gRegor`KevinMarks: Maybe this is ambiguous in #4 "rel-author link's href". I took that to mean the rel-author href from the original page we started at. But maybe it means the current page?
gRegor`KevinMarks_: the rel-author parsing for fails because your rel-authr doesn't hve a trailing slash, but it does on the h-card :)
tantekbut I'd say let's work on making /fragmentions look like a proper spec - ok to also use since we have a "spec-like" template/look already setup there.
gRegor`There's an algorithm and a sub-algorithm. I separated the sub-algorithm and used a more explicit term than "the page" to be clear that it's a separate page (the rel-author page) in the sub-algorithm. I don't see how that's an abstraction.
tantek.comedited /authorship (+782) "flatten algorithm, group author property h-card discovery, group rel-author / author-page retrieval and processing, handle URL as author property, use author-page vs. h-entry's page" (view diff)
tantekre: way to tell if the page is a permalink page? I suppose that's out-of-band information, as usually by the time you've found the h-entry and are parsing it, you know whether you got it from a permalink, or from a stream / homepage, or perhaps from an archive page
tantekinspired by barnabywalter's requests for me to fix my h-card on my home page, I updated the h-entry's on my home page to have <a class="u-author" href=""><,/a> - which should work to simply reference the primary h-card on the page as my authorship h-card, with name, photo etc.
gRegor`!tell tantek I thought if the p-author was just a string, that meant it was just the author name, not that it should be parsed further to tell if it's a URL. But you know microformats way better than me. :)
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 1 minute ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
aaronpk!tell barnabywalters what do you mean add in-reply-to markup? I would have to add reply context first, right? (at least showing the URL i'm replying to?)
aaronpk!tell bnvk "a little thin" yeah lol. the reader is a little rough around the edges still, and doesn't have any automatic way to update posts yet (like wordpress cron). also i'm not actually using it regularly which is a more important metric.
Loqiglennjones: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 10 minutes ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to
Loqitantek: gRegor` left you a message 1 hour, 58 minutes ago: I thought if the p-author was just a string, that meant it was just the author name, not that it should be parsed further to tell if it's a URL. But you know microformats way better than me. :)
tantekAssuming Gregor reads the logs. "author" is just a property. Implies nothing about name. Any semantics more than a string (or sub object like an h-card) is up to the vocabulary or consuming application.
tantekThe combination of barnabywalters asking for me to fix / update my home page h-card, and snarfed askin about use-cases where you have minimal if any h-card associated with a post or home page got me thinking how I would markup authorship of posts in my home page stream.
tantekSo I thought about how can I express authorship if my posts without altering the presentation. And I came up with using an empty <a> tag with u-author and an href of / for my home page.
tantekOf course down level / previous impls that treat "author" as just a string and display it will work "fine" and just show my URL instead of my full name. Like we used to do with our nametags at SXSW. (See recent PDF talk on IndieWeb)
KartikPrabhu!tell tantek: I think the whole p-author vs u-author is a misconception people have about mf2 in general. Not realising that p-author an u-author only change the parsing and are actually the 'same' property. Maybe this could be improved upon in mf2 documentation.
Loqitantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 4 minutes ago: I think the whole p-author vs u-author is a misconception people have about mf2 in general. Not realising that p-author an u-author only change the parsing and are actually the 'same' property. Maybe this could be improved upon in mf2 documentation.
KartikPrabhuquite a few people have asked about whether they should use p-author or u-author to markup 'author info' (author only used as example). This seems to me to stem from not realising that u- or p- only talks about the parsing and not the property itself.
gRegor`I'm in the process of rebuilding some of my mf2 parsing because it was one of the first indieweb things I did and I have a better understanding now, so I'm improving some of it. I'll check for a URL in the author property.
@hmansIt's funny how there's pretty much no #indieweb participation in Germany, the country probably loudest about the surveillance shenanigans. (
hmansI've seen on /IRC-People that some of you are from .de, it's just that it doesn't feel there is any real traction. I keep hearing/reading "STOP USING SILOS! THE NSA IS WATCHING US ALL! Oh, what, I need to set up something myself? Screw that, you nerds"
Loqibarnabywalters: aaronpk left you a message 6 hours, 33 minutes ago: what do you mean add in-reply-to markup? I would have to add reply context first, right? (at least showing the URL i'm replying to?)
barnabywalters!tell aaronpk RE adding in-reply-to markup, yes — it’s quite an important part of the post, after all, the only thing letting parsers know that the post is a reply post
Loqibnvk: aaronpk left you a message 9 hours, 28 minutes ago: "a little thin" yeah lol. the reader is a little rough around the edges still, and doesn't have any automatic way to update posts yet (like wordpress cron). also i'm not actually using it regularly which is a more important metric.
Loqiaaronpk: barnabywalters left you a message 3 hours, 18 minutes ago: RE adding in-reply-to markup, yes — it’s quite an important part of the post, after all, the only thing letting parsers know that the post is a reply post
tantekand re: missing things, somehow I missed how nice barnabywalters has made the time-ordered display of interaction on his posts:
barnabywaltersI just reproduced that problem but spotted that the me parameter was only http://wa rather than my full URL, which looks like a firefox autocomplete bug. I typed the whole thing and logged in fine
tantek!tell acegiak could you take a look at and let me know if it helps clarify rel-in-reply-to vs. u-in-reply-to vs. p-in-reply-to usage and consumption?
tantek!tell skinny,crystal_ could you take a look at and let me know if it helps clarify rel-in-reply-to vs. u-in-reply-to vs. p-in-reply-to usage and consumption?
tantekwe don't seem to have an area on the wiki where we show indieweb examples and screenshots of displaying interactions (comments, reposts, faves/likes) on a post
tantekaaronpk I'm not sure how useful the responses article is for describing, it seems more historical discussion at this point (which is good to capture, but just not as explanation)
cuibonobobarnabywalters: i was checking out the post that tantek linked to ( and noticed that interactions by snarfed don't have a context — they just list his name
tantekis going out for a coffee and will read the naming debate as it continues. Currently leaning towards "interactions" for the reasons above. "responses" being too synonymy with "replies".
dariusdunlap and barnabywalters joined the channel
tommorrissnarfed: and the wedding photographs on the Pottery Barn site are good too. I say that as someone who likes both photography and weddings (having both officiated one and written lots of grumpy letters to my MP demanding the right to be able to get married). ;)
kylewmbarnabywalters: that's really cool, i think i prefer that to the facepile i use... also are some reactions/interactions out of chronological order on purpose?
barnabywaltershmm, that last one is a duplicate of a mention seen above, so I suspect that has something to do with it. I’ll take a closer look tomorrow
bretI think RMS's primary mistake is so much of his energy and sacrafice goes to eliminatig non-free software right now rather than building with the best tools available to actually reach parity
brethe is a really amazing guy and has a great argument for free software. I just dont think he should be driving that ship any longer because he is out of touch, and thus not very effective
fourtonfishGWG: Ah, I see. I don't know, I like the version better, actually. I'm not a fan of round borders, but that's just a personal preference, of course. I really like the navigation bar under the banner. On the test site it's just too...disjointed?
fourtonfishIf you want an honest opinion, I would go with -- just make the corners sharp. Remove the clock widget, and add missing icons in the navigation bar so it's consistent.
fourtonfishI hope it's clear what I mean -- when you hover Unified and Contextual Communications or Comment -- the icon's underline is off compared to the text.
GWGfourtonfish: I'm trying to rebuild the design I built for the live site using the new platform I used. There's a reason I need that, as it is more flexible.
gRegor`Also, authorship-test-cases is a thing. :) Spent so much time working through the authorship algorithm, I hadn't explored the rest of that page much, heh.
fourtonfishGWG: Well I think once you fix that, it will look much better. There is also the problem with the icons -- compare when you hover JUNE 13, 2014 1:00 PM and DAVID SHANSKE -- the icon next to the date doesn't get underlined.
fourtonfishRight. Well if you just mean whether to edit the CSS for the first layer or the second layer, I guess you are using Bootstrap for the first layer, so I would do all my edits to the second one.
fourtonfishWell, like I said -- if you ever want to update Bootstrap, it's better not to touch the CSS file and just edit your custom CSS. Yeah, this is not the idea solution as you might end up with some unnecessary code (and other small issues), but unless you have tons of traffic, it's not even worth mentioning. I do this for smaller projects -- I actually load Bootstrap from a CDN and then load my custom CSS (but I don't usually do