#kylewmso to the rel-me question, my understanding is that the backlink is an extra sanity check to prevent me from putting the wrong rel-me url on my homepage?
#tantekwhich I feel like is a goodidea(™) for anything identity related
#kylewmto me feels like a feel-good layer that doesn't add any actual protection...
#tantekI mean, it may only "slow them down", but in practice, slowing down an attack is *exceptionally* useful
#kylewmif they have control of my site and can change my rel=me to point to their twitter account
#kylewmthen changing their twitter profile to point to my site is trivial
#tantekin many attack scenarios, you learn something is going wrong, and if you have a wider window of time to react and defend / counterattack, then you can defeat an attacker
#tantekkylewm: you're making the typical dev error of assuming "trivial" in terms of number of steps is trivial in terms of time and thus how it effects anything in progress
#aaronpkyou know, if Known had started using MySQL instead of MongoDB I probably would have been a major contributor to it and used it on my site long long ago
#johncashif a month is just half a bimonth isn't it essentially the same sort of deal? I'm not getting why dealing with chunks of 60 is better than dealing with chunks of 30
#tantek6 chunks is easier for humans than 12 chunks
#johncashfor indieweb storage it kinda makes sense because you get more data for a given file
#tantekalso avoiding the cognitive dissonance of having things named like Gregorian month numbers (01.html … 12.html) but having them be new months instead
#tantekalso new months don't take new sundays into account whereas bims do
#johncashah thats the part i was missing the new sundays are bound to the bim unit
#KartikPrabhualso a day in a bimonth is one char in base60 ;)
#tantekKartikPrabhu: I don't think I've actually made use of that - and that's only almost true, since a bim has 61 days
#johncashI think most nerds worth their salt have that problem
#tantekat some point I realized I would very likely never build everything I thought of / wanted to and just decided to start sharing it all publicly in the hopes that if someone else found something useful they would build it.
#tantekinteresting, why not just use NewBase60 for that?
#tantek(more implementations etc., better tested in the wild etc.)
#tantek(fewer possible numbers that look like line-noise - less punctuation)
#cuibonobobigger numbers with less digits is my only justification at the moment.
#cuibonoboi'm actually on the fence about a bunch of stuff
#tantekI can see that. I guess at the time I decided that that marginal benefit was not worth the risk of the potential more line-noise-like cost, since these would be exposed in perma(short)links.
brianloveswords joined the channel
#tantekbut that was a "gut" instinctive assessment on my part - nothing scientific per se - so I can understand if you came to a different conclusion
#cuibonobothese past few days i've just been testing the reasoning for things. i can't really say i've come to any conclusions.
#barnabywalterscweiske: cool, I would love to see more implementations in PHP too — it would make the development of an easy to use cross-parser test suite even more useful
#barnabywaltersbut if there’s some technical problem in php-mf2 which is blocking I’d rather know about it and fix it than wait for another implementation which might fix it
#gRegor`Heh, I got "Looks like I can't do anything with the webpage you suggested. Looks like I can't do anything with the webpage you suggested. Looks like I can't do anything with the webpage you suggested. None of your providers are supported. Tried https://github.com/gRegorLove, https://twitter.com/gRegorLove."
#gRegor`I wonder if it can do anything with the webpage I suggested...
#aaronpkwow that's crazy. and new relic is like 1 block away from me.
tilgovi joined the channel
#gRegor`Crazy, though he admits he was impersonating the conference at the end, which is probably what led to the suspending. On reddit he said the impersonating was ill-advised.
#gRegor`I think if he handles it well with @Support, he could still keep his twitter
#braintrainyeah I feel like twitter and potentially offended parties should work with someone like this though to try and quell his anger first
#braintrainI know legally/terms wise dude's probably doesn't have any leverage, but he wasn't really arguing that
KevinMarks joined the channel
#braintrainbut I'm maybe a bit crazy in thinking that people ranting on the internet, and finding creative ways to strike back against the big guy is commendable :p
brianloveswords joined the channel
#gRegor`I'm just commenting on the part that's getting the most attention, "BigCo steals twitter name" which does not seem correct at all.
#aaronpkyeah I was following him up until he started impersonating the conference
#braintrainyeah that's an act of frustration, it'd be best if he just tried to ignore it but I feel like he's warranted in being frustrated. I wouldn't impersonate if I was in his position but I would definitely troll
#braintrain"My latest strategy was to pretend to be them on twitter to get some of their followers, then hopefully use that to raise publicity for this post, but they beat me to it! They got my twitter account suspended!"
#aaronpkI don't think his existed yet when I started writing my code
#gRegor`Ok. Yeah, I'm using that currently. Your code looked more concise than mine, so I was going through seeing how I could improve mine. :) I may not be taking full advantage of his mf-cleaner though.
#aaronpkah cool. no promises on backwards-compatibility tho until it's broken out as its own module ;)
#aaronpkthe good news for you is that I use that everywhere so it would take a lot of work for me to actually change the interface
dariusdunlap joined the channel
#gRegor`I like that yours is OO, and methods like $targetData->hentry->property() seem handy. Currently I'm checking array keys and it just gets verbose. e.g. $entry['properties']['in-reply-to']
#aaronpktho now with php 5.4 syntax I actually kind of prefer syntax like $entry->value(['properties','in-reply-to']) where it checks for properties before checkign for in-reply-to
#gRegor`Ah, mf-cleaner has function hasProp(). Yeah, I'm not using that lib as well as I could, clearly