tanteksalanto also agreed about "stuff I post on the internet I don't want on twitter" - or rather, I'd like to get to the point where I can trivially post little things on my site as much as I like, without feeling the burden to self-censor/self-rate-limit due to cross-posting to Twitter(&FB).
tantekbut for now, since my posting UI is crap, that slows me down enough to only post once in a while and thus not too bothersome for those that follow on Twitter/FB
salantoMy indiesite is hosted on my laptop. My view is that it's my data that im giving people permission to view. Not some server that I have permission to write to
tanteksalanto next I'm imagining you having an always on (and on the internet) raspberry pi tiny box in your back pocket that has your true/canonical data that you post to.
salantotantek: Actually I have a publicly accessible native ipv6 address on my rooted android phone that I am tempted to setup an indie site on, the only problem is that most people don't have ipv6 access from their isp yet
tantekmko - I don't really care what the underlying technique is (recursive whatever), but rather, the user visible difference between screenshots of those two URLs.
Loqitantek meant to say: mko - I don't really care what the underlying technique is (recursive whatever), but rather, the user visible differences between screenshots of those two URLs.
mkoTeddyJ: The subdomain just needs to be added with your DNS provider to point to the relevant hosting provider IP address or folder. It varies from provider to provider.
mkoI'm actually just waiting on Comcast for a new modem/gateway. IPv6 is supported on my line, but apparently the gateway they sent me when I signed up originally doesn't support it.
snarfedkylewm: saw the logs, looks like it's missing an index that's probably in your index.yaml. feel free to push that to upstream and deploy if you want! otherwise I will soon
kylewmsalanto: the open source question is one i asked too. i think the idea is basically: it's rEAlly hard to release and support a full product, and aaron et al feel they can serve the community better by experimenting with their sites and then releasing battle-tested code in small libraries
mkoI only started on it about 2 weeks ago, though, so I'm not sure how long it'll be before it's out. Hoping to release my personal site at the end of this week as the "alpha" of it, then make some of it a bit more generic, then release v0.0.1-alpha on GitHub.
tanteksalanto: wordpress is currently the easiest initial install though I think Known is getting better and better. Pretty sure they are testing a version that runs on MySQL (not mongodb)
tantekon Flickr, Facebook, blogging platforms in general, if you block an author or delete a comment, it's gone from your post. On Twitter, it's only hidden *from you*. E.g. I blocked that spammer bear saw, and if you view this: https://twitter.com/t/status/490312706650431489 you will see it still has two comments from that spammer (I can see it on a non-logged-into-twitter browser)
bearnot always, i've seen some php apps where the app log is in the root dir, in /usr/local/.… - but i'm also not a php5 dev and was just trying to help
tantekgood morning all - the call for participation in the W3C Social Web Working Group just went out to all W3C Advisory Committee members (member-only list), and I'm happy to report that the home page of the group is a wiki page :) http://www.w3.org/Social/WG
tantekcuibonobo: agreed. I think a lot of the "real work" will happen here frankly, and I see my role as chair to attempt to bridge communication with that broader audience, pointing / referencing the good work done in #indiewebcamp
cuibonobogRegor`: yep! i’m actually taking ideas from several places. indiewebcamp is my primary resource for getting my website display app to play nice with other sites. i’m getting ideas for how to actually store my stuff from the tent.io community
cuibonobogRegor`: the idea is to have a RESTful API of the data itself in JSON format and then have apps to consume that data in different ways. apps could range from scrobblers to the app that actually renders your website.
cuibonobogRegor`: however, i’m not subscribing to tent.io wholesale because they’re very focused on the protocol and have left actual real-world stuff behind
tantekcuibonobo: "the app that actually renders your website" is an interesting viewpoint, since we're taking the simpler approach that your rendering of your website is your data (i.e. for interaction with webmentions etc.)
cuibonobotantek: i don’t subscribe to the idea that the HTML is simpler. for instance, i feel like a plaintext JSON file is easier to digest than plaintext HTML. but more than that, my goal is my data, not my website. my site is just a way to render my date.
tantekthe idea is that longevity, reliability, stability is the most important thing for your data. And historically so far HTML has been better at that than XML, or JSON
tantekbut to your point about original microformats - HTML+microformats have outlasted *all* the XML formats that were being pushed at the time. Even by big companies like Google and Yahoo.
mkoI don't have time to get into a discussion right now, but I will say this: from my own experience, microformats parsing isn't consistent right now except across a limited subset of parsers. For example, mf2py, hkit, microformat-node, and sumo all produced different parsing results when I was trying to figure out why one of my articles wouldn't validate as an h-entry in my webmention module.
cuibonobotantek: my perspective is: what is this data for? if my primary use-case is to have a searchable repository, it doesn’t make sense to spend my time creating / maintaining HTML parsers that will then populate an index. databases already exist, so i’ll use that.
tantekcuibonobo: databases seem to transfer less well from system to system than flat files, hence a lot of us have rejected databases for any canonical storage.
cuibonobotantek: you’re right. databases are a pain to transfer. but am i going to delay the storage of my stuff while i implement a proper parser? i’d rather store my stuff now and figure out how to translate when the new hot thing comes along.
tantekright, and the point is they produce consistent results, even with classic microformats (or rather they all should, modulo some issues / bug fixes)
cuibonobotantek: i’m very new to this community, but it seems like the up-front cost is *much* too high compared to `brew install mongo`. plus: what if everyone moves to blockchain storage and namecoin as DNS within the next 10 years :D
tantekwhich is also why those of us using flat files for storage have yet to open source that code AFAIK - storage is hard enough to get working for yourself, nevermind something others can depend on
barnabywaltersandrotest: there are plenty of valid use cases — essentially anything where you need to be able to know that one thing happened before another
barnabywaltersI have recently (places) run into cases where using my CSV indexes has blocked adding useful features, so elasticsearch has moved up a little in my priortity list now
tantekif I came up with a decent abstraction for my flat file storage (in HTML+microformats) in Falcon I'd likely open source even just that bit in the hopes that someone else would find it useful.
tantek(though some aspects of storage, like backup, restore, recovery are user-exposed features, and I think that's where some of the flat file vs. database tension comes from)
tantekas a user I sleep better knowing my "data" is all in a simple folder I can copy around, rather than a series of exports/commandlines that talk to a database server somewhere
cuibonobogRegor`: since i like the *idea* of tent.io but it’s becoming apparent that it’s not gonna be ready for at least a year, i’ve decided to roll my own thing. i’m using a lot of ready-made components though: Eve for the API, Flask for web apps, Mongo for storage
cuibonoboyeah that’s really it. you’re bound to HTTP verbs rather than trying to make up your own API, and the server shouldn’t save sessions. full stop.
bretoliusjohncash i think elgg was used by a lot of non profits… known would likely be of interest there. but I think the idea is that it would be useful to many more people
ShaneHudsonI use Wordpress at the moment, having a lot of troubles with it but has been too much work trying to move it elsewhere. I will probably use Known, as it has a lot of the extras I need (content types nicely done etc)
cuibonobothe problem with the “these youngsters will find out one day” argument is that when the day comes, I won’t remember your argument. what’s good about the indieweb *right now*?
cuibonobotantek: yes. exactly. so “they’ll come around once those websites go down” isn’t very attractive. if i recall, there’s a similar argument about databases on the wiki ;)
tantekno no that's different, that's more like, our databases *have* gone down, so we've abandoned them and going with what's not gone down - flat files :)
kylewmsnarfed: is it true that the Loqi bridgy mentions are always going to be someone replying/liking/retweeting a silo post that links to an indiewebcamp.com page?
aaron_pk"Email and phone verification is required in order to ensure that you are complying with the Respect Network One-Person-One-Account rule." from the Respect Network registration prompt
tantekso the question is - does this all only work because it is a single piece of software (pumpio) - thus monoculture? or is something more interesting going on?
tommorrisRespect Network can safely be completely ignored. The combination of Google+ style identity verification horror show + XDI silliness made me have to check I had only had one drink.
tantekaaronpk - I wouldn't presume that - as usually when it's the same piece of software, it means it's depending on software-specific behaviors (above beyond or excepting from any "standard" protocol/format)
tantekjohncash, webmentions will likely show up on my site as a side-effect of me implementing /event posts: http://indiewebcamp.com/Falcon#event_posts (which is fairly down the line of priorities of what I'm working on)
Loqisnarfed meant to say: bnvk: do you do your own backfeed? bridgy is definitely careful to only backfeed fully public responses. https://www.brid.gy/about#missing
kylewmactually I wonder if I should add something like that to the BY-CC bit at the bottom of my site ... "Comments are copyright their respective owners" or whatever
gRegor`Related to people possibly being surprised their comments appear on my site, there's no easy way to remove it from my site if they remove it from FB, is there?
Loqibenwerd: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 39 minutes ago: yes I'm giving you a hard time for reading and linking to a *CNET* article instead of a better, more indie source. ;)
ShaneHudsonWhat Twitter clients do you all use? I've got POSSE working (to some extend) on my site, not activated yet, but I know I won't use it unless I'm using a client to reply to other people.
tantekwhile that's still only a single piece of software doing it (pump.io), it is happening across *three* sites. the likes are on identi.ca on a comment on microca.st which is commenting on a post on e14n.com
tanteksince you're stating that yes, my original post will have *at least* as much information as this POSSE copy, and likely more, since it will included Indieweb interactions and *other* silo POSSE backfeed interactions
benwerdI originally turned them off because of complaints - contemplating checking referer and adding a "what is this?" note. And possibly some other rough prototypes of the reader experience.
bretoliustantek re https://e14n.com/evan/note/s4sLsySKS_C9Ac1Mu80k3Q lots on AS and JSON-LD. I know pump.io builds around AS and has quite a few users/instances… where does indieweb stuff (Webmention, microformats, indieauth and micropub) find its place in the WG?
bretolius"In the same time, I'm going to deal with the long list of pull requests and open issues with pump.io. The PRs will either get a reply, get pulled to 0.4, or closed. The issues will get put into milestones for 0.4 or "maybe later" or "probably never"
bretolius"Finally, I'd very much like to do a Kickstarter for the home pump server I discussed last year. I think it could be a lot of fun, and really help people get onto the network." Johannes? you there?
Loqijohncash meant to say: why have data and styling in one stream and data only in another stream. might as well put all the data in the stream that already has data
bnvkI've been wondering about the idea of @usernames inside of email content so to enrich the experience of when one is mentioned in an email. Has anyone come across that sort of thing?
tantekIf I ever started a silo I'd be tempted to call it sandcastle.something and once in a while a big wave would crash and wipe out the sandcastle a that people had built there.
Loqitantek meant to say: If I ever started a silo I'd be tempted to call it sandcastle.something and once in a while a big wave would crash and wipe out the sandcastles that people had built there.
tantekGregor the problems were so numerous and seemingly obvious To a daily user that I didn't bother. It smelled like no one that worked on it was bothering to dogfood daily.
bnvkPersonally I have always found the wiki relatively obnoxious- the underlying technology, syntax, and sites information architecture. I wonder if we'd be better off with a WordPress site for public "new user" information and such and an instance of Gitlab for actually working on things
bnvkthe current site is definitely not alluring to new users- many ppl at camp in Berlin found it challenging to engage, navigate or gain any value from
aaron_pkcomplaining that "new users" find it hard to navigate the wiki is not sufficient reason to suggest replacing it with something else. I guarantee whatever would replace it would be harder to put content into
tantekAs in bnvk , I challenge you to show me a public community effort that works like that where the public home page doesn't just go stale in months.
tantekAs for my own anecdotal I will offer microformats.org where we basically tried the split bnvk is suggesting and all the WP "public" pages went out of date while the /wiki media wiki is what everybody updated.
bnvkI also find the wiki hard to engage with. Right now "create a stub" I don't have this mental processes of what that process is. I have to hunt and peck between existing pages
snarfedtantek: agreed in this case. there's some low grade ongoing hate for it as an indieweb platform too though, hence the previous negative karma. i'd guess some of that is just because it's big, but probably not all
bnvkand overall it just lacks structure of how to easily go publish / edit a given type of content… but you all are much bigger users than I am, so do what ya will, I just wonder how much more myself (and others) would use something slightly easier ;)
gRegor`My "go to" demo of why I dislike WordPress is this function. WP adds magic quotes regardless of server settings, or the fact that PHP is getting rid of the "feature." http://codex.wordpress.org/wp_magic_quotes
gRegor`tantek: Using this page as a comparison, http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Gregorlove.com/redesign, line lengths are actually longer on the current wiki theme vs the new. Not usually by more than a couple words, but yeah.
bnvktantek: yah readable / accessible information that is up to date- that makes sense, I just don't understand why you think a WP page is somehow less easy for multiple people to edit at different points in time
bnvkfurthermore, there are all sorts of WP plugins for things like events that give data (and the input forms) structure and order. The current events page in wiki syntax feels like an ad-hoc jungle
snarfedtantek: understood in general…but for blogger and tumblr specifically, you actually know that they claim to own your content? or something similar? hard to believe, but if you say so, i'll believe you
bnvkonce I get a bit of free time (after sept) I will definitely step up to the plate to help redesign the site if it's not done by then (even if it's still on wiki) :P
snarfed(for the logs: Tumblr and Blogger's TOSes both explicitly say that users retain ownership and copyright over all content they post. both are obviously limited in other regards, but it's good to know at least that part won't prevent people from using them as valid indieweb sites.)