2014-07-27 UTC
# 00:05 tantek having used a fragmention URL to one of my own blog posts in my most recent note, I've now deployed fragmention.min.js to tantek.com and joined the fragementions work on my site crew.
mdik joined the channel
# 00:14 snarfed hey aaronpk, is it a known bug that webmention.io doesn't support urls w/fragments? or fragmentions?
# 00:21 tantek snarfed - cool! and just deployed a stylesheet update to animate / show fragmentions also
# 00:26 tantek KartikPrabhu: some of us still have to get comments and other post reactions working first ;)
# 00:28 aaronpk I wonder if FF is doing its own DNS resolving so it's ignoring the hosts file or something
# 00:30 aaronpk snarfed: ah I think I know what's going on with webmention.io
# 00:30 aaronpk a URL with a fragmention isn't valid unless the second # is encoded
glennjones joined the channel
# 00:48 bret does adding a file upload field to a form make it a multipart?
# 00:48 aaronpk no, you have to add the attribute on the form tag
# 00:49 aaronpk yeah. i don't know what it does with files otherwise.
ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 00:51 bret req.is('multipart') not identifying it
glennjones joined the channel
# 00:56 aaronpk when you paste into the HTML box it autoparses and shows the resutling JSON on the side
# 00:56 aaronpk I think I had some old cached JS the first time I loaded the page just now
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:00 tantek the minified fragmention JS is so small I'm tempted to just include it inline in my HTML rather than adding another *blocking* HTTP request
# 01:00 tantek what do others think? anyone here support fragmentions on their site inline like that (instead of <script src=..>)
# 01:01 gRegor` I don't support it, but have always found inline JS messy. Why not put the <script> at the end, right before </body>?
# 01:02 tantek gRegor`: of course such <script> should be at end before </body> (already doing it :P)
# 01:03 tantek I've always found higher latency far uglier than any inline JS messiness.
# 01:03 gRegor` It shouldn't block the page load then?
# 01:03 tantek or whatever progress bar/cursor your mobile device has
# 01:04 tantek but yes, it doesn't block *reading* the page at least
# 01:06 tantek !tell kevinmarks what's the official "spec" for Fragmentions that I can point people to? Say, in case a browser wanted to implement it.
# 01:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:06 gRegor` In that case, maybe inlinse. Or append to cassis.js
# 01:06 gRegor` s/inlinse/inline/
# 01:06 Loqi gRegor` meant to say: In that case, maybe inline. Or append to cassis.js
# 01:07 ShaneHudson As long as the script doesn't block rendering (for any longer than it really needs to) then go for the one with the best performance.
# 01:08 tantek ShaneHudson: we're talking about best performance, which includes blocking or not rendering
# 01:08 tantek gRegor`: hmm - I wonder what it would mean to support fragmentions in PHP on the serverside
bnvk, mlncn, scor, krendil, snarfed, yakker and herbsmn joined the channel
# 02:51 herbsmn hi. I've never been here before. I'm curious, does #indiewebcamp have a way to share videos in a federated way already?
# 02:53 herbsmn if not, check in with #mediagoblin on Freenode here. they were looking to do federated html5 video stuff.
# 02:55 herbsmn thanks! exciting to jump on freenode for the first time in my life
# 02:55 herbsmn and to get to chat with you fine ppl.
# 02:55 bret herbsmn, there has been some experimentation. but not a huge deal of focus on that
# 02:56 herbsmn right on. was just a sort of random thought.
# 02:57 herbsmn yeah. that's why i was figuring it might be best to partner with some people already doing some of that
# 02:57 bret we have cross site note sharing pretty nailed down though!
# 02:57 herbsmn very rad. i can't wait to get my own indieweb site up and rocking.
# 02:58 herbsmn i'm not very experienced with web development though
# 02:58 herbsmn i would agree. i see so many applications for it
# 02:59 herbsmn i don't know what iterate means
# 03:00 bret herbsmn do you have your own domain name?
# 03:05 herbsmn well, i only have the domain itself. ben was suggesting that he was going to host me with Known once the hosted service starts rocking in the coming weeks.
# 03:09 herbsmn can you tell me about the relationship between Known and #indiewebcamp?
# 03:15 JonathanNeal tantek: what did you decide about inlining fragmention vs externally loading it?
# 03:17 bret herbsmn sorry had to get up for a moment
scor joined the channel
# 03:18 bret herbsmn a common theme is trying to do everthing with html and http
# 03:26 herbsmn what do you mean?
# 03:33 bret herbsmn Loqi auto posts tweets that have the #indieweb hashtag (among others)
# 03:35 bret what I meant above is that the goal is to build things that interoperate with each other using only html and http. They are the most widely agreed upon standards and it still allows for great freedom in terms of the software running in the background
wolftune joined the channel
# 03:40 herbsmn can most indieweb stuff work without javascript enabled?
# 03:40 herbsmn that raises security issues for me
# 03:57 tantek herbsmn - pretty much all indieweb stuff works without javascript enabled in the browser. We've had some new innovations that are being prototyped in JS, but they're all being designed to not require JS.
# 04:00 herbsmn tantek: thanks for the heads up.
# 04:00 herbsmn has anyone heard of an indieweb site on an onion address?
# 04:01 herbsmn if this were possible, it could open up the ability to have a social network on tor hidden services, which would be totally rad!
# 04:05 tantek herbsmn - as soon as that becomes an itch for someone, they're likely to build it
# 04:05 tantek herbsmn - have you checked out indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started ?
# 04:09 herbsmn i have an itch and i'm just getting started
# 04:13 herbsmn i'm on the list to get a hosted version of Known and I'm really excited about it
# 04:13 bret herbsmn do the onion addresses change often?
# 04:13 herbsmn bret: you can keep the same address forever
# 04:13 herbsmn although many people changed their addresses after HeartBleed
# 04:14 bret if they are reliable, everything were doing should work just as well as long as it does not break standard http reqs
# 04:15 bret the tor hidden services are kind of like an alt DNS right? (plus all the anonomizing services)
# 04:16 herbsmn yes, i believe so.
# 04:17 herbsmn the concept sounds really cool though. being about to host your own social media network on hidden servers and then connect to other ppl that are doing the same thing.
# 04:18 herbsmn even without doing this though, you can choose who can see certain posts with indieweb sites, correct?
# 04:19 bret im to much of a wuss to contribute to the tor network :p
# 04:21 herbsmn what do you mean?
# 04:21 bret like run a node out of my home connection freaks me out
# 04:22 Loqi bret meant to say: like running a node out of my home connection freaks me out
# 04:23 herbsmn oh. well you don't have to be an exit node
# 04:23 herbsmn you could just be a relay and everything will be encrypted.
wolftune joined the channel
# 04:28 bret tantek do you have a list/arcive page of all articles?
# 04:28 Loqi bret meant to say: tantek do you have a list/archive page of all articles?
# 04:29 tantek bret not on a single page no, but you can iterate through the bims from 2010/1 onward
# 04:37 herbsmn is Loqi a bot that helps translate?
# 04:38 herbsmn are there videos of the talks given at the recent indiewebcamps?
# 04:42 herbsmn oh man, i can't view vimeo videos
# 04:44 herbsmn yeah, i use Tor for all my browsing
# 04:44 herbsmn Vimeo discriminates against Tor users
# 04:45 bret you can also use tumblr as an easy starting host
# 04:45 bret I find it funny all the netflix users are going through the same shit with their ISPs as the torrent users did a few years back
# 04:46 bret even though arguably they are more 'legitamate'!
# 04:46 bret (in reference to all the excessive and absurd throttling)
# 04:47 bret if you use tumblr, just make sure you put your own domain onto it
# 04:48 herbsmn so i could use that until i get my Known site running?
# 04:49 bret i think tallpaul was working on a starter template for an indieweb tumblr
# 04:50 bret herbsmn even just having an html page with links to your profiles you wish to consolodate is a valuble thing to have
# 04:50 herbsmn i think i might want to go the tumblr route
# 04:50 bret herbsmn yeah not sure how far along it got
# 04:50 herbsmn where could i find it?
# 04:50 bret it was worked on this year at IWC portland
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 04:52 Loqi KevinMarks: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 46 minutes ago: what's the official "spec" for Fragmentions that I can point people to? Say, in case a browser wanted to implement it.
# 04:53 KevinMarks I do wonder if ## is too much trouble and overloading # is better
# 04:54 bret herbsmn i cant find his contact info right now
# 04:55 KevinMarks I was in lining fragmentions.js on my blog, but I switched to including from the repository
# 05:05 tantek KevinMarks: why did you switch from inlining to external? and are you src= direct from github? I'm using a "local" copy of the minified version on tantek.com
# 05:06 KevinMarks I did src direct from github to save editing the blogger template which is a pain. For something in src control itself I should be less lazy
# 05:07 KevinMarks I wish input type url was less of a dick about http:// prefixing though
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:18 tantek KevinMarks, re: wish input type url was less of a dick about http:// prefixing though - I've actually solved this - view source and feel free to copy paste from http://tantek.com/relmeauth/
# 05:19 tantek note how you can just type kevinmarks.com and it gets fixed up for you without any "red" indicator or anything
# 05:22 KevinMarks Maybe a defaultprotocol param that defaults to the local protocol?
chrissaad joined the channel
# 05:29 tantek KevinMarks - it's a bit of JS on the page that fixes it up before the browser(s) have a chance to complain
# 05:29 tantek I've been thinking of writing a blog post about it - how to fix input type=url, but alas have been too busy/behind on blog posts
# 05:30 tantek too much building, not enough writing/talking ;)
chrissaad, fourtonfish and indie-visitor joined the channel
# 06:25 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
glennjones joined the channel
# 06:44 Jeena !tell KartikPrabhu I should send and get webmentions, did you send one to me which doesn't show up?
# 06:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:48 Jeena !tell KartikPrabhu Just reread what you wrote, yes I send webmentions and I see my webmention on your website too, did you have to add it manually?
# 06:48 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 06:50 Loqi KartikPrabhu: Jeena left you a message 6 minutes ago: I should send and get webmentions, did you send one to me which doesn't show up?
# 06:51 Loqi KartikPrabhu: Jeena left you a message 2 minutes ago: Just reread what you wrote, yes I send webmentions and I see my webmention on your website too, did you have to add it manually?
# 06:52 Jeena ah I wrote it 2 months ago, back then I didn't realize that for testing reasons I commented out the "send webmention" method and it snack into the production code
# 06:53 KartikPrabhu Jeena: ok good. I was wondering if my webmention receiver rejected it for some reason but that is cool!
mlncn, salanto, squeakytoy, fofr, KevinMarks, scor, ShaneHudson, wolftune, bnvk and chrissaad joined the channel
cuibonobo_, ShaneHudson, dariusdunlap, glennjones, wolftune, eschnou, chrissaad and scor joined the channel
# 17:08 bret hey aaronpk. just noticed there are encoding types for things like markdown? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mime_type##text/x-markdown
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:09 bret would that be the right thing to use for micropub editing of source documents
chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:22 bret so I guess you can accept file uploads in a x-www-form-urlencoded form
# 17:23 bret can we just say for micropub, files only come over multipart?
# 17:24 aaronpk I feel like this kind of thing should be handled by the web server environment relatively seamlessly. Like in PHP you just get files in the $_FILES variable, it already parsed out the request by the time you get it
# 17:26 bret i had to write my own multipart middleware >:[
# 17:30 aaronpk that's insane. how come nobody has done that in node yet?
# 17:32 bret you still have to have the lib process the request
# 17:34 aaronpk what does a file upload look like if it's not multipart?
# 17:35 bret not sure! my urlencoded parser isnt parsing it ;P
# 17:35 bret I think its a matter of turning on a library option
chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:38 aaronpk oh right, file upload controls can also accept multiple files
# 17:40 bret :D i coded my multipart to create an array of files
# 17:40 bret my post staging then has to handle an array of files
chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:43 aaronpk I think today I'm going to make my micropub endpoint accept a geojson file so I can post my bike rides via micropub
# 17:43 bret I refactored all of my micropub libraries last week, now Im just getting them turned on and working together
arlen and friedcell joined the channel
# 17:51 aaronpk just need to get it set up to autoimport from runkeeper like how ownyourgram works
chrissaad joined the channel
# 17:54 aaronpk looks like it just sends the filename unless the enctype is set
# 17:59 bret or is the parser just throwing out that data?
ShaneHudson joined the channel
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ShaneHudson joined the channel
# 18:53 aaronpk !tell barnabywalters when I sign in to your site, it sets a client_id of waterpigs.co.uk/login which doesn't exist!
# 18:53 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
jclark_, gRegor` and scor joined the channel
# 19:17 gRegor` Afternoon, indiewebcamp
# 19:23 gRegor` A designer friend wants to get some experience designing for iOS and suggested teaming up if I ever want to code an app. Our initial idea is some sort of concert history tracking, since we both go to a lot of concerts. I said it should definitely have a component to read/write to our own sites so the data isn't locked into the app.
# 19:23 gRegor` Of course I've never made an iOS app, so it could be a long time coming, but could be fun.
chrissaad joined the channel
# 19:24 bret I kinda wanted something like that for movie
# 19:24 gRegor` it's been in the back of my mind to track more quantified self stuff like that on my site, just haven't gotten around to it.
chrissaad and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:37 gRegor` Will do. I actually mentioned you had an app that did that, heh
# 19:37 aaronpk KevinMarks: why do you keep tweeting that? I keep seeing it pop up here
# 19:39 gRegor` Only problem is I'm on a PC.. Will need to look into alternative ways to develop for iOS. Hackintosh? Heh
chrissaad, snarfed, eschnou, emmak_, Garbee_, jtzl_, scor_ and Kopfstein joined the channel
# 20:06 dariusdunlap gRegor`: Used Mac Mini is a viable option. They can be had fairly cheap.
chrissaad and realzies joined the channel
# 20:10 gRegor` Ah yeah, good idea
h1ro joined the channel
# 20:18 gRegor` Woo, I've got the basics of my posting interface fetching in-reply-to URLS and populating the reply-context via AJAX.
krendil joined the channel
# 20:33 snarfed aaronpk: looks like reverse DNS still resolves your server's IP to triton. (i only noticed because a cron job on it is HEADing brid.gy/log every 15m. not a problem, i just evidently have too much free time :P)
# 20:34 aaronpk trying to think what would be making that request
# 20:36 aaronpk snarfed: can you send me more details about the request?
# 20:37 snarfed aaronpk: sure! - - [27/Jul/2014:13:15:27 -0700] "HEAD /log HTTP/1.1" 405 73 - "Ruby" "www.brid.gy"
# 20:39 snarfed yup. at around :00:30, :15:30, :30:30, and :45:30
danbri joined the channel
# 20:41 aaronpk I can't imagine I would have hard-coded /log into any script, so it must be discovering it from something
# 20:42 kylewm snarfed: is activitystreams verb="invite" an event?
# 20:42 snarfed aaronpk: agreed. what's odd is that all /log links i serve in html have query params, but these requests don't
# 20:43 snarfed kylewm: good point. we'll get 'invite' activities *from* silos, but we don't support publishing them *to* silos (ie fb)
# 20:44 kylewm ok thanks, maybe that's worthy of its own elif case
snarfed joined the channel
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# 22:15 bret is it possible to set the http Authorization header from a form in the browser?
# 22:18 bret so if I wanted a minimal multipart form based micropub client, I would have to parse the multipart before authorizing?
# 22:18 aaronpk you'd have to accept the token as a form parameter
# 22:18 bret right, doing that now with url encoded... i guess i just have to do the same thing and toss out the file if I dont want it
# 22:21 bret thats pretty cool at least, I can rearrange my order of operations by just reording my middleware :D
# 22:45 bret oh wowow! feedbin does inline footnote expansion
# 22:50 KartikPrabhu I use footnotes in my articles and would like a good UI for displaying them inline or something
# 22:57 bret i dont think feedbin would work without js
jclark_ joined the channel
# 22:58 KartikPrabhu aah unfortunate... this could easily work as a progressive enhancement type UI
# 22:58 bret its more of an application than a web page
# 23:01 bret thats fine with me though in this context... a feed reader page reloads sounds horrible
# 23:06 KartikPrabhu bret: thank! those are reserved for marginalia so far... I have been thinking of doing footnotes that way too
# 23:08 bret oh rad, you can run your own feedbin?
# 23:23 aaronpk heh, how do I stream json without needing to build up the entire object in memory
fmarier joined the channel
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# 23:32 aaronpk this is rad. now I can query my full GPS logs for any date range and it'll stream the result back as geojson. very low resource usage on the server since it's going from sharded files on disk straight to the http client without loading more than one line into memory at a time
# 23:51 KartikPrabhu bret: about marginalia/footnotes: I don't think they are different. RIght now the marginalia are being picked up from comments so footnotes are not really picked up
wolftune joined the channel