#indiewebcamp 2014-07-28
2014-07-28 UTC
gRegor` and lukebrooker joined the channel
herbsmn are there indiewebcamp web developers that work for hire? i have a friend who is running for political office who wants a website built with this capability.
aaronpk herbsmn: you might want to get in touch with benwerd from http://withknown.com

herbsmn thx
KartikPrabhu what's that?

KartikPrabhu I see.

KartikPrabhu herbsmn: when you say "website built with this capability" what capabilities is one seeking? Curious as to what features people outside indiewebcamp are interested in...

jclark_ non Google/Twitter/Facebook indieauth server (yes, reviewing distributed-indieauth but my coding chops aren't quite there yet)
jclark_ I'd pay for that, fwiw
jclark_ thanks snarfed, I have those
jclark_ herbsmn: if site is set up, how will people learn what's there/why valuable/how to use? I'd like to help with that, would help me learn too.
KartikPrabhu jclark_ : what do you mean by "how will people learn what's there/why valuable/how to use" ?

ShaneHudson People can understand the value of something without nessecarily being able to do it themselves

jclark_ right, and perhaps I'm thinking that it's more transparent in functionality than a few minutes ago. Just learned of indiewebcamp today, trying to take it in.
jclark_ and offer help if/when appropriate for a teachable newb
KartikPrabhu jclark_: I am confused. Are you referring to the readers of a website or the builders?

KartikPrabhu more on Twitter recommending brands: http://img.ly/zxwe

jclark_ KarticPrabhu: I was referring to readers, but I was confused.
KartikPrabhu jclark_ : do you feel that readers of an indiewebsite need more direction than say 'usual' websites?

jclark_ no
jclark_ but when i was confused, I thought there might be
KartikPrabhu I see. indiewebsites are just blogs with a lot of "social" features if you will

KartikPrabhu so if readers know how to use websites/blogs in general they should be pretty fine

jclark_ thx KartikPrabhu
KevinMarks, scor and chrissaad joined the channel
post-by-email uploaded /File:20140728-021335.jpg "Uploaded via email by =?UTF-8?B?R2nhuqNpIHBow6Fw?= marketing =?UTF-8?B?aGnhu4d1IHF14bqj?= <nhuycattuong1*@*ail.com>"
aaronparecki.com deleted /File:20140728-021335.jpg "Spam"

@judico sheesh. Clearly I wasn't looking in the right place. Just discovered @indiewebcamp goodness. Sweet. (twitter.com/_/status/493581044096831489)
KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk a couple car2go trips are on my site now! http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/2014/07/09/143337/ however i'm blocked on importing the rest

KevinMarks and wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu jdas priest Twitter's photo upload is so slow

KartikPrabhu is this a sign that I shouldnot POSSE photo posts to Twitter ?

KartikPrabhu first photo post: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/dusty-rhodes-watershed

KartikPrabhu yes! it is a "note with photo" ;)

KartikPrabhu yeah well Twitter can sick a duck!

KartikPrabhu is this channel PG?

Loqi [mention] http://manymedia.com/2014/07/indie-web-camp/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com (webmention)

chrissaad joined the channel
@judico @dsearls @indiewebcamp @t Finding my way, slowly. This is much of what I was looking for back in 2010 at #IIW. (twitter.com/_/status/493631574705844224)
Kopfstein, jclark_, chrissaad, cweiske and jsilvestre joined the channel
Jihaisse joined the channel
KevinMarks, krendil, michielbdejong, kylewm, Sebastien-L, danbri, eschnou, friedcell, squeakytoy, adactio and barnabywalters joined the channel
PierreO, scor, Sebastien-L, cuibonobo, glennjones and jclark_ joined the channel
chrissaad, wolftune, jclark_, LauraJ, dariusdunlap and gRegor` joined the channel
@dinchamion Desperately missing @joindiaspora and @e14n_com's #pumpio - where's the love for #indieweb, @mashable?? http://mashable.com/2014/07/28/social-networks-on-the-rise/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-link&utm_content=buffere9110&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer (twitter.com/_/status/493780546510925825)
snarfed, LauraJ, tilgovi, johncash, paulcp and benwerd joined the channel
Loqi benwerd: tantek left you a message on 7/25 at 2:32pm: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to

LauraJ, anNofMe, jschwein` and cweiske joined the channel
aaronpk IndieWeb hack night is up on PDX devweek! http://pdx.devweek.org/

bret.io edited /events/2014-07-30-homebrew-website-club (+19) "/* URLs */ Added id slug" (view diff)

snarfed joined the channel
squeakytoy joined the channel
scor, barnabywalters and indie-visitor joined the channel
anNofMe hello everyone - instead of lurking, I thought I should introduce myself: I’m Kevin Bonham. I’m a biologist (immunology/microbiology) - I’m a complete newb when it comes to coding/development, but I’m 100% on board with the principals of the indieweb, and I hope to contribute something, even if it’s only the perspective of a naif
Acidnerd joined the channel
bear our main documentation site is the IndieWeb wiki - http://indiewebcamp.com/

bear and a good place to start is http://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started

anNofMe Yeah, I’ve been crawling all over that website for a couple of days now (first heard about the project from Kevin Marks on TWiG)
barnabywalters greetings anNofMe!

anNofMe I’m currently trying to figure out the best system for setting up website. I have a passing familiarity with html, and I’ve done wordpress before, but since everything there is generated behind the scenes in ways I don’t understand, I’m going to try to avoid it
anNofMe now attempting github pages… will definitely ask questions when they come up, but I prefer to attempt to solve problems by banging my head against them for a while first :-)
barnabywalters anNofMe: if you don’t currently have a personal site at all, the best place to start is to set up a simple static HTML profile page

barnabywalters and then figure out how to go from there depending on what your priorities are (i.e. what itches you want to scratch the most)

barnabywalters anNofMe: some people here use github pages, and have documented their experiences here http://indiewebcamp.com/Github

anNofMe barnabywalters: thanks!
KevinMarks UK govt want open standards for emergency messages http://standards.data.gov.uk/challenge/public-emergency-alert-messaging

KevinMarks Sounds like POSSE?

barnabywalters protip: to find out about X, first look at indiewebcamp.com/X, or ask Loqi like this:

barnabywalters what is Github?

anNofMe barnabywalters: I’m at the point where I have a static html page up (kescobo.github.io) and I’m working on getting it redirected to my personal url
barnabywalters anNofMe: nice! what’s your personal URL?

anNofMe annof.me
anNofMe also kevinbonham.com (that’s currently squarespace-generated), but I’m trying the indieweb thing in this new space
indie-visitor, Sebastien-L, tantek, chrissaad, barnabywalters and willnorris joined the channel
aaronpk so I'm going with the GeoJSON option described here http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2014/06/01/1/long-term-archiving-of-gps-logs##GeoJSON+Features

willnorris in case anyone wants to try out Google Domains, I’ve now got a few invites I can share. I’m sure some people won’t want to host their domain with Google, which is totally fine… but I’ve really appreciated the simplicity of the interface.

Tallken joined the channel
aaronpk barnabywalters: here's what my spatial index looks like as files on disk https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/edb21402ab1d9168ba3e

fungoat joined the channel
willnorris nope, just a big fan of it for obvious reasons :)

barnabywalters aaronpk: interesting — so given a point, you figure out which bounding box it would be in, see if a file for that box exists and then look in there

barnabywalters aaronpk: inserting or searching

willnorris bret: not anything that I’m aware of, but I would certainly *love* for us to get into that. It certainly seems like something we would do eventually, but no idea of actual plans to do so

Tallken_, KevinMarks_ and realzies joined the channel
ShaneHudson joined the channel
anNofMe was just looking at bluehost - all of the upselling they were trying to do was a bit off-putting
anNofMe but it’s hard to beat free i suppose
anNofMe anyone have any experience using amazon S3 for static web-pages?
bear anNofMe - http://indiewebcamp.com/Amazon_S3

tantek and eschnou joined the channel
tantek cweiske last I saw in Chrome was this announcement of removal - almost two years ago: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-intents/2012Nov/0000.html

tantek joined the channel
gRegor` As a fallback, it works if you enter your twitter URL, correct tantek?
bnvk joined the channel
gRegor` Nice usability
gRegor` Is relmeauth on github or your wiki, tantek?
gRegor` s/auth/auth.php/
aaronpk Loqi should subscribe to everyone's sites listed on /irc-people

bret cweiske do you read http://www.heise.de ?

bnvk here's an interface idea for webmention conversations that I just snatched from Android's new interface http://bnvk.me/aB4

barnabywalters bnvk: twitter does that also

barnabywalters oh is the android thing more sophisticated?

tantek gRegor`: but yes the part I'm proud of personally is the "URL" input element which I've scripted into allowing 1) URLs without http (auto-completes to http), 2) @-names (auto-completes to https://twitter.com/@-name - and that's in the index.php etc. - also in the github

tantek aaronpk, re: « yes "waypoints", or as they are often called in geo land, "features" », sounds like there are use-cases now for publishing a *visible* series of waypoints in HTML, and if we can document those, we can figure out how an "h-waypoint" microformat would work for real world publishing use-cases.

aaronpk tantek: i've been working on getting my bike rides up on my site: http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/2014/07/10/231407/

anNofMe Congrats to me! Only took me ~2 hours to get up my index page :-/ http://annof.me/
barnabywalters anNofMe: nice work! looks like the DNS hasn’t updated for me yet so I can’t see your beautiful site :)

tantek aaronpk - this is sweet! http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/2014/07/10/231407/

anNofMe barnabywalters: just put it through like 2 minutes ago, so
anNofMe …I’m not surprised
aaronpk tantek: I also show a png version of the map before the JS loads http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/2014/07/10/231407/files/full.png

anNofMe but now I have to get to do actual work - thanks for the help all… hopefully more will come soon
aaronpk and when in a list view like this, it only shows the PNG versions so you don't get a crapload of JS maps slowing down your browser http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/bikeride

aaronpk scroll back a few pages to where the rides are http://aaronparecki.com/metrics?before=2014-07-11-180612

tantek whoa how does your sleep posting interface know how to distinguish "Napped" from "Slept"?!? http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/2014/07/13/163301/

ShaneHudson joined the channel
tantek have you thought about PESOSing your data out of Nike+ also? E.g. https://twitter.com/t_silos/status/493422665000951808 (try the go.nike permashortlink, extra points for decoding what base 1br6b34 is - looks algorithmic)

@t_silos SF Half Marathon finished just short of PR with 1 BR break I just ran 21.2 km @ a 6'47"/km pace with Nike+. https://secure-nikeplus.nike.com/plus/activity/running/detail/4663000000006938913130064223895097862432?external_share_id=F45DE7B2-5F89-4B2A-82BF-623D806FA1FC #nikeplus (twitter.com/_/status/493422665000951808)
barnabywalters aaronpk: your metrics look a bit weird in feed readers: http://shrewdness.waterpigs.co.uk/test/?url=http%3A%2F%2Faaronparecki.com%2Fmetrics — I wonder if this is a legitimate use of u-logo property for the metric-specific logos, and using u-photo for content photos e.g. sleep graphs in this example

barnabywalters e.g. if a post gives a u-logo property it could be shown as a little icon in the top right

barnabywalters bnvk: SFW is a big inspiration for me

barnabywalters aaronpk: if you’re up for changing the icon classnames to u-logo I’ll update shrewdness to show them as post icons

barnabywalters it’s not used very much

anNofMe joined the channel
barnabywalters tantek: we were just discussing that :)

npdoty joined the channel
jsilvestre joined the channel
barnabywalters even u-photo is published inconsistently enough that I’ve had do to some simple checks to ensure it’s presented sensibly, e.g. if a u-photo property is given, check to see if the same string is found in content, and only show the photo separately if it’s not already in the content

barnabywalters tantek: well if only the summary is shown, and it doesn’t contain the photo, then yes it would make perfect sense to show the image separately

barnabywalters aaronpk: looking good!

aaronpk this is looking sharp now http://shrewdness.waterpigs.co.uk/test/?url=http://aaronparecki.com/metrics?before=2014-07-11-180612

barnabywalters aaronpk: thanks

barnabywalters fights the urge to take advantage of this to add logos to ALL THE POSTS

benwerd_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
bret is anyone else going to http://testthewebforward.org/blog/2014/06/06/portland-event-announcement.html ?

barnabywalters tantek: if you’re referring to the content text of the post, in my experience there’s really too much variation in post bodies for it to always look good

barnabywalters if the logo was put inline

barnabywalters also I don’t want to mess with people’s post content except for doign security/performance tweaks

@panjidrama Vous ai-je déjá parlé de indiewebcamp ? Quoi qu’il en soit, une bonne introduction ici : https://medium.com/@veganstraightedge/no-more-sharecropping-9d0e36524dbf (twitter.com/_/status/493850019221741568)
barnabywalters if authors want the logo to be displayed inline in the content, they can already — just put it in the content

barnabywalters otherwise, I’ll put it somewhere I know it has a good chance of looking good

barnabywalters tantek: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4X8APg/ is similar

aaronpk here's an example of where that wouldn't work http://shrewdness.waterpigs.co.uk/test/?url=http://caseorganic.com/notes

barnabywalters there are enough edge cases in feed parsing already, I don’t want to introduce more :)

KartikPrabhu I don't see any either :P

KartikPrabhu tantek: nope. not in FF on Ubuntu

barnabywalters I see them fine in Colloquy

barnabywalters tantek: yep, above acknowledgement and counter-argument still apply :)

barnabywalters it looks good and is effective. it would be a good choice for authors to publish that sort of content

wolftune joined the channel
barnabywalters yeah, same with notes and article posts — adding icons would be superfluous

aaronpk I have icons for articles, presentations and events here http://aaronparecki.com/tag/indieweb

Tallken joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor howdy. I want to come along to the IndieWeb2014 2 day meet up in Brighton after dConstruct, but not sure how to categorise myself :) I'm a developer for others, keen web standards advocate, and run an event to help others learn about UX (uxoxford.com) however hardly ever blog, and sadly most of my code for work isn't open (although I want to start contributing). Am I a creator/blogger/or apprentice? thanks :) Al
barnabywalters tantek: that might be a good temporary measure, or if the logged in user hasn’t granted have micropub access

barnabywalters tantek: if the user has granted micropub access, for many post types I can offer a better UX by writing an integrated UI

barnabywalters aaronpk: currently, you don’t :)

barnabywalters tantek: for reason given above

barnabywalters greetings indie-visitor!

indie-visitor Hello! came here via the IndieWeb website and wasn't sure how to log in as me
barnabywalters indie-visitor: if you have a personal site which you can add rel-me markup to (allowing you to log into the wiki) then you’re a creator

barnabywalters indie-visitor: see http://indiewebcamp.com/How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain for a how-to

alpower ah thanks
alpower yep - I wasn't sure how to categorise myself for indieweb, but barnabywalters has kindly helped me out - need to go off and add rel tags to alpower.com now :)
barnabywalters off to climb, goodnight all

indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor thanks - this is alpower shifting to my laptop :)
indie-visitor not sure I can have the same nick
krendil joined the channel
tantek aaronpk - have you considered providing a text fallback representation of your bicycling path waypoints for the images of your paths? E.g. the way we have text fallback for the dialog in indie comics: http://indiewebcamp.com/comics for the images of the comics

npdoty joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
alpower-mobile I guess 'meta' can be machine readable but invisible to a person consuming a webpage say, but still meaningful
paulcp joined the channel
KartikPrabhu cuibonobo: I understand what you mean in terms of 'heirarchy'

benwerd joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
aaronpk the answer is apparently yes https://vtllf.org/blog/vector-tile-ascii

aaronpk https://github.com/duncankl/vector-tile-ascii "Because it should be possible to download and view a single tile without configuring a massive Mapnik-based rendering infrastructure."

tantek aaronpk - this is more like what I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD0eNN4F6P4

KartikPrabhu does anyone else have trouble uploading photos to Twiter?

aaronpk it's a png->ascii converter from this image http://aaron.pk/G2L

bear KartikPrabhu - are you using the new 2-step photo upload process that twitter-dev blogged about this spring? https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/multiple-media-extended-entities

alpower joined the channel
KartikPrabhu bear: ehh no... just "add photo" that comes in while composing a Tweet

KartikPrabhu the spinner goes on forever and then ultimately does nothing

@funnymonkey @audreywatters All the more reason why Reclaim Your Domaim/Indieweb is necessary. (twitter.com/_/status/493866971621240832)
aaronpk looks like it'd be relatively easy to customize the characters and colors used in that ascii tile renderer https://github.com/duncankl/vector-tile-ascii/blob/master/index.js#L11

bear especially with this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_Drawing_(Unicode_block)

KevinMarks_ that would work for a lot of US cities, not so much for the uk

KevinMarks_ reads logs

KevinMarks_ the metadata/data distinction got very political recently, with govts claiming metadata was not PII

KevinMarks_ if you want a concrete refutation, look at Yo! - there is not data so the only thing that conveys information is from who and time

KevinMarks_ Personally Identifiable Information

KevinMarks_ do you autodetect cycling, or do you manually hit stop/start buttons?

KevinMarks_ google attempts to detect cycling, but it seems to undercount a lot

aaronpk bear: view source on http://aaronparecki.com/metrics/2014/07/10/081442/ and search for LineString

KevinMarks_ also the google data doesn't just have gps noise, it has mad teleports due to wifi geolocation being wrong

KevinMarks_ I get that with google's spoken directions on the bike. It will occasioanlly snap onto the cross street (like yours did at sw 2nd) and tell me to turn left onto the street I'm on

KevinMarks_ there is a lot of code going on to smooth gps to streets

ShaneHudson joined the channel
KevinMarks_ the best way to see this is to get google maps to give you driving directions, then get on a train

KevinMarks_ it will snap to every road near the railway line in turn, making up new ways to drive away from it

KevinMarks_ right, but even if you ask it for transit directions it doesn't understand the concept of being on a train or bus

KevinMarks_ it'll tell you to walk to the next or previous station and get another train

aaronpk so someone did it... http://yoauth.herokuapp.com/

KevinMarks_ which messed me up in portland when I got on a bus going the wrong way

KevinMarks_ "crossed the street like a madman and biked through 2 people's gardens before crossing back again"

aaronpk I could send the route to Jarvis and have them transcribe it as text https://jarv.co/

KevinMarks_ you could send the points to google maps and ask it to make directions for each leg

erinjo joined the channel
KevinMarks_ assuming you can find the legs

Loqi erinjo: tantek left you a message 3 days ago: if you're interested in giving a talk about IndieWeb sometime 2014-10-20..24, in particular how you've built or setup your own indieweb site, check this out and make a proposal! http://html5devconf.com/cfs-oct2014.html - feel free to mention that Tantek recommended you make a proposal (I was on their speaker board for a while) - and that offer is open to

KevinMarks_ right

KartikPrabhu ha! I wonder who reads GPS coordinates and thinks "I know where that is"

KartikPrabhu aaronpk: ok you've also been logging your location every 15 mins or so

KartikPrabhu oh well... no wonder you know how to read and decipher GPS

KartikPrabhu for me, GPS coordinates can be read, but they don't mean anything

KevinMarks_ so, nuclear physicists and aaronpk are our test users

KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ even nuclear physicists can't decipher them without an instrument

KevinMarks_ or a map

KartikPrabhu yeah.

KevinMarks_ grid references are a time-honoured way, geopoints are a generalisation

KartikPrabhu most people I know can't follow directions like "turn East"

KevinMarks_ I hate it when google maps says that to me when I'm on my bike

KartikPrabhu they don't know where "East" is in their city

KartikPrabhu see. Absolute directions are hard and not useful to most people

KevinMarks_ my reaction is "you have a compass in, I don't

KevinMarks_ my watch has a compass in, but it complains I'm too near metal when I try it

ShaneHudson joined the channel
KartikPrabhu KevinMarks_ : lol

KartikPrabhu anyone know how does Twitter decide whether to send a new follower notification or not?

pauloppenheim joined the channel
KevinMarks_ that's a good idea for US cities

KevinMarks_ foursquare's is good if you are going to a business

KartikPrabhu anyone know a good epub reader for desktops (linux) ?

KevinMarks_ tommorris: or for different people. eg this idea again: http://thebloggess.com/2009/09/im-pretty-sure-its-pronounced-wesley-ann/

KevinMarks_ google maps is actually trying to build this by putting points on the map related to places you've been

KevinMarks_ I always get a "tantek" point in SF

KevinMarks_ so if you make foursquare locations for "that abandoned building that looks like it’s owned by Branch-Davidians"

KevinMarks_ you could reverse geocode using their API

johncash joined the channel
KevinMarks_ is that like the 256M geojson file that google takeout helpfully gave me?

KevinMarks_ a lot of people drive using places they have lived or worked as waypoints

KevinMarks_ I bet you could compile nicknames that people used for places and build a Bloggess-directions app

KevinMarks_ "Left at that spooky bar that looks like it’s out of Scooby-Doo, left at the place we saw that wild boar that turned out to be a dog, right at the corner where I threw up that one time. Right?"

KevinMarks_ flickr's using tags to derive those was interesting

KevinMarks_ Swarm keeps telling me I'm in alleged neighbourhoods in San Jose that I don't recogize

gRegor` KevinMarks_: I literally read that part of Let's Pretend this Never Happened last night. Eerie.
KevinMarks_ london is pretty much 2000 years of bloggess directions

KevinMarks_ "fleet street"

KevinMarks_ which meant "the bit of the strand with newspaper offfices on"

KevinMarks_ but got its name from a river that used to be there before they put it in a pipe

KevinMarks_ right, but the buildings remain, some of them

KevinMarks_ which is like down here where they name places after what they cut down to build it

KevinMarks_ Cherry Orchard Mall

KevinMarks_ My Irish uncle said there were 2 kinds of people who gave directions, one that was using churches, one that was using pubs as landmarks

bnvk joined the channel
lukebrooker joined the channel
erinjo joined the channel
tantek.com edited /microsyntax (+401) "/* Brainstorming */ add emoji options for metrics, especially for POSSEing to Twitter" (view diff)

tantek.com created /metrics (+22) "for now, though sleep and weighing is not really exercise" (view diff)

KevinMarks_ emoji as tags is interesting

KevinMarks_ yelp has search by emoji

@EskaComunica Web.mention, la aplicación para monitorizar menciones http://oscarsanfuentes.blogspot.com/2014/07/webmention-la-aplicacion-para.html https://twitter.com/EskaComunica/status/493886156283445248/photo/1 (twitter.com/_/status/493886156283445248)
ShaneHudson Eww I hate emoji, especially when used on github... seems so tacky!

tantek I really like the hyperlinks in the table in this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs

benwerd_ joined the channel
KevinMarks_ the hourly ones could be handy too

KevinMarks_ the latest swiftkey has an option to suggest emoji

KevinMarks So I type bike and 🚲 is a choice

KevinMarks What is 🌟?

KevinMarks_ weird, in chrome the emoji show in the address bar, but not in the body

johncash theres a chrome emoji extension
KevinMarks_ they work on chrome android

bnvk joined the channel
KevinMarks_ could you use an emoji as a favicon? that seems a compact way to send it

tantek.com moved /♥︎ to /baby-dont-hurt-me "lulz"

benwerd joined the channel
gRegor` what is love?
Loqi "baby don't hurt me . . . " ♫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrBDcQq2DM http://indiewebcamp.com/love

gRegor` :D
fmarier joined the channel
KartikPrabhu gregornobacktick++

willnorris joined the channel
johncash haddaway?
gRegor` s/madness/awesomeness/
gRegor` Started when I saw aaronpk test Loqi with "what is ♥︎"
Loqi "baby don't hurt me . . . " ♫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhrBDcQq2DM http://indiewebcamp.com/%E2%99%A5%EF%B8%8E

gRegor` Couldn't resist. :)
gRegor` Lulz
gRegor` Didn't realize the regex looked anywhere in the sentence.
Loqi chicken is a type of post supported by idno http://indiewebcamp.com/%F0%9F%90%93

KartikPrabhu has anyone looked into the accessibility of emoji e.g. screen readers?

KartikPrabhu i guess not then :P

gRegor` tantek++
Loqi Tantek Çelik is the co-founder of IndieWebCamp and works on open web standards at Mozilla http://indiewebcamp.com/Tantek

KartikPrabhu ha!

Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/28/2/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-28#t1406588146 (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/28/2/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-28/line/1406588146 (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/28/2/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-28#t1406588147 (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/28/2/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-07-28/line/1406588147 (webmention)

Loqi [mention] http://gregorlove.com/notes/2014/07/28/2/ linked to http://indiewebcamp.com/love (webmention)

gRegor` Pro-tip: trim out some of the links when quoting chat logs.
KartikPrabhu gregor`: do you post embeded HTML in notes?

gRegor` Shh.
gRegor` whispers "yes"
tantek cuibonobo: most recently: http://werd.io/2014/untitled-10

KartikPrabhu whispers back "np"

snarfed joined the channel
Loqi Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed as a service http://indiewebcamp.com/%F0%9F%8C%89

erinjo and benwerd joined the channel
fmarier joined the channel
Loqi chicken is a type of post supported by idno http://indiewebcamp.com/%F0%9F%90%93

johncash wtf?
johncash how do you post a chicken
gRegor` Use ChickenScript Object Notation.
gregorlove.com created /OkCupid (+1004) "stub / We Experiment on Human Beings! criticism" (view diff)

www.bmannconsulting.com created /User:Www.bmannconsulting.com (+41) "Created page with "Boris Mann http://www.bmannconsulting.com"" (view diff)
tantek oh hey - was trying out DuckDuckDuckGo (search engine) and just noticed this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IndieWeb

benwerd_ joined the channel
gRegor` Cool, tantek! Quite new and just the one person editing so far. Interesting.
gRegor` Is User:RayneVanDunem known to anyone in the community?
gRegor` Forgot my wikipedia password again.
KartikPrabhu ok, how is the "experiments" run by OKC or FB different from user testing that websites do anyway?

KartikPrabhu Is the claim that websites can not/should not selectively alter website features such as say typography and test if it increases user-retention (or any such buzzword metric) ?

KartikPrabhu I would think websites which take analytics data do that all the time

KartikPrabhu "5 new ways to improve your life" or some such title has to come from strange analytics type data

gRegor` change in typography/design != changing the data presented to people
gRegor` Tantek is on an emoji roll