhu kylewm: G+ is hard for comments as they don't have a permalink... I'll fiddle around

salanto woo webmentions are working. yay
KartikPrabhu salanto++ for webmentions working!

KartikPrabhu salanto: free internet points ;) also what's your URL?

salanto home.tylergillies.club
salanto its ipv6 only i don't have a ipv4 ip on that box
KartikPrabhu oh man... my whatever doesn't seem to do ipv6 :(

fr0zen hey guys, which IRC client you use? Someone already made one?
salanto i use adium
KartikPrabhu fr0zon: I'm on my Pidgin using setup from here: http://www.zantherus.com/community/topic/2635-howto-connect-to-irc-with-pidgin/

KartikPrabhu frozen ^

fr0zen nice! I'm using xchat and used pidgin for a long time
KartikPrabhu salanto: how does one go about having ipv6 and not ipv4 ?

salanto kartik ipv6 tunnel for a device behind NAT
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: I like pidgin as it works with all the things I want on my chat like google, irc and FB (though now I have FB off)

fr0zen I was having some thoughts about IRC and how would be nice to manage my stuff through here. Like a personal server, where I would join the channel #finance, #facebook, #messenger, and this channels would have a bot to interact.
KartikPrabhu salanto: so it is some special setting on your server?

fr0zen #email, etc...
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: I don't think I understand

fr0zen KartikPrabhu, sorry, I'll try to explain better
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: ideally you'd manage your internetz through your domain.

KartikPrabhu we're not there yet I suppose

fr0zen Yes! I'm thinking in how would be a good way for me to consume my generated content
salanto KartikPrabhu: my server routes ipv4 outgoing traffic to an ipv4 server on the public internet and that routes ipv6, incoming is the same deal
salanto except reverse
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: aah I see. you want all internet activity at one place. maybe IRC. I'd say your domain is a better place for that

fr0zen KartikPrabhu, and a IRC server running only for me, with bots to interact with each service that I use could be a good solution, I think
fr0zen kylewm, nice! In half!
KartikPrabhu salanto: is there an advantage to re-route ipv4 traffic?

KartikPrabhu I mean why filter it at all (at this time maybe future is ok)

salanto KartikPrabhu: it's routing ipv6 packets inside ipv4 packets
salanto so its actually ipv6 traffic
fr0zen kylewm, you know hipChat, from Atlassian? Is a webchat similar to IRC that connects with APIs like Basecamp, Gmail, Github
KartikPrabhu salanto: oh! so it blocks my ipv4 requests?

KartikPrabhu really doesnot understand how this works salanto :P

salanto its not blocking anything that server only has an ipv6 ip in the dns
salanto your computer looks at the dns and goes, nope, can't route here
jgee fr0zen: Would these bots tell you the activity on the sites, or would you instruct them to post?
fr0zen kylewm, yeah! It's really nice! I think I'll work in a indie version of it
fr0zen jgee, both! like !messages list:unread
KartikPrabhu salanto: gotcha! is it hard to make it work with ipv4? if not I would do that as I suspect most traffic is ipv4, specially if Comcast doesn't support it

salanto KartikPrabhu: i don't have a public ipv4 for that box it's behind a router
jgee fr0zen: Sounds cool, although your site should be the main place for your stuff, like KartikPrabhu said
salanto it's things like this that make ipv6 so much better
fr0zen jgee, yeah, will be the front door
fr0zen to the data managed in the IRC server
salanto anyone preorder a gotenna yet?
fr0zen like the backend
KartikPrabhu salanto: I see. while I agree that moving to ipv6 would be for the better, it would be good to accomodate today's readers like me :)

salanto KartikPrabhu: i can only do what i can do
salanto my phone is on a public ipv6 address too
salanto tmobile has native ipv6
fr0zen kylewm, bitlbee is really great! thanks a lot :D
KartikPrabhu salanto: yes. didn't mean to pressure you in any way :)

KartikPrabhu fr0zen: it would seem best to have and own all the data you need on your website and then push it to other "clients" like IRC bots or something

KartikPrabhu thinks having 2 conversations on IRC is harder than on IRLS

fr0zen :P
npdoty joined the channel
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: if I have not said so before, it is very very good to have folks from Brazil and now India (with mayuresh) getting interested in the indieweb

fr0zen I want to do this because I want to spend more time using IRC clients without feel like something that drains my productive :P
chrissaad joined the channel
KartikPrabhu quite some talented folks in those places that could help a lot here

fr0zen KartikPrabhu, yeah, I'm happy that I could find the channel. I ask apologize for some further misunderstandings that my not much eloquent english may create
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: yes... good idea. i have been thinking about having a notifications page on my site. Maybe I could write some code to give me 'desktop notifications'

KartikPrabhu fr0zen: not to worry about the English. I had a a hard time with people at cafes understanding my English when I moved to the US. actually kylewm thinks I have a British accent :P

KartikPrabhu kylewm: that is true. because of my British english learnings in India

KartikPrabhu in fact i spent the afternoon fixing American vs British spellings in my physics paper!

tantek joined the channel
Loqi tantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 22 minutes ago: are you auditioning for the future Cap. indieweb movie? ref: http://instagram.com/p/p94HTRA9Qf/ ;)

KartikPrabhu fr0zen: maybe get your friends who can code (or are otherwise interested in owning their own web content) and have a meeting - Homebrew Website Club in Brazil!

KartikPrabhu is still LOLing at that ^^

salanto 99% of the time american spelling is just a dirty bastardisation of british spelling by illiterate americans that happened to catch of because memetics
salanto catch on*
KartikPrabhu salanto: very gald you you used the correct form of 'bastardisation'... ;) #irony

salanto like skeptical. someone like s-sk-skeptical. must be with a k because it sounds like k
salanto that is actually a halfway awesome argument
salanto snarfed: ive been called worse
fr0zen KartikPrabhu, yeah will do it! I'm trying to create a hackerspace here in my town.
salanto snarfed: awesome thanks
salanto hey i got ipv4 working
fr0zen KartikPrabhu, indieweb website helps a lot to spread the world of freedom here!
salanto KartikPrabhu: can you get to home.tylergillies.com now?
fr0zen because the idea is much more well structured than what I was trying to explain
fr0zen s/world/word
salanto fr0zen: i was just telling someone tonight that indie web is essentially a freedom movement, people don't realise they are prisoners
KartikPrabhu fr0zein: yes the website is pretty useful. Would be great to have feedback about how beginners perceive it

fr0zen salanto, they think that is no problem if google knows everything about them, because they aren't doing nothing illegal
KartikPrabhu fr0zen, salanto: If I may be so indulgent: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/indieweb-love-blog here is my attempt at explaining indieweb

salanto derp
fr0zen this is so stupid, but I used to think that way too
salanto home.tylergillies.club not .com
salanto .club was on sale for 3 bucks
salanto i'm cheap
fr0zen KartikPrabhu, nice, I'll read and also forward to a friend that don't know much :D
salanto KartikPrabhu: what blog platform is that? looks perty
KartikPrabhu salanto: your home URL gives error at the moment

KartikPrabhu salanto: it is not a platform. compeletly custom CSS

salanto KartikPrabhu: nice
cweiske Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'c-50-137-147-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /Library/WebServer/Documents/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1372
KartikPrabhu a major reason I got my own domain was to move away from the design resctrictions of platforms

KartikPrabhu so I cam here from a Gen2 perspective

KartikPrabhu s/cam/came

salanto oh because my mysql is also on ipv6
salanto crap
KartikPrabhu salanto: same error as cweiske

KartikPrabhu not funny Loqi

salanto KartikPrabhu: the plain language is very approachable by laypeople
KartikPrabhu salanto: thanks. that was the intention. glad it works :)

KartikPrabhu fr0zen salanto: here is a list of articles about the Indieweb on the wiki if you wnat to read more perspectives: http://indiewebcamp.com/posts_about_the_indieweb

fr0zen salanto, your nick has my name :P
fr0zen alan
salanto KartikPrabhu: ok think i fixed DB error
salanto fr0zen: eh>
salanto ?
KartikPrabhu salanto: neat works now!

salanto woohoo
KartikPrabhu salanto++ for making ipv4 work

salanto ironic as that is
salanto usually the other way around
KartikPrabhu salanto: how do I check if my website works over ipv6?

KartikPrabhu salanto: also you should add your experience to this page on the wiki so others (like me) will learn more: http://indiewebcamp.com/IPv6

salanto KartikPrabhu: from command like type dig any example.com
KartikPrabhu I see. will attempt

salanto if it has a AAAA line it will route from ipv6
salanto example.com being your website
KartikPrabhu hmm seems to have worked. got a response :)

snarfed joined the channel
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: did you manage to get a domain?

home.tylergillies.club created /Talk:IPv6 (+307) "Created page with "I would actually argue that the primary advantage of ipv6 in this space isn't the amount of available addresses (that is important). I would argue that the most primary advantage..."" (view diff)
fr0zen KartikPrabhu, not yet, but I think next week I'll be able to issue a new credit card - and have credit, LOL.
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: ah I see. would like to see your setup. I'm very interested in how different people design their sites :)

salanto tantek: got it. thanks. im used to the fascism that is wikipedia
KartikPrabhu salanto: yeha what tantek saud :)

KartikPrabhu salanto: sometimes people sign their names/URls if it is a not very consensus based opinion

salanto Ok
fr0zen KartikPrabhu, nice, I'll start think about it :)
KartikPrabhu fr0zen: all the best. curious to see what you setup :)

fr0zen :)
fr0zen I'm going. Thanks for the good time.
KartikPrabhu people seen this: https://twitter.com/rupertmurdoch/status/489976758507405312 LOL

@rupertmurdoch Sorry can't buy Trib group or LA Times - cross-ownership laws from another age still in place. (twitter.com/_/status/489976758507405312)
fr0zen good night
KartikPrabhu does Loqi not speak Portuguese?

mko salanto: The only thing I'll say about IPv6 is that anyone who is hosting a site should probably continue providing IPv4 access, even if they provide preference for IPv6, as the majority of users are not given IPv6 access from their ISPs, and the average user is not technically savvy enough to use an IPv6 tunnel (or are untrusting of most tunnel providers).

salanto mko: it's highly possible to be in a situation in which ipv6 is the *only* way you can provide access to your service because of NAT routing issues
KartikPrabhu mko: I think we already convinced salanto to add ipv4 support (which he successfully did!) but that is a concern that should be added to /ipv6

salanto otherwise every computer would be indie web and it would just be called the web
KartikPrabhu salanto: I think the indieweb should just be called the web already

salanto it will once ipv6 makes it possible to route without the headache of NAT
salanto i think we are at 20% global native adoption and that is growing exponentially year over year
KartikPrabhu looks up NAT because he doesn't know what that is!

KartikPrabhu oops my n00bity is showing

KartikPrabhu googles and learns

salanto mko: both my home isp and my phone carrier have native isp i would strongly argue that assertion
salanto s/native isp/native ipv6/
KartikPrabhu salanto: one example does not constitute a majority

salanto only really that box didn't have ipv6 was because of router hardware
salanto i have comcast
salanto and tmobile
salanto i hear they have lots of customers
KartikPrabhu oh! hmm me too weird

salanto but might just be me
salanto 6 states? meh thats unfortunate
salanto move? ;)
KartikPrabhu salanto: see... that is only counting the US. I doubt outside US and Europe if anyone has ipv6 support

KartikPrabhu which would exclude ?0.5 percent of the people on earth

KartikPrabhu s/?/>

KartikPrabhu mko: yes I was thinking population-wise. I hihgly doubt if China and India have ipv6

KartikPrabhu mko: numbers. good.

jsilvestre joined the channel
KartikPrabhu even restricting to the US 9% is a small number. considering your site is to be on the **World** Wide Web and all

KartikPrabhu as tommorris said this morning: “This kind of attitude makes the perfect the enemy of the good.”

salanto doh lol same link
KartikPrabhu salanto: in any case. you're using Wordpress I see. Any plans to get notes/tweets and POSSE working?

salanto KartikPrabhu: working on that right now
KartikPrabhu salanto: sweet!

salanto just installed jetpack plugin
KartikPrabhu fo sho

salanto hopefully in the next 5 years everyone is ipv6 it's been long enough
salanto the spec is like 15 years old for crying out loud
Loqi IPv6 is version 6 of the Internet Protocol http://indiewebcamp.com/IPv6

KartikPrabhu tantek: your unicode is showing

KartikPrabhu in front of the what in "what is IPv6" above

KartikPrabhu #irrelevant

KartikPrabhu weird.... bad Pidgin

KartikPrabhu in any case. tantek: any news/update from YaYY or YxYY ?

caseorganic joined the channel
KartikPrabhu ha! indiepool!

KartikPrabhu very nice. new developments?

tantek check out the styling of the stream of posts on http://tantek.com/

salanto meh jetpack posts to circles not to public stream
KartikPrabhu tantek: yes! I observed some spacing changes. nice! I am a big fan of white space as is amply evident from my site :P

KartikPrabhu heh! stop subtly complaining about my site ;)

KartikPrabhu of course jk! :P

KartikPrabhu tantek: so you just used to code on your live site?

KartikPrabhu that is beyond cowboy-coding... outlaw-coding?

tantek articles, yes, e.g. http://tantek.com/2014/179/b1/indiewebcamp-thoughts-before-gathering

KartikPrabhu tantek: yes! much better line-spacing now

tantek mko - heh - same here - I just keep mine public in case it helps others: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#Working_On

KartikPrabhu tantek: curious as to why you felt the need to have the permalink in a form element at the bottom ?

KartikPrabhu mko: more than the browser address bar?

KartikPrabhu tantek: gnight!

KartikPrabhu mko: short URLs I agree. but iirc tantek only has the full URL in the form field

tantek mko, KartikPrabhu re: the URL text fields, it's part of this line of thinking: http://indiewebcamp.com/citation#User_Interface

KartikPrabhu mko: I have it too... just asking for others motivations :)

KartikPrabhu tantek: yes. I actually like the full citation markup

KartikPrabhu tantek: go to bed young man!

tantek mko, really enjoying https://mowens.com/articles/design-prototyping-101 - will have to have a more thorough read of it tomorrow.

KartikPrabhu put it in the "to read" tab group also :)

tantek needs to take screenshots of his new composite stream styling and upload them to http://indiewebcamp.com/composite_stream

squeakytoy and pfefferle joined the channel
KevinMarks2 and wolftune joined the channel
@nodenpm indie (0.0.1): https://www.npmjs.org/package/indie Node.js Framwork for constructing IndieWeb-compatible apps and websites (twitter.com/_/status/490036586869166080)
@npm_tweets indie 0.0.1 https://www.npmjs.org/package/indie Node.js Framwork for constructing IndieWeb-compatible apps and websites (twitter.com/_/status/490037235216310272)
theglitchmob joined the channel
KartikPrabhu mko: is there some namespace thingy going on with NPM>

KartikPrabhu mko: oh ok. I thought there was some namspace battle in NPM.

mko I just like brandable things, and I had finally decided what I was going to name my framework. Simple, straightforward, and easy to remember: http://indiejs.com

BjornW joined the channel
salanto aaronpk: Fatal error: Call to undefined function db\init() in /web/sites/aaronparecki.com/p3k/php/includes/inc.php on line 15
sankha93 joined the channel
salanto Night
salanto Im close behind you
Sebastien-L, petermolnar, squeakytoy2, krendil and glennjones joined the channel
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
theglitchmob, squeakytoy2, Garbee, barnabywalters, glennjones and adactio joined the channel
@simongriffee Sandstorm - personal cloud platform https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sandstorm-io-personal-cloud-platform #ownyourdata, (twitter.com/_/status/490094057935618048)
squeakytoy2, scor, Sebastien-L, pfefferle, cweiske and theglitchmob joined the channel
@JockelLohkamp Why the Indie Web... @indiewebcamp http://dangillmor.com/2014/04/25/indie-web-important/ #IoTPeople @OuiShare @OuiShareLabs #P2P @Gatesense_IoT @agoracollective #okfest14 (twitter.com/_/status/490124531022200832)
EchoLynx, bnvk, theglitchmob and chrissaad joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme finally getting close to having free time again and being able to work on my side projects again

theglitchmob, gRegor`, brianloveswords, KevinMarks2, brianlov_ and wolftune joined the channel
tvfdd and pfefferle_ joined the channel
barnabywalters greetings GWG!

pfefferle_ joined the channel
barnabywalters GWG: not necesarily — many indieweb people post content very regularly

barnabywalters and I can’t think of anyone who only builds tools and never creates any content

barnabywalters GWG: ha ha, nothing is absolute except that “nothing is absolute”, and therefore at least one thing is absolute :)

barnabywalters just like “everything changes”

gRegor` and paulcp joined the channel
jonnybarnes gRegor`: yup, I've set up utf8mb4 so all works for me, why thet didn't just update utf8 though? (I imagine backwards-compatibility reasons)

kylewm joined the channel
gRegor` They should rename it to utf8ish
androtest, androte52, snarfed, jsilvestre and cweiske joined the channel
@zigdon Successfully switched from MyOpenId to https://indieauth.com/ for my ID. Wasn't that hard, even. (twitter.com/_/status/490175538892242945)
@zigdon Amused that https://indieauth.com/documentation is a 404 though. (twitter.com/_/status/490175577047826433)
brianloveswords joined the channel
gRegor` I can't even find a link to indieauth.com/documentation on the site? ^
mko Some people consider /documentation to be a "required" url for development projects. They're wrong.

mko One of the developers a few jobs back was adamant we included /documentation on our API site. Said it was "common convention."

petermolnar1 and emmak joined the channel
gRegor` "required" URLs seems pretty silly.
gRegor` rel=documentation might be a better convention. Let people do what they want with their own URLs. :)
gRegor` All tweets are about me.
gRegor` Funny, though, the link apparently used to be /#documentation. I fixed it on the wiki recently. http://indiewebcamp.com/wiki/index.php?title=IndieAuth&diff=prev&oldid=11042
mko Maybe he found a link from outside our ecosystem that got to /documentation instead of /#documentation then?

paulcp and wolftune joined the channel
gRegor` Yeah, I thought about replying, but if it's outside the wiki /indieauth.com, probably not worth chasing down broken incoming links.
kylewm so why do shortcuts on my phone (Samsung S3) look the worst out of all the examples on /icon e.g. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u1ggmljkc1ox33m/2014-07-18%2016.40.24.png
gRegor` I dunno, that "g" looks pretty good :)
gRegor` Know why some have the orange flag behind it?
gRegor` My site doesn't have that either.
gRegor` Hahaha, snarfed
gRegor` I definitely shouldn't have a big icon, then.
arlen joined the channel
gRegor` I've only seen him in videos, but he looks so different to me in that icon
dariusdunlap and tantek joined the channel
sparverius joined the channel
gRegor` Cool, didn't know that
gRegor` Also, welcome back, tantek.
snarfed tantek: looking forward to your thoughts on http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card#Issues
tantek kylewm - fascinating screenshot! could you upload that to the wiki so we can reference on http://indiewebcamp.com/icon#Android_browser_comparisons

tantek !tell kylewm which browser did you use to "Add to Home Screen" ? Android default? Chrome? Firefox? And what version? And what version of Android OS? re: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-18#t1405704123

Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 50 seconds ago: which browser did you use to "Add to Home Screen" ? Android default? Chrome? Firefox? And what version? And what version of Android OS? re: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-18#t1405704123

kylewm the default browser on Android is Chrome right? /dumbquestion
gRegor` Chrome is the default at least as of Android 4.x (not sure which version specifically)
gRegor` I will run some bookmark tests + screenshots with 4.4.4 later
kylewm.com uploaded /File:kylewm-android-icons.png "show bad icon support on S3/default browser"
gRegor` I'm also on Nexus 4, so stock Android. Maybe the other carriers do something different (probably)
kylewm.com edited /icon (+183) "/* Android browser comparisons */ added my screenshot" (view diff)
androtest, tilgovi and androte22 joined the channel
kylewm.com edited /icon (+11) "/* Android browser comparisons */ oh god, image was too big!" (view diff)
paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` Hmm. I don't have "Browser" under "All Apps" in settings, snarfed.
tantek.com moved /File:kylewm-android-icons.png to /File:kylewm-android-icons-2014-07-18.png "screenshots are extremely date sensitive so let's be sure to capture that in the name"

gRegor` Interesting. I thought for sure Google would make Chrome part of the core apps that other Android variants couldn't uninstall.
gRegor` I think on a previous version (N1) I couldn't uninstall Facebook entirely, for example.
wolftune joined the channel
tantek.com edited /icon (+25) "/* Android browser comparisons */ clarify using the default Android browser to add to home screen (or whatever the action is called in that UI)" (view diff)

jsilvestre joined the channel
gRegor` I was about to say, haha
gRegor` When I add adactio to my homescreen, I get his astronaut icon, not the one kylewm's screenshot does. Interesting.
gRegor` Was the icon added recently or a while ago, kylewm?
chrissaad, paulcp and scor joined the channel
gRegor` Interesting. Was it adactio.com or a subpage?
gRegor` I noticed some appear to be bookmarks to the notes stream vs. homepage. Not that it should matter...
galfert, mlinksva, finchd and jtzl joined the channel
tantek.com edited /events/2014-07-30-homebrew-website-club (+125) "Minneapolis location TBD etc." (view diff)

gregorlove.com edited /icon (+123) "/* Android browser comparisons */ my screenshot placeholder" (view diff)

gregorlove.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:gregor-homescreen-2014-07-18.png]]""

paulcp joined the channel
gRegor` Screenshot up: http://indiewebcamp.com/icon#Android_browser_comparisons Odd that it didn't find barnaby's
gRegor` !tell caseorganic Your shortcut icon is returning 404: http://caseorganic.com/images/caseorganic-256.jpg
tantek.com edited /events/2014-07-30-homebrew-website-club (+38) "/* RSVP */ Minnesota" (view diff)

wolftune and awolf joined the channel
Loqi [mention] http://www.lahtela.com/hueman-theme-google-authorship/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/h-entry (pingback)

gRegor` I'm wondering if we should move "What" to the top on the individual HWC event pages.
gRegor` When is most useful to those that already know about HWC, but sometimes I link new people to the event page and it would be nice if they saw "What" first
mdik, squeakytoy2 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
mko Wow. Facebook's App Permissions Approved Items system is really involved and prohibitive now. In order to get automatic publishing rights or access to almost any information, you have to individually select just about every permission separately and provide at least 4 screenshots of how you're going to be using Facebook.

awolf and gRegor` joined the channel
gRegor` I dunno, I think making it harder for FB apps to do stuff with information is good. I loathe adding apps on FB because never know what they're going to do.
gRegor` Haha
gRegor` Dude, I hate FB.
awolf joined the channel
gRegor` Another indieweb plus. Easy to share just the information you want :)
caseorganic joined the channel
Loqi caseorganic: gRegor` left you a message 1 hour, 20 minutes ago: Your shortcut icon is returning 404: http://caseorganic.com/images/caseorganic-256.jpg

KartikPrabhu snarfed: kylewm: why did bridgy pick up this response and retweet: https://twitter.com/kartik_prabhu/status/449032538476929024 ?

@kartik_prabhu The #indieweb or: how I learnt to stop worrying and love the #blog. Comes about a year since I went indie (https://kartikprabhu.com/article/indieweb-love-blog) (twitter.com/_/status/449032538476929024)
KartikPrabhu boo I meant why did bridgy not pickup that reply and retweet

KartikPrabhu snarfed: oh so that does happen?

snarfed KartikPrabhu: yeah. https://www.brid.gy/about#missing , search for "50"
KartikPrabhu snarfed: yes! get with the times man!

KartikPrabhu so if i manually construct the URLs it would works?

KartikPrabhu snarfed: cool! will do then :)

androtest joined the channel
KartikPrabhu snarfed: curious as to how bridgy has the retweets as a URL but not polled and pinged it? Did it construct the page when I manually put the URL in the browser?

androte65 joined the channel
KartikPrabhu aah so each page is dynamically generated everytime? or does it store/cache them?

KartikPrabhu hmmm... well that would be easiest to make I suppose. thanks :)

snarfed some minor details in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/15
KartikPrabhu snarfed: does the API not grant access to the 'notifications' in twitter?

snarfed KartikPrabhu: not that i know of. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1
KartikPrabhu hmmm :(

tantek, wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@Jon__Stone @temporaryhuman if I hashtag indieweb it somehow overtakes twitter I don't get it thx (twitter.com/_/status/490244813842022400)
@Jon__Stone @temporaryhuman is indieweb the notdotcom I've always asked for (twitter.com/_/status/490245506925604864)
tantek snarfed, re: /h-card#Issues - the rephrasing as pure user features section is a better focus, going to start there

tantek could be raised as an /indieAuth question perhaps

snarfed !tell mko remind us, were you the one asking about this for your Passport work? http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card##when+I+log+into
tantek.com edited /h-card (+134) "/* Issues */ move user feature based issues first - they are more real and deserve to be processed / resolved first" (view diff)

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tantek GWG - are there IndieWeb Examples in /location?

barnabywalters RE places use cases: as a memory aid, and also potentially useful or interesting for people to see where I’ve been and whether or not it was any good

barnabywalters e.g. “I’m in Iceland and know that Barnaby lives there, let’s see where he goes to eat”

GWG tantek: I've been meaning to add http://codex.wordpress.org/Geodata in as part of it
barnabywalters RE implied checkins, what is required for them to be real checkins? venue data attached?

barnabywalters as opposed to just coordinates and address?

barnabywalters here’s an example of what currently passes for a checkin on my site: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4UUPH3/

barnabywalters ideally the venue should be a tangible element on the page rather than just a piece of text

barnabywalters GWG: it should have thingness on the page

barnabywalters there should be some visual element on the page which obviously represents the venue

barnabywalters tommorris does

barnabywalters I don’t really use any checkin service currently so can’t easily find screenshots

barnabywalters GWG: e.g. http://tommorris.org/posts/8073

brianloveswords joined the channel
barnabywalters there’s a visual element on the page which obviously represents the venue

tantek see also /checkin#IndieWeb_Examples :P

barnabywalters Known’s checkins aren’t really any more fleshed out than Taproot’s

barnabywalters they’re just text posts with a map

barnabywalters tantek: not really any more than my own

barnabywalters they’re exactly the same, a map and a piece of text

barnabywalters yep, exactly the same as my checkins

barnabywalters the only difference is that I type “Checked into (venue name)”

gRegor` thingness, heh
gRegor` what is thingness
gRegor` (Loqi prompt, not really asking)
barnabywalters tantek: so what specifically is missing from my checkins which is present in werd.io’s checkins which makes them more… checkinney?

barnabywalters tantek: ah, okay :)

barnabywalters !!!

barnabywalters this is my WIP venue creation UI: http://waterpigs.co.uk/img/screen-shot-2014-07-18-at-221549.png

barnabywalters it’ll be usable as a micropub app just like my note UI

KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: very nice interface!

KartikPrabhu err I mean UI :P no one says interface any more

barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: thanks! there are glitches to be ironed out, but it’s quite workable

Loqi tommorris: tantek left you a message on 7/17 at 5:49pm: https://projectdouglas.org doesn't load for me. just spins and spins.

barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: ha ha, I was in the Vienna technical museum recently and they had an old huge computer with various hilarious “interfaces” like the “audio tape interface” and the “chess board interface”

KartikPrabhu man! I can't wait to use all these micropub UIs you people are making instead of the crappy Django admin stuff

KartikPrabhu barnabywalters: yeah seems 'interface' is reserved for the hardware type things

barnabywalters KartikPrabhu: maybe not… no-one thinks of a keyboard as a “keyboard interface”, or a “camera interface”, or a “mouse interface”

KartikPrabhu tantek: haven't used FB for about a week and hardly tag people... so not much from me on the FB end...

Loqi mko: snarfed left you a message 49 minutes ago: remind us, were you the one asking about this for your Passport work? http://indiewebcamp.com/h-card##when+I+log+into

barnabywalters and wolftune joined the channel
mko snarfed: Yes. I've implemented the basic h-card functionality, actually, in passport-indieauth. After authenticating and verifying that you own the domain, it uses microformat-node by glennjones to parse the first h-card on the page, preferably one that is verified as "me" (but is non-discriminatory for v1).

barnabywalters mko: yep, acknowledged that the layout is a bit wonky — but yes, search results appear along the side. In that case there’s only one

david.shanske.com edited /User:David.shanske.com (+16) "/* Features in Development */" (view diff)
KartikPrabhu I don't know. I've had pretty slow response times from FB... specially when logging out

KartikPrabhu G+ is too big and doing too much for its own good

tantek snarfed - yeah feature parity is a different argument - but we're getting close to that with some too, e.g. here's the list to replace Twitter with your own site: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#Features

KartikPrabhu wow that is a pretty descriptive permalink right there ^^ by petermolnar

brianloveswords joined the channel
tantek who will be the first to superset Twitter with their own website? i.e. fully support the feature set listed here: http://indiewebcamp.com/Twitter#Features

Loqi [mention] https://petermolnar.eu/linux-tech-coding/wordpress-cleanup-markdown-import-twitter-import-facebook/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/posse (pingback)

KartikPrabhu what is this 'zero day' ?

tantek KartikPrabhu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-day_attack

barnabywalters snarfed: twitter does location-aware search now?!

barnabywalters oh wow I had not realised that

barnabywalters er, how do you search nearby from twitter.com?

barnabywalters searching across people you follow is easy for a reader built around a search engine e.g. elasticsearch

barnabywalters mko: I am working on one https://github.com/barnabywalters/shrewdness

barnabywalters veeerrry slowly

barnabywalters tantek: give me a few weeks :)

barnabywalters mko: most of the work is done by elasticsearch and the rest goes into making the UI, so feel free to clone/steal from it and recreate using node :)

tantek mko, tommorris feel free to add your sites to http://indiewebcamp.com/search#IndieWeb_Examples when you have search working on your personal site ;)

snarfed.org edited /Twitter (+721) "/* Features */ tagging, search, notifications, mobile apps" (view diff)
kylewm.com edited /search (+223) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add emmak's native search implementation" (view diff)
KartikPrabhu gives snarfed a 'research documentor' hat!

tantek.com created /people-tag (+1275) "stub with dfn, why, how, silo examples, see also" (view diff)

tantek snarfed - for your explicit review (since you added people tagging to the Twitter feature list) http://indiewebcamp.com/people-tag

wolftune joined the channel
kylewm cuibonobo: tantek: maybe move or reference this in people-tag? http://indiewebcamp.com/photo#People_Tagging
tantek mko see /notes#IndieWeb_Examples

awolf joined the channel