#mko!tell aaronpk Not sure if this was intentional, but a GET on your webmention endpoint no longer displays the informational page you had there before: http://aaronparecki.com/webmention
#JonathanNealChristina and I are thinking about possibly moving to Georgia (USA). Anyone from here live there or have lived there?
#cuibonoboJonathanNeal: i've been in Atlanta since 2007
#JonathanNealcuibonobo: oh sweet, are there any IndieWeb meetups?
#cuibonobonot that i've heard! though i've been on the indieweb irc for a grand total of 3 days
nagaway joined the channel
#JonathanNealWell, welcome! I’m born and raised in SoCal. Is there a startup scene in Atlanta that you know of?
#cuibonoboi think there is, but i'm not involved so i can't say for sure. i actually work for an animation company. i have the impression that georgia is business-friendly and atlanta in particular has a lot of young people (because of all the universities in town)
#mkoI worked in the Atlanta startup scene briefly in 2008-2009.
#JonathanNealcuibonobo: fun! mko: any warnings or praises?
chrissaad joined the channel
#mkoJonathanNeal: I thought Atlanta was a nice area to live in, but ATL isn't a hugely startup-focused region. Some of the better resources for startups (like coworking spaces and startup meetup sponsors) in that region left in 2011-2013. It's got a lot of great, smart people, though (and the talent pool at Georgia Tech is fantastic). The support structures for startups (primarily angel and venture funding) tend to be less evolved than
#mkothose some of the bigger tech hubs. The support structures for larger tech corporations, on the other hand, is great in ATL.
#JonathanNealmko: fascinating and detailed insight, thank you! We have family in Atlanta, and I’ve hoped to work for a startup again.
#mkoThere's definitely some startups there, but they're not as common as you would expect. Lots of small to medium sized businesses (15-200) people.
#cuibonoboATL as a city is investing quite a bit of money into trying to be more 'hip', i.e. making downtown more attractive and walkable, establishing more public transportation options, creating incentives for people to move to the city, etc. Startup Atlanta was established recently as a result of those efforts: http://startupatlanta.org/
#cuibonoboso i think they're conscious that they need to do better and are taking steps to attract startups
#JonathanNealWow! This is extremely informative. I really appreciate this.
#JonathanNealSo, cuibonobo, mko, would you know a good way to see if someone like me might be wanted out there? Just showing up on Monster? A tweet?
#pdurbinhas heard good things about that new aquarium
#cuibonoboJonathanNeal: you got me there! probably check with the Startup Atlanta people and see what they suggest.
#cuibonobopdurbin: it's fantastic but unfortunately pretty expensive :s
#rascultantek i didn't bother to convert from a shrunk jpg to a png
#tantekJonathanNeal: The specific file favicon.ico - why is it needed?
#rasculfavicon.ico is what old browsers look for by default i think, and also is a fallback for when there's no rel=icon
#JonathanNealThat’s the icon that appears in your tab. IE11 is the first version of Internet Explorer to support the direct usage of .png and .gif file format favicons
#JonathanNealno, but some browsers let you rapidly change the favicon, eg http://mitchmurder.com/ a subtle effect but the floppy disk favicon is rotating.
tantek joined the channel
#tantekWhat should the icon be of a post permalink? Same as your homepage? Or something else?
#tantekjust updated his site so his permalinks have the same rel=icon as his homepage
#JonathanNealI ran it twice, I’ll click rescan this time. Same error.
#JonathanNealNot a very informative error: “An unknown error occurred with this provider.”
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekJonathanNeal: that's not good (error message) at all. drat.
#JonathanNealIs there an IndieAuth protocol that runs from the site itself? That would seem more Indie to me, anyway, for my site to tell you that I am logged in, whereas this is a bit more two-step auth. I’m sure this has been discussed to death, so sorry if I am being naive.
#tantekJonathanNeal: no problem at all. yes there is a delegated indieauth protocol to set that up
#tantekI believe only cweiske has done so however, partially because there aren't many clients of it yet, except ownyourgram
#JonathanNealtantek: what are the security concerns or requirements needed to be met by a self hosted authentication?
#tantekJonathanNeal: now you're definitely out of my area of expertise. I think either aaronpk or cweiske would be able to walk you through that. Or maybe bear.
#tantek.comedited /icon (+65) "rel value shortcut is unnecessary, update tantek markup in use, cite 2005 era w3c doc" (view diff)
grantmacken joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /icon (+2) "/* Jeremy Keith */ update his markup from adactio.com as of today" (view diff)
#tantekinteresting, it looks like iOS7 fixed the bug in iOS6 and earlier where they required the rel=apple-touch-icon separate from the other rel values
#tantekstrange, when I try the same markup on my site it doesn't seem to work
#GWGI feel like I am getting closer to completing my design project
#JonathanNealtantek: is my article on the subject out of date?
#tantekJonathanNeal: could be - according to adactio's markup
#JonathanNealOh, well, I’d be interested to know if that markup is right. I would think it is now, as “shortcut” is a legacy rel and image/ico is a hypothetical mime type.
#kylewmI just finished a first pass of posse-post-discovery for Bridgy Publish, it's neat!
#kylewmThe idea is, if you reply to another indieweb post, and then use Bridgy Publish to POSSE it, it should find and reply to the appropriate silo post
#GWGkylewm: I'll be looking at that in the future.
#kylewmGWG: I implemented it on my site a while ago ... it all happens behind the scenes so you never quite know if it's going to work but when it does it seems like magic :)
snarfed joined the channel
#GWGkylewm: Well, I went to pfefferle about supporting responses from Bridgy in his webmention plugin. He added a filter to allow anyone to add the code, but I back burnered it. snarfed just recently was working on it
#snarfedGWG: yup. like i said, pfefferle added the response hook to the webmention plugin a while back. i think that's as much as we'd reasonably expect from it
#snarfedkylewm: ah, no, that's a separate feature request. you mean, something like a dedicated brigy publish plugin? definitely not an itch for me personally
#GWGsnarfed: It is one for me. But it wouldn't be more than a checkbox to add the publish link into a post.
#kylewmGWG: wordpress doesn't so much as wordpress jargon :P (i.e. i wasn't sure i'd be able to understand your answer)
#kylewmJonathanNeal: I grew up in an atlanta suburb and went to GATech, if you need to know what it was like pre-2005 for some reason :)
#GWGkylewm: Wordpress allows for filter hooks and action hooks. They allow plugins to modify output or run functions at specific points. Pfefferle added one to support Bridgy's response code
#JonathanNealkylewm: thanks, if it is in any way striking, i would consider it useful.
#JonathanNealtantek: does my authentication flow chart a few posts up seem reasonable?
#GWGkylewm: I've been very specific in my additions. And I've fiddled to try and get a good foundation.
#GWGkylewm: I found the way I designed the current theme that runs my site, it was a bit hacky. I built all these features, and then ripped them out into plugins. So, I am going modular.
bnvk, wolftune, bret, kylewm and barnabywalters joined the channel
#Loqibarnabywalters: tantek left you a message on 7/19 at 2:19pm: not sure if it was you or not complaining about "props" but I now agree and have switched it all to "like" as the generic form, e.g. on http://indiewebcamp.com/webactions
KartikPrabhu, KartikPrabhu1 and tantek joined the channel
#tantekpdurbin honestly haven't seen much (if any?) chatter about people not actually in the room (with notable recent exception chats about Chloe), but then maybe it happens when I'm not there.
#pdurbinJonathanNeal: I feel like anyhing auth quickly spins out of control. you see oauth1 people distancing themselves from oauth2 because it got too complicated
#JonathanNealAnd, coincidentally, saw the thing I was attempting to describe. After I took that screenshot, I disagreed with some of those terms, and signed up with my email in order to prevent my contacts from being accessed.
#aaron_pkJonathanNeal: that's what "scope" is for in OAuth terminology
#pdurbinif only more people did that. I feel like Facebook and Google have everyone's address book
#JonathanNealpdurbin: you know a thing or three about auth, I take it?
#mko!tell aaron_pk FYI: pin13.net seems to not be able to parse h-entry when it's on <article> -- Seems to be a relatively common problem with parsers, as glennjones' microformat-node has the same problem
#benwerdGWG: I used to when I was working on Elgg. Seeing a lot of interest in Known from education, so I'm coming back into the space, which is exciting for me.
#GWGI have a friend in that at Purdue. I was trying to explain Indieweb to them. They seemed interested
#benwerdThere's an openEd conference in DC in mid-November, and there might be a chance of tacking it onto the end of that - but it's the week before thanksgiving, which may affect how feasible that is
wagle_ joined the channel
#GWGbenwerd: I have free lodging, and NYC is only a few hours away...so if I'm available, I'm in.
#salantobenwerd: I sent a pull request to add google+ snippet content to post type, not sure if it should be in mainline or a separate plugin. The only thing I changed in the UI is an optional post image url
#benwerdsalanto: I merged it! Thanks for the submission - I think it's a great addition.
Jenny_, brianloveswords, yakker and krendil joined the channel
#pdurbinJonathanNeal: not so much but I'm learning :)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#salantoAnyone know how to open a repl in php that loads your site?
#Jenny_basic question here...i installed the sempress theme and semantic-linkbacks & webmention plug-ins. do all three of those take the place of using h-ref, h-card, etc on posts and throughout the site?
#GWGJenny_: I use Wordpress. The Sempress theme does do the markup, but it doesn't do everything.
#GWGI'd close the comments on the front page though.
#GWGBut, Sempress will make your site marked up with the mf2 formats.
#Jenny_GWG: thx for the feedback. just installed the new theme and am trying to figure out the best display options.
#GWGJenny_: You are using a page for the front page. There should be a setting on that page to disable commnts.
#Jenny_GWG: so it sounds like using the h-ref and h-entry is still something i will need to do.
#GWGJenny_: Anything we can do? I think I'm the only Wordpress user here right now, but there are several of us in the community. General ideas...you have more of a choice.
#Jenny_GWG: that was pretty much it for now, in terms of help. just wanted to see if my understanding of the back-end info for WP was correct. Will keep modifying. Thx!
#GWGJenny_: Somewhere in my list of ideas was to do an h-card widget and shortcode.
#GWGJenny_: If you need anything, feel free to ask. I keep trying to encourage Wordpress users. I know a lot of people here use other things.
#Jenny_GWG: thank you - I will probably have more questions as I go along. Having other WP users' sites on the wiki as examples is helpful in thinking through how to lay out our own sites.
#gRegor`barnabywalters: I think the classic root conversion needs 'adr' => 'h-adr'. I added that and one of the tests worked (one which had adr as the root, no hcard.
#gRegor`But then I think the h-adr properties need to be converted, too. I'm not sure if that means another array key in $classicPropertyMap, or somehow mapping those properties to the ones in hcard.
#gRegor`e.g. vcard => street-address maps to p-street-address already.
#KartikPrabhuJonathanNeal: I am sure this can be done using IndieAuth's authentication flow if you have a token_endpoint on your own domain... currently my token_endpoint is at https://tokens.indieauth.com/
#gRegor`I suspect it will be easiest if I submit the PR for the test suite, then we can work on fixing/debugging php-mf2. Right now, 83/119 fail. :)
fmarier joined the channel
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: I think bridgy has been https for a while. Do you mean on the individual wm it sends?
#gRegor`"else use the textContent of the .h-x for name. drop leading & trailing white-space from name, including nbsp"
tantek joined the channel
#gRegor`Leads me to believe CRLF within the text should not be removed.
#gRegor`But I'm not sure if that's implied with "textContent" or not.
#gRegor`I ask because I'm working on the mf2 test suite. The expected p-name in the suite is a single line, so a multi-line address is causing it to fail.
wolftune and tantek joined the channel
#KartikPrabhubear: anythign special needs to be done after installing those 3 packages?
#tantek!tell benwerd I would be up for an IndieWebCamp DC. :)
#bear(asking about mod_python because like uwsgi, it can use a different python binary than you are expecting - if you have more than one python version installed
#bearI found I was testing on python v2.7 from the command line but uwsgi was using v2.6
#gRegor`tantek: I'm not sure yet, which is why I'm asking. I just need to know whether php-mf2 needs to trim CRLF better within the text to match the expected output of this test, or if the expected output of this test is incorrect. https://github.com/tobiastom/tests/tree/master/adr/simpleproperties is the test.
#kylewmsnarfed: hey if one were to add flickr (OAuth1) support to oauth-dropins, would you use requests_oauthlib, or grab a flickr-specific library?
#tantekgRegor`: you can check the DOM in JS in your browser
#snarfedkylewm: interesting! ideally i'd use requests-oauthlib or another existing one. i'd really actually like to prune down most of the silo-specific libs, i just haven't been able to prioritize that
#tantek(the DOM in the browser follows the HTML5 parsing spec, which has ridiculous detail for whitespace, which I am not going to attempt to reconstruct)
#salantoJSON is not really a very good data format imho
#tantekkylewm: so the question I have re: "sometimes you *do* want to control the JSON. " is *Why?* and follow-up, who if anyone is consuming your Activity Streams JSON?
#gRegor`Well, hm. Looks like textContent preserves whitespace and CRLF.
#KartikPrabhubear: yeah... it seems my setup is somehow still using 2.6.6 :|
benwerd joined the channel
#Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 20 minutes ago: I would be up for an IndieWebCamp DC. :)
#gRegor`So I guess to make this test suite work, it should ignore the implied p-name, because it's value could contain any variation of whitespace.
#salantoOne of my biggest peeves with json is that there is no way to differentiate between hash keys as string or hash keys as symbols/keywords/whatever your language calls them
#tanteksalanto - lol re: "what xml should have been"
#gRegor`The test has multiple properties (street-address, etc.) All of those are parsing correctly. There is no explicit p-name, so it concatenates the textContent together.
#gRegor`I can't compare a full "expected output" array of the data to the php-mf2 parsed data, because the whitespace differences make for too many possible variants in the generated p-name
#bearKartikPrabhu how did you install it? using pip? then check what python the pip is wired for and look in it's site-packages
#salantoI'm tempted to make an activity streams json plugin for Known for webmentions, right now it sends email and that is annoying me (mostly because it's running on my laptop and sendmail doesn't want to work)
#tantekbenwerd - it makes replying to the original on your site much more difficult, and thus webmentioning directly from original indie reply to your indie post more difficult
#salantoAt least thats what the source looks like it's doing
#bearKartikPrabhu - debugging shortcut for package questions: create a virtualenv, install pyopenssl in that venv - then find out what file/dir it uses
#benwerdtantek: agree. I'm not satisfied with anything I've tried implementing so far. Wish Twitter would let you hang links from tweets, but may have to just fall back to linking back.
#bearthen you can grep your server side to see where it got put
#bearKartikPrabhu - that library uses "import OpenSSL" for backwards compat reasons
#salantoOne thing I have realised with posting to my own indiesite lately is that 90% of the stuff I post on the internet I don't want on twitter. It's usually just thought that I want to keep track of or stuff I want to show a handful of people
#KartikPrabhudoesn't matter requests2.3 still deosn't see it
#Loqisalanto meant to say: One thing I have realised with posting to my own indiesite lately is that 90% of the stuff I post on the internet I don't want on twitter. It's usually just thoughts that I want to keep track of or stuff I want to show a handful of people
#LoqigRegor` meant to say: The CRLF is still captured in the JSON
#salantoWoo idea: Planet website that shows posts from indiewebsites
#gRegor`Expected output: 665 3rd St. Suite 207 San Francisco, CA 94107 U.S.A.
#KartikPrabhubear: I though the requests lib should be doing things correctly. I'll give that a shot later... don't feel like trying to fix some big library at the moment.