gRegor`bretolius: I think "Events" is a good one to stay persistent on all pages. One of the big things in that session/hecking was making it easier to find out what events are coming up
LoqigRegor` meant to say: bretolius: I think "Events" is a good one to stay persistent on all pages. One of the big things in that session/hacking was making it easier to find out what events are coming up
johncashone down side to using domain as identity is it's cost prohibitive to create a new identity (could been seen as a feature) If i was fearful of my personal safety I couldn't very easily generate a new id as i could with things like gpg keys et al
gRegor`Admittedly, Crystal's approach seemed to be geared towards people that are new-ish to IWC... like, what do people come to the site looking for? Events, Principles, etc. was what the session decided were some of the most important things.
gRegor`tantek: The sidebar is easy to miss/ignore. And had multiple links that seemed to be the same. Like Calendar and Schedule... if you're new, you just want "events"
mkoWhen providing paginated results (assume no infinite scroll option), how many entries do you feel is the maximum that you like to load for a user at any given time? Does it depend on the type of entry in the feed (i.e. do you feel comfortable showing more notes than you would articles or more photos than you would articles)?
mkotantek: Totally agreed with you on that one, but do you feel comfortable showing 100 notes if you somehow have 100 notes on a given week, day, or whatnot?
gRegor`The "To Do" section was a list of things the participants listed to be done, then we did two-dot voting, so those are sorted by most to least votes.
gRegor`iirc it's that it was a prominent page that is way too long. :) I think we talked about how you were updating it... at least I think that was going on at that time.
tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (-21) "attempt at simplifying / minimizing sidebar by what people said they wanted in 2014/fix-the-indiewebcamp-wiki#Home_Page" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "put sponsor with events since it's directly related to that. put recent changes at bottom of resources since it's a common place to check" (view diff)
gRegor`The doodle was a wide left column right sidebar, with the next upcoming event listed at the top. I presume during day 2 they decided to put it at the top of the right column instead.
gRegor`The doodle was basically what they came up with, just the next event was moved to the right instead of left. Their update also automatically pulls in the event, doesn't require updating the sidebar
tantekso I disagree with moving from the left column to the right. left column is a convention across wikis and wiki-like sites - so you'd be breaking that convention / muscle memory
gRegor`The idea was to make the home page more like a blog. There was talk of (but not really votes for) pulling in more content from and more than just the headlines.
gRegor`I was just filling you in on the background of the item you referenced, not arguing it should be more blog like per se. Since you referenced the "event at the top left" was just clarifying they didn't mean in a sidebar.
gRegor`I think on the current theme, the left sidebar looks like a sidebar. Like "you generally ignore this stuff!" I think on the new theme it looks more like two columns, not "here's the main content, and here's a sidebar [with ads and ignorable stuff]"
gRegor`"Discussion" link is there for the same reason it's on the old theme, btw. The MediaWiki PHP generating it wasn't messed with, I'm guessing, just the CSS for how the list is displayed.
kylewmit seems like it might be relatively easy to convert the normal theme to a two-column grid instead of a table? that'd go a long way toward making it size down better
gRegor`I think one reason they chose to start with a new theme instead of hack the current one is that it has a slew of CSS files, like 9. Including "handheld.css"
gerbilit's the fun of trying I suppose :) - I'm looking to free my blog, publish to the silos and get comments back into the blog from the silos - I'll look at the wiki later - just trying to get a feel for the pain points and time to allocate.
gRegor`I really like how the MDN wiki shows the TOC in the sidebar and sticks to the top as you scroll down: And how the sidebar shows related content / can be hidden. Nice responsive, too.
brianloveswords, snarfed, chrissaad and pfefferle joined the channel
cuibonobopfefferle: i really like what you’ve done with the SemPress theme. if i had to think of a single way to get microformats adopted among a wider audience, this would be it.
gRegor`From the discussion, the whitespace in the p-name is correct. tantek specified DOM's textcontent because the spec for whitespace in HTML5 is a nightmare, so easier to just say that.
tommorrisbarnabywalters: just one minor thing - the OSM licensing on your site isn't quite correct - it's now licensed under the ODBL rather than CC BY-SA
barnabywalterstommorris: I want to! I’m already storing the OSM node/way/etc URL but want to start creating/updating nodes on OSM for new venues I’m adding
tommorrisshouldn't be too hard: download the XML for the nearby area, see if the venue is already there, and if it isn't generate an OSM changeset and push it up.
tommorrisbarnabywalters: also are you using the map to select the location in your posting UI? if so, would love to see either a demo or screenshots on the IWC wiki
tommorrisbarnabywalters: well, if you have found the location of the venue using the draggy-map, you can then get the XML from that area using the Overpass API to see if there's something which matches already in the OSM database
barnabywaltershaving either a button or some hueristic (e.g. close-enough zoom level) upon which POIs within the current bounds are fetched and plotted
barnabywaltersthat won’t work for new venues, e.g. when a way exists representing a building and I want to add details to that rather than creating a new node
tommorrisYep, if it's not there, then you can select the existing building by doing point-in-polygon on the closed ways from the same dataset you downloaded from Overpass.
tommorrislike, if it's a whole building which is a pub, then the building ought to contain the metadata. but if it's just a part of the building, then dropping a node is sometimes the right approach
barnabywaltersyep, that makes sense. it’s a bit of a stretch for software to figure out which approach to take, so I’ll probably implement finding by name and dropping back to creating a new node if none was found
barnabywaltersat some point I want to refactor my location code into a small wrapper around leaflet which should make location form controls really easy to create
gRegor`!tell snarfed posse-post-discovery doesn't seem to be working on this note. I manually polled bridgy and "no post links found"
Loqisnarfed: gRegor` left you a message 33 minutes ago: posse-post-discovery doesn't seem to be working on this note. I manually polled bridgy and "no post links found"
snarfedgRegor`: nice! i'm hoping that will be a small fire under a few people to figure out good reply chain rendering, twitter style. most people do follow ups ok, since they're all sent as wms, but reply contexts usually only include at most the one previous post, not all like twitter
tantekthere's reply chain handling (replies to replies to your post etc.) and reply context chain handling (the post your reply was in-reply-to and what it was in-reply-to on up to top of thread)
snarfedfor silo responses, reply chains are pretty easy to do the naive way. bridgy sends them all to every previous post, so just rendering comments naively will get them right. (flat, but right.)
snarfedgRegor`: looks like bridgy found your syndication link: . it probably first caught the syndicated tweet before you had the syndication link, so it fell through to the refetch, which is only every 2h
kylewmsnarfed: gRegor`: that was a good example of the race condition issue too... it looks like there was < 1 minute between when gRegor` posted to his site and syndicated to twitter, and bridgy somehow snuck in there
tantekgRegor` I'd say you could A/B screenshot and show those (maybe at 50% resolution) side-by-side to illustrate the difference and what a reply-chain could/should be
Loqikylewm meant to say: snarfed: gRegor`: that was a good example of the race condition issue too... it looks like there was < 1 minute between when gRegor` posted to his site and syndicated to twitter, and bridgy happened to have snuck in there
snarfedtantek: (just fyi, looks like the twitter replies are missing from that indie note of ben's because his own immediate followup doesn't @-mention himself, which bridgy requires - details in - and the rest are in reply to that followup)
barnabywaltersbenwerd: I’d hav thought it’s a matter of starting with the post delete interface and going from there — e.g. listing POSSEd copies each with a checkbox so people can choose to delete them
Loqibarnabywalters meant to say: benwerd: I’d have thought it’s a matter of starting with the post delete interface and going from there — e.g. listing POSSEd copies each with a checkbox so people can choose to delete them
benwerdbarnabywalters: thanks! POSSE to SoundCloud makes me happy also. Sadly I just discovered that descriptions aren't sticking in my interface, but eh, minor rough edges to sand off ;)
barnabywalterswow, soundcloud’s beta uploader is even better. I just uploaded a 5.7MB track and it took about 1 minute, which was filled with filling out details anyway
KartikPrabhu, cweiske and crossdiver joined the channel
Loqibenwerd: kylewm left you a message 1 hour, 6 minutes ago: I had bad luck trying to edit Facebook posts, even though the API makes it look possible. slightly more information here
barnabywalterstantek: the documentation/specifications for indieauth are rather unorganised and spread around at the moment, partly due to it being quite fast-moving
tantekon another subject, just saw this blog post about "8 ways to make Twitter your own" - anyone want to take a crack at rewriting it (blogging) with an indieweb perspective? e.g. "8 ways to make your website your own"
tantekgRegor`: in re-reading some of the requests for the home page, it seems like some of the asking for more "live" content could be addressed by posting a recent video or two
gavinctantek: how sersious was the sebastopol camping tweat? There are a couple of us up here in the north bay who keep being intimidated by trying to get into SF around rush hour
tantekgavinc: very serious. Tim O'Reilly hosted both social web foo and open web foo years ago, and I have a feeling he'd be up for hosting IndieWebFooCamp as well. So if he says go we'll do it.
gRegor`I think it'd be worth talking to Crystal because she had a pretty interesting perspective which I don't know how well I can do it justice. short short version, she had purposely not been on IRC for most of the last year and lost touch with IWC and when she came to the wiki she had a heck of a time finding things. She wanted to focus the site more for people visiting for the first time,...
gRegor`Re: the "Wiki tools" category link, you know you don't have to click it, right? I can see having to mouse over it, then down to the link being a pain, though.
gRegor`I obviously don't want to make it harder for people editing the wiki, but I do think there's a good case to be made for making the site better for the average user, which I think is a "reader", not an "editor"
tantekbut for logged in users, we should ABSOLUTELY be encouraging collaboration on the wiki by lowering the barrier to editing = make all those operations one-click and super-obvious
LoqigRegor` meant to say: I just think a sidebar (that is easy to ignore), with mediawiki links above it (confusing, also easy to ignore)... is cluttered.
tantekso basically, I'd put the new skin back to the drawing board, with "community collaboration" as the #1 use-case (because that's the heart of how the wiki grows, stays current, gets people engagted)
gRegor`Anecdotally, I've been pretty much strictly using Teahouse since IWC and haven't had problems, other than some typography things I've worked on in the CSS last night. So I'm interested in iterating on it, personally.
gRegor`Any idea why the sidebar isn't refreshing for me? I saw it in Firefox last night on some pages, not others. Today it seems to be the old one everywhere (still Firefox, not logged in to the wiki)