#kylewmbnvk: (sorry I don't have it open). I think there is 1 page of documentation that explains it... basically you point it to a url that has an h-feed, where each entry in the h-feed links to another h-feed
#kallistixfhi there, i'm trying to log into the indiewebcamp website using kallistixf.dreamwidth.org . i put a rel=me on it pointing to twitter, and my twitter profile points back to the dreamwidth url, but i get an "Insecure redirect error"
#barnabywaltersvoxpelli: that’s probably a good idea, yes — I think that’s the intention of u-uid but it’s not very widely used
#voxpellibarnabywalters: yeah – is (your) feed authorship discovery documented somewhere?
#barnabywaltersI’m using mf-cleaner’s getAuthor() function, which is an incomplete implementation of /authorship
#voxpelliah – right – didn't think that covered h-feed authorship as well but of course it does
#voxpellibarnabywalters: add an issue point there about challenges in discovering author URL? it's not really an authorship issue in theory, but in practice most will probably encounter the same issue and it's good if people remember to put a u-uid there for that
pfefferle, bnvk, Sebastien-L, Rev_Illo, scor, glennjones, lukebrooker, fofr, wolftune, snarfed, gRegor`, mlncn, krendil, brianloveswords, chrissaad and pfefferle_ joined the channel
#Loqitantek: barnabywalters left you a message 5 hours, 22 minutes ago: your homepage h-card doesn’t list tantek.com as your first u-url, so my feed authorship discovery tool is treating twitter.com/t as your profile URL! http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftantek.com%2F
pfefferle_ joined the channel
#tantekbarnabywalters: huh! ok I'm going to fix that, but you might not like the solution ;)
#GWGI think I need to write an hcard widget/shortcode plugin for WordPress
paulcp joined the channel
#tantekGWG there are several out there - perhaps you can help upgrade one of them to also support h-card?
paulcp_ joined the channel
#GWGtantek: I planned on seeing if I could fork an existing project. There should be something that does author widgets
#tantekthere are also a ton of "social widgets" that people use to link to their Twitter, FB, IG, etc. which could all be upgraded to automatically put rel=me links on those
#barnabywaltersdo we have a page listing relations between posts e.g. reply, like, repost, etc.?
#GWGYes, but right now my goal is to take data from the existing user bio and mark up appropriately
#tantekbarnabywalters: there was something that sandeep wrote up back in the day but not sure it is up to date
#tanteksure - but the but the author/social widgets are usually much simpler
scor and johncash joined the channel
#GWGIt is just some function calls and markup, I don't think it would be so bad if I did write one.
#tantekGWG of course it's more fun (not so bad) to write one, just saying it would help all the other users of all the other similar plugins already out there.
#GWGI've been looking actually. Most are not widgetized
#barnabywalterstantek: feed reader is currently in state of flux due to big change to the way posts are indexed so I can’t test right now, but your new markup looks fine and should be handled perfectly by Shrewdness
#tantek(what I meant - since clearly anything command-line is *not* simple )
#gRegor`tantek: That might answer kylewm's question regarding the relmeauth appearing to be broken on your site. You don't log in to edit anything currently, just scp?
#tantekironic that an article about depending on search results for disambiguation / discovery, itself doesn't bother to check search results for the term "webmention" which it purports to introduce
#KartikPrabhu1tantek: I think he took the name 'fragmention' and then web-bed it :P
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: sun.java.com had really excellent forums before they bought by Oracle, who destroyed all the permalinks ... would be useul to have had a content-based scheme for those
#KartikPrabhustill don't see the need. I wouldn't link to a 'search' link for any phrase, specially one that does not specify the search engine as the results are unpredictable
#KartikPrabhukylewm: those will not be URLs... you can not predict the result of a search to point a definite address to ti
#KartikPrabhugregor`: naah... you can't blame Friday afternoon for everything :P
#gRegor`"putting the text between quotes tells readers to Google it" I don't think I have ever thought that.
#tantekand once again, I will restate, if you're not knowledgable enough about *existing* web technologies to post your ideas on your own website, then you lack the expertise to propose technical improvements to those web technologies.
#gRegor`Maybe if someone is lazy and doesn't attribute what they're quoting...
#gRegor`"fragmentation [sic] scoped to the whole web"
#tantekgRegor`: also, here's the saddest part, not only is the *name* he chose not new/unique ("webmentions") but the idea isn't either. already done and shipping here, called /permashortcitations
#tantekgRegor`: presumably something fewer than 22 characters
#tantekotherwise you just use a URL and it gets tco'd
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: Haha, well sure it happens. But I've never taken quotation marks as a prompt to search something. Much more likely to say: "Hey, lazy person, who said that quote?"
#tantekmore irony - none of us would have seen this tweet and medium post in the first place if he hadn't made the mistake of using "webmention" when it already meant something
#Loqibret: aaronpk left you a message 2 days, 4 hours ago: that's interesting, does that mean I should a) drop my atom feed completely or b) continue maintaining a specific rendering of my content as an atom feed?
#@tnew rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying innovate. #osfw3c (ttk.me t4RQ7) (twitter.com/_/status/365195886940258304)
#tantekon a more productive note - if anyone here is interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html
#tantekespecially those who have given talks before!
#tantek!tell aaronpk,benwerd,caseorganic,erinjo,bret,dietrich,garbee,glennjones,kevinmarks if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
#LoqiGarbee: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
#Loqibret: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
mlncn joined the channel
#Garbeetantek: OMG. I'd love to do something like that once I launch this new store site and get indie stuff integrated for sharing data.
#GarbeeBut, it wont' be in time for anything really to be planned this year. :(
#GarbeeThanks for the offer though. Great to know that kind of stuff is possible.
#tantekok I've screenshotted and "Select All" "View Selection Source" "Save As…" the original HTML as well of Lucas's article, since he kept renaming it.
#Loqihmans: tantek left you a message on 7/17 at 5:44pm: go ahead and create a page indiewebcamp.com/pants that describes the project - even with just a stub like you did in IRC: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-17#t1405627280
#hmansThe @mentions were a user request, they're really quite fun. tbh it would still send out webmentions if I simply used a normal link, but just typing @indiewebcamp.com is kind of sexy, too.
#hmansI'm aiming at making #pants' aggregator consume h-entry and discover RSS/ATOM feeds in the long run, so a #pants user could just "follow" @indiewebcamp.com like they'd be following a twitter account and have its posts show up in their timeline/mobile app.
#hmansI should totally Kickstart this. I'm just too busy coding :P~
#tanteknice! so you have homepage webmentions working then? I wonder if anyone here (benwerd? aaronpk? barnabywalters?) has a queue of their homepage webmentions they check?
#hmansIs it just up to me to implement it, or would I need to have it added to indieauth itself?
KevinMarks joined the channel
#LoqiKevinMarks: tantek left you a message 50 minutes ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
#KevinMarksThanks Tantek. I should read the logs...
#tantekKevinMarks: a bit of humor at Lucas's expense - fairly innocuous
#tantek(especially after he called "irony alert" on you)
#hmanstantek, what I'd like to do is to have hmans.io communicate to indieauth.com that it can already vouch for my identity without going through Twitter, Github etc.
#tantekPlease try refreshing the page or closing and re-opening your browser window."
#gRegor`For the logs, Re: commenting systems, this came up in #indiechat due to a reference to the Discourse forum software. I commented that boingboing uses it.
#gRegor`I also still accept local blog comments on my site because I don't want to cut non-indieweb people off yet.
#hmansso, re IndieAuth, what I'd like to do is to add a link rel to my <head> to indicate an endpoint that will accept a POST with a token that the server will POST back to the querying server. Or something in those lines.
#tantekand that error message is what happens if you have a FB tab open with "private" session/info e.g. a chat, and open ANOTHER FB tab and switch to "using as a page", and then go back to the first FB tab
#Loqitantek meant to say: then when they tweet you'll get the bridgy webmention and voila!
#gRegor`That's an ok idea, but 1) If they're on my site, I'd rather not send them away to interact 2) I like that they can have longer text and some formatting options if they comment on the blog.
#gRegor`I feel like webmention > local blog comments > tweets.
#tantekis wondering how this is missed on the wiki, hmm. maybe /IndieAuth
#gRegor`Local blog comments are already set up and working for over a decade now, so changing that to a silo link, which I might have to change again in 5 years when Twitter isn't a thing anymore... :)
#tantekhmans! yes! so there's a defined way, and at least an implementation of a consumer and an delegated indieauth provider
#gRegor`Friends have definitely left longer comments than 140 characters.
#tantekgRegor`: that's reasonable. I suppose I see so much spam coming in via WordPress that I would switch off "local" comments just to avoid that hassle
#tantekgRegor`: sounds like you should upgrad your friends to having their own site (or even Tumblr, which I think via Bridgy now sends webmentions? or something like that?)
#Loqitantek meant to say: gRegor`: sounds like you should upgrade your friends to having their own site (or even Tumblr, which I think via Bridgy now sends webmentions? or something like that?)
#hmansI wonder why its own URL doesn't just redirect me to the original tweet?
#gRegor`I'm also strongly considering using a new framework for my site, which would be something I could actually release and assist others with installing.
#tantekbasically it's the inevitable outcome for any one-off JSON format proposed as a standard - eventually it gets replaced by something simpler and easier to support based in HTML.
#hmansbetter example: Youtube. I want to get the HTML to embed the video, not the preview thumbnail.
#tantekhmans - why not just a blockquote for Twitter?
#KevinMarks_benward of this parish works on embedded tweets
#hmansIn #pants, when I use the Markdown formatting for images, what it'll do is fetch the page, do discovery for oEmbed endpoints, and then use that to get proper embed HTML. If anything in that chain fails, it'll fall back to just inserting an image.
wolftune joined the channel
#hmansWhy is this useful? You want to embed any kind of media, and instead of manually fetching the HTML embed code, you just paste in the URL (using the image syntax) and #pants will do the rest for you.
#hmansSo if the URL is a tweet, it'll fetch the tweet embed HTML
#hmansif it's a Youtube video, it'll fetch their embed HTML
#hmansif it's a site that I don't even know yet but it does oEmbed, it'll fetch _their_ embed HTML, too.
#hmansWhich is just very different from OG/preview bytes.
#tantek.comedited /IndieAuth (+231) "/* FAQ */ How do I make my site do the authorization itself - distributed-indieauth" (view diff)
#KevinMarks_so you're in effect asking them to give an iframe-friendly HTML
#hmansI agree, tough, that it'd be easier/cooler to just extract the embed HTML from the actual page containing the media, not going to through oEmbed JSON loop.
#KevinMarks_JonathanNeal: it was a sketch of an idea, i didn't wrap ti up as a service/api
#JonathanNealtantek, hmans, did I get benward and benwerd confused?
#JonathanNealKevinMarks_: it’s a neat idea, minus the page load. Also, if you covered the iframe with a div to prevent selection and scrolling, the effect would be even more complete.
#hmansbenward, please note that my Twitter timeline wasn't loading for two weeks or so, which made me build my own distributed social micromacroblogging network so it's all your fault.
#KevinMarks_it also kind-of assumes a 2x retina display
#snarfedthat's the most important thing to do in life! determine who to blame
mdik_, peat_, dissolve, ellton_ and teknotus_ joined the channel
#snarfedbut i only did that because pants doesn't have rel-syndication links yet. kylewm recently added a bridgy publish feature where, if you reply/like/repost an indie post, and it has syndication links to silo posts, bridgy publish automatically replies/likes/reposts inside the silo too
#gRegor`Yeah, bassically I was wondering if you pasted in one link and syndication/backlink filled in the other.
#hmansHTML/JS/DOM/browser question... when I have <img> tags, and their hrefs give me 4xx or 5xx responses, is it possible to intercept these in JS and replce the image with a placeholder on the fly?
#hmansOr would I have to go the route of a data-url attribute and do the image loading/filling "manually"?
#hmansJonathanNeal, any pointers? Google results have been disappointing :(
#JonathanNealhmans: in javascript, the image element has a property, .complete. Similarly, there are load and error events that can be listened to.
#hmansJonathanNeal, oh, that sounds easy enough. My google-fu is bad tonight. :/
#JonathanNealLooks like my computer is being a little slow in delivering responses. Sorry.
#JonathanNealI would be happy to help you further on the project, get it set up on my machine, and contribute. Whatever floats your boat. It looks really good.
#kylewmhmans: cuibonobo: per your question earlier about indieauth.com delegating to your site for authorization -- cweiske has implemented his own authorization endpoint, and it's a coming soon feature for indieauth.com to accept it
#kylewmI think it is <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="http://indieauth.id.cweiske.de/" />
#hmansJonathanNeal, anytime! I haven't been very good with writing documentation/setup instructions/etc., but the code is all on github.com/hmans/pants. Moving very fast though, so if you start hacking, let me know what you're up to
#hmansJonathanNeal, I've taken care to keep the code simple and easy to maintain, but the specs are not nearly good enough. :/
#gRegor`"u-url == u-uid == that page's URL" seems the same as "u-url == rel-author link's href", just more verbose.
#JonathanNealhmans: what would you like help with presently? fallback images?
#hmansJonathanNeal, I think I already got those covered... not sure right now tbh. I have a Trello board set up at https://trello.com/b/PVYzhNKx/pants if you want to see what I'm up to next
#hmansI'm mostly cleaning up and hardening things at the moment, hoping to take on some more users this weekend using the self-serve site
#JonathanNealso after bundle install, rake db:migrate? or is there a creation step?
#hmansI'm seriously pondering if something like #pants shouldn't just be PHP (+ MySQL) so people could just throw it into their $2/month web space directories... but... no.
#JonathanNealafter db:setup anything else before I rails s? Or should I foreman start?
#hmansOh, okay... best way to run it for development is to set up Invoker, bundler will have installed it for you, but you need to let it install the stuff it needs to give you *.dev domains.
#hmansThe seed data is expecting you to use andy.pants.dev and ben.pants.dev
#hmansWith a bit of luck I'll find some time soon to write all this stuff up.
#gRegor`hmans: At least it's in the logs now, so you can point to that. :)
#KevinMarks_gRegor`: i think the difference is that case 2 is that you are on the home page of the author u-url=u-uid= the page you're on
#rasculhmans if it can run on heroku or openshift it can be free
#JonathanNealhmans: i don’t even fully understand what it does yet, other than let you write tweets on your own site, and like other people that do the same thing
#KevinMarks_in case 3 you are in an article page so u-url==rel-author so it's an hcard for the post
#JonathanNealhmans: but i didn’t understand what KevinMarks_ was trying to do with fragmentions either, it’s fun to program like that
#hmansrascul, yeah, I'm making sure it runs fine on a free Heroku dyno, but I haven't actually set an instance up there yet.
#hmansJonathanNeal, I'm happy to set you up with a site so you can play around with a working install before hacking the code... http://hmans.io/lrn569
#JonathanNealhmans: so after i rake db:setup, you’re saying I need to do something else? Or just tell my hosts file to listen to andy.pants.dev?
#KevinMarks_and kevinmarks.com/fragmentions.html is case 4
#hmansIn addition to the stuff mentioned on http://hmans.io/lrn569, there's also Option C where I give you a subdomain under *.pnt.li, but of course you wouldn't own it.